Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1885, p. 5

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--- ------------------~----·---·---------.-. ... Silver-pla.ted ware off every di11cription Cart loads of confectionery to be carried For fine cigars try the Grand Central. and prices very low. at Maynard the away al. Xmas from the Grand Central. we · oIiaII encIoee 11 School books, all kinds, at Cheapside. .Jeweller'&.. ) an ks and e1weIopea. cti>N for remittances. 0Ys1JERS>.-The BivaJlves a.lways choice ih rrnxt 1v-eek'b S-rATESM '.Buy a single XMAS PRESENT until See what Stott & Jury han to say and fresh aib the Grand Central. Next C ' Have opcnc(l out this .w eel.: -you see-abo.ut Perfumery. door to tha ,,,,.,.st '-'ffi~.. Soine artwrigHt ancli oth-el."eorreftJ>ondv .1 v v ~~ ence an· crowded out. 'Ve want News ...Prof. Ruse, of 'foronto, .~vas in towi:i on I If yon wa11t your Ttt1 r key c©oked right Letters early next we _ elc._ _ .. Sa,turday. He_ reports busmess boommg. _ 1 thi's 'Xma·.· g . et a Hapr.y __ u-ht Ri·n . ge 1 ~ ,. 'l'h'1-u .. Mr. and Mrs. R .. ] 11ekhmg and M iss Ed- £hose wantmg. fine Cream candy for I for your wife. Sold only by 8~ S. Edsall. , ua have gone to vi~b M1r; and Ml's. B. Magnificent Displ;ty. Xmas should call mat the Grand ?.entral. 0 tha.t young 11\.dy 11aiw sl~e- w:mted hen· Brittain, MarshalltG>~rn,. ]v,wa. Sl!.ti..!!_tblc Co1· tile Holula·y 'l'rade·, Call and ge,~ a b ox of Electro Sihcon to Christmas present b@ught fir@.In Maynard! Subscribe for W eekly Glooe at the FOR OLD , OR YOUNG. ,clean your Silverware at Maynard the the Jeweller. Eh· keeps such lovel!r STATESl\U.l' ottl.ce before Tluusday next, To which they in.vite the a.~tion of all wh0· _ wish to buy something FOR YOU Lt HUSBAND OR WIFE. Jeweller's. good~. 24th iast., and geli the· st~perb Christi:gas :ueailly useful RSpt~ents, cons];iting of: FOR YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER. Call 01). Maynanl the Jeweller andi. get. Dont buy china~ erockery or glasswa1:e number free, a pair of Rock Crystal Spectacles,. the till you see Mur<li;J4)h Bros' 1~ew stock. ]t . To-morrow, Saiiurday, M:r. John rrrick, FOR YOUR FATHER OR MOTHER. best in town. be"' . ts , · ~~ r sl-'·~ <'w~1 B utclrnr, w1 ·1 1 CG>P.lmenee· b usiness in the " 11yt"1.1 " 1g_ ~ ·~ ·· 1"11 Bowrn""l~ FOR YOUR SIS T ER 0 R S 0 ME Mr. Colin Walls, of Davisburg, MidL, ville. Truth. corner store, E<H msa.n's Bloek. Call and OTHER PER~ON'S SISTER. gave us a call lust week. He looks as if When purchasfing yot'tl" Christmas JhJJx- see him. Prices. J(lwe11· than the lowest. An endless variety ltt very low the climate agrees with him over . there. uries <lout forget the immence stock of Rev. E. Robert s win preach in the A y~ung Ja,~y_ livi~g . in to_wn, r eceived . a nu ts, raisins, fi~s, co.nicet:i -9nery, ·etc., at Queen-st. Metlbolli~t chctrch on Sabbath prices. letter from a friend m Regma., last. week, the Grand Cent ral. next in the moming on "God's encouragefine assortment. --·-----------~~ in which was enclosed a shaving of Rici's We hear that .l\fr. T . G. Collwi!], of ment to fait hful workers;" the evm1mg coflin. Pil-kering.andMF. W.H. Osborne,.Dase subjectwillbc"Aninquestonalostsoul." . Qr Cruets, pickle castors, butter coolers, Line,Darliington, h1we both been quiite ill All are 1rnk©-:me. pla.ted knives, forks, and spoons of the of inflammatio-n o.f the lun~i. Both are reThere is. great excitement among the best qnality and at bottom pricei.i at S.S. covering satisfactorily. youngsteus. in town over the opening of A fine line of They also show . a fi:me st ock of Edsall's . Two young men, John Crago and A . il juvenile :Foresters' Court in the :ForesThe Home Circle is increasing in mem- O'Laughlin, were brought before th e Po· t"'rs' New .Hall on the 21st inst. Boys be. bership satisfactorily, there being already lice :Magistrate on l\fonday morning ch;irg- h een 7· and 17 years of age are admitted. Overcoats in aU sizes; lllanliets ~tnd l Jove1·Iids at the 26 lodges with a total membership of ed with 11rson. After hearing the evi- Full particulars may be had from officers suit.,,ble for gentlemen nearly 900. clence against them they were committed and members of Court Pride of Ontario. -ve1·y Ltnvest P1·ices; Dress <~oothl 1n all the Ne\Vest Take your buggies and carriages to to Cobourg for trial. Brnu; Co.ilrPETlTION.-On an inside page FROM 25c. TO $10.00 AT l'1at.e1·ials, with 'l'1·ina11nn~·s to 1untch. Morris' Carriage \.Yorks to be painted by The Salvation Army barrncks on Sab- of this paper will be found the LA.D IES Mr. Houston Stott. You can have a job b:ith last \\llS densely crowded a.tall the JOURNAL Bible Competition. In last conat 8ny price desired. meetings, in the evening many being un- test an orzan, a silver ser vice, four gold You can without a doubt get the best aule tu gaiu admit tauee. Major Coombs Wtitcl1es, and 14 silver cake baskets wern Bowmanville, December 17, 1885. selection of good reliable Gold and Silver and Capt. Ad" Hind were present, and awarded, and hiwe .been received by to New, Elegaut and Lasting Watches, and Jewcllry of every deiorip- the deeply impressive speeches made· by members of the-S'1.'Ar-ms~1AN Club. We are ITUATION W.ANTED.-By marriec tion at Maynard's the Jew~ller'd. the latter will not soon be forgotten. forwar~gng'ti:;.bscripti~ns for this competii\USS A. ftR(l'lVN, man, on farm. Over t.wo years experience tio rrlso . EACHER OF I'IANOFORT E.in Canada. .Address. T. HENRY, Orono, Ont. Dress Goods, Canvas Cloth, Ottoman . Pupil of Professor Bohner of Toronto. 48-iw' Cords, Victr ,ria Cloth, Costume Cloih, ,v Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Worden, of this JOST TO HAND AT 47-Gw · Newcastle. Unt. · ll l ,, l B"'YC>u are invited t o visi town, Jiving on t.),ueen-st. were almost I C & S o_ ergea, as imere, c., 111 a Slll.··09 anc ONEY TO LOAN. Money to foa'l ~ very che· p, at the West End House. suffocated by gas from their coal stove on AR.~'.[ 'l'O RENT-A V' aluable Farm on the Yery lowest terms on far m Bm FumnTURE SALE--Th~re will be Murdoch Bros' New China ll'all Sunday n ight. 'l'heir son .John calling at 11ecurity, and all business strictly confidentia.l. F . of foO acres to Ilent, Sell o r Give A w a y. 1!).Jw berng lot No. Hi, con, 7, Darlington in a. i:;ood ·/ the house on Mond:1y forenoon ·a bout ten ll. Hu·rcu 1soN, agent, Ennlskillen. .FLORAL fJ;OH OE~, one of the hu-gest sales of the season of .J f d b h state of cultivation, 80 acres plowed. Prn·seahousehold furniture, beds, bedding, stoves to-morrow (Saturday) o~q any o'clock oun ot his parents in a state FLORAL CHIMES, 0 L'r EST H AY.--Came into the sion given by the li;tter entl of March i'iext ~ . of insensibility. Medical i;id was at once premises, lot 18, con. 6. Darlington, a horse Applications to be m·ido before Jan. 1886 to GOLDEN GATE, etc., on the Market Square, Dec. l!Jth. day next week to inspe~ _ _ the suuuuonecl aml after some time consciuns- colt, about two yea.rs old, 'l'he owner will HENRY SYLVES'!'Eti, Esq., P1·opnet or, B nnis50.3w" FLORIDA BREEZE, "A Winter in Devonshire" will be the __ '\... ness restored, but it is fen.red Mrs. Wor- please prove property, pay co3ts and take him killen. 49-3w. away. 'l'uos. McLEAN, Hampton. w HITE CLOVER, &c, ·opening paper in the .January Harper's, bigg~~t and best display 6 · -den will not recover. LACRSMITH SHOP AND D WELwritten by Mrs. Lucy C. Lillie, and ill,..GREAT Rusa.-'.rhe value of adverANTED-LADI ES to work for ns LING HOU SE 'l'O RENT in the village Parties wauting something really fine nstrated by C. S. Reinhart, Alfred Parat their own homes. $7 to $10 per weok or 8oli na; t acre or choice land with goodi China Sets, China ware, Crocktising largely has been proved by l\: f ay-in Perfume11 f')10u ld buy the above. They sons, and others, be quietly made. No photo. p11inting; no fruit orchard. Stone stable; hard and sof\, nard the Jeweller the past week. He tells can canva~ain g. For full particuhirs. vlease ad· water. Considered one of t he beat stands in 'are the best in thu m arket. "A Friend's" letter censuring drunken ery, Glassware, L p8 t us he bas had the largest sales since h is dress.at once, Crescent Art Co., Boston.Mass., Darlington. Wood shop will be el·ected foi: Box 5170. any one desiring it. 'l'erms easy, Possessi ol!l - - - - ----- -·--- -·- · muhicipal candidates, hotel keepers and am ' e c ., big advt. appeared last Frid&y that he at 011ce. None but. :first-class workman need the license inspector was wanting ind two h · B ill has ever had since he began business, and apply. Should be a good shoer. Apply to ever~ . own _1n owmanv e. " RESS AND MAN '£LE M:AKIN.G- Ema~ l\-hLLSON, Solina, P . 0. 5C'J;f, important part.icu1 ars...:no post.age an no .,,,.., _,., frum t he great rush at hia shop every day Mm. ,V. Borland is prepared to do Dress nanie. The waste basket go~ it this week, big 1ules.11re likely t o be the and Mantle Making anrl to 'l'Mch the 'l 'ailor 'l'h.e Masonic Grand Lodge of Ontario /' order of t he day He has a \ery choice i:lystem of cutting, Waist lining cut for 25 c. Residence over Mr. Chas. Tod's Confection· will meet here on the third Wednesda~ S. W. Sanden5 has sold hfa year old stock of gold and silver jewellry, watches u,ry store, Bowmanville. t s·.1w. THERE IS NO ARTICLE SO NICE. in January. The members of the lociy filly, "Devonshire I ...ass" winner of t he etc., etc. 1t will pay you to c·ll and se- - - ---- ----·----ATTLE ASTRAY-Came into the The undersigned h avi ng bought ou t 'THERE 18 NO ARTICLE SO CHEAP. lodge are making preparations to enter- first prize at the Union Exhibition, B ow" lect your holiday prese11ts from his assortpremises Lot 11, 1st. con. Darlington, on the G Rrn·r l\IILL of J. St1<lter, E sq., and man ville, in October last,t to W. R, Hobbs, · ment. THERE IS NO ARTICLE SO HANDY. tain them in regular fraternal style. I about the 8th inijt, oue heifer coming t wo p ut every thin 0 rr i n first-class order,_is ·preCHRISTMAS BAZAAR.- Mis 3 Stough on Esq., hardware merchant, London, Ont., MrnsroNs.-The Missionary Anniver· or years old and one steer t wo years old. Ow ner THERE IR NO ARTLOLE so PERFECT will hold her annual sale of useful :~d for $200._ 00. She is as pr~tty a piece. of sary of the Church-st. Methodist. church' will please p1·ove property, pay costs, and pared to do all kinds of Gr1st ing. I will take them away. RoBER'l' HALL !?Uarantee to make the best AR::<ECT.\. for making a fancy articles, on Thursday Dec. 17th ax.id ~orsefiesh as can be fo1tnd m thl' Domm- will be held on Sunday, Dec. 20th. The 5l-3w Burton. "' ····-···-·--···-"··-·····-· - ····· ······--·-·----..·-····-··-·····-· F ·wua that is made in the cmmt,y, u .s. the two following days. ~esidence-Silv~h· ~J,,.fl...I\ President of the 'foronto Conference, Rev. ANTEV~L.;\diee and gentlemen in mill has been fiLt ed up especially for et, Bowmanville. 50-2w. . The fourth ammal opening of the Big w. Brig~s. will preach 10:30 a. m. In city or country to take light worK at h andling that kind of wheat. Abo, t half-past foui; on Sunday morn- 20 took place on Thursday evening of l_ast the afternoon a_childreo 's meeting will be lleir OW!l nomes, !!Ill to:!\'\ a day can be I have also p nt in <; Saw Mn.J, rn con-Asing a fire was discovered in the old . brick week. The ~to~ presented a ?eaut1ful held, when Acldtesses will be delivered L 1 w ith t he alio~e, and a m prepar ed, ~ . -n. Jr A ~-:1~buil~in~ on !{in_ g:st. west, a~j- oi~ing the app.earance with its - I:and.some d~splay of by Rev. W. Briggs and ex-Alderman Jno. *~i\fll~1:~~~J"~~~1~:1~~ ~~; ~~~: .;grka~~~s~~1~: nection _ ...L. ..L'\!.L.....c:3...-1.. ~ Regtstry Office, but was extrngmshed by hohday goods. Mustc was furmshed. by T . l\:fooi'e, of 'foronto. 'fhe Annual Meet- nish steady employment. Addreas, with stamp, t o take m any q uantLty of Sa>l Log&, .!tl'F'G 4]0Jll'ANl', ~snme Sl., Uln· I have lowered the price of Chop~ing the fire Brigade before -much headway was the Band and Orchestra ,.,ncl from eight ing will bel1eld in the evening, when Ad· CJlUlVN . . , tiluuuu. 01110. . · _ t o :;uit th@ times. · · ·, made. · · · . ?'clock tiU t~na conthmal stream of vis- dress~~will be given by the same gimtlll~. ADIES ! LADIE8 ! !-Dre!smakend Jl , ~. '.('~0Lf;t\ ~' .,u . d . . , . l itors lla·sed m and out. men. Collections will be taken tit all the \_ "ATCH;F.::!,.,-A goo . ~ime-piece IS a ways . . .- . ;. . ser'yfoes in uicl of the Mi~sion Furitl,_ and otbl:r~ embrace the one opportunity, · ' J?~oJ_J)e's Mills, -AT~ ' _ desiral;ile; if you require such an ~.rticle Anyone ~anb11g · Xmas presents . 1nJl and le..rn to be a fi1·st-cl11.ss cut~Qre o! ladies ~. l K " ·, t . . u 0 a.:i and childrens g,.rmenta by Pro!. Moodys New o. l !l/,,B on ~.~ . -\t· , ,, ~ , · . y~an be supplied at the Star House dq ~ell rto _ give Kenner, & Co . . a ~alL at Cnms-~L\8 MEA'l's .- Mr. .John Lylo 'failor Sy3tem ut preas,ancl M ..ntl<i Cutting· by , TOIT & JURY ~'"\l!EDlCAL HALL. Watch Department. . They keep _the best their "\ anety Hall. The place 1s ~vell shows in his Christmas display t he follow- Square 1do1u11rament, and thereby save timo N 0 "'""t~r:i?'f'{'~.t'd in _2ll$· minute. standard movements and a.foll hue new name~ :as they h(lve an ~rull.ess variety. 'ing :-- '2 grade heifers fed J)y Mr 'f ·Jack· and mone,r. No more paper or vatterns, but · .... p f ·· p , · style ca.sea. compr1smg neatly everythmg that a per~, s0~; 3 ·Dur ham·steers ·and 1 cow ·and 4 draft direot on your material. Perteet fit Our duly authorised· and compo. I er e ·i..,y ure. · son would require in the way of presents. ·Leicester :laiuba· fed by Mr R Osborne; guar1u1teed. tent Agent Miss Muir, ot 'l'oronto, will teaoh l . . 8 ... ·' -~ i" · · GooD \.YoRDS ~-oii Tl~E ST_ATR MAN.-An ' And the prices are. very iow in some 1 tl1<;irough bred .Dnrham heifer and 1 tllll ludie5 of Bowmanville and su1'i'ol\lldlng esteemed lady subscriber m Cle,,eland, r l } -,I 1 1. · ' G ,~- .,.,... I country thot'Ollgbly for a nominal sum ror the T~E Ohio, writes:-"! do not know how I could cases ess t 1an w 1.0 esa e price~. rade heifel' fed by Mr m.utc 1 ; 1 next few weeks a t Mr. Allin'd, east of .l\i.cClnnga do without the Sl'A'l'ES)fAN now. It is We have ordered sample copies of Treas- Grade heifer fed by Mr Sam'! Snowden; Foundry; Bow J:tt&nville. Call and see or sand like a Jetter from home every week. " An ure-Trove .to be s~nt t o the Public School 1 Durham steer fed by Mr John Bussell ; for cir~ulur~ i>nd b~ ~onvinced, We have pleasure In relerlng you t o J\:l.iss Mc· Orangevillesubscriberwrites:-Find $1.00 Teachers m 'Du1·ham County, that ·they 1 Durh:im steel' fed by Mr Geo. .Joli ; 2 much Uullough the well known Dressmake1 · 0C.l3owrn11nville, who ts now cutting snccess!ully wit!! ~Bow.M.A.Nvn,t-E, Farn.lY, DEc. 18. enclosed for the S'rA'.l"ESMAN for 1886. may see what an excellent young people's Suffolk pigs, 8pl'ing 1885, fed by Mr T tho Moody M hundreds (If othll!· s are System, My wife can't entertain her company magazine it is, Jt, will pay any teacher Lyle, sen.; 1 Suffolk pig fed by Mr Wm we could refer to in Ontario. Dont fail to lea.rn without it. "'ell to order it for a year. The price" is Ste·;ens. An invitation is extended t o all at once, Pupils can be taught at their own .$1.00 a year; but we are clubbing ft with to visit the display at Mr Lyle's shop, homes. J. & A. CARTER. Toronto, Sole Otherwise~ The Salvation Army meetings have of the STATESMAN for 1886 at $1.50. Treas ' from Monday Dec. 2lat to 'flmrsday Dec. Proprietors and bead oftlce for Canada. Are now prepared to quote pri ces of late been continually disturbed by several urc·Trove, in 11ddition to its popularity 24tl},.....-'C~e one, come all and get a BINDER '! 'WINE for the season of 1886. Send 10 cents postage. and boys, .we might almost say young men, as a magazine, has a special value to tea- rr d Roast"for Christmas. Sleigh· from 40c. up at Variety Hall. · we will mail you free a royal, valuable, sample box Monday 21st will be the shortest diiy sitting in the hack part of tho barracks. chers as an aid and incentive· in school The officers oLWelling!on Lodge N o.l!J, It is, a mystery to mi how such respectable goods that will put you of in the year. studies, and in its peculiar fl.eld it is u ' Sons of England Benevolent Society, for in the way or making more money at once. School closes for the Christmas holidays and intelligent lookin,:( fellows can con- rivalled. than anythinp;s elss in America. Both sexes of -.; 1886, elected on 'fuesday night are : Pres· desceml ti) make themselves a.ppear so riall ages can live at home and work in spR.re -On 'fuesday, Dec. 22nd. . GJtRAT SAI.E 01· FUR8.-During the h 1- idenr.-Jolm :::{, Kivel!; Vice-President- time, or all time~ Capital not required, ·we We are sure could they see Flour and Feed of' all kinds at Hart- diculous. will start yon. Immense pay s11re for those iclays to encournge your :reitders to uy T~ E. HigginLuthatl.l; :r're;isurer-Thos. themselves ae others see them, they would wh? ~tart at onc;e, Suxso!I' &; Co., Portland, nett' s Flour m·d Feed Store. pr!!sents for their friends we will g ve Jewell, re-elec~d;Secrctary-M.A; James M1mw, soon cease to disturb the meetings. Call and fee the New Dress Goods just great bargains in Fur goods of all kin ,s. re-elected by acclamation; ChaplainW. C.<\.UTION.--Ln buying an article on which received at the West End House. J. Brittain; Inside Guarcl-Jas . Deyman ; public health depends it is right and 'l'he .bargains we offer are in Seahki For bachelors and ancient lasaes Bow- proper that we should be careful. The mantles, muffs, caps and gloves; Persian · utside Guard- Chas. W . Thompson; manville every town surpasses. American Public Hllalth Association has Lamb mantles, muffs, caps, and ga.intlets; Tr . es-W. Fishley and W, E . Pethick, To the Ratepayers ofthe Townofl . - -o- Malaga grapes, mat figs. box dates, box declared that of all the disinfectants in Astrachan dogskins ; black fur capes ; cut- re-elec e~J~nation; S nrgeon-T. ter and sleigh robes, etc. \Ve cannot enJ . 'l'amblyn, M . D.,re elected; Repr esen· Bowi~ville. figs, etc., at the Grand Central. the market, and carefully examined by C. M. Cawker is sellinu best cuts of them, Lyttle'3 Soh1ble Phenyle is three umerate ail, but all who want anything tatives to Grand Lodge-- P . Trebilcock GENTLEMEN,whatever in the fur line are most respeet- and M. A. James; First Guide-Joseph In pursuance of a promise made by mCI at Meats of all kinds 11t lOc. per lb. times stronger tha?. 3:ll otl~ers. At ~he fully invited to call an inspect our goods Jeffery; second Guide-Thos. 'l'rick; Manom· last municipal election. I do not intend to { k · · Buy your Christmas groceries at .r. , recentTo:ontoExh1b1t10n tins preparat10n and prices. MARKUS MAYER. offer myself as a candidate for the Mayoralt l\. a e no mistake, do not Jay out a dollar until , aging Committee-Sam. Bona t han, W . J . for the ensuing year. Thanking you for yoi!r you have seen our new stock Lyle's ; fresh and choice fruit already~ a;so carrw~ off the . bron3e mecl~l over Cheapsiue Bazaar pre·ented a very gay ;Jeffery, Jas. C. N osworthy and \.V. J , past confidence, and which I trust I have in .arrived. al c?mpetitors. l'r1ce 2oc., at Stott & appearance on Monday eYening, it being Bragg. .Tanitor- Ife1lry Conlan. no way { orfeited. I am yoms respectfully, Fi ll e at c b es, c; I 0 c k S, Jury s. It. uuss·:LL l.USCl>UB.ll, Just received a fu ll stock of Silver the occasion of Messrs. Tait & Morrison 's Bowmsnville, 9th, Dec. 1835. Ware, suitable for 'Xmas presents at At the ammal exhibition of the Toronto grancl opening. Crowds of citizens visit · ..Jewel~ry, Silve1·wa1·c BIRTHS. S. Edsall's. Poultry and Pet Stock Association Inst ed their establishment :incl exclamatio . 0 and Novelties. 0 A sp.": ' id lot of new and choice gro- week 1\fr. Jos. 0. Labelle, of this town of delight were hearcl on all sides at th MAsoN~ lKr!:1i~~~ :M~!~·n, ~f !~~n~th inst., THE won the highest diploma on white Dork_ beautiful display of fancy articles Trrn;nn.,oocK~In Bowmanville, on the 5th,, ·ceries fo~.c..:the Holiday trade has arrived ings and a special prize worth $5 for the People are now becoming aware that ourTo the ELECTORS of the Town p rices are positively the lowest for t he .a J ·Lyle's. best pair of colored Dorkings. Mr.·J. H . toys. 'l'he st udio was also open an; af- Inst., tbe wife of Mr. P. 'l'rebilcock, of a son. forded equal attractions. The Band .· ..,...WU,LlAMSONAt Port Hope, on Tuesday, of Bowmanville. An immense choice of Christmas nov- Pierce won three first, one second and two in attendance and furnished some choice Dec. liJth, the wife of Mr. R, B. Williamson. of same quality. All are delighted with son. elties at the Star House. See T. Geo. snecials on Houdans. Mr. Hern won onr goocls and our sales are const1111tly GENTLEMBN,music, and in every way the opening was SM!'l'H-In Clarke, on the 13th inst;, the wife Mason's new advt. three .firsts on Polands. M r. John Kydd Ha..-ing been requested by a large number increasing. You try us. of inffuential ratepayers to ofter myself as a Great reduction in the price of fresh got two seconds and some "highly com- u grand success. Messrs. Tait & Morrison of Mr. '!'hos. Smith, of a son. are pushing business wit h great entercandidate for the Moyaralty for the year 1886, Meats at J. Lyle's. B est cuts of all kinds i mended" on Plymouth _R~cks . Our local I have after a careiul consideration decided to DIED. for 10 cents per pound. 'poultry keepers al ways wm, because they prise this season, having got in a very comply with their request. I therefore re8pect- I large aud choice stock of goods in their T_.4."1 fl~~In Orono, on 15th; inst.. C. R. fully solicit your VOl'E and INFLUENCE for Large quantities of feed arriving claily I have some of the best stock in Canada, lines. Practical 'Wa tchmaker Tamblyn, aged 70 years. Mayor, for the ensuing year. Cor,LAC O'l'l'-ln Darlington, on the 15th, Ella -at Hartnett'e. Orders delivered promptly On Tuesday Dec. 8th a Convention of Ir elected I will endeavor to discharge all The question of the hour in town- Who Maud Collacott, beloved wife or R. Collacott, duties devolving upon me in siich a manner as to all parts of the 'l'own. Christian Workers for the Bowmanville will l:Je Mayor of Bowmanville for 1886'? ap;ed 32 years and G months, ~ in my j udgment will meet with your hearty Ready made Over Coats to suit the District was held in the Church-st church But the people outside of town ancl a great approval and cndorsMion. Your obedient \V. !ti. llOJtSlll'. . servant, smallest hoy and largest man a.t Couch, in this town. 'l'he attendance was not many in town as well, arti interested in Bowmanville, Dec. 9th, 1885. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. .Johnston & Cryderman's. large, but the sessions were very interest- the vital questien: Where is t o be seen All wool tweeds worth 75c for 50c per in$-,. and those who were present will . be the finest assortment of furs? This < 1ues4'orrecte1l bJ· Jolln J,yle, cveryTltursday, Da1·1ington Elections. yard. Mantle cloth worth $2.50 for ·$1. w1llmg to attend another suc~1 gathenng tion is very easily answered, because all 75 at T. Geo. Ma·on's Star House. when.they have the opp~rt.umt;y. In the admit tlrnt M. Mayer, the Furrier, has F r.OUR, ~ 100 fi> LADIES GENTLEMEN,- Having been s., .. ·· ·.. $2 10 to $2 50 soliciLetl byAND a large number or the electors or mormng a paper on "M1msterial Work, Fingering Yarn 75 cts per pound; Fac- and th\l Qualifications neceasary to per· alwiiys the largest display of fur goods in W1rnt.:r, Fall, ;p bush ... .. 0 75 11 0 80 the Township to be a candidate for the poaltlon FIRS'!'. -30 8/ . es of lot 8 in the let concession ,, . Spring, 11 0 75 11 0 80 of Second Deputy Reeve for 1886, I have con. or Darlington. tying immediately ·south of th6tory yarn 50c. per lb. Baldwin'sFingering form it" was read by Rev. C. E. Mcintyre . town. This seiison he has a very fine to" stand for that position,and respectful- cemetery. large and handsome lot of fo.dies aml gents BARLEY, ;u>' bush. . . . · · · , · 0 55 11 0 70 aented kept in stock at th" West End House. ly solicit your votes and influence. At the afternoon session, Rev. G. Brown, SECOND.-The Sonth HO acres of lot 16 in the II · · · · · · · · · · 0 53 II . 0 55 · Sincerely Yonrs, Suits made 'to order from the best goods, of Hampton, read a pnp~r on "The Duties fnr caps, coats, gloves, · mitt8, etc; also RYE, third concession of Darlmgton, and the North 51 THOS. SMALE. :l6 cutter and sleigh robes in great variety. OATS, II · · · · · · · · · 0 28 II 0 33 acres of the South 83 acres of lot 15 in t he by the beat workmen and at the lowest of the Members of the Church in promot. Mayer has the name of selling t he best same concession prices at Couch;Jolmston & Cryderman's. ing the Work of God," and the R.ev Chas. goods cheap, and his word can be relied PEAS, Blackeyo, '!!'bush ... 0 83 11 0 87 ElectOi'S DarJi11gto11. 'l'HIRD,--'l'he South 100 acres of lot 25 m the 11 Small, " 0 55 11 0 G O third concession of Darlington, an d the NorthJohn Lyle.has reduced the price of all Taylor, of Enniskillen, gave an acldress on every time. He does a splendid busi11 Blue, 0 55 11 0 65 · erly 60 acres of the east half of lot 25 in >tha LADIES AND GENTI.ElllEN. - .Allow me to kinda of Me.at! te 10 cents per pound for on The "Duties of the Officers of the ness in gents furnishings includmg un- BuTTElt, best t.able, lil' lb. , · 0 12 11 0 15 solicit your vote and influence for the position same concession. the best cut.I! and all other cuts in propor- Church." At the evening session Rev. 'l'. derwear of all kinds. A few dollars go a LARD, ~ tt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 10 II 0 13 of .Flrst Deputy· Reeve for the ensuing year, .Alt the above will be sold in parcels to suit Manning, of Oshawa, and Rev. J. Whit- long way in his store, he sells so very EGGS, ~doz ...· ·· ·... .· · 0 18 11 0 20 1886. tion. purchasers. Time for payment and terms wilt Yours respectfully. LEV I VANCAMP. l>e made very easy to satisfactory buyers, F or · lock, of Courtice, delivered addresses on · Call at the We1F E1·d House and see cheap. Don't buy anything in the fur POTATOES, :ill' buah .. , , .· · , 0 35 " 0 4-0 particulars apply to 1, 1885, 19-Jw* Darlington. Dec. D. B URKE SIMPSON, the all wool GreyFlanwil, they are selling the Nature nnd Obligations of Cliristian line before you examine his goods and .DRESS.El) .HoGs ~ 100; .··. 4 50 11 5 25 <11-tf. · Vemtor's SolicitorT o tJu, Electors of the Township of Darlin11ton: for 25c. per yard; also rhe all wool Shirts Consecration. Each of the8e snbjects wnos prices, He will be pleased t o show you fully di&cmsed ·by the brethren who in· his goods. Be sure to call soon. LADIES A NDGENTf,EMEN,-1 beg to announce and Drawen at 50c. each. myself a candidate for the position of Second- Dissolution oC Pa1·tnerslnp trocluced it, and the membera of the ConNew '.21.huertisement.li. 'rhey can furnish a watch at any price vention. All present 'Were satisfied with J iPuny, sickly, fretful children, are very Deputy Reeve, and rcspcctflllly sollcit your vote o.nd influence, you feel able to pay and guarantee to give the result of the meeting, ancl only re- trying to the patience of all who have the Yours faithfully. Dl'EllTISE&S t aenn !or·our Select Liat or HE PARTNERSHIP HERETOfull valuli for every dollar you put into gretted that the time was so short and care of them, and in the majority of cases WILLI4"1 CRYDERMAN. J,ocal News papers. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., FORE C :8:isting between the undersigned 50-3w. as liYery stable keepers, under the uame .oC' Ennisklllen, Dec. 4, 1885. the watch See J . J. Ma~on before you the attendance so small. the fretfulness arisis froni a weak and . 10 l:)pruce St., N. Y. SANDERCOCK & MCMURTRY, is her-e oy lliS· buy. · emaciated condition of the boJy, caused solved. '!'he business w ill be earriecl 9n in the Prepare for the cold weather by ~etting by the d rain on tho oonstitution during Any o,· 'he Torouto, London or MonOUS Ei:S TO RENT. - 'l'hat comOARS FOR SERVICE.-Two Boars, same place by '.I.'. J . McMuH :l'Rll, who will pay fortable dwelling now occupied by Mr. J. one a pure bre<1 Berkshire from imported all the liabilities of the saicl fir m. and to whom. tre:i.l pap;.;'rll clubbed with the STATESMAN a Radiant ¥ome Heater-t,he beat m the the period of teething, or the rapid growth . Ji, Jury on Concel.'llion Street. Hood 11:arden stock direct o.nd In no wo.y related.to former all debts due the said firm are to be paid. of childhood, in 8Uch caeu1 give Robin- ll. at very low rates. Don't throw away market. Sold. only by S.S. Edaall. . of h m acre well stocked with fruit of various animals owned by me, and the other a pure Dntecl at Bowmanville, this ~8th uay of money on lo··al papers of no value b ut A_well ass~rted . lltoclr .o_f the choicest in son's. ~hosphorfaed Emulsion accm:ding ..kinds. Possession Jan., 10th 1886. Also a bred Snffolk o.lao from imported st:>ek,.o.re kept November, 1885, nnwber or rooms in Horsey'a Block next to for service on lot 22, con. 3,Darlington. 'l'ERMB: fanuly groceries and provmons, fresh and to directions, or the advice of your Phy11"IV. SANDERCO CK, call at the STATESMAN office for lowest Stf!.ndar<l Bi;t.nk. Apply to 'rV. l\l, llORSE'Y, -$1.50 cash for thoro'-bred sows. and $LOO for Witness: T.J. MCMURTRY. curecl meats, always on hand at Lyle's. ian. terms. Bowmanvllle. ~Hf Other&. SJ.lll'L SNOWDEN, Proprietor. 4;i·8w· Jom.- CLARKE. 41)-3w. DO NOT Tait'~ photos are very popular. -. - ---- COUCH,JOHNSTON ·CRYDERMAN Fine Assortment of' New Goods ·sTOTl~ &JURY'S [A 0 0 I F G 9 -Iltl 0 ffi8 Il. New Astrachan Coats, New Persian Lamb Caps, New Lined Kid Gloves, New Silk Handkerchiefs, Ladies' and Children's Gaiters, Woollen Hoods and Scarfs, &c. p fl E S E N T S :SJOTT & JURY'S MEDICAL HALL. AN EARLY CALL SOL ICI TED. P E R FU M E S JU RY'S: STOTT S T M ·C 0 W B . p t· E venI n g ar les . , · D C Public Notice. :First-class Cup of Coffee L ;iE EXTRACT C0 FF , '. f at W L 'v BIND ER tWINE. .Dartmouth Ropework Local and Company? HALIFAX, Nova. Scotia;. BEAUTIFUL AC IFT I HOLIDAY GOODS ---o --- N""O.T IOE_ Elegant and Desirable FOR EVERYBODY. ISUITABLE ---o --- w s. MAYORALTY. J. J. MASON, * T .... ,"'"'·-'" ' fenUe~arlrnent1 Valuabl Farms for Sale. or A I H B

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