Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1885, p. 4

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Jt'rom the Sder1tific American, No·v. 14 We illustrate on our front page a1· indust ry that hos bet>n gradually develop ing for the past two years- one that ha~ been wat ched with much interest by tho11" who have a desire to see prog ress in American art productions, bn t more particularly by scientists, who have always recognized t llQmct·it Qf th9 miiterial used, and that it unly required time and prope1' -GO '1'0manipulation to demonstrate its desirable qualities a nd, t o them, unquestioned ANNUAL VISIT superiority. The necessity for a more enduring ruaterial for monul.llents than atone has !oJJg been felt.. It is well known t hat - ' l'O stone is uuable to withstand climatic effects, 1\S described in scienti!ic articles by Prof. A . A. Julien, of Columbia College, New York, Prof. R . Ogden Doremus, and ot her eminent scie ntist11, and demonstrated by the crumblm~ condition of tne obelisks of New York and Paris, allfl ull the oldest s tone monnments aad Feloubet's and Vin~ent't11 buildings iu this country and Europe. Th o enduring nature of tho metal used -refined zinc- and its peculiar adaptation to the purpose have long since brought i t into ll':le in Europe, where the FOR 1886. ·- - art has made good progress, taking the .------· ..~·,---~--- --·- - ···- ---··- - place, to some e:x:tent, of copper or a.ntiqt10 bronze for monuments and 11tatBOWMANVILLE. ua.ry. The Prussian Government ha.s recently erect ed some large statuary of · · this material, notably the P os tal Union GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. statue at Hanover. U re's " Dictionary of Arte," enlarged edition , also refers to BOWM:ANVILLE STATION. the extensiv ~ use of the metal in Continental Europe, large fo undriee being OOINO EA.ST GOING WEST located in Berlin, Col<>'Jlle, Hanover, and Express ·······9.06 a. m Ex.prcaa ·· , . .. 7.10 a m J'&etEi;presa.10.05 am Local, ........8.25 am othercities. Mixed ........ ..l.05 p JD Mixed ....... . .4.M pm From the ead iest us~ of the ni.aterial · Local!. .........7.30 JI Ill. Exoress ....... 9.00 v m --FE'l.C>l.\1.1: o:t'::a:E- , Enreas ...... 9.40 p m there seems t o ha.ve been hut on e- opinion Can be seen that for variety, quality, regarding its end u.riug q;rn,lities. EncyBoys, Why Do I t . clopedias, standard works on meta.1lurgy . qnantity, and price cannot be exl!:l:lloo and chemistry, a.ndl scient.illts :1.r e unami- ' N o true lover olflll.is country, seei1~!JS:·:How moue in commendin~ its la.~ting nature ; . prevalent t he usel'lli t ohncco is hecm!ling.,. in Durham County. and the facility with! which i4 is moulded aud knowing i ts p'!llln1 iciuus efl ect upt>J111the Bow111~NV1'!-LE, FRIDAY, DEc. 18. , into the most arti~ic deSi,!;(nS Will 1J11ti- h uman syst em, C:\.Jll Ji:eJp trembling W-ith' . "· · mately make whi te TM'onze nwre popular anxiety fo r the ft:ttu.re of this na~hm . LADIES' COMPANIONS, ~=====~==== ~· . . for art work than the coppeJ· er anl;i4 ue Not only d o t he m~;jp;uity of middle :1_.g.ed, MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. WORK BOXES, : b rouze which has he rc:!Jofore been us~· so and old men smoke> Ol" cchew, almost in· j/ , extensively. cessantly; but, whoo is :a. thousand u mes· I ask .i largely attended meeting of ratepayJEWEL CASES, '. The same white brou. ze was·:W.opted for \Yo11se, the yo ut hs irnd< boys, e ven do wN·to ~ra was held in the Town Hall, BowmanPORTFOLIO\'&,. ' thi111 perfected and linis:!led rn!'. t,el"ial as a.i~ m ere children , go ail\<.mt with cigaretrt\1, . , d '.ville, on Tuesday e'v eniog, addres~es on a ppropriate one to distinguish it from eigar 1>r pipe in t heir I.00ll'Uis. A lady G!fal an 'town finances being delivered by Messrs. GENTS' COMPANIONS,. the dark or antique bronztl, also fr.om t-h:.e ha:rtdi1y gctalong a 11troo!.withoutbeingco·M li< Porter, Doyle, T. McClung, Buckler, HANDKERCHIEF BOXES ch~ap statues made of sheat· met.al1 h . ie ~ pell<tl,d to inhale air fouli witJ1 t he smoke of J OU ~ ' claiwed by munufactulllers ths.t wh1t&' the Jlli1thy weeds, or h1~v.ing her cloth9s:McArti;hr; .rrower; Piggott, and Horsey. WRITING DESKS brnuze, as now made, is so well ada.pte0. . sp0i.le<l: with the fil th i'mi spit tle. When a;1 I. Mayor Loacombe presided. ' to monumental purposes t hat it ,V:ilib ' pe11tw]~ becomes accus to111i!l to its use, l:;a-.- i "'A ·The followiag per~oos a.re said to be in TOILET SETS, ultimately supersede all other materials. ' seelilM- to think that eveq 1<ime else bas aov AN . CY INK STANDS, Hx.pe11ieoce has enabled t he produc0r11 t w ~u·ill'eol. :t liking for the slliitiing smok e, and.,.I i. ·· ·-. . ~ . · the field for municipal honora: ForMa.yorF <ilVtii.come the many obstacle&t1111t at; first . goeiJ ~ing about a m!'.mg: decent people· \ · · · , W. M. Hor11l'l y. R eeve-W. P. P1·ower LADIES' SATCHELS, presented themselves, principal among. : wi.th.0·1~t even so muJh 1u- talking though t -r ~ and W. S. Rusaell. Deputy-Reeve-Geo. which was the ditticulty of obtainin!( ef tbeim· comfort. The a.ver.w e tob'a cco- 'j Piggott. Councillors, North ward-T. CARD RECEIVERS, J<».etaJ. 1.ufficiently purifi~d t o retain it& su11.>ke1n1 etnns t o thi~1k tlia.tr. t hZse who d o I co;or ; tbia has been tJiltirely, overcome. 1 ; not sm :ike 11ave no rights,tJ.l1wt ;\ smoker 1s ii Burden, l:<'. Mason, R. R. Lr1ecombe. GLOVE BOXES, r~ monum~nts and stat uary are cast boua.H ili ~o respect. Thc mi' a.re i;;ome true '. ~ . II!: West ward-D. T. Morris. South ward PLUSH MIRRORS, ~~· thick! or tluck~r than, cop?-tr' bronze~ ; gen tlt1lllllilli) who use tobacoo~ bu t, to ever y ,, . ' I UUI. 00 00 e~s, UuS, - J . H. Kydd, J . K. Galbraith, R. . . Ihe de111gns are lirot modeled m .clay. and ; ~IW slllC.bi.,. t here are a thoM~d of the loaf- 1 Worth. repnoduCd in P!l~Ster of Barts,. ft'.1m 1.~1rc~who violate true I<@Liiteness every i wo~'1 ODOR CA.SES, w.hiah a wax cast 1s ta.ken, th1s:cast berng ;liou<U C\>£ the day. i '1 1 9 · W: .' In Dailingtou Mr. Cryderman and Mr. necessary in order to procme.: a . pedect \1. 'fo.b~ 1 wu vinced t ha.t th 1n: ?.lSe of tobacco, · FIRE SCREENS, Sma)., are both out for let Dep-Reeve, w11tal pattern, from "hich the mouumenti ) e¥en im; :i. $mall way (th er e.:iit M such thing &c.,. &c., is Welli alS<!) and Mr. D. Dyer aud Mr. W. Everson TRAV.KLLING COMPANIO~S, is mouided and·cast in the ordina.ry way .. i! as, nwidiP.lia.tion; even its oooa.sional use is .. 1 ' are spoken of for councillors. We have Ou.r illul!tratious aho w t;vo iniportant.li an.e.x;cea.~is injurious tc·.t!le u ·ers, one ..,J; CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS, featU!l~ll in th.e p~oduc . ~iO? .o.~ foia.1~-0r.l>,. \! Ji<i&bllittili>· 10ok at the narrow <1hests, sunk· -~ .- ; ~ ·. . . · . ' w1 . . . Vy _' . . ' "'\11ot reports from Clarke and Cartwright. one berng the fusmg and JOimng..togetherr ~ o'Jl, ah.e eks, h ollow eyes an<ll· cadaverous· of th.a ditf11rent parts by po11ri'1g. IP.oltAl'...t· i~.ki<Yk. of 5 .o votaries. Alth@ugh not so rap· and an ENOf,E!>S vJ..RIET.Y of An,ei traordinary attempt now in prog.' meta1 of the same material as" t he caat- I[ id1hl its. blighting effects 11s' alcohol, it is reas to In '1ie .,.an artificial crossing between ing!) at a high degree of heat, along the, sl@ wly, b u t uone the less smiely, b urning G . . · joints ; this mak.es them practioolly. ~me @ ti.t" th.~ "\\iibality, and sappiog; t he manhood wl1eat and rye ts folly d escribed by Chas. solid piece, and the corners tl1e ·s trongest.. oJi th11· people. Wero it not that the wo~ Barnard in the forthcomin g January Cenpart of the work. men. ha.lie tnor e sense than 1 t0 uso the vile The other illustration is that" of the w.e ed.· ~e ~hould rapidly deg,enerate i nto tury. The attempt is to make a new 'Fhe is appliaa.tion o.f the mand blast, .which gi1;e8 a, n11.ti01A10f hypochm1driacs ·l~tu1 im l;ieciles. lltandard cereal for bread-stuffa. the surface of the work a pleaaiug,appeac-- And tl:wn:when a person becomes thoroughamDd V<iH'Jl _. L.- ·· alice wl1ich i t always retains, being in thi11 Ly. ii.dcl!iateciL t o its uae,it socms to mke hold space will not permit our mentioning. QUESTION OJI' '!'HJ~ DAT. - C. M. respeet superior to copper bronze,, which.. @ f the very fountain of h is .e-:uistence, and Cawker has decided, irrespective of the soon after tixpoourn becomes black. and ma.kew.a. very 11ht.Ye of it$ vi1<1tim ; and very Englieh Market or Homa Rule, to offer ucattractive. few e'10D permanently esGlajp-e from i ts for ~ale during the Christmaa holidays The work of finishi!1g and pneBaring: thra.Wbm, . . . :200 quarters of b eef and lamh ~t the for tha sand bh1st reqmres a h igh degree A1uli tih.ellli what a filthy haJi.it it isl As 1 .:f ollowing low prices for cash: Southof artir.1ic and mechanical skill ;. wi th the· we h~'l<e lo0k cd at the users. spitt ing and Down and Leice11ter Ewe Lamb, at 6c. exception of tile sand blast, all the fini11h- sqai:ntin g the disgusting deo.o~-tion about , ·per lb. for fore quarters; and 8c. per lb. ing is hand work, and naeeeMrily i:egMdless. <;>f d ecency or t he !!iaghts of oth- A \ wefill. w·i~l exn"uisive. ., e rs.,. 111e,J1a.:ve eft en wondered! how it was .l::1l. .111 :for hind quar-terR. · De von, Durham and l\1etal possesses many advantages ovoo· tha.t mellr-D leu of intelligence and refi~e Durham Graeie Heifers nnd Steers, at 51 cts. per lb. for fore quarters; and 7c. per atone . for monumental purposes- aaide nuim.t in. 0l:her mn.tters-wouikl use a thing Suits lb. for hind qua.r teri!. Large r~ductions from its greater durability ; 1.he positive; so. vile and so distasteful, that ev!lry fow asew;auce of the raised lettering or i.111r seconds th.~y were obliged, to eJect the will al.so be made to any one buymg largo allt.dl. scriptions remaining legiable fur ages is, poisorwu11< saliva or becom~; srek by its ab. quantitios. You will find it to your.aditsalf worthy of appreciatton, as-the v.al..ue sor ption.. W e ~on' t believe anybody ever vantage to inspect before purchasm~. Don't fail to call ;rnd see Captain Kirkof any monumeut lies in its ability to. likeci the stuff naturally, un~s perchance will be founcl in abundance. legibly ret ain its record. 'rhe monum- th.i:G ugru hered ity, by a fattlrier's use of it . livington, fed by W. Werry,Eeq., Solina, 1 eu.ts are made with removeabla tablets,. Nov dees. any young man take to it ou t of two-year-old past, '"eighing 1,955 lbs.; fifty and the y.,ung Alclert:nan, fed by R. IMMENSE QUANTITY OF DOLLS ior th.e purpose of addino- insGription& in, Lo" e for i1r or its effects. lf~mths be~in its Cbal ;,, t1 0 AN t he future. White bro~ze is also fuiee us&· and persist therein, tiwugh aufferin!{ Mallory, E~q., Darlington, two-year-old, .fDom the discoloring influences- of tr11ea.oi:· ~\lel.'ely, only beca use t h.ey have an idea in Jot weighing 1,850. Wi·hout a doubt these FROM 5c. TO $1.50. j growiihs .of moss or mildew, . and is. not that ~t l.io.ks n_ianly.to be seen srnokin~ or are the two lllrv,e·t and fattest Steere JUst t he ever slaughtered in;Bowmanville. Whole· affected m the least by the elements of clte-wm g . I t IS sociable, .aotK1 they . thmk Full lines of as the at mosphere, so destruct~1.1e to stone.. 1ill1Jlly t1> t reat or be treaw~l t o a c1go.r or sale Sale to con1111ence on Saturday, Dec. It iB st ated that the granite obelisk in cigarette, and then they h ave .not suffi.19th '.lnd continue up to 12 o'clock, midnight., Dec. 24th. Will be exhibited, ~ Pa.rill which has only beelli er ected there cien t moral courage t o aul.rnowledge that fl ;, forty' years, has so far deG.-ayed thll.L. the, its. use· DS offensive, and w they persist, dressed- on Dec., 22nd, 23rd and 24th. French Government has. ta.ken plaster against their bet ter judgament and against All a.re wA!come aI!ll your patronage ]~nd c asts of the 'surface to i;reaerve t he i11- the J?11fiiillest of their phy:>iical nature, un t il thankfully received. C. M. CAWKER. scrivtions for historic use ; and mm own they fill .their system so. with the p erni.---o--obelisk, which has only been in Centi:ahParll; ciol:l:S\ narcotic, that e vellJ nerve . in theirr County Model School. for five years, is already disintegradiu g d ise.lsed bodies d einandB a con t inual supfrom tht1 d fects of t he cltmate, and seien- ply'. . DurinQ; the ::lfodel $c,huol term which . has t ific men h ave been called u pon t o d eviJa We al ways feel t he wtmost JH~Y fo~· th i. just clnfied . S!lYB t.1111 Onide. twent:v·t];<ree Every Article Marked in Plain m eans for its preservation, while the old sla.ve o.f tobacco, and when:we see a br~ght1. st udents h a ,·e heen in regular atte~dauce. The metal and bronze monuments in Europ&i, l ovabJe boy or youth j'llttmg those filth.:l?i progress of the·e uncler the gmdance and Figures. teachin!( of Mr. Wood, Model School Master. that have stood for ceJAt urios in t he most c'"ig.tr··: tes (for boys m@stly begin with cig.- Has made another Great R~<Luction in Prices. We now offer goods llas beei1 ao 8atisf,.cto1.y,that all ho.ve succeed· rigorous climates, tlrn st ill as perfect. as ru:-et t es} int;i ~is mout.h· ~.i';11. :i. ~_·, uclde:it ed iu passing the exnmination ~f the County cheaper tli.tt.u ever and w~ aidvertise our prices t o let the poople and can be seen by everyone. p ast Board whicfi has been held durrng the _ when n ew. i.md look vr d isgust , and iJr, d1,1g it w1t.h week. 'l'ht> f<'llowing l'.r e the names in alpha.· Monuments and s!la.tuary for cemll:tery h is teeth as though it >'6l'O:--< iis i ~. i&, too judge -j]oJt themselves: We keep on handJ full lines of betical order : 1ed\" by hmf'.:m lips, -we purposes are produced of a.II :ill!es, styles, :Illthy to be touc1 -. BOYS. and designs, competent artists· being con· wan~ t o p ut our arnl.B about !um autl say: D1·y Goods; Beady-made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furs, :Mr. Thompson B a llagh, N[..r. Wm. IL Muldrew. " Heroert Ll arher J.P. McLaren, stantly engaged in mod eling original " D ear boy, _ clon 't do. t hat : throw the nasty " s. (}. Brown, ' '.'. John W ·. Odell, monumental desi"ns as w~ll as s tatues, thing awa y, it is fit; only t o be eat en, by Hardware, Boots and Sl1oes, G1·oceries anti Previsions. " Johiel C0n1··idge, ~· L . Stilwell, portrait busts, ~1edallions, etc., to be worms or.t~ kill ~ermin, and 1;1otevem.the W. Norman 'l'illcy, used in com1ectlon with granite and lat ter on h vmg nmmals. It will per11.1.eate Gll:lLS. monumental -wcrk. Our illustration your whole substalllce and poisoi; the~o-u nM.i,ss Annie B~uson, Mi~s Alma Nott, MJHY CP.n n, " Edith Riggs, Stock 4Jompletc, shows the artist's studio at the Bridgeport dation of y.our. e~~tence. It ~ill h llX:ome 15 1bs Raisins . . . · , : . . ... . ...$1 00 Good all Wool Tweed Suit .. .$8 50 A. l\!fd.uc! Cooper, ·· Minnie Sodden, foundry . Among the rec;e~t productions y~ur master,.bmc.,11gy o~1 moreurm1y t 1 ian Polly Creb&, " Anme E . Wade, were life-size busts of Martm Luther, for with r ods of n on. It will render you dys- 20 lbs Sugai· . . · , ·· . ... .. .. . 1 00 Good long pair Men's Boots . . 1 95 Sa u i R 'URon, " Hattie .J. Walker, Prices Rigltt, :Mary Hausman, " Jessie J. Wight. Allentown, Pa. ; Sergt. Major Reynolds, peptic and incapable of your best _li~e's AN" ' 'lf·' ore. " H. Ella Wilson. of this city x·ecently umoiled in Green· work, and also mcapable of transm1ttmg 6 lbs Tea ... . ·. . ... . · ·. . .·.. . 1 00 Best Felt Boots, .. , . , , · , . , , 2 10 Of the:\ b< , ,., f> bOys and 3 girls were from Everybody Deligltted wood Cem~tery ; and st11.t ae of l'ilot to yoni: offspring _ all ~ho_se n oble, God-giv· B S 1 00 B F 1 B Bowmanville. . ·- -- ---..,--..,,, Woolsey, erec~ed in Everg:::·en Cemetery. en att ributes which it 1s your duty and 50 a :rs oap . · · · · · · · · · · · ~ · est e t oots, a.ll·Leather to , A. large number of white ,b ren:r.;; p_ublic sl~ould be your pri~le t o hand down . . .lt Print.. ; , ·. ...· . · ·. Ei.t. 4c. p er yard top. . . ..... , . . ...· · .·. · , 2 35 AUCTION SALES. mon uments have been erected , promment will do all these Uungs, ~nd, beyon d t his, 18 among them bein(( the 0 ·1e i>ho wn on our cause you to b El offensive t o all, _pure, Cotton . . .. . . .·. ... at 4c. per yard Best Coal Oil, per Gallon ... . WEDNEstin ,D ,c. 23.-Mrs L. Bra.dsliew, front page, r11c1mtly unveiled at Grand cleanly peo~le of good sense. In view Of will :>ell l .er farm atoek and implementB, WE SOLICIT A CALL. Hapids, Mich., whil'.'h was cast a t; · t11e these certam results, we ~es~ech Y ?u, People wonder how we sell so cheap. The reasons are :-We are on lol 3, Nn 6, Darlington, on the Detroit foundry ; . a s a m onumental dear boy, throw a'!ay t~e visNons thmfi aboVil a. .. t \l v. ithout nsene. Sale will under no expense, such as rents, salaries, &c.; we buy for ca.sh fountain it undoubtedly surpaases all and stop now the evil habit when you can . · begin :i, , rn J c 'clock sharp. See bills and sell for cash with a very small me.rgin, t hereby t urnprevk ·is i roductfon11 of thia nature t hll't And to the thousands and .t en thousands for particnlar~. R. HUTCHISON, Aucthave come h our notice. of boys 0 11. the farms and m the t.owns ing our money over i·apidly. ioneer. We illustrate the different art foundries whost: lips have n ever ye t been polluted F'.nuu.v D c:c. 18. -'f'he Leskard Hotel en~aged in the productions of whi te with .the cursed weed, we would say: will h :- ~" l r[ 11 a uction. R. MOMEN T, Buttl'.1·, Eggs and all Fa1·m Produce taken . ~s Cash. brouze a s wall as the exhibit made 14t the "Be lfien. Be manly, pure, clean men, Auct..011 ~··· W orldls Fair, New Orleans, at which the and when enticed by your comra.cles or Salt always on hand, """" gooUI! were awarded the gold. medal ; a others to smoke ~·nd chew, muster your Get the newest and beBt gaae ever pubOPPOSITE TOWN HAiili, g old medal was abo awarded white bronze moral courage to your :\id, and grounded lish.ed ~u i.cJ.U ·.- ! ., · y 11ung and old "From at t he Southern Exposition, Loai11ville, in right and the lo~ of your mothe_ r , don't . . . · · Ottawa. to JJatoclrn." Price 25c. For BOWMANVILLE, ~ ONTARIO. Ken t ucky, last fall, a1110 11i medal awarded you do it!" :Burlteton, December f , 1885. U :>ale at R cv nur & Co's Variety Hall. HolidRy SANTA CLAUS' Presents f-FOR- WHITE BRONZE. P. TREBILCOCK'~ Bibles, Albums, Sunday School Books and Cards. NOTES ON S.S. LESSONS AZAAR B ---o--HOLIDAY GOODS CHRIS'rMAS CARDS. I I them at · the American Institu te 'Fafr, 1884, where a fine display of 8tatuary can now be seen . The w<:rk is prod uced exclnsive ly · by the Monllment Brorize Company, Bridgeport, Con a., the D etroit Bronzo Compauy, Detroit, Mich. , the Weste rn White. Bronze Company, Des Moines, Ia., the American Wh ite Bronze Co. , Chica~o ' Ill. , and th e St. 'f h omas White Brouze Monument Company, St. Thomas, Ont. I t is ex!Ject.ed that other fonn <:l rie~ will ~{l" rl be e~tablished in the West and 8 onth,ve11f. The time honored custo m nf usiug marblti o.nd ~ ran i te for mouumen t 'll pnrposee, and the faith t.ha t see.ms to p rev.iil in the end urin c : quali ties of t.h e p tnduc ts of the " e vul'lasting hi!ls," uat m·a:ly cause a stroll!{ opposition t o t lrn in troduct ion of metal in thi ~ connection ; but ca refu l oLser vers have long srnce noted t he shon · comings of iua.rble :md granit e when exposed for any lengt h of t ime to atmospheric iotloencea, and t hey are n ot content to intrust the ir family r ecords to such perishable material. The production of wh ite bronze monuments and statuary has u ntil recen tly been prosecut"d in a qu iet, uno.tt.n tatious way ; but with th~ addit ion of n eeded improvomcnts nnd iDcreasod capital, so great has b een the <leYelopmen t dJring the vast few yeard tha t four foundries are n o w req uir.id t o l!mp ply the rapidly increasing d emand. w@I a re living in the age of telegraphs , tekphones, .e lectricity fur ligh ts a nd motivlil' power , and many othe r useful 1tup ro11;;m,,11ts regularly clnonicled in t hese pagw, all of which have a viilue in their pecu li~;r uses, and so wit t1 the s ubject of our sklrleh on front page. 11. W, W RIOB T, Age1 1 1t, Port Bhpe. Toys, Fancy Goods, Albums, Plated Wa~re, Vases, Cups, VERY CHEAP AT ~~RER & G~.'S . VARIE!!_HALL.) IIPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT WEST END HOUSE! Having completed the Fall and Winter purchases, and feeling certain that they were be>ught at the t:owest poSfilible figure,, would respectfully '- W-00 L GOa·D s You will find! the stock of you to cau. examine the stock an.d see for yourselves Whether the p_ r ices suit or not. ...nther thi .lm.k they wi'll. j ·tted W""._)! Shaw}s, H . ds,. B t lnfantees .Jerseys C&ildren's assorted; .C Suits Fancy Goods -o--- D · : ., .R E· · :s s · " DLANKETS a, n TIEDQ"tXTN S · Verry cheap and! good value. ·o oD s I large and varied low. stock o:EtDress Goods markedl GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLOTHS AND T"WEEDS, 4'lull TOYS, DOLLS tc NOTIONS MEN'S UNDERCL0 THING, and assorted.I st ock. It pay you. to call and inspect. got up· on the shm.-t·est noticebest style. GROCERI:EJS I J:itllist arrived per Sch'r ' ·Jamieson," bbs. best American Oil. - -Special inducoments JIIB.rties buyinr barren lot s. Also a of Roy,ail Wringers received. Everything in'. Grocery , Line ·f:r'Ssb. and cih'eap the cllie>a pest. ·c Mu s1·c Goods Musl JOHN McMURTR:l", West. House. BURKETON GENERAL S , TORE ! One Price to All! COME AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS. ---o- ----o --.- I TAIT & MORRISON, QUIGLEY'S GENERAL STORE

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