Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1885, p. 3

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!-~~~·~~:m~~·~a~a~=~=~=~w~1!11~1~~~~~~~~~~ ~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!~~~~~MRzr~~~m~,.,......... ~~~~-~~--~~~·~·~-!!~·~··~ ~ - ~~ ~ - 11tBrf~ri!~ill ~www~~1a~n~·~,..~~~-~ 11~:·~·~ .... ~-~~~~~ -. ~·~·~ . · ~·~-~~·~ 111~·~·~,~-~-·~~~~~~~~UJCW4&i~~~~-~rn~ma~~~~-~ - ~m~~ ,~ ~ ··~·~r~·~··~ ·--~~ -u~r~w-~ ·W! 2 - MA$0N BROTHERS.] . ~ ' vVe wish to return our smcere thanks to the people of been extended to us since our opening last spring, proving Bowmanville and surrounding' neighborhood for the liberal patronage whichha~ conclusively that the method adop ted by us of making " every parcel a bargain and every bargain an advertisement " is one which the people appreciate. I We shall continue· 'to act on that principle and astonish and Clelight you all. We shall astonish you by the lowness of our prices and delight you with the excellence of our goods. W e have for this fall bought a choice selection of .t>easonable goods and may safely say that we have quality and value unsurpassed, and that our reputation will not suffer in the output of the goods. Come and _ inspect our goods and ' allow llS to put you up a parcel when you will find that it is indeed a bargain, and we trust, will become an advertisement. MASON BROS., Late S. MASON & SoN. Bo1 o ts and Sl1oes. Keep your feet dry and warm, You can do so by calling at the 'Parlor Shoe Store,' where there will be found a complete assortment of every kind of footwear from the smallest to the largest. If we cannot fit you with a ready-made pair, we can make you any kind that may be needed, in the latest style. Good fits warranted every time or no sale. OEJM:E~TI:J:q"G neatly done so that the patch can scarcely be discovered. Trunks and Satchels will he kept in stock ; also the Best quality of Dressing and Blacking . No trouble to show goods. Please give us a call. STAND :- 'lq eads' Block. 'W. JENNINGS. WiWWWWWWXAI Now Dry Goods and Clothing I ELLISON · a CO. Beg respectfully to announce that their Ne w Stock of Fall and Winter Goods is complete. We m~ke a ~pecialty of Ready Made and Ordered Clothing. Cloakingi:; and Ulsterings, Black and Colored Silks. (We offer Dress Goods remarkably low.) Cottons, Flannels and Tweeds, Shirts and Drawers. Having bought very largely we want to sell quickly; conse~ quently, we will offer goods ai prices that will astonish our customers. It is generally admitted that we sell cheap. W e mean bus!. ess this seaso~ and are bound to sell, therefore, parties asking us for bargains will not be disappointed. Bowmanville, 8eptember 30th, 1885. ELLISON & CO. ..ES LOOK OUT FOR B ARGAINS t-3 1-:3 C"1 (,!) ~ tJ:j P:1 t-3 ~ ~ z 0 0 UJ =s· to-o'4 =-......... . ~ E-c 0 ~..;'... .... .·...... . 0 q All W ool Suit P:1 ~ ·l:t:j Ul MADE TQ~ORDER FOR 9 DOLLARS W ell Trimmed and Wel Made. Gents' Furnishings of all kinds. TOSEPB JEFFERY. th e.i· are, have it only in the mildest form. T nn immunity among the nuues and attend1mts of small-pox hospitals &bove nfor Over-Pressure izi Schools. red Lo is due to the faot that every <;ne is \!Ve give the more important points of a re·\ uccinated on entering, paper read at the last annual meetiog of the Value of Deep Breathine;. British Medical Aasociatlon : Children, in order t o lrnep pace with t ne p resent code of Deep breathing and holding the breath is study, have to pour over tht:ir leseons, in an item of importa.nce, P ersons of we ~k. some in~ta.nces, until ten, eleven or twelve vit a.Ii ty find an unint errupted succession of o'clock at night. The etf~ct of th' s a pplica- deep and rapid respirations ao distressing The war has begun with mud and slusb, but tion t~ study at night on the brain, and ner· that they are aiscouraged from persevering vous system takes away the appetite, ener- in the exercise. Let suc.h persons ta.ke into vates the chi:d, and stunts its growth; then the lungs as much a.ir as they can at a breath, fo!;ow headaches, vomiting, nervous debili· and hold it as Jeng as they can, t hey will ty, brain fever , St. Vitus's d ance, curvature find a gratefnl sense d relief in t he whole of the spin·., heart disease, myopia (near· abdominal r egion. Practice will Increase has a word of consolation to offer to all who are in need of Boots and' ome the ,.bifity to help the broo.th, e.nd the ca pa· sightedness), 11pitting of blcod, and, in E Shoes. He ha.s a large and complete stock, having received his lnstaucee, convu lsions and death, Toe city of the lungs. After a time t ile art may drea.d of the examination, of t he inspEctor's be lea.med of packing the lungs. This is visit, the anxiety to gain a prize, or the done by taking and holding the lcng breath thought d not b<ing able to paea the ex· 1md then forcing more air down the trachea. d tf 11 l' · amination, so a.11 to l eave the school to work by swallows of air. '.l.'ne operation may be an ~espec u Y so lCl~S the patronage of every one seekrng good .for a livelihood, t ae ea.ch h a.d a sha.re In thb described by that of a fieh's mouth in water. I bargains. He has all kmds wanted- high aBd low- fine and coarseproduction of disease, To thoee _who have never learned it it will wide and narrow-heavy and Ho-ht-hand made and machine made 0 Light, position, 1·entila tion and pToper be surprising to what an .. x ten t t he lunge 11 b ld · · · ' · ' warmth are essential to t te h ealth of child- ma.y be packed. Caution at first is needful, a to e so a~ pnces as low as any other house. This is no idle ren, but later practioe will warr.. nt large use of boast or advert1smg dodge- but is a truth ea5ily verified by callincr The home lessons ha.ve recently been the ~reatmen_t.. The whole ~hora~ic and _ ab- , at bis store, He is bound to keep in the front rank with crood qualit"'y ma.de illegal in some ports of the Shtes, do1mnal cav1t1es will rece111e 1mmed1a.te · b and ex11minationa are now less rigid general- benefit, and continua.nee, with t emperanoe · and low pnces.--ly, yet the code is still too high, and as it in ea.ting and good a.ir and right exercise, . is futile to imagine th q,t all children can be will bring wdooma im-provement, Full lmes of Felt Goods cheaper than ever sold here before. brought up to the same levtl , the boasted one hundred per ornc, of pasaea is a. strange t hing. The head-master or mistress d HERE AND THERE. every Echool ought to have the option of re· receive special and prompt attention. moving from examiuation at leP.st seven per Twenty-five monuments to N apoleon 1. cont. -0f thoee who can give their whole time Full hues or 1..'1·u11ks, Valises. Satcllels, &c. to the school, and fifteen per cent. of all are standing in the cities of France, deepite the commune and revolution. · "half timers." Bowmanville, November 10, 1885. Fifteen swords worn by Guibaldi at va Throughjut t he country t ?i e v oices of ma.nagera, teachers and employern of 111obor rious epochs dnring his campaigns are to be bear witness to the diminished vigor and at- pbced in the Capitol at Romo. tenuated limbs of th e children of our work· At a r Pcent public dinner L G rd Fife not log populat ion, and a~k if there le n o way only condemned entail, but advocated psaeo fopeniog the eyes of our educa.tion thto· a.nt prop"letorahlp, and expressed his willrists to tile bitter and terrible wrongs idlict· ingness to sell bis fo.rms t o any of bis tenant· ed on the y oung. ry who were able t o buY. and mocossfully Nea.r-algtitedneas is unknown among sav- farm t hem, Such a statemeut coming frcm age t ribes. But more tban half the child· the ownt-r of 250 ,000 acres is full of aignitiren in Germany suffer from defective vision, a.noe. Lord Fife has al ways been a generous --M.ANUF.A.CTURER O F - and, in some schooh, three-fourths. T wen- landlord a.nd liberal-mlnrled m11on, He i3 one ty per cent . of the boys, and from thir ty t o of the wea.lthieet men in Scotland, and has a forty P!lr cent. of the girls, were found to large intn ast in a L ondon banking house. be aulferiog from curvature of the spine l Dr. Shaw, wr!tlcg to the M edical Times In the discus~ion wh1"h followed tho KING STREET, BOWMA.NVILL paver, S11rgeon-M1J.j or Pringle ,elllid he wa.s from Water Cs.p, where p oisonous ~nakes much struck on returning to Englan d, after abound, aays that during tne past six years, Ha.a now on hand a number of vehicle"' (and is manufacturing a great many more) of tl1e neweal patterns and best finish, which I am offering for sale 1J.t the lowest prices consist.ant in which he had followed out a method of an ab3enca of twelve years, 10 find w many with due r egard t o workmanship and quality, The following ha list ot boys and girls wearing spectacles. Dr. cure for snake bite, he has not lost a ca.se. t he principal vehicles manufactured by me Drydale, of Lwdon, said that it was an He gives eixty minims of aromatic spirits of 1>mmonla. hypodermioally and an ounoe of ~ourle Cover ed Carriages ................... ... .... .... .. ........ .. . .. ... .... $200 Upwarde, axiom in his mind that children c 1uld no t Singe P h ootons . ....... .,................ .................. .. .. ...... ............ 100 11 he better educated than they were fed. whiskey every two hours. A large poultice of bruised uw onions h applied to the T he same principle might ba applied to a Open '10 11 w ound and llenewed every hour, The proper am .i unt of exercise. __ _'._____ T op B uggy ................ ............ ; ........... ...... . .......... ............... &O 11 whiskey and onions a.re continued until cure D emocrat ' Vagon . . ....... : ............... .. ....................... .. .... :....... 65 11 is ctfocted which is usually on the third ds.y. Lumber Wagons ..... ~.... ....... .................. .. .... ........ .. .............. 55 11 Medical Instruction in Schools. The D.1.k e of Abercorn was .a peer and a Light W ago 40 11 Such a thing would once have been looked ~reat 11mdowner of t he bPst t ype. He had Express Wagon .... ,................... ........ ......... ...... ................... '15 11 on as ahsurd, In ancient times the doctor b 5en a prominent figure iu eocfoty for more Sk~~eton. ... ... ....... ... . ................ . ..... ....... ..... ..... .................. 50 11 -purposely invest ed his art with mystery. tha.n fifty years, and ha was certainly one of Su 40 u More or less of the same spirit and poliny t ho most popular men of his time. Pdnce has come down to our own day. Still, both Albert w&e pa.rtlcularly fond of him, and of- Possessing superior facilities for ~a.nufacturing carrlageB, I intend t o sell very cheap ror o ·sb or approved credit, a nd by so dorng I hope to greatly increase my number of sales. W ould the tendenoies and the 1>ctualit!es of things ten consulted him with advanti>ge about sell the wood parts oni3' , or tho gearings of buggies ironed, havo g1·eatly changed. N ot only have other both publio aud p rivate mat ters. The D J.ke acirncea la,id ric'\rnt gifts at the feet of and Duchesi of Abercorn both figure prommedicine, but the 111.ttcr has fully entered inently In "Lothair," and they are gre·a t !uto their eofarged spirit, and accepted their favorit es of Lord Daaconsfield, who rega.rdAt the Shor t est N otice, Paint!ld and Trimmed if D esired . more accurate methods of investigation. In ed them as !deal specimens of the " high .A.t the Factory I also do P~~ning, :Matching, Turuing and Sawing with Circle, Ba.nd or s 111 oi1 short, medicine has itself, for t h e first time nobility." Bawa, and prepare all J,m!'ls or lumber for carp.enters nd others for building purposes. in its long history, b ecome a ac!er.ce, Ornamental and !'lam P ickets !or fenc ~a m every style required, ma.de t o order. There c11.n sca.rcely be a d oubt of the comWe now under11t~nd as never before the of j ewelry houves iu some of the plicity nature and origin of epidemical diseases; t heir relation to bad surroundings in place great dill.mend robbwiee, One well-known and person ; the prominence of dxi:aking in- London house was r emarked t o have made fected water as a source of cont~.gion ; the am·zing strides not long after tho rob bery. value of di·infeotn.nt s, as distioguiahod from of th~ late Lady E llesmere's jewels. '.l.' he mere deodorizers, and whioh of tllem ~lone value of the j ewelry stolen in Engb nd s ince are absolutely relia.bl~ ; the still greater dis- 1870 would run up into hundreds of t houinfecting power of pure a.Ir a.nd of sunshine. sands' of pounds. A fashionable jeweller We have learned t o fight with suooeas a. in league with such an opera.tor as tbe mast hreat ening epiuemic by concentr<i.ting our ter of "The House in the Marsh" ought t o force on the first · Eolitary case, hedging it do amazingly well- if no woman fa let into around by removal of the well from the sick, the secret. There is an old signboard ha11ging under or the sick from the well, We understand, t oo, t he importance of good hoµse drP.ioage, the t rnes on the chief street lu B ethlehem, and the danger of poor plumbing. We aiso Pa., wel\ther bee.ten and blistered, whereon know thi.t the air of ihe chamber is never is fe en a aqua.re-shouldered house, present , batter than the air of the cellar. We have ing to the spectator its gable end, bdoe· come to comprehend the possibility of which mine host, attired in brown knicker ~tampi ng out the whole class of infectious bockers, is conversing with an old Indfan in a d iseases. The profe1tslon, to their honor, red bhnket, and another in a yellow blanket, for it takes away their patiu1ta, is reoogn!z· while a t raveller in a bag wig, galloping ing the trutn of the old m a.xim, " An ounce upon an excited steed, ha.Ile him with uplifted arm. F urthermore, we a.re infer med in of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Now all t h is has rendered it practicable good English print t ha.t this is t he Mora vlan to avail ·ourselves of onr public schools in S11n I nn Bethlehem, Pa.., esta.blished in 1758. promoting the public health, This is al· A correspondent of a \IVestErn j ournal ready ,being done in t he States, For the last says there is no sutt r way of predicting a year medical instcuotion has been given in change in the weather than by observing me schools of .B:i.ngor, Me., with t ho result the h1>blts of the snail. They do not drink, We have the EXCLUSIVE sale of these Watches, which cannot be of preventing the epread of dioease among but imbibe moisture during a rain and exbeaten for time. the scholars. ude it afterwa.rds. The animal is never seen Says the M edical R ecord, "The nature abroad except before 11 rain, The tree snail, as of the instruction g iven is such that the it is oalled, two days before ra.in will climb We have a reason to be thankful for past favors during forty yeal'a in business here, teachers are made watchful a.nd ca.reful in up the st em of plants, and·if the rain is goregard to their pupils, and often a. so-called ing t o be a ha.rd and long one will get on the ' 1punky' fit is seen ·t o be res.Uy the pr· our- sheltered Eide of a leaf, but if a short ra.ln Now our stock is one of the largest in the Dominion and we will eor of an actua l sickneR11. The pra.ctioal in- on the other side. Then t here are other auguratiou of such a. plan of iwstrµction is species that before a ra.ln a re yellow, after not a. difficult matter. '> lue. In other snails deep indenhtions, beginning at the head between the horns and regarding no man, either Jew or Gentile. ending with the jaocture of t he tail,_ appear Vacc1nat1on. a few days before a. storm, FRIE~DS, W.F.. M EA N BUSI NE SS. As a gener a.I rule, with some exceptions, An ingenious kind of hand weaving ma.one attack of an infectious disease prot ect s chine or loom has been invented ln Germany, frcm a subsequent attack. Hence come t he by means of whioh silk, wool yarn, cords, protective power of oow-pox against small- stripe of fabric, &c., can be woven into pieces pox, the former being only a modified form tha.t may be applied to various useful purof the latter, Tha.t it doe1 protect is plain pose J in the household. In using thie ma· -among other proofs- from the fact that ohino the warp threads are firat arranged in an important London small-pox hospital pa.rallel either on the back of 1iwo chairs or not a nurse or an attendant has taken tile secured to the knobs of two doors. The dis ease during the last thirty y1lara. warp threads are then passed through the But it is not a complet e protection. One heddles, arranged on a suitable frame, and at tack even of sma.11-pox ma.y be followed t he end of the warp threads are tied toby a second. Hence a person who has been gether and fastened to the ba.ok of the chair vaccinated should not needlessly ex pose upon which the pereon operating the loom him~elf. Indeed, a change from one c!Jmate sits, and the other end of the threads are t o anothel'. often ends the immunity. hel <i in a suitable clamp on the table. The Vaccin11ot,to11 is . no_w general in England, heddle frame or comb is raised by means of and t h 0 great maJ~nty of t hese adm~tted to the left band, whereby the threads a.re the small-pox hospital have been vaccmated l separated , and then the shutt le is passed It.is not enough that a person can sho~ a through the warp threads the latter a.re STAND:- Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. v~ccme srar; it sh ould be a good scar; ai,a- 'shifted, the shuttle passed through in the tmct, depressed, with a well, or a t olerab iy inverse direction and 80 on. · well, defined edge. Of two t h ousand who died of small-pox at the hospital, about one· Lieutenant Greely receives more honor out 1 twe fth had a single ind!fforent ecar. Nor of his own country than in it. The British He has all the best gr:tdes of is a single good scar enough. Of the same Association at its mEetiog in Montreal gave number, n early four p er cent. died having him a most enthusiP.sttc reception, and Capsuoh a scar, Of one thous11.nd four hundred ta.in Bedford Pym, the ga.lfant Arctic explorand forty-slx: having two good scars,.about er, assisted by the moat dlstingulahed memthat is manufactured. two per cent. d ied ; while of fi ·e hundred here of;the Geographical S11ction, entert ained and eighteen h aving three good scars, only him wit h lavish English hospitality. The He has in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, abou t one per cent.; a.nd of five hundred L leuten:i.nt ha.a now been honored by the American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken vnd forty-four having four or more, slightly Scottish Geographical Society, and, with over one· half of one per cent ., or one in two Mr·. Gladstone, has bee~;guest of;Lord Roee- Feed, Crockery and Glasswarn, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and hundred, died. l< , urther , of those who re· bery at Dalmeny Castle: Englishmen find Lard of his own make and rendering, His life-time experience in the covered, t he two 111otter cla9see suffer ed far muc_h to admire in tho intrepid American Meat Department enables him to supply a quality unequalled. less, and were far less disfigured by the who ha.a deprived them of their advanced disease, · position in Polar exploration. H ie own The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is Again, ,no one should trust t o a mere be- country Is less appreciative. Bis return of the very best quality . . N o trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals lief, however confident, that he has beau was greeted by the publication of aen2a.tionva~clnated. Of three hundred and seven ty ai and revoltiog charges of cannibalism, only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. au oh cases of merely s upposed vaccina.tion, lPromotion has been denied h im, and not Your patronage will be t hankfully received. about on;i-fourt h died of small- pox~ withstanding h is hnpairod health, he na.rGoods delivered to all parts of the t own on short notice. Still ag l\in tllero is reason to b sl :eve rowly escaped being ordered to rejoin his thatthe p rottctivc power even of the b~st regiment in the West. From first t o last he A call solicited. va ccination in infancy expends itse~ f within has been coldly r eceived and shabbey the fi rst eighteen or twenty yell.rs. H ence treated. Perh&pa when he returns from Cash Cor Bnttc1·, Eggs, Hides, TaJiow, B eet, Pork and no one should fail to be re -vaccinated on England with ce rt ificates of good character all Farm Produce. reaching adult age. from the geographical societies he will be T hose who take this course are very sol · more highly r egarded by his o i':ll countrySTAND dom attl.\cke d with small-pox, and when men., I-l E A LTH. WAR BEGV-lf and Victory Won. rJ. HELLYAR Nevv Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING JOHN HELLYAR. HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C. Bug gy............................................................. ........ rt..................................................................... y........... ............. ........................ ........... ........... ......... · ·~ All Kinds of Veb.icles Repaired I Going, ·Goi11g. ROCKFORD AND AURORA -WATO:S:ES. Sell Cheaper than the Cheapest, AARON BUCKLER. Wedding Rings in great variety. C. 1'1. CAWKER, Grocer, Butcher and Provision M erchant. A compl ete sto ck a lways on hand. ~QL!Yi~R~ Al~I~ ~~QOO~ JE1lLQTW'~ :- Town Hall B'ld'g, C. M.CAWKER.

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