"!~~~~-~~~!~~!_!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~=~!!~-~~·!!!~~Z~M!!~~t~~~ · ~ -~~ ·~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~ ~ ·~~~ .,Ji)\1JiMW'lll!1lUl!N.S~~:IR!m1~~~'.'# :: ~~-- 11 'Dl'l"'~~ -· · · _ ~ - i<_ - BEGUlf WAR . and Victory Won. The war has begun with mud and slush, but YOUNG FOLKS. A Jingle. Who at l..,t quite wca.ty grew Of life upon the 0, He built bimaslf a oottage Where boldly smoked hie pipe And dr~nk bl· eouobono; '.C; He wink'd his s;arboard I, Ile Ret his nose n.akew; And so.id, If U 1>eked Y" Pr~y, There wae a crusny sailor AB X as X could B, Upon the river D. I went to sleep. I like the old utory boolt, mamma.u " I wcnder if my little girl knows who 1vrote it for her ?" " G;Jd, Tha.t is why it's so nioo," so.id the little girl, " and I ~htuk He helpa me under· sta.nd it." " I 11.rn sure He doe·, my d!l.r!ing ; and it's better than a.ny other hock for this reascn : you keep turning the leav ..e and never get to the end." ~~----ac-~ ASO 0 RS. We wish to return our smcere thanks to the people of Bowmanville and surrounding nei0 ahborhood f.or the liberal patrona~e ~ whichhas been extended to us since our opening last spring, proving - Robert Heller, the famous magician, who dlod ll few yea.rs t).go uaed tQ exhibit with conclusively that the method adopted hy us of making "every parcel Wanting to I'ly has a word of consolation to offer to ~11 who are in need of Boots and 1 delight otte t rick of which he wa.a vei;J "I don't care for swimming," said the proud, He would step to tl~e front of the a bargain and every bargain an advertiRement " is one which the Shoes. He has a large and complete stock, having received his young wild duck, " I want to fly." It was platform, holding out at a.rm's length a the first day ·of leaving the ne~t, and the small bird-cage, in which hopped and chirp· mother bird wa.s very proud of the flourish· od a live sparrow, Extending the cage people appreciate. We shall continue to act on that principle and ing young brood ju~t beginning life, '.l.'he above his head, and grasping it with both and respectfully solicits the patronage of every one seeking good nest had been made in the cnzietot of corners ha.nda1 ho woul.d say,astonish and delight you all. We shall astonish you by the lowness beside the river, overhung by rocka, "nd " La.dieB a.nd gaut!Em an, }OU see this ca.ge. bargains. He has all kinds wanted- high and low- fine an~ coarse- with wild flowers 11.nd ruahes bending down lo a re·l cage, isn't it? You 11ee the bird. of our prices and delight you with the excellence of our goods. wide and narrow-heavy and light-hand made and m~ch~ne m~de, upon it, It was so cool and shady th~re It It is a real bird, isu't it? Now wa.toh me the hot summer days, except when, cfosely. The moment I snap my fingers, all to be sold at prices as low as any other ho~se. '.l'h1s 1s no ~dle through early in the morning, the sun's rays the cag9 and bird will vaniah Into thin air." We have for this fall bought a choice selection of seasonable goods: boast or advertising dodge-but is. a truth easily vei;1fied by calh;n.g quite glinted down between the birch trees on the He would t.lle snap his fingers, 11.nd . both ' at bis store. He is bound to keep m the front rank with good quality bank. cage end bird woulc l disappear, leaving not and may safely say that we have quality and value unsurpassed, The plloir had agreed it WlloS time for the so much as a feather ~ehin d, ---and low prices.--. ohildrea to tak'.l to water-at leaat for some Cahert, a F ench wonder-worker, h2.ving of them-so while the father bird remlloiried hea d of tbe bird-ca.ge tri. k, determined t o and that our reputation will not suffer in the output of the goods. Full lines of Felt Goods cheaper than ever sold here before. in t he nest with those who were hatched dis ~ over its sceret, H e came to the perlater, the mother turned out with the older formance one evening armed with a power- Come and inspect our goods and allow us to put you up a parcel ones. ful opera·gtass, Just as Heller stepped Two were already e[ljoying the wa.ter, but upon the platform, with the oagein hia hands, receive special and prompt attention. when you will find that it is indeed a bargain, and we trust, will just as the other little d11ckling was going Calvert called out,to make a plunge he happened to look up, " Put the cage down on the table, pr hold Full lines oC Trunks, Valises. ~atchels, &c. 1>nd he oaugM !!light of a. dragon fly. Aa it it out by one hand." become an advertisement. hovered over. him a.nd then glanced away, Heller made a reasonable e-icuee for not its brillia.nt giu1zy wing~ glitier!ng in the Bowmanville, November 10, 1885. doing anything of the kind, and immedia.tesunlight, It <]Uite turned his head. And lv caused the c1.1oge t odist\ppeur, as u sual. like many another young cr~a: ure he fixed The next m<>ruing Cllolvert, who wa.s on good Late S. MASON & SoN. hilJ mind on something he had not and for· t erms with Heller, called upon him at hie e;ot all about what he had. hotel. " Why can't I fly like that ? I wa.nt t o " Ah, mon8ieur !" aaid the Frenchman, fly," he said again. "I have diwovered your grea.t bird-cage " Patience, my child," replied tl:e wise t rick a.t laet !/ mother; "you will fly some da.y, but you " H ave you?"· replied Heller. "Pray dehave no wlnge yet-·tJnlv legs. You must scribe it." use your legs in the water as we are doin~. "No. Come to my performance to-mvr· and that will belp you to grow properly. If row night, and you sl).all soe it." --MANUFACTURER O F - you do your part in the p1·esent you will be "Vtry well," S!!old H eller. "If you can preparing for the fnture, You have got to perform the t r ick , you a re the Ollly livivg be educated, you know ; don't you see ?" person, besides myself, who can do it." But the young duckling did not see and You can do so by calling at the Heller went t o the evening performataoe, hG would not listen. He only :flopped hia KING STREET, BOWM A.NVILL and took a front seat. After t he usual tricks tiny stumps of wingB n.nd star ed up at the Has now on hand a number of vehicle· (and is manufacturing n g~eat man.Y more) or th0 neweet with cards and pistols had been performed, patterns and beat finish, whl~h I am offering for sale a-t the !!">west )lricbs oonsif!tent dra.gon -fiy. If he had been a child he would Calvert came forward with a. bird-cage, In with due regard to workmanship a nd quality. The f>llrnviag is a list of ha.ve pouted, but as it was he did whatever which could be seen a emall bird flutt.,ring the princival vehicles manufactured by me It ie tnat ducks do when they are sulky, and a.bout. Holding the cage out at arm's he tnrned his back as his brothers paddled length, he saidDouble Covered Carriages . .··.....···...·..·.···..· , ··..······.·... ..···.. , ·· $200 Upwarde, Q.Way, Single Phretons ... ....... ... .. .. ....... ...... . ............. . ......... .... ... .... 100 11 " Ladies and gentlemen, you will see here where there will. be found a complete assortment of ev0ry k ind Di>y after d:>.y it was just the 2ame ; he to-night, for the firat time, thA gteat birdOpen Buggy........ ........ . ................. ................. . .... .. ...... . .... 70 11 footwear from the t;Jmallest to the largest. would not take to the water because he cage trick cf the American wiz:i.rd, Heller, Top Buggy. ....................................................................... 90 11 wanted tlrn air. He moped and moped, and I have had the honor to discover the secret Democrat Wagon .. ...................... . ........ ..... ~......... . .... .. ....... ... 66 11 this Wllo!l all his cry : " I want to fly ; I want of this trick, and I now perform it bofore If we cannot fit you with a ready-made pair, we can make you any Lumber Wagons ... ............. .. ... ....... ........... . .... .. . . . ............. . .. 55 11 to :fly," kind that may be needed, in the latest style. you as my own, when I tnap my fingers, Light Wagon........... .. ...... . .......... ..................................... .. 40 11 Of course he could not grow. He was not the cage and bird will disappear," 11 using the meano for developing himself, so Looking directly a.t Heller, wit h a smile, he could not be a duck all round. In long- Calvert snapped his fingers, a nd the bird· Skeleton ...····.·........·.·..·........ ... . ...···.··. . ....·.·.. ,. ·· . · . . ··· .. ·· · ·· .. 50 11 ing for the future he Jost the present. He cage vanished. Sulky............................................................................... 40 " got smaller instead of biggr, a.nd would At Heller's death the method of mak1rg Possessing superior facilities tor manufacturing carriages, I intend to sell very cheap for o·l!l t1.11ve dwindled down to nothing, I suppose, OE~EN""TIN""G or approved credit, and by BO doing I hope to greatly increase my number of sales. Would the oa.ge and ca.using It to disapp ear, was ho.d not a. prowling fox one night pounced discleised sell the wood parts only, or tho gearings of buggies ironed, ' on him-a. poor starved duckling, and a The cage,made of tho finest o.nd ~<j>.$t, del- neatly done so that the patch can scarcely be discovered.~ very mea.ger supper after all ! icate wires, were separated il;i.to,,l;. WQ. corn· It is no good our longing for the future partmevts by a thin p!!ortitioo. )I'.bioae two unlees we are preparing for it in the present. uompar1 At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. ;mente were held tog'(tl'l~l' by' l:i!l.iJ.ute also the .A.t t)}e Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning ana Sawing with Circle, Band or·f ll oll Because what we have now is always the but po·ferful ~prings, ~h~cp ';ffere ilia.de to t-rainlng for what we are to have by and by, Sa.we, and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters nd others !or building vurvosea. open ':;y pressing :t·,-o 'Ntret, ooe. on each Ornaments.land Plain Pickets for fences in every style reouired, made to order. And ah l it ls no use our wanting to get to side A the ca.ge, . ~ ' 0 '. heaven unless we are employing the right The two wire¥ ~;:~e he~ I>)' t-he performer means and making life the training place for be·, ween his Sb.ar- r.nd finger, as he extendNo trouble to show goods. Please give us a call. eternity, ' ii the oGge- !\t ,, · .~ :. llll'~h. E aoh compart 1 1tmt of J.w~~ ·.o ·· - · .· .t.-Jllade t hat when the Nature's Storv Book. s prlngr 1 .io). ·- .held them together were Mrs. Cortwright was reading, and smiled l iviened, the compartments would colbpse, 118 she read, " " fold· ti~: U.tv ~ very small oompase, .iht:O:ciioa to each side of tha oage, close by " What makee you laugh, m11mma. ?" asked Ruth, the wir~ held by the finger ~nd thumb of the performer, were stout elv.stic cords run" I:.isten, dear : ning up the inside of Heller's sleeves, and And Nature, tbe old nurse, took The chlld upon her koee, fastened at some point above hie elbowo. Sa.y!og, ' Her~'s"' atory-book The bird ohoaen for the oage was one of Thy Father ha.a written lor thee.'" the sma.llest varieties of sparrow, and he "That's pre tty," said R uth. "Are you sure you understand it ?" ask· was pla.ced in the compartment to which the pariition belonged, ~ her mother. Suppose the performer now ready to ex " I understand that-of course I do," an· swered R uth, surprised that her mamma hibit the cage, He steps out, holdhig it up Beg respectfully to announce that their New Stock of Fall should doubt her. " 'Nature' means all at arm's-length. T he elastic band~, being and Winter Goods is complete. We make a specialty of out-doors, a.nd the story-book is about birds on t he inner side of his hande and wrists, a.re · aod t rees and everything you see out there," not perceived by the audience. He snaps "You darling child .! you do understand his fingers, that ie, he presses the wires better than I thought ," said mamma, giving which let t he cage fall apart ; each side collapses, and the toroe of tile tightly-stret ched her little girl o. fond kiss, " I'll go out, now, I guess, a nd read in rubber pulle eaoh seotion of t he cage up the Cloakings and Ulsterings, Black and Colored Silks. performer's sleeves. the story-book," ea.id little Ruth. Tho bird la drawn up wit h the side in "All a.lone, dear? Don't you want some one to read to you ?" for Ruth could not read which it was placed, and, etra.nge to say, is often seriously injured by t he operation, We have the EXCLU SIVE sale of these Watches, which cannot be printed books very well, and always asked not Every part of this t r ick requires the utmamma or Avnt Lucy to read to her ; ahc beaten for time. most skill and the moet delioate handling in ea.Id she understood better so, every deta.il to make It successful. The fact "Ob, I can read easy lessons out-doqrs," Cottons, Flannels and Tweeds, Shirts and Drawers. We have a reason to be thankful for past favors during forty yeare she said ; so her mother ~l ed on the white that H eller performed the trick h undr eds of in business here. · sun-h at and the little girl tripped away into times before attent ive audiencea, without betraying t he aeor et of it, shows to what an Having bought very largely we want to sell quickly, consethe garden, Now our s.tock is one of the largest in the Dominion and we will When she 011.me in, a long time a.fter, she extenj; attention to details may enable a quently, we will offer goods ai prices that will ontea herself on a little bench at her moth- man to triumph over the seemingly impos· er's feet :" Now, dear mamma, let me tell eible, astonish our customers. you about t he stories. The first was ants : they made hills all a.long the we.lits, and regarding no man, either Jew or Gentile. were so busy every minute bringing grains of sand to make the hill higher ; and there We mean business this season and are bound to sell, there· wasn't one t hat didn't work- not one little FR .I E :ND S, W :11 l'fl EA. .N B 1J §IN E S nauii:hty ant that said 'I won't ' or ' I don 't fore, parties asking us for bargains will not be disappointed. J. HELLYA ..........._.,~~-~-~- what ieit to U1" A Fam1>us Trick. New Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING JOHN HELLYAR. MASON BROS., HAINES' CARRIAGE -WORKS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, Boots anti. Sl1oes ·. Keep your feet dry and warm,. CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, .CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. 'Parlor hoe Store,' of Good fl.ts warranted every time or no sale. Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock; Express Wagon.................................................................. 75 All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired 1 Best quality of Dressing and Blacking STAND:-Neads' Block. "W. JENNINGSe Going, Ifow Dry Goods and Clothing I ELLI ON d: CO. Going. ROCKFORD AN D AU R 0 R A Ready Made and Ordered Clothing. VTATC:HES_ (We offer Dress Goods remarkably low.) Sell Cheaper than the Cheapest, s. It is generally admitted that we sell cheap. i'i · honey all the day from every openbig flower ;' they were busy too," 9-3m " Like the a.nts ?" " They were better than the ants, 'ca.use they sang all the t ime- not like the birdr, but they hummed ·and buzzed, and it sound· ed real nice, they seemed so happy. " Then ther e were the a.pplee. - the Iittleehildren ap_Elee-green and small and h ard a.nd sour. They a re not good for much till they are. blg men·and·women apples- ripe and sweet. The s t ory-book said, . ' Little children a ren 't worth much now, but let 'em be ; by · ~nd by they'll be grown up, and then they'll be good for something.' " The mother smiled : " I think your book ' STAND :- Town H all Building, one door east Ont. Bank. wa.s very interesting, Ruthie, and you can reo.d it ·better than I thought. Anything more?" · ..... · " There W al! a. beautiful st ory about dai· He has all the best grades of siee. When I wa.s out this morning they were all looking over to grandpa's, but after d!nner. they lookect etra.ight up · to the sky, juat as if they were pw.ytng ; now thi>v are tuming their facen t his way, as If they were that is manufactured. sorry t o see the sun getting down lower 11.lld He has in stock all .kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, low(,r in t he sky, They looked sad, as if they ha.dgot to say, · Good-bye,' and didn't American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken want to," Feed, Crock ery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured' Meats, Sausages and "The da.ides follow the enn," said mam· Lard of his own make and rendering. His life-time experience in .the ma. "just as we ought to keep looking to J esns all the t ime. " Meat Department enables.him to supply a quality unequalled. " ' Fix your eyes upon Jesus ;' I guess The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is that iB what they were saying, only they not speak loud enough for me to hear," of the very best quality. No t rash or poor goods kept in stock, deals did said R uth ·; "and then I la.id down and let only in the best goods, which will be sold at t he lowest possible prices. the great punkah-we.llah fan me." " You qu·er child ! what do you mean ?" Your patronage will be thankfully received. " Why, m.amma, didn't you r ead to me The French lady doctors have carried the Goods delivered to all parts of th e town on short notice. about them the other day - the fans they day. Henceforth the female medical stud hav0 in India ? ' .P unkah ' roeana ' fan,' ents w ill be mesdfmoi·elles les intei·nes, and A call solicited. you said, and 'wal!a.h' means ' boya' fan· such they w ill be admitted to h ospitals Cash Co1· Butter , Eggs, B.ides, 'J.'a.Uo-iv, Bee:f, Po1·k and boys. The tans bang from the ceiling, and as on the s~me t.orma as their male colleagues. the boys pull 'em up and down. The trees Sixt y aapiran' s t o the M. D. degree are at aH Farin .PI'oduce. were my punkah-wallahs ; the br anches p!·osont rt'joicing in the vict ory, among them .- Town Hall B'ld'!!. were my punkahs, 11.nd the wind was the a young uegrees, who Is so.id to be one of STAND · .., · · · , wallah, and they kept me ~o cool 1 md nice most zealous students in Pa.ris, AARON BUCKLER. w~~~~~·~~aw bees- the hees that· gather Bowmanville, 8eptember 30th, 1885. ELLISON & colt Wedding Rings in great variety. C. 11. CA Grocer, Butcher and Provision M erchant. EE A complete s toc k a 1ways on h and R,Q)LL~B~ Am~ l~Qlfm ~LQTW'~ All Wool Suit MADE TO ORDER FOR 9 DOLLARS l Well Trimmed and Wel Made~ Gents' ~""'urnishings C M CAWKER JOSEPH of all kinds. JEF FERY~