Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1885, p. 6

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AN EGYPT IAN R 0 MAN C·E· . , -----------, .ETo., ETo. ~l!£i!!!!ll~XZ~i~i&!IMCIMIAi1Nilili!!!!!~~;g~·!=~~~tliiiSGU&l~~~~-~·aa~AiUlii1DWS~~~""'~~W!lti~ ·~~~~~~LiGl!~!iliiii&b~~~-~L~~&~i~D~uaz~-~-~~uar.~ .e&iJ!liilililil~ ·~~~!S2ii~~~~~!·~·~iiUiiiiiZUt~~............... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~bilillliGEiMi~!!~~.. ~~!!!~1!!!:!!!!!~!!~~~~~¥*~~~!!~~~1~1!!~!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!! · of the c11orrlaga window, when they the strange, and to them as yet unmea.mog. s pectacle of some street gamins, actively aided liy 11o few children, of la.rge growtL, hanging a large pi~ that wa,s d ressed like .. Cnristia.m over a tire to roast, taking goo1 1 c11ore, however, Mt to touch it with thel·' ha.nda. CHAPTER IX, l be~el<I AStory of Love and Wild Adventure, founded upon ~tartJmg Reve1 a. · · trnns 1Il the Career of Arabi Pasha; By the A.utl1or of" NINA, THE NIHILIST," "THE RED SFoT," "THE Russ1AN SPY," OHAPTER VH,-(CoNTINUED ) unconscious tha.t court etiquette prevented hl~ quit1iing the Khediva.l party. There was one p ·esent who read her thoughts and rejoiced in her mist~ke and evident chagrin, aud he was Ahmed Arabi Pasha., who, far from having given up all hopes of ma.kiug her his, ha.d,ficmly resolved that his she should be directly tho patiently for the hou:- should arrive, when kie· metordeatiny shouldmake him the master To the Lad1· es IBARG ~~LOOK FOR~ I A INs( OUT · ____ choice of · I beg to announce that I have a vary fine IN MILLIN ERV. --o-- · n ANG !S, IN THE CROCODILE QUARTER AND AT Tl11C :~~ t:l:~~f ~g~~d :f!o~ft a.~~!~~li~c~on:~~~ THEATRE. than once th.~ t a.s a punishment for her l do all my own JIAJlt WOUK amt will DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, been famed, and their oonfidenoe in the Yes, It was a comical sight enough when treating his offer of ma.rria.ge with so much ~l'arrant u. J oi11t Control. &c., with a ve1·y hea.vy stock of " It ill certainly so. There cau be no WI h h not viewed as a sugges1ive one, and there disdain, he would no longer make her hia' · doubt a.bout it. All these a.coursed loousts t t is obliquity of vision all around, was nothing in it of cruelty to ca.use a ehud- wife, but merely one of the many beautiful Hair Bleach, who shall particuli.rly blame Mr. Trezarr, Feathe rs Flowers. who settle down In Egypt beoome our mas- the doh K .gliah ·banker, for allowing his der, for the pig was dead, and from the slaves of his harem. I-I a i r Pins, --o-ters. They bring with them, too, their own But the swarti1 y w.u minister's was not Ne-ts & Coinbs. laws, in order tha.t they may violate ours," comely wife imd lovdy daughter to attend serene expression ofits porcine countenance Thanking my customers for past fa vors, I t he only m "'levolent gaze that wa.e fixed up · the Op.e ra House even unaccompanied by he died (for one of its race) happily. respectfully soliciL all to call and inspect my 1 S h grunted To11lb11. Pasha, to whic u eima.n himaelf? He h11.d arrived at that time of A stiff shirt colfar aud a high black satin 011 poor Nellie, for from behind the g ilded ST.AMPING done promptly and neatly. prnsent stock, which I am sure will give the Bey added with an oath: me w:h en an eaey c h 8 i r and a newepapar, stock con1·ealed very probably the gap in lattice work that conooaled the l adies of the u tmost s11.tisfaction. "No doubt about it, and what is worse, they not only start businesa here unasked, ta.ken :n coujnnction with a prime cigar and the thro11t which had let the steel in and the Khediva.l harem from t he v iew of the entire but the claim Indemnities when they fall a bott.e o~ icetl C~hatea.n Lafitted, proved a life out, while hfo capacious pa~nch ".l'a.s audience, whilst it permittecl them to see over n. Mnycr·s Store, · · nowmanville, ·i· h. h 01ll' weak minded fund of enJoymen. muoh gre ..ter t han even covered with an immaculate white w111st· j house 11ond stage alike a pair of large black · Y. d tb.e rem,, Ill emni 168 w dic to p "·Y ., · a ba.llet, far less an opera, could have a.fford- co"t, and hfa little short front lee;s dangled glorious eyes soft a~ velvet yet ~harp a; ru1er a ways seems r ea Y ~ · d h! s f b'ddi his woma.n kln d inside the ~leevesof a black cloth coat, whose ateel, were fi~cd alternately ;lp·)D our hero· " Ra.laing the taxes of our p Qor until th11y e · m. · o, 8 ter 1 ng ine and her t wo admirers, taking fierce cogeither cheat the colleotors a.nd get the b!los- ' ai: lmpillhent farewell, ~o:r he was in the lappels were t~rown well b r.c~. As for_his .hmder legs (·md 1t ia to he p re- nizance oi the expreaaiona of ea.oh, whil~t tlnado on beivg detected, or else pay and nuddle of a leading_ article i.? a fortnight starve. People such as these make very old Tunes, he had hie a.rmch~tr movad _ out 11umed hie tall included), they were tucked the fice of fiercest hate was kindled in the good rebels, for there is nothing to make ~to th~ ga,rdeD, w~ere hi' might wi1toh in a ineide a pair of black cloth trou6ers t!1a.t he<>rt of their posee·sor as she diacovned kmd 01 drowsy t>DJ oyment the gorgeous set· were a mile too long for them, whilst some· t ha.t the rival was beloved by both. "d 'I' lb them loyal·" s.;o,i ou a, . ti f th bl00 d d E" t i f how or other an ?yeglass wa.s fixed in front Th lle f th.e miic was e.s power· .e " Should Allah ca.11 upon me to r eign over ng 0 · re oYP a,n sun, rom of one closed opt10, ..nd what had been once e exce nee 0 m h . l , IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY EVEl-tYBODY WITH A them I will make them loyal, for the fellah, within a. httle s.ummer hons? tha~ was a lrno?t a jL mnty P aris nigh-crowned silk Jlat (though 1ess to attract het at 'entlona,e t e rw i oresslike a. dog, would lay down his very lifo tor buried ben.eatn fri;g~nt J.i.smmE>, !!Ind 111 now disfigured by many 11o dent) was fastrn- es. of the parformers or. the be;\uty of the I!. kind master. By the Prophet, would that front o~ which a droop1n~ date t ree gently ed ( t k rttl "d ) t f th miae-en·scene. A qua.roar of an hour ago s uc a 1 e on one n e a op 0 · e she had longed for the spectacle, bnt now he knew better what it wa. 3 to hii.ve one," wa:ed its clu~ters of ?r1mson and golden huge lop-eare_d head, which alw hung a li_t· sh h · d fo n th! but tha obJ · ects of HA...VI:XG 40 SETS IN STOCI{. said the wai· m!niat~r proudly, and Toulba . frui t, the _sunlight ca.usmg them to resemble tle on one sd.e owlJJg to the manner m e a eyes r 0 ng · Pasha at once made a.newer : huge precious atones. hi h th0 b t ' h her love and hate, and she would h11ove given DI I lill! ru e was ung, · her very life to havs been able t o plunge a. tl. Splendid i·ang·e Of' Jlot·se an H~ts from ,Pl to $4: " That is bec1rnse he has ~o many masters. " Assuredly his lot had fallen in pleo.ea.nt w c Asthecoach_mn.n wasreducmghlefractious stiletto up ·to its very hilt in the white each. AIM>, llobes-Grey ana Black-Good value. There a.re twenty foreign consuls in Egypt, places," the rich man thought to him?elf, and each ls a petty prince. They are above and he aaw not Lnza:us a.far off In h~s little horses to obedience, ~ c~owd of the young bre11ost of her foirer a nd younger rival, and ilu.bbcl' Rll,l g·s and UOl"SC Covers, &c., vc1.·y low. all Egypt. Their w!1otches regulate even the mud hut thatched with straw, with its IJ.o!e street roughs, the maJOrlty of them x.early to wa1;oh her die wlth graa.teBli agony first. sun. Let a Feringhee do what wrong he furniture of a mat and two pltcb~re, ea.tmg na.ked and more than half of th~m posa~s~- Nor let these vengeful ieelings on her pa.rt RU will, yet hfo consul will protect him from . hia evening meal of coarso m11o1ze bread, Ing but one eye(for ophthalmie1118a ternbla be wondel'ed a.t, for E~stern blood is na.tur~tl · ·· the consequences, whilst the Egyptig,n is wh~lst he gazes ha!~ savagely and half de- scourge in Egypt, and. ma~v P"~ents also ally hot and vengeful, and a life of idlPness S twice Injured by tho alleking of r edress." apa1ringly at the t~ny ooppet coins that to cut out the pupila of their chlldrnn s eyes, so and seolUBion is apt to increase ancl foBter all that they mav_ escape wh<n ~rown up the that ia evil In a nature that is never given For Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Sore Backs or ore Necks on horses. " Tha.t is true for his c~se ls tried, not the va.lue of the thut:eenth pa.rt of I\ dollar Cannot be excelled. Try a Bott]e. - by his' own laws: but by those of the mv.n rep1·esent a day's labor of six·te~n hours in horrorR of military service) surrounded the to the study of a.uvht th11.t is good. who has injured hlm, which of cours1 there the burD:ing eu1!, yet out of which the tax ?arriage, loudly d<ma.uding baksheeeh, ~or Despite the gra:t heat of the nlaht in the CA.SD FOR HIDES. """l:T· _ .I.. is no understandinir so that in seeking to gatherer will seize at least a quarter in order m Egypt alms are demanded as a right in- narrow streets, the interior of th~ theatre recover his stolen o~~t the chances are tb.a t thll.t rich Europeans may be feted at the stead of asked for as a favor. was kept deliciously cool by the continual ~-= -=~=-==-=~=-=-= "".!~=~== ·· ===~==-~ -.===-~= = = -~ =-=-~======-=-~=-= ~=====· Mrs. Treza.rr, however, who knew that fluttering of enormous punks.a, worked by he looses all t he rest oi hie apparel," sa.id Khedive's nominal, out of theae poor starved .Suleim11on Hey, wratches' real, expense. both pig and clothes must have been sto!tin machinery. There was a fr~e circulation of " By Allah e.nd the Prophet, where Is the But while we are thue moraliz_ln_g, the from Europeans, and had a vague n.ud misty air to everywhere, and the lamps in the aud'.tll!e of discussing these m9,tters further? Cau. ha.ndaome two-horsed oharlot contuming our idea that the whole show was meant as au itorium were not numerous enough t o g'3nwe count the aa.nds of the do~ert or the sea,· lovely heroine and her mother is clashing insult to the whole p-0pulation, would not erate muoh heat vf themselves ; whilst b ,, · .shore? No, no, but WI\ can try to s11.ve our- al!mg the Choubra.h r oad toward~ the city, pa.rt with a single paistre, whilst Nellie, low, in place of the E11rop9an arrangement -selves from being bmfod bene&th them, nev- with ooac~man and footman in 1rreproach· whose perceptions were keener, was too of ptt and eta.Us, wa.a marble pa.veme-nt, with -ertheleea. My friende, we must lose no time able liveries, en route to the Opera House, terrified even to fael for her parse. Happi· a foudta.in in the centre that threw spray in· ly, at this juncture, the horses oondesended stead of water, which, inittead of fal1ing, . iln teaching thr<Jugh t rusty but secret emis- near the !1ue de Mo_wow. aarles the population of 011r great oities the N allie is not looking her best, for her col- to spring forward in the right direction, seemed to di~olve into the atmoaphere and ver, they did with such sud· tend to cool and moisten it. wrongs and injustices which they suffer and or and spirits seem to have alike forsaken wnich, howt1 how they can best rid themselves of them. her. The fact la, she le fretting about Frank dennees that one l mportuna.te young beggar The habitants of this part of the ho11se I Ahmed Ara.bi of Ora.bi proclaim myself Donelly, whom she has only seen ocne since was knocked down and trod under their had to move &.bont with bare or stockinged · the friend of th~ downtrodden and the op· the fe~e at the Gizereh P11olace, now an event hoofs, whilst t he wheels uf the ca.rriage pass- or feltsoled feet, so t hat no noiae should die· 15,, ' pressed, and as being ready to lay down my of the, to her, long a.go; and on that solit~ry ed over the toes of A second, extraoting from turh those who eat above, but the lowest ;Ufe in their ca.use, Should t hey elect ma as occ11.eion he had met with so cool a :i:eception the suffererB a. choru~ of howls, minglecl claase~ amongst the a.urlience were 11.ccomodtheir champion my b>1ttle cry will be · Egypt fr<>m her parents that he had ever since held with oaths e.nd execrations in gutteral 11.ted as with us in the topmost circle or gal. In order that no one shl\ll be disapp-0lnted watoh, will be giTen to the sender of the laet Arabic. i or the Egypti1ma and down ·with the Euro· himself aloof. Then a shower of stones was thrown, and lery, and these celestia.ls, like our own, were In this competition, the proprietor of Truth correct answer rec~ lved at Truth office in The you~g officer was the la.at ma.n In the ;pean control.' You, my friends, I am well not a.lwa.ys silent or well mannered, and ha.d will promptly m'l-il, postpaid, a HALF DOZEN this competition; the second to the la.st, f h ·.aware are with mtl hand and glove whilst world to stir up a daughter to needlessly one, sm11oshing a window, struck Nellie's eraamy·hned right shoulder with. a. fo rce not the European p ortion o t e spectators FINE SILVBR·PLAT:ZD TEASPOONS Ol!' ELEGANT number two, the Silver watch ; the third '<!;he allles that we can number without are rebel against those to whom she rightly owed tha.t ca.used it 'to tingle and its fair p osseHsor felt so eecnre in their self-conceit they DESIGN, to every person sending one dollar, from the la.et, number three, and so on, 1'.lready more numerous than all the follow- obedience, n.nd as it had seemed to him very to cry out in ala.rm : might have noted many things to o.i.uee them and six letter stamps,. for foar months' sub- counting backwards till all the one hundred ing of the Khadive, Go, then, and sow in evident that neit~er ~r. nor ~frs. Trezarr even more than uneas 1nes~. scriptlon toTmh, and answering these three and twelve rewards are given away; Five (5) silence in order that we re~p a.midst the would ever sai;ctu~n his ma.rrylDg her, . ~e " Oh, let ue return home, ma.mtna, or we· rJ>:But neither the marked disa.pprobation of BIBLE QUESTIONS. days only will be allow ad for letters to reach pean of victory " had made up his mmd that both for Nellie s shall be murdered." the comio inoa.ntation eoene which maoy of Truth office from distant points, and all let So SJ.lOke the' war minister. Toulba Pasha sake and hia own it would be better did he "No, my dear. The d11onger is behind us the baser nlass of epecta.t ors seemed to re· 1st. Where are SHEEP first mentioned in the t ers must be11.r p Jstma.rk where mailed da.ted ma.de a.newer : " A victory that ho.s been try t 1J forget her, and by zealously keepi'?g now, and were we to return we should have gard as an insulting burloeque 011 their own ? not later than the oloaing day of this com vouched for by the unlying tongue of pro· o_ut of her way, help her to forget him m to pa.so it a.gain. Besides, to be afraid of belief in the supernatural, or the growls 2nd. Bible ··w here are Q{JATS first mentioned in 1,1etition, which is January 31st, )1886. phooy for has it not boeen foretold that the like m·nner the wretched natives would be very bad and ejaculations that greeted each appear· the Bible 't · grlllat ieader who shall restore Mohammed- · But N ellle, far from giv.lng him credit for form, and to show our fear might be impru· a.nee of tho Britleh grenadier officer who is 3rd. Where a.re OXEN first mentioned in the THE CONSOLATION REWARDS. anism to its ··olden glory shall be called kmdly r.nd unselfish motives, had made up dent In addition. Mobs do st range things one of the leading characters in the opera, Bible~ · l. One gentlemen's fine solid Gold Watch, Ahmed, and 'is not thy name Ahmed ? And her mii;d that ha had .surrEnderecl her far even at home, som-lltimes, so you must not were regarded or noticed, and at the t erm· The Spoons will be given whether your elegantly engraved. b as not the time in which this deed will be too ll'lsily ; and then Jealousy, of course, be afraid. I wonder wha.t could have been inat ion of the performance the audience be· answers a.re correct or not. The letters wlll 2. One lady's, fine solid G·old Watch, boautiw:rou<>ht been fixed for the thirteenth cen· crept into her he-art to make her still more the mea.ning of the show ?" gan to disperse, the fashionable portion at all be carefully numbered by disinter ested ful design. tury ~f the Hegira? And . do we not enter uncomfortable, and she began to believe that "What could it mean, m&mma, 11x'o ept all events well plei>.sed with the amusement parties in the order they come to hand at 3, 4 ·and 5. Three gentlemen's fi· ne coin Silupon that century in the oouree of a few after all he mmt have learned to care much that the fanatics would like to serve our en· that had been afforded them, and Nellie TTuth office, and if your answers are corred, · ver. W a.tchEs. weeks ?" . more for the Egyptfan lady whose life he tire race as they were serving its rep11esent· Trezar: a.lone received any indication of and your letter arrives In time, you will get 6, 7, 8, 9·and 10. Five fine heavy ex;traSll"Inshallab, be it as God wllls," replied had sa.ved than ha had ever done for her· a.tive ?" 1 danger io the future. one of the costly prizes named below, in ad var-plated Cake Baskets, newest deaigns. the war miu.ister devoutly ; and then he self. " The repi:eaenta.tlve of our race It. pig ? Tne warning ca.me in the shape of a piece dition to the Silv<?.r-pla.ted Tea Spoons. That 11 to 20. Ten fine solid gold Gem Rings in added · " You m11oy t ell that prophecy There Is not one glrl In a hundred who I don't follow_you, my dear." of rather thick writing pa.per folded In two, is, the eendei:: of the first letter received at pearls, rubies, emeralds and diamonds, unto the peop!e likewise, for if Allah spealts would not torture hereelf in a verv similar " Oh, ma.mma, don't the natives Ji Ii.ta na which was suddenly puohed into her white· size to 1it winner. through his prophet 1md I am the person mann_er under.the ea.me olrcumstances, and in pii.rt beCfi.uae we are swine ea\"r 11 and kid gloved hand by a. huge and bare one aa T riith otiice correctly answering the above Bible questions will take number one of 21 to 40. Twenty solid Gold Rings, no'\:pa.twho ia alludod to I dare not even if I oertamly Nellie had some excuse for deing therefore do they not. conp1e ns wit1ri.he to black a.a ebony from behind, but . when she these first rewards, the Thre.J Hundred terns, would, reftlse to obey the behest'of the Most so, since when her lov~r had calle~ at Mo~nt them unclean animal wblch we make onr looked round she could give no guess as to Dollars in gold coin ; .the second the.Piano ; 41 to 90. Fifty solid rolled Gold Brooches, High, So uo a.way, and lose no time in sow- Carmel on tha.~ one sohbry ocoa.s1on which food? Wa.a not the bitterest scandal that its owner, so with a thrill she opened the new desi!Pll, Ing the good seed, yet be caJ"eful that it falls we have mentioned, he had never as. much they could concoct a.bout the Khedlve the paper and reii.d in delicately traced oharact· the third correct answer received will get the SILVER TEA SERVICE; the fourth correct 91 to 112, 'l'wentv-one finely bound volumes not upon stony ground, where the birds of as ~sk~d her for an answer ~o the question tale that his European favorites had t aught ere:" The dove who hoversnea.r the eagle's answer, number four of these first rewu.rds, of Sh!W:ESpea.re's Complete Works. the a.ir will see and devour it. With this which ~e had propounded with such te!vor him to like h11om? Should he lose his crown nest should bllwa.re its clii.wa and beak," 1U1d eo on till they are distributed. Mr. Wilson ha.a been liberal and generous counsel I dismiss yon, my brothers, and in the illumined p1.lace ga.rdens the mght and our lives a pig will be at the bottom of (TO BE OONTINUJID.) . The spoons will be eent promptly on re· in his off..rs before, but this h the roost lib· also with the parting all8ura.noes that a.a I soar before- namely, whether she would m11orry it. I feel sure that it was iu the bloody celpt of the dollar and stil.mps, but the list era.I and best an·anged plan yet devised you will soar, therefore remember that him without her parents' consent, Indian mntiny when the false rumor that of the winne rs of the larger prizes. in the of giving his ouatomere the benefit of a porIn pie.in truth, the young dragoon had the Mohammedan sowar'e carbine cartridges ,All.i.h biasses the birds that remember their cwn ne!te." had no time to .do so, for he had was~ed a had been greased with hog's lard led to the Gave Hhn Jnst Twenty Minutes. firet, middle, and consolation rewards, cau- tion of hie profits, and d istributing re· not of courea be given till the close of the wards direct to .his readers, instead of Perhaps this warning was not altogether pi:ecious five mmutee in t he usual greetings, s hedding of whole rivors of Chriet;an gore." J int bafore the arrival of the "flyer," Competition, J a.unary 31st next , as it will · iriving them to !.\gents for getting lists. unheeded I but be that as it may, the trio a.nd t~en the mother had come into tho room " Nellie, you are a little fool, and may la.at evenlnc( au elega.nbly clad youn!{ lady parted with mutual exprensions of fidelity and directly a.fterwarde the father and had depenq upon it that inste~d of being Intend· who wae also q ite prett y, wa.a noticed not be known who 11.re the winners of all t he T he puhlic should show their appreciation 11 priZM till the Competition ends. of his enterprise by pa.tronizing him gener· and esteem, not left him alone with Nellie for a ~ingle In former lists of competitions a.re some o1 ously. J ust consider what you 11>re abso.ineta.nt hereafter, and when half an hour ed as in insult to the Ch1·istians, that dl'esa· sit.ting near a wl.ndow in the s tation. later he had received bis cool conge from ed ·up animal was merely a kind of Moham- She occiut()Ually cast hor eyes iu a modest the most prominent men aud women of lutely certain of- in the first place Trutll, a medan G11y Faux, It's a. p ity t hat their CHAPTER VIII. the severe paterfamilias, who had followed scruples will prevent them from eating the way ab a f<1<ecinatln1t traveling man who Canada, a.a well ae the most humble, All large 28 page weelc!y magazine, for four ·ruE HANGING AND THE ROASTING m' A PIG, him out side the dl'awing room door in 01·der anima.l 11.fter it ia roasted, and It's a. pity if strolle"l past with not!cea.ble regularity. iJ.re welcome to compete, all will be treated montha, - which a.lone, we guarantee, will Yet another week has passed away and a to ba llB coldly Impertinent as he could make thev've stolen it from a. poor man inst"a.<i of The traveling man also gs z ~d and his with the utmost foirnel!s, and everything please you, and you will be eo satisfied with investment that you will renew for a European opera company is playing " The I hlmeelf conao.uan "- with what he considered a rich c.ne, and If you wa.ut a third r egret glances were full of admiration. He offered in these lists will be positively your year at the end of the four mouths, and that Sorcerer" at the Cairo Theatre to crowded to be good breeding, Frank had t ried to per- from me it is that our ca.rriage windows a.re finally stopped and they entered lnbo distributed without partiality. b.ouses, suado himsalf that he wo.s gliad he h&d not broken." THE FH~ST :REWARDS. id wherll Mr. W ilson hopes to make his pro· converll!'tfou. .As they oha.tted the fits ; in the second place, you will get the An.other case of danoing, singing and fid- been allowed time to ask what he had called " Mamma, t ell me If my shoulder i9 cnt." young man's hand unconsciously stole l. Three Hundred Dollars in gold coin. half-dozen silver plated tea spoons, which dling on the brink of chaos, though to be expressly to a.ak, since he had been forced "No, my dear, I don t see a mark. If under the wra.p and c1a~ped in a tender 2 · .A fine rosewood gra.ud aqua.re Pia.no, are eold at retail for far more th11on the 11um sure nobody guesses how close ch;;os is at by t heir ccnduct to the conclusion that there · by a celebrated maker. you were hit 'tia .fortunat.e that the stone embr&ee the ahapely fi.ugers it concealed. hl.\od, for the sowers of revolution have per- was lrne of Christian forgiveness and the 3 and 4. Two fine extra good silver plated you wilt send ; and In the third place, yon have a ohanotl of a fine pi1 mo, organ, gold formed their labor in darkness and in si· milk of human kindness in Nellie's pa.rent s' was 11ot a sharp one, for the bruise will not The young bdy turned her head l eisure· Tea Services. until to-morrow. Here we are at the ly boward the captivating d.rum'ller, show lence, and no one perceives a.a yet the strong constitutiollB·th11on he had before supposed, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Four gentlemen's elegant watch, or many of the other handsome and thea.tre, so do call up a emile, my dear," and ea.Id in a dignified manner : "I am costly prizes in the three lists, provided you crop of knife, dagger e.nd eclmltar blades " And if they persisted in not forgiving fine Gold Watches, (American.) N ellie eesa.yed the task, and ln part eucd mingled with oountleBS bayonet points th11ot her she would mope and fret, and inetead of ceeded, for the bright lamps, the flaunting surprlsad a.t your action, sir, an presume 9, 10, 11 and 12. Four ladies' elegant fine answer the Bible questions oorreotly. making her happy I should only make her plav bills and the richly carpeted and light- I should ca.11 an c.flber. Bub l live tn is springing up all a.round. YOU ARE CER'fAllf Gold W a.tches. But very soon a sho wer of ·blood drops wretched, on which account I shall sacrifice ed interior of t he dress circle entrance lo·)k · Toronbo-1 have been abaorbing Its cul- 13 to 19. Seven oelebra.ted W a.nzer Sewof big value for your money in any c&ee, will be needed to replenish tha.t crop 11.nd my own happiness for hers without further ed so homelike and European that they ture for yes.rs and hate a acane. So I ing m!\Ohines. and you may get FIVE HUNDRED TIMES the r.na.ke it grow the quicker and bear fruit in struggle," had been Frank's final resolve ; seemed to breathe an assurance of s11.fety. sha.llgive you ju11t twenty mln.utes to re- 20 to 26, Seven gentlemen's fine solid Coin value of it by giving this your a.ttentioa due Eea.son, and then as .Ferlnghee blood but he would have been able to carry it out Silver Watche11, The footma.n, descending from the box, move your hand from nnder that wrap." will give It the strongest nourishment these better if he had at once retired from the threw open the carriage door and a.eelated h is ~,__,,..,.,.._,.,.,,.......,_,"'""""""'..r~ 27 to 50. Twenty-four solid Gold Gem Rings, NOW, Mr. Wilson's whole system of Bible dancers, singers and revelers will be aroused scene of action, instead of which, with a ladles t o a.light, and a minute or two latr.r sizee to fit winners. from their pleasant vision of ea.so, luxury strange, yet natural, inconsistency, he still they were in the company of a score of other ARD OF THANKS. - T o the Mana- 51 to 135. Eighty-five ladies' fine Rolled Questions ha.a been endorsed by the clergy of a.ll denominations, and there is ./ llo doubt and a.aiusement· at the oomt of the Egyptian, liogered on in Cairo, thongh there was not elegantly dressed Christian woman in the ger or the F ire Insurance Asaocii>.tion : Gold Brooches. 1u though by a thunder clap; the slightest necessity for doing so, his health sumptuously filled up cloak room, whose Sm, I" hereby r eturn t hanks for t he prompt 136 to 507, Three hundi:ed copies of a fine but that they ha.ve resulted in giving a great (by your ligcnt, Mr. 'l'hos. Bingham I Impetus to Bible research and study throughSo for the present the Frn.nk hotels are h1lv ing by this time been quite re·estab· ellvery laughter 11.nd 11onticipatlon of coming payment. tor my loss by fire, caused by a sp11.rk from a German Oleogra.ph, better In quality out the length and breadth of Ca.na.da and crowded, and the E11ropeA.n quarter of liehed, thresher.having received the full amount eteam and colors than moet of the oil paintings the States, and accomplished much good, t he city is as bright and cheerful as any Though the young dragoon had resolved enjoyment caused Mrs, Trez<?.i:rat all events of my insurance I N GOLD on the occaa10n of my now in the market.. wedd.ing. Yours thankfully, THOMAS Letters have been published in Tr"utk stataristocrat ic subur b in Paris, Lor.don or New to give N ellie up, he could not tear himself to forget the outward occurrence that had golden JARDINE, In order'·to give all persons, llving any· ing that the writers ha.ve in many instances York, a.od only In t he labyrinth of dark, wholly away from her ; that was the true happened during their drive thither. Tyrone, Sept, 11, 1885. The house when they entered it looked whei:e, a fa.Ir opp-0rtunity to gain rewards, taken up the Bible for the first time to filthy, intricate lanrs and van e.ye, where the state of the case. He still had no small de· ARD OF THANKS. - To M essrs. there has been arranged a lot of rewards to study up questions that have been proupper atories of the fiat-roofed houses on gree of comfort in gazivg at her afar off, and particularly bright, for t he perform11nce that Gault & Tattley, managers ot the Hoyal be given to the sender of the middle correct pounded from time to time, &c., &c. It either aide nod towards ea.ch other, where even In looking at the windows of the house evening was under royal (that is to say, Insurance Company (of England), Montreal : answer in the whole oompetition, from will, we a.re sure, be to the interest of our the occupants of the high<>st rooms in which she dwelt if he had been unable to K hedival) patronage, so that the oentre of GENTLEJ\!EN,1 tender to you my best thanks of all can easily sh v.ke hands across the tor- oa.toh a view of her fair self for a few days. the d ress circle (the heat of the climate for· for the prompt payment through your agent, first to last name inclusive, the senders of the many readers to take up this matter at once tuous winding thoroughfares from their r e- He also derived some degree of satiAfaction, bidding the construction of oloee, stuffy Mr. Jam es Bingham, Tyro ne, or my claim one hundred and thirty-threeoorrectanswers and compete without further delay. The 111pective verandahs and balconies, are the though it was certainly allied with st!U more boxes) was brilliant with rich uniforms, against your Company for a horse killed by following the middle one, you can therefore· prizes in this competition are not as numerlightning in the field, having received i>. cheque almost be certain of getting a valuable ous as the last one, but owing to the fact that seethings of hatred and discontent allowed of uneasiness, in the suspicion (which .he w11os gold lace and gli~tering jeweled orders. the full amount. MRS. c. J. MARSII. Prince Tewfik was seated in a golden chair for reward by 11ending In your dollar and stamps EVERY ONI! will got one r ewa.rd (the spoons), even to swell into a murmur, and that mur- one of the very few to entertain) that a. time Hampton, Oct. 15, 1885. ~2-4w· 11ony time from now till the close of the com- and many persona will get two, the cost in umr is quickly suppressed. of peril and danger was near 11.t hand in of state, and &round him stood a gocdly arAnd yet are them a sufficiency of signs which he might he able to render her or her" ray of p ashas, beys and effendi·, mi<1 gled A. G E .N 'J.' S WA. .N T E D petition, as well as securing at once, as soon the ~grega.te to the proprietor of Truth le !loll you send your money, the half dozen tea. very much greater than any yet offered to and omens to give timely warning of wh a,t some grnat essent ial service which would with many an embroidered coated European 'IO SET,L FOH THE spoons, which, ap&rt from any other prize the public. Everything in the three liets of iB shortly about to happen to those who nre create a revolution in t heir sentiments to· consul, and here and there an EngHeb., engag1;d in t lie ~eadlong pursuit of wealth ward him and lead up to as happy a climax French, Auetria.n, German or Ita.llan officer you may get, will cost you at retail far prizes will positively be given, and no postin the uniform of h is corps and oountry. and pleasure, chd not those occupations en- a11 any recorded in a novel. more than the entire snm of money asked ponemeut or alteration of these offers will To the right and the lef t of this gay as_ __ be made. gross theh entire and undivided attention, But Nellie h.i.s no such hopes or comforts for, THE MIDDLE REWARDS, Complete lists of the prize winners in this Can it be JlOaaible t hat the Europeans, as a to buoy her up, and her sorrflw is all the semblage sat many a comely damo or lovely LARGEST IN CANADA- OVER 100 .A.CRE8. class, d o not no~ice the ha.tred with which harder t o bear because her pride forces her maiden, attended by father, husband, brother competition will be publithed in Truth imCabinet Org.m, by a oeloA fine 10-stop med1a.tely a.t the close of ·the competition on the native population have begun to regard to assume a gaiety of disposition which she or lover, all clad in sombre black, for they Sle ·ttly Employme nt to Good lllcn. br.,ted maker. J anua.ry 31st next. Prize lists of former them-the flashing of the eyes, the curling ls far from feeling, and in the artificial sus· ha<!. been in uniform oi: official dress they 2 and 3, 'l'wo gentlemen's fine Gold Opencompetitions are appearing almost every of the lips, the ~ound of the spitting on t he taining of which she is conata.ntly breaking must, by court etiquette, h ..ve gone over to Paid by salary or cnmmission. Can start face Watches, newest design. swell the resplendent group who encircled you ground atter they have passed by? down. ut onco, Dout apply unless you me1:.u 4, 5 and 6, Three la.dies' fine gold Open-face week in 'P ruth and the names of a.ny given may be referred to as t o the genuineness of 'Tis true that one or two c<msuls have In the diuk depths of the carriage, how· the K hedive, amongst whom were Ahmed business and. wal.lt to work. \Ve fnrnieh out· W ..tches, newest design. the;offors. In order to prevent fraud, the proodged oomplaints of not being saluted by ever, she mak~s no attempt to sustain the Ara.bl Paeha, the war minister, and Capfain fits frco and oay exponsed. A.ddi·e3s 7, 8 a.nd 9, Three double-barrelled English STONE &. WELLINGTON. prit tor of 1.'ruth r esei:ves the right to deny Egyptian sentries when In official uniform part which she ha.s set herself to a.ct, but lha.nk Donelly, the latter cla.d in t he brilliant T<rist Breech-loading Shot guns, from N urser ymen, any person or persons the privilege of comon tbeir wrJ.y to and from the p a.lace, but giving way to her real feelings suffers the scarlet and gold of the British oavalry serChas. Stark 's grea.t gun store ·. Toronto, Ont. the r emissness on the soldiers' part has been great crystal t ea.rs to escape from her beau· vice, for he had been dining with Sir Ed- --------------- --· - · 10 to 40. 'f hirty-one fine extra heavy silver petiIJg for these rewards. He hae always ward Malet, the consul-general, and after· set down to opium instea.d of Impertinence, tifnl violet eyes. done exactly as promised during t hese two A CARD. - To all who are suffering from plated Cake Baskets, elegant pattern. and has been either overlooked or forgotten. And now the carriage baa entered Cab:o wards, rather against hie will, been induced the e rrors a n d -indiscretions of youth, 41 to 90, l<'ifty solid Gold R ings, 20 different yea.re in conducting these competitions, and his r eputatiqn for fair and honorable dealing 'Tis true, also, that many ~uropeans have proper, through the great Gate of Victory, to accompany him hither. nervo us weaknese, early decay, loss of patterns. obsei:ved t~at the ma.sees pay far more ·def· and rolling a.long the no longer level cause· Is too well est ablished now to risk overthrowHe was no longer sorry that he had come 91 to 133. I!'orty-two fine R olled Gold Broo- In~ it. Address, S. Frank Wile~n, 'Fruth manhoo d, &c. , I will send a recipe that erence t o the war minister, .Arabi Pnsha, way presently reaches the opening to that when he beheld Nellie Ti:ezarr and h er mo· ches, newest designs. office, 33. a.nd 35 Adelaide St. West, Toronwhen he drives or rides a.broad than they unsavory and evil reputationed locality, the ther enter the circle, and it was not long ere will cur e you F REE OF CIIARGB. This do to his highness the Khedive, b11t they Qua.rtier du Crocodile, After theae middle rewards, for the bene· to, Canada, All money must be sent by the young lady sa.w'bim likewise and wonder - great r emedy was discovered by a mission Send a self- fit of those living at a greate r distance, there mail or express, so as to give all an equal consider the reason for this to lie in the Here the e:lare of flames and a shrill hub. ed that he c id not c ome over to her, rather ary in South .America. pasha's austere piety and b oundless gener- bub of cries and laughter frigh tened the despistng him in her heart, in that she fan- addressed en velope t o the R .Ev. JosEPII hae been arranged the consolation rewards. opportunity. None can be rece1 ....,lld by teleoslty, two qualities for which he has long horses and ca.used both ladie11 to glance out cied he Wall a.fraid of her mother, and all T. lNMAN1 S tat·ion D, N ew York City, 46y Number one of theee rew11o1d111 the gold graph. For the NEXT 30 ))A.YS I will sell for LESS SWITCHES, THAN cos·r the remainder of my st.ock ot and WAVES. Stylish and most Durable Millinfaiy & MRS. A. DAVIS, Mrs. DONNELLY. I IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Carriage or Team Harness remarkably low, I I EL l IM A s EM BR . OCATION ' W. H. MA APRESENT FOR EVERVBODVl "TRUTH'S" SPECIAL GRE. AT HOLIDAY BIBLE l C OMPETITION, mo. I C C Fo NTH ILL Nu Rs ERIE s.

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