= ~ THE ;A ,..._HOUSE ~1' ~ - BIG z ~ 0 · COS T SALE. e:::) a:: C::l ··'('..°"t LU c... >t:t.:I bl...! c:ii :aE <'.t Our a=present prices~ and our ~large stock~Al have caused an in1mense rush for BARGAINS. See our Mantle Cloth, 3 0 pieces. See our Ulster Cloth, 4 0 pieces. See our Flannels at 20c, all wool. See our Fla11nels a t 25c, 27 inches wide. See our all-wool Blankets at 50c per lb. See our heavy all~wool Hose at 25c p~r pair. See our Dress Good&, all prices. See our Cashmeres, black and all colors. See our Tweeds, Overcoatings, &c. ~!Accounts due must be paid at once. ~~ If you want real bargains in Dry fGoods and Clothing, a ttend The STAR : .:c: IiOUSE Big Cost .S ale. T . GE 0 . MASON. 1· C::J ;~~; The last trip fo.r the seaso~ on ~ri d ay la.st. I · Whit by and P1cke nug h a ve r esolved on gener al corup nlsory vaccination. ----01---Mr. Jno. D . H owd en, of Col umbu s, h as bee na p pointed P ost mast er at Whi tby . ALLEN 'S L uNt: l3ALSAM:-ls t h e g rm1t modern r emedy for Cough s, Colds, Con · sumption, A sthma, Croup an d Bronch itie. lt is r ecomm end ed by P-hys;cians everywh ere, who a re acq uainted wi th i ts grea t u sefulness. Mr. I . J. Hick ey, east of Cobourg, threshed 719 bushels of barley off fourteen acr es. M r. Geo. Bur ton, of Picker ing, got h is fi n gers badly smashed in th" cog wheels of a separator. \ If vo11 are suffering from a ' se nse of · exlire1;ie Wr>ai·iness, t ry a bot tle of Ayer "s S arsa pa rill a. I t wi ll cost you b ut one d ollar, and will do yo u i ncalcul .. ble good. It will d o away wi th that fe eling, a ncl give you new life and en ergy. Mr. Willia m F erguson . <tu old and re· has now in stock one of the mo&t elecrant and extensive stock s of opected r esiden t of .l:'idi:er ing, died in "' Turou tu last week. Boots' Shoes, l·'elt :a.ltd llubbcr Good~, '.1.'1·11nl4:!ii, Valises,. Mr . Geo. -wicks, of Cobo urg, last week S:·fchels. &c., ill the County, sold his fin e st allion 8pecnl um , J r. to M r . McL ennan, of Percy, for $600. All of which. h as bee? ho~ght for cash in the most depressed markets. D IARRHCEA .Al\D D YSEN '£ ERY a re perhaps H e is no w d1sposmg of them at unheard of low pr ices. th e most. common ot our ever y day ills, and every person nearly h as some spacial T~ e whole st ?ck must be sold irrespective of prices. Now is you:rr· cure of t heir o wn. O urs is P erry Davis' time t o get first -class goods fol' a mere trifle. Competition no-where. °P.AIN·KILLEH ., and having used it for m an y years we can confi d en tly r ecom47 mend ic. st~a~:e:::~:m:O~:~·her I ADEC . IDE DVICTORY ' High Prices Cut to Pieces! JY.[_ TRELEVEN M. TRELEVEN ·. ~ ~ D RY GOO DS ! Quantity, P. - AT1- · !IJ CLARKE COUN CIL. ·11\i'O fftJ ,. "" ~ It '1../ IGH: T A t the last E ession ot t hiH Connell. Nov. 3rd. after routine, John Stephens was placed on Indigent list. at $3 a month. John Mulli gn.n presented clo.im for inj ul'ies to a horse. '.l'hc Heevo is to inves1iJmte. Th e Agricultural \Society was granted $GO -the usuo.l g1·0.nt. C. ' Wragg and J . R . Heid are to be notlJl~d to apuenr at next meeting in regard to change of pound-keepers. I '.l'ho fol lowin~ accounts was passed:- Jos. ~ BJ e. rcpo.i·lng bridge, $1.0fJ; Dr. Carvetb. at·' tendance, $J.00; 'l'h ofi. DancastM, work on I gra.vel roud, $2.50; K Pinder, wm·k on gravel , road, $2.00; Jessie Woodwar d, work per cou. tract, $25.00; Joseph Fox, plank, $1.00; D, : Mciv.l ullen, work per cor.tract.lil.00; J . Biglow, ·) drawing gravel, $20.00;_J . Gibson, plo.nk.$1.GG; I G. Alexander, repa1rrn g roads, $G.OO; N, Pow(·.rs, repairing culvet, 50c; Alfred Grirlin, : con traot. 1,li lG,00; '.l'hoH . Pa ttersou, work on side i lino, $2.00; .J ohn Ca meron, nails. GOc; "\Vm, : Bo.ttcn. work on gra.vcl roo.d. $6 Si; vV.Milson, : rE\pairing bridge, S~.00; Sawuei MercPr,plank, ; $2.GJ; Ed. Cobhledick,ftxing culvet and bridgo, 1~2.00; S. Baskerville, plank, OOc; I; CobbledicJ(, lank, $3.00; \V. Pen wal'den, repairinv bridge. 41) ~lt $ 1,50; W, Ila.rrie, woJk, $5.50; Herbert H.en· ~ ~~ wick, bon us fl5 rods w ire fe nce, $ 11.UJ; W. Dick~on, bridge cnntmct, $ 18.00; J . M. Cobble· dir:k, plan le, $4.00; Ed, Rolls, plan>: and rep. culvcts; $3.00; S. Cnttle, arlvel'tisi11 g Court of ltevision, $2; Geo Cur tis, sarviues Court of Hcvision ~ l.iilJ; J ohn Cuttle .. un printing o.ccount, $25; JI,··T. Howe, selection or .Juroi·s, $8; l limm Melson, for loss of on~ sheep by dog·, half valne paid, $3.50; Indigents: Louisa Lee, Widow Kelsey, v Vright l!'a mil)', " Widow Vansl:ivcr..John St.ephens, ~3 each; W'idow Eglison, vVidow Wilkrnson, \Vidaw Sauncl· en ..Ta.m es Moor, Widow Merl'il. $·l each; David Jolrnslcm, $10; C. Decker, SG; M. J . .Brookbank, $5; I ' .Brain~rd's M usical W orld, we are al' ways pleased t o r eceive. It is a popular . I Iiluetrated Musical Month ly; it is b right ~ r eadable, and coutains good m usic witlud. 'l'ho November number is very inter=== --..:..-=--========~,================~ .= esting, both in !Hera.ture and muoic, and c;,·~i lh1' l · · ~-+ n ess some lively magnilJ.ceul; trains daily· . we commend the M usical W orld to all f,!~t~.C ~1 nlUU~titt~ ~ .\·R .C~UlRti. Truly B m ke ton has a future . who like muaic and wish tu keep i nform~~-~-~-"~-~----~~---~~--~-- -,~-~-The writer would b e guilty of a very ed concerning the arG. T h e music in th is B owTutANVlLLE, r RIDAY, NovB'R 20. <rrave omission were he not to add a line n um ber is "I Still cherish t he Shells that -==-~-=====---=::c. in r e<»ard to the Burketon General Store. we Gathered," by H. T. M artin; "The 0 'fhe Risin g Town of Burket on . 'Mr. Quigley, t h e accommodati~g a?d F airest in the J,and," by M. H . Rosen-· entet·prisin g proprietor, has alreacty btu!t feld; "Pansy Blossom W altz," a rranged l3uui>ETON, Nov ..'\.- T hi s vilhL ge, now u p a large trad e. He w ent to work m by M. 0. J., and "Long .Lo ng A g0," by coillpetrng grain n:iurket of the Couu ty of· the proper way t? accomplish satisfactory Franc· Burgmuller. There is a line porDurham, iB vrn.11 situated o!1 the lme / results, by selectmg snch _goods ns th e trait of M iss Em i ly Winant ancl a full between Cartwrigh t aud Darhug t,on. '£'.he J pe_ople want a nd by markm).( down the page picture " E :L rly Morning on the rrnHl of the C . I>. R ailway :it thi s pomt price to the very lowest n otch. He keeps Rhine." '1.'h e subscription price is $1.50 i.3 t hr un;.{h 1ho sandy ridge of land , afford · a first-class assortment of dry ~oods, per annum; single copies 15 cents each. ill!?' b ;,J.utift:l bn ildir1g gwu nd for a t own groceries boots au d shoes, h aru ware, Address the pu blishers, S . B rai nard' s i 11°the future of coneiderabl e importance . paints, oils, etc. , so that almost e very- Sons, 52 Euclid A veuue, C le veland, 0 . The certaint y of a p laco rivalling the t hing can be g-ot from h_im that _is wanted town s of the front is only a matter ofl' in the household. L ik e a-wide-awak e .' l'he Christian Heral d and Signs of our · ll t .b usmess · . C~rt w rig man , t·oo, }ie a d ver t" ises' l"b 1 e ra []Y 'I'imes, published at 63 Bible House, N ew t ime. l t 1w.'< tlH> advantag? o£ t() thu 1~ rth a J h.r;;e l ,f·HUn> of M anvers n1 the STATES)IAN that nearly every York City, at $1. 50 a y ear, is one of the and Dtrli:·gton a _ !j:J.ccnt. 'I'h c R ail way family around h ere r eads r egularly. We best r eligious weeklies known to u s. EvCornpany is e recting larger station build - wish him continued succes9. ery N umber contains: The Portrait and invs here tlm n mos~ places, and a large Biography of some emin ent pereon. The <Yt·ain wn.re!iouse ( (ho lat t er which cannot COUR'l'IOE. Ser mo11 Dr. Talmage preached the p reviliold the gra.in offered) ic~ evidence (If t he ans Sunday morning. An E x position of f B k t0 Messrs, J . Walters and D. Pickle returned U nfilled Prophecy. A S ummary of the l f 1. o . atimate p ut upon tie u0ure O ur e !1· I st week from a week's shooting at lake E f tl k N f i· · 'J.'lrnr"' is no finer section , altogether m s";.,ugog; eight d1 1cks represents the t otal vsnts 0 ie wee ·, otes 0 re igwus ' h f b d and Temperance :Yiove ments, et c. SarE the province. Hy.. E lliott, sq., as amo_ unt o . game . agge . H LAd ·old ·ost of hia land in lots and they a.re Miss Edtth Shot t h~s ent~rcd UJJOn 8: cour~e mon by Kev. C. . Spurgeon, of on on, e: n. . . . of study a t Bowmanvtlle lltgh Scbool,tt applt- from advance sheets sent by special a r bei11g now bmlt u pon. A m ce g_eneral cation u.nd abilitl· count she will give a good rnng-ement. Pictures @ f Missionary Life, st~rc, post nfl:ice :i.ud telegi:a.ph o.o.: iuce are account of herseIf. . k .:irJt hy Mr. Quiulcy. Mr. Edgerton is [ n eligious servi.cel! was conducterl atEb,-,n~"'· etc., and D escriptive Articles. An ins tal. t" l cl'i;g and '[j,1r Good all is er on 'l'hanksgivmg Day by the Rev. J. Whit· ment of a Serial Story. An Ex:positiou erec m g a t w · . · '- · ' ' lock. of the International S unday.School Leso.bou t u:n1king l n.rge improveme nt s very The Missionary sorvicea in connection with son, by Mrs M. Baxter. Notes o n J!'or. soon Several trades men and mechanics the Methodist church will be held at Ebenezer · . · h . .1 · d 1 · t 18 · expected on the evening of the 25th inst. Revs. De. eion 'J~opics. are prrn.pectm~ ere, < ll . . Wilhams and Newton H ill will add1·ess the - -t h at a blaclrsnnth and carriage maker will meeting. . Following the custom of r ecen t year s, U>i s i'J '·r.ic' o;:i ~h.:; ~"<.:m ~. . A planing, '!'be D . U . Cneese Co. closed operations ror f· Har pei·.'s l\/("a!!a"1 ·1 ie fo" December is es. '· - · ' ~. · - · l d . . d t . the season on Monday last; the toLal amonnt o · i .· ~ · sash and rloor fact.ory IR ne<-e e ,i~i tie milk delivcreil was J,30U.37l lbs. pecially a Ch ristmas N umber. I t may s ite i. ;; purchased. Olrnrch ~erv1ce IS h eld l\fr. J. Allin, our new teacher for nex t year, fairly be said to he the most briliiant weekly h ere <d ~errntely by P1·esbytena us visited t he the scho~l on W:ednesda.7 t o note Number ever iss ned Amon(!' its cOI!trib, 0i 1 ' f 1:', ., \ rl. 'l'l ·e lJ be the mod1ls opei·and-i of affu1rs. . · · · . :o an 1 , · .·;u;;-11 t- · . ·· · J _ i; ·. '· ie1 . w1 , Mr. S. Brooks, from New O!·leans, is a guest : u torn ar e George ~V . Curtrn, Charles D . 11 t wo <l wdmigs p elt u .14 t or "h tJ P ~ pose of of Mr. J . Brooks, at present. Warner, W. D . Howells, Uonstance F . ron'in< ; to a D~·r;tor :v·d :i.n ~gri cult_ural DEN, ' Voolson, Charles E. Craclock, Elbiahet h irnvl.em<1n t agent. Mr. Bur ke bargam ed - -- - --+ S tuart P hel mi, E dwin Arnold, William \\it h a party fro:n t he Coun t)'. ~f ~11rou OROlv 0 . Black, RD. )3lackmore, G eorga H .Boug hMr. W . H. May occupied the llfethodi~t pnl· ton, Brander Matthews, c. P . Cranch, f '.Jr ~ome fi ve acres upci.-t wln_c·.t it was 9 iutendcd to erect ·~ gm t unll, bllt it ~i.t ~~~i~t~r~ni:9-tb:3~1:e~~i~ ~o1hd s~~~~~~a and W. H. Gib~on, and the illustrat ion s a.pi .0nro :r:::r. Hvrk:i ccu lcl not de vots the had special reference to the mission work of are from such artists as Abbey, R einhart, tl f · r somo re-.8 on the the . church. On Monday evening a very snc· C l p l F d t ·WJ C i;o 'e surve ' or ·o . ., cessfnl missionary meeting was held. The Boug hton, Gibson, ale eron, y e, re bargam has not h eeu ci.rricd out. \"'_e speakers being Hevs. Mcintyre and Roberts,or ericks, Dielma n, a nd Smedley. The numlearn tl:c m uttE>r rn yet u noettlod. It 16 Rowmanyille. b er contains nin et een full-page engrnv, t o be rozr ctt"d thn,t £1r. B urke h as n ot The lcctnre given by John R. Clarke, ou in"s · ti tation on Wedne~day Of last WE\ek, was a granrl success. 1l!S prop··H y aun ouno.m g ie a · I We heal' the lootnee sookcn of in highest terms ,., · the u:: M·k et, but t he Town n evertheless by ul l. . · . It would be impossible for any farmer will g~o·ll' on t h at sold by Mr. E lliott and A mectmg of Temperance workers ~s to be to read tho c~nadian Stock Raisers .Tou r , d M held in the Sons' Hall on Mond1.iy e vemng nex t . . h a!o11g t he not·thcm gravel roa . r. to discuss matters in r egard to ProhibHion af!d rial a year without receinng ten times t e Elliott will jikelv <>rant a sitn for a church . tho succossf11l enforcement <ff the Scott Act m value of the subscription price· It is t h e .Du r ;.d 'rn rn u~t ~~ ,~ ahc3.d whatever other this 'l'own~h~P· . best journal of its class p u blishe:i in the r ai iwu.y do. Ther? is ult1lo.c:1 v~~~~~~!h~~~.f~~~~gyl~~8cq~~T~l6'itf~~~ Dominion and_ we h u.ve m:i-de spedal ar sm:til pla~s 01.l" t he _ no health10:r pla~e, 1t bem g on very h1gb wer e given on our streets. rangements with t h e P ublisher so that we and d r y bud, a ud Laki. Ontario can be 1 Mrs .srno- '.l'be.littlo waif who wo,s last aeen can offer it t o all sub scribers along with oern l '> rnil es i» the dis tance. Persons I making good his escape from th!l ~tore·!1ousc t h e STATESMAl'f at only $ 1.GO a year. S ubw · · " . · of the "Corner Store" on 'l 'hanksgivmg mght, . . · , . . · who are aceu~tume1: to the damP. air of I We htw e much pleasure in noting the pro- scn ptwns must be sent t o the STAl'.ESMA~ m ore pret ent10us ptacea, wuuld find the grass made by our towns man, Mr, Jas. McGill, office. 11.tm ospher e hece h1;1cin.., invigorating and who has within t he past season procul'ed for 0 ' d tl t· . f b t himself a oomfortab!e home, May many others ' The L ondon W est ern Advert.iser is one well aaapto t o ie p1:omo ion o r o ~s copy hi~ ambiLion o.nd go to wol'k "ith a will. of the best fam i ly newspapers published h ea1th, and the s 1t uatwn on the lead·~g :Mr, John Chm ter has s tarted business. thro ugh rail way liue tmables on ti to wit- I SP&c·i·o. in Canada. See prosp ectus in t hia paper. R I ·t , - Mr . H enry A . Haight, of Picker in!Z, recently sold t o Mr. T. Lenir, for a gen tlema n in Michigan. a 2-y ear-old atalFon, for the sum ot $400. R ont l\SON's PHoSPRORl7.ED E MULS!ON by its sti mula ti ng actions u pon tho or gan s o r digestion a nd assimu lation , a nd by its p owerful alterative t onic and nutriti l'Ei properties, puri ties t ho blood from all tain t, a nd incr eases its solid con stituen~. A l wau ask fo1· RournsoN's PHOl:>PHORI Z.ED E MULSION, aud b e s ure you get it . A u old ma n n amed "Will iam M cMa uu, who lived about tw o m il< s east of Baltim ore, com mit t ed & uicido l ast week by taking a dose of Par is G rnsn. Have you a cough 1 Sleepness nigh ts need n o longer trouble yon. The use of Ayer's Uher ry Pec1ornl, before r etiring, wi ll soot h e t h e cough to q uiet, a ll ay the inflama.tion, and a llow the n eeded r epose. It will, howeve r, speedily heal the pul· monary orga ns, and give y ou h ealt h . The cantilever bridge over foe St. L _ a wrence river , near L ·whine, for t h e C .P .R . , will coRt $1,250,000. 'l'he structure · will be finished by Nov. 30, 188li. · 8M1Tn MEUICINE Co. - G~ntle!llen, I have made a tr ial of on e bottle of DR. Sl\UTIJ's G1rni\rAN Womt U 1mE1' Y, with s uch s:ood cffot"t that I have no hesitation in r ecommendrng i t t o tlH public as a prompt and r eliab]o m edicin e. ln fact, t hose wh o u se it. on ce will always d o so. Yours trnly, J. HARvrn, 172 Cadieux-st, Montreal, D ecemb1Jr Vth, 1881. Messrs. Haggas & Son, s foundry a nd machin e s!wp, at Uxbrid.~e, we re burned down on Suuday morning of last week. Loss, 83,000; insurance, $1,753. On vVednesdav of laet week , Andrew P i ckens, of Pcr:y, wh il" c utting bands fe ll h ead first intn the cylinde r. His head w as completely severed, and his body horribly mangled. A Wo1w OF WAUNING,-··T o pr oteeb tho public, a ucl proveut the m fr om bein g imposecl upon by t he worthless collnter feits :i.ml i mitations of our MURRAY & LANMAN's J:t'L01Hl>A W _ 1i:r.En., we have preps.red paper in which the wo rds "L..i.mrA.J." & Ib;>ll.' N ew York, " appear in paie letters whe n a J.;,af of the littlo pamphlet is held np to the light; und wh eneve r Fl orida Water is offered for sale wrapped in a pamphlet that does not h ave this wate_rmark or stamp in it, t.lien it is counterfeit, aml should be r ej ected . Bu CK'S CELEBiiiTEDSTOVES The HAPPY THOUGHT & GARLAND RANGES, RADIANT HOMESingle and Double Heater, - - - AN D- -- PARLOR COOK 7 all fitted with the Celebrated and only Duplex Grate I They stand without a r ival. FURN ACES, a specialty. For sale by S . S. EDSALL. COAL, W OOD &LUMBER. Having to make room for a large quantity of Wood, recently purdwsed, will sell, until further notice, at the following prices: JJCr Cortl Delivered B eech and Nla p l e, Selectc(l B oC:ly \Vo od ................... $ a .OO do. d o. C ul! do. .. ..... .. ......... 4 .00 do. do. J . . ii·n bs ....... ............... ... ........ . ... .... .. 3 .a t> B est P i iae c u t t"1·on1 G 1 ·een Tin1bel' ....... "............ ...... :J.at> Jlline cut f"ron1 D ry 'l.' in1be r ........... .... ... ... .. ............... . TAI'r'S PHOTOS. On·11.w ,, , 6G Slat er St. · Sept . 8 & h. $ :i.GO }le 1· ton Jl;us8rs. 'l'ciit d': Morr·isun.- DEllR Srns, Accept thanks for photos wh ich please us very much. Slw.11 prohu.bly order more later. Frieuds who have r eceived cop tes think them cha,miug. Resoectflllly yours, A. C SANGSTEl{. TcsUm o11 i:tl from Sil' ;Julius J!cn t,d ic::'l'he Grund Concert Piano-l!'orte by W~1. K NAllE & Co., which I had the pleasure of trying myselr, and which I o.Jso heard perform ed upon, combines in my opinion, an ad· mirable quality of tone. equally adapted r.o the display of powei' or to expressmn, with a rn1Jste excellent, easy and yet elastic touch, 'l'he sohd1ty and fiuis.h or the wori>:roanship _or his splendid instrumen t is beyonil all praise, and taken o.11 together, I consider it one of the most pel'fect pianofortes I over met with. and whose succe··, w hethe1· in a large conuert hull or in a private drawing-1 ·oom, does not admit of the slightest don bt, and will become as universal as well deserved. LONDON. ENGLAND JULIUS BENEDICT, S c ll·a11ton and L a c k :n v:n1a Coa l , d ry a nd l vell scr een e d , a t H:tl'bor and $ 6.00 d elive r e d. D es t Briar IUH CoaJ, ror domes1ic use, $ 6 .00 JlCl' toe, de· 1ivc1·e d. Rcynohls ville Sel ect J~uu11· C:oal, tor st can 1, $3.00 11cr t ! n a t the "Ya1 ·d, All Kinas or BUIla ING MATE RIA l ~ept constant11 nn han~, and we can furnish any bill on very sh ort notice. Intending purchasers please call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Dowmariville, October 15, 1885. I MCCLELLAN tc co._ 42:2m GF.T THE BEST TUE '\VES'.l' ERN I J. HICGINBOTHA SON, ADVERTISER J.ON DON, ONTARIO, Published alternately 'in clyht un<l twelve-pa(fe form, ancl /Je£iu tif 1ill11 p rint cd bu one of t he D R uG GISTS:J B uy their goods from reli able hou ses and can su pply the p u blic with ucst web-jeeclinu pre:s:ses in Amc1·ica, Bala n ce of 1885 1"r ee ! It is an indisp uffid fact that. tho reglllitr circu. Pu.re Dru.gs! at r easonable prices. Just to h and :---A large assortmen1 of T OILET SOAPS and HAIR BHUSHEf from the best manu facturers. · lo.tion of TITE W.!i:STEHN ADVEH'l" !SEl'> is the largest in Ontario. with only two Toronto ex· ceptious, being over :$!),000. 0 ·. · · ' LARGEST $1PAPER Incz.,usoffow· wuz ,.·v v:a'l'fz.,15a.cach. I I POPULAR D.EPARTMI!;NTS Note a few :- ll'irst-class Agricultural De1 iartmcnt; Specittl l\'farket Department; Secular a nd ::lacro<l Music ; J.htcrcsting Stories; l,ad1es' u n d Youtbe' Depo.rtments ; Unl'ioua :ind Useful Department ; J, egal Depo.rtment ; 'l'AL)!AGE'S SERMONS ; and ALL T H F; NEWS by telegraph, mail and correspondence. llu111Irc1ls or Valnab fo Pre mhm u l<'or workers, and O!'!E HUNDRED SPl>:CIAI. PRJZES for the wost eucucssful ugents. Agent's Package and sample copi"s on applicatiO!J. 'l'he most liberal inducoments ever ottered m Canad& to club·gcttero. AdilressADVEltTISlll~ PJUNT IXG <:o., Lo nd on, <:tu uula . Of interest to every m.ember of the family. I 8PONBEI, CHAMOIS, PERFUIH!RY, &c., &c., &c. Pure Ground Oil Cake always on hand. ·~