Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1885, p. 7

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h AYER'S YOU NG FOLKS. UNDER THE SIIADOW SWORD. ITEMS O F INTERES r. CANADA'S LONE LAND. Au In ~ esting A.ccou.nt of Dweilus in tile Wildern ess. . . _,. Mr. l'homa.s Fa.wcett, D. L. S., of Gra.venhurat · ot., has returned home from spend Ing f~vr months in a pl\rt of Cll.nada almost We wish t o return our smcere thanks to the people of restores, with the gloss and freshness of unknott'n to the rest of the D ominion, He youth, faded or gray hair to a naturnl, rich startcc l out in the e,a.rly part of the season, . . . . · . brown color, or deep black, as maybe desired. f .. r Ra.L Portage, wltn a par ty of four beaidea Bowman ville and surroun d mg neighborhood for the liberal patronage ]3y its nse light or red hair m;iy be darkened, ltet !" neJeasu.ry guid es h1wing a local knowledge ,., '" (f · ) The cost of the epidemic of smallpox at b t d d thin h!lir thickened, and baldness often, Death to a 11 ,arangs . ore1gners . M l 18 . l"k l h $" O O of the country to e raveree 'an to m o.kc w hichhas been (·xtended to us since our openino cr last sprin&!', provinocr 1 "Fling th~m into the river, and let them ontrea e Y to reac o,0 0,(; 0. . a route survey of the boundary line of Ou· ~ always, cured. tbougl\ fio'l.t down to their countrymen I" King Ludwig of B~varia thrashes the.den·· tario. The route traversed by him ext eudIt checks falling of the hair, ' and stimu· Never had there been such a.n uproar iu ti1:1c every time he has a toot11 pulled, ed from Rat Portage down the Winnipeg conclusively that the method adopted by us of making "every parcel Tates a weak aud sickly growth to vigor. It the old B11rmeeo c ity of Rangoon since its T he Kiug of Italy's hair is turning white, river t o the mouth of the E nglish river t o prevents and cures scurf. and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease r>eculiar to thG many colored temples first looked down up · and the Queen is very much troubled over L!i.ke Sr>lle; from there a cros8 the height of a bargain and. every bargain an advertisement "· is one which the on the broad brown strea m of the Irrawad- it. l~nd to Lake St, Joseph, and following that scalp. As a Ladies' Hair Dresslug, tho dy. Any stranger who had come suddenly A Carlisle dog oommitted suicide by lake d own to the head waters ot the Albany l . t V 100R is unequalled ; it contains neitl1er oil We shall continue to act on that principle and into the midst of that rushing crowd of pushing his hea.d nnder a gate and cboking River. He then turned back nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, a11d · and followed peop e apprec1a e. lean, dark-skinned, fierpe-eyed men in their to deatll. -Oat River up to Cat Lake, reaching there on eilken in appear>\nco, and imparts a d~licate, qua.int Eastern dress, whose bare brown the 4th of October. At that time t he lakes astonish and delight you all. We shall astonish you by th e lowness ngreeable, and lasting perfi:tme. r_I arms were brandishing knives, hatchets, Fifeahire, Scotland, is earnest in the be- and rivers were beginning to freeze up, Mlt. c. P. BRICHER wrltes from Kir~y. 0.1 stone~, . or heavy clubs, a.s if hunting down lief that it posses&ea " Robinson Crusoe's thenoe he r eturned by an almost direct J11l11 3 1882 : "Last !all my hair conunencM a mad ·dog, would have wondered vrry gun and sea. chest, " route 10 Lake s~lle by a ri'rnt· not shown on of our prices and delight you with the excellence of our goods. falling ont, an.d in a. short time l became nearly bald, I used part of a bottle of much what could be the im.tter. He wouiu A. i .. tga green stone taken from a cock's -::!1e map :S:ls imtru c.iona had been to r eAYER'S HAIR VlGOR, which stopped the fallprob!!.bJ..v have wondered still more when he aizzud inAiexandriacounty, South ro- turn by way of Berens R iver, but he found We have for this fall bought a choice selection of seasonable goods : lng of the hair, and started a ,now growth. r found that all this fury seemed to be di- iina, turns out to be a $1,000 emerald. th at he would not have t ime for t his, a.s the have now a full head of batr growing vigorously, and aru convinced that but for the reotad against two quiet-looking mm in The Belgians lead the way in the matter ice had already formed on the small lakes or and may safely say that we have quality and value unsurpassed, . use of your preparation I should have been European clothes, quite unarmed, and to all of humi\ulty to oonvlcte. E ugen11 T K int, marshes, so that It had t~ be broken in entirllly bald," ._ _ ,..... . appearance ae harmless as men could be, the hero of the great:Ba.nk of Belgium rob- travelling. From Cat lake he returned to f th d - .J. W. fioWElf, proprietor 0£ the McA1·th11r But there was a good reason for all this beries, hae been authorized to let his hair Rat Portu.ge in Peterboro ca.noes in fifteen and that our reputation will not suffer in the output O e goo s. (Ol1io) B11q1L.i.-er, says:" AYEn's liAinVwon excitement. England was · at war with and bea.1d grow as a preparation for resum- days. Altoge1her the party traversed beis a most excellent preparation fo·: the hair, l 0.peak of it from my own experience. Its Burmah, and some n!l.tlve fishermen had ing his position in extra-mural society three tween 500 a nd 600 miles, the distance bd[) g Come and inspect our g; ocls a~d allow us t o put you up a parcel tfl!\l promotes tho growth of new llat~', and come in that morning with the news that months hence. from Ru.t Portage to Lake Salle, via the m~es it glossy and soft. The VIGOR i~ also ?, sut"C euro for dandrntl'. Not witllin my they had seen a Equadron of British splps A case of 9mall-pox ht\ving occurred re- mouth of English River, 250 miles from when you will find that i t is indeed a bare:ain, and we t rust, will lmowledge has the preparation ever fa.lied coming up the river to open fire upon the cently in the town of Elsinore, Denmark, Lake Sa.Ile to Osnaburg, H. B. Post, on = to give entire satisfaction," city. the Chief of Police issued orders thatall un- Lake St. Joseph, 151 miles ; from Osnaburg When this news got a.broad, the whole vaccinated persons must appuar within two to Cat Lake, 145 miles, become an advertisement . Mn. Al<GUS FAIRBAillN, leader of the celebrated "Fairbairn Family" <'lf Scottish town seemed to go mad at onoe, H itherto weeks to have their arma scraped, or p ay a. The district traversed by Mr. Fawcett be Vocalists wrrtes from lJoston, il!ass., l'~b. 6, the Hormese had al ways believed that there fine of fifty cents for every de.y they went describes as similar· to that in the vicinity 1880: "E~er since my hair began to give silwere only a few thousand Englishmen al- unvaccinatad after that. In less than a of 11.at Port1\go, being rocky, with numerous very evidence of the change which fleeting tin1e procnreth, I havo used Av1m's HArn together, that those few were all needed for tnight the sm11ll·pox had no terroru for ·1a.kell and atr ,ams, and ha.ving but a small J_.ate S. MASON & SoN, V 1uO£t, u.1Hl so h a yc been able to 1naintain to keep down the people of India, and that, H amlet's home, proportion adapted to cultivation, The an appearance of youthfnlHcss-:-"'. matter ot although England might decla.re war against The R ussian 3 ·ournal of the Finance Min· rock forma.tion i~ ths La.urentian and H uron· considerable conscq uence to munsters, orat.ors. actors, and in fact eve1·y one who lives them and threaten to attack them, she ister has publ!shed a loug article on the ian, and the timb~ mostly square, tamarac, .in tli.e eyes of the public." would never be t\ble to do it. The King of fore.ts of Eastern Siberia. The Immense poplar and pine, and gene1ally a small MRS. 0. A. PRESCOTT, writing from 18 Elm Burmah himself-who never lost a chance of forests of phies, larchcs, firs, cedars, birches, size. · s~. Charlestown, ;Wass-, Ap1'il 14, 1882, SllyS: boasting wh111t a. grea.t m'l>n he wa.s-had put aspens, and limes which form almost the 1'he oD.ly inhabitants of the country are "Pl1 wo years ago about two-third s of tny hair for> h a proclamation declaring that· if the exclusive wealth of this va.st. region belong Indiana, with the exception of the officers came off. It thinne<l very rapidly, an<l l , ..-as _ f ast growing bald. on· using AYtm's HA l!t. "Englhh pigs·· d 1>red to d i11t11rb him, he for the greater pa.rt to the St!lte. During a of the H. B. poets, At Ca.t L,.ke a y ou ng v IGOR the fallinl{ stopped and a new grow Lh · would sweep them all into the sea., or chaitJ grea.t number ol years this soun:e of we·lth man is iu charge of t he poot, and he is the commenced, and lll about a month my·heacl them as slu.ve' i. n front d his pa.1a.ce, wa~ almost entirely unproductive, It is one white person ; whll(~ at Osnaburg Mr. ""s completely covered with short hair. lt llfl.."I continued to grow, a ncl is n o· w ns goo<1 :~s But now that the enemy was rea.llv at hand, only since 1869 that a more or less regular \iVil$on, the officer, has t he societ y of his before it fell. I regularly used but one bottle the people of R mgoon began to recollect administra.tion of forests has been establish· wife a!!d children to relieve his destitution of the y,Gon, but now use it occasionally as how many of their guns were out of order, ed, and at the present time the extent of of white companionship. Some idea of the :a dressil!:g." how much of thflir. powder wa.11 bad, and the forests in E a.stern Siberia. is estimated at remoteness of t hese p l11.cea from the centres You can s do sohby calling atsthe We -h ~ ve hundreds of similar testimonials how old and tum~e down t heir walls were. 72 , 335, 330 deciatines (about 11 square yards of Jiviliza.tion may be obtained from the to the efficacy of AYER'S HAIR Vrnon. lt Some of t hem were frightened oat of their ea.ch), folluwing facts: Mr. F awcett ha.d no mail needs but a trial to convince the most skeptiwits , some were mad with rage, Many T he imperial staLles at Eerlin have re· commlinlol\tion du:riiig th" wh"le four cal of its value. rushed Into the temples, and threw them- <>ently been the scene of gre11.t rejoicings on m nths of his absence ; the ma.ii beill g re· PREPARED BY selves at the feet d the idoh that stood the occasion of H err Heiss, Emperor Wil- ceived only 1.wice in the year. One mail where there will be found a complete assortment of every kind of .A few went down to the river to see Ham's coachmE1.n, celebr.itiug the fiftieth an- leaves Osnaburg for t h" coaat a t Fort AlDr·.J. C.Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. there, for themselves, hoping that perh~ps the nlvers~ry of h is appointment.. A luge bany, on James Bay some 500 miles distant. footwear from the smallest to the largest. Sold by all Druggists. t errible ships mlgbt uo:< be coming a.ftei: all. numl er of telegrams, letters, a.nd oarde, all a.bout the 1st of J anua.ry aud gets ba ck about But the grea.t mass ran wildly up anrl congratulating the veteran coa.chrnan, were the Jaat of March. f he second mail is If we cannot fit you with a ready-made pair, we can make you any r.I (I down the streets, y~lliug for the .blood of followed by presents from colleagues end brought when the boats . comtJ in summer. kind that may be needed, in the latest style. ~ I) the two American missionM"ies who were !iv· friends, and a congratulatory address from It takes 55 · days to bring a boat up to Cat ingin the town. the highest stable authorities. But the Lake from Fort Albany on t h e coast; ~ 5 Ever sioce the war broke :out these chief event of the day wiu the arriva l o f a d~ye being spent in teaching Osnaburg, and COST ONLY $2.00 AT two missionaries had been in oonstant present of 500 ma.rks fl om the Emperor, and the remaining 10 days in g oiog from there peril. To the ignorant Burmese all a. cloo:>k, wi~h tb.e bu~t of the Emperor, from to Oat L!\ke. From this, and the fact that white men were of one nation, and re- the Empress. i t required twelve men to manage t :1e boa.t, NEW 0 A ST LE. peatod attempts had been mo.de to kill them it will be seen that tranap -.rting goode in' 48-ly, both, as a delfa,nce to the other "white It has long been known t hat a pla.ce volves no little expense, There are in con- neatly done so that the patch can scarcely be discovered. faces" who dared t o fight against Burmah. named Cumpodunum, not far from the Lake n ection with the post, the supplying of Soma of their Burmes" friends had begged of. Const·nce, was the centre of a. great which involves all t his labor, oDly some them to leave the t own, offering to nide Roman military set tlrnient in Vmdelicli;, twenty Indian families. The officers in them in their own country houses till the and the headquarters of the third ItaHc charge of t he post sen d out their orders for also the 0 F CA N A DA· danger was pMt ; but the brave Americans legion, I t seems to have held the next supplies one season, the orders reach thei£ l1AJ'ITAL, s;1,ooo,ooo. . REST, $220,000 were not to be moved, place in imB .p orta1!ce tod Ra. t isbon in ahll that desLination the next year, and the following -="No soldier would dfsert his poet just region. ut various eau1tory sea.re es, re- season the goods are sent. Mr . Wilson, at This Bank ls prepared to do Legiti· before a battle," ea.id they; "and we, who newed at irregular intervals, failed to bring Osnaburg, sent about a. year a.go to the old No trouble to show goods. Please give us a call. mate Banking in all its branches. are soldiers too in another way, must not t o light any of the relics which ought to count ry for some condensed milk for chilFa.rmers notes disco11nted; Deposite desert ours." have aboun-1ed in such a site. Qllite lately dr1 :i1, and he ·fxpectlJ t.o get it next summer. received and Intere st paid on a.mounts of Now, however, their courage seemed a more careful exploration has la.id bare the H aving gone to L a.k:e Salle, 151 miles a.way, · . dear. Dragged before founda.tionsofagreat R ,l manbuilding, thereaahor t timeagoof t h"' reGli5 upwar d sin avmgs B ankD epa.rt men t · likely to coat t.hem t t i· z t d t he l hefirst he·rd ~ ~ "" D RA .,-,, , ~ the Governor of the City by a howling rabble mor ar, pwemen · op· us re iw a um, ra n hellion of !>1st spring . The lndia.ns at !'e=~!!!lll~!!!!"!.'!'..~ ~~""-!~'!!: ~~ ~~~~!':'!"'!~!'!"'!'~~~~~........,.~~"' !!'~~ ~~~~~·~.,.~,..~ -~~'!!!: · ~~ 1 .BC .,, (which was only kept from killing them on p ipes. and gutter tiles baing of mi question- Osnaburg had hev.rd nothing whatever of it. Issued and Collections made in Europe, the spot by the hope of making them suffer a.~le Roman origi~. F urther investi~ations llfr. Fawcett considers t he Indians of the n' United Stat.es and Canada. still more before they died)! they hl\d. been Wll_l probably d isclcse more extensive r e- dietriot referred t o as rnperior in civiliz:i.. sautenced to death as enemies and tra.itors, mama, · . - tion to those of the vVeat. Som" of them 1 S Jr. and were now being led aw ay tc> the place A S_cotch cobbler, descnbed bn?fly a.o a c an nFd and write in the Cree cluracters, 27 7' , Agent. of execution in the great market, with a notor.1ou~ olteudor, has pa.ssed his life in . v. having learned t hem, some down a t J ·mes line of fierce-looking ni..tive soldiers on cert~m village. The .other day a Forf.r Bay aild others at Moose l!'actory. They BRI~ TIS . }i~MPIRE either side, and the ·raging mob yelling magle tra.t~ se:n~enced him t~ a fine. of half a live wi delyscatered; e9.ch family having its ~ around them crown or twen.y-four hours & imprrnonment. o huntb10 ground except d uring a few 0 .Jy one thing could save them now, and If h'~ ~hose the latter he would be t ..keu to m':~tha of aumm;r, when they g;l.ther a.t . 1J I'll U ., that was the coming u p of the English ships. t~e l ~1 ~ a.t P~rth;, , The ,c()bbler cr>mm~~ed the posts. 'fhlly .. re Wtll provided ·;·ith They knew well that the ba.tt·ries of the w1.th mi~self. 'Ihen I_ll go to Perth, he ::lathing obta·:ned frc m t he trading -ioste Beg respectfully to announce that their New Stock of Fall ESTABLISHED IN 1847. town had n o chance aga.inst men·of-war, v.nd ~s.u:l.,, ' I ha"?, btrninese m the.town, _ a_t. any In .excha.nge for furs; i·1ic! ha.ve plen ty of thi>t the fitst broadside would probably send rnte. An ofh.,lal convered hun by tram ,to food, a.a the lakes abound wit h fish, such and Winter Goods is complete. w e make a E pecialty of It has no shareholders to pay dividends to. the Burmese flying. But woulcl the ships ~~rtb, bt~t w hen the. pnsoner r~ached tne as white fiah, pike, salmon tt·out, p ickerel, Jilli he, Ba.rd t hat he would n ow 11ay the fine, &tuxgecn, e tc., of v; hich t hey C!l.tch their Managed by and solely in the interests of come in time? Ju~t in front of them stalked the publ!c fhe ~~ve~~cr found ~?a.t.he w9~ld have .:0 win ter bUpply just before the waters freeze the Policy holders. executioner, a tv.11, lean, hideous.looking .ta.ke it. . A nd now;: aaicl the cobbler, I up. They a.ro very friendly t o the whites, man, whose gaunt brown face wan spotted wao.t my fare home. The Gove~nor de- Conversing with some of them through an Its Rates ;n-e I .. ow. Cloakings and Ulsterings, Black and Colored Silks. liko t he hide of a leopard. He wore murred, ma.de Inquiries! a rid disc~vered i ··t erpreter, Mr. Fawcett .learned t hat l'<1Ucicsnon forfoitable ~md une01ufttlo1ial. nothing but a white turban and., pair of that there wa.e no alterni..~1ve; the prisoner though thf y hllod often hrnrd of money, t hey c;,~~ll Bonus Falci cYei·y nuec yem·s, cotton drawers (both thickly stainfd with must be sent at the public expenee to the had never seen any ; and tha.t they had alao blood), and carried in hie hand a huge knife, p lace he ha.d been brought from, never seen a horse or a cow. About the end hroad and heavy as a butcher's chopper. of August or ea.rly in September t hey get Joint Life Policies. Plain Talk from a. Clergyman. advanuo of supplies from the H . B. C., wh en Though a double rish but one premium Is paid But even this horrible sight had no effect upon the two gallant mEm, who walked they start out to hunt, and when they i:efor two people. Amount of policy drawn Cottons, Flannel ~ and Tweeds, Shirts and Drawers. calmly on with<JUt a e'gn of fllnchluv,. The R&v. Dr. Ma.rk Tr11.f ton, the vener- turn they pay their debts with thE! fuIS they on first death. And now they r.iached spot, the fatal and able and widely-known Methodi<t clergy have hken, A Hair.Vigor 4ot Japanese fan~ in · Osaka, J apa.n, cost $5 per 1,000. Georgia. gun ners eay they kill a. thousand rica birds a.ta shot. MISSIONAR,Y'S ADVE NTURE IN BURMAII. A Fremont, Neb., d ruggist ha.a a 12-pence Engllah coin 574 yea.rs ol~. "Kill the white men ! kill the traitors!" S ll fi t d 'b d A D 900 11 To the market with them ! to the mar· by' fil~z~~~a:~rar:ian ;~~;ic~an. ' · or THE MASO BROTHE s. c. . MASON BROS., B oots anti Sl1oes. 'p . I Keep your feet dry and warm,, ar or . oe ,·. ore, CE JY-r: E N""TI N""G · t; , ' M ARRIAGE TLl c E . NS Good fits warranted every time or no sale. C. B. LOCKHART'S STANDARD BA N K Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock; Best quality of Dressing and Bl a eking s · STAND:-Neads' Block. Ill U W. JONE ' I Cl h · I N wD G d d t ID . ry 00 s an .-'.0 ' Ou · ELl.11ISON & CO. R ead y M a d e and Q r d ered Cl .0 th·Ing. -W. JENNINGS. H MUTUAL LIFE As l:>UffAU GE "0 tt:e (We offer Dress Goods remarkably low.) .Special Inducements to Total .Abstainer.~. to see them die. '!'he s,oldie1·s tied t heir of Methodi&t ministers, .b y denouncing the as a.bout 75 miles long, whlfo Lake Salle is ASSETS O'\'ER $S,OOO,OOO.! the savage orcwd pressed eagerly forw1J.rd man, made "'sensD.tlon at a. late conference L 3 ke St. Joseph, Mr. Fawoett describes IN(JOlllE O'\'Elt $t,ooo,ooo $100,000.00 deposited with theCanadianGo-verI! ment for benefit ot Canadian policy holders, l:N'l'ESTED IN t:AXADA., For particulars refer to $GOO,OOO.OU. HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA:-MONTREAL E,L. LIVINGSTO~VE, GENERAL AGENT, PORT HOPE, Or to agents throug!1out the conn ty. ~8-6se. 0 rono Pump Factory. Pumps Cheaper and Better than ever. The Subscriber having built a large n.e11 Pump Factory in Orono, ls pr.epared EVE~V DESGRIPT!Ol,~ l'ii W ith or without Porcelain Cylinder, c.i the Best Material, on the shortest notiet and at the !owest prices. Pu.MPS Of -to furnish- . C istern Tubs and Pumps supplie.ll "" WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. ALL WORK , ·GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Orderi(by Mail promptly attended to. _ __ · DOORS, SASH, BL!~ DS, MOULDINGS, &c.,k~pt on hand. :r I PICKETS, , R. FERG USON. ""'~" hands behind them, and forced them down on their knees, while the headsman, feeling 'fa, l ook e d to . crue1 k nr the e d ge of h rs · warct · the Governor for the signal to strike. Juet then one of the B11rmll8e officers, a ma.n of high rar1k, who waa secretly friendly to the two captives, stepped up to the Governor, and whispered that if the city were really to be attacked, these men might be v aluable a.s prisoners, whereas their murder would only stir up their country men to take vengeance. The old tyrant pau9ed in unJertainty ; but at this sign of hesita.tlon such a y dl of fury !\rose from the bloodthlrsty mob a.round, that he could see plain· Iy wha.t he h!!od:to e:xpPct if he d e.red to dis appoint them of their prey, He held up his hand, and made the sign,.i of death. The doomed men looked ao ea.ch other, and·their lips were seen t 3 move, but .those la~t words of farewell were heard by n one but God. The executioner strode forward, and bis terrible blade glittered in th9 morniog sunshine as he brandished it for the f a.tal blow. There ca.me a roar that seemed to rend the very sky, timbers and roofs flew in splinters on eve:ry side, houses came crashtng down, t he air shook: as H a. storm wert sweeping pa~t, a.nd the savage crowd fell l ike <lead men t o the el!.rth, whlch tr,,mbled under th~m with the skock of the E oglish caunon. The ships ha'l come at last! The two Americana h a ! b Gen thrown down in the cc;nfusion, thua tacaping the Cll>nnon- b.1lle whistling overhea.d ; but as t ney lay, they could hear broa.dside after "d th d · g f the sh ore broadIll e come . un arm rom ' drowning the feeble fire of the Burmese battoriea, At la.gt as the cannonade alackened, they ventured t o rise and look a.round t h em, The yolliug mob had vanished, the Governor and his soldiers were gone, the vast aqua.re was empty and silent as a grave, but t he grim executioner lay headless be· side thPm , with t he knifo still clutched in his stiffrning h and. S 11ddenly e. h earty English hurrah waa heard above the diutant firing, and a body nf i'L<'dy blue j o.ckets, just landed from t he fleet, came ch!l.rging aeross the market-pf.ace cutlasa iu hand. Tney unboml·l and carried off in triumph the rescued men, who lived to do n oble work in other l:mda, and to tell many a time how they had once b een ~aved even under tho shadow of the sword, 'Ihe first thing in a boot iB the fast, modern church service, and by defending the non-church-going masses, "I confess," he said, "I d on't like go to Wh to I church, I a.m sorry to say 1t. en wa.s a boy I was glad when they said: " ' L ot us go into the house of the Lord. ' "I on joyed the preaching, the singing, a.nd the prnying." A Voice, -"You were very pious in those da.ys." · ··Yes. Well its no wonder I've backslidh i te [Laughter, ] "th 8 d en WI sue a~Sl)C a. · Lst me eta.rt out, now, to go to church and worshi G od, At home we have had our private devotion. We come to the church door, ([ il.m saying what took place exact· ly,) and we see plenty of ernta vacant. We a.sk one of the young snipper-sna.ppers, with a rosette In hiB button-hole, for a seat. He says: " 'You wait awhile and I'll see.' "By avd by, when the bell stops tolling, the man says: " 'Y eu can find a seat in the gallery.' ' A Voice. - " Wha.t church was t hat?' I I A Christian church. In the gallery y ou see four y oung people talk ing and laughing. Suddenly the or!l'an starts, and then a s suddenly the four grow solepm, jump up, and begin to squall. You can't understand a word t hey say. 1'hey sing a hymn you never heard before, and never want to hear again. You can't sing with f;hem. Call that singing God'a praise ? It's not only folly, but it's bla.sphemy. Y ou've no bueiness to introduce auch tra.sh as that, :i.nd call it devot ion. 'fhen t he pray er ! In the old times t he miniat.er used to pray, t o sup· d plica.te, to implore, j ust a.a if he expect<J something would come, and someth!nl:l did come. Now this brother who prayed, delivered a homily, an a.ddress to the people, a strained effort. It ws.sn't pray ing; I confees it didn-t touch mt> at all. I kept aaying to myself: " 'Oh, nonsense ! Fiddleetickn !' " I so.y this ought uot t o he, We ought not t o go awa.y disgusf;ed." Them was mu9h more in the same strain, and then the ministerB decided t o or ns!der the s ubject at length two weeks l~ter . A Liverpool coffin-maker, who had fur· niahed a casket t o a poor wom:i.n for her deceased husba.nd, failing to get paid immediately, broke into the widow's house in her absenca, t hrew the body ont on the floor and drove a.way w ith the c:1,sket, something over 100 miles in length. B ·ith a.re narrow lakes, seldom exceeding 10 or 12 h e1r - average wi 'dti I 1s · miles in w id t h , w hile t. perha.ps not more t han thr~e miles, Winter sets in somewhat tu lier than In Manitoba.. An intelligent Ind ian a t Cat J_,a.ke, who kept a r ecord of all the d11otes of the freezing up of the lakes and rivers, told Mr. Fawcett that they were all firm by the 20th of October. At Osnaburg, Lake St J 0 seplt t "e H B C cfficer in charge told · u 'him ' ' · · ' that last ' year evtrything was frozen solid by the 28th of October, The tempera.ture in summer is very uniform and ple1sant, the warmth continuing up till October 1st, no frosts of any account occurring. Very good pota.toea and roots of diffarent kina s are grown at Lake St. Joseph. A special work of Mr. Fawcett's was that of taking oliservations of magnetic force. On his return east the results will be care. fully compared with other facts known. In general, he s··ates that, a~ he went north and ~ast, the magnetic force seemed to in· crease. I n eome places the magnetism was affected by local attractions. B oston reports a frea.k of nature in the of a child born with natural eyegh.eses, the frame being of bone and the glas.aes of a t ender akin. stretch ed like a arum head. For bi'1ldness in adulteration the B,ussfaus t ake the pa.Im. The '.new Government inspectors of prQvisiona fat ely found pack· ages of tea. 11odult er11oted with 40 p er cont. of p ea. shells. A tea-packing factory has been Dhut up for repacking exhausted tea leaves. A dozen years ago an Antwerp tnilor bought for a fra.nc a dirty litt le pioture which ha.d belonged to an old doctor t hen recently deceased. T he tailor hung the picture upon the wall, but did not think It worth the coat of cleaning, a.nd nobody . fouud it very attractive. A little while ago, however, ? n art ist liappe11ed to see it, and induced the owner to lend it to him to clean. N o sooner was the first coat of dirt remove than there was seen in one of the corners the signature, "Pietro Paulo R ubena, 1614." The picture r ·presents Chriet bles· sing the world 1>11d is said t o be in excellent pre~erva.ti.on . The tailor has already i·eceived aever::.l good oilers for hta picture, but he ia waiting until a rich Englishman comes along. sh~pe Having boug ht very largely we w ant to sell quickly, consequently, we will offer goods al prices that will astonish our customers. It is generally admitted that we sell cheap. We mean business this season and a re bound to sell, there· fore, parties asking us for bargains will not be disappointed. Bowmanville, ~eptember 30tb, 1885. ELLISON & CO. LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS P> 8 1-:3 ... -·- .. t:r1 8 t;1 Ul ~ pj ·-,~~~:\ :,~~"II. 0 ~ ' q tJ:1 UJ. All Wool Suit r\llADE TO ORDER FOR 9 DOLLARS Well Trin1med and Wel )~i[ade. ------ JO Gents' Furnishings of all kinds. JEFF RY~

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