Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1885, p. 5

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, 'WINTER EVENINCS STOTT & JURY, Druggists ~ Opticians, SPBCTACLBS STQ TT f( WEDDING PRESENTSI _.I ENERAL SE l{.VAN1' WANTE D . Th - nt erest ing topic'of "Faith-cures," ALF ASTRAY- S trayed from lot 17. Five weeks to Christmas. 'rRE ST A TESMAN ..A.pply at HmGINBO" t'HAM'fl Drug stor11. con. 7, Darlington, about Sept. 1st., a red will b" treated '"without gloves" i11 the An open winter is predict ed. 47-tf From now till the end of 188G, and white heifer calf. hiforma tlon of theeam& Decen1her Century, by the Rev. Mr. ~ nni slr:il· will be rewarded . .A U rnR'l' HANN.~1. Jt Bargains in suits and overcoats at the Sch;tulller, who has paid particular att enF'or One Dollar, always in advance. 4(-h v " D WELLI NG TO Lln . - Near the k u . Star House, from $5 up. business pat't of the town. Apply to M. .A.. t ion tt· the subject. Also club lists with the leading weeklies. Mr. Wm. Kerr is v isitmg his relatives A NOtlico. 4.5tf. Prof. Waller, chemist to the New Yor k J ,\MES. S'l'A'rESM Rev.·J. H. Oke called on us last week. in Port Perry this week. -SHOULD BE SPEN'f INHeal1 l1 Departme nt, will have a suggestDont, foil to here Mr. Belford to night. Fnctory cotton recluced at t he \Vest ive arLicle in the December number of , - TO 1'H EWe noticed Mr. Chas. Neads in town End H ouse-5c. cotton for 4c., 6 for 5, 7 t he Cen tury, entitled. "Dan~ers in Food Apply, stating salary and exoerience, to AND, this week. for u, 8 for 7, 9 for 8. and Drink. " Prof. Waller h a.a bad uni A cap is concealed in this office awaiting Kenner & Co's art:stic advt. will ap- usual ex perience in the detection of t he ---o--Ml owner. pear next week. \Vatch for it. dan gers he here d escribes. 11.ev. J. Kenner, of Chesley, was in A citizen wants the whole council of The Sunday School Papers pu plished II. \V. RE!?F EJ, L, Queen st, east ofOntario·st. JO : tr. town this week. 1885 left in the cold ne:xt year, but a by Mr. Blackett .Robi nson, Toron to, are still continues for those ,John R. Clark favored the STATE:-!MAX "green set" might do worse. well a dapted for Canadian schools. Th~y ENEWED COWS F OR SAL E .with a call last week. A down east subscriber writes: The are three in number, beau tifully illust rat·rwo good Young Cows, reneweit this S uper Diagonal Overcoats .... $8.0() .Miss A . Rillings, of Ottawa, is visiting S1'A'.l'Jl8MAN saves me about $10 a year, ed, well printed and at low prices. Send month. for sale. Apply to W ru .rAM Mot:N'f.JOY, Worsted Pants. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~WO -THE LEADINGthe Misses McArthur. as I can get all the coun ty news without for specimen numbers, which are sent fre e Jot 16, con. 5, Cartwright, Cartwright, P. 0. 50 The first real snow storm struck this the t rouble of paying postage to inn umcr- of postH.g-e o n application. "HO USE AN D -~ ACRE OF " LAND Mantle Cloths, per yard.. . . . . Mr. Howells calls his new novel "The section on Saturday last. able friends u1J there. My congratulaJt' OU SA.LE. Good soil; nice orchard All Wool S h irts and Drawers 1.00 Miuister's Chiirge;or, 'l'he L abors of Lem- Rituate opposite Mr, \Ve~ley '" fine re"idenlJe, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, of Cobourg, are tions on its co11ti11ueu pro::>perity. King.st West. Apply t o M. A. JAMES. 39 D ress Good8 in all the newest uel Barker." Its pu blication will beg in visiting Mrs. R. Barrett. Tl~e coffee social. l~eld i1 1 t he S. A ..bar - A.ItE NO'l'ED FOH 'l'HEin a winter number of t he Century . A s 1hades from 10 cents. l\fr. .roseph McLean has returned from racks on Thl\l~ksg1vmg Day .was <)U.1te a EIFER ASTRAY. Came on the v stated , some of th e characters of Manitobii for tlie winter. I success, a considerable sum bemg realized. alread . premises lot 2'J, con. 2, Ditrlington, a. ~uiteriority & Cheapness '"rh e l{.ise of Silas Lapham" will r eap- Yearling Heifer. Owner will olfl· ·Se p·· Y exMrs. Henderson, of Cobourg, is visit- l Tl:e mails for despatc~1 via 9 uebec, pear in " The Minister 's Charge," the penses and take her away. W . J. E!A RNDEc;- , --OF THEIRflC>wm1tn ville. '16 3w. in at Mrs. Wm. Pearn's. 1closmg .herE'. to day, 20th mst~ , will be t he scene of which ia laid in Boston. g last mail t his 11eason sent t o <xreat Br1t1an IS BOOMI N G, By an arra.ngement with t h D publisher vVe shall be pleased. to order any papers v ia the St . L < twrence. After that date R. CAMPBELL begs to t hank his pntrona for pa3t favors an d requests an wanted ~y our subscnbers. . . the mails per Allan line , via. Halifax, will of thD Rnral C:111adian 1ve are enabled to settlement of all out·atandiug ac· Thu p eople kno w that if t hey Mr. \\ esley Banbury., of P1ckerrng, was] close here at 7. 00 p. m. on W cdnesclay. club that valuable farm j ournll.l to all pre- immediate coun t~ . bers to the STA1'ESMAN for Cartwright, Nov. 5, 1835. J5·3w ' Mr. J ohn N . Kivel! continues to make paid sub3cr1 - want avisiti11g friends here this week. J,adies will find a hea.utiful selection of homes happy by his Eagle Stea.m \Y ash er the small sum of $ 1.50, thus effecti ng a TRAYED from P. Bigelo w's, lot 2'1, Fur Coats and Caps at Myer's. --the best washing machine on Ea.rth. considerable saving to the readers. R e· Every pair warranted to give satisf.action. concession 8, a large black Berlrshlre So w. new your subscnption now a nd get t he Mr. P . Trebilcock is having a plate They sell like hot ca kes. Tt re<J.11ires only Rural free for the bala nce of this year. Any ooe gtvim: infor mation lea.ding to her will be liberally rewarded. H . R. recovery Prices from 25c. up. to be triec l to prov~ its superiority over glass window placed iu his store. suit of clothes t hey must call 1'HORN'l'ON, Kirby. 46. We direct ou r readers a ttention t o the Call and see the New Dress Goods just evc ty other m~chme . . He. has already ---..----- --- - -- u pon I VES. TitA.YED. - From lot 4, Con. 2, Da rlreceived at the "\Vest End House. sold to the le11dmg fam1les m town and cards of Messro. Munn & Co., 31.il Broadington, 11.bont the last of September, u. Red way, New York, in this issue. They Mr. Archie. Bingham, of 'rr enton, spent country. 011 r o· aud \Vhit" y.,u.d i ng H eife r. l nformat1 Thanksgiving Day with friends in town. The st ables aud sheds belonging to the. have h ad thirty-fi ve years' experienc.i in garding her wnereahouts w ill be thanlcfully th e business of obtaining patents. rhey receivej. Tuos. E. HoA n. H-3w 'r hcro has been 16,000 I)ersons vaccin- Arlin gton H otel were deskoyed by .tire are thoroughly conversant witl1 the subLatest Designs and Lowest Prices at an arly h our on VVednesday mormng, URKEYS FOR SA.L E. - Several - . A T- ated m Toronto, during the past t wo supposed to b e t he work of fire bugs. ject,and their facilitie~ and experience pairs of :Mammoth Bronv.e 'l'urkeys, bred wonths. Loss about $1.000 ; par tly ins,ured. At · are tmsurpassed. The Sc>ientific Amer - from the celebrated stock of \V. Attlee, Burpei> AND DEFORMED. A fine assortment of all the newes t goous tempts were made t o bum other unoecu- ican should ,b e sead by every mechanic. & Co., Philadelphia. Very choice birds, I. L. 13:tf in Mantle and U lster Cloths at Conch, pied buildiug 3 the s·lme night. What CHAS. CLUTHE, \Viele Awake is beaut 1fnlly illustrated , 13.ttOW.N, !:Lampton. the most pra ctical aud MEDICAL HALL. ,Johnston & Cryclermau's. is t.he Council going t o do nbout it i notably Reusible and practical, and at the OAR FOH SERV ICE. - A Ches ter experienced man on this White Boar is lrnpt tor service 0 11 Lot 31, N. B.-Dop't fail to Ree our stock of Brushes, A well assorted stock of the choicest The U nion Thank~giving service in St. same ti me wonderf ully euterh iniug. $3 . B Con. 3. Darlington. Winner or three fi rst prizes Con tinent for relieving tho Chcapei'tn the county. family groceries and provisions, fresh and Paul's church on Thursday last was 00 a yeor. The Pansy is equally charm- at Fall ~'airs. Terms- Sl.00 at time of service. 1 u 1d curio~ Rupture & ing and suitable for week-day and SunSAMUEL HUNlUNG, Proprietor, Courtice, P. O. cured meats, always on hand fLt Lyle's. very largely attended. Very approp ria~e 13:tf Deformit ies of every lr Litt le add.re11ses were <leliver ed 11y R e vs. Shep- day rendmg. $1.00 a year. 0 L Rev. Mr Saunby, of Victoria College, panl and Roberts, and Messrs. \V;irrmer · .' rl escriptio1 1. It will be t o Men and Women iq most a dmirable fo r RAIN WANTED. - I will pay t he you r advantagu to call Cobourg, preach ed two inspiring sermons ,mcl Mcintyre assisted in the devotional the youngest r eaders. $1.00 a year. . highest market prices for any q1 1antity of in the Church-st. Methodtst church last on me. 45,000 Trusses uy ffile· S bb exercises. The Pastor, R ev-. R,D. Fraser, Baby land never faila t o carry delight to Barley and other grn.m delivered 11t 1 vator or at Pert Darlington. J. LYL E, Grain 1· acljmted in per-on : r houa at1 presided. Collections for the poor, about the babies and res t t o the mammas. 50 and PrO\' ision Merchant, Bowmanville. 37·tf. s ands ot D eformed t reated. Esta blishcents a year. D. Lothrop & Co., P ublishIf the person who has th e Editor's urn- $40. TOCK FOR SA.LE.-I have two· good ed 15 years. I will ha;·e a full supply of brella will return it before the next min \Va call the at tention of our r~ader-s t o ers. B oston, Ma.as. cows and cal ves (calved in Novem- t hese celebrnt e d Trus ses with me at t he LYMAN'S COFFEE IS .BEST "Tim D ECEN'l' OF MAN," by Charles ber),young no charge will be made- for its use nor for the advertisement of Mr. W. H. R ober t· and a. driving Mare, 5 yrs old (good si n- following places :this notice. . nl- D ar win, J . Fitzgerald, Pnhlisher, 3ll:3 gle or all fo r sale u.t moderate price s, double) son, Publisher of the Canadi<m Agnc 1st, Becaus~ of its purity. C o bourg, Durham House, :F'riday, WM. BtcNNE'l"l', lot 3l, co n. 7, Darlington, EnA closely contested game of foot ba.11, turist and Home M agazine, of Petetboro, Pearl-st., New Yo r k. This famous work, fleld, 2nd, There is no wa.ste P. 0 , -17·3w Dec. 11. · perhaps the mi.1st important scientific Bowmanville vs. Port Hope, was played Ontario. Mr. RobtirtsJn wish es to eugage Bowmanville, Rueb ottomHouse, 3rd, It requires no boiling. treatise of t he present Century, is now h ere on 'rhursday resulting in favor of tho stirvices of a large uumber of canvasE ACHER WANTED. - For S. S . N o. S aturday, D ec. 12. 4th, You can prepare a cup or a gallon in our 110me team- 1 goal to 0. 2, Cartwright, Durham County, for 1886 ; s·rs, and to those having spare time at being p ublished at such a price as brings Send G e. stamp for registered Illustra.tcdlBook male, second or t hird class certificate. less than oue m inute. Two well-known business men, of Bow- their disposal, we would suggest that they it wi thin the reach of all readers. It will .Apply,with stating salary and expel'ience. with on Uupture and Hum11n Frame by b e completed in four numbers of the teetimonialij, until Nov. 20th, to S. 1'. F E IWU· 5th, It is convenient for pic-nics or camp· manville, were initiated into \Vellington drop him a line. CHAS. CLUTHE, Sur:zicalMachinist. 118 King Sti·eet \Vest, Toronto, Ont. ·lG-2w. ing excursions. Mrs. A. Olh·er, of Warkworth, is visit- Humboldt Library of Science. 'I'he prica SON, Cartwright, P. 0 . Lodge, S. 0 . Kon Tuesday night. Thfa llOciety is ma.k. i ng rapid progress. ing h er cousin, Mrs. John James, Maple of each of the four pa.rts is 15 cents, and 6th, It is cheaper than any other kind. EDAR AND TAMARAC '!'IMBER they will be sent to any address, postage ,, Lndies for the finest skirts in town, c:1ll Grove. They last met at BrnclwtJrthy, paid, on receipt of that amount in coin' J,OT FOR SALE.-,Vest '1 lot 21, con. 3, 7th, Yon have 0nly to try it to be con· Manvers-100 acres. Soil good, easily drained. on Mrs. I ves. Also for laces and em- England, 34 years ago, 011 the eve of Mrs. or in postage stamps. vinced. F or sale by Close to Ontario a nd Quebec Railway. Mnst -30 acres of lot 8 in the lat conc0ssion broicleries, hosiery and gloves, underwear, Oliver's departure for America. Although 1'errus very <>ILBy. J OHN N. LAKE, ofFmsT. be sold. Darlington. lying immediately sonth of the STOTT & JURY, 4ti-3w' wool shawls, ladies furnishings, etc. Uiey lmve lived in adjoining counties, AN E xcELLENT PAPER.-lt seems almost 14 Adelaide St., East, 'l'ornnto, cemetery. rhe Reliable Druggists. they were iqnorant of tho whereabouts of unnecessary for ns to call <>t.tention t o a SECOND.-'l'he South UOacres or lot 16 in t he TOCK FOR eALE.-'l'he undersi" ned third Dress Goncls, Canvas Cloth, 0 ttoman eacI1 oth er un t'l h t t· concession of Darlmgton. and the North l a s or ime ago. T" 1me paper 80 well and favo rably kn own as the otters for sale Young Sllol"t Horu Bulls, :m ncres 1..· tl1e1r · f ea t ures. Youth's Cords, Victoria Cloth, Costume Cloth, lms wrought a great ciu.nge of the South 8:J acre~ ot lot la in the m Companion, of Boston. It bas Short Horn and High Grade Cowe, in c11lr, al same concession, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Serges C11shmere, &c., in all shades and moderate prices to ~uit the times . .A.m short ve chea > at the \Vest End House. W. A. Neacl1, .a gent for the ~.P. R, has been for fifty:eigh t yea.rs a weekly visitor, at Tnum.-The South 100 {ljj,crea ·of lot 25 m the of room for wintering. W M. W .:t<nY, Rosethird concession o! llarlingtnn, a.n il the NorthBURR.ETON ST Nl'TON ry l' . handed us their current time t able. and each vear hes shown more clearly its landvale Stock Farm. 8ollnu.. 11·3w erly G U acres of t.he east half of lot 25 in tha All R.R. D · Memb~rs of vVell.mgton Thro ugh solid trains now r unn ing from won derfui usefulness to the class of read· same concess1on . GOING EAST, GOING WEST. Lodge, S. 0. E., wantmg to receive the Montreal to Whmipe" in 61J h ours from era for whom it is prepared. It would OAR FOR SERVICE.-The under.A.11 the above will be sold in pa.reels to suit E xpress ...... .11.33 a.:-m Mixed ....... . 8.a6 a. m signed keeps for ~ervice un excellent . 'l 'ltoe for pA.yment and terms will Mixed . : .. .. . . 7.42 p' m Express . . . . .12.51 p m W .H .D . , ar~ notified ~o meet,.,a; the, ~odge 'l'oront0 to Winnipeg in 6!) 'hours, ~o ens- be interestiof:( t o trace it.s infl nence in Improved Sn1folk White Bo1tr, 13 mont hs old. purchaserR made very eas) to satisfactory btiyers. For be Express ... .. . 7.42 p m room ~e~t 'I. uesclay mght at 1 :.30. M.A. t~m troubles. Dinii;g halls at C?~venient t he c11se of two fa.milieq, one of which be- Call and s"e him on lot 27, con. 6. Darlington. particulars apply to dist ances a.loner the lme, and dmmcr cars gan, we will suppose, twen ty years ago, 'l'erms : Cash, 750: to insure. $1.00. "\-VJLLIA~I Tickets and f'1rther Information may be had ,fAMES, Sec1eta.Ty· D. BUHKE SIMPSON, ] 'arm, Solina. from \V. .A., NEADS, E.~press, Rii.ilrati.d, and 1H f. Vendor's Solicitor tween ta provide it for their children to read, WERRY, H.oseland'vale Stock A m eeting of children is calleu to meet RUperior to anything yet made, b: · 4-l-:Jw Steamboat Tlpket Agent, Bowmanville, in the Fire Hall to-morrow, Saturday, Carlton Junction ancl Port Arthur. while the other furnished the more 11en· Suits made to order from the bes t uoods eational publicatirms. The contrast would BOARS FOR SERVICE.-Two Boars, · afternoon at:~ o'C'lock, when a Band of · ' " ' b b ·k· p one a pure bred Berkshire from imported ~ht ~UlUUlian tnttitl!lUaU. ·H ope wi'11 b e formed un d er the auspices by the best wor kmen a.ncl at the lowest n? bou ~ ea atr1 rne; ooe. . arents can stock direct 11-nd in no way related to for mer 0 lr' of the W. C. T . U . prices a t Couch J ohnston & Cryderman's. give their children few tlnngs of more animals owned by me, and the other a pttre lJ.RS UAN'L' ro REV I SJm STA'f "Mx· "sl1ecl sr)eak- val . ue an cl impor tance in their ~row th of for bred Sutl'olk also imported stock, aro kept Rev . C. E. Mcintyre will preach in the U'l'ES or Ontario, Chap. 107, and amend· service on lot from 22, con. 3, Darh n ~ ton. TERM S: · Belfo~d , '1s a11 accoln pl1 BOWMANVTLI,E, FRIDA.Y, Nov'R 20. Church-st Methodist church next Sunday e r· he possesses a powerful pleasino- and ~md .an d of cht1racter than a wyle·awake, -$L.50 cash f!lr thoro'-bred sows .. and ;;i,oo for ing .A.ct, Chapter 9. of 46 Y!ctorh\, the creditor& or AN THONY Ml'l'CH ELL, late or tbe '.l' ownship on " ']'he Stone that stops the ' t · d · b. 'cl "ti "" t intellt<>ent, wholesome paper, mto whose others. SAM L SNowoi.:N. Proprrntor. !~·8 w' of Darlington, in the County of Durham. ============-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=- morning ~ we11. ra1ne v01ce, com 111e w1 l g 1·ea "' h bl" h · , daceased, ure notified to send to ]'armer, Blessing," and in the even~ng on "Tern- facial flexihility. He keeps "the audience ' manngement t e p u LB ersput oonsmence c oL'I'S FOR SALE.-One 3 year old HANNA H MI'l'C llELL, of Da ,lington, Taunton, perance lessons from the history of Dim - thoroughly en rapport with h imself, and an?. moral purpose as well a~ money and, F illy by c~a!'celloy, recei~ed l st prfa.:; at P, 0., the Administrat rix, or to R. R USS ELL. iel." carries them from grave to g·iy from th~ :i.b1hty. West Durham Fair, 1885 ; '?ne. year old E1lly LoSCOMBJ<:, ESQ., of Bowmanville, her Solicitor, ' . . ' ' by Gen. Duke, took 2nd prize at ·w est Durham a statement o! their claims, on or before tho 40 pieces ve ·~ ulsteringa at the Star To what excess recrimination runs ! burlesque to t he pathetic, in a way which . - ·- - -· F 3ir. 1885: and one suctm1g Foal (horse colt) !!~'.1.'~jj:N'nI PA¥ gy P~9~~)Jf:!l; IW?-:<t., Mt~i; House. A UCTlON SALE. Tiy Oen. Duke. Prices reasonable, A,J::~!i' tQ I fl' u!Dh date the l!a!ii .A.dmlmstratrlll'. W!Jl Dl'O; Ho1v poor Will's Billingsgate and gall probably no other elocutioni~t could acBargains in Silks and Casl1meres at the increase! complish. "-Ottairn Ihe~Press. Hear him JOHN W1LL6ut.:l!, Flamptoo, 4~:6w~ ctJGd to d1 atr1butc thoa~sets of the eaid deceasea. amon'( the parties entitled thereto, having Star House. Why should our model journalist's grnat to-night ill the ·rown Hall, Bowman ville, F N B UILDI NG ·LOTS FOR SALE.-~i "·.· . ·· n_ l'el\nrd only to clalnrn of which not.Ice ha.a been S 'RIDAY, ov. 20.-Mr. R. Hutchison, A good suit of clothes, youth's, size for uni Mr. Belf8rd recited in Oshawa Tuesday auctioneer, will sell on lot 31, con. 10, large sized building lots on Church-St., git en, and the s..id Administratrix will not. be for $6 at Mason Bros. Be a fuu iny·piece 1 .1fri ht of this week, and vesterday'a VindiD l 1 1 ·1 d east of Mr. "\Vm. McClung's premises. A num- liable fer the l;!aid assets or any part thereof ~ J ar ington, 2 m1 es irect north of ber of fin" apple trees m full bea ring on each in regard to an:i- claims s he shall not have Gentlemen will find a large stock of Just received a car load of stoves new cat0r says : Thosa who did not hear Mr. Enfield, a lot of F arm Stock, Carria.ges, lot. It desired a house to suit purohasor wPl received notlce of. Dated at Bowmv.nville, October 20th, l885, Fur Ornrcoata and Caps at :Myer's. and of elegant designs. The hest, yet the Belford last .evening missed the finest Implements, etc. Sale at 1 . o'clock. be erected next summer. 'l'erms easy, Apply HA.Nl'I A.H M.Il'CHEJ.-I,, See bills. to F'. CUBI'r '.l', Bowman ville. 37-tr. Darga.ins in underwear at the Star cheapest stoves in the market - strictly first elocutionary treat ever offered to an OshR. R USSRU , I,oscO llUIU:, Administratrix. House, men's all wool shirt~, good, for class in every particular. I have a full awa audience. Mr. Belford possesses SATURDAY, Nov. 28. -Mr. w. Crawford, FARM FOR SALE IN CLARKE.Solicitor for Admiuistratrix, 13-1w* line of Tin Ware. Don't buy a atove t ill rare powers as a reader, aml is the m ost is retiring from farming and will sell 100 acres, being parts of lots ~o and 21,con. 60 cents. ~ 3, Clarke, there being 50 acres in each lot. ·wm The STA'.l'ES~!AN will be sent to any ad· v.ou see my display and learn my prices. talented 11ersonator and elocutionist who on Jot 1.7 , con. 3, Darlington, a lot of be sold together or in two parcels. Good build. 3!)-tf has ever visited Canada . His rendering h orses, cattle, sheep, implements, and ings, well fenced, well watered, good orchard. dress from n ow t o J 11n. 1, 1887 for only L. GEO. QUICK, Bowmanvill$). of "The H evenge" by T ennyson , was O d h d f Only 31 miles from ~owcastle. Terms easy. $1.00. Subscribe to day. Speaking last week of the arrival oft\ cl d h . d l d 10 cor s ar and so t wood. Sale at .Apply for particulars to sor,OMON HABRIS, number of fine deer from the north coungran ' an e carrie t ie au ience with 1 p. rn. R. H 1J'£CIIISON, Auctioneer on the premises, or to WILLIAM HARRIS, Ready made Over Coats to suit the .t. him to the scene of the mighty conflict. S t Whit by, P. o. IO, . b f smallest boy and largest man 9.t Couch, t ry sen t 111 Y some 0 our Cl rnens, we His other selections were rencl<Jred in a ee pos ers. -.A.'1' 'PH E J·ohnston & Cryderman's. b said they were "for sale" at Lyle's s tore. f ·-, "V~ OOL LOST.-A bu ndle of Carded 1 eyo11d criticism, es1 "\" .cl "on exlii'bi'ti'on." per ect manner anc A C T ll h ff . f d Should !lave Sal Tr · R ARD.- o a w o are su ermg rom 1 , ool ma e into bats, was lost on the · 11 Horsemen should. not fail to inspect M . We f b t 1 h pecia y " .n ..mg obert of Sicily." the errors and indi;cretions of youth Scugo11: Hoad. on 8aturday evening, Oct.10.th, W . l'tl . f Mayer's stock of cutter and sleigh robes. e receivec. ie m orma 1011 Y e ep one, H 1"ME~-E 1 0 W d d tl · t · between Hampton and Burketon. It was tied ENN.ISH:ILLEN. ",A,.- n e nes ay, 4 1 m s·. , ner vous weakness, early d ecay, loss of up in a horse blanket, numbered 315. If the and misunderstood the speaker, h ence the Big assortment-jJrices low. mistak e. Mr. W. Perkins of Dnrlingto11 was marri- manhood &c. I will send a recipe that finder will return it or send word to the S-1'ATl!:8- -o- Ladies Astrakan Jackets, t he choicest / ·1l .' ' , " T h . ll!AN Offi ce, Bowmanv1lle, or to '.l' . .A, \.VRIGII'l', · ed to Miss Euphemie l\'Cclnnis of this The undersigned having made extensive re.r A larae gathering of citizens took place w1 curo you FREE OF CRAltG1'. · IS Cartwright he will be rewarded. 44-~ w goocls that can be obtained, now showin" . ti pairs on his l\!fills a t a. great expense, is now H 11 1 t M , d · . ht t 0 place, at the residence of M1·. Colin great remedy was disc overed by a mission- - - - - ' - -- - -- - -- - -- - prepared to do any a mount of a t Couch, Jolmston & Cryderm an's. 111 i e own a tast . on ay mg Stewart, of Eldo11 Stat1'on. '.rl1e cer1no11y ary in South America. C AR D OF T HANir S . - T o t l10 M anatl t h f tl Send a self1... "t 0 18 presen a ion w1 n ess eac le w~ s prefor1necl by the Re". Mr. G1 'll1 'ee of th F I Gristing and all kmds of Custom Fingering Yarn 75 cts per pound; ac- 1 l "C" C f tl ~ · ~ addressed en velope to t he REV. J osEPII ger of e ire nsurance Aesociation : O~a memb ers. 0 f ompany 0 ie L orneville. The bridesmaid was Miss Sm, I hereby return thanks for the prompt tory yarn 50c. per lb. Baldwin'sFinge'ring M1dhmd Grindrn~ on the shortest notice. Ba..t ta,hon, who served.at Batoche Catherine Mclunis, sister of tile bri'cle. T. TNilrA N, S tcition D , New York City. 40y payment (by your a~cnt, Mr. 'l'hos. Bingham, lrnpt in stock:11.Jt; th e West End House. 1: ti10 L 1 V0 l t R l 10f S t for my loss by fire, caused by a sp1 n k frotu a My Mill is now workin:< on the Gradual Re. ly ' ac ies un ee:r e .oeie Y The groom was supported by Mr . Donalcl steam thresher, having got payment for con· I duction P l'inci ple and ootisf!lction will ha Farmers, I 'will pay you the highest of Lhe town, of an En~l!sh s~vereum as McKinnon. A large number of hanc'lsome BIRTHS. tents at market price; no ~ or ;! nnyment Jiko guaranteed to all who may intrust their patrongoing prices for yo nr Barley and 6,ther a memento of that dems1ve victory The I see on the Dominion G1·ange Policy to tenants. age to us, ' . . . . " ·· ~ I and valunble presents were r eceived. WiLLTAMs.--l n Bowmanvllle on the l;,th Yours gratefully, 'l'nos. HAnms, grain delivered at my elevator or at ort 0 1'hanking ».11 for fltvol"s il nring the past tl1irty 8 18 0 (?1t b~ars ~he m(scrifttwu 1 ~at?ch)e, T h · ! Quite a large number of the bride's friends inst., the wife of Mr. \V. H. Williams, bl.auk- . Tyrone, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 years I hope i n the fut ure to command your Darlington. J. LYLE, Grain Dealer. ,e ere wu a;i;, SW · · anc c armg . e were pres.e nt and the time )assed off smith, of a daughter. I· , confidence as in the past. l l h , ~ Brcrn;:u ..- Nea1· ·\.Valmcr on the G th inst. 'CARD OF THANKS.-To the ManaLar~e stock oE F ingerini:;, Saxony, IIpper Canada Furmture Co. Band aucl n good eupply of Old Wheat on hand n~ · · 0 d p· C B l P easant Y· T ey t ook t ho Liam for the · t~ p wife of Mr Bcny Bickell of a daughter' I gcr of tho Fire I nsurance .Association· ofHaving t i ""-l)IlllllOn Eider, Canadian and other yMT1s. the best quality, a.II in want of F lour may rgan an iano o. au( ·t t l I · 1 · l ~ ·~--.. ' · ' · ' · were r}resen-..<> nd played several lively c~ y o spe~c t ieir, 1011eyn:ioor: secrng ~ rn , VANCAllrr -In Darlington on the 12th inst., Sm, I hereby return thanks for the pmmpt rest assured that they will got a good article. Canadian yam 50c. per pound. 4 .. . . ." ·-.: . . ,. . city 11nd fnends. .rhe bnde is beaut1f1 · the wife or Mr. Thos. Vancamp, of a son, payment (by your agent, Mr. 'l'hos. Bingham\ FLOUU and F B E D always on hand and ]~ingering wool any color, for 25c. marti,il ans rn. ackhtwn toa choi~e pro.?ram ancl amiable, and much beloved by al HrGmNnoTHrn- In Oshawa, on the 14th ~~~a~t~~~~l~~r~~!vfuagu:;~ei~~d~.t~ffi~'ff i~~ni Ordet·s executed on tho shor test notice, large choico go to the Star House. of vollal anu rnstru!nental mus19. Short who have the pleasure of her acquaint- il~the wife ot .Mr, Jno, W. Higginbotham, of my ineurance IN oot.D on the occasion of my Soliciting a ebare of public patronage, aaughtei-. ~~l~g~NJ;,-edding. Yours t hankfully, THOMAS I remain , respectfully, Ocean fare $13.00, steerage, from P ort- ·spe~.ches were clehver~d by Lrnut.-Col. ance. She will be greatly missed by h er. Cu itt, Dr. McLaughlm, M. P. P ., .Dr. urnny friends. We wish them a happy -· -'l'yrone,Sept.11, 1885. 38 land or Halifax by Allan Line, to or from W .J OH~ lllARTIN~ BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. . - - -- ---- - - -- --- -- - . S. Bo:y,1e, surgeo.n to th e Battal10n, and prosperous life, - Lind.my Post Col'. I~ondonderry, Belfast, Queens town, GalE nniskillen, Oct, 15, 1885. 12:5w and Staff-Sergt. W.S, Russell. Mesdames FAR M FOR SALE.- One of t he best way, Limerick Olasgow ; Cabin also re- Cnbitt McArthur and Climie present ed Call at t h e ·west Eud H ouse and see fitrms in the 'l'ownship of Darlington couduced. W. A. NEaDs, Agenb. 48bf to the boys. the all wool GreyF lannel, thi>y are ssll.ing Conc1:led by John Lyle, cveryThnrsdny. taining 150 acres is now in the market. IJeiug t he ·o~venirs ~ f 2" l al } l l SI all those parts of Lots Nos n and 10 in t.he 5th Any of the 'l'oronto, London or ·M on- ' or DC. per yan ; W t le a 1 Wou urts ,.,. concession of the 1'ownship of Darlington THE ENGLISH ELoCUTIONrnT.-Mr. Geo. and Drawers at 50c. each. FLOUJ\, p· 100 w s. · · · · · · · . $2 25 to $2 50 owned by Mr. Edward White. Fm· particu· t l 1 bb cl "tl tl S . _ -·- _ ·W1rnA T, Full, t l bush ....· 0 75 11 0 80 lars etc apply to ';rea papers c u e Wl · 1 ie 'l'AT!i:i"l1\1AN Belford, the eminent E nglish Elocutionist, at very low mtes. Don't throw away will favor t he citizens of Bowman ville 'H t Wh H G " Spring, 0 75 11 0 80 R. Rl.!ss&r. L· ·coMUE monoy on local papers of no value but onor O om onor is iven'. B ,., b ~ BtLrrister &c -':t'ErE<;all at the Sl'A'.l'Ei'WAN office for lowest with two of his humorous and dramatic . AH~EY, v ush ....·· ,,,. 0 55 11 0 75 Bowmanville, 11 recitals in the Town Hall on Thursday TotluEititoroftheStatesman. R YE, " ·····.·..· 0 53 0 55 ·--·terms. · 1ay mg · h t , t h. · " Entrance E.uuninatron. d F~ r1l is week ' appearmg As dudng the la.st few days, to our 0 ·,\.Ts ·' · · · · · · · · · o 28 11 o "lO ille , W · R · an unuer the auspices of Wellington Lod2e Ps.1s, Blackeye, li~ bush . .. 0 83 11 0 87 Good news for B owmanv· The Entrance Eotaminations to High School, ..,.., C k h l I ti · fL b " surprise some e vil-niincled person ox· per·1"· aw er as r et ucel ie prices o am of Sons of Eng:Jand. Mr. B elforcl is 11 Small, 11 O 55 11 O GO will be held at Bowmanv1 NORTH-WEST CAM PAIGN 1Je, December the - En<> un· t 10c; recently out from 11 ~18 f °11ows: L egs t o 11c; L oms 0 . land and has been sons have bl put in circulat ion rer.01·ts r Blue, 0 65 1 1 0 60 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Those who intend to write .., , t t 8 · d R " fi\voura e to the pecuniary position of at these examinations must send notice or cl mi ,, orequar ers o c per poun . . e- creating quite a sensation in the towns he ~fr. Arthur Vv. Burk as Warden of St. Bi:rrrnr., best table, W' lb . . . 0 12 II 0 15 their desire to do so to the Inspector not later · m ember, he also keeps the finest quality has so far visited. Mr. Belford recited J ohn'e church in this town, we beg to LARD, 'Ii' th . . . .· ·... .. . . . 0 10 " 0 rn than the lat December. w. w. 'l'AMl)LJ!"N, :M.A. - ANDMLL OTH ERof meats of all kincl2 to be found in Cana- before the Governor General in company state, unequivocally, that they are with- Eoos, 'Ii>' doz . . ·.· ....·. ·. 0 18 II 0 20 4.7 Bowman vllle. Nov. l!lth. 1885. d a, barring none.-4~{ tf. with Mrs. 'l'. Charles ·watson, some time ou t the s1· . th e accounts PCfrA'.l'OEB, ii' bush . · · · . · ,. 0 40 11 0 50 ight est f oun d at 1011, 1 0 1li C. P. R.-The last Steamer of the Can- ago and was well received. It is to be of that official being correct and s11.tisfact- Woor., lJt lh .. · - .... . . . . . . 0 1() 1 RES S-MAKING AND DRESSCU'l"l'ING.- Rare chance to learn cutting a;<lian Pacific Steamship L iue will leave hoped that the Town Hall will be crowd· ory to the utmost farthing. by Prof. MoMy's New 'l'ailor Syst.em ot' Dress O wen Sound (weather permitting)for Port eel, as this will be one of the rarest and Mantle Cutting lbY square measurement, Art.lmr, on the 17th November, for the elocutionary treats ever offered a BowA. M oN.tn, Rector Ntru 2Umtrtlstmtnts. without tho use of paper or patterns. Oar FOR oun PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPI LS fi nal trip of the Season. 'l'he All Rail 1 · mauville auuience. The admission price llrnn Frnr,DB, Warden ,,.__,.._~ ~~~-~~v~-~~-~ duly authorized and competent a gent, M 1ss J, Mu rn, ot Toronto, Is now In Bowmanvllle, and ON SALE AT Route, howevex" is open, and trnvellers has been placecl at half price to enable Bowmanville, Nov. :Wth 1885. 1'USS A. JlltOW.\', will teach you thoroughly in all its branches T EACHER OF PIANOFORTE. - at Mr. J . .Allin's east or McClung's l!'oundry, or crin take advant~ge of a through Canadfan e.verybody to enjoy ~oth recital.s . . Single wait on yon at your own homes. Don't Route, thus savmg themsel ves the annoy- ticket, l pc ; double ticket, adnnttmg lady Go to Taylor 's Mills, Hampton, for P upil of Professor Bohner ol; 'l'oronto. can fa.ii to embrace this one opportunity to become nnce of Customs scrutiny and charges, and gent, 25c ; resen'ed seat s, 25c; double chea.p Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, etc., Newcastle, Ont. 47·6w;o u llrst-cla~~ cutter of ludies' and chihlreu's BOWMANVILLE, BY garments. Send for cu·cular at once or call and frequent changing of Cars. The ticket, 40 cents ; ohildr en, lOc. P lan of and where you will get good prices for FOR SALE ORTU RENT, OTTAGR at the above address and be convinced. J. & A. Company runs daffy t1'ains by the Cana- Hall at 'rrebilcock's Bookstore. S ee Wool and gooil Rolls. D. TA'iLOI~, pru- C on Queen St. Apply to ·w M. POltTER, CAR'l'Eil, 'l 'oronto, solo ,proprietors in Canada. 1 1.A..IT (.£; 1"10BRISON, dian All R ail Route. Press notices. prietor. 25-tf. !7.2w* t ii·Bw, Foundry, 36 PflOfOGRAPHERS, &o G C THE GREAT RUSH I RE ADI NG. T~~~r~w~~ht~~l~~~~b!g~;\ -~~n.~, ~~. ~;i~;i~~:.;;~:~id:x~:i: Eclipso llouso R H ! OUR ORDERED GLOTHING FIRST-CLASS CUT D S S J U RY'S T T. B. C. I. T. W. I. L. G SOM ETH INC FOR YOU I S T C Valuable F arms for Sale. S I I B ~ l Administratrix Notice. P . Otherwise. Local and !/ ao,ooo BUSHELS CRAIN WANTED Boyne Water Mills, T . ° EDUCATIONAL I EXERCISE BOOK, and Requisites New Ontario Readers, 1- __ _ D SCHOOL BOOKS CHEAPSIDE ·VARIETY STORE.

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