Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1885, p. 3

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I ·~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E~~~~A~oi!t.Wi~L~4~~~~~~~~~~~~~uc~~~~~~!!!! '~ \1'u\.f ·tt· A GERMliN SUNDAY. A TALE or THE SEA. our ordinary dietary we can get the necessary CATARRH. new treatment has been discovered whereby a permanent cure or this hitherto incurable disease. ia absolutely affect· ed in from one to three applications, no matter whether stancliug one year or forty years. 'l'his remedy i' only a pplied once in twelve days, and does not interfere with business. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on r eceipt of stamp by .A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 Ring street, 'Vest, Toronto, Ca.nada. WHAT IS CATARRH~ Catarrh is a dangerous dis<'S6e which thousands are consciously or unconsciously suffering from. It is a mu co-purulent discharge caused by the presence of a vegetable parasite in the lining membrane Oft.he nose. The predtspos· ing causes are a morbid state of the blood, the blighted corousclc of tubercle, the germ poison of syrh1lis, mercury, toxomre, from the retention of the effete matter of tbe skin, ~uppressed perspirations, badly ventilated sleeping ap<tr t· men ts and the germination of other poisons in the blood. Irritated by the~e. the lining membrane of the nose is ever ready for the reoeption of the parasite, which rapidly spreads.up the nost1·ils and down tho fauces, or back of the throat, causing ulceration of the throat: up the eustachian tubes, causing deafness; bu>. rowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness; usurping the proper structure of the bronchial tubes ending in pulmonary consumption anct death. Many ingenious speiftcs for foi· the cm·e of catarrh have been invented, but without success, until a physician or long standing discovered the exact nature of t.h disea~e and the only appliance which will permanently destroy the parasi1e, no matter bow aggravated the case. Sutrerers should send stamp at once for descriplive pamphlet on catarrh. to tho busines.i manager~. A, II. Dixon & Son, 305 Kiniz street, west, Toronto, Canadq. What the Re,,. E. B . Ste11enson, B .A.., a Clerr!Y· m an of the London Co11ferenee o{ tke 111etliodist ChU?·ch of Canada, has to say in 1·eaat'd To .d.H. Dixon~ Son's New J.'reatment {01· Oatar1·h. Oaklans. Ont., Canada, March li, 1883. JIEesm·s. A.H. Dixon & Son: DEAR Sms,-Yours of the 13th inst. to hand. It setimed almost too good to be true that I am cured of Catarrh, but I know that I a.m. 1 have had no return of the disease, and never felt better in my lifti, I have tried so many things for Catarrh, snJT'ercd so m nch and for so many years, that it is hard to realize that I am i·ealJ y better. I consider that mine was a very bad case; it was aggravated and chrouic,'invclving the throat as well as the nasal passages. and I thought 't would require the tl1ree :t1eatments, but 1 fl "fully cured by the two sent me, and I am tl!a.ukful that I was ever induced to sm1d to you. You are at liberty to use this letter stating that I have been cured at two treatments. and I shall gladly recommend yotu· remedy to some of my friends who are sufferers. Yours, with roaJJY thanks. REV. E, B. STEVENSON. .And hundreds of others CA'l'ARI~u.-A Caledonian Mills. Formerly Known as the " Soper Mills. ') R IS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· T UGHLY renovated and put in order , nndel' ' onr own special supervision, for the purpose of risting and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot Barley, and we are now prepared to recPive orders from all our old cuot.ome1·a and ot.herP tor work, and we gurantee to givo them who lntrust us with the ea.me entire satisfaction Oats and other grains ta.ken in exchange for F lour Oa.t Moal, &c . H. & .T, '.l'OWNS, Bow maDvllle . 227. THIS IS YOU~ OPPORTUN!TY Doyon want a s1) Je ndid, handsomely bound story book? You can h a ve your choice out of the bes', that are published if you will obtam two s ubscriptious for 'I'm: WrmJ(LY l'IIArL. A c11ta~_;p. _.,,.._ . ,.. 8 , , (") logue of st11JJ ~v-~v~~ durdandmiscell an eo ns publications, given as p rizes for getting up clubs for Tm' l\'lAIL, will be sent to any address upon n,ppiication. 'l'here is n o boy p, or girl, young rn:.i.n or yo t1ng ·worn n.n, an101)g ,-on wh o cannot secure a handsome lot of books this winter with very little effort, if you will o nly make up your minds to it. T he books a r e splendidly bound and ttre the pro- . dnctious of the % best known au- · thors, which is a f sufficientgua.ran- 1 tee that they will not only a ffo r d anrnsem on t but be:i.sourcoofproiH. T rm WEJ;l{LY ~ v~! l\ 1.nr. is the rn ost popular weekly publishea, n,nc1 is only One D ollar a yen,r. It has nowovcr 100,000 subscribers. Specimen copy nncl pn>'.e li st ,:cnt. free. · Address Tim MA.!L, Toronto, O<H1:J.c la. k WHY SUFFER FROM ~iD~ ~eadaahe D\' }Yf PSIA OR !HDH:t.SllON, WHEN WEST'S LIVER PILLS Wm thoro1.1gMy cure you. They c.lo not gripe or purge, but act mlldly, and whenever use£!! are considered priceless. They have proven to be tho ~REATEST ~LESSING OF THE AGE To all aufferurs from Indigestion, Disordered Stomach. THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE Use them and be relieved from your misery. 30 Piils In a box, 2&c. per box, f5 boxes for $1 FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS ANO DEALERS IN MEDICINES :Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with signature on every box. F ree trial package of these Celebraled Pills sent to any addi·ess on receipt ~of a 3 cent stamp. JNO. O. WEST &: CO. f SOLE: PRO PR IE:TORS 81 AND 83 KINC STREET EASTa TORONTO, ONT, heat-torming materials irom other sonrcoa, !!llc>w tl1~ Gcl'maILs In Germany !!pend their A m·ln AUaclrc d bJ· .tss:1sslns jum1·s but we also get at the same t ime from these Saltltufh. Ovc..i1oa1·11 aml Swi11ts s !!Illes to ' Shore. other sources diaea.ae producing impurities FRIDAY, NOV. 20, 1889. , . - fat pork, for instance, and other olea.ginA Sundu.y or so a.go I ca.me a.round a The SuperiorCour t of NewYorkwlllsoon oussubste.nceesocommononourtable. The corner suddenly into the old market place be ca.lied upon to 11sten t<_; a story of the uonclus!on ia therefore ,,, 8 plain a.a it is fo"'ia.nd found myself lll a. throng of people, most pronounced ~ules Verne order, ?'nd cal that durlllg the se!!.aons of Autun~n, High in air on a. r ope ·tretched from the when t~~ cas<l, ?f Wil!lan; Doherty agamst Winter and Sp ing in t heae ll\titudes honey roof of t he houses, "Mademoiselle" some the Pao1no_M:i-11 S_te mah11? Company ia call- is the very be·t food of its cla.as which we Hints. body or other, "in tights," was da.ncing and ed the plaiot1ff will ~aton1sh the court by a can get. L et there bel~ss pork, butter, e.nd walking, to display herself and her science. wonderfu_l tale of.hair~readth esca.pe11 and t he dirty unwholesome fyrupe used in the Moths do not eat through paper. Hot wood llshes applied to a stove when it Clowns wertl sc11ot tered around below taking narrow v1.~tory with hfe after many close families of our land and more honey, and the u p collections and amuaing the people wit h ch~nces w1th <lea.th_. The Ftory as told by certain result will be the gre·tly improved is o old will remove grease. the nsnala.ntics and wretched jokes. All W 11Ihm Doherty In the a!fidi.vtts a lready health of thepeop1e. Sicknel!s and t he comTea should never be made in a. tin pot. this to the accomplishment uf a despera.tely put on ~le_ 18 t hat on ~11oy Dth of last year mon ailme1.ta of Ufe will be greatly climin The tannin wol'ks on the tin a.nd m akes a noisy drum and brassy cornet. E vorybody the pla1nt1ff, who wao rn Pana;n_ a, asked for iRhed. Considering the relative wholeaomopoison. aeemed perfectly delighted and contented and was appointed to the poait1on ·of assist- nesa purity ·nd n ritri·t ·ive nro t' . , 111 "t e f u Ifill' · " bemg · ' s en d a.n d ant eng1~eer · ·fi J ir.L9.l hi ' '" " per ,es, pun., · ·1 "t Gle.ss kept wet with camphor dissolved in --qui mg, the1r .en the P ac~ " e11ms p cxtr.. cted honey a.t 10 to 12~ cts, per pound spirits of turpentine may be cutwithmotallic e.im." Those who crave s omething higher Company s a.ean;ier B.ond~ras, bound from is much cheaper as a regultl>r a rticle of d iet tools. drink their beer in the parka, while a band that port fo~ var10.us atopi.:1ng places down tha.n pork or the average quality of market Cooking utensils, after being wa.shed , gives aelections from Schubert, Ba.oh, Strauss the VVestera ~o~ uh Americ~n. coast. T~.e butte~ at th. e same price. Io nature's crew was a mixed one of Spamarde, M ex1· ma:teria medic.a honey has a.lso v!Uuable proshould be rinsed in clean water a.nd wiped or othr,r wothiea. But !hm idst everything elae the churches c:ns and such. Among the compa.ny was a pertiea as a curative agent, In pulmonary out with a clean, dry cloth. . Water that has stood in a lead pipe over -nust not be forgo·i ten, although a.muse- I _ortuguese know~ as Ra.man, who, as an compla.ints, common colds, sore thro.~ts, and night is unfit for cooking or drinking pur- mentll play a more prominent part In the 01lef·. regarded himself as tho heir to the that class of dise~sea, honey has frequently poses, Let it run for two or three minutes German's Sunday t han his church. "Ve are poe1tion taken by _Doh?rty, a.nd hated the proved most efficacious. Many inste.nces accustomed to speak of " Protestant Ger- new-comer as an mter10per, The steamer are recorded of r emarkable cures by houev before being used, many," and so perhaps overl.,ok that the had only been five days from port w~en in such ca.aes when other medica.mente hacl In oleanlng paint obstinate spots that will body of J ews is large, a.nd the R (:·man Oath- Doherty says h e overheard a conversation utterly fat'led ThQt honey · to . cs mcra t'· not wash off with soap and water will often oIi d f the·ent" " R ~mon au d a Sp11.nlll · h p assen- ative and remedfol ' ~ P<JBBElB~es res rL\an at h" ll' o ire popu- bet w~en th 1s pr,lpertfoa of an import yield to a gentle rubbing with a damp cloth lation. T hay a re the people of ~he Rhine ger, 111 which 1t was de~;mmed that the aut character is alroady well known by the dipped in soda, Md B >vada, with of course a scattering Northerner shou 1 .d bu o.1rke:i and then bee-k~eping denizens of conntry pfaaes, and Vinegar and yeast are kept best in glasB through all the provinces, The r emainder thrown overb~a.rd. ~ tbeil" neighbors who frequently ce,ll upon vessels. If placed in stone crocks or jugs ia dubbe<l .Protoeta.nt b "c.!Ause not Jews or . Fi;om t~ll.t tune _ Doherty da,.ed n ot sleep them for honey in ca.see of eore throats, 1 t 1eir aoid attacks the glazing, which is con· Homan C1Atholics, but probiiobly their regard m his ber·h a.t mght lest t~e tre~cherous coldti, ~roup, etc. ; while the bee-kee er sidered poisonous, f·1r Luther ie more for hia services to liter· Portug11eae thrust the dag~er mto h1a breas~. knows well that every druggist in eve~y India rubber bands slipped over the body i:.ture th ...u h is etruggle a.gainst t he Pope. He caught a:eep as ,he could sta~diug at his country town a.a ,.1 0 11 as in the city lays in a N aturally when everybody is in search post, an_d suveml tnn?s he thoug!it ~e de - stock every year for medicinal purposes of bottles that are to be pa.eked in cars for We may also la.y honey undet· tribute in transportation will prevent breaka.ge and d amusement a.ll such places as operas and tsct sd hrn foes cre.wlrng upon ln m m t~e theat res are in full blast . P 11blic festivals darkness. He sv.ys l,1e w:as co:npell~d to h~- tho 1 )roduction of one of the moat wholesave considerable in packing material. and jubilees, too, are rolega.ted to Snnda.ys erally d1Jdge for his hfe every time Im som.i beverages in existence ; to supersede Ohoice Recipes. to ensure good disple.ys. Tne great event enemy or ~nem.l~2 came n< ar, for bothRa.~on te11. 11.n d coffee on tha family table, WD give of the srnson is t.he illumination of the and the opantsn p&,suenger we.re Wl'.tchmg th-· formula ·nd pruc""l:I uud "dvi··~ "ll to CREAM DOUGHNUTS. -One egg, a cup and oi:osti · a l ways 011 S un da.y, Th" 'd en, d ure 1t no l onger try v it : ~ vo w ~ ~ ~ · e, a.nd th" IS 1s 1s h ·m. W h en l1e con, ~ J d t o Alfre d P a_ r d ee, the a half of sugar, ooe cup of thick sour crea.m, summer th ere h ave b e"n three, e 11 of them D o_h ei.y _ appca e Tuke three qua.rt· f good, clc·-n, whM.t half e. cup of swrnt milk, a "'inch of salt, f , I d · h 1· h f d ~-- d th d "" v~ -11 1 ,,.. as near ·»ry & n mg ts as any g 1mpse we c rn engmeer, an wa.s gree"". w1 a ro . un br·n and bake ' n t!ie ovt n . 1 -·· becom"" l·k0 l t 0 · · h t · Th f l h d h d d t0 ~ · v· t.wo-tbirds tea.spoonfu l of soda ; mix with Haxall flour, fiavor with ltimon, and fry in are i Y ge u lJlto t a region. e ? a~· g ter, an . e ~as~ Vlge JU~p quite brown. '.!'hen add one q ua.rt of liquid very hot fard. or.etle is ideally situated for an illumina- mto vhe ~a.ter if he d1dn t ca.re ~o.,remam buckwh<:,u.t honey and stir thoroughly; put tion. All around lie thick groves of trees i~board 2h1p. . He made such provisions as it back in the 07811 to balto still mol·e, stirCaULU'LOWER.-Trim off the cutside as a da.rk ba.ckground. Far away below he could }'o die fig~tlng, Wrt?ta a!lve~al ~ot- ring it frequently until it gets dry, granul"ttl h" lev.vee and put int o salted · boiling wa.ter . the Neckar tumbles alnng, and boats decked ter a to w1fo and fnenda, which he direc~ed la.tad and very br 1 e score mg ,,__h .... der t · on wto ··h Ch" "th b and s 1\nd le ft a.b 061r d a. h. ' hurt it. Draw .own-itathe v, en .,.,11 ~ke o nt c11refully an t I lny " mese lant erns fl oat past wi ip, ou l y ·t o Jee.rn sub aa- will IlOt s11ome as coffee a dish, Pour over it sa.uce made thus: Stir and voi"es chiming " Old Heidelberg. " At qnently ~hat they _harl b?en t hrown ~ve~- and nae with milk and honey or milk and into two ta.biespoonfuls melt=d butter in a a given signu.l rockets fly from the towers, board, ~nd then wa,1ted with such fort1tuue, sugar to suit taste. saucepan a heaping tablespoonful of flour, a.nd in an insta.nt the castle stands out in a as he could summon for the attack of the a.~This m·kes a pnrf·ctl h J d ·r t 111 th<> ' s \nell cooked , then add fl ood o f crimson 1· · l"k · I· · ht of M ay " " the ~ soone~ ·Y w 0 it esome st 1 ~ flour i " ' 1ght , The w h ole 18 1 · e St\asms. " _came o:i the n_1F - l , pa.la.table ~ drink ll-nd takes a.n the milk or cream till the gravy is t hin as bat- magic, and like a dream it fades slowly when the ship lay eight mi.ea off the port place of tea !n every farni!y the sooner the ter, season with pepper and ealt, and pour away into the darkneijs. From the river of S~u J ,se de Guatemala, and Dohe1'ty was public health~will improve, In the writer'H over t he ca.uliilower. there ia a. perfect oa.nnonade of r ocketa, and on tne deok watch. f ·1 th' ' d U bl The night wa.e densely black and the ami Y 18 wno1(l:\Jome im roe. Y pa1at:.. e QUINCE PRESERVE. -Select the beet quin.cee from every but tres· of the bridge showers a · , · b everage hae been on his tabl e for years with for preserving, the others reserve for mar- golden rain. On the opposite bank of the hunted engmeer fe.t t~a.t the occa.s1on fi_tted the best r esults; and were a. ton of tea. and ma.fade, Pare, core, aud quarter the quinces, Neckar and up t he sides of the hill people for the bloody work his f!'es had determined coffee unloaded at the door gratis we wot,ld or a.fter coring cut in rings. Allow three- are collected in crowda, Stri:onger s have upon. He f ays he heara a light tread near say, "no, thank you," 80 far :.is drinking quarters of v. pound of sugar to a pound of been attracted by the views and from the him as he stood watching a.nd then came either ls concerned. The buckwheat honey fruit. Boll the quinc~s in j ust water enough a.dj ..cent towns coma excursionists. Such the ru~h d t he_ two murderers., · Doherty is prefer able to t l'e clover in ma.king thia to cover them till they are tender. Dl'e.in Sundays are Heidelberg's "red letter days." drew his own knife and fought w1tn deeper- bevera"e for th d bl _ -~- b - b ea.rt he motto · ' G ott mi t uns " at1on · f or h" l o dds ware enor- color and o ouent e t,eaeou o1 "'" rown '.l'he coma them from thie water and p ut them into · !s l"f i ~· b ut tie more e un a6 t bc,iliog syrup mi~de by puttin g one pin·i; of (God with us), but wHh ab;:int the same sig- mously a.gam.st h nn, and when he was foroP g e. wt\ter to two pounds of sugar. Boil five nifioa.nce, a.a t he "Liberty, Equality, I!'ra- ed to the vessel's side he suddenly turned _ _ _ _,,,,_ · ..._....,_..,.____. minutes and put into jua, ternity,' on the French, T ha; P1·otestante andplungodoverboard, to take thefaintflickBlacksmiths' Hammer Signals. CiJ.ICKEN SALAD.- Take some tender pul aeem to be divided into two prinoipal groups, e rof a chance by sw·immlr.g to the shore. The When the blacksmith gives bhe anvil lets, fry them in the saucepan or roast thom. the orthodox, who abide fost by the old wat.er there is crowded with aha.rks, and When culd cut them up, skimming and landmarks e.nd interpreta.tions, and those t he faint engineer was in no oondi tio11 for quick, llgh~ blows it is a signal to the trimming them neatly. Put the pieces in a more liberal in t heir views, united only as such a l ong swim. Wha.t gave him nerv.e hel\J~r uo nae tho a!edge or to stl:ike tureen with Pome salt, pepper, oil, vine~e.r, Protestant, differing in their ritual, a.nd a.nd vigo2 ·nas the thought of wife and babies quicker. some sprigs of parsley, a.nd an onion cut into service, and ways of thinking. In Heidel- away off in New Y ork waiting and pra.yiug The forco of tho blows given by the slices. Mix aH well together, cover, rmd let berg bot h varieties are found, the latter for hie reiurn, He slipped out of much of blaclrsroihh'i> hammer Indicates the fmce Theo, just before vastly iu the me.jo1ity, In the oldest his clothes e.s he d rifted by the vefmel's side of blow It fa required to ebrike the sledge. 8 ta.nd for some hours. serving, drain the ea.fad, ta.king ca.re to re- church here, and in many throughout Ger- and then started shorewards. All night The b fa.ckamith's help er fa supposed to move all bits of onion, etc., and pfaca it Il"any, there is a curious arrangement by long ha alternately brn1>sted t he long swell strike bhe wood in the middle of the width tastefully on lettuce leaves, with the he~rta which one slde is occupied by the .Protest- and flo»ted resting and pantiog on hin baok. of the lettuce on top, and cover with a Ma- ants and Roman Catholics, and the parties Daylight came and he was still in the water, of the anv1l, and when th!s requires to be yonnaise dresl!ing. dwell t ogether without broils or bickeriogs, but t he shore a little over a. mile away gave ve.rled the blacksmith Indicates where the P EA'R JELLY. -The pears must be a jnicy Tne one preaching service of t he day is 1»t him enoouragement, a.nd hf' soon was able t o sledge blows are to fall by touching the sort. Cut them into quarters without par- nine or ten in the morning, and then follow .stagger, half unconscions, up t bs sandy required epot with his baud-hammer. If the afodge is required to have a ing or coring. Put eight pounds in a. pot various minor services, b11t all is over be- bee.ch on1y to drop in a faint above high· w!th one quart of water and boil on a slow fore even ing, to give people a n opportunity water mark. It was not until 11oon thi1t he later al II1obion while deucemling, the fire to a pulp, then throw them into a. jelly of going t o the t heatre I As 1 have s~id~ a.woke and looked for aid. He took em- blacksmith ind!ca.te11 the same t o bhe help bag, ma.de of coarae glass cloth, and let them the attendance is usue.lly spa.rse. Often the ployment with farmers, and when a measure er by d ellvering h and -h emmer blows in rema.in all night to drain. Next morning women and children form almost the entire of his strength had returned struck out for which the hand-hammer moves in the squeeze e.ny remaining juice out of the bag, congregation ; the men get along somehow a. long t:ramp of nearly two hundred miles direction req11ir.id for the eledgii to move. and to each pound of juice add half a pound with less a.ttende.nce, The old custom of across the r epublic to a small seaport named If the blacksmith delivei:s a heavy of lump sugu and a very little lemon j u!ce 2ep<1>rating the men and women is still ad- Livingstone, whence he worked his wa.y to fla.vor. Boil it on a quick fire till it comes hered to. If a. fam ily come, the w ife takes homeward, ~nd then when, in March iil.at, blow npon the work and an intermediate toe. jel\y. Great ca.re must be taken not to t h_e girls and goos to one place, and th_e man he rea?hed_New "( o~k it wa.~ only t o find llghb blow on the anvil lt denotes t hat let this burn. It takes about two houra to with the boys to another. Add to ~his that that Ins v.;1fe, r ely mg u,pon the reports that heavy sledge b lovrs are reqlllred. If there .&re t wo or more helpers the boil to a j elly, but is more eaeily done in , all the pe~sa!lt women 11oppear with bare he _had Jumped ov~rooard, had married black smith strlkeB a blow between each sma.11 quantities, (joarse juicy pears are heads, and it ia at once seen how. atra.nge agu.m, the best ' an appearance a German oongreg1J.t1on preIle asked for some sort of r noompense belper'a sledge-ham mer blow, the obj 6ci: ~ sents. The minister wee.rs a ble.ck gown from the Pacific Mail Steamship Compe.ny, b eing to merely denote where the sledge ' not unlike a lawyer's. His sermon is of but was oonfronted with hie owu death cer- blows are to fa11. Some New Pickles the average length, a.nd if I may judge by tificate a.a proof tha.t he he.d no cla.im, and When the blacksmlth deskes thg sledge TOMATO PICKLE.-Take a ge.llon ot green the specimens I have heard, hung on a text then, broken down in health by his suffertomatoes and six Iar~e onions ; cut them in of many verses, and containing illustrations ings, he listened to the advice of friends blows to ceaGe he lets the h1mi-ha.mm 0r head fall upon the anvil lltnd continu ils its thin slices e.nd sta.nd them In salt and water drawn from t he Fra.nco-German w11or. The and instituted a suit for $30,000, claiming a.11 night. In the morning pour oft the brine service is all according te a pra.yer-hook ; that when he entered the service of the rebound upon the 1mme until lb ceaaea. and put them into ~ preserving pan, with the people iil" Thus the movements of the hand-hama nd to pray, and sit while company he was entitled to protection, four ta.blesponnfuls of sugar, four of mustard singtog. Many of the tunes are weird sort of which, when he applfod to the chief engl- mer constitune signals to the h elper, :md two teaspoonfuls of ground cloves, t wo of melodiea, with a. solemn ring caused by the neer, we.s not given him. what appear desultory blow3 to t he comcimfa.mon, one of cayenne pepper and one of general slow singing and by having the last mon observer c onstltute the method of the be~t curry powder. Simmer for one hour two notes of a llne the same. The churches communieabion b etween the blacksmith .lioney. a,nd when cool, pour into pickle jars. are fairly like ma.ny old country churches, and his helper . TIY ALLEN PRINGLE. Cnow-Cnow.-Take t wo heads of cabb~ge, good, but with thoso straight box-like seats two heads of cauliflower, one quart of dwarf int ended to e.dd a Jitt10 pen11ace t o the wor----~ -···Why p1ople, should freely ea.t honey can ~larried People ·would be Hap. onions, two quarts of anull tom;i.toes, one ship. It is noticeable, too, that the Pro- be put britfly m one sentence, to wit; Bepier. do·-en cucumbers and six roots of celery ; testa.nts have crucifixes and pictures ~c1»tter cause honey is wholesome, pv.lv.t able, and comcut into small pieces and boil each kind ol ed around the walls ; but a liking for such pa.:ratively cheP.op food, This fact in itsdf If home troubles were never told to a "eget1\ble separately until tender, then strn.in things seems to be inbred in the people ; ought to be sufficient tu insure its general neighbor. and take two gll>llons of vinegar, qua.rter of all through the count ry by the roadside 01111 use, and no doubt will when the fact is gtinIf expenses were propcrbl.oned to rea pound of mustard, quarter of a pound of finds terrible-looking crucifixes, enough to er a.Uy known. 0 wing m1>.inly, perhape, to t he cei.µts . mustard seed, ·one pot of French. mustv.:rd, m:aka the passer-by shudder. fact that honey yields such exquisite p1easIf bhey tried to be as agreer.ble aii in one ounce of cloves and two ounces of tumure to the human pa.late It is for the m osu part courtship days. ---~ .......... ~. ........ eric ; put the vinegar and spices i~to a pll.11 rega.rded a.a a mere l.uxury, and its va.lui\ble A Scotch Fal'mer's Wife. If oach would try t o be a supporb and 11nd let them come to the boil, then mix the qualities a.s e. food v.ud even a. medicine are vegetables 1md pour the liquor over, A cor respondent of t he Scottish Agriciil- generally overlooked. Now, corn mea.l por- comforb to the other. H each remembered the other was a huTo PICKLE SMALL YELLOW Tol\IATOEi>- tural Gazette, in givi"~ an account of his ridge is a wholesome and chea.p food, but it Let t hem lie in salt and water for thr ee or farm ing, rema.rkQ: ) "My wife and l (we is not sufficiently p(tlate.ble to ca.tch many man bein g, nob am angel. If eMh was as kind to the other r1s four days, changing the brine if u. ncum have only a girl in the house) i·ear a dozen mout hs watering for it. There are many rises ; then rinoe them with clear water and or so ca.Ives every ye11>r. · · For my success excellent articles of diet t hat ar e quite neg· when t hey were lovers. If fuel and provieione were la.id in durlet them lie for a. night in weak vinega.r, or wit h them I am greatly indebted to a care- lected simply beca.usc they do not commend say half vinegar and ha.If water, 'l'he next ful wife, A d istant rele.tion of my own, themselves to our perverted taste, every- ing the high tide. d:iy prepare thus : To one peck of tome.toes and bearing my own surname, llhe is a body, however, admitting their wholesomeIf both parties remembered that bhey allow he.If an ounce of whole cloves, a quar- jewel to her husband indeed, S he brought ness. B ut because honey is so superla.tively married for worse as vrell M betto1·. ter of a pound of ground mustard, half an me a httle money, but she is a fortune in pleasant to all tastes-both normal and abIf men were aa bhoughtfol for their onnoe of whole bhck pepper and six good- herself. She is well educated, ce.n spee.k normal-the haiity conclusion is forthwit h wives as they were for their swaathearbs. sized onions, cut in aliees. P ut the t omatoes F renoh fa.irlv well, a.a I discovered on the reached tha.t it is merely a luxury to please If l:ihere were fewer silkB and velve t in a j ar, puttiDg a layer of onions and spice honeymoon trip, and fo e. capital musician; the pala.te, having no specie.I va.lue as a regbetween the layers of tomatoes t ill the jars but since three children have crowned onr ul11or article of diet, This popufa.r concep- street c ostumes, and more plain, tidy e.re full. Cover the whole with cold vinegai· wedded bliss, the sewing machine ia oftener tion is very erroneous, and mnst. be c >rrected house d re11ae3. If there were fewer "please darlings" of good strength. In a week or ten days heard than the pfano She r ee.rs and sells before this rich product of nat ure can take about 100 chickens every year, besides keep- its proper place on the tables of all cla.saes ln public and more common manners ln the pickles will b e ready for the table. APPLE PICKLE.-Core six good-sized cook- ing up her etook, and many a. comfort in of people as a common article of diet T r ue, private. addition to groceries does the egg basket ·occasionally a pe~s on is foun d wh cannot If maEculine b ills for Havanas and fem· ing apples and six russet apples; slice them, but do not pue them. The cooking applPs procure. She f'ays her pigs pay and I be- eat honey. I t disagrees with a few, er, as lnlne d lbto for rare lace were turned Into will form the soft part of the chutnee, and lieve her, though what with her hens and they put it "acbs almost a.s poison" to them. the gener al fund until rmch times ns they the slices of russet apples should look like pigs the corn heap suffers. It is not, how- But tnis fact no more proves that honey pe1· could be Incurred without r !1.1k. sliced mangoes, Put them into a pint of ever, much felt by me, a.nd the loss is am se is essentia lly inj 11riousthan the fa.ct that poIf m:in would remember thg,t a. woman red vinegar, add a. pound of moist sugar and ply repaid. She ie not a.t a.11 given to finery, tatoes "1>ct like poison" to aomepeop!e proves c11onnot be Dlwa.ys smillng who has to C()Ok yet I oe.n a.lways look upon her with pride that potatoes are essentially unwholesome. four ounces of sultana raisins : boil together the dinner, answer the door bell half a until t he apples are soft. Have two ounces a.s the most tastefully and becoming ly dress- The.fault is not in t he honey or potatoes but dozen times, a.nd get rid of a ne!ghbor ed woma.n in the district. · ' Then as to In the subject himself, In some peculiarity of onione ready, chopped finely, four oun ces who has dropped 1u. tend a sick baby, tie of salt, two ounces ea.oh of mu$rd and disposition. There never was such a thing of constitution or abnormal condition of up the cut finger of a. two-year old, tle as a. ja.r known in onr·family. F orbearance the system may always be found the true ground ginger, mixed smoothly with a little up t h e head of a aix-year old on 15kates, viuegar ; etir these ingredients into the and loving respect towards old age-con- cause of the difficnlty. The dietetic elements which honey con- and get an eight· year old ready for $chool, apple, suge.r a nd vinegar while hot ; add sideration and confidertlle towards youthhalf an ounce of cayenne pepper, or for some have been the rule. In the case of my wife tains ar.i quite indispenaa.ble to first-rate to say nothing of sweeping and duating, tastes a q uarter -of an onnce is sufficient ; and I, the we.rmest and most devoted affeC<- health in this and more northerly clima.tes- etc. A woman with all this to contend stir the chutnce well, and then bottle when tion, tempered by the sincerest mutual re- indeed to all outside the Torrid Zono. The with may claim it ae a privilege to look spect, ha.vs influenced ns, I m::.y safely aa.y, carbonaceous, no less than the nitrogenous, and feel a little tired sometlrae3, and a eold, all our lives, Any one pe.ssing my house elements of food are rEquired by the huma.n word of symoathy would not he t oo much The following is the reply given by c>ne of and eeeing the roses blooming over the system in these zones; and as we go north to expect from the ma.n wbo, during the our prominent scholars : Tea.eher-"What wa.lls, and "Ned," the c>ld collie dog, frisk- from the tropic of Cancer more irnpsratively honeymoon, would not let her carry llll e.re meta.morphlc rocks ?" Pupil- " Meta- ing about with the children busy feeding required thv,n the la.tter. Now, as honey much aa a sunshade. morphic rooks a.re rocks containlusz meta- their rabbits and pigeons in the open air, furnishes these indispen11ahle, hee.t produccould not fail to be aSl!ured that hap- ing elements in greater purity than almost phor." Portlaad, Oregon, boe.t-builders are jnst pin08s a.nd contentme nt reigned within every other article of human diet, it there A fashion authority Bte.tee that "low- the home. now ta.king an interest in a model yacht fore eta.nos at the Yery hoad of the carbonneoked dresses will be dropped nt the opera. aceous ingesh. lf t he animal heat of t he race, ·The ya.chta must n ot exceed fonr feet this se a.son." The time is fast approaching "Whew !" ex cl11olmecl Crimsonbeiiok, sur - system i s producad and maintained by the in length, and the sa.il, r ig and model will when the opera will be no pla.ce for respect- p rised on entering hie sleeping apartment t o combustion in the blood of the oxygen of the be a matter c>f fancy to the owner. 11oble people to frequent, find his wife we.I ting for him the other morn- air taken in by the lungs and certain eleAn eight-footed cow is t he cnriosity " I went to hear Archdeacon Farrar lecture ing at 2 o'cl ock, "those s tairs a lmost take ments of the food, as the most eminent au- which a Ho1ncook's ·bridge (N. J ) man on Dante," reme.rked the mueic teacher, my bree.th a.way." "Well, I wish they thoritlesmaintain, then it is absolutely certain cla.ime to ha.ve. The extra ·feet a.re well "and I wa.e greatly disappointed. Be talk- would," replied his displea.sEd wife, catch- that for a:x or eight months of the year in distribut ed, one being on ea.oh of the a.nied oearly two hours about Dante, and never ing the odor of the club man's evening bev- this clima.te there is no more wholesome or mal'e lega, j 11et a short dist!ltnce a.hove the said a. word a.bout his sister Ann." erage, necessary food than p ure honey. True, in hoof, ~U -"'-" n "'tl a;; Sl'tttf oc:nntu. -"' "1~ ,Hl -- I PHOTOGRAPHY. ___ ___ ..,,., rrHE HOUSEHOLD. New Photo Rooms ARE NOW OPEN. · Stand formerly oct:upted by the Post omcet KING STREET, HENRY'S :J3C>"gV:tv.r.A.1'T'V:J:LX.. 1.~ · The Gallery is first-class in all its appointments, and furnished in a comfort able m1111ner. There will be no poor work: allowed to leave the rooms, and these who favor me with a call can rely on beingpleased ~The instantenous process only will be used for Photographs. . Come in and see me. R.H. HENRY. UNDERTAKING! -:BY-- A - l EV 1 MORRIS. l:M" I am fully prepared t o attend F unerals on. the shortest notice, at the lowest possiblerate13. Caskets and Bm·ialCases ready on short notice First-class hearse on very moderate terma Shrouds and Coffins con2tantly on hand. Fun. ral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop&; how Hooms-B ounsall'eN ow Blook. 11 furniture sold by me is made by the U. C urniturc Co. of Bowman ville. I do not buy slop furn l1.ur e an d i·epresent it to have been made by th e, TJ. C. F. Co. of this town. Also agent l'u · t ne LI-QUOH 'l'TDA for this town; 11.n CI vicinity. It is cheap u.nd as good as can ba got in· the market. A valuable prize given with every vound. THE ONTARIO BANK Continues to do a. General Banking~usinasa" taBo wmanvillo Branch. DEllilOSITS Received in Savings Ba.nk Depart.ment a nd call and interest allowed at ourrent rates. N ~ no Lice of withdrawal necessary. All deposltl p& yable on demand, EXfJll£NGE Boughtandsold and Draftaieaued upon E urope. United States and Canada, also Gold, Silver and United Sta;es Greenbacks boui:ht and sold. , C:OLl...IECTIONS Promptly made at current rates upon all parU of Great Brittain, the United States and Do minion of Canada. '.l'clcgraph T1·a11sf'c1·s Made for la.rge or small sums on a ll parts Of Cana.da. This ia especially advantageoue to persons living in Mamtoba or the North-wee& as it makes the funds ava ilable at once a t the place oi payment. For further particulars call at the BanklnA: House. '.l.' .BUODIE, GEO. McGILL, Aocountant. Manager ·v ~9==·::.i===-11 ~ THE NEW 1 ITT RAYMOND ~~7~~, !li!liW!iJ!fi!Iiti ri:i!i:l iJlil iJ!i:il'i l il i l~ 1 llJ[ijfii~ ~~ ~ ~:~!~~~:~~£~!~~ m~· HIGH THE FAVORITE ·fi;iriUiiliJ ~ " ,o f3 FOR FAWJ.!LY., USE. A R M ·HIGH FINISH c;\ · ~~--~~~~ a~~-,- ~iferzt . £u.ro.Sfo-; ·~ Automatic Bobbin Vlinder ;· ~ ~~~~ L n All the "Raymond " Shuttle Machines (1.l are fitted with tho l'11tent ---- lrCUUU~UIUll~l l l l UUJIUJISIUUlUH Hll lUIUlll!t CHAS. RAYMOND1 J~ MANUFACTURER fl nJ GU.ELP!-1, S"252 ONTARIO;"' f!:! ~ MRs.W. Hm IVES has opened out a choice a1id cheap stock of Dry Goods, · Fancy Goods, FancyWools, Ladies' Skirts, Underclothing, and everything usually found in in a Ladies' Fancy ·F urnishing Store, all of which will be sold very cheap for cash. Next door to Treleven's Shoe Store, Bow:manville. ~-~~~"" - """~-ltlll~~~~!!'!!!!~*'*!' · ~'""'!'!-~""'~""""'~· :::: Pearl Desmond writes a touching poem cn'titled, "A Broken Link." Well, the next t ime P ·*lri goeB to ma1ket she will carry her s11ousa.ges home in a ba.sket, a.·~d not try t o mi.ri~y thom by the handle or l()l'.d them with (:l2) ------ - -- _____.................. ~~- Mli!'IMl!4iM&it··M4liiM 11tlltring,

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