Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1885, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M.A. JAMES, E DITOR.AND PnOPRIETOR. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 382. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1885. VOLUME XXXI. NUMDEH 47. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, ·Bowmanville. 1886. llarpersM(aga~ine ILLUSTRATED. The December Number will b egin the Sev · enty-seco:arl Volume ot Harper's Maga~inc. l\1iss Woolson's novel. "East Angels ." and ]\fr. Howell'8 ' ' In d iau S umm er "-·holding the for emost place io current serial fict ion-will run through s everal number s, and will he followed by serial stories from R. D. B lackmor e aud Mrs. D. M . Craik. A nP.w editorial department, d iscussiug t opics sug1~ested by t he current literature of America 11nd Emope, will be contrib iited by W, D . Howells. beginning with t he .Tanua ry :Num· ber . The grea t literary event of the yenr will be the publication of a s-,ries of pa perst aking the sh ap e of a storv. and depict.ing characteristic fe:i.tur es of American society as seen at our leading pl<>asure re~orts- writ· teu by Ohad es Dudley W 11rner, and illustrat· ed by C . S. Reinhart . Tho Magazine will give especial attcotion t o American subjects, treated hv the best Ameri~a n writns. and illustrated by l~adin&r American artists. HARPEB.'S PEIUODICALS. PER YEAil. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. ENFIEL D . L UNG SAULT. LAST ~WEEK we bought a CHEAP LOTI - - O F- - - Black Asttachan Mantles, Black Fur Capes, Black Fur Tri1nming, Black and Grey Robes. Men s Persian Lamb Caps. 1 VVE OFF ER Great Bargains! IN THESE LINES, And intending purchasers should : give us a c a ll before buying. ?lfaga7.:ne. . . .. .. . . .... . . .... $1 00 Harpel"a Weekly.. ... .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. 4 00 Ha.rper's B azar . . .... .. . ... . ... .. . . ... 4 00 Harper's Young People .. ·.. ... ... . ... 2 00 Harper's Franklin flq·1ar e .L ibrary .. · · One Year (52 Nl.)mber·) .... ... . ... 10 00 P ost1Jgc F i·ee to all subsc1·ibe1 ·s i n the United States and Canada. ' The V olumt·s of tbc Ma'1azine begin with the Numbers for .fnne and D ecem ber ef each ye·r. Whtcn no t ime is specified , it will be under·too<l that the m1bscriber wishes t o b egin with the current Nnmber. Hound Volumes of Harper's MaQ:aziue f or three years back, in 11cat d oth bin(Jing, v-ill be Stnt by m :til, postpaid, on ~e·le ipt of$;{ per volurn~. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each- by mail. postpaid. I ndex to Harper's M~gaz ine, Alpha betical, Analytical, and Classified . for Volumes 1 to 60 inclush·e, from .T uue, 1P50, to June, 1880, OD <' vol., 8vo, C loth. $4 . Remittances sb onl rl be made b.v Po·t-Office Money Order or Draft. t v avoid ch an ce of losH. N ewRpa11e.n ore not to copy t his advert1seincnt witlwt<t the ·e~;p ress order of H ar pe1· & Brothel's . Addr ess HARPJ<; R 1 & llROTH ERS, New 'York. Harper'~ FOREIGN PATENTS. As ,. Nen er1tl r ule, nny im' Qntion that is valuable"' t o t he p atente" in this coun tr y is worth equally as mnch in E ngla nd and some otl1er for eign countries. Six patents-em braeing Canadian, English. German, Frencl1, Be lg!· an, Cuban and Spanisb- will sec ure to au inv.e1!tor the exclusive mo~opoJy t o bis d!s ' co' e1y among about ONll HUNDHED . AN D SEVENTY J\IJLLJONB or t he most rntol11gent. people in t he world. The facilities of busilleas an<l steam communica t ion arc s uch , that patents can be obtained abroa d by onr citizens alm ost M e o.sily as a t h ome . A circular con· talniog furl.h er i.nformntion and Synopsis of the Paten t L aws of v arious·countriee,fnrnisbed free. l'alcnl.s tu Cann<la.- '!l'he la w and p roceed· inga are · mu ch the snine as in the U . S. '1.' he whole cost of anply ing tor a Caoadian pa t en t is gen erally $IO. This inclnd \S government fe es, a genoy and t1ll expe nses. MUNK & Co., 3Gl Broadw ay, New Yor i, . 'SDNilrioow COUCH,JOHNSTON ~ CRYDERMAN Would announce to their friends and ilrn public that their Scientific American, The most popular Scientific P a per in th e world, Only $3.20 a · y c-ar .., incln~liJJg l'ost a~~c. Weekly. 52 N'111nbc1·s a ycur. 4,000 Boo'li. 1·ages. FALL ...._~ND WINT ER STOCK 1s now very complete in all its departments, having opened out during the past few week s over OVER &69,000 WORTH OF N"-EVV GOODS=' Comprising Dress Goods, Silks, P lushes, Velvets. Winceys, Mantle Goods: U lster Cloths, Tweeds, Over Coatings, F lannels Blankets, Fur Caps, Astrachan Mant les, Over Coat s, &c. THE i,;crnNTll'IC AMEJUCA:<' is a la rge First Clasa N ewspaper of Six teen Pages, printerl in the most beautiful style. profu.·el11 illustro.terl .with splenrUd .e:nrrrcwi 'l l.f/8 , r epresen t ing t he n ewest Inventions and the most r ecent A dva nces in tile A r ts and Sci ences. 'l'he most vnl1111ble practical papers, by eminent w r iters in all de par t m en ts of Science, will b e found in t h e ScrnNTIF'W AMll:RJCAN. It should h a ve a place in ev ery l!' a m ily, Reading. n oom . Library, College er School. 'l'erm s, $3.20 per year, $1.60 b a it year, wl1ich includes pr ep a yment o r pos tage. Single copies t en cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Hemit by p ostal order to lllUN'.\' d'. CO., J"ubllsl1 crs, 31ll J'ro11tl\\vay, New Yo1·k. NEW Y ORK Their stock this season is by far the largest and best assorted evAr shown by them, and in some departments the best - ver shown in Bowmanville. Every article has been CAREFULLY SELECTED IN THE BEST MAR K ET S and at the lowest prices which CA 8 H can command. OBSERVER, [ OLDEST A N D B RS'l' Religious a nd Secular Family New s paper. N'A.TION,tL AND EVA.NGELHJ.U. Fine Ordered Clothing a specialty. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, ot Office, One Door All the News , l ' igorous E dlUOJrnli. A trustworthy pa per for business m en . It h a s special d epar tmen ts for Ifarmcrs, Sunday· sch · oo I T eacIiers and l:I onse k.ceper s. THE N EW YORK OBSERVER Jo'OR 1886, SI X 'l'Y-FOU!t'l'H V OLU M E , · will contain a ne w and n ever b efore publish ed BolVntanville. s e.ries or lRllN...m .:s LHTTERS; regular corresWest Pos t pondents from Gi·eat Britain, .France.Germ an y a nd Italy; J,ette rs from MiSl:lion. Stations in B udin, China , J a.pan, Africa a nd Micronesia.; J.Y. B. DolVn's Vegetable Balsamic Elixir is a. positive cur e original a r ticles from m en or rnftuence an d knowledge of atrairs in diJfer cnt pa1'ts of this for Coughs Col ds, Croup, Whooping -Cough, Catarrh , Hoa r seness, Influenza, country. and selecte d a r ticles fro m the choicSpittinrr Bl~od Bronchitis, A s thma, Lung F e ver, Ple urisy, and a ll disea s es of the est liter ary and r e ligous p ublication s, in poet r y and prose. Throat ,., Chest 'a nd Lung s . .As an E x pectorant it has no e qua l, Consumption h a s A n ew V olu m e, containing a Second Series b een c~red times without numbe r b y its time ly use . It h e als the ulcerate d surfaces , of lRENllmS LETTERS, a sketch of th e 111lthor, and cures w h en a ll other remedie s fail. Fifty -six y e ars of constant u s e has prov en and a r evle w of h is life and work, will shortly be publish ed. lt1 virtu es. Every family s h ould keep it in the hous e . Sol d e verywhe re. W e shall offer this yaar specia l ancl a t t ract· Henry, Johnston & Lor d , Proprie tor s, B u rling ton, V t . i ve inducem ents to subscribers and friend~. S ample copies tree. Dr. H c ury Baxt er's ~.la11d.1·a~e B~tter s a re a . sure cure f~r NEW YORK OBSERVER, Oostiveness, B iliou s nes s, Dysp e p s ia, Ind1gedtion, Dise a ses <:f the Kicl~eys, Torpid 4.7·3W N E W Y ORK . Liver Rhe umatis m Dizzine <:1s , S ick H e adach e. L oss o f Appetite , Jaun dice, Apople xy, P~lpitations, Eru11tio n s a~d Skin Diseases. K eep the S t o:iia ch, Bow els , and Digestive Org ans a l m work~n g erder, and _ p e r fect h e?'lth will be the result. La.dies and other s s u b j ect t o S ick H eadach e will find r elief and p ermanent cure b y TO E V E.R Y BODY ! the u se of these B i t ter s . Bein a t o nic and mildly purg ai,ive thev p u r ify the blood . For s a l e by all d c a.l ers i n medici~e. Henry, Johns t o n & L ord, Proprietors, A r ar e ch ance to th ese of either sex. wishing Burlin g ton, Vt. easy, stead y and profit able em ploym ent. An h onorable business c han ce for m en, women, boys and girls . w anting a moneymaking oc· Henry, Johnston & Lord, Propr iet o r s of cupation . A gents wanted in ev ery t own , A.1·11ica a.off OU Lini1neut for M an and B east. The b est externa l village and hamlet in Cuna da . .Address. (en . 11 thr ee cent sta m p for r ep ly) W. H. closing remedy for Rheumatis m, N e nralgi.a, S prains, Bruises, Burns and S ea.Ids, S ciatica, H 0 B ER 'l' S 0 N. Can adian Aoric1ilt1irist , Backach e, Froste d F eet , and a ll other pains and A c hes. It is a sa fe, sure , and PETEIIBORO', 0N'l.'. ! 7-l m. effectual R e m e dy for Galls , S train s , Scratch es , Sor e s, &c. , on H o r ses . One trial will prove lts m e rits. Its eftects are i n m os t ca ses i n s t a ntaneou s. Every b ottle B arga ins i n F l a nnel s at t h e Star H ouse warrant~d t o give s a tisfaction . P r ice s 25 cents and 50 c e nts p er b o ttle. Scld 27 in ch all w ool C h ambly Flannel for 25 everywhere. cen ts . $5.00 to $10.00 a Day P otato crop badly inju red by r ot . T ur11 ip3 a Mr. J·olm Stark . of E ast Whit by, bought th e TAUN'l'ON. Geo. Mr.Cullou1 d1 f ar m, >trlvertiRed in the ~oorl crop . .'l' u r key~ aud geest1 getting rnady RTA'l'ESllAN recently, for $7,tiOI J, It contained lot· Xnrns. H a ril. wmte.r a heail. 'l 'rout fishing Miss Lizzie \\T ashington h as ret urned from 118 ac.i·cs. I t i8 a tine !{rain farm. suspen ded for the season . Money scar ce lJut her prolonged visit. at Oraugeville. M r. \V. Ormi ston. prnR ident of ou r Band, wea ther plenty. Miss Emily Bain is spending a uionth a t and otliers a tt ended t he He U 11 ion a t Eldnd. E . Vir tue h ns r et urned fr om M iriland ; glad Clinton. Dr, James Bray paid a short ·visit to Ilrn.e. to "et home. l:.obt. llfolaughlin ha s retm·nedfrolll Nor w ich Miss Edith Osborne. of Bowmam·ille has side, his par e nta l homo. last w eek. H e bas to tho o ld homest ead . b een visit ing nt M r . A. E . H enry's, alrend y a good practice ill tile City. M r s. J . Brown's sale was no t a big- success; A s trnnge specta cle w a s seen a sh ort d istance A crowded house d isappointed. Li~st Sunday week , the Enfleld P rayin;;- Band failed to p ut w esL of h ere on F r id&y last-a ten·aore field Mr. K Dyer 's lit tle better. · in an appearu.uc<1 at Rohcboth ns announced. Iiternlly black wit h crows. There wo1·e a pM rs. A . Br own is v ery ill. . p ar entl,y "million~ in it ." lleviv!W. meetin!l's closed; sever a l converts 'l'he new r esiden ce on P vvla.r Hill is very u.ttracti ve antl is atlmired by passers·bY: It is Ther e i s some talk of Mr. D yer runni ng for- i'8portea . lilrnwise attractive in an other se nse. the 1st d eputy r ee veshlp. Gen. 'l'a yl or bo.s m oved for m our 5ection and Mr. Geo. ShorWa horse not being a ccustomed ' Vonder if Mr. Ash ton is a:oing to t reat the is m issed. t o 1he I ron H orse Il.ubicon, took fright. and y oung folks to a house-warming/. The lit tle b utcher's crop occu pied 9 .days to threw the driver out, but fortunately no bonea. Miss Mary J . Nidder y hos been ill of typhoi d thresh. S ig, eh 1 were broken, . fev< ·r , b ut 1s oon valescnnt. R umor of a wedd in~ hero. W h en the Scot Act com es in force t h e whisky M.r . Sam. Hooper, our geni e! and obligingH am bly t he Carpenter is building a dwelling tlaeks will r emain empty and t hus lessen t he blackswiL h, nnu his wife and fam ily have re· for n. Brooks, j r ., i n Clarke· .Sunday d rinking. moved to Oshawa, He goes wi t h the best f\ig fu n on north enc l of Mr. , V, Patton's Zion clioir has lost on o of its A lto sinooers. wishes of the uumy frienils he has gained farm last w eek. Messrs. G. Convn,y and A. " duriog ll ts sojourn h ere, Beet· w ere ou t hunting for a bea r and espying So far Lhis year the popult·tion of Mitchell's .Mr · .James Hurlbut ho.a re·.u rned and become a dark object among L il e lrnsiles d rew u p and Corner~ has increased by five. o ur village t>lacksmitil a gain : fired oeveral L imes i n uni~on, A ft er a while Mr..Toseph l ..eamon h as kased a farm near One of o ur worthy youn ;;: m en has been th e object began to t.hink uo doubt that they tile Os hawa Station . married lnLely to a 8olina I.Jelle, a nd dou bts might be aiming At it . and fea1'<ng lest It migh t M r. Th om pson, on nccount of sickness, has 'll'.re en terLain ed as to whet hm· u uoLlter i~ mar- get hit, w alkc< l offJ'(run L ini{ a t lldng distur bed . bccn unable to take charge of his school. l'fod or not. It wa s one of Mr. Patton'· p ik·s. Mias Hor tia H enry h R.S recovered fro er llJ>Tb y BonnETT. Some or ou1· loca l cr ack shots went ou t on a siclmess. A stitch in time sa ves nine. T yph oid fox hun t on Than k8i,:iving clay. A fter h a ving fevci· being prevented. spent a bout a ll t!teir amm unition shooting at US HA W A. What is the meaning of tho le tter "II" on h is fox .shi p, he r etired t.o his h ole, an d w hile om· Canadian Coins 1 they were con81dering h o w to get h im 01it, be The I:.ev. Fat her Chinlquy iB to lecture i n popped o ut.decamped and was not seen again. Mr. Geo. Brock hus rented Mi-. Jonath an JJcttci· t ry agaiu, bo~·s. here tho begin ning of December. Porter 's fai·m at Five PoinLs. Mr. John K a y, a n old o.nd rePpoctc d resident Mr. ;r. C. G1·oat is t o teach Bradley's school d ied on :Monda y l ast, of heart dl oea~e. another year. , C.AR'l'WR I Gli 'l'. A mt:ct ing of th e Osh awa Farmers' Institute Anot her couple made happy. W edd ing No. w ill be h eld in the Council Chamber, nex t 2 one of the four widowers Mr.Ud .M itc hell.nntl T he Hev. Geo. H eynolds, who is J1om0 for Sutnrday at t wo o'clock, Miss .l<' annie Hogarth, of Solina, has ta ken a rest occ upied the pu lpit of the Methodist An ]j~ast W bit by far mer gave l!ls hogs some place. '.l'ile llev. Mr. H ill. of Osha w a, per. c hurch on Suurlay night. a nd gave a v ery hard cider a few da.ys ago and tb.ey got !iS tormed the ceremony. 'Who is to be N o. ~. inter esting d 1s0ou rsc on M atthew xxv 1-~ rirunk a s men could. Jfo hu.d tu sbut up tbe Messrs. Washington s Langmuids, .l<'ursey j It is r e ported t hat w e a re s oon to 10 l1ogs t i) kec1i them frutu eating l l P the and oth ers purchased se_ver a l head of ca t tle a t anoth er promine nt citizen. M r . Geo. \ Vilson. big smallc1· ones. the great. sale at Brooklm, under th e manage. o ut· populor 'l'ea cher. \ Ve believe he h as Several sport s who r eside not many miles m r n t. of Mr. E . B. Morgan, or Oshawa. accepted t ile charge of t he school in .l!'enelon from Os bawa, wh ile hunting In Muskolrn. 'l'he house formerly occupie<l b:i- 1'1ed. Monn· F all, r e centl y got after a black c o.If and cha.eel t be ~ain, E sq., has been ~·horo ughl y renovated a nd Mr , S ·.ra·rES ~!AN, if you know of any good poor t hing sevrn m iles In hope~ of br inging is now ready an<l waitrng for the 2Gth. and r eli able plan for a boilsh1ng pu blic nni· home a b ear skm. 'l'he missionar y meetings will be h eld at sances for good ness sake lot us k now it, Wo M rs . .Ta mes Smith, who lla8 been aili ng for Zion ne,;t.'l'uesday evening. Deputation- H ev. are troubled w ith a collection or curiositie s some i rne, passed quietly a way on TueMay Dr. W 1lhoms a.nd r esident :Ministers. M usic who ga ther around the entrance of the Metho- m ornir. ng· 'l ·he decet<sed had muny and w arm by the Choir. dist church ever y S unda y night in s11cll force a s to r ender it rlifticult for a lady to crowd h er friends in Oshawa. Y EHITA S, 'l'he annual mcetin:; of t he South Ontario ------" - - . · ·- - -· way through. Why do not the Otllcials ot tile Saolla th School Associu.tion will h o held in church make an attem pt t o stop i t 1 · SO L INA . Wh~ la id one eud of th e top rails of J\fr. Oshawa, on the 15t h a nd 16th of December. Mr. J. W'. lligginbotba m, th o \ Vorthy Mfas Belle Cowie has been spreading sun. l~ooey s fence a cross tile plank walk a few shine in t h is section for a brief spell mgh ts.a go1 It w:i.s a cowar d ly r.r ick , boys; Granrl P residen t., tha Grand Secretary, and . · :;rou ungh t have brok en somch ody's limbs · other officers o1 tb.o Grand Lod~e oe t he Sona .l\Jr. E dwm R eynolds has :finishod veneer!~" 'l'he Quar tette still p ya 1t 8 · htl ' to ot England, were in Montreal J'13t week, and h is hou·e . . . . . .,/ the hou;eiu the north ae nd. K~~~ ityup~Boys. innugui·ated and ded icated Lodge Excel~ior. Mrs, H . H ooper was v 101L m g f n en ds at Tann- T he per for mance d"lig h tB a nd a muses the Reforme·r. t on last week . w hole township. Dr. Campbell w a s the hon ored g uest at a The .singing sch ool at M t . Vernon is getting KEN DA L L. along i mmensely. supper ser ved by Mr. '!'hos. Swai n, of Ule M ost oft.b e noted s t ock-raisers around bore Hoya l, t o t ho m ern hers of L , 0, L odge No. 133, Not aeei n <: this section r epresentetl in your ·tLtended the Simpson stock sale on Tuesday the otber evening. colttnms of lute I have ooncludert to t ry my llev. Dr. Willia ms will prea ch a m issionar y htind. Your re acters no doub t k now where we w eel, . live by t his time. Well we h1 wc a B rass Band Mr. Clarke Wilbur, of Midland, is visiting sermon isn t he Me1J1odist church in this village down here and one that w ould do credit to his J~arents n ere. . . ou nex t unday u.t 6.30 p. m . places even more di.~ting11 i slled than K endall. . M iss D ella ·werr y has been vls1tlng fncnds R ev. Messrs . Cr eighton, MoK ay and McLar- LliSt M on day ev\jning they t ook a l r i p up the m Cal't wr1ght. ' en llle<l services in theit· r<~tipective eh u r cha s Sevent h scnmadtng several hou~es on t.l1elr , l s our D ivision go ing to give us an enter tain . m th is locality on 'l 'ba nksgiving Day. · way and finally pulled 1.he rein at ML·. 'rh os. 1me11 t during t he liolidays i l!.cv, W , O. \Vashingt.on cond nctec l a Pr a ise Underwoods. '.l'hia r omantic home J1as Jong '~'e bolicv.c . that pei·fect hormouy r eigns m eeting in tho Metl:Iodist c hurcn on W ednes- been noted fnr tb 1~ I10apita"ty oC it> h oot and amou ~ our ci tizens n ow d ay ni;:bt. L h e p r.iw...:c ly 11Hl.nn~t in which we w ere use d "' ., . . . on t his occasion proves it i n efl'ect. '!'hey will J. c. u . . ve vcra.t .People from. J30':".m anv1 lle spent g i ve n. co11c<;:-t. t >efore long 'tie said. T h" Pr osby'l bo.n ksg1ving Day lll thm sec·1on . t cri>tns .....,. 1 1.lre tLIY making prepprations for LAKE-V I EW, OA R 'l'WRLGH T. F armers in t his vicinity find our general Cloristn iu., I.rec and t~a during the holidara. storo a great convenience a nd uro patroni· ing ·.r h e foll owing ia t ho rep ort. of the Ce r l at· Whan ""' obt1ti11 tl lfl p<1.rt iculars we w ill re. it largely. · Dale School No. 9, Car twr igh t, for October. port. ur (; 1 1ll!"S 'J the Sa.l vatioo A r m v ore hero M r. ancl Mrs. Tilos. Geo. Orrnist011 h ave gone '.l'he n ames of t he first t w o pupils in each class Thei r uuv r ._a.iccn:1iug fo_u.t,ure-ca1·I1cstness iS .rlm11·e<1 bnt. t heir. irr?vercnce, e.lan~ phra. , es t.o r eside oo t he J,uke l!' arm,south of Uolum bus. ,on ly a re g-·vc n in order or. m erit ba sed on R etc. come· ulong wttil its c oancer etr~ct. \ 'Ve They s pent Thanksgiving Day a t Mr. Awde's marks obtained duri ng t he past nionth. 'l'ho Solina El ore con tain s a w ell as~' ed l~ourt h Class- Minn ie :.\fo Neil, Titos. s n"'- must aclmit M t.or :i.!l t b"'t they are not remiss stock of gener a l dry goods, staple ancl fan cy git h . 'l'hird ClasH Senr-Emma McNeil, LA~a in th cfr duty of warning s innern. g r oceries, boors and shoes. sta tionery. school Moore. 'l'll ir d Class J un.- Maggie Mabalfy, The trinit.y of writers here for the Orono-books, et c. '!'weeds o.t ver y close prices for Florence Peal. Second Clas~ Henr . Percy Mc· are objecL ~ ot devout pity ratlter t han subcash. F lannels, m en's undershirts and Neil, Edgar Peel. Secon d Clas8 Jun.-M in n ie jects for censuro. drnweL"S, horRe and bed blankets, hosi eq, C~apnrn.n, Suste Chapm an. Second P a r t Sr.gloYes, n1it ts, etc., selling at very m odcru.tc Walter Veale, Sammy Mah 1dfy. Second Part '!lrices. A contin u ance of L be liberal patronage .Tu11.- M innio Sloan, Elsie Moor e. First Cla ss KIRBY. extended to m y predecessor is most respectful- S en r.- ]j:n win McNeil, Liz::i. Sloan. l~irst Class ly solicited. lt. M. Klrlrpa tri ck , P roprietor. J11n ,-.Joseph B rown, Lavergne Benson. H AT· Mr. H arry Garwccd is attending Newcastle High Sc hool. '.!'here w as a goodly number present at M t. · r rn E . Grnas, 'l'en.cher. Our formers a r e m aking o. '"I.Jig p ush" to Ver non church on th e afternoon of 'l'hanksgivfinish their plowing, ing Da y. H cvs. Taylor a nd B rowne conduct. H AMPTON. cd the services. 'l'h ere w as a large attendance :\f r. JI, L. Ponera is eroctin~ a venindah of at Eld ad in the cy coing, t b.e P r ay m g Ba n ds o.I' NOTICE · T O ALL w h om it mny c on ce1n. All a n cient design on the east si:lo of his hollse. ELni~ kiljcu , H a mpton. E n field, M t . Vernon t ho re ma in ing m oveable' p1 ·operty belonging Somo sports frolll T oronto spent Thanksgiva nd Damel'a Band taking part. 'l'he service 1 to the Old C. M. Church, Hampton . will be ing with Mr. McDowell. 'l'hcy scoure d w as on e ot gr ea t inter est throughout. 'l 'h ese s ol d at t ile Chnrc b a t. 7 o'clock p . m .. on Satn r · the Day n eiifhborrng' woo(!~ i n quest of g ame a nd Ilands must prove a great credit to the da y evening Nov. 28th. DY ORDER O~' COM· were fu;1rly successful. churches t o wh ich they b elong, as the training MITTEE · Rnmor says that t.he "Little Bailiffs" has t h A.yo1 wg m en ~r.e re~eiving w.ill fit t hem for The hal ter referred to in last week's S· r a 1'E S · tal~u;1g t.hcu· pos1t10ns rn the d ifferen t ch ur ch MAN was returned on S a turday. Another bean close at hand on professional d ntits. He is an i mportant "wl".e feller" and his every s tep ser vices. vositive evidence in favor or th e STA.'l'ESl\UN 1ells t bct h e is i ndoocl one of Iler Majesty's - - -- - - -· - Dic1c a s an advertising medium. Y ou m ay expect servants. Sam t o call with Lhe 50cts. M r . Editor. Mr, .ros. Chauman lost a v aluable colt from TYRONE. Mr. Jam es Cryderman has deliver ed ail his the effects of d istemper n. few days ago. Mr . and 1\1rs. G. H . ,J· rdino returneil to thei·,. tax bills an cl is now her o w aiting to r eceive Mr. !Robt, P r eston of. L·indsay is visiting ·· · the bal ance or unpaid t axes. Mr. C. w i th his h om o at Burn t !tive r t his week, extinsive experience an d genial d ispos iti on friends here at present . 'l'he large handsom e b arn in cou ree of"':;r h as proved h im se)( to be a first class collector. N OTE,-Uur estee med K irby a nd Orono cors. 'nrmer·at-the· t ion on the premises of Mr. 'l'hos. J a rdine, sr. Mr. Miller, Gcnot·al A gent for the ~North will oblige u s by d rop pin~ tbe I· is now finished, ancl r eflects much credit on America n J.ife Assur a nc e Comyany, a nd Mr. Fair subject-1£D. t he builders and contract or, Mr. T. Gardine · U. Virtue local A gent, were In this village Tha nksgiving D ay w as spen t in shooti ng canvassing l a s t weelc. Several r isks were NEW llA VEN. and other quie t a musem ents. I n the evening taken. a n excellent a ddress w as given by Hev. R. A large nmnbei· of children wer e vaocinatecl l\frs. J e sse Trull has been very s ick. H assard, w hich w o nld have been much m or e her e last week, th e va"cine was pr ocrircd fr om Mrs. Chas. Vancam p, of Omaha , Neb., is appreciat ed had they been able th e penetrate a cow of Mr. M ic heal Cr yderm an. Mrs. C ryhome on a vi~it. t he clouds of smoke a r ising from a defective rlcr man ver y skilfully preforming t he operae himn ey. However, m a tters have since been t10n en m ost of the children in t he n dghbor . We beg leave to chronicle the arrival of a righted a nd th e choir i n th e w hite-washefi hood. young heir at Mr. Thomas V a ncamp's . galler y, last Sabbuth , gladdened th e eyes of K nowing that t h e Hun corre spon dent is a Our week ly prayer meeting which has been the cong rega tion. hf 1 'l 'u · e·sd· y ove11 .i'11"' very bas it1 man. w e will g ive him 8 letter of car ried on for some t ime with good results 'l'l1e rent1·n~ of the pew s 01 w b introd uction to th e choir ma st er i r be calls. appears to be degeneratin g. I t now seems, by caused consi er able competition. W e t hing h is proble m can ve ry e a sily be solved out siders, to be a snita blo place for introducThe funeral of tile late Mrs. \IV. B rent, sr.. I! he woultl a p ply to the h usband of U1e lady i ng distuted matters over which to q uarrel, t ook place on Sabbath a.fter uoon. A s a. mark referred t o. H owever, it m a y have been s imply to tust the of th e esteem and respect in wh ich she was J.tumor says there is to be sever al marriages forbearance of tho "Base Line 8 lnnors" who h eld w e n ote th e vet·y largo number of f riends in our v illage s hortly. Are an y of t hem in t he were so ea rnestly prayed for . ancl .r elatives in att.endance. T h e f uneral Pro· }ohoir 1 SLow Boy Mr. Geo. Bi ckle, j r .. who has been working cession was the lo.rgest seen her e for some ·_ · · f or Mr1. Chas. Osborne, near her e, was kicked tim e. F rien ds from 1-'on Hope, Cobourg, an el ' by a h orse on Monday morning a nd is still various par t s of this county wer e among those OA.KLN AD. unable t o w ork. who followed ono so univer sally r es11ec..1i_..d' to WINKLE. h er long hom e, t here t o a wait t be r esurrection Your hundr eds of readers h ero h ave petition· of the j ust. cd m e t o write. I grant t heir r equest. J ames McT.aughlin ltas taken h is depar ture T he Immortalit y of t h e S ou l by Mr . Albert 'l'il!ey has agreed to teach the young ideas how to shoot !luring t he ensuing an d bis landlor d is sad. L eon and Harriet Lewis. year. 'l'he t a sk is cer tuinly a n ything but d e· Mr. s. Hicks, th e g reat cat intestin e scra per , Jlg htful,unless Mr. T illey P!JSSesses an un liru it- has moved m to th e house for m er ly occupied e d st ock of energy a nd pat ience. by J\fr. Davi;y. Comprising: l. 1 'Vhy a n rl how t h e soul is imm ortal, 2 A ctuo.l 11at1tre ot the charge we .Miss .A_nnie Cle~ens has retu~n.o cl from a M r. J a s. KeUey has m oved i n th e d irection call death . 3, Where is t he spirit w orid 1 4'. yJS1t to frwn ds m Cobourg nnd vwmity, lo?k- of L esko.rd. \ Ve m iss him. What occupies the soul there '!-5. D o our lost rng no l~ss handsom e than before. . . . A worthy residen t of this sect ion for 30 yea rs, little oneg grow to rnat1+ rity in spirit life? 6. ~Ir. M1llcr , of Tor onto. d'!rm g 8: to brief ~l8lt Mr. ~V. Andet·son. h os gone t o reside n ea r Is the spirit w orld m ateri<'l ! 7. Does sex exist this J?art of. the country, pa1 cl a friendly v1s1t to Newtonville. in spirit lire 1 and why1 8. I s the s pirit world onr J;.ducatwnal De parti_nent. . Mr. N. Blue h as gon e into th e house lately n atural 1 9. I s the i m morta lity or tho soul a cbaracteristic of the inh abi tants of the wor ld a Mr. \ Vm, ~oskll) is .st tll very ill. H is daugh . occupied by Mr . n. Sta ples. around us 1 10. W h a t a re t he actual facts of tel', Jenny, rn a ls o md1sposed. EGObUt'l', \ Ve h ave th ree vacant h ouses . the c urrent 'spiritu al mani festa tions ·1 UT 10 Som e of o nr yo ung m en are very partial to cen ts each, postpaid, or·all neatly bound in one J,esk a rd. W ily 1 vol., $1. .Address LEON LEW I S, Publisher, S HA W'S SCHOOL HOUSE. GRllENl'OR'l', N. Y. Vaccination has r oached us. Repoi:t of S. S . N o. 11 Da rlington, for Nov. Does Bush-Whacker ever seo a sore! horse Nam es m order of m er it : 1th Clues- Wesley blind of an eye 1 J ew ell, Chas, Sa ndo, A nn ie Oakes. Bella Gal. . Scott's Emulsion of Pure bra ith, Nett a Oakes. Sen. 3rd ,- A da Ilickai·tl, ~ More next week. THllEBAW, <Jod Llve r on, with llYJ·OPh08Ph Ues A d a Osborne, 'l'amson Pen found, Fred J oness. --·- -- - Mitcl1 cll Jollow, Charles Rowe, John S and o, Mr. Solomon Har ris has retired f rom farm ing Palatable as Milk, and Bome by D elicate Jun. 3rd.,- Walter R ickard, John Locke. Sen . a ncl gone t o N ewcastle. S tomachs. ~nd-!rwin Os borne. Laura Walto~,Fred Corn'l'he w eat her milita ted again st tl1e su ccess of 1sb, Charles Jone~s. F lora <;lalbrai~h, :New to.n J a s. B urgess' plowing b ee .l!'r iday. . . .. Ashton , Maud K m gh t, H a tt ie Col'msh, Maggie D r. J . W .C oMrTON, of E vans v illc,Ind., P ollock , W illie P ollock, E m ma Knigh t, J u n . } 31g. shooting T hangsg1v m g D ay. Game all says : I have prescribed Scott's Emul2nd.,- .l!'recl Osborne, Bertha Osborne, Mabel fnghtened awa y. S und a y School is closed for the w inter. 'fhe sion largel y , I fin d i t very palatable a n d Oakes, Amy Allin, R ussel \ Valton, K a tie G a y. 1V(11bel Cobbledick . A nnie Armstrong. P o.rt II Dible c la ss still m eets. b o rne well by. d elicat e st o machs , e ven - \ Villie J ollow, Ally Osborne, W illie L ocke, Date or annual 'X m as 'l'ree not yet fixed, ch il dren t a ke r ead ily, and it is very useBer tie P enfou nd . Good Con d u ct :- Arla Osborne, Ada Rickard. Reg ular A ttendance :Miss Hamilton, t each er, h as been re-engaged fu l a s a coug h remedy." A da Hickard. M iss M. W'RLSH, Teacher. at a higher sa lary, Mr . Geo. Patterson has r en ted Mr, T. U nderwood's fa.rm. KA'l'IILEEN. Highest prices i n cash will be paicl for $ 1.00 - You can get the WEEKLY GLOBE an y quan t ity of well-dressecl poult r y - . from now t o t h e end of next y ear by .eubSee the Star H o u se advt. Their p rices t u rkeys, g eese a n cl oth er f o wl by W .R.R. scribi n g at t h e Statesm an oflice, for o n e . a r e all cu t do wn as they w ish to r e duce Cawke r ; a lso for a ny q u antit y of H ides, d ollar- t f . atock s peedily, change conte mplated. S heep Skins and Tallow- 43 t f . 1 - f I

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