Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1885, p. 2

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?! NWX Wt~lil.ii%i!#* ~~ ..- - ~_ _ .._.__ -._ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m.......,._.,~~~O!Q!~·~~~~~~~ ---~~~~~---~~2~ .~~~-~-~·-~ ·zoznuo~~~~:uunua::~ . ~~iii!ib.~~~*'~"~id~&liCiii~~-~tZ ~=__..~~,,~..............,~~~S~A~~~~~~ ~~ :tmEWlii~~~~*~'~~'M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J~~ lllll~llllill~~~~~Ql~!IUl~"'""~~-~~~~~Mi~IL~.&~Lll~~Z~~~~~~IAA~~~~~ - Number Thirty-nine. they made, so long a.s they amused them- now; he supposed he must ma.rry Gemld- cately hint to the bla.cksmith's daughter What It Would Oost. upon what fo oting t hey must meet in the There wasn' t a. girl in the countryine, since his people would have it so, and selves, The main point in Russia's judicial proBY JAM..l!iS BER.RY DENSEL. It is fearful to think what a.n enormous ex future. So he had planned t he interview side, gentle or eimple, who hadn't cause to Dolly would wed one in her own station of ceedings ia frequently not to weigh a pense it would be for Patti to bring up a child, :Rl~ht over my shoulder I saw the moon, rue the da.y she made the acquaintance of life- Joe Smith perhaps. It would be 1.i..st in the pine-wood now more than a week prisoner 's guilt, and fix upon the consequent She would have to sing it to sle.,p every The thin half-circle was floating there ago ; and, in a moment of weakness, he a Braithwaite. There was one Sir Henry so, an easy solution of all his difficulti"tl ; penalty, but mex:ely to keep Jiim in durance night for about three years, a.nd at t he reLike a golden strand of my darling's hair Braithwaite, who a.ctually ran a.way with and yet; with strange in()onsistency, he loft ha.d, instead of loosening h is ~hri.ins; but vile. If' he is safely in custody, the law )lular ra.tes this would amount to £1,000 000. In the rose· scented, star-lit air of June; rivet ed them more tightly. And, gazing upward, I breathed a prayer. his neighbour's wife, and another who starv- his lip o.t the thought. Since then he had bitterly regretted his shows no further interest as to his case. It Then if she should have to sing one or' two 11d his own wife to death because he fell in ~'Well?" f1ner1ed ::Sir Ralph, who )u1d "Fold her about with h·ppineas, J,ordconduct, for ho bad come to the conclusion can wait, and he, unfortunately, must. extra verses to it ea.ch night, the a.mount :My bright-haired brown·eyed, beautiful mafd; love with and wanted to marry another been patiently watching hia son a.a he w ..nt The case of "Thirty·nine," a. woman who would rise to £ 1,500,0(10, providing that the And make me more, meet for her love," I prayed, lady ; and they thought nothing of robbing through his mental struggle, knowing 1o1ll that, though Gera.ldine was not quite the had fallen under the suspicion of the Governchild wa.s always in gooci health, Allowing While the moon like a bit o! golden cord style of girl he would have chosen, she and ki1ling any one who tried to prevent well how it would end, how it must end, ment, is cited in "Russia Under the Tzars," the usu11.l third for sicknees, she would have !l:here in the heavens above roe stayed. would make him a. most desirable wife. their wrong-doing." "I suppose I've no choice in the ma.tt<1r, to sing to it a.ll night for 365 days, say five And, on this day, as they cantered down in illustration of this state of affairs : And that little prayer of my heart-Ah, roe I The widow was dra.wing pretty freely sir," the Captain said, a little sulkily, She was accused of b eing in communication hours at a time. £800 for a fyw minutes the avenue of chestnuts, he determined to I think God heard it and gave her the best, upon her imagination, noticing a.11 the " I'm glad you've suffioient sense to see it with conspirators, a.nd of having been a singing is her usual price. One night of The happiness wrapt In immortal rest; while, with secret satisfaction, that Dolly in that light," Sir Ralph rejoined, ta.king put all thcught of Dolly Jarvis out of his ml'mber of a. ·ecret society hostile to the sickness would therefore cost £48,000. She sleeps In her beauty so quietly mind. She would proba.bly hear of hie enWith plnold palms cl:uiped on her puleele88 breast. was listening with wide-open eyes expres· care to suppress all signs of the satisfaction existing Government. These charges she u.t sive of surprise and incredulity. he felt at his son's decision, which he knew gagement to his cousin soon enough; and once denied. She was then accused of other Now aa I stnnd here and look at the sky then, if he cha.need to see her, he could ex"They couldn't all have been so ba.d," would only gall the young man. " Geraldoffences, and many seo.rching questions were A lone bird chirps in the tree by tbe gate, Stepniak, the Russian revolutionist, who While I in my solitude pray and wait; she said softly, when her companion paused, ine is warm-hea.rted and true to the bo.ok- plain all to her, She would be a little sorry put touching her supposed connection with has lived in London for eighteen months and at first, of course ; but then she would see And the night-wind l.'asees me gently by more for want of breath than beca.nse she bone, a.nd, with her money, she might do As the lull moon rises up round and late. things from his point of view and be reason- the revolutionary movement. All were an- is very popular t here, has acquired the Enghad exhausted sins of b etter than we d a. !."racel ess ne·er- d o-we11. " "Th ·of the s· u_ h lish la.nguage quite perfectly, and he also · · her co.tegory In his own heart however he ques- swered in the neqa.tive, able. 1 h Go, wind of the night, unto those who weep I ere s ir .cuo P " Thank you !" Ho.rry cried, rising ho.stit e Bra.ithwaites. "Very well," said the procurator, at speaks most of the Continental languages tioned Dolly's " reasonableness," having an Bear them, I pray you, the moaeage I een<:l ; now ; I. never hea.rd that he robbed a~y· ly. "Don't try me too muoh, father. I uncomfortable recollection of the scene in length, "you will have to reflect. Take which is not at all rema.rka.ble for a R ua: Say that the sorrow-touched heart of a friend number Thirty-Nine back to her cell sian. Speaks as he amnda where the ohl>dowe are deep one, or, in _fa.ct, ~id anf h?'rm a~,a.11, and Im I have consented to make the bargain you de- the pine-wood. sire. yon pay my debtq, and I marry my warder." Here by the gate where the tree-branches bend. sure Captain Bra.1thwa.1te is-Ma.in waring noticed her cousin's Gero.ldine She went back to her cell, rejoicing at But here Dolly paused, coloring deeply consin · there the matter ends." One by one fade out the lights in the town . UONSIJMl'TION ()IJRED.-.~n oia physician abstraction, a.nd regarded him a little curihaving come so well out of the ordea.l, and retired "N:t quite" Sir Ralph returned still Ae we have seen lights in our lives grow dim j a.s she met Mrs. 'Lane's scrutinising gaze. from practice, havln11 had vlaced in hlB; ously from time to time, though she made no that the police had so little against her, hands by an East India miss10nnry tho formula Solt on the air floats the sound of a bymn, "?,h, Sir ~alph ~as grown steady with good-humouredly, "Whilst we a.re' about effort to break the silence into which they She was full of hope as t o the future. And the snowball flow~ra drop their petals down, age I shesa.1d! findmg that DoJ,ly made no it, we may as well fix the wedding-da.y." ofe. simple vegetable remedy !or the speecy And the dew drips over the U!Jes' brim. She was then allowed to reflect at her and perm an en t cure of()onsumption, Bronchitis, attempt ~0£n1sh the .sen~nce, ~dare say "Oh, ha.ng it all, l'll leo.ve that to you!"' ha.d fallen. But presently, when they pullCabrrh, Asthma a~q. all throa t and Lung Af· he was wild e_nough m, his youth· a.nd, .~s the Captain cried, dismayed at the other's ed up after a brisk canter 9.long a wide- ease ; she could not complain that the even fect1ons, also a pos1t1ve nnd radical cure for Then I turn away from thegale once more, Away from the brook iL flows and falls, for the Ca.ptam, w~at s bred in the bone is promptitude u.nd chafing to end the inter- spreading common, Captain Braithwaite tenor of her thoughts was disturbed by too Nervous Debility and all nervous Complaints spoke. From the bird that hides In the tree and calls au!e to com~ out m the ~esh, and the less view. many distractions. A whole week passed ; alter having tea ted . its vronderful curative. ' A faint farewell, when I open ihe door j)OWers in thousands or cases, has felt it h is "Geraldine," he said suddenly, without ··This is Angust," announced Sir R alph a.ny preamble, "do you think you could a second and third. An· entire month duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. And meet the silence that stands in these halls. sa.~~ ~bout him the bett~r. , 1. , elapsed, and still nothing wa.s said about Actuated by this mot ive and a desire to relieve . Ill tell you ~h.at it 1e : Do!ly cri~~· calmly; "suppose we fix the first of l!'ebruwith sudden paes1ona.te indi_ gna.tion. . I a.ry for your marriage-that is, if Geraldine ever care for me enough to be my wife ? I another exa.mination, The month multi human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who p.esire_it. this r e!Jipe,_in German,Fre~oh,. hate pe.?ple who are so_m~stenous, an? hmt is agreeable and " oes not consider it too know I am a poor match for you ; but we plied by three, by four, by six. or Enghsh, with fnll d1rect1ons for preparing ha.ve In a manner grown up together, a.ndF inally when, a.t the end of the seventh and a.t al! kinds. of horrid t_hmgs,. but :Wiil ea.y soon after my brother-in-law's death?' using. Sent by mail by addressing " with nothing plamly. Captam Braithwai~e is a Ha~ry groaned, but ma.de no audible reply. and if you will entrust y ourself to me no month, she had almost abandoned hope, she stamp, na.mini;: this paper, W, A. No lCES 119 effort shall he wanting on my part to make Powei"s Bloc!.Rochester N. Y. 45 was <.alled before the procurator to undergo gentl~man at le~st:, and I for one don t heed "It is settled then,!' his father went on By the Author of "THE FLOWER GmL," th?, you happy. " still another questioning. The examination vil~age-gos~ip. . , composed!Y· "You had be~ter speak to "LOVELY LADY LYNRURS'.l'," &c., &o. was sharp and brief. ('.l'O BE CO~" TINUED. j Ho1ghty·t.01gh~,. but you needn t be so your cousm at once." "Have you r eflected 1" fi~ry ab?ut him, its .~1ttle Y0 ? know _a.~cut As Capliain Braithwaite left his father's "Yes, l have reflected." hii;n or ~!s, my lass 1 the widow _reJom?d presence, be encountered the subject of Continues to do a General Banking Business CHAPTER II.-(CON'.l'INUED. ) PBOULIAR THINGS. "Have you anything t o add to your pre- tsBo wmanvillo Branch. drily. Though, now I come to thmk of_ it , their late conversa.tion reo.dy equipped for vious depositions?" " Then it is more serious than I thought," I may be wron~, for I've h~ard that, like riding, ' Dr. J . B. Lawes thinks that plants "proDEPOSITS "Nothing." the old woman said slowly. " Some one the rest of ~is kind, ~e sometimes passes o.n "Oh, Harry," exch.imod the girl, with a bably derive the whole of their organic subReceived in Savings Bank Department and "Indeed ! Go back to your cell, then." should speak to the child." Idle hour ,":1th you. Take c;are, Doll:y:- re- little pout of the ripe red lips. "I've been stance from the air-90 per cent. to 95 per "Yes, yes," burst out Tom eagerly; me~ber, tis ha;,d to play with fire without waiting for you at lea.st fiv e minutes.·' This time she d oes not return to her cell call and interest allowed at current rates N of withdrawal necessary. All deposlt& cent. of dry matter." with a light heart and bea.ming countenance notice " that's what I come to see you a.bout. I gettmg burned, . "What a ead tria.l of patience, ma payable on demand, M. Henri V ivarey states in Cosmos that She feels crushed and confused, . weighed am such a. blundering fool, 1 should spoil "Oh, I see ! So that is. whr you wanted cousine !" he rejoined gaily, . · he finds in eili()ious bronze an electric oon- dl)wn by a. strange, .almost agonizing sense everything · a.nd she'd never forgive me if I to see the sunset from Oliver a Mount-to EXCD&NGE Smee it had to b~ done, he would put his ductability equal to that of copper and a of apprehension i.nd despair. doubted he;· a.nd, though she doesn't love have a, chance 'of giving me a le()ture," Bought and sold and Drafteiaaued upon Eur ope, me," the poo'r la.d went on, unconscious tht\t the girl laughed bitterly. The widow's fatt; to the test, w1 bout furth~r d~la.y, he mechanical resistance greater than that of A maniac In numbei Thirty-eight is knocking United States and Canada, also Gold, Silver anti he wa.e betra.ying his own secret, "she words had wounded her cruelly, perhaps decided, as he sl".ung Geraldme mto the iron. He recommends its use in telegraphy. furiously at the wall, United States Greenbacks bou11:ht and sold, would hate me then ; and I couldn't bear all the more because of a vague doubt a.nd saddle, a.nd then himself mount~ the ch':8t"Wretched traitress that you have been M , Witz, who ha.s for a considerable time to denounce me, Here is a man with a ~a.ck COLLECTIONS ~ that! But it breaks my heart to hea.r Meg unrest that had begun to harrow her own nut cob the groom wa.s , holdmg for him, and the other girls talking of her as they do soul. "I suppose you are like the others,- N'?t tha.t_ he ~ad, much doubt as to what been ma.king observations on atmospheric of rats that he is bringing to devour me. Promptly made at curreut rates upon all part you think tha.t Captain Braithwaite is sim Miss Ma.1nwa.rmg a answer w~uld be when ozone, so.ya that the proportion of ozone in Coward, coward that you are !" of Great Brittain, the United States and Do -and, oh, Mrs. Lane, she likes you-Dolly, he put the ~omentous quost10n to her, h.e the air of t>a.ris last year was in the inverse The poor lunatic is in one of her par· minion of Canada. I mean--and l know, if you'd give her a ply a.musing himself with me." As she S)loke she drew herself up with all thou~ht, a little ruef~lly. Her preference ratio of the mortality from chdera, oxysms. bit of advice ; she'd listen to ren.rnn ; she Telegraph 'l'ransrer~ The notion that dogs are more liable to go A horrible fear tal:es posseEsicn of the has no one to tell her or to warn her ! And the dignity of a. queen . her eyes flashing and for ~1m had been sufficiently m~rked, and Made for large or small sums on all parts of then I'm frightened about old Adam. If her bosom heaving with emotion, Thewid- until lately Harry had proved ~ims,elf one mad in hot weather than at other times is prisoner M mind. Canada. Thia !~ especially advantageons to "Drea.dful ! dreadful !" she cries. Shall I pel"sons living in Mamtoba. or the North-wee~ he should get to hea.r anything, there wonld ow regarded her now with unfei"'ned sur- of the mo·t devoted of the heiress s wor- falla.ciou8, says o. recent a.uthority. Genuine "' shipers, for, although he did no~ ~ctually rabies is exceedi.Dgly r are, but veterinary one day become like her 1" be murder and no mistake, for he worships prise. as it makes the funds a vailable at once at the "What else should he be doing, child?" love her, she ha~ been a.a nearly his ideal a.s st atistics show that it prevails at a.11 s easons. Dolly ; and If he thought any ha.rm had The months come and go, ; they multiply place of payment. co"Jle to her through the Captian, he'd a.s she asked a little impatiently. Then, more anyone he had hitherto met, n.ndhe had been It is very doubtful whether the weather has themselves into years. The captive is For further particulars call at the Banking gently, 11oe she saw the tears standing in the conten~ to hovar around ~er, to pa.y her o.nything to do with the disease. undergoing a terrible ~rids. Her yearning Houso. soon shoot him as look a.t him." Experiments reported by M. Guignet to for air, movement, liberty, has grown in· '1'. BRODIE, GEO. McGILL , "Well," said the widow, with a slight girl's bright eyes, and laying her hand on those little ~ami.;le ss attentions so nat~ra.l .Accountant. Manager shiver, caused by Tom's energetic speech, her arm- " My dear, I knew your mother to a. man of !ashi~n, to whisper ~oft little the French Academy of Sciences confirm the tense, becoming a.lmost m~nia. She has en-y 80 80 httle or views of M. Freimy that the behavior of treated the officials to send her to exile, to " I'll make a little excuse and come up to - she is gone now- let me speak to you in sentences whwh nught mean the forge this evening ; and then, If I can her stead. I don't say you've mea.nt to do much, And, truth , to tell, there was a chlorophyl, or the coloring matter of leaves, Siberfan mines, to sentence her to pena get Dolly by herself, I'll put her oa her wrong ; but, my girl, can't you see that great de~l that wa~ lovable. and. worthy of is usua.lly like that of an acid. Mr, Guignet t~.e s()rvitude. you're putting your name in every one's esteem lil Geraldme l'vfaimyarmg. Her has obtained chlorophyllate of soda, a11 d The procurator h as several t imes visited g ua.rd." "And you'll be very ca.reful what you mouth being seen abouG with Captain features were regular, her hair dark as the from it by double decomposition, sa.lta of her cell. Braith~aite? It's not only that he has a. raven's wing, her complex ion thi>.t of_ a ~rulime, baryta a.nd lead. Have you anything to add to yom dispossay ?" urged Tom. " Dollv is so proud, ition?" has been his mvariable question, and - a.nd "-with a gulp-" I dare say she reputation for being fast, but he's a ma.n nette, he~ brown eyes la.rge .and p1ei·c1ng, who is on the point of being ma.rried--" yet she ~ust ft;ll ~hort of bemg a .bea'.1ty. A process has recently been patente<l for 0 fo a bit fond of the Ca.ptain-lea.stways, he's No." "It's false!" interrupted the girl raisiog Mr. ~amwarmg had been , an Amerw~n manufacturing a gu m from the 1Ciicalyptn8 "Very well; I nmst still leave you to your handsome enough and soft-spoken enough her head, whioh ho.d been droopillg, a.nu financier, ~nd ~ad '11'.edded rretty f~agde (Jlobiilns, which ha.a the efiect of thorougbly re f!ection a." to turn n. lassie's head." In the meantime the bloom of health has "Leave me to go my own gait, lad," the stamping one little foot passionately on tho Grace Bra1thwa1te, Sir Ralphs only sister, removing the scales which form on strnm en· ground. wh1:m quite a._ girl. S~? had died when G~rgine bwlers, ;md preven ting rust a.vd grit· good woman answered, nodding wisely. quite vanished from the prisoner's cheeks. "No . it is true " the widow r ejoined aldme was fifteen. Smee then Geralctme ting. The use of this preparation, it is ex· And Tom having thus far accomplished his Her compltxion has assumed that yellow· ARE NOW OPEN. errand successfully, was faiu, with many firmly. '.. J. thought'you knew what everyone had been a.t a Continental b~ardin~-scho~l. pected, will ex~nd the period of usefulness green tint peculiar to the young who lin ger else in the village knows. Captain Braith- Mr. M~inwarlng had b Mn killed ma rail- of the boilen 100 per cent. to 150 .per cent. long in captivity. Her movements a.re slow, Stand Coirmerly occnpled by tile 1·ost omce. expressions of gra.titude, to take his leave, JUNC: STREET, The old clock in St. Jude's tower was waite ia to b 0 married to his oousin, Misa wav-a.c~1dent a few months before, a.nd then besides insuring a considerable saving of fuel, indolent auto~!l.tic. She can remain half an striking six as widow Lane put up the shut- Geraldine Mainwaring, in the spring. If Gera.ldme had found herself thrown upon a.a sea.le is a non conductor of heat. hour in the same position with her eyes BC>VV:t\t.I'.A.N"V"::t:X..X..E . Manv of the inhabitants of the Congo basin flexed on the same object, as if she were ters of her front parlor, called by courtesy you don't believe it, ask him yourself, next the world, a.n orphan and the possessor of a cherish the singular belief that the white buried in deep thought. Her brain h!!.a a shop, with unusua.l punctua.lity; and time you meet him, a.nd see if he will dar e large fortune, The Gallery is first-class in all its ap· If Harry Braithwaite entertained no people live at the bottom of the sea. In proof become torpid; she p asses the greater par t of pointments, a nd furnished -in a comfort then, equipping herself in her bonnet and to contra.diet it." "It is false ! · repea.ted poor Dolly, clasp- wa.rmer feeling for her th an cousinly r egard, of this theor y they adduce the fact that whc-n h er time in heavy drowsiness, ment11.l and able manner. There will be no poor work shawl, she turned the key in the street-door, and set her face towards Adam Jarvis's ing her hands together ; but her tone was it was different with the girl. Even in those a. foreign vessel appe11ors off the coast the top p hysi cal . allowed to leave the rooms, l\nd these who What will become of poor Thirty.nine? forge. In her ha.nd she carried a. lock less a.ssul'ed, and she was beginning to trem- ea.rly days when her father was either too of her rnasrs first a.ppear, then her sails and greatly absorbed in his specula.tions, or he finally her hull. When she· s~ils away The. e are many alternatives for hLr. I favor me with a call can r ely on being which needed some repairing, and which ble violently. ·'My dear child I" cried the widow pity- tound the journey u.crose the Atlautic too the same phenomenon occurs, only in the r e- by some ehock, her vital energy should be pleased would serve as a pretexG for her visit to the long to spare the time to visit his daughter, verse manner. Plainly, therefore, European a.wakened, she may strangle herself with a ingly and in genuine alarm. p--The instan tenous process only"<: will blacksmith's, She stood up, and would have drawn the and she had been accustomed to spend her ships come up from the bottom of the sea, pocket-handkerchief, or poison henelf, be used for Pho t.ographs. Fortune however favoured her in an unShe ma.y go mad, or oie of phthisis con· expected manner, for ho.lf way down the girl- who had risen also, and wa.s confront- holidays at Braithwaite Hall, Harry had and it that be the case it follows that their Come in and see me. tracted in prison, straggling street sbfl sa.w, tripping along ing her with, oh, such misery in her bright been the obje()t of her 1pa.ssionate attach - crews and passengers must do the same. blue eyes, such a pained look on her white ment. With her elder cousin Percy she wa.s A German technical journal t eils how wolIf, however, by reason of abnormal toward11 her, .pretty Dolly Jarvis herself. She wore a crimson kilted skirt, a.nd in- scared face !- towards her; but Dolly, with shy and reserved, which might perhaps be ens ma.y be prevented from ahrinking and strength of charact er, a.nd vigor of constitustead of the rusty velveteen bodice, she he.d a. low cry, eluded her grasp, and without accounted for by the fact of hie being sever- their color from changing. The fabrics, it tion, she survive until the day of trial, her a black scarf with a woven border of gold casting so much &i a glance behind her, al years her senior. Harr:y's regiment had says, a.re first soaked for several hours in a judges, out of consideration for her tender crossed on her bosom, with one end thrown turned and fled down the na.rrow pathway been quartered in Ireland for some time, so warm, moderately oonoentra.ted solution of age and long imprisonment, may let her coquettishly over her .left shoulder, while, which they had ascended so short n. time be- it happened that the cousins had not met soda., to which about a half tumber of am. end her da.ye in Siberia. in plaoe of thti old stra.w hat, her h~a.d was fore, l..aviog the worthy dame literally for several yea.r·, -Geraldine having been on monia water ha.e been added, more or less, covered with a closely-fitting hood-to dumbfoundea at the result of her well-in- a visit to some of her father'srela.tives when according to the quantity of material trea.tWhen a very mad woman begins pra.ctlclng Ha.rry had been on furlough. ed. At this stage the fabrics are washed with a revolver the wise man a.lwa.ys dodg es match the skirt-and from whioh the wavy tentioned "warning," chestnut hair peeped out, formmg little tenIt wa.s during the long summer that Cap· out, after the addition of some warm water, ln ront of her drils on her smooth fair brow. A very tain Braithwaite, deprived of his cousin's then rinsed in fresh water. The same rAsult At the special invita.tion of the Emperor CHAPTER III. graceful qua.Int liitle figure she looked, mak presence, and finding the time hang hea.vily may be reached by adding a tumbler of a.ming a. strange contra.st to the other village " There must be no mon trifling, Ho.rry ; en his hands at the Hall, had made the monia to a small tub of water, soaking the of Germany, Mme. Christ ine Nilsson ha.s girls with their unktmpt treEses, slov· nly either you make up your mind to mo.:-ry acquainta.nce of pretty Dolly Jarvis. Ac- stuffs for a half hour in this, finally rinsing consented to sing for the first time In Berlin, The opening performance w ill take place on dresses, and generally dirty and untidy ap- Geraldine at a.n early date, or I wash my customed as he was to the society of fashion- them in pure water . October 12, the opera.selected being "Faust,' pearance. It was hardly to be wondered hands of you and your d ebts. The estu.te is able belles,, he had all the more rendily On July IO at about noon, a wonderfu ~n which occaeion a.ll the members of the at if other young men besides the rustic heavily burdened enough a.lready- it will fallen a victim to tha bow and spear of the mirage was seen on L&.ke Wetter, in Swed- ::J3'Yswains were not indifferent to pretty Dolly's bear no more. BeBides, it is not fair to unsophisticated rustic beauty, with her en, by a. number of people botween the vil- imperial family will be present. You must not expect t o catch a big fish charms, the widow thought as she stopped Percy." childish simplicity, qu11.int artistic tastes, !ages of Fogelsta and Va.dstena, A small Sir Ralph Braithwaite spoke without and native manner. He had not d reamed island in the Jake appeared as if covered with by simply dropping your tackle into the « I a m fully prepared to attend Funerals on to speak to the girl. "Its a nioe evening for a walk," sh11 said temper ; perhaps he remembered his own that she would 11.ttach any serious im1>ortance the m~st gorgeous flora a.nd tall, 11igantic water and pulling it up aga.in , You have the short est notice, at the lowest possible rates, Caskets a.ndBurie.l Ce.ses rea dy on short notice plesently, "and, if you're n ot boun<t on any youthful pecc.,dilloes too well to visit the to the honeyed,speecheswhichfell ro natuml· trees, forming great groves, between which to i:.ffer gennme inducements that will im- First -class hearse on v ery moderate terms pa.rtioular errand, it's with you I'd like to sins of hie younger a.nd beet-loved son too ly from his lips when he was talking to a. builings having the appearance of the most press the fish as to your good faith- sort of Shr ouds and Cofllns constant ly on hand. F un worm yourself into his confidence, as it go, just as far as Oliver's Mount to see the heavily upon him. ral cards supplied at once. F urniture Shop&; pretty girl. He ha.d forgotten that what. splendid palaces were seen, The Sa.ndo, how Rooms- Bounaall'sNew Block. "Oh, Percy knows how t o take care of was merely a p11ostime to him might be at - another little island, seemed to rise out of were, so to speak. sun set." 11 furniture sold by me is ma.de by th e U , C If Dolly had not just then been thinking himself I" the young man said, with an im- tended with danger to Dolly- still less did the sea., ma.ny times its actua.l height, its Signor Luigi Canepa a composer whose urniture Co. ofBowmanv ille. I do not buy of something else, she would ha.ve laughed patient shrug of hie shoulders. " And I any thought of Gero.ldine evera.riso to make sandy shores l : oking like lofty, castellated three previous works have had-some success slop furniture and r epresen t it to have been wickedly at the idea of the hoxom widow's mnst say it ia a. little hard on me, at my hitn desist from his harmless flirtation, as he walls. It had the exact appearance of a. in Ita.ly, is writing ~n opera. with the title made by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. Also agentfor the Ll-QUOR TEA tor this town sudden turn for sentimentality, and have age, to expect me to settle down Into a ben- oa.lled it in his own mind, medireva.l fortress enclosed by four wa.lls, ·' In Carnevale," whioh r epresents an episode and vicinity. It is cheap and as good as can be guessed it was a viel to hide her real reason ediot. One naturally desires to see a little And then one day there had oome the un- Two other little islands, Aholmen and R ison of Flor entine history in the time of the got in t he market. A valuable prize given for wishing for her company, · of life while one is blessed with youth and welcome knowledge that his difficulties were appeared also as loftv towers above the wa- Medici. with every voun d. " Oh, no, I was onlv going for o. stroll freedom." becomlng so greo.t tha.t he must do something ter, The mirage last ed for nearly a h alf myself !" she answered, so readily however "l think you have seen a little of life, a.s to extricate himself, that he must rouse hour, when it disappeared somewaht rapidthat tibe old woman, who had surmised you call it," the old ba.rcnet replied, laying from her " smart" a.ppea.ra.nce that she was his hand aignificantly on a pile of unpa.id himself from the easy dolce far niente state ly. of existence into which he h11od been drift· up to mischief, so to spea.k, decided that bills tho.t lu.y on the escritoire beBide him. her suspicions were unfounded, "Well, one can't live on the a.ir !" 11.arry Ing, if he would a.v oid ruin and disgrace ; Never Too Late To Learn. S:> the two turned together- a. queerly as - declared irrito.bly, following his father's and with tha.t knowled~e came another, Dolly Jarvie loved him with 11oll the intensSoon.ATES, at an extreme old age, learnod sortr;d oouple- rnd began slowly to a.s()end glance, " And it costs something to keep A large stock of Carriage and Team Harness ready for the spring the winding path leading to the acclivity up the family dignity if one is in a era.ck ity of her simple childish heart, loved him to play on mu11loal inatrumente. --trade at the-Cato, a.t eighty years of ag·, learned to called Oliver's Mount, regiment 11.nd belongs to a.n ancient family with a.II the purity and depth of a first love, whilst he-well, he loved her after his own speak the Greek lu.nguage. " It's many years since I dragged my old like ours." bones up here," declared the widow, as she This was a sop in the pan, for Ca.pta.in careless selfish fashion. P lutarch, when between seventy and To his mother, in a. sudden fit of confidence eighty, oommenoed the study of Latin. dropped panting on to a bench placed half- Braithwaite knew hie father's pride of race da.y, Ca.ptain Bra.ithwaite one bemoaned the way up the steep ascent for the accommoda- was a weak point with him ; but the old Doctor Johnson applied himself to the AND EXAMINE. ta.ngled mesh in which his affairs were intion of wayfarers ; " but, when I was a girl, gentleman was not to be thus molifi.ed. Dutch langu11<ge but a. few years before hia volved, and r eceived from her the warmest I used often to climb t his path, for it was "Ah, um I What is this I" he questiondes.th. Also Whips, Trunks, Satchels, Leat her· Valises, Rubber Rugs, Buggy poor Jim's favourite walk, and few were the ed, turning up a. blue document from a.mid symi;>athy; but she could only declare her Ludovico Moenaldaoo, at the gre~t age of inability to help him except by giving him Duste1·s, Rubber Horse Covers, Axle Grease, Curry Combs, Brushes, evenings we didn't wo.tch the sunset in the heap beside him ; then, after rea.ding one hundr ed and fifteen, wrote the memoira thoap,, my courting days. " . aloud a list of expen sive wines t hat had the same a dvice that he received later from of his own time·. Harvest Mittfil and all goods usually k ept by the trade. " You've lived in the village nearly all been supplied . to his son, he added drily. his father. Ogilby, the tra.'Q!llator of Homer and VirREPAIRS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. yonr life, then?" Dolly ea.id, a. little absent- " That does not loo:k much like living on " W hy don't you marry, my boy," she ly, for she was wondering w hether a group the air, does it 2 You want me to settle ha.d said- " some one with money, ot course1 gil, wa.s unacquainted with La.tin and G reek P. S.- Special inducements (for Cash) daring the next 30 days. of equestrains she eo.w in the distance be- with your creditors. I t ell you I cannot af- 'l'hat would be t he e11.siest and most pleM11nt until he was past fifty. Sir Henry Spelman neglected the soiencea . ow was the party from the H all. ford to do so ; but I will stretch a poin t to wa.y out of your difficulties. You ca.n hard " Ay, ay- 1 was born her e, There'vc oblige you- conditionally. It is a simple ly expect your father to do any more for in his youth, but commenced the study of B I been La.ngtons- that was my maiden name question for you to decide." you. He has pa.Id your debts so often that them when he wan between fifty and sixty ========~=== ----------~ - here, year in, year out, since Cromwell's Harry fidgeted u neasily. In his mind's really l don't see how it is to end, unlebs years of age, After.this he bec11.me a. learned time. '.l.' hey served the Braithwait es in ey e at that moment was a graceful little fig- you will follow my counsel. The;:s is Ger- antiquarian and lu.wyer. J'ranklln did not fully commenoe h!s philothoHe days even as they do now, though I've ure in a crimson kilt ed petticoat, with soft aldine coming on a. visit next week. You neard my father so.y ther e had been Braith- lustrous eyes that sought his own in perfect uood to-be very fond cf each other, an d she oophlcal punuit11 t lll he had re11.ched hb fifwaites a.t the Ha.ti long even before t hat, trust. F or a minute his good angel predom- has a nice little fortune- enough for you tieth year, Dryden, in hi9 sixty-eighth and a scapegrace wild set thoy were, t hough inated, for a m inute he bitterly regretted both to live on comfortably ; at a,ny rate, it yea.r, commenced the translation of the Iliad, his most pleasing production. generous and open-handed, to give 'em his selfiah conduct, and would fain have is worth thinking about." £here due," undone the work of the la.st few weeks. It And, being an o.stute womim, Lady Braith Boccaooio was t hirty-five years of age " What cl id they do t o get such a bad had been the maddest folly, and he had waite said no more, ce'Ctain that her words when he commenced his &tudies in light name i" Dolly questioned interestedly. never intended to seriously engage the girl's would be more likely to bring forth fruit if literature, yet he became one of the grandest "Y\rell, you see, t hey were what they o.ffect ione-a.s for marriage, such a.n idea as they were left to take root of their own ac- masters of the Tuican dialeot, D!.lnte and Will always be found in stock a full assortment of Boots, c11lled Royalists- they took the side of the tho.t between himself and Dolly Jarvis was cord, And Ca.ptejn Braithwaite did think Petrarch baing the other two. Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, etc.- as good in Kfog when the ma.n Cromwell wan t ed t o too ridiculous to be entertawed I Yet those of it; and, not being quite heartless, and We could go on and cit e thousand~ of exget the crown from h im; and no wonder, hours passed in the compo.ny of the village experience having t aught him the advise.bil- amples of men who commenced a new atudy, quality and low in price as can be found elsewhere. for he was not of muoh account, I've he!!.rd belle had not been without their charm. ity of being off with the old love before he either for livelihood or amu8ement, at an tell- and t hey drank a.nd fought and ga.m- Was it his fault, if, carried a.way by the ex- was on with the new, he thought he would ai>vanced age, But every one familiar with Special attention given to ordered work and repairing. bled and cheated a.nd made love to all the citement of the moment, he had spoken break oft his acquaintanceship with Dolly the biogra. phy of dis tin guiohed men will r ec· pret ty girls they came across ; they didn't "'ords which iihould never have passed his J arvia before the arrival of his cousin, to ollect indivldu a.l ca.·en enough t o oonvinoe Call and inspect. ca.re whether they broke their hearts or not, lips, if his m:i.nner t o her had been such as avoid any complication. that might other- them ihat none but the sick and indolent or what lies they told, or what promises to mislead her 7 ·Well, well, it was over wise ariae; or, at any rato, he would deli- will ever sa.y, " I am too old to les.rn." By the Gate. I a· ATERRIBLE TRAGEDY. THE ONTARIO BANK PHOTOGRAPHY. ---HENRY'S New Photo Rooms R.H. HENRY. ... -·- ----- UNDERTAKING I L EV I MORRIS. - BOWMANVILLE HARNESS SHOP. CALL - --vv --- Eta 1\.1.1: A...-y-- - --AT- - THE PEOPLE'S BOOT~S~IOE STORE, D. DA VIS, Proprietor, DA..V-IS_

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