Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1885, p. 7

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· "' WWWtiiJI!! '* P ARIS. Its Extortions, '1'011ics, D~btf11I ('l<0rk11 Paris is Paris, no matter under what The his~ory o~ j ev.-ela m the eaat is the cloud it may root, ltrites a. correspondent, histor y of the gvv0'!'nmg pdne<,a, for rio often has the Murtte ot hiBtory in the INTERNA.TiON.&.L It.ELA..'.D.'IONS. and ju~t now one 1:1100.viug from the coffee-colored fog that en wn1ps John Buli's 01ient baen dtwted hy in trigues abou!. The fat(: Govcr1101··Genel'sl uu tile NntJonal groat oity to the brighter air of Pill'i!i, oa.n proowus istom s thao nhey assuma a si;1ii;e no~ at firs t see that Pe.rle is not at its J,ue' QfC.m ada and the lJ.n.ltetl States. ID!pottanre 'I1h'3 tr'lodtniona.1 d'!acnond in An 11rticle fr<,>m the pan of L·ml Lorne, best. But aocn t h6 fact i.u evideM, for the eaiit ie th<i Gten.t Me>gul The original published in the New York Tnbune, iii on almost every house iii the not.ice, '>eight <J f tbiJ stone lliaa 787 c;i.r-1\ W, but very intere~tin g . 'rhe follo>'fing &re nome ".Apartments to 10t." Tho hotel11 and by cut -iug it WM reduced to 297 carats_ The etcrni cil!appearad nn t he la~t Tartar of it s leading features : 'l'he r<>latio1111 pension11 are by no meanl!I deserted, but the rnmihar Amertcan with the long purse between Canada and the Untted Staten inva.11ion, "'hen tteuuren t·) the va.lue of seem to realize the conditions favo~able is n(lt as u1.ma.l omnipresent. It is a sad $350,000,000 were captured by Na.dir to progress and peace 1n the harmleae expe1fonce for the t.hrifty native who year Sh.ah. I t UI believed t.o boat pre~ant hid· rivahy of two kindred people. I t has af ter year has marked the inrwoents of den 1n11ey in some obsonro fortreaa in fallen to the lot of the Oanadiana to oc- the new world for hia own. It fa almost Asia Minor, and it way b e recovered at ITTlpy the northem belt of the great con- eq ua.lly sad for the atray .Americans who aome future time. are here, becaul!le they are payrng for tinent named after Amerigo. It is a Some ides of the a.bundanoe of precious tra.ct of country poaseBfling 111 the central those who staid at home. How the franc~ atone· m the til!.Bt may be g11.ined ft~m1 the portion magnificent lands, and having in double 1 Once it was 130 m uch foi· llghfa fact that when Mahmoud, in the elevent!1 the eastt1ru regions a't'eas comparable to and fire. Now there are fine d !stinocentury, captmed Surnnat, i.n idol :JtatU<~ those firat settled by the P11ritan leader.a tions ; 2 franc!! for a fire and 100 cenwaa broken open and found to contain in New England. It is a rey,ion likely time i for the Ul'U.t i.t i~ supp<Jsed t o give three bu~hele of diamond.s, rubies, and from its climate to brsed a rac:'l of great bu.t does not. I t i~ really haZ&rdous to emeralds_ Ala-ud-Deen obtainsd from atop before a 2how-windovr to admire a phy~io;1.l powet·. " Tn1 the ha»d gray the rajll.h ot J')'fora.ttus fHty pouurls of weather breeds hard English::n en," said pr6tty article. Open fiills the door a.ud di&monds and rubies and 175 pounds of Charles Kiugaley, and tho descendants of out pops a voluble madame or a beguiling p-aatl3. Sha'i J erurn, the greatest of the Norman and Saxon show after many gen- demou.elle who really can not long· r mogul riovereigna, lefo 11 treasure of incal· eraLlons iu Canada t.hat t.he blood is by wait for cusb«Hnerri within, but who mt1<>t culable value at his death, a throne valued no means detarlorated by the bracmg and ple.y "walk into my par'. or, said the sgider at ; 30,000,000 und a crown worth $Hl, pure air of their new northern home. To to the fl1." Of course it is the cholera 000,000. The thron e was tho celebrated that has kept m'1.uy foreigners out ecare be sure these " blamelell.!! hyperboNai>s" peacock throne, GO called from tho images of Paris, but how the attl.tement d that have beyond their habitations o ' two peacockd which stood before it, faot acts on a Frenchman ! He ts roady THE ETI!R ]'ROl'iEN lliARTlil each made ol prf:'cwm1 stones ~o ma,tched which stretches away to the countries of to vow th.at thel'e it1 not now, n.,ver has in color a.nd pJ1:Jltion as to resemble the the midnight sun and the o'N·arohhig been, and never can be any cholera here natural color" of the bird. 'file throue was &ix foot lorig and fonr glow of the auroral light. But If Canada -thFJ watsr ! TLere is uone purer anybut why need on e be so benighted where, has part111 too cold for our race, the United feet w1de, of solid g:ild, and crusted with States has pa.rtfl too warm. The cott.or.i as t o drink w~ tor when wine it1 to be ha.d 1 dii11m011d8, rubies, and e:nerald2. Steps 'a'he Gordon 'l'ype of Heroism. of silver led up to it, while a c!mopy of harvest LI more popular in the mai·keba 'l.'ell bm that the Americr,ns are all in than ia the "ioeorop," but the "Kanucka" London, but stand back Jest t he pieces gold, lrit1ged with pearh, Sl'lpported by Gordon's English heart or En!llish have enough, and more than enough, in hit you when the explosion comeK. twelve pillars emblazoned with gem11, sur- faith did not na.ri·ow or confi ne him. His " London I Why the people thew ;i,r., territory under an excelllmt climate lo mounted the whole. On each siae was a m.mhood was of the un iversal type. make them a. nation strorig in political dying by thoueands of aruall-pox I Lousacm~d umbr ellll. made of velvet, embroid- Place him in Chlua., iu Abynl!inia, iu the £Jred with. pearla, the handle balng oi gold, Soudan, or among English roughs, t his power. The purchase of .Alas.Im. ha;i don, tncleed ; why, it is a perfect p~s · given the authorities of Washington an houae." inlaid with diamonds. H waa the mont slight, doltcir.te, and almost effeminate· appo:rt\m!ty to show their good will by COlltly work of art evel' made. lts only looking man beol\m-1 a. klng in whom men But if the .Amencaus are not in Paris helping the B ritish Columbi11m1 t o keep in great force tluo winter one finds plenty riva l w~.s the cerulean throne of the trusted. lie is t hti mOBt !ltriklng example order amor;g the co21Bt Indians. On the of interesting people from all parts of houee of Bahmenee, in the Niz!lm. Thill of the univet'!!alism of the hero character northern boundary river the territories of E ui:ope. He1·e come atudentfl of arb and was built in the aeventeenth oentUl'y, was in the whole r~nge of biography. H e the two countries are so dovetatlt:.-d that science, musicians and artists of every nine feet long by three feet wide, was had some force in him that was intellia rectifk~tion of the line is needful, be- stamp. ma.de of ebony, covered with plates of gible t o everyt hing t h:tt had in it the pa~ Charming little cliques are cause priaonei·a to justice ar\lf obliged to formed, and t h e outsider who by good gold, crusted with gem11, i\Ild W lllll valued sions of a man. The world will wait long be taken acro~s ph.cea where an escape fortune gets among t hese bright ~pirits at tl20,000,000. for nnot her such. c111rea.r, 1md longer yet A late traveler gives an account of the perh..pe, fol" anQtber aueh ex!\mple of would mean freedom undel international can very well exist a season without inlaws. Here the old Indian depred11tor tercourse >l'ith Ms own country people. magnificen ce of the Persian crown jewels. simplicity in chua.cter and in action. has almost disappeared, but the vrhite A dozen or more of such clever persons In the jewel-room he found tr0111sures Englaud has had be:we'B who loved ruffian, the :whiskey smuggler and t,he meet ofGen in a certain pret ty s&lon, valued at $35,000,000, among them the duty bett0r than life bnt nover one becrown, a maan ot dmmonda 11urmounted fore who, while he loved life little and horee stealer represent the criminal where goeis on much interesting chatter, classes, and these gentlemen plv th~ir more good muaic, and if the Parisian eleby a ruby M 'big as I\ hen's egg. The never cMed fol' it a.t llll a11 an end, crowd· vocation along the whole prairie frontil'r ment predominates some dancing. Here k1ng'll belt is a wonder of barbaric mag- ed ita daya a1Jd nig ht3, iu uupitying r ignificence, weighing about t wenty pounds, or, with t h'! serv'lclil ~rhi ~h me,kea lb moat lmtil comes a young Swede with a wonderful and composed of a l!-Olid mas.e of diamond a, ~ ort h living. WE ARRIVE AT MAN I'.l'ODA. tenor voice, about whom they tell a pret· An agreement between our Government ty story. He fa the !on of a man promirubi0t1, and emamlds. As Persia is the is needed to make these disturb;;rs of the neut in his own court circle. He is well native land oi the turqnois11, itJ is but e lltW ~ out& !de the A string of ±me um > natul'l\l that the fin eat stone of t his di3 · kitch<in door of i:. Ch ic'> Va.Ile,; aporb3public peace amenable to law and ex- educated, amia.ble, and attractive, but crtp~ton !s to be be fuurrd in its collection. ms.u. A oat tried to r..:i!!.ch t hem, but traditable. The fron bler once crossed his chief gift, is his exquisite voice. Th111 royal 11peclmen is four lnches long, conld not. She went fl.>"ra.j, b nt aoon re· givell the;m prot6ction for their perBona. When, a few years since, Christine Ntla· perfect in color, and wit.hoot a flaw. turned wit h }moth er ca~, i>nd, standing Obligation11 recogufaed by intemational son sll.ng bofore the king, ~he h eard this When the 11hah was i i Europe, 11ome upvn hle ehovlders, they we-e soon en· law have been observed to the letter by ~oung Swede sing. Delighted wi·h his years ago, he wore a variety of di.,,monds joying i.t genube g·~me dinner the United States government in the voice she mada his acquaintance. and matter of at.tempt.ad Feniau raida, al· proposed to open t o him a mualcal and other prncious stonea that kept the detectives in a confltant fever of fear lest l~~,~~ though the complication of lego.l pro- cueer. She has ever aince ac' e<l t owar d he should be robbed of some of them, for cedure and the power of tb.e lrish vot a him as to a eon, :.>nd he hi.a ~ung wit h her one, even of the smallest, would have have sometimes made action tardy and over h:i.H the world. been a fortunE> for a half-dozen thieves. engendered expense. The treaty in re· French goasip fa no'; amusing JUSt now. The button':! of his coi\t were five in gard to t he Atlantic fisheries kaa for a n chiefly concerns the latest play, Mme. numba,., 11.id 0.1.ch button wa~ a diamond period of years opened to .American. in- Hugues' r elease, and the engagem ent of larg~l" than the Koh\n)or, while every dus try the northern banks. A mu:ed the Pdn cetB Beatrice. IL is a.m.us!ng to part of h!n clothing seemed r.o b~ useful, commhU1ion might. det_ermlno . w~ loc~l -11 0nr the hot discusaior.a th11.ti still go on not as a covering for hie body, but a~ laws are worthy of being, xuamtan~ed lll over the x nurder t dal. The who!e affair ~ DO f!3 OTHEBS pL!.c~s t o hanp; dfo.monds 011. the common inbarest of a,l who wieh to was so thoroughly French and yet there 0 ~ HA~E DONE. use the fisheries., ·w ith the Oanaoia~s ~, a~e ~lenty of p\lo}!le here V:.ho C'1.ll it mur---~---·----~-- ~ wholly new "!"orln has been ~pened: The der a tmurder, an·.:!. neit!1er qualify it n or A Description of Metcm.neh. A re your K idneys d i sordered? young men or t he present time al.o w 110 runko a h eroine out of t hl;) murderess. " K1dn"'y VVori bl'l· tl,G'ht m e from m y a:1 av4', as it lt is ea sy for an:1- one 'vh o has s"en an \'." terc, s.f tei· l lli'\.d boon g i ve n up_ by 13 bl.>s:t d octo1 s Ill oue t o take any prominent pa.tt in J>Ublic ::;till more of the Parfoian~ are i·eudy to Dliltl"t>it." M. W. Do11erAU. "t, iJ.Ochania,Ionia,Jd1ch.. E <>yptilm or N ublan village to realtza the l~fe wlio d1aph~ys a tendency w?-ich la coi;- exclaim with Virf(inius : "There is no appeua.nce of Metemmeb, b ut difficult t,o A r e your nerves weak? a1deretl that of a dastard t o hi_s country s W"'·Y but thi~, " and a fow nre equally ln- edg~d around 0£utiom1ly_. eying the C:RlJ§:Hl.E1) B'f HEit Ai:'PfilTITE. pict ni·e it Intelligibly wit}1out such ex.,Kidney 'Vo1 t c m e4 mo from llcrvous weakness at'tor I wus n ot e~ted to Uvo. - Mra M. M. B.. hopes. spi.red to c& ll Mme. Clovis H ugues '"mine ltfl.lUUl's he!l.rt, and Antonio·, when he perieIJce, iiays the L 'Jndon D:x,ily Tele- , &o., Goodwln, Eu. Ohrl·Na11. JfonitOT, C!&veland, O. Some indeed apeak of indapen~ence, own dear litth girl," althoug h In this u1nr a good oh:moe, j11mped forward 1rnd 'l'be Dow111tl.ll ttnd 9cuth or v. ~mtll'u,J graph's sprnial correspondent ,n the SouEave vou Brig ht's Disease? and that party would be l!l.rger if the c:oue she is the slayer and not the abin. stabbed. He wa:s met half way, and the den. Berber , Shendy, &nd t von Khio,r~Vomnn. " Kidney Woi b curOO mo wlJe u. u1y wu.te1· was ju.tit A8 t 0 tl p · t · b d shitild1.1 claahed and ba.nged beneath the wiser did not know tJ1at promature indel.G.ca ch&l!t Ml.d lihun l lke blo od." ii' we except th:J guvumneu t toum, 13 .A woman wh'.> belonged to one of the 1'1. n.uk: W1h:10U, Pea.body, lliwe. pendence would m[.an abaorption of t,he . rm.:ess eii: rice every ,o Y . le th.rust.a for nearly a minut.0. The heist fa.milie.s in Philadelphia. died ln a bnildmmi, are c ilmpMit clm,wrs of mud · · ti rt n c narlfa.n Gov- 1a h11pp1ly agreed. It -will be such a re- rapid Sufferin&!' fro m Diabet es? ~~~~e~~ 'i~n~ i !r~wue~ <le:rncracv. It lief from the har~owiug ro~1.10tony of the men drew ba.ok to broil.tho l\nd the orowd wretched frame hou@e on K&ighn's huts of n oarly aa rude cnnst.r ai::'.!cm a 2 eviar HKJ.dnuy.W ot tin t'Go mo~ succoogfol remArly I ba.ve tua~. GiveiB u.li.n~t imnlo(hn.ta 1·~HQ./." howled. ever mll.n rondo t o shelt .'r h1wo.eif. i'3ingly avenue, Camden1 N. J., at &n early hour 'd f r.nost perfect and°' rapid last fifteen yeaw if aom~ time wo mav be Dr. l:'lilllip C. Bu.lJou , :Monkton, Vt. Then the stabbini and cla!hing began this morning, from provi es '?r a , ill . a,ble to take up an Engheh pape1· and read the dfd-::ts of an these d wellings are a.bout t.hr0e p rds r epreaentat10n or the nu.tional w m th tl ill' th th " · t d ~ Have v ou Liver Com plain t? all oTer ag&in. Tbe men jumped ~ok · ill J h e u mg ne ws a er ma.Jell y ro e aooaul t on her by Willia.in Fisher and Ion", two or three wide, six or i.~nm f"et uKldn.ey-Wort ct~cd we of chronle Ltvor DJsoo.aea pa.rhamen~. I.ook,~here you w ~ ~roug out this aft e:noon accompanied by some· ward and forwa.rd aix or eight feet at e. Jolm Burley, two young negroes, on the high. Th e poor.ist, which i,; to say th e 1 t>ft or £f~:ir.~dJ~ct."i~ie Col. <Wtll Nat. Guard, N. Y. th ' 'h p · the ·long h at of commum ·1 t1S:1 B t · ·" time, and showed so mui:ih 8trength :.nd d national t" 1 .c m d bo, ciy e 1se .an c e r mcess ea n ee. 14th of January, The wom:i.n was one ~ bulk of them, are wfohout doors or wm ancient or mo ern im ei1, you w1 .· un· "'h h ops r._ow 1ook a l moa~ ' ot ly a· bo:n:er11 admitted the handsoxne and accomplished wife of dowe, w'.thou" chimn ey, wit.bout sub-di- Is y our Back i;,;:r.;,e a nd 2vching? .._ e s " i,x;. ~ agility tllat even the J(!Wioy·1Yori, (l boV-ile) cure<l. mGi when I was so none t h a t h ave mad e a f mrer nse of tlieir d th f ,.., y k th" there w11,s somet hing in it. 1J t the end of vit-ion, tm d. >1ithout e'fen preteuae of fur - 1'wlo I !J.ltd to 1011 o~t of !>ed." oppori.unitien than have the Canadians. Tol oset cb · .._, ew l 'kor tl a~ B is ::asohn. five minu tes both men were ddpping ~ ith ex-Judge Woodward, and moved in t he C. J.£. ToJ.Lua;;e, llll wankoo, W is. But t hen fire~ are little needed ; nit;ure. 10 grea aza.ara i e 1e on .l.fiarc e best society, She became addicted to T hey h ave mad e k nown t o t· h emsel ves th e dL p · h · t t. · f per4plxation, and their pr.tl"iotio backers as to light , the aative bathes in it out d ·· l t h d &n e rmtemps ave J US~ ue air o drink, and her downfall was rapid and Ravo ou Kidney Disease? marve11ous t ernoor es ey possess, an M , d tl ·-13h 1 ng Six 'h were purple with enthusiaem. Ned Mal"K.iU.uoy-"°1-t 11ulC.'.1~ llJ.e Hound. in 11v'ar a..nd k1dnev l.!i s doora, and of t he comforts and conveni-yoai.i'S o r u·u;uOC'@$! ful doctoring. I ts war they feel thah the only strength they uo1v ac.v 8 a ftn N o iey x> ,ops Taheor e ton· ~.£ lahan shouted : "No bladder bu&t terrible. Ber friends for a long time ences of civlliz~d h fe h e has no idea. 'l'he t".fte1· tflO n. ).;ox."- fJru:!l'i Hodges, \ Villlll.Jll.bi-O\VJ1 '\Vest Va.. tried to reclaim her, but at lMt wore · f :fi ld d h f f · avenue a er ow ear s. ~ v need is a air e a.u t e avor or a t.1me th · h r · b't of finer yet," and ordered the men to their compelled to abandon her, though they dwelling af the vllla.ge Arab can, howA re you Co1:i:;itipated? of the mighty 1>mpire whoJe hist ory is .e samo sllg t 1y, c u~gmg .i 8 y, "Kidney ·Wo1 t cauoo!f e~y evacu&tlcns and cured ever, hardly be thought of Bingly. One their own, and futurn story ahall yet be milea of varl0gated nbJ;ion m r emnantsd oo~~~~oond round WMI like thefir&t, ex.- fixed upon her an income sufficient to fl:.\t-r oof se·ves for several hou:iea ; t.hoy me rutor 16 Ye.u.t'il twe gt' other rur.lllct ncs." , ?< oh·OA Ji'AUClllld, at. Albe.na, V$. theirs alao when their sons ahall call t heir a~oks of ~~a~eae kmJff k ndokfs, thn oept that the men atabboo ab eMh other maintain her in comfort. After she was ai:e 130 oorupncted t ogether that a do~ m or Hav e you J\:Ialaria? up by her relatives ahe became utg1v.-n country the strong a.Hy of the old mother l:!l ?P·Wornh' ·~- g o~~:i. h o en t o 1~se more viciously, and their knivei ghwcing "Klfutoy-W oit hM don· b ottcr tne.n rm:r otho.r 1 t > rnga w 1oi.1 a vron l man a rugg mg , terly abandoned, and associated with, the mot·e of them !\le unually j oined ln a la.b. 0 ff ree P~~p es·--~ · - -- - - - - - after an E ngfoh adjective, as he de8cr1bed off t he. sma.!1 buckleni landed on theroen 111 viloat characters and was continually un- yrluth of mnd walls ; and if there b;i , rem~ r l.>Avo cvorD~."1~ ~ re;,J::~S':,~ii'i';i.ro, v~ 1l'este:rn Men o n the Nile. to me, as looking very "med. " The sys- 'll'iudp1pes ma very painful way. This der the in:tluence of liquor. Some years anything to vary, it can hardly be said to ~,re you Bilious p . . d t em in regard to the clerks strikes ::m and th<t n ext round \Tero fininhed without ago she moved to Camden to the hcuae relieve their monotonoua appeuance, it ··KJd.~·Y·Woi·t hn,j d ove m e m mo coed than lLllY It is Haid that a number of wel'Jtern an Amerfoi;,n as peculiar. Thoro docs not , the heavt bemg reached. E ach bad where she died, =d her furniture and ia th e oddity of tho fh.t roof, where the t>tbo1 remc.;y I h~v· ov01· t>11>·n " Mrs J. 'f O al~owa.y, Elk nati, Or gon. !1-orthweetern. ateambo~t men are prepar- seem to be half as m;my to the average be& n disar med once, and t he honors were clothing attracted much attention in that hard-workmg Ara.b woman stores h er sun mg to sub~it to Mmia~er Weat, t~ie number of oustometf!o a~ t here would be avsu. baked dung and keeps her al waya famiahAre y ou t orment ed with P iles? neighborhood by their expensive quality. representat tve o~ Great Bnbaln s.t Wa1w- with us ..,et wh~n 0110 bn-i:s an article the Bub Engelbrecht WM b~ginning to a,ho'!I' Bnt she died in the midGt of filth and ed-looklng fowls. A hole for a:lmiseion , P~~'bi?~'8:1&"~~"',~~~~;~g,;',i":f ft1 ~0~.~!;icdl.ug lngton· g, L"'position stearnets ' ' ·s phtc., r.r.d J · l h h h t b e b atttr ll'.1an. H 111 k Illf e to his hut sum~~ for the Ar,\b of t.o-da.y Geo I:!. Horst , Cashict M. llank, ll!yerot-0wn, Pa.. i."l' ~th f to th furni6h t t ti n clerk le;wes h1 got1a wit l t o IJ u.t e W M rags. and manage e~, or. e .ranapor ~ .0 b o er to the cttahier'a desk to Seit thu thl.'llsbti were ~s r~pid all ths etmg of a Euly on the evening of ,Jan. 14, tlie as app~rently it did centor1 ea ago. Po!lsi i Are y ou R h eumatism r acked? of the proposed E:oghah relief expe~it~un pu~oharrn paid for, wrapp ed u p and giv1Jn ws.ap, and he seemed to be all over th" r e1mlent111 of the neighborhood heard bly a few palrufl grow round the ou tekirGi II " Klducy-Wo· oc<u<<I m ':l afte1 1 wos _r,von up to <Ue 1>rvliywci"E~b~~~\i..1~~~zg!t'n.ith~M~e. to the Soudan. . The men who are w1llmg back or i>ent. But oh 1 euch enticing stage ab once. Now doubled up to j!>b i>creams m :M:ri;. Wood ward's residence, and throw their grat-eful tshade and t he to embark in ~his 1 m:terpr.ise · h ave hacl creatures as these F runch clerks are. his knifo under AntoniU11' guard, and now 11,nd upon brne.king into the house found pfoe.sa.11t contrast of t heir folh.ge over the Lad ies are you sufferino-? yea.rs of expenence ln navlp;atmg some of 'iou would t hink Paris paved Vvith blar- kaping into the air to 11tnk.11 down and t he unfortuna.te wom,m, bound and gag- dingy monotone of unb'l.ked cle.y. }m. " Kid acy-w o,! mn-ed mo vf pocullM' trou 'i>1e. of the ;ough_e&t of t~e western and ~lOrth ney iitones. 'rhey bave n o steNotyped over the t1 hield. In the middle of the ged, lying in a pool of blood. F ieher and agme an 11.asemblE.ge ()f 1,000 t o 1,200 . r~:;crill y0<uor.n:;~~illr.:::~;.!,';~i'~.:-·t~'M'ite::'tt. w~aoern_ rivers. 'I hey contend t~at t~e talk about their gooda being "wam:mted fourth round he made a feint and grabbed Burley were arrested for the a11~ault, and shaut ie3 iauch as th e!!e, ananged. in a long If N1le, with s~eairiei·~ properly built, can to wash," or 80 much "a. yard." Thoy both of-his adverMry's wri11t11. A fi.e1'ce the l&tber, having turned state's evidence, and straggllug Imo, a.nd peopled by G,000 1 bthe mo~·e ezailfy t~~vigateclt than h!lo hme of waive the price question at first as being struggle followed, and Ant onius got awa.y the men Wtire convicned and 11entenrnd by or 8.000 of t h e mixed tribera to be found e rive1a o .us conn ,ry VI ic are a trivial m atter, and such eloquence aa with his h eart still aa.fe. But Engel- Judge Reed to 11ix a.nd five yenre, re- on the banks of tho Nile -.A.rahs, negroes regTuhlady l navi1~ted. _ in the event they spend is on the poet ry of the ~ilk or brecllt was after him, and, fiouriahing hi11 apeet.ively, in the gtate prison. The a 'Jd Berber!ml!!-and we hn.ve Metemmeh. e P an ese men 18 · .' . satin so to speak. I went l ately t o buy knife in every conceivable direction, he death 'of Mrs. Wood ward WMI caused, be- In tha native ceu~us the town ts credited they get a ~ontraot ~!Dh t~e B n tlBh gcv- a sln{pI" gown, n ever expecting it _to be deceived the wary Italian, ~nd with a yond a doub,, by the brut!!ll kicks and with 3,000 males, the women and chlld"ll"H i:l BLOOD C L 11ZANSER. i;>rnment, .o take a lar ge ~umber of made a really soul-etirrir>g experience, final thrust, landed his knife in the mid- blows which bhe received at the handa of ren being enumer.i.ted, and this crnmputa· · mo pomt on the but the &entlem nn in charge of the clot h dle of his advers~,ry'a hoart. sk_illed wNkmen to so_ (l l!"R 4n '. w . ·wn.~.l';O:ll. theise n egrue~, nud fr.im which she had t.ion is im>brtbly not . e~ces~ive, bec:lUA Nil_e whe:r.c. th·~ material c11r1 b a, most struck i,~ch attitudea--went off into such That closed the round, wfoh Engel· been euifarmg ever smce the at·ack . D1 1 1 r JJ1 E ACHER OF PIANO ORGAN "-llll a~ndin~ a~ t he eud or ~n~ gre>1.t. cara.:11.1 ea~lly pr.oour«d-MHl winch woulrr b 011t . . · h b h l d · d th G 'ld Wtlhs, the physici1i.n who has b oen at· 't tl B · t ' l fli d mc1. J~ raptures ; this ptec~ was rnvi~ mg, tnat r ec t ~ lO>l , an , e ermans were w1 t1 ack from A.mbukol it 111 the prn:ci:>"l' _j_ SINGING 'l'erms; For b~"1innera $6 ; tor sm ie r1,uL~ ( cers an · c:m 'n _r;:; w&s "delicious." I o-rew oonfuned aa to in their j oy. ·rne I tali11.Illl obj ected to the tending her, llt\Y8 her de& th wa~ th e ra- r·ndezvou~ of th~ caravana betw,·en_l adviw octl p upils, $10 fer quar:m· of twehe -and there bmld l1ght Llier I waa gomv · "' .. ··l· and leudly advoc.i.ted ault of these inju1ic11, and i-clu~ea t o give K bc.rtoum, lo-r. e1· E ~iypt, B erber, and lesl!IOu·. ).ws1dcncc at Mr J owph Bl'it tain's, · t'dr.i.ugh f o ·}stea.mt<.i1 l · wh e~ LO oau a Q "' ud or ~6· .. u~ Gtix·man apola.use, , h a n av:iga . ~"·· c low · n tlls lie bel'ind Mr~t- eorne~ Llbc1'tY and Conccsswn ::\treat, How· ~'d ;,.ptod .to L. ion.° · 1 ~ ' u~e~. att(inrlh.i " an oper~. 'rh.en I col~ected bhrowinrr the fat Germa.n, who led it, out; ;i. c ,n1fi ·:a~e of d.:ath until a pc·i;t- mor~em S U;J,k in. 1l·nn " 0L ; ll'.! li>llV ! l! O. Jll -tf. IJ:.~i P~"J ~c f, lll ~!l its detai}~. vn.l, it 18 mv wits "'to find him in imaainatlon mak- of thll r~om. Policemen'11 clubl! reatored exammat wn 111 made. She seu_t n mes---~ said , be :w.bnnoted to Mmfot~r .~est, in';, u m entrancing robe "'a nd finishing order, and t he last r ound began. sage to H. S. S:ovol, E aq , tu cr·;ille .to h~r baoke~ by m~n of_nrnan~ and U jJt;z ,ence, it; ~fl' ;n tl~rea diJferen t wa ·a- for st raet, A'itoniua knew in was hill only hope, house and w ntll her w11l. Th1nkrng 1t who w1ll 1ileagQ · tnt:iro11e.vee the ,]· ~ , » Th e und fough· ·11 he kne w how. But one of h er 1 v,.,ny whims, Mr. So.wel did h t o he.Vt.I · d £or umner, or aa a " p01gno1r. ~ u ~ ecoamers riaady rn a vo.r~· s oi·ttune, an, qu!llitiea p ointed out to ine as latent in l fo gelb recht did hta b811t al3o, and would not go_ ,!. bout 3 o'clock in the morning - J UST RECEIVED ATto t.~~11s,ro1f·t \JJ\;to Br1_ht11> p ~1·nt tr so~~p on sg a tnl1ce 1 that one dre:.s fill me even now with nob be beii.tcn. He disarmed the Italie.-rJ. the woman spcke h<·r last words, tmd i.v 1 mun1.10ns o war si:c , "" 1 b I h t · th · c i · g t he "dvantage a -.. 'r ·i · d d ._ amazement. never oug it ao muc w1ce, , us m r tms . 1 - 7:45 o'clock :ne died. .._, i:.e a 3 is l.'eme necelll'&ry. in my lift:i before for the same amount o! r eady gained. ___ ... .,..__..,_,..1><1,.,.. money. No more heartll had boen pier~ed atthe Dr. T . D. Phipson fi nds that in grape11 Si id t1la u dapper httlela.wyer, Ambrose I have seen more beam~rs m the at wet a 1end of the r.ound, and the matcn, oham'T'he v a r e Fre sh, G o od and C h eap. H . Purdy, veaterday: "'fhero in a res· cf P aris t hia eeason th~ l have form1:irly plouship, gat e money, and receipts W l!Ilt grown out of doors t he production of BU· A SP LENDID. .ASSORTME NT OF tam·ant in Chatham atreet where I can seen in any city of Italy. In a few min· to the D"niflh champion. The Germar 15 gar first occura iu the periphery, and gradually e:x.tend13 imrard aa the Autumn get twenty-four kinda of m10at and vege- utes' walk on any cf the thorough· who had rea.d h is name were much Bllradvances, while the org,,,nic acids dieap· tables for .fifteen centi:;, " "How do you fares one meats half-paralyzed m en and prised t.o learn th:i.t he waa n o Ger man. pear. Theae acid2 remain to the fast in do that 'I" aiihed ColonelFellowa. "I o.der women, cripples hobbling or crawling A T EX C EE DI NG LY L 0 W P RICE S. For removing paint from iron a mixture the pul p around the seeds, where they over ths pavement, blind and aged peohaoh." 1 Some dwelling hou aes in Antwerp are ple cowering in corridors or by the church of one pound of hme to four pounds of act as u,ntiheptics until th e moment ar· be~ to be lighbed by electric glow lamps, the doors. Many of them look like sk illful potaah and ai.x quarts of . water has been rivefl fur t he seed to fall and ger minate. as moat efficient; other .At t hi(! moment only is the greater p orrecommended current for which is to be conveyed from members of the profa211ion,-aome gaunt the genera.tfili.stv.tion by a syatem of Un· and wretched,- are not importunate, proportiona of the same mat erials do not tion of organic acid replaced around the KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. ,seed by sugar. derground wirCB. while not a few seem ready for a rfot or do so well. ft!DAT. MARCH 13, 1886. mul Jteggau'il. ~evolution. Troops cf gamins congregate Cyr us §hol ter·s En dura nce. about t he railway stations and teas'~ tor f) young man named Cyrus Sholter, ap a Pittr..ton, Pa , telegram to the New sous or bits of t ravellers' luncheow:1. The @ little ones t hrow kisses or 11ta.nd on th.,,ir Yo· k: S1A1~. ~ta.i:ted to go from "rl:tite h"'8ds and deport themselvt1~ lil·· di rty , H~ ven, in the lower part of this country, demora.lt2ed cupids-being aa,. ,.:.t. a.a to I H~kesltie, ten n.ile11 di11tn.nt, on foot. snp0rfima1ly cfad as the bt1 na.m t>d <;rder It ... 1.M1 late in the a!wruocn, l!.nd the ther. of apJm11l. Almu5t uulv ttr111~l!y they momeL 11r 11tood nearlv at it.ro. Tne form a gre,~t comp&t-·y, headed b7 a great,· robyh1mna cTeek, a. lir.rge s~ream, cro:m:;s lazy sort of!!. fellow, ·irho le&na :!.gar.inst a the rns.d he took a mile from Hl ..ke11lee, convenient w&ll. To him the smaller and there is no bridge thtre. When boys bring every prfau, from a coffee to a Sholter 1·oached the creek it w311 dn.tk. stale biacuit. lf the latter la vi,;ry ~ta.le He found \he aidea of the &tream frvzen he rej ect11 it , and the little ones g·oefully for a dj11tance of ten feet, but t htt current devour the spoil, every one ge'.ting a fair waa r;o r,.pid in the middle th.e.t the water morsel. I l!ll.W one little follow-a veri- had not frozen , Jea.ving a space twenty tab lo Tiny Tim- seize hfa bit of bun, carry feet wide, over which there was no way it eagerly to hi8 mouth, and then atop to to paBs. The house to which Sholter was look down into the face of his lean, ex- going was only three-quarters of a mile pectant dog-the dog who got his share ahead, but there was no house nearer by also looking. One comes in contact than seven miles on the aide of the creek wibh so many Fr.ench people of w many where he w&a. different minda in reg11.rd to national mat· After following up and d own the creek tera that one can readily imagine all the fol· 1Jome dist.ance in hope of finding a epot old political troubles in time repeatmg where he might crof!J!, and finding none as themaelves, with modern variatiollil, of favornble to him as the place at the road, courae. The so- ~Ued meeting of opera· Sholt!lr resolved to wade the open space. thee out of work held on Sunday after- Ile i:;at down nn the edge of the ice and noons have been extremely lively, io ~av let hia legs down in the water, but when the lea.at. At one aee~ion the anarchists the water WM above hia knee and no botbro ke up chairs and tablea for wea1mns, tom rf>oaChed he w.i,s :afraid that the creek while yelling, bhrieking men tried to wu tou deep to wade, and he made up d rown t.he voices of would b,, leadern in hi~ mind to make hia way through the t:he reyolutionary ~itation. wooda to the turnpike and oro8S on the ~-· - - - · -bndge spanning the creak at a point six FIGD.'l'IN G WI'f.l!l :KNIVES. mile~ distant. His courss lay oTer ground thickly grown with underbrush Tille GJJlln.mplon or Europe a.au Gui llt'q)t)M and brier~. After a two houre' sku1g.le 1;it11R>bel· ot fU&.17. ~ · Ca.pt. Ch.e.rles Englebrecht of Denmark, through these, in which he tr:i.velled but who t<a.ya ho is cha.mplon of all Earopa, three miles, he came to a larL'(e stream znd MarcM Szr.n Antonius, styled chl\m- emptying into the Tobyhanna, 'll'hich was pion of Sicil.f, mzke a apeoWty of fight· aleo only p1U'tlally frozen over, and ing with knivoia. They s~eed tu have i t thorongbiara in th.e.t direction waa made out for th1:1 ohamplonshlp of Amerioa and impracticable. Sholter then concluded bhe world, and 300 wen and one woman to go back and find a house that lay six went t o Oa.rdeooon H all, New York, on milon down the old road which he had a reoont night t o see them do .ft. About left. He was suff-ciriog greatly from the half of the crowd were Germane, and the cold, imd, although ho wn.s footsore and re1nainder Itali&nlil, with a sprinkling of almost exhausted after his difficult tramp, eportlng men. he d1il not dare to stop and reat, fearing The hero01J of th<l evaning wore blue that he would freue. He t ramped for ab.l.rts and white trou~ers. .Antoniru1, the hours in the woods and at last diacovered Ha.lin.n, wore 11 blne scaxf, and wall very that he was loet . He had wandered away big and black, with a fierce eye, falae from the creek and ha.d lost his bearings. black beard, false musta.ohe, fr.lie CJe- He kept on, however, knowin~ that a few brows, and false hair. Jle looked u mUos in an7 direction would nece11sarily ·L-- h in d th I r fetch him oub on a ro11.d or a clearing. WU"Uug he must w ' an e ta lMlS H is ooul'l!e must have been a circuitous greeted him warmly. Engelbrecht, on the contrary, was sma.ll, with a faint yel· one, for it was 5 o'clock in the morning low mustache, and a broad, bald spot. when, bar ely able t o drag himaelf along, Bnt ho walked with a step so catlike and he came dut on the old road within t wenty wiry, and ga.ted with such lndifferenoe at rods of th'o spot where he had been stophis adveraacy's proportions, thab tho Ger- pad by the Tobyhanna creek twelve hours mans took hearu and applauded entlm11i- before. &atically. Ned l\fallah!l.n announced tlu.t F eeling that he could not;possibly travel the meu were to st ab five rounds, and en- much further, and t hat even a few mindeavor to pierce "tho be&rt" of t he other. utms' root might be fotal to him, Sholter The round WM to conclude when the determin~d to take his chances in wadln~ he!!it was pieroed or at the end of ftvo the swift current between the two shore:s minutes. of ice, and, plunged in. The water cnme E1.ch man put en an ordinary feno:ing up to his neck when his feet touched the mask, and padded fencing glovea. A bottom. trhe water was so swift that he thickly p&dded plaiitron wall strapped over wa.a carri1d a hundred feet down t he et>eh man'IS chect, a.nd over the heart wae stream b1 1ore he got over. The cold fo.s~ened I\ amall r ound box, like a blueiug water seeD1ed to warm him, h e 11aid, and box, which would yield blood when he drew b.imeelf oub of it reluctantly. pierced. It irns c~lled the hearb. A When he r1eached the opposite side of the smll.ll bra~s buckle fastened on the left st.ream he made all haste possible for the forelUDl, and 11> Gteel knife, t welve inohes house wheire he was going, but he had nr t long, with dull edges and padded point ma.de one-quarter of the dilltance before oomp1eted t he outfit. Ned Mallahan hie wet nl n hes were incasod in an armor er.id "'.t'ime," advlbed the public to keep of ice. W rnn ;:n.e finally fonnd himself itll eye on the " \:;ladders," and the men safe at his destination it WM wlth the went at it. g't'eatest dii":iculty that he coold make h i& J'irnt they stretched t heir &rms a.nd leg11 way in hi11 atJffoning garments. Hia ears, far apart, t "> get their mnsclea in woI'kmg hands, and' feet were badly frost-bitten, order. Then they at~mped t heir feet but the ll'f ort from him yesterday was with & loud b;i;ug, and drew node of a.p- t.hat he wo uld isuffer no serious injury pr.oval from M11otsada Sorakichi, who dofls from his te;mble night's experience. the l!ame thing himself. lllngelbrooht _ _ _....... _ ..._ ___ Three lll.,8he~ ~r .ma~onda Fu1md Inside a l>iubiir·1 m l d ··1· .JEll'"EL8 OlF THE ORIENT. - - r mmeh and shield it from the encroachmerit of the ever-advancing dusert ; while wt ween it and the Nile i!I a strip of land rendtired fortile b:y the inundation of th~ river. In later times Metemmeh with its s:\i.eik and derv\«h, !ta oa.rav11.n traffic, and its wall-snppifod mar ket, ee~m~ to have taklm tho placo 1·f t he n slghboring town ot Shency, wluch in bygone times wa.a a plaet1 of emm e 1Ctl, one of che c~pitals of the kiogdom of S l1 eb ~, and a centre of civilizatl" n, Bot the culture 8nd civilization and indu sti.-~ "f the old k!Pgdom of ,Me10e, th,. Sh!ib~ probably ('f the old testament, h<Ave p.i.aaed a,,.ay, and noEhing remains d them bat , the ruins of the pyr~mid a n ou far from Shandy, and th(Jfr plMe ha11 been taken by a withering fa.u~,ticiiim and fatalism, under who""' in· flaence indm1tl'Y and clvil1z,i.t ion, aa well as the area of cul1.ivat ed. la.nd and the numbera of the pr~opl e , h ave declined to their present low ebb. ln even later dn}ll Shendy was a flourhhlng mart, th rough wh loh :,he great camrnr111 pa~sed on r.heir wa.y from Simnaar to E gypt. lt had then a population l·f 7,000 people ; now they barely u umber t vro thousand, and its commerce is a thmg of the pa.st . After leaving Sh \lntiy , tho only t own of 11ny lmportauce before reaching Khartoum Is Ht0lfiyoh , n ow a mer'3 relic of it s anci;mi, grcat um~s . Tuue w lJ.g when it had 15,000 irib:.bHant11 ; i t hAs now probably a fiHh of t.lu~ number. The Rassaniah tribe, who abound here, are warlike ; t he people of m~lfiyeh were the first to begin, an<l they ha.ve been the mont pewbt1~nt t o cont!nue, the befoag· urement of Gen. Gordon. _-----·· · ·~------- I1MeaithCA~ and Happiness. '90uJ!l9 ? 11 · 1 t 1 1 ° ! = R , · J LL~ C rockery & Glass-ware H is .reas are not to Excelled. JAMES ELLIOTT. Oall and inspect.

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