Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1885, p. 8

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ORO NU. FINE, FAT, ·'llESIH There was a good attendance at the nnm1al school meet;nlo( h.-r.... ].\fr, S. J . Williams in tbe chair. Mr. Geo. Awde was the reti~ing ~rusiee, ~ml Mr. T. Baker was Plected In hts ~tend. Mr. Awde was appointed auditor for ensuing y1ar. J'\Jr. A. J . !{eynolds is te 1cher here nl:(ain-popular and .velcnmed. Larg11 attend1mce- 11ome "bi.i boy,." .. nd girls. The great event on New Years Day in this village was a Wood e n Wedding with which Mr. w!llter Vice and wife were houored by about 40 of their friends. 'J he affair was conducted in good "old co·mtry" style and ended about midnight, Amon11 other uaeful and ornamental preee1its wa~ 11 beautiful iarge pitcher ,Qf flowers presented by a Bowmnm·ille fri ,nd ' ' · . . . . Rev. ~- Taylnr 111 ~l(Ktn a hie to take his ap;io;n·men _b11tl1~ not stn -ng yet.. Mr. ""l.1 .t·r ".'ice u1eed the champion porker 11gn1u tlua year. The Mechanic's Ammo.I Oyster Supp"r comes off ·Jll Jt,riday, 9th Inst. Several attacks of "Slllvation .:Fev.,r" in this neighborhood, caught frc·m Hampton. Rumor has it that the Am1y hae the hall here. . Mr. W. -~- Tom, blackSmith, is iu1for- BowMANVILLlil, °FRIDAY, JAN. ::::= 9. ·-:-:.:-.=-=--:--=:= = =::= : =-=- 'LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. TYRUNE. Excoll~nt meetmgs ~ere conducted _ by th· ~rayrng B~nd on Sabbathla_st. Active serv1ce11 are bemg engaged m tlus week. l _ . An assistant teacher is badly needed in ihe academy. Mr. and Mrs. · w. '-Y. Jnr<linc of Newa.stle visited friends here la.st week. On New Yeiir's niKht an old time chari· vari was indull.!ed in"bv the small boys ~ " and a few of the sous of Eron, the roar of artillery was d6afening and caused the windows to tremble ll.S with an earthquake. Mr, A. Gibbard is daily growing weaker. \Ve congratulate Itev .. S. 'f. r~rtlett and Mills Jenny Hellyar on their recent marriage. Both were former and much esteemed resident.'\ of this village. It is rumored more weddi gs Me soon to follow. Mr. Robert Davey and wif!;l are about to become inhabitimts of our peac11ful town. The mill pond 1ruJ.kes a capital ska.ting rink and is the favorite resort for our young people. '.l'he open winter prophets now smile softly. The Chl'ist1uas tree entertainment at school section No 21 came offuccordiug to adfertisementa un the 23rd, notwithstanding the cold rainy night the achuol house was crowr111<l tu the entry doors with . a vory intelligent gathe:ing having come from 0111 quart~rs to en)oy the annual treat which has wo11. for itself so m1my woX:liy comments. :'lhrough the accommodahon and good will ';'f Mr. Josep~1 Henry those that brought rigs _from a d1_stance ~ound . g<:>od accommodati:m fo_r the1: lu>~·ses m t11e bru:u a~d sheds. of his adJOllllII!{ f·.rm ,,.Jucli 111 oppostt\l the schooL Judgmg from tho appearance of the a.ud1oncll one could not but see a.t. a {{lance tha~ the progra.m w~~ apprti?mtecl_ tu tl~'e highe?t degree, which consisted 111 i·eadmgs, recitatiu11s, vocal 1md instrumental mueic by tho childrun of the school and o· hers, but most! by the former and we think thl\t any r~ason:.ble person by 11 little thought wou' dconclude was the only proper way of c111Tying out such entertainments. :u it is the children of thoi present th .. t will be the men and wonrnn of the futme :md to leaToi out tho children in 11uch things is. a very_ serious mistak... The tr~e was a 1pecialty, the l\ppearance of wluch would drive from onry one that which lflll irnt in ha.rmony with gladness and good will. PIERCE & ROBERTSON. -GREAT- BULK---o--OYSTERS! I a UJ prepared to su~ply ten thousand people with Fine, ) i'.f.t. Freah B ulk Op t ers. Everybody says the I I CLEARING SALE previous to Taking Stock. - - - -( =.f.:r.>.- - - - Grand Cuntral is the best place to go for a first -cl.ass OYSTER S'I'EW. Call and try for yourself, i t is the cheapest din ner you can get. To our numerous customers and the public we will offer Qur entire stock of Dry Goods during the N"E:x=T 30 A full line of t h e hest D..A_-Y-S FIVE AND TEN CE NT CIC AR S in t own. WITHOUT PROFIT. Enormous Reductions I IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. 101 D IFFERENT K I NDS O } ' CANDY alwi.y11 in stock. James Deyman . P. S. - I sell Post age S tamps_ Post Cards, Note Pa.per, Envelopes, &c. -·-- ·- - - - -- - - - - ing from some kind of throat trouble. esteem fur the mannt-r in which she has Mr. GeLl. Hc·garth and :R. L. 'Verry prel!ided over the school ,vith the only havti beeu spending Christmas at home. Mrd . Salter, of Dakota, has been visit0 116 a.im to encourage and bring on the pupils in such a way as the instruction ing friends here . received may be lasting and not soon era.aA praying band has been organized in ed from their minds. We tLre glnd to Solina. It will prob< Lbly be called '·Danlearn that she ha.s been reinstalliicl for t he iel's Band. " I . C. U . fifth year in succession in the section. After apending four hours under the superCARTWRIGHT. "I Have Suffered ! " vision of our worthy chairman, Mr. Joseph Painters are busily at work upon Mr. Simpson tho entertainment came to a close With every disease imaginabl~ for the ·wood's handaome n. e'I!' resieeuce. / by the children singing the parting song last three y ..arA. Onr FomV.Altu. The Cadmus Ohief of Police successfully ' 'Good N ight. " Drnggist, T. J .Anderson, recommending run down so1Dc thieves from the So11th "Hop Bitters" to me, and recovered their h :iory. They will Rev. E. R . Yonng, of Bowmanville, I used ~wo b . ttl~s ! kindly take note of the fact that c.ut- preached in the Met hodist church LU SabAm entirely cu rad, aml ha1 t ily recomwright is a bad place to ~te~J ef0n buffalo bath morning last t ·> a large congregation, mend Hop Bitters to "very one. ,J. D. 8kiDB. Good enon:;:h. and Rev. P. .A d<l1,on in the evening. ·walker, Buckner, Mo. 01ir new teachor, Mr. Geo. Wilson, Both gentlemen deliverc l excel lent serI write this as 11. oommenced work on Monday mormng mons, which were lister.eel to with great Token of the g1eat uppreciation I haTe last. w~1 hear good 10p·1rt of his wc·rk 80 interest and benefit.. far. Good order, shon lauons tboronghMiss Hnnter, teacher for the past year of Hop ·.- · · Bitters. I was artlicted ly lear11ed, and. bright childrer1 not of the jnnior department of our echool, With iTitlammatory rheumatism ! ! ! disconraged command drn reRpect of tru11- has taken her departltre. J<'or nearly St-ven yean, aud i;o medicine seemed tees and parents alike and par1 ont well. · 'l'he lust proclig·l has at last appea red Every child should be 11.t school this year. on our streets. We wonder 1f he will to do me any Good ! t ! Mrs . Wood, relict of the IMe Morg·rn tl1i. time lock his heart more fin;1ly to Until I ti iecl tw o bottles of y onr H op Wood, a former re dident of Enniskillen, !he pare ntal home. Bittern, and to my surprise I am as well met with a µaiuful accident on Friday last Mr. G. M. Lon~, nur enterprising to-day as ever I w~s. 1 hope which resulted iu serious injury 1,,, the townsmll.11, has, we understand, puri:haied " Yon muy have abundant s11ccess" ankle joint. She is doing wdl, although the 1.-t<i C. M. church property for thoi "Jn this gre"t a11d " we bel1tive she is likely to be closely c1m- sum of $800. ValmLble medicine : fined to her bed fo1· a f ~ w weeks. M1o1y Mr. J,>hn Scott, of Fergus, formerly nf Auyonti ! ::, * wishing to know more she sptedily recover i:; the earnest hopti .,f this vicinity, has been visiting fritiuds abont my CU ·e ? a hos~ of sympathi.zitJg friends. here. l.\fr, S. looks well. Can learn by 11ddres, ing me, E: M . A motion wa' c~rried at the nomination Williau1 s , 1103 Hith street, WaMhmgService in the English church nel:t .;if our mu111eipd c,.uncil a f"w days llgo ton, D. C. authoriziu!! that body to prnceed with Sund~y 11t l.0:30 a. m. - - I consi<'ler your ---· · -~---·,._..__ certain imp1ovement un th" To" n Hall. Remedy the best remedy In existence J<'or Indigestion, kidney lt is hoped tha.t the work will be soon NEWCASTLE. · -Complnint undertnken and corupleted in 8uch s manThe English church Christmas Tea En" And nenons debi:ity . I have j ust " ner 98 will do credit, not only to "&ch tcrtainment on Tuesday night was a splen Returned individual member d ihe Boa1 d, but alsn <lid success. The carols by the youngsr.·ets ' ' From the south in a iruitle·s se u eh to our ri.)h snd pro~P" ' ous - w,. ns-hiµ. were well re11dered . for health, and fiud that your .Hitters are 'l 'he build in!( nit now stands, 1s a menrnnThe monthly meeting of the N. B . C . doing me more to of by gu1·e days, having betn erected, was held on the 5th inst. Hereafter all G uod ! we nndei·stttnd, many Lmg Y""'rs ago, iu residen t m ember s must become active. Tnan a uythiu~ els e; the time uf our !orefdthe1s. '1'1> he sure, All others honorary without dues. The A mo1ith ago I "as extremilly it is ,. co1upara.tirely new r~sident on JHesent honvr~ry list: Rev. 'V. A, V. E. " Em11ciated ! ! ! " Scugog Street-having be"n moved from p ·· I 1 an ob8cure site tn the iiast of us, stiHattyson, C. J . Art iur, .I'. E. At 'inson, Aud scarcely abl., to walk. Now I am \V. Deyman and E . Deyman. Gaining stren).{th ! nnd barring 1tM uew Coat aud Cover, it is the eame ft rum ure which was < H, c <i all antticAlfred Brown of this plac8 was fined "Flesh ! " And h1ndly a day passes but what I am ient for thu requirements.of the township. $6.75 for interfaring with the constable We cau surely afford aomothinK bcttt-r and when on duty trying- t o arrest two .,. * * * * * ~ * compli wented on my iwpro vecl appearlarger uow and m·-re up to the times. tramps. ance, und it is all d 11e to Hop We hope K oon t·1 h&ve ~ buildi11~ i11 which 'l'he S. A. is not making gr·eat h eadway Bitters ! J . Wicklitfo Jackson, such aceues ot crowding and jostling as hare. - W·ilmington , D al. occurred at a public tea lately held in the A few Sunday8 ago two Howmanville U-None ~cmlino without"' bunch ot green Hall will b" uuknown, a " d .vhiclt "ill be roughs insulted one of our peaceable citi, Hoµ~ on t l1e wlute labuJ. bhutt 1>ll the vile, sufficiently l!Lrg·· tu "ccommo.-l ·de·"" p ·1I.- ~eu~. DELL. poiMonous bt utr with "'Hop'" or ..Hop"" in their lie meeting likely tu requir., It~ usti. The other evening Mr. and Mrs . M . C. nallle. A successfi;l Soiree wns held in Wil- Hose g~ve a select pnrty to Miss C. Dunn, The "Examiner" Book-Bindery. liamsburg in connection with the First om· popular Music Teacher, who has been Prerbyteriau church, Ca.1 twrigh~, on .!SPw living at their place for the last three yrs. The atten tion of the public is direct ed )'.ear's Day. After sinj.(illl>( hy the choir Oil her depart ure to St. r~ouis, Michigan, and prayer by rlie Rev. Mr. \Va·hingt.on, where she intends staying during the wint- to the fact that the book-bindery in conMr. R. 8. Spinka was called to the chair. er with her brother, and two, loved sisters. nec tion with the Peterborc/ EXAMIN}at, is Speeches wern deliver~d by .Mr. Wuodg.,r, The evening was cold, but those invited one of the most t horoughly equipped in and Rei·. M~ ssrs. McKay, Washmgton all attended, some from Bowmanville, the Province. Th e machine1·y and appl isud Crtighton, which were appropriate Manchester, Belleville 11.nd Port Hope, ances are all new, and of t.he most modern to the occnsion, interspersed by emging Newtonvilleaud Clarke. A short p rogram and improved character. The biudi,ry is and music frou; t he choir, which w11s well was given as follows: Song, MiR s Dunu, in charge of t h e most competent hands to cho·et·, ~xcdltutly rendered and reflect11d and Mr. Rose,of Belleville entitled'Mot h- be had, whose work for years past has dismuch credit 11p "' the vocal al>illtie:1 of er's Grave" . Clariurwtte Solo, Mr. A. tanced all others when l'laced on competithe district The 11.tte11diince WPS so large McMurtary, (this was choice.) V iolin tive exhibition - always securing first that after the 1<isl.,s wern tilled it WllS solo, Miss Dunn, song, Mrs. S. Jones and prizes. 'l':trn E XAMIER bindery is n ow uecess11ry for 8<,me to go away. At a late M~ss '\'ade, A. Arnott, and S . R ose. prt.ipared to fill all ord ers for binding, rulhour rhti meetiug WHB biought to a cloae Instrumental, Violin, M:r . M. C. I~ose and ing or blank book, in the highest $tyle of by the Rev. Mr. Cr..ighto11 prononucing Miss Tmnblyn, .on piano. Speech, A. the art and at re11sonable figures. Ev11ry the .l:fo11ediction. The following nay an McMu·try, tin whistle solo, Mr. Rose, sort of book bound in any d esired style, entertsi11111e11t wa~ held for the children, :1.nd Miss Dunn, on Piano; (a great in a manner guaranteed t u b e in e very ¥Ve have arranged when there was 11 full hvu;e. 1'hP. pm- treat to <Lll). l\fr. A . McMurtry proposed case sa t isfactory. ceeds wt:rn very euconra~ing, uotwit.h- a wa.l>z :rncl the party had 11 little "hop" special facilties for the bi11ding of "Picturstauding th1; cli:ia gr~eabl~ ~tate uf thti which finished the progrnm. Next Mrs. esque Canada," in styles con-esponding to roads. Th(i soire<:s iu connection with Hose played her pa.rt nobly to 1~ wholesom the beirnty of the work-in full or half tht. church are always a success. oyster tea. Mr. S. Jones and Mr. A . Mc- morocco, full or half calf, half roan, gild 'l'he Clirostmus "upper given und<\r the murtry were at the head of the table and or miubled edges, etc. The copies alt-eady auspices of rhe Methodist church was a made themselves useful. At 12 o'clock b ound are pronounced superb, and a fitting gr,.nd 'succ0&8. 'l'h.,. supp1H itself consisted the pal'ty gave Mig~ Dunn a hearty shake settling for this fine work. Having unusof tu1key·, g~e~e. ducks, &c., besides the of hands and wished her a safo j ourney ual facilities for doing the binding of "Picturesque Canada, " we can afford an d hereusual p1eB, cak.·s, &c., and it reflected and a sho1 ·t stay. gr.,at. Cl'edit up'·n t.li o ladies who prepared Miss Dunn iii tends coming back in t he by offer t o pay the express cluu·ges on the numb ers forwardecl to our bindery, and on ir. .After a·.u ple justi: clad been done by spring. the bound volumes when returned. All thti immenMI cn1w·~ t .. the good thiur;s 1 work of t his kind , :mch as parts of ShakeOOUUTlCE. provided the people crammed tht: chul'ch sphere, handsome magazines, art jom·nale, tv enjoy the prorn rned programme. This Mr. J . W. Lent is vi.iti11g his brother etc., receives special attention ; strong con~i·ted of ruv.ituge, 1ecitations, dia- at Conrtice. He occupied t.he pulpit at tlaxible binding and art istic fin ish of t he 1t Ebenezer on Sunday .,veuing. logues a ud 1111rni", 1n !.(rtiat 111riety, b 1 :l).rst order, will mark our execution of all good, autl suui;, ver y exrelleu·,iudeud. School reo µcned on Monday with till t his class of work. The mauufai;tttre of Vi<Jtoria .. ud 'J'o »" d.'> Universities, and attendance of for1y. blank h ooks, ledgurs, j ournals, in vo ices, Port Perry High S,·hrnil, in 11.dditiou to We nrti pltmsed to learn that Mrs. John etc., etc., is another depart ment in which C>UtWright WUl'e Hl [H ~ Seuted '.Jll th<' pro· 'l'HE ExAMI:> R:R bindery excels. Our gramm~. It will \,., Ho offeuc" to the Brooks is 1ecovering from her sicknes~, other :sin~e rs, who t>ll rlid well, to 1<a.y The anutrnl school meeting held last tock, papers, etc., is purchased at most that the V .,ale fami y e.;pecially delighted week was well uttcnded . Mr. L. M . favorable rates, and uconsidcring its excllence, and the t h orotrghness of t ho bindth" andience, caihi>-( forth rapturous Co11rtice wa~ 1e-elected trnstee. HEN . sing, our prices arc ex emely moderate. epplnuse and r<' peated eucorns. Tile ~ -·- - · · · - -- v\'e urge the public of Bowmanville audience kept go(l(\ order, paicl careful Tmi: HisrnoY oF B UNDRtm fl. ·- 1\lr. John :md Durham county gen erally, to give at.tent ion aud wu ,-e :w,· l[ ropaid. Net pro- Morrison, of St. Anns, N. S., was s" eeriTHE EX AMINER Book-bindery, P et erb o1 ·0, aeeds, over $100. 0u.ely afflicted with"' disease of the kidneys a trial, well convinced that satisfaction will :Mrs. George lte} .,,,J,fo, matheL· of four tbat drop~y Wh!I developing and his lifo be t h e r esult . N o pay will be exa cted of Methodist 111.mis,er,., (tiirc:e of them living) wa~ rle, 1nirnd of. Two bott led of Hurd- :my pat ron who is h onestly dissatisfie d passed from sufferith, to re ward on S"tur- ock Bloo I DiLters cured him a fter phy~ic with the work t 11rned out. Corrnspondday last, and W "" h -irl,;d on J'\fonday . ians had failed . ence and pat.ronage solicited . · Orders left Rev. w. v. Wa-hi'1 Lft<1ll, h er p~stor, a t the Statesman otlice will he fonvarded preached :\!I appr.. pr;.\ i" e foneral serwon ()c.eimJare $13.00, steerage, from Port- ancl r e turned here free of charge. J. R. to Ii vory latg" con~ n·:-: · ti .·m . 'l'he dece11sc<t faud or Hafifax by Allan Line, to or from S'l'llAT'l'ON , Printer and B ookbinder, was very highly t;es ~ e·. ;ed and esteemed London deny, Liverpool, Belfast , Queens ExAMIN ~;n 0F1" ICF., P eterborough , On t. where t1he hM resided , o long. Her age lown,Galway, Limeriek,Glasgow, London; Carcliff or Bristol. Cabin also 1·educed. was 65 years. _pfl-A Thing of Beauty. The m~st. W. A Nu..os, Agent. 48-tf. brilliant eh ade· possible, on all fabrics are EVERYBODY who h a11 not, ebould at Gor.o - 111 excellent for filling decayed made by t he Diamond Dyes. Unequalonce, go over to 'ho cir ·lg R tortJ and si:e "Huu" CoUGH Cu.a.11:. "-\ cuuple of doses 'l'ee~h ; but "'f&A?lXRRY" prevents de- lfld for brilliancy and dnrability. lOc. at will relieve any ma.a, vroman or cbild G!Joy, makes them white, and makes people drugi:i1t. Send 2c. for 32 Sample Colors. , Welu, Richardson & Co.,,Burlington,Vt.1 lQv.able. Only 25 cents. Ask Stott & Jury. !!~~h:~:Y:JJ::B~d~~~, d~1;:~ve~l~he h~;~1~~! --- BEAVER HOUSE·! XMAS coons t ---o--1 At J, HIGGI N~OTHAM &SO~'S may be fou nd the best and. n eatest aseor tment of Toil.it A r ticle/· auitable foi.X mae Presents ever otfared in thi s t wn, consist ing of ·rhe uiost Elcg1111t L a dles DreJiidug C11~e·. tlo do Gc~H&!'i ti n cl o du du ll n lr Bl'u~lu:~, du do Jlnnd llllr r u 1·s, Tile ruu·t- h:uul sonae, 'l'olkt Set~, tlo tlu Shav lng ltl 1l~li, 110 do Vnses, 11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ OU-R STOC:K OF Millinery, Mantles, Dress Goods, Plushes, Dress Silks, Velvets, Flannels, Shirtings, Tablings, Cretonnes, Towelings, Winceys,Cottons,Shawls,Furs, Blankets, Hosiery, Gloves, &c., &c., &., All to be Cleaned -NO RESERVE.- Out ~ Combe, T ooth, Nail and Shaving B rushes in every sty le and varie ty ; ·.l:'erfumery, Glass Bottle:; cu t aml pfain of every d es -. cription , all of which will be sold at the lowest p ossible prices. Call and see 'them and inquire price~. GOODS MUST BE SOLDI All are invited t o secure Bargains . 1884. 1885_ __ CHAS. TOD wonld call attentio n to his stock of PIERCE & ROBERTSON. XMAS CONFECTIONE Y , which compriseK all th e leading lines from the best h ouses in o..,u...d .~ .. 30 Days NEW YEAR'S ~ AKES in varieties too n umerous to menhon. " A call is r espect fully solicited fr om all his old customers and 11s many new on es as possible .. 0 Sacrifice --AT-- Wedding Cakes to order. CHAS.TOD, 1884 . BAKElt A.rmCoNl!JHJl'IO:NER. 1885. Special Clubbing Offer TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRI C E OF ONE. THE ST ATE SMA ! T .A:ND- · GRIP FOR J SS~, FOR ~2-~ai'. TRELEVEN'S SHOE STORE. I will sell for 3 0 DAYS my immense stock of BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c., at such Low prices as has never before been offered in this part of Canada. of GW.P, we o.re o.blc t -0 supply Canudo/· only Cartoon Pitper at a. grea t reduction. This is ttn unusually 11;ood chance, o.nd we expect 1a.ny ot our subscri bers will take advantage of it. 'l'he publishers of Gmr ha ve very much im proved thi9 deser-redly popular papet· during the year, and are giving free to a.II snbacribers , a. very unique a.ud v..luable monthly R Upphl me11t, which alone is worth more than th() 5Ubscription price. Send In your subscripho.n at /, ;1 to the. S'l'.AT&SlllAN Oll1ce. iil l w. - - - - - - - - - -- --· }'.·~-4 By special arl"ftngements with the pnbhshers NO SHOP WORN BANKRUPT STOCK. NO SHODDY GOODS . Everything NE w and in t he latest styles, bought for cash from the best manufacturers. s--FERRY.'J ordering i t. It < :onL !tins illustru.tion s, prices, d eseriptions n.11d din.H'.t ions for plu.n ting a.11 Ycgetable and Flower S IJ:EDS, lH JLBS, etc. llll ~f. DD Y 0 WrnDson. Ontari o. · ~iJ .. nu i t"t :I DETROIT. ?41chig · n. ~-~-g~~ ~~~ng ~fi~tc,,~;~~,~for~,~~~"'1t ~ \'j .. lNVALUAilLE Will be mailed 1 ,g~l!!tl1tfl, T O A~l/Jt""g CO for * I Kee~ on ~an~ WILSO~IA MAGNHIC INSOUS for co1~ feet. This .is no humbug sale ; come and see. OLD STA N D D :- Sign of Big Boot drawn by two horses M. TRELEVEN. Families who deal in Orono will fin d the choioest --stock of- - Groceries, Send cents rot receive free, a costly Spices, A PRllf which help yon to mo1 . right away tha.n anything tlus world. or either sex succe Essences, first hour. 'l'htl broad road fortun1 i·etore .the wor kers, abaolntely aure address. Co, Agusta, Maine. Crockery, etc., - - ---- - -·------·-- six po bo,_ 1 mon!lYi n a few days than yon ever thought possible a t a.ny business. Capital not required You can live at home and work in spare time only. or all tho timP.. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful, 50 cents to $5 tia.rned every euenlng. '!'hat a ll who want worlc may test t he business, we make this unpar:alled otfer: 'l'o all who are not well satisfied we will s~n d $1 to. pay for the trouble of writing us. :k ull particulaJs, directions, etc., sent free. I m mens o pay absolutely 8Ure for.· all who ata.1·t at once. Dont delay. Address t-:<·1·1xsoN & l ·u. Portland, Maine. and mail yon J"JJtm, valuable samv!e ot goods that Hf l P pnt you iu the way of making more ag e , we will working people. Send IO cents posthox a royal will will A ll to' 'l'HUE & ~ ·--.A.T-- GEO. L. FERGUSON.' S. OYSTERS wholesale and retail at bottom priet-.'is, takmg an agency for the hesr WIN None book out. Begiuners succeed fail. 'l'crms l!'rcc. Add mo~ll money than at enything E'.1'1' B 001' Co. Portland, Meine. Hea vy Tweed Suits, a job }, E llisuu & Co.

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