· S'l PAUL'S CHURCH. 1 · OUR HONOR LIST. The following persons have already \'Cnewed their subscription to the STA'.l.'lllRMAN for next year and secured for us u,nother subscriber on our club offer of une old and to vne new subscriber for worthy Sl .50. We hope add hundreds of our Mrs. S. Dunn, Abram Morris, George Pearson , Geo. Short, sen., .JohnS. Rundle, J. H. Bellwood, Robt. W otten, John Best, ·w. Henderson, Jesse Trull, Geo. Dobson, Rev. R. Walker, J ohn Morrison, sen., Miss M . E . Stuart. Mrs. W. Downing, William Allen. MR. EDITOR,-! observe in the las~ sssue of your paper an address to Rev. James Little, M. A., but as the reply is BowMAlllVILLE, FRIDAY, DEc. 5. not published one uaturnlly uoueludes that said address was published without the rev. gentleman's C011sent. Being of an WE have long held the opinion that extremely retiring and modest disposition, bachelors sl.iould be tfl.xed so much per I judize he was opposed to ha.ve anything head, and therefore we hail wit11 delight nppear in print so complimentary and the news that a tax on bachelors is pro- .flattering to himself. As it appears to be posed in France. The preamble to the incomplete without the reply, I will give you a synopsis of Mr Little's. reply from bill reads: "Considering the ~rowing · his pulpit on 23rd November. He said decrease in tho population of France, it he desired to thank the congregation for has become necessary to impose a tax on the very complimentary and eulogistic, 11ingle persons over--years of age of the though not more so than deserving, addre.s s with which they had presented him; male sex." Some of the causes of thll! this address (unrolling an endless parchdecrease are that no Frenchman under m1>nt) was signed by 188 members and twenty-five can marry without; Lhe con- adhenmts, or ninetenths of th.i congregasent of his parents. This consent is in- tion. 'fhis was a complete refutation of statements made before the Presbytery by variably withheld if the girl is portionless. three or four individuals which were at Un the other hand, if the girl be well pro- variance with the truth. These persons vided for, her kinsfolk will not only not pretended that they represented the conlet her marry unless the man's marriage gregation ; but they did not represent the congregation, thoy were self-appointed. portion be in proportion to hers, but they He had preached Hf>O sermons, and added will effectually prevent all acquaintance 235 members to tho church. He had of a poor man. In France an invittition made a great sacl'ifice in coming here and to a private dinner or call is generally a grea(sacrifice in leaving. He found preceded by au inquiry into the £nanciill the church burdened with debt; he leaves it free from debt and the congregation position of _ t he recipient of such an in- ver y much larger. vitation, which, for thoroughness, will I would observe, Mr. Editor, with rebeat anything and everything detectives gard to tho remarks that the address is · " not more complimentary and eulogistic in London or Paris could accomplish. than deserving " that Mr. Little did not mean to convey the idea that this was his '.l'HE Oshawa Vind· icator is taken eeve re own individual opinion, but in t he opinion ly to task this w<1ek by the Globe for try- of an "affectionate and cultured " friend ing to lead its re·ders to ])elieve that the it was not more so than deserl'ing. As to number of names on _ t he address, I N. ·P. is benefitting the farmer, - man- the judge a mistake has been made ; there ulac~urM and wage -earner. The false must have been far more -than 188, as Mr. posiiioa of the Vindicator is so self.evident Little said nine-tenths of the congregation that ao denial i4 necessary. Not ·me of signed, for if you add one-ninth to 188, you have only 208 persons. Now as the cluses named believe what it says c>n there Wt\s a congregation of about 400 the !ubject. when he came here, and he has added 235 members beside:'! adherents, being so ======~· MR. D. A. ALLISO>t has been re-nom- much larger, nine-tenths ,.,-ould be about in&ted by the Libeuls of Lennox. The 588, so that 188 is evidently a lapsus Conservatives have chosen Mr. Pruyn linguae, or 11ine-tentl1s is a mathematical blunder. I find some oft.he delegates to again. the Presbytery take exception to the state~ ment that they were self-appointed. Sm JoHN A. M.tCDONAID sailed from They are of the opinion that th e reverend England for Canada last Saturday. gentleman is afflicted with l ubricity of memory and that said statement is at "variance with the truth." This matter h~wc1·er, is easily explained. It is true , that the congregational meeting for the OFFICIAL BELLETIN JUST OUT. appointment of delegates was regularly called and largely attended, a chairman BE IT KNOWN to all r eaclers of the and secretary duly elected and a resolu8'.l'ATESM..A.N that personally we do not tion pa.ssed,:only one dissenting, deeply lcuow every buyer of Dry Goods, Carpets, regretting the cause of Mr. Little'a resig: . Clothing, Ha.ts, Caps, Furs, etc. , etc., in nation, but under the circumstances would the surrounding district, but the constant not ask him to with-draw it and sacrifice and uninterrupted flow of customers who himself for another eight years. Tl.ten . are daily making the enterprising Dry followed another resolution appointing Goods House of Couch, Johnston & Cry- some nine delegates which passed without derman their headquarters for goods in opposition. Now here is the point. their lme, warrants us in believing that When a motion is passed without oppoethe public, after once visiting their store, ition it is qonsidered that all present vote become solid customers ; and what is more for it, qonsequently the delegates voted they tell their friends and neighbors of for themselves, ergo they are self-appointthe fair and square mannor in which they ed, therefore Mr. Little is logically correct are treated, and by this llieans they havo in saying the said delegates were selfgained public confidence. This compar- appointecl, but evidently those persons ativf)l,Y _. young firm have proved them- have neither the culture, refinement nor selves wide-a-wake and shrewd buyersin telligence tv appreciate ~uch logic. purchasiag nothing that wo uld prove an Some people think it indelicate of Mr. eye·flOre on their shelves, and taking none Little to refer so often to the immense but io. class of goods that the general buy- increase of the congreg!1tion and th6 large ing public are in daily need of. Add to contributions for benevolent purpo11e11 this " the fact thnt they buy for cash and dm:ing the eight years of his pastorate, aa you have at once the secret of the tremen- compared with the last eight years' pastor<ious rush at their store. For further ate of his predecessor, the Rev. Mr. particulars you are referred to their large Smith, in such a manner that he apparentthree column advertisement in other ly rc!iects upon the reputation of the columns. lattc1· as a successful minister. I woulc! LATER- VEltY IMPOll.T.ANT. remark that all who have at tended St. The probability is that therti will be Paul's regularly during the past six numerous wedding· during this holiday months must know 11ow much Mr. Little season, for we hear of enga,gements on disliked making any personal allusions to every hand. To all ladies contemplating h imself -or others. He never said anymatrimony we say, go at unce to Couch, thing that had the slightest tippearance of ...Johnston & Cryderman's and inspect their egotism, and never by any chance made rt remark t hat would \vound the fe eling& beautiful lines of black a,nd colored silksthey are very good and very cheap. of h is worst enemy. If at any time he They also mal;e a specialty of Velveteens found it necessary to make a remark that and have a gFand assortment. l!'or choice te:llected upon the integrity of his fellow display of all kinds of dress goods this mortal, he <lid it in the ki11dliest spirit £rm fdecidedly leads. .Tust now they are and upon r~ common platform where his .showing the cheapest- quality considel'ed opponent could r eply . Of course it was - lot of fine Astrachan L:tdies .Jackets we necessary that before leaving he Eihould lmve seen . A splendid assortment of give an account of what he had accompwoolen shawls just arrived. Their ordered lished during the past eight years. Those clothing branch is well :1head and invites who wore hore some t hirty-three years a.go will recollect what an immense congentlemen's attention . gregation Mr . .Smith found here when inducted. Did it not dwindle down to A BUSY HOUSEL < olmost nothing before he lof t ? Did he At the Town Clothing Store business 1l'o t preach his far'lwell sermon to empty is unusually brisk. For the last two pews 'I But , behold the change under Mr. weeks the employees hl>l.ve been kept hard Littlo! Has he not paid for a $3,000 at work and more tailoresses are wanted. m anse an d a $9,000 church ? Have there Whatever slackness there may be in other not been crowds of people who did not go towns can only be accounted for by the to church because they could not get seats1 want of enterprise in their citfaens. ·was T here is no doubt the r everend gentleman it not that Mr. ,J, J effrey is known to made a grel\t sacrifice in leaving the b e a thoroughly upright business man h e S unny South and orange groves and comshores of Bowmanmight also find things flat jLtst n ow, but ing to the ice-bound _ the fact is everybody like~ him and con- ville for the paltry pittance of $1,400 a Yours truly, sequently patronizes him. T he stock of year. Vol:: PoPULI. tweeds for fall and winter suits which h e Dec. 3, 1884. 11as now in stock is unsurpassed, being of the latest designs and presents to the purchaser such a variety to choose from No ~Elm F OIL Saor1· Aa·.r N ow .-Mrs. that he c1mnot fail to make a selection M. Reed takes pl_ easure in saying-that sh e exactly to his mincl. . Tho great trouble h as appointed Mr. W. E. Pethick, agent with some peo1ilo is that they are never for the Golden Specific, a positive cure for content unless they plei1se not only them- drunkeness ancl any one in need of this s<·lves, but :\!so their sist ers, their Gre11.t Discovery can have it by applyiag mothers, their cousins aua t heir aiuits. t o him, opposite the Post Office, BowmanN ow this is a hard thing to do, especially ville. Read what a well known citizen if their aunts be old nui.ids .Ml.d..)ve can...,, b'-" c"-1.h .., as to sav about its merits: a fortune that two of t hem are anyhow. · Bowmanville, N ov. 10th, '84. To speak with justice and wit hout and To Whoni it may Concern : undue partiaJity wo must sn.y that the I hereby certify that after using part of Town Clot hing Store lead-s all others in _ one box of Mrs. M_ Reed,s Golden Specimd at pric~s fi e, my desire for spiritious liquors has sellfog first class goo<ls, 1 which cannot fail t o ple11se the p ublic. vanished, :md I believe I am entirely Call and examine the stock and then you cured of a life long ha.bit, which has cost will be convince d. me dearly, in mind, body and pocket. WM. PEARDON . Golden Specific can be given to anyone NEw TELEPHONE 0FFICES.- The Bell Telephone Co.,has lately opened and con- without being any the wiser, until they n ected with its Tr unk line system t he fol- are cured of the desire for Strong Drink. lowipg new offices, viv- Acton, Brampton, Call at W. E. Pethick's and ~et it. Adv. Brooklin, Georgetown, Goodwood, LiverT IIEY are dandies, real gem1, 1uperbly pool, Market, Mnrkham, Medowvale, Port Hope, P etrolia, Sarnia, Str etsville, bea utiful, par excellence, tho1!19 eutter1 at Stou:tfville, Ux:bridge nncl Wyomin~, and Mortis Carri~e Works, Bowmanvillo. .Belle ille,' Strathroy and W<\tford will be Latest New York and Philadelphia styles . connecte nex t woek. Conversations 'rhey tako the shine off anything before have already been carried on quite suc- seen in t his part of the world. Admission cessfully between Hamilton and Sarnia free : no collection ; only take of! your hat when you approl\Ch the bec1.uika. over the new lines. rnbscribers to this list : Mrs. D. Galbraith, m 11 7 · . 11 ., ~ ~ 1...1( A BY-LAW, To i·ahe by "·ay ot'lonn tile sum of$4,000fOr IS HAVING A GREAT RUSH FoR BARGAINS. the purpose of purchasing land for a Public Cemeterv for the 1'ownship of Darlington, and for fencing and laying out the same, (EVERYTHING NEW AND 'CHEAP.IX}ALL WE ADVERTISE IN sromg THE OLD FOGIES SQUIRM. PROCLAMATION!! Whereas it is expedient to raise by way of loan upon the credit of the 'l'ownsbip ot Darlington, a ·11 m or money for the purchase of land for a Public Cemet.e ry for tbe said Township, and for fencing and laying ont the same: And whereas the estlmn.tcd cost of wha.t i~ req 11ired for the purpose named is ~H.000; And whereas it will require the sum or S550, to be raised anmially by special rRte for the 1,000, a.nd payment of t.he s11id s11m or loan ol $· interest on the debentul'es to be issued therelor, a.i the rate herein after set forth · And whereas the amount of the whole re.ta.hie property of tke said Munleipallty or Dar lington, irresnective cf auy future increase of the same. according to the la.et :revised assessment roll of the Municipality being for the year 1884, i· $2,9S8 915, none ot which is exempt from taxation; And whereas the said Municipality has no existing debt . And whereas for paying the said debt or sum of $!,000. and interest as hereinafter mentioned, it will require an eqnal annual special rate of nineteen hundredths of a mill in the dollar in addition to all other rates to be levied In each ye~r for a term of ten yea.rs ; Be it therefore enacted by the CorJ>ora.tion c! the Townshio or Da.rlin11:ton : 1 That It shall e lawful for the Reeve of the said Municipality to rai~e by way ot loan from any P"rson or petsons. body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to adv11nce the same upon the credit of the debentures hereina.rter mentioned, a sum o! money not exce11ding In the whole the sum of $1,000, 11nd to cause the same to be pa.id into the hands of the 'l'reas· urer of the said Township for the purpose and with t'he object above recited. 2 Tha.t It shall be lawful for the said Reeve to cause a.ny number of debentures to be ma.de fo1· such suuu or money as may be required not less than $100 ea.ch, and that the said de· bentures shall he eAaled with the seal of the said Corporation a.ud be siined by the Reeve and 'l'rea.surer thereof. 3 That the st.id debentures sho.11 be ma.de payable from time to time within ten yeare from the da.y hereinafter mentioned for s&f.d By· Law to take affect at ~he oftlce of the Treasurer or this Corporation. and shall have attached to them coupons for the pa.ymenta of intreet at the rate hereinafter mentioned. ESTABLISHED IN 1847. ( 'l'hat the ea.Id debentures shall bear intereet at and after the rate o!Hi.x per cent per 1<nnum It has no shareholders to pa.y dividends to. !rom t.he da.te thereof which interest shall be Mana.tied by a.nd solely in the intflrests of payable yearly on the first day of March In each yea.1· at the office or the said Treaeurer. the Policy holders. 5 That the said ~um of $4,000 shall be · ma.de payable by annual-instalments corresponding lt8 Rate!!! are Low. m · amonnt with the debentures hereinafter mentioned'. in each yea.r from and during the Pollcle11 non forfeltable!and uncondUionnl. period of ten year.a next after the day appointCa~h Bonus Patel every three years, ed for the coming into force of this By-J,ay, for which said instalment debentures for t.he amounts· hereinafter mentioned respectively Joint Life Policies. shall be issued a.nd m"de paya.bJ., at the times hereinafter mentioned: that ls to say.: Thoug:h a double rish but one premium Is paid For the sum of $310, in tl:te yea.r of Lord. for two people. Amount of policy dre.wn lb86, l<'or the sum ol $330, in the year ot our Lord, 1887. . For the sum ofi$350, in the year of our .Lord, Special lnduce: e:::t :oea.:.tal Abstainers. 1 1888, For the sum oJ $370, in the year or our- Lord, Mr. A. says our SHIRTS at 50 cents are better than he bought for one .dollar. Mr. B. says our SHIRTS.at 50 cents are better than the sample they pretend to have of our 50c. line. Don't be deceived, but see our goods for yourself. NWE EVER DID AS LARCE A "BIZ" BEFORE, which is a proof that we are giving bargains. Try -W. PEARDON, our No. _ l Cutter, if you want. · A GOOD SUIT oR oVERCOAT. "; · This sale will continue until the New Year. All New Goods and Cheap... T. GEO~ MASON. CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., Platedware, Bibles, Photograph Albums, Shell Goods, China Ornaments, Picture Frames, etc. SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN FOR our CllALL Ill NEWSPAPERSlAND-111 -MAGAZINESll) AT LOWEST RATES. 1889. 5. For the sum of $410, in the year of our Lord, 1891. For the sum of $430, in tbe year of our Lord, 181l2. For the sum of $~50, in the year of our Lord, 1893. . For the sum or 'U70. in tho year of our Lord, 1894. For the sum of $JOO, In thetyear of our Lord, 18tl5. B That for the purpore of paying sa.id debentnres and the Interest a.t the rate aforesaid to beoomo due thereon, a.n equa.l a.nnua.l rate of nineteen hundredths of a mlll ln the dollar in addition to all other r11.u1s be raised levied and collected in each year upon all the rateable property in the said Municipality during the continua.nee of the said debentures or any cf them. 7 That this Br-Law shall take atl'eot and come into operationl upon the first day ot March, 1885. S That the votes of the q ua.lll!ed Electors o! the said Municipality ehall be .taken on this By-Law at the following [llacos that ls to say: For Poll1ng Subdivlslcr. Number 1. a.t the Public School House m School Section Number 18~?r the sum of S390. in the year o! our Lord, ASSETS Ol'EB $5,000,000. INCOME Ol'ER $1,060,000. $100,000.00 deposited with tbe Canadian Government for benefit of Canadian policy holders. lNl' ESTED IN CA.NADA., $680,ooo.oo. ---o--AGENT~ FOR H:e:AD OFFICE IN CANADA:- MONTREAL. For particulars refer to E,L. LIVINGSTONE, AGENT. POR1' HOPE, Or to a.gents throughout the county. -18-Gse. GENE RAJ, I I Butterick's Patterns, British American Dyeing Co., White Star Line, et~ ---o--NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS, 35. The cheapest line of Scot ch Tweeds just J reoeiYed at the Star House. See them and lee.ve your order. Mr. Ptiardon will give you a 11;ood fit. KENNER & WHITTAKER. For Polling Subdivieion Number 2, at the Sone of 'l'ernpera.nce Hall rn the Village cf Tyrone. For Polllni.- Subdivision Number 3, at the Public School House in 8chaol Section Number IS. For Poll1ng Surdtvlslon Number 4, a.t the Town Hall in the Village of Ham pton. For Polling Subdivisiod ~umber 5, at the\ Kennedy Hall, in theV!lla.ge of .ll:nniskillen. For Polling Subdivision Number 6. in the on Lot 31.,in the 2nd Sons or Tempermwe Hull 1 concession. For Pollina" Subdivision 'Number 7, a.t the Public School House in School Section Number 14. On the Fifth Day of Januar y in the year of our Lord 1885, from nine o'clock .in the forenoon until five o'clock in the afternoon: Aad that the following persons shall be Returning Officers ror taking the said votes at the said Polling places, respectively: No. 1 Polling Subdivision, Ma.rk Prout. No. 2 Polling Sut>dlvtsion. 'l'homas Creeper. No. 3 Polling Supdivision, Charles Axford. No. i Polling Subdivision, John Elliott. No. 5 Polllng Subdlvisioa. l!'. Rogers. No. 6 Polling Subd!Tision, L. M. Court!ce, No. 7 Polling Subdivision, James Stanley. 91Tha.t Monday the nineteenth dayofJ·u.uary 1885 at the hour of 12 o'clock noon eha.ll be time ~nd the 'l'own Hall in the Village of lfompton, the place when the Clerk shall eum UJ> the number or votes given for and against the By-Law and tha.t Saturday the 27th dny of December 188~ at 11 o'clock shall be the time a.nd t he Town llall in the Village or Hampton t.he place for the appoint.meat of per~om to attend nt the vr.rloua Polling placed a.n<1 at the 1!nal summing up the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the pereond interoetod in a.nd promoting or oppoeing the passage ot thla By· Law respectiTelv. I T.AJIE NOTIOE that the above is a true copy of a proposed .By-Lay ...,-hich will be trlren into considorl\t1on by the Council of this Municipality, &fter one month from the .ftr~t publication In the CANADIAN 8 'l'Al'EBKAN newspaper the da.te of which first publlcation was Friday December 5th, 1884, a.nd tb&t the votiis of the Leetoreor the !said Municipality wil~be to.ken thereon at the P ublic School .House u School Section No. a~ at the Sous or Temper nee Hall la the Village or Tyrone ; at the P ublic School House in School Section No. 6; at the 'l'own Ha.11 In the V!11a.o:e of Hampton; at the Kennedy Hall in the Village of Ennisklllen ; at the Sore o! Tempera.nee Hall on Lot 31 In the 2nd t P ublic School House In Concession and & School Section No.H in t.he said Township, on ll:onday the~h day of January 1885. from the houri oC nliM o'clock in the forenoon till tho hour O( !l.To o'clock in We afternoen. Dated at Bowmanvillo, thte fifth day o! D ec., A.D., 188!. . R. WINDATT, Township Clork. WESTWARD HO I ~------------~......._ ............. ------~ If you want to get WAY DOWN BARGAINS in DRY GOODS go t o the "WEST END HOUSE," the Best and Cheapest place -in towp to buy Staple Goods. J 'ITS mrr .A Fl. Fl. X it7 EX> : a nice line, which was bought low and which are being at a very small margin. A 28 inch flannel at 25c. ;GREY F~ANNEL, sold 6 (lents u p. Splendid lines, nearly one yard wide and heavy, at WINCEYS from 10 and 13 cents. 5 cents up. See our 10 cent Cotton worth FACTORY COTTON from 12§ cents. new lot j ust received of those splendid blankets which we have BLANKE T S , A been selling so cheap this fall. QUILTS from $1 up. The stock of Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Shawls, Tableclothing, Oil Cloths, Corsets, Buttons, etc., etc., is very comple and will be sold surprisingly low. Gents, now is your time to buy tweeds. Cheaper than ever ! 1 We are selling good Double Breasted Shirts, and Drawers at 40 cts. each. Our White Dress Shirts are very cheap. Cal1 everyone and be your own judge of the bargains being offered. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Yours truly, f The New York Wonder is the best and most practical coal oil Lamp ever invented and ia warranted perfectly safe in every particular. See it at Lee & Edsalla. N~ B.- Four Button Kitj. Gloves at 40c. WM. McMURTRY, West House. End