Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1884, p. 8

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Our stock is now complete for Fall Trade. Blankets, Dress Goods·, Velvets,. Flannels, Plushes, MantleCloths, Winceys, Silks, Mantles, Yarns. Satins, Millinery, " It hail becom so co1umo11 to begin an article, in a.n elegant, interesting style. "Then run it into some advertisements --OF-BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, Oo'I', 31. that we avoid all such, "And simply call attE>ntion to the merits of Hop Biiters in as plaiu, honest terms DISTRICT NEWS. as possible, "To induce people Grain freights on the lake are reported "To give.them one tri11.I, which so to be on the raise. proves their value that t.h (·y "ii l 11ever use Mink, S. S. Seal, :Persian Lamb, Russian Lamb, Heaver and Uxbridge is taking the necess!l.ry stAps anything else." · for incorporation as a town. "The remedy so favorably noticed in all the Otter Muffs, Bows and Caps. . papers, 1\foria Encampment.No. 59, I. 0. 0. F. Religious and secular. is has been established at Belle ville. "Having: a large sale, and is suppla.ntin~ all 1nedic1nee.. . "BuB" Cough Cure cm es a cough mag· other ·"'l'here is no denying the virtues of a.he Hop wally. 25·cents. Ask Stott & Jury. plant, and. the proprietors of Hop Bitters have g1·0a.t ~hrewdness and ability * · We will begin a Great Clea1-.ng Sale of our immense stock Deer are very plentiful in Ha.Jibnrton shown "In componnding e. medicine whose virtues district. Eight were shot there the other are PO palpable ~l~v~r~e0 ~;:teorvtl.tion." M I TT and G L 0 E in Beaver, Persian and Russian of Dry Goods and Clothing. We quote no prices but we day. There ar., mJ\ny Cough Mixtures, but "No! Lamb, Kid, Wool and Hair 8eal. are certain our customers will be surprised at the sweeping nnlv one Allen's Long Balsam; try it. "She lingered a·1d Rnffer<"d 11lnncr, pinROBES . - Rnffia Jo, (_,oon · l:iee advt. ing nway an the iirne for ye11rs,,, " an d Bl ac l{, V\rh·ite and Gray J ap. reductions in ev~ry department. L'ndeay citizens in their aethelic lo<'e '·'l'he doctor doi t·!! h~r no !.(nod·;" of r he b.e~utiful, a.re pining for a roller ."And at last wns cnrecl by this Hop · ~t~Ming rink. Bitters th·~ p'tpers ~av ~o much ahout ." . ' Mr. Alex Colvin, of Lifford, has raised How thankful weshonld be for that White, Regatta, French, Camb1·ic Wool Shirts Braces two hundr.:d bushels of potatoes, off half medicine." T' S'lk H d ' » A Daughters Misery. ies, 1 an kerchiefs, ~ollars, Cuffs, also over 25 an acre of.gr0und. new bridge at Omemee is expected "Eleven yea.rs our daughter rnffered choice lines of Fancy, Plain and Ribbed UnderVery t~mpting bargainR will be offered. We mean to prove to The be fini~hed tibout Lhe 25th inst. It on a hed of miserv, I h· will be one of the finest bridges in the "l<~rom a compiicn.tion nf kidney, li<'er, c ot ing and Cardigan .iackcts. beyond dispute that. we cannot be undersold. county. rheumatic troubled :mrl N ervo mi dt·bility, "Under thtl care of the best physici».ns, AHA!-Dentists who hav(~ tried" TEA· "Who gave her dise~se varions name;·, JJERRY," prunounce it the fineAt thing on '·Hut no 1elief, the face of the earth for the Teeth aud "And 1101v she is restorod to ns in Bowmanville, October 16t~, 1884. Breath. ._ .. A Port Hope youn~ man of respectable ~ood health by as simple a remedy as appearance, was on Monday lined $5 for Hop Bitters, thl\t we lrnd sh1rnne<l for swearing and behaving in a disorderly years bef,,re using it."-THE PATEFTS. manner on John street. Father is Getting Well. "My daughter aay : Some time durinlo( last Thursday night the fur store of Mills Bros. Peterboro, was "How 111uch better f·ther is since he entered and valuable furs amounting to ·use'.l Hop Bitti<rs." "He is gettin~ weil after his long suffersome $500 were taken o.wi·y. ·">:;: A man who had his foot cut off at Port rng from a disease declared incurable." "And we a.re so glad that he nsed your Hope &·ation on the 21st. is !'aid to have Jain in the baggage shed four hours with- Bittns."-A LADY of Utica, U . Y. U-None genuine without 9. bunch of green out attentiou. Fie, Port Hope/ H~ps on the white label. bhun all the vile, George Goodfellow, of Springtield, who poisonous ttug with "Hop" or "Hops" in their was at one time employed as hrakesman name. ~~--~~~- on the Midland, was run over by a train See our cheap Blankets and Quilts. and killed 11ear Streetsville, on Satmday. The Rev. Mr. McCrea, Presbyterian Ellison & Co.. Men's all Wool Pant~ fr<·m $2.00 up. Minister, of Cobourg, while drhin" to fill an appointment at Coldspl'ings, o~ Sab- Rllison & Co. He!\vy Tweed Suits, a job lot at $5.00. bath laclt, met with a very severe accident. Ellison & Co. Fred Conlin, alas Wright, the Belle.... We are reducing prices to suit the times. ville burglar, who stole B. Gibson's watch Ellison & Co. 1 . nt Whitby, was sentenced by Judge Burn· A foll stock of Boys Clothing, all sizes. ham to three yeitrs in the provincial pene· Ellison & Co. tentiary. We n1wer allow ourselves to be under~ No MAT'rER.-No matL<"r where pain, sold. Ellison&; Co. lameness or 11oreness exiots, Hagyard's Ladies Ulsters and Jackets at reduced Yellow Oil takeu o1r applied will give im- prices. Ellison & Co. mediate aelief, and a positive cu·re quicklv follows ir.s use. · On Friday night the Bradburn house, Society darlmgg of both sexes have in- at Omemee, kept by J. A. Martin, was augurated a new mauia-~he amputation entered by bu11i;:lars, wbo stole $57 from of the big toe so that tho fo.,t may ftp- the safe. Mr. J. A. McPhe1sons store pear slim and deltca.te lookrng in its fas- in the same village, was relievfld of $150 hiuuable shoe. worth of goods a few nights prevjous. There is uothing that grows· qr is A WONDERFUL D1scov1mY.-Consumpmade, on the face of this eurth to make tives and all, who suffer from any affectBOWMANVILLE. one feel like work or play, to aid diages· ions of the Throat and lun!(s, can tind & BEAVER HOUSE, BOWMANVJl~LE. tion, c !.e11r our Liver, regulate our Bow- certain cure in Dr. Kiug's New Discovery KING S'l'REET, els, like ZO-PE-SA. ,for Coosuwption. Thousands of pern1auThe Minister of Customs hAs ordered ent cures verify the truth of his statemc;nt the rPfunding of the amount o~ penttlty No Medicine can show such a record '>f -CA~L _AND _SEE:;paid by Mr. W. Willamson, Port Hopti, wonderful cures. Tousands of once hopeon a quantity of wall paper that was en- less sufftJrers 11ow µratefrtlly proclaim tered belo1v 1narket price. they owe their lives to this New Di~cov<1ry. Thomas Purcell, convicted at the Pet- It Will cost you nothing to gi \'e it a trial. };very wise and careful buyer should now give erboro' Assizes, befor.i J nstlce Galt, for Free Trial Bottle at J. Hig"inbotham & having committed rape on a young girl at Sou's Drug Store. Large si;~, $1. ate question of where to buy their DRY GOODS their a picnic gathering, w ..s sentenced to seven Mr. John Carveth, the esteemed Reeve earnest coneideration. The reliable and popular -NEW years in the penitentiary. of Clark,e was married last week to Mrs. Osterhout, of Cobourg, who was arrest Mary Ann Staples. The pair have the house of S. MASON & SON this season offer to their ed at Winnipeg_, for stealing $1,000 gond wishes of there uumeroua frie11ds numerous friends and patrons some of the BEST and Cauada Pacific Railway bond was dis- that -their married life may be long, hap· charged, the prosecutors accepting his ex- py, and prosperous. BIGGEST BARGAINl!I they have ever struck-prices have planation of how the bond came in his KEEP Tms.-As an appetizer Zopesa pmistssion as perfeccly satisfactory. is a success. Ir. increase~ eva.cuu.tions touched rock botto1u, and everybody may have the A yonng man named Nicholas Peter opens the poars of the skin. By correc'. benefit. Now this fall, when about making your Dodd~, lot No. 6, Con. 7. Rope, met his ting rhe liver secretionri it gives tone to death Thursday by his clothes catching the organs for digest.ion. Ehe Liver ac· purchases, just remember theirs is emphatically the in the tumbling rod of a threshing mach- tive, t.he brain is relieved, and headache CUSTOM WORK got up with best material and in first-class style. ceases. Ladies UBe Zopeia for nausea iµe while ilelpiug a neighbor to thresh. The hii:!:hest honors have been awarded and regulation with succe~s. A11 the liver Good assortment of Trunks and Valises always on hand. to Dr. Van Buren, of Germany, for the is the imperial organ, j llBt correct and If tb.q can't please you, nobody can. If they ooN"l.' keep it invigorated, and it the11 regulates permanent ·rtJ!ief afforded by his Kidney All will be sold as low as possible. Consistant with square dealing Disease. It is unhesitatingly pronounced the entire human machinery. Don't for. please you its because you don't give them a chance. get the name, ZO-PE-E'A. ·aat a. sample. by the Leading l\Iedical Authorities of all around. Call and allow them to put you up a trial parce] and .Bunting and Meek are on the committee Europe that Dr. Van Bnren's Kidney Cure will permanently remove all t race ~hat is to organize the reception to Sir we know that you will become their constant patron. John. Whtire is .Big Push? of Kidney J?isease from the system. GREAT CLEARING SALE Adnrt1sing Cheats! ! ! FURS! ROBES! HATS! DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING I ON SATURDAY, 18T1I INST., Ladies Capes, Fur Lined Circulars and Astrachan Jackets, and Gents' Coon Coats a specialty. s v s Winter Clothing will be offered extra cheap. In the Tailol;'ing Department I GENTS' FURNISHINGS and ___ ELLISON & CO., P. S.-AI~ kinds of Furs altered and repaired. Highest Cash price paid for Raw Furs. THEY ARE COMING FAST, New Fall and Winter GOODS_ OF NE.W GOODS AND STILL THEY COME. !OVER SB,000 WORTHI , ALREADY OPENED OUT. Latest in Style, F1 nest in Quality, Lowest -._n Price. PIERCE % ROBERTSON, CO UCH,JOH NSTON i CRYDER MAN, One Door West of Post Office ' S. MA~ ,ON le SON. i"! J. HELLY AR'S STOCK OF-FOR FALL WEAR.- THE BEST THAT CAREFUL SELECTING ANO CASH CAN PROCURE. BARGAIN STORE~ BOWMANVILtE. Also bear in mind that they have MISS FARRON, the Dress Maker, wb9· has justly become so popular, and who, with a carefully chosen staff of assistants, will be prepared to attend to the requirements of the ladies in her line. All the new styles and shades of dress goods to choose from. ASON le S - E [ _A_ N. D- s A distressing accident occured at Geo. Rix's farm, near Bass Lake, Mr. Rex was threshing, and hie two ltttle boys went into the mow to play. One of them,- ten years old tumbled off the beam into the mouth of the wimh.ine, and immediately was torn to pieces. ·rhe body was horribly mangled, and minced up into an unrecognizable mass. CoME, GENTLE SPRiii'G,-and brmg malaria, dyspepsia, biliousness, to rpidity of liver and a tram of kindred maladies. Fortunately Kidney- Wort is at hand. It may be had of the nearest druggist and will purify the system, correct the stomach and bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys tn he:·lthy action, remove all poisonous humor and make you feel like a new man." As apring medicine1 tonic and blood Puritiet· it has no equal. The history of Downs' Elixir is identified with the history of New England for the Jast fifty years. It cures coughs and colds. CostiYness is the cause of the intolerable "b~d breath" of multitudes. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandr~ke Bit:ers remove the cause and prevent the evil, and cost only 25 cents. Areica &, Oil Liniment is the best remedy kno ;vn for stiff joints. Grocers' Due Bills taken as cash for goods. We shall carry out fully what we advertise and strive to please our patrons. KING STREET, -. BOWMANVILLE. - T H J;:- 1\1:0-V·E 2 ORS -This is EST, NEADS' BLOCK. the House for- Clothin· g and Gents' Furnishings. ALL FRESH AND NEW. A·1· the Bowmanville barber shop, opposite thePostOffice, the very best tobacco is sold at cost price, although there are some would have you think otlrnrwise, so dont pay 5 cents a plug for smoking tobacco when you can get 2 for 5 cents at 'ck" and all other k'1'11ds at 'rrholesale · The Grnud Trunk railway freight shed Petlll storehu11se, LINDSAY, known as the Whit- prices. by aud Port P..,rry atorelwuse, owned by AN AGREEAJJLE SuP.PRISE.-'l'hose who tha Grand Trnnk Railway aud occupied try l:Surdock Blood Bittersas a regulator by W. D. Matthews & Co., Toronto, were of t h e r.>Owels, or to purify toe blood, aid destroyed. by fire together with seven loa· diges;.ion, regulate the liver and kidneys, ded Grand. 'rrunk rail way cars and a larl&e or strenir . then tired nature, are aoreeable ... o quantity of gram and other merchandise. surprised at the prompt benefit derived. 'rhe loss will probably reach abont$50, 000, Allan Line, mail steamships- the of which W. D. Matthews & Co's loss is quickest, safest and best line crossing the about $15,GOO. rhe cause t·f the fire is atlantic j Vessels not being insured ini>a yet unknown. sures careful rnana.rremr;nt.. No cattle on It is gener!l.lly admitted that there can- passenger steamers~ Rates reduced; ennot be anything more exquisitely delicate quire of vV. A. Neads,Agent fm: pe~fumiag the handkerchief thl!<u PROMPT MEASUREMENTS.-Prompt Murray & Lanman's Florida Water; but means should be used to break up Budden its great anct distin11tive property is its and cure coughs in their e"'rly s·ages. adaptability to the use of the brea.th. 1t colds Hagyard's Pectoraj .Balsam do;o i11is most is the only perf.ume that we know of espec. speedly and effectually. ially and particularly suited to use in A wa.tch to be of service shmuld keep this way. The power it has of imparting t~ th. a waters of the bath great soothing, time-not °,nly keep time but keep it refreshing, and invigoratin~ effects, is pe- correctly. Such a watch can be bought at Maynard the Jeweller's at a low price. culiar to itself. , Ladies S!ty Mr. T. Patterson is selling All clothing cleaned or dyed by Thomas dry goods at bigger reductions than any Peate, Bowmanville, is warranted to be other house. Call and see. ao as no one will know them from new Good Bed Blankets at 50 cents a pound when clone. Kid gloves and feathers 2 cleaned and dyed. Dye Works opposite at Couch, Johnston & Crydetman's. McMurtry' s dress goods are very cheap.. Treieven's Shoe Store. 35,tf. Q " French nr~~s cutting. ---<O;>--- NEW TAI LOR SYSTEM MIS SES POWER & Grand Contra! is tho . best place in town to get JAMES ' Having r~turnl'.d fromSystem the city Troy, where they studied th. IS New ofof Dress Outtin~. are. P.repared to give instructions to :'11 those des1rmg to learn the easiest and most complete system of cutting yet discovered. 8y this systel_ll l!tdie·' and children's garments or every description are made to fit perfectly without trying on and without the use of pa.per or pattern. Besides this it hae the advante.ge or simplicity, being easily learned and it can always be depended upon. Dre(~ :nul itfantle lllnktng ns ngu~l. They are 11lso prepareil t.o do ltll lilndM uf (OYSTERS) AND DONT YOU FOB.GET IT. ARE THE BEST Sarsaparilla Beer, Lemon Soda Water, DRESS MAKIN Q. Ginger Ale and MRS · E · D E WAR, Sarsaparilla Pop McMurtry's Block, King St., Bowmanvillei. 42. lMANTLES & ULSTERS Temperance Drinks! A. S P E C I A. LT Y- FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER. · Rooms over Mr. Horsey's store, west of Couch, Johnston & Oryderman's. ALWAYS KEPT ON 1C'i1.T THE PRICES MODER.A.TE. ~1-tf. During the quiet months we will sacri· fies prices. Ellison & Co. People are bringing their friends to see Partfos asking us for bargains will not the bargains we offer; Ellison & Co. be disappointed. Ellison & Co.

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