Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1884, p. 2

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· I 4¥M?iSSl*?'ff 'j ·) ' ff i!M i W 1i11Q Ai .,. ~ ·' eme f 1M THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLISHED MIBLINERY AND E'i'ERY FRIDAT MORNIING, -BY- FAN> CY . C· O ODS ·<-., ' .. AGltlOULT U RAL. seasonable Hints. · w,ell~bitl;uicod, extending full to'the rear, 11nd well forward in front. The bones ~hould b'e fine, the eye mild and expre.asive, the body showing a·. tendency to avoid accumulating fat, the teats evenand at regular intervals, with the escutch1ion well defined, dandruff being easily rubbed therefrom, and. the cow should be not unly a good feeder but a good drinker also. · .t'odder. I often read in the agricultural press advice as to economy of fodder, and ·paragraphs are frequently met with wher ein the farmer is advised to feed beet tops,or cabba.ge leaves, instead ot allowing them to . waste, Putting aside the fact that oorn fodder or other green crops ca.n be grown so cheaply, I question very much whether crAbbage leaves a.re food for cattle; they Jhvor the milk, unless fed after milk ing, and at no other time. Bedt or ma:i::sgoJ.d leaves are good feed, bt;1tI would racher let the cows wander through the LieJd and help ihemsel vc;s than bother cut· ting them for them. This ·I .have done, and though I c1urnot go no far as to say it was a berielit to the root crop to be shorn of a few of its leaves, I·know no mjury was done. CATARRH. Cheap> Life Insurance. C.\TARRH,-.A. :r.iew Treatment w)lereby a Insure in t he Confederation Life Assopermanent cure is effected in from one to threo treatments. Particulars and 'freatiso free on ciation. It is cheaper than the Canadian receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXON & SON,l3<i1 Mutual Aid, A. 0. U. W. or any pa<ie .a_ King Street, West, 'foronto, round your hat institution, as the folfowWHAl' THE REV. E. B. STEVENSON, B.A., A ing examples will prove : Thos. McClnng CLERGYMAN OF 1'1flll LONDON CON~'ERENCE bas been insured since 1872 for$2 OOOa.nd OF 1.'HR METHOIHST CHURCH OF CANAD.A the laat five years it only cost hii~ $2.55 HAS 1'0 SAY IN REGARD TO .A.. H. DIXON & per ann urn on each $1, 000 to insure. John SON'S NEW TREATMENT FOR CATARRH. . o'AKLAND, ONTAr.. ~":' C.AN., March 17, 1883 l\'lcClung insured at the same time for the same amount and it only cost him $1. 74 Me.9srs. A. H. Dixon, & Son. DE"'R Srns-Yours of the 13th instant to hand. per annum on each $1,000 to insure he It seems a.hnost too ·good.to be true that I ani being a little younger. ' cured of Catarrh, but I know that lam, I have had no return of the disease and never felt We certify the above to be correct. Thos. better in my life. I have tried so many things for catarrh, suffered so much and for so many McClung, John M.cClung. ~THOS. BINGl:iAM, Agent. years. that it is hard for mo to realize that I am really bette1·. I consider that mine was a very bad case ; it ~as aggravated and chronic, involving the throat as well as the nasal passages, and I thought I wo11ld require the three treatments GEN FORD ·but feel fully cured by the two sent me, and I am thankful that I was ever induced to send to YOU. You a.re at liberty to use this letter stating (ALL. SIZES) that I have been cured at two treatments, and I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some Guaranteed .to give first-class satisfaction or of my frieDclij who a1·c sufferers. no sule. Also Yours witb many thanks, i-tEv. l!l. B. S'n:v&NSON. W.H.PIPER, GRAIN CRUSHERS L, l'OT'l'ER, H.n. · G R.A.DU A 'l'E of Queen's College, Kingston an<l Member of Uol:·)e;e of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontal·io. 17. R' Otfice a.~\l~esidenc~, 1:.n!~is~ill~~ e= (;-ho~ t ~torv ---···-.. ~-· from the .Far East -M - B Y " -· - Dr. A., HEITll, U" I am fully prepared to attend Funeral a Oii , GR.A.DU.A.TE OFT HE 'l'ORONTO UNIV~R the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rateH. , Sl'l'Y Physician, Surgeon, &c. Office Kmg Cas,kets and Burial Cases reatly on short notice. First-class hearse on very moderate terma. ·St1'6et, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. . Shrouds and Ooftlns constantly on band. Fun . '. eru;l cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & ' G. H. ()A.llYJ,'1'11., n. A .. B. §c., JI. D., CJ.ltl. Show Rooms-Borinsall's:r\ ew Block. .A.11 furniture by me is made ,by the U. C ICENTIATE OF THE COLLEGE Furniture Co.Gold of Bowman ville. I do. not buy , of Physician~ and 8urgeor.s of Ontario. furniture and represent H to have been slop OFFICE AND ltEBIDENCE :-Main St., Ornno. nhade by the U. C. t~. Co. ot this town. Also agent for the LI·QUOR TEA for this town " ·· lV. Jllc1'1111:;l1lilt, 111. n., ano. vicinity~ It is cheap and as good as can be ICENTl.A.'l'E OF 'l'HE UOY .A.L COJ,LEGlC got in' the market. A valuable prize given of Physician~ and member of t;)le .Royal - -.-":-- __wit_!l every pound. College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. '. Otllce: MOIUW:l' B.LOCK King-Bt,;Howman·ille. · LEVI MORRIS. L L DR, J, (), Ml'i'f;fiJ;J,L, ------------ N'ORMAN'S '· M EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHY8ICIANS _,; and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. .. Oftl.ce and Hes1dence. Enniskilleu. 74. fLECTR IC ~tl TINSTITUTION, Feeding Milch Cows. SOLIOI'l'OR, &c., MOHlUS Three times a. day will auftice---early in .l.:< Jr) BLOCK, up ·tairs, Kini( ::itreet, ·no·vman ·. l:l<'t. Solicitot· for the Ontario Bank. SupEff~~i· tc:> any other Remedy the morning, mid-day, and at night. An "'.Prlvutt' Ill 3ncy~ loaned at the lowest rates. exceptwn to this may, however, be made, anti wtn cure, ·n·hcn in the very long nights in winter. At thiS .lohn Keil.It Galbraltb, all other reme·ltcs season a fourth feed to supper up with AR 1t I l::l 'f ER, SOLICl'l'OR, NOTARY will be necessary, aa the nights being so PUBLIC &c. Office-Heed's Block, over foil. long too much would otherwise have to T. Battings ~tore. King Street, Bowman ville. Money to lend ·· b , e given at the evening. meal. Of course, Circular 11.ud Conimlta· sµch things aa extra cake, ·&c., would be -----·-----GOBERT A.Il!llOtJJt, dealt out at the other feeding times. The tion free EGil::lTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUEH · cows should be so fed that a. clean rnanof Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.t.tor· ne:v at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Monoy A FEW SIMPLE TESTIMm~IALS 'l'H.A.'i' I ger is always found w'h en supplying the SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. (ollowing meal. Water, too, should be Daned on Real Estate. Ofilce on King street, _il_ow_m_a_n_v_i_ ll_e_.- - - -- -----"-'- _ _ Ottawa, Sept. 3rd, 1883. allowed ad libitum with each meal. The A. No1~l\IA~, Esq ..-Dea.r Sir,-I have experi- _ feeding of beasts little and often may be ,,. T, J'DIJ.LIPS eneed considerable benefit from yourAppliances · d carrie out too far, as visiting them too r ICENSED AUUTIONEER for the County I feel stronger and better every day. Lt of Durh11m,, Sales promptly attended, ' Yours truly, H.. E. IIALIBURl'ON, . often disturbs them in their necessary Address- Harnnton P. O. 59. Peterboro', Sept. 15th, 1883. rest. Neither is it a good plan to be conA. NoR:\iAN, Esq.,-Dea.r Sil-,-Soon after I stantly pressing food upon them. Inter· 11£, UlJTCUISON. commenced to use your Electric Appliances, AUCTIONEER, CONVEYAN they opened my bowels, cured rny cough and vals to chew the cud and digest their food LICENSED C.ILR &nd Cllmmissicner In B. R. ~ales at cold, relieved my head, and considerably re- are demanded by nature. . Some proper lieved my ca.tat'l'h in consequence. 'l'he dis· f tended to promJ>tly snd at reasonable rates. charges from my head and chostnre now fasy, oods are sweet meadow hay, _ given part~.A.ddress-:-&l\niskillen P. o. !1-nd I feel altogether better. :My digestiol} has ly long and partly chaJI'ed, with aome oat improved, my stomach less. sour ap.C! wmdy, r barley · atl'aw mixed with pulp carrots OHN HUGHES.-LicE'nseo .Auct"oueer, I am lesR troubled with lasc1v1ous and 0 . ' Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Life and viv~dldreams, I had previously tried almost all or cow cabbage, whichever are the Insurance, Notes and Accounts ·Collected. !he ·a avertised patent medicines without deriv- easily obtained and from one to twomore galMoney to Lend on reasonable terms, Address 1 mg any good. Yours truly. , ons of scalded bran per day. A little mixCartwright, Ont. 472 , JOHN GREilN. I d l' STOTT & JT;RY. sole Agents. e cotton or mseed cake every day would GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO also improve the condition of the animal _ ever:v man who bnvs his J,icen~e from and the quality of the milk. Oats, too, 'HENRY SYLVESTER, Enniski!len. . are an excellent and cheap milk producer, 1V, W. Dl()KEY, if some of the above food cannot be obtained, Oats, however, should be crushETERINARY SURGEON. graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Office and ed, or they would not be digested by all Residence, N1<w'l'ONVILLE. Ont. animals. Will visit Orono every 'l'uesday, O:tll.ce hours from 12 a. m. to 4 p, m., at Coulter·s Hotel. Special attention paid to Surgery. 32-ly¥ , IS SELLING Fall Ploughing. So Bo? Gentlemen oCFaf!l~ J<,seph Harris thinks that farm horses ion, not so .fast., can be put to no better use in autumn well ma'de and guaranteed to be of than pu~ling t~e plough. In the S~ptem"!lave written"these fow lines . . her Agricultwris! he says: "There is no.A.nd all I have to saysuper10r quahty, at the old stand, thing pays so well as fall ploughing, and 'lrhat you can find me still at home, lam not gone away. 't .. I getting land ready for spring ploughing. So all my kind old c riendsmay come, The ~onge~ I live the more I a..m impress" And all they oung ones, too, 1 ed with this fact. I say nothmg on the ' J And get their garments nicely made In fashions that are new: disputed question in regard to breaking Where old and young, dGarfriends, may meet COLLARS A SPECIALTY. up sod land in the autumn. Itis possible, .A welcome "t"etinll. bv R. PE.A.'l'E· · as some claim, that thel'e is a loss from drainage. But if anyone will plough my Always on hand and for sale very cheap land in the fall, I will run the risk. But Whips, Blankets, Curry Combs, what I have ·specially in mind is, land not occupied with any crop-corn land, pota· Brushes, &c., &c. to land, bean land, stubble land and weed A large stock of Light and Heavy Harness land. · Stick in the plough_if you can spa.re the time; if riot, harrow or cultinow ready for the Fall trade.. vate~ Better still, do both. Light, sandy land, ploughed and prepared in the auOrdered Work and Repairs tumn, can be sown in the spring without ploughing. Heavy land; if ploughed and WITH T:U:ETD. WITHOUT TEETH. receive prompt and careful attention. · worked in the fall, may need plouRhing a.gain·in the spring, but the work will be Sigh of the BIG COLLAR, King St. West, Bowmauville. easier and the land better. Keep the l'RACTICA.L DJlNTJST, 29-tf. horses busy until the snow flies. But the OVER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE, earlier the·work is done the bettf\r, One NU1·ousOxl<leG11 s ll.clmtntstcred for l"ainlcs ploughing while the land is dry is worth Operations. two ploughings when it ia wet." OFFIC:ll JU()()LlJNG'!l IU..O()K, UIJltKE SllllPSnN, '<~DARltISTETt, n. ESTABLISHED 1884, 4 (}11ct11 Street East, Toronto, Onta1·10. 'l't1est1, 'Electro-Curative Belts, Insoles and , .' Trusses are , B --- R J A V HORSEMEN. MRS. HUMPHREY c 'lrrespondent in Canton sends us the following s i;l·z-y for the Spiritua.listl!l from Lhe Marshall folande: "'The end of last year, or the beginning of this, an American ship, the U.inier. was wrecked on these . island9, and about twenty !'!!en found :refuge .o n them. But their number being too large for their supply of provisions, it' was agreed that · they should Sf'parnte, The captain caused a small 20-ton schooner to be buil~ of .tfie. i;em~Jt!I of the wrecli, and, taking ten of the crew and a share of the pr.ovisions, sail~d away for another is1and of the group, about 300 milAs off. The rest Qf the crew was left in charge of the :first fnate-a SOI\-J\l;l,a.w of the captain, The second mate was sent off to make his way to Saigon and appeal for aid, This he did,- fuiaBy reaching Hong Kong, 'vhen the United States corvette Essex was dispatched to the rescue, carryin~ the second mate as a guide. Meanwhile the King of the island on which the shipwrecked men were, who was kind and friendly to thern, was full of forebodings as to the fate of the captain's party, and the second mn.te said they would never see them ag:\iP, aud so ou. But one day he came with: different tidings. 1t seems he was in the habit of holding spiritual communion with his dead wife, by name Olivii,. In one' of these seances be had, I suppo.se, asked her if she could giv.e him any tiding3, any hopes for hia shipwrecked friends. She said thiLt ,en a Sunday a sD.il would be eeen, and i hey would be rescued. The King brought theee news with great joy to the r efqgees, and with some curiosity they awaited the result. This must have been some four months after th<1y were wrecked. Sure enough, on the following Sunday a sail was seen, but iu spite of their efforts to atmuit attention the ship passed on her course. But }he Sunday after t.hat, the r e&cuing ship, the Esrnx, appeared in sight, and eventually took t hem all df. This story was related by an officer of the EeEex: to a friend of mine, who at once came and told it to roe. I will add, for the beuefit of any ardent Spirituallats or newspaper corre~pondents, who may desire to go at once to the Marshall Islands in e.earch of new .revelations from savage mediums, or to interview the King, that these islands a.re in the North Eacific Ocean, to the Southwest ot the Sandwich lsles, and that there is very little communication with thero.-[Fall Mal Gazette. The Brahman's Terrible M:i8tak0 Some shocking tragedies have occured in the Sibsagcr district of India. A trav. elling honarie jeweller arrived late one evening at the home of a Brahman wfth whom he had a slight acquaintance, and displayed his wares. The Brahman, after making 8ome purchase, offered to put him up for the night. The offer was gladly 11.ccepted, and it was arranged that the jeweller should sleep on the floor in the room occupied by the Brahman's son, the Brahman and his wife occupying the other room. While preparing to tum in the honarie heard the sharpening of a dao, and fra~ments of conversation between the Bro.hman and his wife, · Su&pecting foul play, he induced the son to change places with him; and as soon as the former was asleep, placed a dummy composed of a bundle of clothes on tbe'bed, crept quietly out, and ascended a. tree at the back of the house. In about half an hour he heard the dao doing its work, then exclamations of dissappointment at finding no plunder, shortly afterward followed by a cry of anguish a t the discovery of the mistake the murderer had made. From his place of concealment the jeweller then saw the Brahman come under the tree wibh a hoe. Here he dug a grave, in which he bul'ied the body of his son. At early dawn the jeweller descended from his hiding place. and gave information &t the nearast thanna. The police found the body under the tree and arrested the Brahman, whose trial comes off at the next assizes. ·---~- - ~·--- . and all othci.· kinds of 'fORON"l'O, April 24, 1882, A. Tf. Dixon, Rsq., 305 King St., We..t. FAR:i\1 IMPLEMENTS. DEAR Sm,-\Ve take pleasure in stating that our .111nior oartner, who had for ye,ars been troubled with Catarrh. was s11ccAssfully cured by three treatments of your r emedy . Tho Orders by mail \Vill rece1vc prompt attention. Cat1arrh wasrnuch aggravt·ted, with contimml Address, W. H. PIPER. Box 101, dropJJiug into the throat, accompanied by loss BnooKLIN. or voicti, hawking and apil.ting and blocking up 10. of the nostrils, all of wllich WP. are pleased to say disappeared almost immediately after the . )s . r~ .~ ·~ lhd~ T remedy was u,pplied. Your remedy is certainly .~H~'iil ~' kil-~ I ,s._.:,& WI an invaluable on'e o.nd we hope ull who ma)' Hu,s received Iler 11ew stock of bC.S )tff.'ering (~Omtbis disagreeable dis<>ase will give it a. trial, as we are sa.hsfied they will tlnd it a complete success. Yours \"ery trul~·. ' WM. NORRIS & SON, and invites the Ladies of BowvVholcsale Pia.nos and Organs. No. 8 Adelaide St.E11st. manville and . vicinity to call . ·tDHC.E TO ltlO'l'HEJt!l. and see her Pattern Are you disturbed o.t night e.nd broken of . y.oul' rest by a.sick child suffe1·iog and crying wit.b pam of cutting teeth 1 H so, send at once and get a hottlo of Mns. Wrnsr,ow's Sool'InNG and assortment of . 8YHUP FOR ClIILDRlrn TEETIIING, Its value is lnMlculable. It will relieve the poor little sufl'ererimmediately. Depend upon it;mothers, there is no mistake 11boutit. Itcuresdysentary and- diarohooa.,. regulates the et1Jmach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, STORE 1- Seeon1l lloor \Vest or Wllllams reduces inflammation, and gives tone aud Buteher Stull energy to the whole system. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CIIIT,DREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and i8 the prescription of. one of tho oldest and beat fcnmlo nurses and physicians In the United States, a.nd is ror sale AGRIUULTULAL AND by all druggists throughout the worlil, Price ~5 cents a bottle CHAFF CUTTERS c tl ifJSH GOODS, BONNETS, HAYS TRIMMINGS Machine Foundry, CARRIAG~ COMl'ORT t:o the !llll'J<'RING. "Hr·"vn·s Ho11sehould J'anaeea " has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and external, It cur" Pain iu the Side Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, i'oothaube, Lumbago and any kind ef a P11in or Acho. "lt will moet surely quicken the J31ood and Heal, as its acting powers is. wcmderful." "Brown.a Household Pauacea," b"mi; acknowledged as the great .Pain Reliever, and of double the strength of any other Elixir or Vnirnent in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, "as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of 11,ll kinds, "and is for sale l>y all Druggists at 25 cents a bottlo. REST and WORKS It is the machine every farmer wants-Light. ·simple. Durable and Good-none better made NEW JR ON M 0 W E 'Q · .Jl.\' -0 U R -· " We are now doing every class of ENGINB, MILL, MACJUNE,FOUNDRY,AGRIOULTURAL, C..urnIAGE and 'VAGON Woax. C - all and see our- n11clily11·s A.1·ntca Salve.-The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Brmses, Sores, Ulcers' A large stock, Their merits recommend Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped -them. Our.-· Hands, Chilblains, Corna, and all Skin Ernptlons, and Positiv<1ly cures Pile1:1: It is guranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ,For sale by So long and favorably jknown need no com ment. Every klnd of J, Higginbotham & Son. "Hus" Coum~-01:1-RE, 25 CENTfu--Pres cription of a. Boston Physician, dispensed years by a Boston druggist. O~E DosE will cure any ordinary cough. It acts almost magically. Ask Stott & Jury for a 25 cent bottle of "liu:u" CouaH CURE, and don't be put off with any other. - -- - · -- - CHAMPION PLOW, CARRIAGES~ UsP.d we keep on hand, made from ToirnZ~ HAl\IE'UL'l'. We are prepared to Sll[>ply the Farmer with every implemeut he needs. Buy your machines at home where you c11n haV'e them - .-rcpaired.- PL.Q.W-1?~~ Cards of Thanks. To the J:Iartford Fii-e Insurance Oo, Mc CI ung & Darch. LIC.HlID HEAVY HARNES_S I hereby roturn thanks for the prompt payl!Wllo !;Jy you1· ~gent~ Mr, 'l'bos. Blngha.m, ·for dittnar<e tlntie to my 11ouse by fire. I received a ca.sh check' by return mail after my cla.im was forwar:l.ed. MRS. c. C. BUHK. I hereby return thanks for the pl'On1pt pa:r· ment by your agent, Mr. Thos. Binglrn.m, for damage to my house which was insured in the Sovereign Fire Insurance Co.. having received cash check by return of mail after claim was MHS. C. C. BURK. sent in. From the above settlement of claim parties holding Sovereign Policies will see that they a:rt:i all right, and they need not pay any 11.tten twn to the agent of the Dominion Grange humbug or any one else who are going round telling folks that .their Sovereign Policies are no good, To the Managers of he Glasgow and Loncl.on Ffre Insurance Co. OTHE FIRED Jin~ llll11de !Unny Changes, --io)- - GI L' St bl 0PP OSI e over s 1veru a B DAV. DAVIS ~nm l'OJ'lfLA.R~ DEN.TISTR¥ THOS. BINGHAM, BOWMANVILLE BOOT AUD SHOE MAN HAS RESUMED BUSINESS -IN- - APPLES. APPLES. =NEADS' BLOCK:: NEJ(T DOOR '1'0 TUE EXPRESS --(o)-· J.M. B:RlMACOM;BE, THE DOMINION ®ij~NGEllMUTUALD Fire Insurance Co. -=-- Stock c'omprlses all mes ot Ladies 79 QUEEN ST, LONDON, E. C., & Gents' Fine Goods, O.-crshoes, Rubbers,.&;c. tn1" Ordered Work 11nd Repairing will as Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merchants and usual receive prompt attention. « My customers and the public generally Shipp ers, with a view to Autumn are invited to call and secure unparalleled and Spring business. bargains in Boots and Shoes. ll:D' :Mr CHARLES DONALD &CO., OF_!'f\IIE. > Ontons. Onions require a. warm, light soil, such as is found in Spain and Egypt. The Spanish onion can almost be eaten without any condiments, but Jet any one try the sa.me experiment with our Whethesfield, or other species of onion. The rank flavor is overpowering. To grow fine delicate onions, choose light warm soil and encourage a very rapid growth. We cannot, however, except in a few specially favored localities, grow onions equal to those of Spain, but we can grow better orn'ls than those usually sent to mai·ket. ;Fo;cooking purposes, the st~o~·gffavored omon may answer to the maJonty of v.e rsons, bub the proper way to eat an omon !s to e~t It .raw.. I have eaten them thus m Spam with oil and · bread and found them palatable. But I never could ~o their garlic. They will also give the usual facilities to customers req uiring advances. DAVID DAVlS. Bow1'.!.!"n-il'.e_ ,M _ a _ r_ ch _, ~6 _ 18 _ 8_ 1. _ _ _ __ _ 81-70. .C · "H ·A 'RN D E N , L · D. S ·, Graduate of the Royal College or De~tal Surgeop.s, Ontario. OFFIOE OVER ,DICK150N'S STORE. PRESlDENT,- JESSE TRULL, Esq., Bowman ville P.O. MANAGER,-R. J, DOYLE, Esq,, Owen Sound. LOCAL AGENT,--H. Moi::LTON, Orono. A.mount Insured, about $'l',OOO,OOO, cAI'JTAL, onn THE VICTOR~A. FRESH MEAT. ---<0'0--Meat Sold in the Shop for Cash VERSUS .. $154,ooo,oo. Cost of i:ilsu~ance for past seven years, about 15c. per $100 insured per year. UOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. All th~ profits paid to policy holders, who Plate Work executed in t,he latest and most might as well have the profits as improved style of the Dental .A.rt, stockholdere who Jive on profits 'il'EETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN· made from farmers. . . . . ·y·the nse of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without Injury Profits' paid policy holders m 1883, ., , to the patient, $1, 0 9 4. 7 9. l?e.rtioular attention.paid to the regulation of CHILDREN'S TEETH; · Remember this Company' has Selecting a Milch Cow. p;!l-.A.LL W.OllK W .A.RR.A.NT.ED. .._, - - -· ·'· · :C 0 M E T 0 ST A Y. The best sign for ribhness of milk is a Remember it is a home institutio~. · N c deep orange color inside the ears. Such Yankee advanturer. No home failure, is said to be infallible, but there are acFormerly xno,w~ e.s the" Soper Mills, ') ba.ckod up by another a~venturer. , companying points that assist the expert \'T RIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR- Actual Cost about half the Stock in· making this, selection from a number. · Company rates. After examinirig the ears, fe.e l the skin on . UGHLY renovated and put in order',under 'Our own epoc!al superv:ision, for the purpose of the rump, and obllerve that it should be ·R'rlsting and manuti.ctur,!ng Oat Meal ail.Ii Pot , FOR, FURTlIER INFORMATION APPLY TO 'soft,· velvety, and fe.11 again toits position ·Barley, and we are now prepared to · receive when the hand is removed. The hair orders trom all ou1· old cuotomers and others .tor work, and we gurantee to give them who · . ~ should be fine and silky, with a yellowish intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. cast underneath. The milk veins should < Oats and other grains taken in exchange tor Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. &:. J , 'l'OWNS, Bow· be very prominent, large and uniform in ·t:nanville 227. _ Orono, June 12, 1884, 2!·6m size, knotted or waved, and the udder Caledonian Mills. " .· H M 0 U LTO N ORONO, A. Knowing Dog. A lady in N ew11ort, who honora me with her friendship, owns a remarkable dog. He fa a King Charles spaniel, I believe. The dog is certain ly a beauty, with his silky coat, his long ea.rs, and his sympatl1etic eyes. I don't know his namo; it is "Too-too," "Tutu," or "Toto," and they all sound alike, and I never ha.ve seen the dear dog's name spelled out. When this famous dog is on exhibition in the bc;rntiful home of my friend, he does wonderful things. His mistress giving him a. bit of cracker, says: "Tutu, there ill sn~a.r in this, and sugar costs a good deal of money." The dog takes a little bite, and in his mouth hands-if a, dog can " hand " a thing in his mouththe rest of the cracker back. If h e is told that the cracker ia cheap, that it did not cost anything, he ea.ts it greedily, Sometimes he is told : "Tutu, t here is poison in that cracker ; don't eat it." 'rhen he paws it to 'pieces and puts it a.way from him. In everyt]img he shows intellect and intelligence. "'Darwin, if you remember, exhibits a very pretty line between intelle3t a nd intelligence. [Philadelphia Pr&ss. Peddling and Credit. 'l'his Ont represents the popular Victoria V\ro.ve. It is dressed with the hair falling on th(' forehead, and the ends meet in Montaguea. I t is exceedingly becoming, and is havjng a large run, The above style, with large number of & other equally becoming styles, arc ma.de by MRS. A. DAVIS,s . Market Square. over M. Maver store N. B.-All orders promptly at.. ABSOLUTE DIVORCES FOR tended to and Meat delivered to all persons reslrling throughout the United States and Canada. for desertion, nonsupport,intemperance,cruelty, incompatibility, parts of the town. etc. Advice free. State _ )'ou1· case and .acldresR We also pay Cash for Farm and A'l"l'ORNEY WA.RD, World Building, 1267 Broadway, New York 33-ly' Dairy Produce. We having been solicited by a numbe r of our citizens to commence on the above system, we have now · decided to fall in with their request, This plan will enable us to sell 'l'WO cents per pound cheaper. As you will see by the new system we shall not require half a dozen horses and rigs and men to run them, for which the public have previously paid. We being the first to introduce this great saving ask your Liberal support. ..J. Yours truly, W. BRITTAIN Co,, DIVORCES

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