FACTS A.ND FIGURES, "I-I didn't know many people," she I r plucking, and hangs w11sting its sweetOLIVER GOJ.,DSM.11'H'S i'OM.H. AGRICUL T'URAL. fo said in her pretty bird like voice. "I ness when it should be plucked. Robert B onner, of the New York went to school till my dear mother died Mattern were brought to a climax with T h ou sands o f Bus y J7eot Tramplin g Over Ledger is sixty-two, and is wort h $7, 0U 0,Ash.es from Corn Cobs and left me alone and pe-en-niless!" a rush a t a cer~·~.in farmer's residence. A HJs B c.nes ln the Heat"t ot London . BY MRS. JI[. L. RAYNE. She was crying then and the man in the 000. W hen I was a small boy living in the young t iller of the eoil had, for mont.1' ~, It was on an inclement sprh~ternoon. A steamer l\'hich arrived fro m M exico, woods, 25 miles from a lemon and grocer- been paying the most ass1du< us attention I had been a t Smith's, the eminent maker Deacon Smith brought me a letter. It seat before us turned straight round and stared at her. I gave him a look, I recently brought up $1,7,000 worth of ies of every kind, I importuned my moth- to on" of his daughters, but he wao such of law-ventilating wigs, who dwells in the was from my nephew Tom, and read, tell you, and he turned avlay again pearls. Dear old Aunty: er t o make some shortcak e for supper, but a bashful, modest youth, never having ruiddleofthe "Temple," and was hurryin!! I've lost every cent of that money. quicker There are 125,000t housand milesofrail- she said she had no saleratus to make it been much in the company of girls, ex- toward Fleet street through the public And she had to go at t he next station· road in the United States, or seven t imes light, but if I would burn some corn cobs cept this one, that he had 11ever been able way that lies bet ween the Temple church Spec was n. g. What's to become of Het· I never felt so sorry to part with any one as mauy miles as there are in t he United and dissolve the saleratus out of the1ash, ti~ and the ba.by7 to raise his courage suffi.cienL ly h igh to and Goldsmith buildings. This is a some· and she actually put her pretty arms Kingdom of Great Britain. Your unlucky she would make the desired shor tcake. I pop the question. . what curious alley. On one side is the about my neck and kissed me, just as if ToM, Hi3 ha<l gone to the house in which t he old sanctuary, ·built by the Knigl1ts An announcement was ma-le a sho1 ·t established temporary alkali works for this she had known me all her lif , sweet I leaned back from my half eaten sup- t hing 1 time since before the Linnrean Societ,y of purpose, and was proud of the ingen uity lady lived on twenty different occasions Templar in 1185 in commemoration of per, shoved my spectacles up on my int ellBut what does t hat man do but insist Ne w S outh .Wales, by Mr. William Mac- of my ~0ther, who could thus extract resolved to know his fate, but when the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and ectual forehead, and wrinkled my pug on carrying h er satch el out to t he plat- leay, that the total number of fishes now "lightness" from cob ash es, for the short- ushered into the presence of the fair one, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. On the cake was light as a puff. I asked h er why in whose keopmg he had placed his heart, other side is an irregular line of houses, t nose with disagreeable thoughts. It form, and all the time the cars waited h e amounts to 1,201 species. cob ashes wer e better than other ashes his courage would invariably ·'go back on mostly occupied by the chambers of memseemed that I had not escaped domestic stopped out there talking to her. I Some idea of t he immense business done for t his purpose. " Because t hey are him," and he would return to his lonely bers of the legal profession. In one of troubles by refusing twenty years beforll " couldn't hear what they said, but I saw by the elevated roads in New York City to marry Hiram Grimwood. Sjngle life h er give him something and her face was may be gathered from th e fact that on stron ger, " She measured t he strength by r oom in greater suspense than before. these lived the author of tho " Vicar of had its vexations, too. Tom was my red and she was just_ as angry as she March 29th, they carried 306,209 passen- the amount of carbonate of potash t h ey Upon the evening in question he had de- Wakefield," just above the apartment occontained. termined that, come what would, he would cupied by the learned Blackstone, whom favorite nephew-my dead sister's only could be, as and the car moved off I call- gers, and received $21, 004 in fares. Inquiring about t he manurial value of cob tell hia Mitry that he loved her. He would h~ sor ely disturbed by his loud lays, his child-and from tlie hour I took him from ed to her ; but she never took any notice An establishment in Bavaria for t he ashes, and not finding a satisfactory analy- once for all decide the matter; but, as games of blind-man's buff, and his danchis nurse's arms in petticoats and brought she was that vexed about something ! I ·him home to be the joy and torment of just made up my mind that he made her manufacture and preserving , of railr oad sis, I determined t o ascertain for myself t he upon all h is former occasions, he could ing parties. It is there also that he died I burned ten not get the proposal further than his on the 4th of April, 1774, from too many my life he had :kept me stirred up. pa.y him for carrying that satchel out, and sleepers, is able to turn out 50,000 d eep- strength of these ashes. throat. There it stuck, and he determin- James' powders. Measles and mi11takes were the principal yet it didn't seem as if any man could be ers a year, which is ab out one-tenth of t he_ cobs just as th ey would be treated if The pavement of this thoroughfare is themes of his baby days, and lo¥e and so mean. number required annually for the main- burned for fuel and not as usually done ed to gulp it down, and give up the siege, for analysis , viz: to burn them white and when the door opened and in walked the ,peculiar. ..It consi~ts of tombs. The path lawlessness attacked him in turn as he After a while . the man came back and t ena nce of the German railroads. t hus r emove all coal. I obtained the fol- girl's father, who advanced to wher e they has been traced through the old churchgot older. I never drew a free breath sat down in the sani.e seat he had occupied In the City of Nf)w York alon e, it is lowing result s of analysis of these gray were sitting, und thus addressed them:- yard, and the ancestors' graves have been till he -iyas safely married to pretty little all along, and- would you believe it?-he estimated t hat there are at present no " I came in to put a stop to t his foolish- tutned to profitable account by the un-. Hettie Maynard, our minister's daughter, had the ...udacity to try and start up a con- fewer t han 4.00 millionaires, t hirty of ashes:ness. I t ain't courtin' expen ses I'm look- biased ingenuity of the descendants. ·worn Alkaline salts, of which 45 per cent . who had half the sense of the family, and versation with m e. whom own from $5,000,000 to $50,000,was carbonnate of potash ... , . . 54.00 in' at, for coal is cheap and wood can be out by the trampling of the passers-by, th" good looks, t oo. I was most as much "Have you the timer' he asked as im- 000 . apiece ; while there are about ten Phosphat e of lime . . . . . . . .. . .. . . 7.50 had for the,haulin', but I'm sick and tired the epitaphs are n ea.rly effaced, and soon in love with her as Tom was, but she had pudent as you please. who possess from $50,000,000 to$150,000,- Carbonate of lime ... ... ....... . 2.20 of this billin' and cooin' like a pair of sick no signs will r emain of the desecration· one fault-she didn't see through Tom, "Of course I have the time, " I answer- 000 each. Sulphate of lime .. . ........ . ... . 2.00 doves, keopin ' me awake of nights ; but Other sights, however, will probably suband thought his wild goose chases were ed, in a huff. "I never t ravel without sensible, legitimate ways of making it. " . The official returns of t he fina ncial sit· Carbona te d magnesia . .... .. . .. . 8.00 i~'s got to be stopped right h ere. Do you sist and preserve for this singular spot its money. I always could take care of my It wasthe first time I had been anywhere uation of Germany for 1883-84 are rath er Silica .. ................... .... . 20.00 love John Henry well enough to marry grim character. Inlaid in the external wall-of one of the houses facing the church money myself. Giving Tom money was for ten years, but I didn't propose that unfavorable. The r evenue from customs Carbon ... . ...... . .... .. .. . ... . 6.30 him1" " Why, father , I -I - you must- " are two funeral monuments, also rapidly and t obacco is 6,429,924 mark's less than like pouring water into a sieve. But h e should know it. ' ·Stop that f oolishness, " cried the old decaying in their wretched forlornness. 100.00 Hettie believed that Tom was the greatest "Would you mind telling m e what time the estimat e, while the t otal r evenue from the imperi_ a l customs is about 11, business man in the world. She believed it is?" he ask ed, politely. The alkaline saltsandphosphate of lime man. " Answer yea or no, and q uick, too. As I was passing, beautiful but most mournful chants audclenly filled the air, I n fact, unless a in one t on of such ashes are wor th $58 It's got to be settled now or never. " everything 't hat boy told her and even " Soft soap doesn't go d own with me." 750,000 marks below. " \ Vell- but, father , don't you know- and as suddenly stopped, ~rise again thorough change in the sugar industry at current rates for su ch salts. The value persuaded m e into believing in him, t oo. I looked square at him as I answered. . more lamentable and despairmg:"" I stopNow he had done it. I had advanced "Why don't you carry a watch yourself takes place, a catastrophe is imminent. of barn yard man ure in your neighbor- if you'll only wait, and- " "Answer yes or no! Speak up !" roared ped by the railings which inclose the old This is chiefly o .ving to th e enormou s hood you can estimate better than I, but him $1,000 of the modest inheritance and not trouble ladiesr' round sanctuary. There was a minute of which would be his upon my death, on He actually smiled. Then I thought overproduction that has been going on, it would be only a fraction of the value of the old gent. "Well, then, yes. There, now," and silence, and then the invisible voices recob ashes. his sacred assurance that he would double maybe he would suspicion that I didn't and t he consequent fall in prices. Mary hid her face. sumed their plaintive st rains. At my the money and r eturn the original sum. have any watch, nothing but a gold chain The r ecently completed t unnel through "That's business;that's the way to talk. feet in t he declivity of the ground, be.And he had gone and lost every dollar of for show, so I took hold of it- To Keep A.1vay Rats . the Voralberg, an Alpine outlier, situatNow, John, 10o)r here-look up here or tween t he railings and the shrine, was iti . . Goodness, gracious I My watch was ed on the confin es of t he Tyrol, S witzer Mary Hadlem writes that rats have so I'll shake you all to pieces. Do you want something indescribably dismal- a yawn"The lame and the lazy are always pro- gon e ! stron·g an aversion to the odor of pepperland, and Bavaria, indicates th e remark· vided for," I thought bitterly. . ~·Qt I stood right up in the car and screamed able advance t hat has been made during mint , they will not enter rooms or bins t hat gal of mine for a wife1 Speak out like ing tomb. I t had been dispossessed of a man, now. " its lid, a pair of dilapidated boards had course Hettie and the bahy can't starve. at the top of my v oice: t he last four years in this depar tment of where it prevails. She says of the pep· "Why, Mr.- - , ain 't this rather a- I been carelessly thrown across it, but the "Fir e! murder! thieves! I've been robb- engineering. The t unnel, wh ose maxi- permint plant: "We place it in the oats, f ll go clown to the city and br ing them mean-can't you-" eye could penetrate through the gaps they up till he gets something to do, t he ed ! Stop tho ca.rs! " mum elevation above th e sea is about rye and corn, when t hey are brough t in, "Speak it out, or out of this hoµse left. Some hideous figures were carons«'· . -- ~~,ii " H ush!" said the man in front of me 4,300 feet, is nearly seven miles in length, and some goes under the pig-stye. Though scamp." you'll go head foremos t. I won't wait a ing in the vacant place. I looked away. Now I am an old maid, and live alone in a stern voice. " Matilda Jane, sit or som ewhat longer than t he Mon t Cenis, we no longer have any rats, we con tinue minute longer. There's the gal, awl The disconsolate song still rent the air since Tom married, and it didn't take ffi\) down and keep quiet ; it won't do any the pioneer of Alpine tunnels, and y et to use the plant, for fear they may make there ain't a likelier gal in the State, an' like a hymn of despair. No doubt it was long to shut the hou~e up. I lent the good t o scream t hat way." t he t ime consumed in its construction us a visit." If thia is so, in the absence you just heard her say that she want ed some mournful hymn, sung wit h impres cat to my n e:it door neighbor, told h~r I nearly fainted. H e called me Matil- was only about three and a half years, or of the plant, probably a few drops of the you . Now, John, I won't stand a bit of sive earnestness by a fervent choir, yet it ' she might have him for his keep till I da Jane, and there never was but one p er- one and a h alf years less than the time oil of peppermint would answer the same fo~!in '. Once for <ill, .yes or no1" sounded to my eara as a supreme . cry for came b ack, and t he bird I took with m e son in the world that always gave me my permitted by contract . The rate of pro- purpose. Well, yes, sir. L have been p resump- help of the poor depi.rted ones disturbed for company · and safe -k eeping. Some- full nam e, and th at was Hiram Grim- ress was about nine metres (30 feet) p er tuous enough to hop~ that I -" . in their graves. I , pinched myself to see if I day, or three times · that in th e case .of how, when I w"-s getting r eady to go, my wood. "Oh, stop yom· suit soap talk! the thmg · A little outside the public way formed FAR M ITEMS lleart grew light, and before I knew it I was alive. t he Mont Cenis, and double that of the The N ew England Fal·mer a first-class is BE;_ttled now. You two fools w:ould ha.:ve by the large sfabs of the tombs the ground · was smging <µ1 old love song, though " That pretty girl took your watch," he St . Gothard tunnel. The number of perbeen a1x n_ion~hs n;ore at the JOb that I slightly riQes. A very unpretending monµjournal, gives t he following: .; what put it into my head I can't tell. It's said, and it was his voice t his time. sons employed 0n t he service was up· have don~ m five mmutes. I never saw ment lies there. No rails protect it. President P ierce, of the ·western New twenty years since Biram Grimwood " Never !" I said indignantly. "You wards of 5,000, and the total cost involvsuch foolm' ::s there 1s a:n~on~ the young People pass by and don't look at it , it is York Agricultural d lub, says that wheat went to California, and I r eckon h e's may b e'H iram Grimwood or his ghost , and ed in the enterprise, 4.0,000,000 francs, people now-a-~ays. .Amt !1ke when 1 plain a_Dd unassuming. It rises only been dead th e most,of that t ime, ot mar - if you are you h ave no right· to. come back or somewhat less than $ 1,250,000 per bran, sifted upon cabbage heads; will des- was young-an. n ow, goo~ mg)lt. , You 80 just above the ground. It wears signs of This may ht! tied, which is about the same. h ere and tell lies. That poor child steal, mile. I t is exp ected that the tunnel rail· troy the cabbage worm. can tal~ the thmg over, an you an me, approaching decay. The stone is much When I had put on all my things with indeed!" way will be in operation about the middle better worth trying than the use of poison John, 11 go up to town_and get the license chipped ; yet it is not very old-only a for even if it doesn't hurt the worm, it my back to t he glass I turned around "Matilda J ane, you h aven 't changed a of the present year. ~o~morr~w. Soon be J~m~ ~o get to plow- few years more than the century-but no will not spoil the cabbage. and ther e stood a strange woman. She pit, " said that dreadful man. " You're l~, no time fo: love makm then. ,Good- one evidently looks after it. Nothing is Sheep droppings, compressed into solid m ght, good-111.ght; I h ope I wasn t too more sad than t his humble sepulchre, gave me an awful start. just the sa~e t rusting, unsuspicious soul , FOOD FOR FANCY IN E"'GS " Good mornin' ," I said; "however did you used to be. That · poor child ' is an · u cakes two inches thick' are now prepared ro~gh, but I was ,det.ern;,med t<;> fix: t he ejected, as it were, from the churchyard, for florists' use. It is claimed that while thmg one wayor t other, and t he old man and throwrr on th e public road. No d oubt you get in?" · adventuress of 30. She came in to t his car TJH:m i saw it was myself and I laughed on purpose t p rob you. " F acts A.b o u t t hem n n d t h 0 11· Und e v oloped it promotes growth in an extraordinary went back to bed. the poor forgotten citiz~n pays tlfc penalty and fo.ughed. r h ad on the same black " M y purse is .,"one,' , I gasped , 'an , d Pos:;i,i b ·Ut l as of Roma.. ".l.C,). · J.egree, it will not injure plants, even if _ _ ____. - · ··· of his obscurity. Unknown.in life>_he is l ien bJ>mQa.z;me dress 1>nd b onnet I wore w h k "I d " · 1 ,~r h' t t used immoderately, and that the liquid ever y cent I l;iad with .me, and a c ec won er, saK a "as mg on e reet · '""" A. JIA.SilING FRENCH- GENER.A.I,, irieudlesf! in death, and TiO one c~·rea to Tom's moth er died, and as that was a bout l · I · · h t l 'th t Oh, Tom! 'l'om ! th ere's another foo mt 1e comm1ss1on mere an recent y, · a from it does not furm crusts and shelter proteat against th.e in·ofanation of his fourteen years ago they had come back t o family! I'll J'ust throw myself on tho clergymen n ever pi;ea,ch on the subject of for insects on thu surface of the pots. A a '\l!..i.n wl:lo Ca.ptnred Bll.cn.l.:n.h "'31Qulok}y grave. fashion anci: I looked quite stylish; and track .,. eggs." bag of 100 pounds i:i $:3, and the same iu :..·.! ti> ,.nonbll hlll c o= d '!!ll'. This assumption is wrong. '.l'he ashes ·1y · le a t h mg " f or a t tJXt "" ever since J had the fever my h air has I suppose I musthavo been tempor< lrl ' 'E . ggs. s o snnp , powder $3.50. cast there under the curbstone are not been short and curly, and it hun"'a over der anged, as t hey say on juries, f or the ·"An d wh y no t ? u r1 h .ilfreolein is t he Annamito word for those of an ob,icure citizen. Read the I n an address before the l'lfaryland Horn iat roman ce"'} t er e my eyes just t he way the girls wear it n ext thing I k new l was at the door of ~he are , ,ithin th eir brittle shells! Romances t icult ural Society William S;,i.unders, Su- "quick." And that is the name t he fast-fading inscription placed on the nowadays. I declare I locked so young car stru,,,r:fgling wit h some one, who help of love, oflife, of doubt, of disoppointinent pe:\;i11teudent of Grounds and Gardens, French soldiers have givQ to Gen. Negrier, stone: I didn't know myself.. W ell! it's a t rue my hands so I couldn't move, and then 1 and of d eath . Tl1e eye1opewas -"· d 1sc . l ose Agricultural D epartment, Washington, who is at present looked upon as the most saying that th ere's no fools like old fools, br ok e down and cried, for this was what th e large variety and different sizes, and D. C., suid: "The blight on apple and wideawako Genera.1 in the French army. HERE LIES OLIVER OOLDSJIUTH. and t he Lord didn't make no exception of that d1eadful man whisper ed in my te11 us t li e propo1·t10ns · · pear trees is, in the aggregate, a source of H e commanded one of the brigades in the ... ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of yolk and wJute; Tonquin expedition, and it was hu who me. · ear: but th ese are !·nly th e dry facts to be much lose. I will not discuss the poiut · The English nation is a great and grateWhen 1 got t o " t he station everyb ody ··~fatildaJane,l haveenoughforusboth, made alive by imagination. The elegant as to whether this malady is caused by a captured Dacninh. The commander-in- ful nation. How is such a thing possible 1 stared at me as if I was a sh ow; I didn 't an d if you love me as I love you no knife and obser van t djscip1o of polite literature low form of vegetable life, fungi, or by a chief, Gen. Millot, came 3fter him, much Note that this is to be seen, not in a take any baggage 'cause I warnt going t o can ·cut our love ·in two." in Goldsmith's Bee. if he wer e t-0 pass down low form of insect life, bacteria, but al- surprised to find the place alrearly t;i.l.rnn. lonely ionora.n t, destit ute village, but in W e had hardly talked matters over , and Washington or Greenwich street any day, lude to it to mention the fact that no part B,)fore t hat N egritJr had ~en t three oflicors the he~rt of t.he populous met ropolis, in stay. So l only had ab.ox with a cl ean calico in it, and a bundle of sweet h erbs · accounted for each other through all t hese but especially on a Saturday, would find of a tree coated with lime has ever been to report the fact. t.o h e;1d quarters, but the middle of th" wealthy and enlighten· on t }10 th ous- i<ffected." for the baby, and some n ew shirts for l ong years of 1iarting, wh en we got to the a b und ant f oo d f or refl ectwn they did 11ot succeed in teaching Millot's ed inns of court which Ben Johnson deWe t ook a car - and and one things that everybody can brigade. Uneasy at not hearing any news scribea as ·· the n oblest nurseries of Tom, and the b ird cage, and my umbrella, town wher e Tom lived. A western farmer manages the Canada al).d a clock I wanted to iret repaired in h' k d f · Th ~ riage; at least H iram- ahem I- Mr. Grim- t .m an so ew 'Yr1te. e egg is so thistle in t his way: He keeps about 200 from Gen. NAgrier, Gen. Millot sent humanity and liberty in t he kingdom." the city. wood did, and we droverighttu t he house full of m eat that it lias become the basis sheep, and whenever he discovers a patch Capt. de Vignacourt in t he direction of Goldsmith, I know, has a monument in " All aboar d !" yelled the conductor. - a little n est in the outlines- and got of a proverb, and we can not negl ect the of thistles he salts the sheep there, putt- Bacninh. On comini.? close to the place Westminster. But what of that, since "I don't see any board,' l said, polit el d · d f h " just as Tom and Hettie sitting accumu ate w1s om o t e ages. ing a small handful 9f salt in each this ~le ho found a flag flying over the forts, but his r emains lie on t he public thoroughfare ly, and a man gripped me by the arm ther e · h were k b ' at the root. Besides the action of the the fog was so thick he could not see what banitshed from the sacred ground of the down tu a strawberry s ortca e l 1g en "Can you give anything like an idea d 'ust as t ho cars starte . · Th · l h' and pulled me on J salt, which tends to destroy them, the flag it was. Turning in another direction churchyard, unprotect6ld alike against in· h ough for a dozen . ey· were auir iug of t he number of eggs cons umed in a Then 1 heard some one ask: " Who 1s t e thistles are eaten by the sheep close to the he came upon another fort, and was sur- jm·y and oblivion 1-London Correspond· t ld t "" B ut I d "dn 't see no and carrym g on like two children, and 1 year1" mnocen o par YE 1 d h grou nd, a:nd· after one or t wo saitings t he prised to find that t he soldiers did not fire ence. declare, they were so gla to see met ey "Taking th e aggregate snm of their -·---· party, and I guess t h ey got l ef t. d ft' h d value, which is placed at $300,000, 000, grass among the thistles, as well as every- upon him. He advanced and aaw that Talk of adve1,tures ! I could write a nearly devoure me o - an · they were French troops. He politely Sun tl\pots. book full of what happened to me on that' "Oh , Tom, Tom," ' I wailed , " h ere's an placing the average price per dozen at thing else that hides .from view, has becm trip , bu t it would sound like a romance your old aunt, wh o dfd'n't k now en ough 20 cents, it would make the number of eaten off so that each thiRtle is easy to be asked them if t hey would be good enough Everybody who watehed the sun with~ to inform him where he could find Gen. and nobody would believe it. Ah ! friends, when the Lord rained common sense to eggs consumed in the United States alone seen and to receive its handfui of salt. telescope last summer must hay~Qnd.er truth is stranger than fiction, and I can hoist h er umbrella.~Tom t he mon ey's 1,500,000,000 dozen , or 18,000,000,000 After this treatment it is seldom that any Negr ier. "At· Bacninh," was th.e reply. "He ed at t he great belt of sun spots lymg thistles are seen the second year. ·' eg2s." gone." prove it , _ · iicross the southern part of the disk dinslept last night in the royal pagoda." When I got my things settled in t he ';N ever mind t he money," cried T om. "But where do they all come from I" Sir. J , B. Lawer planted a plot of ing the last half of J uly. Several of the Vignacourt rode rapidly back , and · arcar I felt kind of homesick and lonesome. "Money's a fool to this! Give us another " Hens." ground in maugels for forty consecut ive rived at Gen. M1 spots and groups were of extr~or_cii~ary llot's headquarters j ust There was' the old cat loft among strang- hug, old girl! Say, a unty, s uppose you in· " .Nat urally; b ut from what places1" years. The gr ound was well tilled, kept as the officers were finishing their break- size, and t heir arrangement very s1m1lar. ers at one end of the journey, and Tom troduce your pal!" "From all over the country and from free of weeds, but,had no manure in all fast. · When the belt extended completely across in distress at the other end, and I kind T hat wicked boy! B ut I had forgotten E urope. M erchants i,n Holland and Ger- this time. Th e yield on this plot the "Bacninh is taken,' he cried "Gen. the sun, there was visible at one time almand ~xport hundreds of thousands of last year was found much better than the of s wingmg between the two, and I all about having company. most every characterist ic form that sunthou'g ht of th e beautiful hymn t hat "It's 11n old fi·ien d,"I said blushing like eggs every year. Don't you remember main crop, the ground for which h ad been Negrier has been there since yesterday spots present . There was the yawning evening. " rimwood, Tom. " when the steamer Heimdal was r un ash ore a goose,· " M r. G heavily manured , but owing to th e wet f h b says, Gen. Millot was astonished, and the black ch~sm with sharply defined yet rag" The wol'ld is all a floating shoe." , 'Oh, Uncle H iram," said th e wretch ; off Bedloe's island a ew mpn t s ago e- season a gr owth of weeds was allowed to correspondent of the Temps says that ged edges, vast enough to swallow up the And- n ow, don't laugh- I just laid my " I've h eard of you all my life. You 'r e cause she was @n fire, that sh e had a car- spring up.' This shows how nearly Jethro some of the officer~ expressed disaatisfac-. whole· earth, wit h room t o spare, and surh ead down on t he back of the seat before right welcom e h are," and he pinched my go composed mainly of eggs brought from Tull was right when he declared t hat good r ounded by a regular penum~ral border me, and cried. I wouldn't , have let poor arm t ill t he tears came. Hamburg1 Eggs used t o be shipped in tillage is manure, and also that it does not tion because N egrier did not wait for them as evenly shaded as an ar tist could ha.ve to share the honor of taking th.e place. Tom knew it for the world, b ut I did ! I postpoiled t elling about th e robbery barr els ; t hey are n ow shipped in cases pay to manure for a cr op of weeds. They said as much to Gen. Millot t o whorn made it ; there was the double or triple There was a man in that seat, but he until we had eaten supper, but I had with paper compartments that allow the they wished to give their sympathy for spot whose black centres, t hough :widely paint for floors, ·which economizes A did not take any notice of me. His face hardly said t he first woi·d, wh en H iram air to circulate ar ound them, and it is being late, but the general replied that he separat ed from one another, were tangled th e use of oil colors and varnish, is de...was 'cover ed wn h whiskers and h e looked took out my watch an d purse and laid wonderful to contemplate the length of as it were, in one twisted and torn veil of was delighted. . at mu ch length in the Builder, as scribed kind of stern, but a real good l ooking sort th em in my lap. . time they can be k ept fresh and sound. penumbr1o1, or connected by long and Negr~er is described as a man whose of chap, t oo. I t hought it was him that "Why, t hen, Hiram, you- you are the Som e day when we h ave an extra rush on a recent German invention. For flooring, face denotes great energy. He has splen- shadowy bands ; there was the monstrous t ouched me,and I j umped as if I wassh ot, robber!" was the n ext smart !lpecch I I'll send for you, and you wil~ see t hat t wo and one-eighth ounces of good, clear did eyes, and a nose like the beak of t1 n spot of grotesque form surrounded by but it was th e pret tiest little blonde girl made. my idea of having eggs made the subject joiners' glue is soaked over night in cold eagle. His beard is thick and bushy, the smaller spots of st.ill more fanta11t ic shape, of 16 I ever saw. " N ot quite, ma'am," and he didn't of more t han a passin g thought is some- water, and, when dissolved, is added, color being a strar)ge mixture of black and and enveloped in a regular penumbra as while being stirred, to thickish milk of " W ill yo u please let me sit with you ?" seem a bit vexed. "I said a few words thing more than a whim.- .New York Mail lime, heated to the boiling point, and red. He is youn g an4 thin, and has the wonderful as the mighty sun-chasms . en. she said, and her voice was just like a to t hat 'sweet child' and she quie tly and Express. closed in it; there was the great spot, prepared from one pound of quick lime. air of a General of.the older times. bird siu ging, aud sh e had a little white handed me your property. I'd b een · ·-- - - --,·-· -·--often of singular outline, nccompanied hand all cushiony and dimpled , on my watching her all the time, and she k new The desert of Sahara, Africa, which it Into t he boiling lime is poured- tho stirring It is said that just before a Hindoo outai:le its shadowy borders by swarms of black bombazine ar m. it. Now, Tom, your aunt is not fit to is now proposed to flood, is s upposed to being con tinued- as much linseed oil as minute black specks pitting the white I'm 11 grumpy old t hing mysf'\lf, and I travel alone., is she?" be a pre-historic sea, and covers an area of becomes united; by means of saponifica- woman dies a cow is brought in that she photosphere in the most extraordi.J1~.r;r may take hold of its tnil as her life passes tion, with the lime, and when the oil no felt like saying as I heard the rest do, "Of course she isn't," said that mis- 2,000,000 squ are miles, equ~.l to about Anybody who has been yanked fashio.n ; there was the huge g~·oup, v1s1"Sh e needs some one thr ee-fourths t he United S tates and tarri- longer mixes there is no more poured in. away. " this seat's engaged," but when sh e look- chievous Tom. over a two-a<ire lot of newly-plowed land, ble even to the unaided 'eye, and consist H there happens to be too much oil added at me with her sweet violet eyes, I just to keep h er from t hrowing her money tories. The proposed flooding, th e canal deathlessly gripping uhe .tail of an imp ul- ing of half a dozen large intermingled ed, it must be combined by the addition away. .By. th e way aunty, my litt le spec for which has been authorized by' the bey gave in and said: .sive _ cow, can understand how t he heathen with smaller ones whose number defied " Certainly, my dear, sit righ t down." has t urned out all right. You shall have of Tunis, will, h owever , cover an extent of of some fresh lime paste-about half a eounting, and developed in a penumbra! I suppose th e sweet child saw 1 was that mon ey for a wedding settlement if out about 126,000 square miles, equal to pound of oil for the quantity of lime just rite is supposed t o typify the longing of cloak of becoming amplitude; t here, near a J?erson to die. named. After thi& white, thickish, founcrying, for sh e k ind of snuggled up t o me you 're good." the states of Ohio, Indiana, and lllinois, the edge of the disk, were the crinkling and wanted t o see the bird, a nd praised "And you 'll be marri~d right h ere with. and that section is broken by several spots dation paint has cooled, a color is added, "You look like a poet," laughed t he Jines and heaped-up masst1s of facu lie, the which is not affected by lime, and, in him, and he chirped to her, and she told us," said Hettie, giving me Tom's baby of high ground that will appear as Islands, funny editor, as the handsomely-dressed mountainous, hydrogen .B.ames-i.. which me h er iiad story:, how sh e· harl come all to kiss. Th e result of the introduction of such a case of need, the paint is diluted with youngster entered, The boy sanled, and marked the places where t he intensest sowater , or by the addition of a mixture of ' · Me first," said Hiram ducking his lake or sea in a hitherto barren country th e way fr-om California and was an orbegan fumbling in his pocket. "Maybe lar action was going on~in short, there phan going to seek a living in the great h ead. can not yet b e definitely stated. It is lime water with some linseed oil. The you write songs, too, " suggested the was a panorama in which every variety of untried world. "No fools like oldfools,"said I. "Don't thought , however, that it will cause great substance penetrates into the wood and newspaper man. "Yes, sometimes," waa sun-spot passed in a g;ga n~ic procession I came near er~ ing again t hen, but I re- mulls my collar, Hiram." 'r·::_,At·:~ climatic changes, that will extend even rendt::rs it water-resisting. the answer. "Have you got Q n e for me 1" across the disk. And what a procession member ed wher e I was and straighten ed '·Bless you, my children," said Tom, into E urope. "Yes, I think I have. " "ls it sung by it was !- long enough to · reach from the a Fqrmer Facilitates Business. ·long or short met er 7" By this time the earth t o t he moon and back again several b ut the tears shone in h is bright eyes and Without mountin g by degrees, a man up. "Did you ever know a Mr. Grimwood his voice trembled. "' cannot attain to high things : and the In Iowa there is "1.0 foolishness about young man had fished out a document , times. in California?" 1 asked. Not t hat I carAnd we were blessed! brtJaking of t he ladder still casteth a man some of the farmets who have marriage- which he thrcw down, yelling excitedly: ed to kn ow what had become 0f J:I,ram, ·· back, and maket h the thing wearisome, able daughters, and they kn ow how to "Neither, my friend; it is sung by the gasButter is so cheap that the poorest o ut I just did it to make talk . Do they ever bury a dead calm? which was easy. precipitate business when the fruit is ripe meter." It was a gas bill for $10. people can make a spr(jad with THAT DRE~DFUL MAN. ~ . . ___ _ ..............................