THIS COLUMN Belonas to STOTT & JURY and b · · mall Meilicines advert.ised form tp sale by them. ,, -THE- .Pavillion Opera House -WILL BE LOCA'l'ED IN- AUCTION SALE! OF- VALUABLE FARM LANDS MONDAY EV'C,'JUNE 23. 1In the Township of Darlington. Darch's Field, King St., I. W. BA I RD 'S LOW ESTATE. Pursuant to a direction gi\·en in the Will of ANN LOW", late of the 'J'own of Bowman ville, widow of kobert Low of the same place, de· ceased, thern will be sold w1th tite approbation of the Executor of the said Will by HENRY 'l' . PHILUPS, at tho RUEBO'l'l'OM HOUSE, in tho Town of Bowmanville, on THAT THE GREAT Fountain of Health IS THE B 32 years an<l 5 months. CHEAT R. R. SHOWS B -AND- UEED.-At Lindsay, on Monday, June 10th, Keziah James, wife or Mr. w. 'J'. Reed, li&"ed Mammoth Minstrels. --v:n-- Cheapest, Best, and Most Reliable BLOOD PURIFIER ever offe1·ed to the Canadian public. It has made REMARKABLE CURES Where every other Remedy I has failed. f '1'mHKELL.-.At Lindsay, Juno 6th, l\forla Stoughton, aged H years. wire of John 'J'hirkell. Esq .. and aunt of Miss Stoughton, Bowmanvillo. W111TJ·:.-I1d1owma11ville, on Sunday June 151b, Oraco White, belove<l wifa of Mr. \Villiam W. W hlt.o, ·aged 70 years, 2 wonths. ROBINS.-In ~·aat Whitby. on the lit.It Inst.. Eliztt Aun. youn)l(est<laughter of Henry 11obins, aged 3 your~, 3 months and 11 days. GrnsoN-At his residence, lot No 30. 8th con. township of Clarke, county Durham, Ont. on tho morning of June 15th, John Gibson. aged 7 8 ye1tr·. Deceustid was one ot the early pion eers of this sec Lion of the country. 'l'he nwst novel enterta.inrnent ever gwen! The Greatest Srnsation of the Age ! Tlw T1 ·e at of a Lifetime I At tile lu)llr ot"ONE o'elo11l< In I.he all.crnoou An Am1 1 ,siny, Thrilling, the following 1n111h m!d 11r11111lses : Moral and Instr·iwt·ive E xhibition ! l'ARCl<:r. J.-All and singular the North qnarter of l.ot number one, in the fourth Concession of Three honn with the mo~t thfl 1'ownslnp of J>arlinglon, cont.a111i11g 60 B1wi.11e11t Artists oj the day. ac.-.·:1 mo1·e or less. Ont.he j)remises Is a good Satur~a~,tne 5th ~a~ of Jul1JB84, BOWI\JANVILLE MARKETS. 09rr·cled i.p to 1 o'clock p.m. e'!>erv Thursday BY JOHN McMU~TRY. l1ememl1er tl1is Company nas for years played to packed houses in all tbe prin,Cipal cities. and is not a puny, one horse affair, such as has often visited BowmanTiile. (Read the 'l'oronto newspapers or Tnesday, June 17th). As our canvas !leata 2,000 people w11 will only charge STOTT & JURY, -- ---------- - --- - - -DOMINJOASole Agents for Bowmanville. Flour, per 100 lb ·.. , .· $2 75 ·· to ·· $3 00 Fall Wheat, per bush.... 1 00 .· to .· 1 08 Spring Wheat, per bL1&h. Rye,perbushel ......... Oats,p~r bushel. ·· ,,, ·· Peas,Blue. ·..·.··.·.··· " Blackeyes. . . . · . . . 105 · · to .. l 08 058 .. to . . 060 0 35 ·· to .. 0 40 0 7<.! . · to .. 0 75 0 92 . . to. . 0 95 ,, Small..·.··..... 0 70... to ... 0 72 Barley, No. 1. ....·. , , 0 65 ·· to .· C 68 ,, No. 2.... _ . . · . 0 55 ... to . .. 0 60 ,, No. 3. . . ...... 0 50... to .. . 0 55 Butter,per lb. best tabll:l.. 013 .. @ ·· O 14 Lard,111 tt .... , .......... O 13 .. @ ·· O 14 Eggs,<WJoz . ............. O 13 .. @ ·· 014 Potatoes, per bushel. .....0 50 . · (<i/ · · 0 50 Wool, per tb .... . ........ 0 16 . . @ ·· 0 00 25c. ADMISSION 25c. See the Band Parade ! Hear the Free Concerts ! Don't Miss the Big Sh6w. -T~E- L~ RUIT Ju10E t f PURE, stock. no WB!tered Grand Contral I is the best place in town to got WHOLESOME, Pnrifies the blood. Nero '.:t\01mtistmcnt!.l. ~·-····· ······ ····:·················"··· ············: · · ······· ..··············"· REFRESHING, agreeable tonic. An Notice to Farmers Only. You will notice advertisement by J. Vo.' . Smith of Oshawa advertising the l eading machine, (the L. D". Sawyer No. 3 Reaper) where he represents himself as .Agent and states certam p1·ices for said machine to le:Ld the farmers to believe that h e is selling said machine, and we wish to state to the Fanncrs tlutt, J. W. Smith is not sellingour machh~es and has censed to b eo_ur Agent, and any further orde1·s from hun will not be accepted ; but wish to state tha~ F tl Mason Hamr)ton is our ' . · · ·· ' ' . ' authonzell Agent, and will be pleased t o accept l).ll orders placed with him. L. D. SAWYER & Co. J. M. Ross, General A~nt. Hampton June 20th, 1884 . ---··--~-·---- H OUSE TO ItENT.-Posscssion can be i;i,·on at once. Apply to F. MASON. l\l~thodist ICE CREAM ANO DONT YOU FOltGET IT. OOOLI NG, just the reward tor return to J.M. Brimacombe'e Dental Parlor. 25.-2w. OS'l'-A GOLD NECKLACE with L blne enamelled, Locket, at or ll. C. church, on Sunday. June 8th. :Oultabltt thing for hot weather. Sarsapa~illa Beer, frame dwelling house. lMrns . sr,ables. t1te. l'.<11<CEL II.-All and aini;:ultLr lhe Som.h half of r.he half of Lot 16, in the liroklln Front t:ouoession of D11rllngton, containing 50 acres more or lees. 'l'he land i s of an excellent quality for grain raising purposes and is s11pplie11 with bulidinga. PAUCEL HI-All and si11gul11r 1hat part or Lot 15, in I.he Broken }'ront.Conoesaion of Darling. ton. lying.North of the Grand T. Uuilway, On t his parcel is a good brick one Rll,d I) half storey <\welling house, and barns aml> stable, 'J'he land is a clay loam. PARCEL JV.- All Rnd eingulnr JOG acres of J.ot 15, in tho Broken Frnnt Concession of Darlington, lying imnrediat.el)' to I.he South or t.he Grand 'J'. Hull way. There is on this purc1Jl A- good frame dwelling house, with barns and stablos, root houses, &c.. and about 12 acres of herd wood well p r~.served. This parcel would mal\e n. most d11simble farm as it is situat.ect so convement to t.ho'l'own of Bowman ville, and is well adapted eit her for· grain or g1·azinK purposes. 'l'bese two last parcel~. m.mP!y three and four, will, In the Jlrtit place. bu offo1"ed to1rnther but immediately after tho eah~ of tbe purchaser may. decline to parcel t.b1·ee and keep parcel fom· i..Ionc, in wbich case llemay be at lihei·tr to do ao. 1md parcel three. will again bH put up separMely. PARCEL Y.-.\ll nnd singular 18 nc1·es or said: Lot 15, in Droken !<~rout oC Darlington, lyinlil' immediately to the Honth of parcel ruur. '!'his parcel is we:! woo<led with good hard wood. P.1.RCEJ, VT.-All 11ud siugular, 18 acres of said·. Lot 15. in Broken Front uf l1u.rli11gto11, lying Immediately to the ::;o.n th of pa1·ccl fi,·c. · 'rhis µ"red h11M about IGJ u.cres of good. well . prescrn, '<l l·ard wood. PARUltL VII.- All and singular 35k acres. more.' or lees of ·11io.l Lot 15, lying immecliately to the. South of parcel six nnd fronticg on the lake· shore. This parcel contains about H acres of cleared! land and U~ a cres or wood-111ostly pine. TERMS AND CONDITIONS : Parcels 1, 2, 3 and ,[, one-tenth of purchase money to be pa1<l 1low11 a't time of sa.lP-, and suJHcieut. with thid amonnt to mnke one.half the purchnse money within one month there· afier, the bttlance to remain on mortgage on the premised ror three or ftve yeers amt bearing mtcrcst at thti rate of six nud one-half per cent. per annurn , vayable serni-annually. with the option however t.Q tl:!e pqrchaser to Pl!oY off the whole of the purchase money within 30 da~s f1·0111 dat1·i or sa111 if he desires FO to do. ~ or parcelR 5, 6 nnd 7, ouc-ter>th of the purchase money at the dttte of sale and the bal<\uco within 30 '111.l""S th ercttfLer. Each P· ·rcel will hti sol:\ subject to a reserved bit!. Olhor and ptt1·tiuular conditions will be made known at 'the time ( >f sale. - Further PA.rt.icnlara can tie had from DA VlD J<'lSHER, or the ·rown of )fowmanville, who will proa """ " plan of t.111~ five last named parcelst tn 11l a.I:; i'1 ·orn Absolutely free from alcohol. - FOR SALE MONEY, TO LOAN .-A few thous11nd dolla1·s, private funds, to loan on tlretclaes farm security. at the lowest current ro.tcR. For particulars apply to H. Bl<~I1'H. Bowman· ville, or n. ll.. L08C0111BE, Barrister, 3·tf. THOROUGR-BR.ED-- JERSE.Y BULL-" Young floulivott "- for aorvice at my residence, eu~t or Fur111tnre Factory, J TERMS :-'l'horo'·brod Cows. $3; Grade Cows. $3; Common Cows, $2. AH'!' HUR W. BURK. 22-tf. Lemon Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Sarsaparilla Pop ARE THE BES'r THE BY- Grocers· and Druggists in pts. and Board of Health. OTICE is· HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Health for tho 'l'own of IJowmanville has been fully o00ustitutcd, pursu&nt to ·the provl·lons of the lute act or the Ont1nio Le!!islatnre; and that notlc<" left with the undersigned, of any matter requiring \he int<:rvention of the Boa~d, will rec.,ivo prompt attention. It. WINDA'l"l', 8ccr.,tiu·y. Bowmanvillo. June 18, 18S4. :!:>-1 w. Temperance Drinks I ALWAYS KEPT ON ICE '4T THE qts., (imperial measur~). LYM~N Montre~.l. R.eftned expressly :f'o:r; SONS' & Co., N A LIDEUAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. GRAND CENTRAL. IJowmanvillc, June 5, 18Gl. ST{lTT &JU RY .l SP E CI AL A GEN TS. llowmanville, Vendora' -Solicitor. Bow111u11 ville, .J11 ne 10th, 188J. J>. ll URKE SIMPSON, BOWMANVFLLE, .FRIDAY, JUNE 20. Local and Otherwise. THE GLASGOW Houim.- You will find what Mr. Thus. Paterson says to be correct. Reod, mark, al'1d inspect ; it will pay you. CHURCH NOTE. - Rev. E. R. Young will preach in the P. M. church next Sabbath morning, and in the C. M. church in the evening. The Harvest Queen- five rake reaper lays the best sh eaf of any machine in t he market. See it before buying . T. J. ::McMurtry, Agent. ONE CENT A DAY.- The Toronto Methi0dist Conference has passed a resolution requesting all memhers to give a cent a day for church pur1ioses. This is a good move. A F.µr,. - ,Ve regret to hear that Mr. It. B. "\Vatson was thrown from his bicycle when returning from Maple Grove "last Sunday evening ttnd sustained serious injury. Ton.woo sold at Pethicks barber shop a.t l ess than cost prices, £or instnace, 2 plu!:(s of McDonalds smoking for 5c. or 1 lOc. plug of chewing for 5c. All other :kinds sold ch ealJ. MILI'l'ARY. - No. 1 Company; 45th Batt. will parade for divine service in Trinity church next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 . A special sermon will be preached by R e v. Mr. Warriner, B. A. THE YouNn M1rn's EvANGELIS1·IC BAND. -of the Methodist church h ere go to Providence on Sunday aftemoon next to take the place of Rev. J. Dyke who has gone to Conference. May their e fforts be attended with good. VALEDTCTORY FESTIVAL.- The ladies of the P. M . chµrch inte nd g iving to thei1· reuring pastor, the Rev. J. Dyke, a valeclictory festival on Monday, June 30. Choice provision, - an excellent programme. Further particulars n ext week . The Planet Mower suits t h e farmers in every Wl!}'- rear cut, light draught and easily handlcl;-- The Dundas Sulky Rake the lar gest wh eels of any rake in the market. Coil tooth and simplest dumping .attaclunents. T. J. McMurtry, Agent. To FARMERs. - Having purchase d the Whitby Ontario Harvester and cut all my grain on 250 acre s,· I can highly recommen it as b eing a strong and durable lllachine. · Any person try ing t h e above machine will b e more than pleased. GEO. PERKIN, Whitby. 2 4 -2w. FARM BY AucTION .- The Executors of the late Archibald McFeeters will sell the south half of lot 13, con. ·,5, D arlington, containing 100 acres, 75 cl eared, by auction on the premises on Saturday June 21st, a t 2 p. m. This fine farm is 4 miles nor t}1 of Bowmttnville. See hills for full particiUlars. H. T. P hillips, auctioneer. HE SUBSClt"Il:iBER OFFERS FOR sale the South half of Lot29,Con. 8, Clarke. This farm is well known, and is considered to be on e of the beat r..t'ms m the township. 'l'he bulldingsconeistof.e.:F ramo Dwe·ling. Kitchen, Wood House ar.d tln-ee Barns, with ·g ood Stone Stable accommodation for IL large number ot horses and cattle, and all other necessary buildi11gs, such as sheep. pig and Implement houses. '.!'here fa an a.bnndance or good water- two pumps and a spring: also a ii-ood orchard of fruit trt-es, It is all under cultivation and ia good condition. having been occupie<l by tho present tenant for 15 years. but eight acres 61'. wood. and is not a rod of waste or swamp on the whole farm. 'J'he purchaser will have tho privilege of dclng the ploug11ing this fall,an<l full possession will be given April 1st, 1885. For terms. which will be very eaay. or any other information concerning the :farm, apply, eitber personally or by letter, to tho proprietor, \V, H. WILLIAMS, 25-Zw. .a.ox l:li, Bowmanville. T . I Farm for Sale. High School Examinations. ~ - . THE INTERMEDIATE CLASS Non-profeRsional L Examlnat.lon begins at Bowmanv11le High 8chool JULY 7th, at !I a. m. 'l'he Second Class Examination begins JULY 9th, at 11:05 a. m. 'l'heEntrar>ceExamlnatlon takes place JULY 3r<l and 4th. beginning each day at 9 a. m. Candidates should notify theCountyinepector or the un dersigncd by J UNn: 1st. W. TAMBLYN, M.A., Bowmanvllle, May 15, 1885. Principal. A~D THIRD - AUCTION SALE -OF- Valuable Farm Lands In the Township of Darlington. STRUTT ESTATE. Pursuant to the direction given int he Will of ROBER'l' 8'1'RU'l"1', late of the 'l'own of Bowmanv1Jle, deceased, there will be sold with the approbat.lou or I.lie Kxecutors of the said Will hr HENR y 'l'. PHILLIP:>, Auctioneer, at the lluEBO'l"I'OM Housbl, in the 'l'owu cf Bowman· ville, on 'V. -W-OOL~I L· . QUICK. SALVATION ARMY BARRACKS. BO"VV"~ANVILLE IN THE HICH COURT OF JUSTICE. CHANCERY DIVISION. Highest Market Price for .SATURDAY, 5TH DAY OF JULY, ISM, at tlae hmn· of 12 o'clock, noon, any quantity of Wool. the lauds 111111 premlHCS, t"ollo~'l'llll( BELCH t!S. McL.A UGHLIN. Pursuant to the judgement and order made in this cause on the 24th <lay of March, I8M, there will be sold with the approbatien of GEORGE M. CLARK, E~qulre, Local Master of the Supreme Court. at Cobourg, bY HENRY T. PHILLIPS. Auctioneer. on the premises mentioned in t.he !lrst parcel hcrem, on -4KlftG POWDER Ab~olutely Pure. This powder n evAr varies, A marvel of purity. strength a11d wholeso.m eness. More economical than tho ordinary kinds and can not be sold in competition with tho tnultltude of low test, short. weight, alum or phosphate powder s. Sold onl1.1 in cans. ll.OYAL BAtnNo POWDER Co.. 106 W11ll-st. N. Y. MllK PANS Harland's Improved M I LK PAN, Patented J qly 17th, 1883, wl1ich iR second to none of the many inventions now in the market, in simplicity, durability and the effectual mode of separating the .cream from the milk, pure and free from sediment. 'Ihe Skimmer and Aerating apparatus is entirely new, and will separate the cream from the milk in 12 hours. Call and sec them at LEWIS QUICK'S, BlJ.RK'.~ OJ,D STAND, · · llCHV!UA.Nl'ULE, At tlte Jaour or 0 N t: o'clock Jn the After. noon, tlte follo"W' Junds mul 11rhnhes: PARCEL I. - All and singular the North quarter of Lots 12 1111d 13, In the 8th Concession or the Township or Darlington. in the County of Durham, (save and except about TWO acres of Lot 12 aforesaid. formerly conveyed to CHARLES G. BATES) containing 105 acres be the same more or less. 'l'hid is the homestead lately occupied by the late JAJ\IES MoLAUOHILIN, 'l'he <lwclling house is about 2ix30 with a. :kitchen addition 20x24 and a wood·shed close by 18x40. .'l'here is a frame barn 3!~5!. and & lframe stable and shed 2!x80. 'rhese farm bullldings are almost new. 'l'hore ls also a good orchard of about 2 acres, and a well and good i<arden. This farm Is watered by a n ever failing creek. and Is within about 3 miles of Tyrone and 10 miles from llowmanville, with good roads to those places. PARCEL II. - A ll and singuli&r tho North q1111.rter of J,ot 12, In the 9t h Concession of tho said township, con taming so:a.cres, be the same mot·e or less. TERMS AND CONDITIONS : One·tenth cf the purchase money of parcel I must bo paid down at time of sale, and the balance Into Court to tho credit of this cause within 30 days thereafter without interest, when the purchaser will be let into possession. One· third of the purchase money of parcel 2 must be paid do"l"n at time of sale, and t he balance mto Court to the credit of this cause within 30 days thereafter without Interest, when the purchaser will be let In to possession. 'l'hc purchaser will be furnished, if h e re· quires the same, with a Registrar's Abstract of the property but none other, and theVendors' will not be bound to furnish any other title deeds than those in their posbessiou, eltl)er for the purpose of verifying the Abatract or otherwtse. 'l'here will be a reserrnd bid on each parcel 11xed by me, In all other respects the t erms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of this Court, which w ill be made kncwn at tho time of sale, Further particulars can be had from D. B URKE SIMPSON, Vendors' Solicitor, at the town ofBowmanville; JOHN K,GALBRAI1'H. Esq., of same place, Solicitor ; and J 0 ll N HOSKIN, Esq., Q. C., 'l'oronto, as well as trom the Auctioneer. (sd.) GEO. M. CLARK, · Local Master at Cobourg. D. BURKE SIMPSON, Vendors' Solicitor. Dated June 9th. 1884. 2J.-td. MONDAY night, Soldiers and Uonverts only. TUEt>D AY, WEDNESDAY, 'l'HURSDAY and SATURDAY, Public Meetings at 7:45 p. m. FRIDAY, Holiness Meeting for S oldiers and all Christians, 7:45 p.m, BUNDAY, 8 a. m., Knee Drill ; 11 a. m., Holiness Meeting; 3 p. m .· Halle! ujah Meeting ; 7 p. m., Salvation Meetin~. CHILDREN'S MEETING Saturday, 3 p. m. . All are welcome ae above. Come in crowds. Collection each service. CAPT. ADA HIND. LIEUT. MILLIKEN. l:ADET McDONALD. · Bowmanvllle, May 28, 188~. 22·3m. -T~E- DOMINION GRANGE M UTUAl Fire Insurance Co. --=- PRESIDEN'l',- JESSE TRULL, Esq., Bowmanville P. O'. .MANAGER,- R. J. DOYLE, Esq., Owen Sound. LOCAL AGENT,--ll. MoUL'l'ON, Orono. Amount I11sure1I, l\bout $7,000, 000. CJAl'IT .lL, OTt:ll $15<1,000,00. PARCEL I.- All and siugular Lot 9, in the 9th Concession of tho Township of Darlington. A !so 23 n.ores more or Iese of the South quarter or Lot 10, in the 9th Concession of same Township. Also 25 acres more or less of the Nortb quarter ot Lot number 9, in t he eighth Concession of 'l ownehip. · '!'his parcel contains 248 acres more or less, and compl"lse8 the homestead farm of the late Robert Strutt. On the promises is a goo<l ~tone house 1! stories high, 28xi0, with a stone kitchen and woodshed attached ; two bams, 80x30 ana 50x35 respectively, a straw barn 60x30. a hay barn and an implement storehouse 55i.:32. All the above buildings are on stone founda.tions with stables and root cellars underneath. There 1s also on this parcel an orchard and two rain water cisterns, aud a never falling spring o! hard water . 'l'he 25 acres Is well wooded with cedar. It It le situated abont 9 miles Nortti or Howman· ville, and is in a good locality. The whole forms one of tho beet and most complete farms in the 'i 'ownshlp. · PAIWEL II.- All and singular 70 acres of the North hair of Lot number :!O,nnd 50 acres of Lot number 21, In the e ighth Concession of the said 'l'ownship of Dar lington, containing 120 acws more or less. On this parcel is a good frame dwelling house 30x36 with a stone cellar underneath and a. kitchen and woodshed a t tached. 'l'wo barns 55x35 and 50x30 respectively, with a stone foundation. root house and stable underneath the former. Also a stable 25x30. A good orchard Is on the premises. PARCEL lII.- All ai1d smgular Town Lot 110, on the Nor th side of Queen Street, {just East of the l!ible Christian l:hurch). Ou this parcel is a good brick dwelling with five rooms, a large kitchen with pantry nnd bedroo111 at· tacned. A llrst· eellar with concrete ftoor and hard and so!t water. 1 Cost of insu_ ance for past seven years, about 15c. per $100 insured per year. All tho profits paid to pulicy holders, who might as well have the profits a11 stockholders who live on profits made from farmers. Profits paid policy holders in iess, $1,094.79. Remember this Company has COME TO STAY. Remember it is a h ome institution. No Yankee adventurer. No home failure, backed up by another adven~urer. TERMS AND CONDITIONS : One tenth of the purchase money to be paid down at tho time of sale, and 11ulllc lent, with this amount. to make one-hair the purchase money within one month thereafter ; the balance to remain on mortgage on tho premises for three or five years, a nd bearing interest at tho rate of six and one-hair oer cent. per anmun, payable semi-annually, with tbe option howover to the purchaser to pay otf t he whole money within 30 day,w from d ate of 11nle if he d esires so to do. Each parcel will be sold subject to a re· served bid. Other and part icular conditions will b e made known a.t the time o f sale. Further n.rirticula1·e can be ha.d from DAVID FISHEi{, Esq., G!i:ORGE McGILL, })sq., of llowmanville. Execu tors, or from D. BUHKE 8IMPSON. Bowmauv1lle, Vendors' Solicitor. Dowmanyil!e, June 10th, 1881~ Actual Cost about half the Stock Oompany rates. FOR l'URTUER INFORMATION APPLY TO By addressing GEO. P . ROWELL & ADVERTISERS H. MO.OLTON, ORONO. Orono, June 12, 1884. 2! -Gm, CO., 10 Spruce S Ji., New York, can learn the exact cost of a ny proposed lme of ADVERTISING in American Newspapers, _..100-page Pamphlet, lOc,