Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1884, p. 2

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THE CA~s~~!~~~TATESMAtl -'.BY- I ' E'i.ERJ: FRIDAi:' MORNING, M. A.JAMI:DB, AT THE OFEICE, ostom-OcBloclt,KtngSt.,no-wmanvllle,ont TE R JY.I: ::5. : $1.50 per annum,01· 1111.oolf paldll~ aclvanee Payment strictly in advance required from subscribers outside of the county. Orders to discontinue the paper muRt be accompanied by the amount due,or the paper will not be stopped. aubscripcra are respon·ible until full payment is made. · RA.TJES OJ" liD'l'EK'l'IS.a:NG: W I~ h?,le Co.Jpmn one y~ar ............. $~0 ooi ~ ~ ~ Ha.Jo ear . ........... .,o 0 0I =o '"' " " One quarte1'. ..... .. 20 00, "'z::::; Half Column one year ............... 30 oo·- " " Half year ..... . ........ 20 oo" " One quarter .. ........ 12soQuarter Column one yee.r ........... 20 00 " " Half year . .......... 12 .5 0 One quarter........ 8 oo - 5 !llx lines and under, first insertion .. $0 50 Each subsequent insertion.. . ... O :l5 _ l!'rom aix: to ten lines, first insertioi:, 0 75 Each 1>ubseque~t ins~rtion. .... .. 0 35 -10 Over ten lines,flrst msert10n,per line 0 10 .· Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 ·The numl'.ler of lines to be reckoned by tbe space occuP.ied,_measured by a scale ot - · Slllid Nonpareil. - 15 iii = L. POTTER, IU.D. R.A.DU .A.TE of Queen's College, Kingston ; anu Member of Coll )ge of Physicians and Surgeon~.Ontario. , . l:N' O mce and Residen..'.:e: ~1'...~.s~1~::,· Dr. A. DEITJI, R.A.DU .A.TE OF THE '£0ltONTO UNIY~R· SlTY, Pl:)ysician, Surgeon, &c. O!llce King Street, M.OR"filS' BLOCK, Bowmanv1lle. G.H:C -..iitYE'l·n., n. A.., n . Sc., I'll. D., C.IU. G G OF THE COLLEGE. of and Surgcolle Ontario. L ICENTIA'l'E AND RESIDENCE :- Main St., Orono. Physician~ O~'FICE of .J. lV. iUcJ.;mgbUn, 1'1. s., L lCENTIA'l'E OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE of Physicians and member of the Royal College of ~urgeous, .IMinburi(h. Offii;e, MOH.RI~' BLOCK King-at., B, o wman:ville. DR. J, C ·.HITC...IEI.L, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. M 74. Office and .Kes1dence, JJ:nniskilien. B lle. B Solicitor for the Ontario .!:lank. rrtvnte HantlYS loaned at the lowest rates, · John 11.cUh C.adbralth, .A.RRrnTER, SOLICI'rOR, NOT.A.RY PU.l:ILIC, &C· O.tiice--Reed's Blook, o_ v er T. Battings store, King Street, Bowmanv1lle. Money to lend ST. JO.DN ll. J.U..tJ'.i'(JJOJSON, Jt"DJRKE snn·soN, ARltISTK6., SOLICITOR, &c., MORH.IS BLOUK, up stail'B, King_ ::>treet, Bo'vinan· o, ARRlSTER, & .ATTORNEY. &c. NOTARY PUBLIC. MONEY TO LOAN· . 0IJ'FICE-0VER 8TA'l'ESM AN (IF ~ F _ I_ C_ E_ . --- B R JtO H.t:.111'1' A.KltlU llJJt, EGI8TR.A.R, WEST DURfiAM ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Barrister aqd At tor.· ney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money paned on Roal Eetate. Office on King street, Bowmanville. . 1. T. l'lilLLU~S of Durham. Sales promptly attended. L .Address- Hamnton P.O. 59. ---~ ·R. HUTCi.ilSON.. ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County ~- tended to promply and_at reasonable rates. lftfr Address-.Eunislnllen P. 0. OHNHUGHES. -, L1cenaed Auctioneer. Valuator and Arilitrator;Fire and Life Insurance, Notes and Account~ Collected, Money to Lend on reasonable terms. Address 47~ Cartwright, Ont. ,\JlC'l'IONEEil, CONVEY.AN· L ICENSED CER and Comrnssioner in B. R. Sales at· J A GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO every ·man who buys his Llcen~e from HENRY SYLYES'l'ER, Enniskillen. · 198tf. l'lllt. W. WllLLSON, OF 'l' HE PI.AN 0 FOR 'f E, .I. ORGAN and SINGING. '£ERMS :-t',6 and $10 per '.l.'welve Lessons of ONE hour each. Over Higgmbotham's Drug ~tore, King Street, Bowmanville. 2. 'T'E.AO:HER PiallllO!S'l' tam~d i~epaired & Rep:1.i11.·t~d. THEm ARTIES WI SHING PIANOS Tuned or can have thcm·attcnded P to b_y leaving word at .the DOMINION Co's 011.,mE, Bowmauv1lle. .A, :first..clas n;an 'IOW oeil1g in their. mploy. · OR~AN 'PROF. T. L. DOY.LE,Pianist,Orgamst and teacher of Vocal Mtrnic is prepared to take a few more pupils. 'l'he best of refe~· ence can be furnished Grea t care exercised with beginners, and special at~eniion given. to advanced pupils. '!'hose dCJs1rons of taklll!! lnstructions should D pply at Mr. Doyle's ree1· ~ence·, or make it known by .directing . a few Jnes to P. 0: Box 49. · rerms :i\7 .50 ~nr twell·e essons. 239-t· ~ 01> Ho! Gentle!l'u.e111 ot' llF' ::-H·~ll ien, not so fltst. And all I hav(l to sayThat you oan :find me still 1tt home, , Iam· notgo1ieaw.ay, So all my kind oW. t riends may oome, And all they oung ones, t'oo, And get then~ garm(lnts nicely made In fashions t hat are new: Wb.ere old and y oun,g, dG'l.l' friends, ma.y meet A welcome ,,.,.,,.,tin2. bv R. PE.A'.l'E I have written these few lines DENTISTRY I ~-:;:;,. WITH TEETll, WITlIOU'f TEE'l'R J.M. B"RIMACtJMBE, PRACTICAL DJ!l\"l'lST, OVER TWENTY YEARS EXPERillll'1"CE, Nltr ousOxldeGa ~ A.dminlstered, fc!r Palnles OFFlf!E Operations. . lllCCJ,UNG'S BLOCK, 'j c. Graduate of the Royal College ot Dental Surgeons, Ontario, . OFFICE OVER DICKt10N'S STORE. HARNDEN, L .. D.S.; " MAi..~01.· E UOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. Plate Work executed ~n the Jatest and moB t improved style ot the Dent&! .A.rt. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT' PAIN by the of·Nitrous Oxide·~as;1Wlthout injury . to the patient. · Particulai'attention paid to the relSiila~loh of ClilLDR'EN'& TEETH. ·. uae 0 0 ,_..A.LL WORK WARRA.NTIW.-- The church was divided d own the cen· "Jam and glory" was shout ed out to a reAling guardsman, by an intoxicated De- t re by a long table, and this t a ble w_as divided in the centre to allo ~v passage belilah. No otber complaints are so insidious in their WH.A'l' 'J'HE ltEV, E . B. STEVENSON, l3. A .. A "As sure as yer 'ave h already t he long- tween. At one end t he m en sat on attack as those affecting the throat and lungs: CLEUGYMAN OF THE LONDON CON" l' ERENCli oF ·r HR M M 'n 0Drs1· c u uncn ov c ,~N ADA none so trilled with by the majority of sufferest part of yer foot in 'ell, I'll brain yer if benches ranged along the . table. The HAl! .. TO SAY IN HIJ:GAHD TO A. IL DIXON & ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting ye don't cork yer kisser," put in a third ot her end or division of the tablewas inlike SON'S NEW 'i' R EATYIE:>T l o'OI:< CATAIUtH. perllaps from a trifling or u1:ioonscious ex· manner occupied by the women. A strip companion. 0.AKL AND, ONTARIO, CAN"., Maroh 17. 18&1. posure, is ·often but the beginniug of a fatal "Glory and jam," repeated the female, of plank with pegs in it was over the Mes11rs. A . H . Dix on, & S on. sickness. AYEll'S CRERRY PECTORAL bas DE,R 8ms-Yoursor the 13th instant to hand. defiantly. , men's table, and was hung full of t heir It seeme almost too gond to be tr ue that. I a.m well proveJ1 its efficacy in a forty years' Jlght A smarting left·handerwhizzed past my immense hats. A staircase in one corner cured of Catarrh. hnf. l know th <>tiam. T hftve with tl1 roat aud lung diseases, and should be went up into the l oft above, where all h1td no !'eturn of the disease nncl. never f.,l t ears, but landed in space. The party it taken in a.II cases without delay. better in m y life. I bave tried so many thlpgs was intended for h ad just dropped ·d own the congregation who have to come any for catarrh, suffered so muc h and for s o many A Terrible Cough Curecl. like dead, presumably dead drunk. This distance sleep on the floor and in bunke, years. that it is hard for me to realize tba t I am "In 1857 I toolr a severe col<l, which affected They bring their bedding with them, re11.lly better. party was a hatless and shawlless woman, my lungs. l had "tenible congb, and passed I consider t hat min e was a very bad caee; it fine and bold lookin~, with a suckling in- and, as they. do not insist upon the sep· Nae night after night without sleep. '.l'he doctors a!{gravll.teil and chronic, involving t ho giwe me up. I tried AYEn's CnERRY PEcaration of sexes, a great many can be ac· fant hanging on her naked breast. By a throat aR well as the no.sl\l passages, and I 'i'OUAL, which relieved my lungs, induced thought I would reouire t he t hree treatments People acsad miracle the baby had not been un· commodated in this garret. sleeph and afforded mo the rnst uecessnr.v but reel fully oured by the two sent me, and I for t o recovery of my strength. By tho hocked by the fall, and long pursued his quai.ited with their habits said that they am th ankful tha.t I was ever iuiiuced to eend continuecl uso of the PECTORA.r.,, a perrna.. meal happily on the ground. Little at- slept in sackclot h and ashes while here to YOU, nent cu ro wns ell"ectod. I n,m now G!::l yea.rs You arc at liberty to use this Jetter stating tention was given to the levelled crea- for several nights. A door at the foot of that old, hale and hearty, and am .satisfied your I have been cured at two trer.itrnen ls, and C1m.an:. PJW:rOitAL saved me. t ure. . the stairs led into the kitchen, in which I Rhall gladly rer)ommend y oul' remedy t.o som e HORACE FAIRBROTHER." of my f1icnd0 who a.re euti'erers. a tremenduous fire crackled under a The public house was crowded, its staff Rockinghai;i, Vt., July 15, 1882. Yours w ith ina.ny tha.nke, , taxed to the verge of exhaustion. Now, great iron pot, hanging on a crane in a REV. E. B . STEVENSON. Croup. -A l'llother's Tl'ibute. he who does not see that it would ser10us· spacious chimney that would easily burn TORON' l'O, Apd l 24, 1882, : " ·while in the country last winter my little ly interfere with the business of a pros· a cord of wood uncut. From t his pot a A. T'l. Dixon, FJ.· q ., 305 Iang St., W est. boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup; perous saloon were potboya to neglect the savory steam escaped and made its. way It seemed as if he would die from strnnguDmAn Srn,-\Ye take pleasure in statin r~ tbat lalion. One of the family suggested the use still standing customers for the floored through the open door, pervading the at· our junior nartner. who had for years been of AYEH'S CmmnY PEOTOHAL a bottle of with Catarrh. was successfully cured ones, has 11ever passed the threshold of mcsphere with a most appetizing odor of troubled by three· treatments of yoll r r emedy. 'l'h~ which was always kept in the ·'!iouse. '!'his was tried in srnnll and frequent doses1 and one. This was on a Saturd:iy night. II beef. Soon there were prayers from firs t Cattarrh wasmuch aggravated, with continual to our de light in less than half an hour tbe will not give t he nanie of the assembly one and then another of the men, alter- dropping into the t hroat. accompan\e<l· by loss littlo patient was breathing easily. The docor voice, hawkinir. and spitting and blocking- up room. It is within an easy distance of nated with exceedingly brief and crude of the nostrils, nll of which we are pleased to tor sa"id t'· ',t the CHEillW PECTORAL had save<! my d ·!i1 1g's life. Can you wonder at Hymns were also lined out aay disn.ppeared almost immediately after the Tottenham Court road. It retails very addresses. our gratitu ·? Sincerely yours, remedy WN< applied. Your remedy i s certainly good beer and possesses some very old and sung to very m . notonous t unes. an MRS. EMMA GEDNEY." invaluable on'e and we .hope all who may 1150 West 128t;h St., Ne:v York, May 16, 1882. lauded liquors. There is a silent and un· During all the time the men and women be sufferini> rrom this disal"(reeablc disease will pretentious parlor at the back cf the pub- at their respective tables were embracing f!:ive it a trial, ns we are st.!.isfied they will find "I havo nseu AYEli's CIIERRY PEC'IORAL success. · in my fam ily for several years, and do not lic bar, where sat one night, 'not a score and kissing each other. It l ooked rather it a complete Yours very trnl:,-, hesitate to prnuounco it the most e1l'ectual of years · ago, three select companions. stl-<111ge to see two men with Esau-like WM. Nonms &. SON, rem~dy for coughs and colds we have ever Wholesalo Piano· and Organs. A. J, CRANE." tried. The conversation was purposely stifled. beards Kissing each other. Thei·e were ·' No. 8 Ailelaido St. lCs.s t. J,ake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. The purse of one of the strangers was a several negroes at the tables, who were Gnelrlyn's Al'nica· S:ihe.- 'l'hc best Salve "I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, long one, his taste fastidious, his thirst er- "raced and kissed just the same as the arn1 after trying many remedies with no sucunquenchable, his pot companions no tee- o. r members, and bestowed t heir kisses in t ile world for Cuts. Brmses. Eores, Ulcers' cess....I was cured by the use of AYEn's CHER· Salt Rbeum, l!'ever So1·es, Tetter, Chapped ~w .i·tcc T01u.L. JosnPR WALDEN." totalers. In a few minutes three bottles eq4ally as freely. Byhalia, Miss., April 5, ·1882. of Cliquot Extra Dry were lying empty on After these addresses, prayers, and Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and. all Skin E rup"IY c;ires Piles. It is gurau· "I cannot say e11ougb in praise of AYER'S the table. Meanwhile curious data filter~ hymns had gone on for an hour or more tions, and PositiV teed t o give perfect satisfa.otion, or money CHllRRV PECTORAL, believini, as I do that ed through the talk. To get possession of some of the men and women brought lit tle but for iLs use I should lonil!'mce have die~ refunded.. Price 25 con ts per box. For sale by from lung troubles. .r;, BRA.GDON." it, I speculate that Chief Superintendent wo0den tubs and towels. Then one man J. Higginbotham & Son. · Palestine, Texas, .April 22, 1882. · Williamson of Scotland Yard, who is one or one woman, as the case might be, ~-----~---~· "HuB" COUGH CURE, 25 CENTS.-PresNo case of an affection of the throat 01· of the sharpest men I know, would have washed the feet of another, after t heir lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved led a run on the Treasury, and been re- boots or shoes and woollen stockinga cription of a B oston l'I1ysician , dispen sed by the use of AYEli's. CllllRRY PECTORAL, warded for h is investment. Frei.ch, removed, kissing them both b efore and years b y a B oston d r uggist. ONE DosE and it wlll afways cure wllen the disease is German, and ot her foreigners haunt tb.is after it. Another wit h his coat removed will cure any ordinary cough . I t acts alnot already beyond the control of medicine. hostelry. 'fhose strangers do not belong (if a man), and a towel about the waist, most magically. Ask Stott & Jury for a PREP:ARED BY to the upper classes of their country. wiped the feet after bestowing the kiss of 25 cent bottle of " H un" CouGH CURE, Neither do they hold ·a ny appointmel).t brotherly love, as it is called ; then gave and don't b e put off with any other. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Qo. , lowell, Mass. under their Government. They cherish up the towel and t ub to some one else, 15old by all Druggists. the most alarming systems in politics. who pedormed the same office for t hem .........--~--... Irish, also, convivially group round that in turn. The custom, l).S one of the FOR TEN MILLlON l'EOJ'J,E Alm IN cosmopolitan bar. preachers explained, "was to show their Minnesota, N orth·Dakota, Montana, Washington and Ore~on, On this Saf;urday night then were three humility and brotherly love," and al· .ALON<i TBlJ' LINE OF THE of them freshly landed from America, on so to follow Christ at the last supper. a short visit to London. They were not After this office had been cqn(}luded, Through the Great Wheat-Belt of America. courtiers in disguise, ont for a lark. I praying, singing, and speaking went on !'llilllon acres of the best agricultural, would not have exchanged my rustic life as before. A m an now entered bearing a mineral, forest and grazing lands in the against that of the millionaire who would basket of bread, a slice of which, about United States are now open for settlement. ~O l.'lllllion acres of railroad lands for sale at have proposed emptying 'a glass with nine inches Jong, five wide, and of an in· $2.60 to $4 pr acre, on 5 years time i f desired. them in honor of the sovereign. It would definite · thickness, was laid in front of ~O l'llilhon acres of Governments lands open ,..., have been equally m,advisable to ask them each person; next a spoon was put at to Settlers FRl<lE. 'The N 01·thel'n JPaci:ll.e CJonnt:i:y possesseii for an ' each plaee ; the .1 dishes of soup with great and rich natural resources ready to be de· _ square bits of bread broken in it was veloped into profitable industries. EXPRESSION OF DI SAPPROBATION maps and pamphlets address and mention placed so that there was one for every ..,_,,:!l'or i..uJ,li p~er·.._...,.._ ~ ~ ~~ for the last essays of the power of dyna-:B-Y· ,, CHAS. B. LAMBORN~ mite on resisting agencies. Indeed, I four persons ; then appeared huge p~eces Land Commissioner N. P. R. R., St. Paul, Minn. should not be surprised had they had the of boiled beef. Everything being thus e lately prepared, one of the preachers explained ttitF I am fully prepared to attend Funei:ala on article on them. The police hav_ the shortest noticef at t he lowest possible rates. captured a not unimpor ant quantity of t hat according to their reading of the Caskets and F,luria Cases ready on snort notice. Atlas powder, but I guess that at the Scriptures th~ communiou. did no~ me:J.ll First·class hearse on very .moderate terms. Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun· present moment t here i s enough of the simply the taking of t111~ elements of era! cards supplie,t at once. Furniture Shop & amuggled. commodity in London to level bread and wine, but that the last supper Show Rooms- Bounsnll'sN ew Block. of Christ was afeast, and t heir aim was A.JI f11rni't11re sold by me is ma:do by the U: C t he giganti.: city t o the ground. FortunAlter a blessFurniture Co. or Bowman ville. I clo not buy ate! y, all dynamiten arn not blind to t h e to imitate Him exactly. slol)l furniture an(i re~resent it to have been direct or indirect p erils :~~tending the iug had been asked in the or dinary way, made by the U . C. F. Co. o f this town. wit h ti.l! standing around, they b egan to lling of the -.yar.i. · Also agent fol' th e LI·QUOR TEA. for this town hanc an<l vicinity. It is <'heap and as goon as can be It was a sad exhibition of .ignor~nc.e on eat heartily . Without waiti!1g to cl ear got iq ,the ma.rkct. A valuable prize given t ho p art.of those trenchant critics to laugh up the table t hey proceeded to complete with very pound. ' · to scol'n Lord Beaconsfield's belief in se· theii; communion, by taking the latter cret. socie ties. It is childish to consider part of t h e feast. This consisted of what VICTO~IA. them as all-powerful, as some have fre- appeared to be unlea vened b read, made i quently been inclined to do since, but to iuto long, thin strips eigh t inch.es long, -~ deny t hat they exist and act is equally an inch wide, and about t h e thickness of . An ex:plana-: foolish. Any detective anxious to shorten a newspaper when folded. his days, could, with a little judgment, tion of the cer(lmony·w:i.s made by a min- ~ get enl.istl,'ld in t he BrotherlJ.ood right off ister, and a sort of inform al blessing of j The · . within the very sight of S t . Paul's Cathe- the elemenLs was pi:onounced. slicel:I of bread were lying in a napkin, dral. "To the Irish republic, " said, ratsmg while the wine was in two patent m ed ihis glass, on e of the three America.n Irish - cin e bo t tles labelled ' 'li1'er cottector.'-' Tlw bread was distributed, one p erson m en, a ·resohtte-looking man. taking a strip wit h two of his compan ions, "l'o the frish republic," ·e choed a small crew of daredevil 1l.eighbors. Then t h ey and breaking it int o three pieces, thus all fiercely lookecl round as if t o ascertain again following out their idea of a pr;,serHas recciYed b.er uew stock of that there was no suspicious character vation of the 'l'rinity, as they do on evei-y The wine, or "livCJr I would n ot possible occasion. sn eaking at their elbows. h ave given ha.lf a cent for the exist en ce of corrector," was next pourod int o t in cup~, that indiscreet individual. The M etro· and likewise distributed , both among and invites the Ladie8 of Jk1wpolitan police is n ot a sleepy body, but women and men, as the bread h ad been. During and aft er the ceremony t h ere was manville and vicinity to call 'l'his Cut r ep1·ese11ts the p~pnlar Victoria many tragedies much kissing and etr1bracing , and after Wave. It i~ dressed wi!.h tile ha'ir falling on NEVER COME TO ITS KN OWLEDGE, and see her P attern the foreheaa, aud ·the ends meet in Monoa~ues. the communion singing·, praying , and It is exceedingly becoming. and is having 11 and mar,iy disappe:uances remain . ~ternal speaking were again r esumed . · Iai:ge run. '.£hE1 ·a1>ovo style, with. large·· number of mysteries. One ev~mii:ig I had to meet ...- --·---·--·other equally becoming styles, a.re made by by appointment a G erman, who, aft er the and asSOl'tmen t o t :ilandlhur a Gun. · m ost div:ersi fied existence, , had become ' I MH S. A. DAYIS·. over M . Mayer Jl store S r cretary of one ,of the leading sections of The first thing to be learned is to stand the anarchist pa!·ty . . He did not come. properly. Plant b oth your feet natural~ I went t o his lodgings . HH was not ly and fi rmly on t h e grou nd , so t h at t he ther e. 1 finally _ i nquired from a pal'.ty joints of the legs are neither r,tiff not STO!U: : - " " " """ il~o o r lV.,st' of e r bent ; then lean the upper part of your nntch <':r " t n n Continues to do a General Banking Business at who should have known. '.l'he answ. its Bowmanvillo Dranch. · was that tho man had been executed for body slightly forward. Grip t he g un· h aving sold t he resolutions voted ip. one stock just behind the g uard with your, D I~ POS I 'l'S of the sittiugs, and that no trace of him hand, the forefinger light ly t ouching the We beg to 1tnnonncA to the public ths.t we Received in Savings Bank Depar1ment and on would ever b e found. And it was true. foremost trigger, that is, the t rigger of call and interest allowed at Qurrent rates· .N@ It would be a bre\]och of t rust t o gi·v e the the right~hand barrel. The stock of the are prep1tred to do a gencrnl insurance bnsiness, representingo as we do a numbeJ· of.1l ret class notlce of withdrawal necessary. All deposits descript ion of the proposers and support· gun, a few inches in fron~ of the guard, Cornpanle.s we shall be gJ oid to give prompt at. pgyable on demand, '·· . tention to<J.nyth\ng in th.at line. We r epr1;1sent ers of the r ebellious t oast , so it cannot be must r est easily in the hollow ·M t h e left ' ll:lE!o the On tat·io Lo m nnd Savi.nirs Co .. of furnished : But this can be told, for the hand. Hold the muzzle of the gun up Oshawii, nnd accept deposits on !ta behalf al· 4 & 5 per cent interest 1rom date of lowing separatists have no objection to its being and slanting a.way from you, so that the Bought and so!d u nd Drtdts issued npon Eure> po. United Sta t ee an<! Canada, also Go1d,Sil vor and known that they meet, scheme, and work, lower end of the butt is just lower ·than receipt. Parties requirin. g loanRw ill find it to their United St>1.oes Urnonhacks bought and sold. that; they' do not forget the t hree prison· your righ t elb ow. N ow, if b oth ham· advantage to ·g et our terms. ers ·confined in Birmingham jail....::Daly, mers have been cocked, .and you gently E gan, and McDonnell, and that they are and swiftly draw the bL1tt up t o and We are agents for a number of first class Prompt.ly made a.I; current r ates upon all parts not prepared to desert them yet. against the hollo w of your ll'lgh t shoulder, among which is th e Wbtt.e Star Line the of Great l:lrittain. t he United St.. tes nnd Do As I was going t o l eave the hoi;ise the y.0u will find yourself in good posit.ion for lines, minion of Canauu. . best fastest and ~est. equipped Steamship on baby was raisiu g a .storm of prot ests by taking aim, which is clon e by k eeping lbe Ocean, a nd Car tickets to all point.sat. low· est rates. We also represent \V , D .Mathews T c k~·w;G Q)h 'l[· r:Hli ~· tre 11·~ .Jiisdesperate cries. These sounded stran ge both eyes wide open, an d looking str aight of Toronto, and a rc prepared to pay highest for they proceeded as it wer e, from b e· over the rib between t h e barrels wit h the prices fo r Barie)' and all k inds of grain. Made for fan;11 or ~ma.J I Httm s ou all parts o! h h f f h "T Canadti. T h i9 . is e.'pecially acl.vantageous to n eat t e eet o t e customers. urn r ight eye. l'~r<ies int11rested will pleaoe·note these facts, persons li vi ng- in l'iLm·tnbn or the North-west tho d--d toad out ," vociferated · a woYou will soon discovor the trick of doas it 'llnkcs the fu nd;; "va.i!H.ble tit oncl' at the man. ' A potboy· at last ' hurried to the ing this, by fixing your aim. wit h bot h · · · ft,. place of pi,y men~. spot and picked up the infant. ' eyes open, 'and t hen, holding it perfectly 0 LD AN D HE L I A BLE "Where is the mothed" said he. For rm:tllcr pu.hicul<~r$ call ar; 'the Banking steady, closing the l eft eye ; if the line of · House. GRAY'S SPECIFIC .MEDIOIN'E. 1'. BROl>IE, GEO. McGILL, "Are y er bloody lights out1" put in a sight now changes, you have not sighted A.ccoun l.tmt. Manager. tramp solicitously; " you 'av() the muslin correctly :, if it remains fixed, the a,im·ha1:1 fRAOE MAllll.,Thc Ur41µtEJ,1.lt· TRADE u l;11Rcntedy,a n· · 2a7·ly. "'tween your pins." . been taken with the right eye. unfa iling cure for ' All l aughed. The potboy hurled a sul· B e ·careful aft er firing never t o set Seminal Weak' ' lPOR'I.' . PERRY ness, Snpermaphurous oath and seized t h e arm of the your gun down with the hammer up. torrhea, Impohorizontal body. But the next inst a,_nt he 'fhat is the cause of many deplorable actency, & all dis· was up, pal e with hideous t error. ti"\ ~ llO,. eases that to!Jow · r o avoid accident you mu~ be cident.a. ..., 'as a sequence of "By God," said he, "she is stiff oold. ' constant ly on the alert and cautioue, n ot as · Selt-.A.buee; · The aboYe \yorks are running full blast to , "Yes, she is right dead," said a Ya'nk eG overlookin g even the slightest precaution, Before Taking1oss of Memory.After Taking. keep tip wit h orders. Some very large orders confirmativelv. · have been r<~cl'ivcd lately. Weemploy noagents Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back Dimneelil and are Hellins ·r omb Stones, Monuments, etc., 'of Vision, Premature Old .A.Re, and many other at lower prices ' in consequence. Our CUFto They say the' best wife always ie some Diseases that lead to Insamty or Consumption mers ge~ tho commission themsCJlve~. It will Somebody says "Good manners are the other fellow's wife,·· but the best baby is and a Premature Grave. · · pay an y person who intends ereoting a monuG"Full particulars in our pamphlet, whioll. small coin of virtue." If this be true we montto " the menwrlO of a departed friend to we desire to send free by mall to every~onc. always your own: , . write me 'o r see me personally before plao.ing suppose bad manners must b4'l the trade The Specific Medicine ls sold by all druzgista their order. l µ;uarantee first class work at Th~ hand that ' rocks a Qradle -is- t he at Sl per package, or six: packn.e:es for , 5, or dollar of vice. lowest possibl13 prices. w m be sent free by mail on the r eceipt of the han d that oan't. ston~ .I\ h E)n ~it}). any suc· · A young 'phy~ician of this city i~ doctor- cess. · money b-y addressing · T.ffE GRAY MEDICINE CO. , ·· ing potatoes for weak eyes, and eays he MAR BLE WORKS, Toronto, Ont ., Oanada Short·mea.ter- .A. dia.honut butcher. 261-tf. PORT PERRY, has a growing practice. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. DARK UFE IN 1.o::rnoN. licencs :ind' Jnc!dEmta Jo. b~ ut a Lo·11d cm Bar. AMONG TllE DUNKARDS~ Them Love Fenat l' nd !\)et h"d ot· 'Oeit · bratlng the Lord's Supper. ADVI&-E ever y Farmer, Thresher and ·Mill owner-U se McColl Bros. & Coy's CELEBRATED Lardin o aohino Oil G lJ A. R . .\ lW'B..'EED the· BEST in the· World. fOR SAlE ~y All DfALERS --· .~~ --· · -- - . - NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD 40 ti on of the Urinary Organs, Irritation of the Necll: of the Illadder, Burning Urine, G leet, Gonorrhea in all its stagesJ_ yrucous Discharges, Congestion of the fi..idneys, Bt'ick Dust Deposit, Diabetes, Infiamma,. tion of the Kidneys and Bladder, Dropsy of Kidneys, Acid Urine, Bloody Urine .Pain in the Region of the lllo.dder, PAIN IN THE BACK, Urinary Calculus Renal Calculus, Renal Colic, Retention of Urine, Frequent Urination, Gravel In all its forms, Inability to retain the Water pat"tlcularly in persons advanced in life, IT IS A KIDNEY INVESTIGATOR that restores the Urine to its natural color, removes the acid and burning and the efl'ect of the excessive use of intoxicating drink. Price $""'t, or Six Botflea for SIS. Those who r'lJlnot obtain s. bottle of this re,~?~~i:iar~i:: ~yp;,~~~'ii~'r~~,:_end us one llen<l tor Qlrcular, Sold by ·all Druggists. AWJllB'l'lli1llCI, Ont. 1 J)!'rBOl'l1, J4lch, Age!l-ta (or ~· U; 8. 1>nd Canad11o of the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostatic Por. It is aspecitlc in the cure cf all diseases ' :w. JOHNS'l'ON & ()O· .'( '\ I LEVI MORRIS. Meat Seld in th-;-§hop for C a sh · VERSUS FRESH ME!T. ---..o-.- -Peddling and Cre dit. THE We having b,cen solicited by a number of our citizens to commence on t he above system, we have now decided t o fall in wj th their request. This plan will enable us to sell TWO cents per pound cheaper. :As you will see by t he new system we shall notrequire half a dozen horses and rigs and men t o run them, for which the public have previously paid. We being the :first to introduce t his great saving ask your liberal support. Yours t ruly, W. BRITTAIN&Co., Mark et Square. N. B.-All nrclers pr omptly attended to and Meat delivered to all parts of t he town. We also pay Cash for Farm and Dair:v Prorlncc. ------~--.::...:.:.____.. GOODS., ------· · BONNETS, H A TS, -NH O IS UNACQU AINT ED WIT H T H I:'. OEOQ RA PHY AN or THIS COU N TnY W IL L S E c;; ElV E'X AM INI NQ T H IS M AP THA T T H I!. THE ONTARIO BANK TRI1vf lv1INGS AGENCIES. Ocean Steamships . . T YELLOWLEES f ,AllE" CHIGAGQ, ROCK JSLA:ND & PACIFIC R'Y t1on o f u s l ine) con Dect ln g t h e East and t h e W e st by t h e s h oi:teat rou te, and ca.2--1aling pat:111en::(en, Min ncu.p o1is a.n d S t. Pb.U.1. C:>.lls the a~tcntlon oftraval ~rsto the central posi- :;;h~l't;.~11c~~~c~i ~f ~1r~·'.le~~~n!~~~0 1~~h1o"a':i- _ __ WORKS.I. Ma1:ii9Jc~~f1it~~~~~e ~'!.~111!1~~ti/,b.1aPr3ba~~aPW'.: ¥J~~9o7~f~ii~~ ~~:;~:\'ifl\Wor'f~~·s·rf~r~:b,pr!~~ between Chi cago and Missouri Riv er Pointo. Two Trains between Chicago and Minneapolis and-St, F a ul, via th e Famous m e n tia u n r iv al ed and mo.gnifioent, b eing composed fii0eP~~1~\\~a~~cf0tg~inp~f1l~11l,~°a~;~~ft~e::u~~~ It con n ccitS i n Untoxl ___ -.... "'ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New &nd D irect Line, v ia Sen eca and Kau ka.. k ee, baa r ecen t ly b een ope n e d bet w e en R ich m ond 1 N o rfol k N ewpor t N ew s , Ch a.ttanooga,At lanta ,Aug ueta. N'ashvilloi Louieville 1 L exington, Cincinnati, I ndio.no.p olis .o.n a. L a.fa.yette,_and O ma}l.a, M in ueap·· olis and S t . Pa.ul a n·d in t t'rm odia.to pointa. T:-a \1 ~.h1·ough l:'aai;enger s '!'ravel on F a.at Expr ooc th~fi~1~~ao~t~~~~ a !~l~~~~~a.l Ticket Offices 111 B aggage chec k ed thr ough and rates o f fa.r e a lways as low a s competitors ihat offer less adv.o.ng~· detailed !:!formation, cet t he Mapa and Fold- 'w·. SHAW ers of the · CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, A.t your no.a.rest T iokot OfDoe, or ad dress t"f R. R, OABLE, Y loe·Pm. k Gta'l ll'g'r, · E, ST. JOHN 1 Gen'l 'l'kl. I; Pan. 41. CHICAQO.

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