Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1884, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 PElt ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST : 'l'HE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR AND P1toPRrnToR. NEW SEUIES, N UMDER 308. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARlO, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, .1884. VoLu:-.rn XXX. / CALLED TO TASK. COUNCIL OF NUMBER 25. CARPETS I , CARPETS I Two Bales Dutch Wool Carpets, Bought in transit, which will be sold at CORRESPONDENCE. SULlNA. Rev. .T. W. Annis, B. A., lrns stationed at Barrio by the Toronto ference. ( , SHOPPER'S GUIDE. 10 PER CElNT LESS THAN WHDLES'.ALlE 250 PIECES PR:ICES~ ~Otch, E:ng1ish -AND· - TO SELECT FROM. Haying made arrangements with the well known 'AND-A1 CUI.TRB, W. PRABilON,, ... ~ we can furnish suits which cannot be surpassed for "' . ~ Style,_ Cheapness. - and: ...... ,, ' McCLUNG BROS'. OLD STAND. - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - · -- - - · · - · ----· - . ~ · · --- ~· 7-. ··rhe undersigned having rented the 'Vool-en Mills, Hampton, 1b<'g inform tho farmers and public in general that they - are prepared to- WOOL WANTED ---o--t.o Wool in the :B,leece -and make it up intoYAltN, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, &c. INVALUABLE TO EVERY LADY. I "MAY .D(W" The Great French Lotion for Beautifying the Face. -~- ~ake Have also on hrmd n good · itock of \VnITE .a.nd GREY B1.aNKETS, F.r.ANNELs, '.l'wEEDS, &c., which we will sell ·C heap for Cash or Exchange for Wool. :lfartios having Cotes of Wool will· find it .t o their advantage 1.o sell here. ROLL CARDING done ae usual in fimt class style. Sohcitiug your favors. Wo are your obedient servants, .Robt. Taylor & Co. Hampton, May 23, 1884. 21. 1 · application will mak.., the most stubbornly red and rough hands beautifnllv soft and white. Rmnember that "MA.Y DEW" is not a paint or po'\'der that fills up the pores oe the skin, but 11 new and great discovery, a vegetable liquid ·.that causes the cheek to "low with health, the neck, arms11ndh11.nds to rival the Lily in whiteness. Impossible t.o detect in the beauty it confer~ any arti· flci11l eharacter. It cures Greasy Skin, Freckles, Wrinkles, Pimples, Black Heads, Crow's ll'eet, Blotches, l!'a.ce Grub~~ Sun Burn, Tan. Rino.worm, Chapped Hands, Sor1) or Chapped Lips, Barber's Itch, 'l'etter, etc. It frees the pores, oil glands,'and tubes from the Injurious effects oC powders and cosmetic wa.Hhes. By its use all redness and roughness a.re preventerl ; it beautifies the skin. r.nd will make it soft, smooth and whi'e; iropartinl(' a delicious softness ; producing a perfectly healthy, natural· and youthful appermmco. The best face lotion that the world ever produced. w·e will send "A J,AnG~~ nO'l'!'LE" to any address on receipt of price, $1. When,ordering mention this pa.per. Address all letters tot.he MAY DEW AGENCY, 167 Church street, 'l'oi:onto. Ont. Parlor and Reception Room for Ladles. It conce11.ls the evidence of age. One 20 lbs. raisins for $1 ut Murdoch Bros. Reduced Steamship rates. T. Yellowlees. The year is about half expired ; let us WitJdow Rollers that cant be l)eat at. T. calmly roview the Council's wurk. 'rheir Y.-llowle·s. · first·acts after taking oflice were (1) to raise CARTWRIGHT. the snlary of their friends in oftic~ ; (2) to Canned apples 5 cans for· 50c. at Quick The Toronto Conference .has . pla ed rej ect the majority vote of the town on & Wright's. We sell ~ood white Shirts at at 75 cts. R ev. T. ClewOl'th at Madoc, and Rev. J. the separitiun question ; (3) to lower the licenses $20 and snddle the ratepayers with Ellison & Co. B. 'Woods, M. A. succeeds him here. that amount; (4) to lower the rent of Girls best Kid Glo~es at 12~ cents WllAT WE WOULD LIKE TO- SEE, their friends, thereby causing ~ loss of Ellison & Co. ~ Tho potato bugs. emigrate tu J eric o. revenue to the town ; (5) to encourage Boys and youths Tweed Suits at $1.50· .The dentists cease quarrelling. Th s idleness and vice and paying· the bills of Elli & Co. 1011 Scholes joins the volunteers. .farm ie one of their. chief mern bers contrary to the Hunt wears his plug. R. R. Spinks, Es . , Statutes ; and (G) at their May meeting Children's Cabs reduced greatly in iirice,. floored 011 Municipal L:iw ; but that cai 't passing a grant not to exceed $25 for the 'l'. Yellowlees. . be done. Neel Pnrr join the Salvati erection of a band stand, for which no Wall papers very pretty and very cheap Army. George Smith cease blowing al)OU plans were submitted nor tenders asked at Cheapside I h1zt1ar. his work. Mrs. Keenan's. hens lay more for tlmt our builders might tender for We offer rare value ia Shirtings at 12!; eggs. The Williamsburg Ball Club win :>ublic work-nothing of the kind. Some · cents Ellisnn & Co. one match. A lu~1H,!.somer volunteer than You ought to try one of our $5.00 Tweed dy puts up the stan<l. without :my order,, J ohn Bradburn. A harder workingman ~n a.t tlunr last meet1~g there are f<:und Suits. at Ellison & Co. than Tom La Li more. John Shortridge get m t u- finance report bills from tbe Org:m . a gooll wife. Andrew Kinsman spend Co. fo $45 for bai1d stat1d, also £or stairs ~res!~ St1:awbe;-rie8 every day at the another week at C:esarea. nnd dobrs fm s.-ime-.~·n all about $70, Grand Ceutial.- 23-2. Our Prints at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 cents ar& which nobody knew m1yll.l1ing about. Mr. Bounsall, Chairman of Public Property extra cheep. Ellison & Co. M.1.PLE GlWV.E. We al'e selling off our wall papers very Tho anniversary on Sunday and Mon- Committee,. whose duty it WfL!; Lo attend day ];~<;t was a splendid success. On Sun- to all ·public w<>rk., knew nothing about cheap. Tait & M orrison. day aftcr11oou :L very large audience listen- the matter ; he had :given no order for the Our stock of Dry Ouods and Clothing ed attenti1rely to an excellent sermon work, .and still w~ find .this ~r. Bounsall ie complete. Ellison & Co. T d S · All d from Rev. G. \V. Stevenson, Pastor. vouclnng to t:he fina,nce comnnttee for the wo~1 wee . m ts ma e to ordeC" The program on Monday afternoon was correctness of the bills. . A weak, sickly opposition was ·aiven to. from $122 up. Ellison & Co. very interesting indeed, especially the 0 Handsome and e~ll_gant ;i=',arlor Suites in pal't contributed by the scholars; 'rhe the report by Messrs. Yellowlees, Morris, speaking and singing of Capt. Ada Hind Cornish am! Horsey (Mr. Horsey seems to latest styles at LeVI Morns. We give greiit atte·1tion to the Tailorand Cadet Louie McDonald of the Salva- have lost his back-bone. Wilfotm, we fear tion Army were ve1y much appreciated. you have fallen into . bad company since ing department. Ellison & Co. They wore assisted in the singing by sev- acting on the Hoacls and Stre~ts). The We offer a special line of all WfJol Tweeeral mcrnbel'S of the Army. The tea was Recve, the head of the C?tmc1l, t?rdered ds at 50 cents. Ellison & Co. charitcteristic of the good cooks in the the members to cease then- babblmg and For steamer Norsemcm and Mail Buat seetion. The young ladies were very at- pass the report, which was done ummi- 'l'ickcts call on T. y cllowlees. teati veto the wants .of their ~uests and mously: Great fall in wall papers at Tait &; Now, sir, would any sane man do his were kept very busy till quite !afo. The roceeds of the tea and collection exceed own business in a likt> manuer, or could Morrison's Chettpsidc Bazaar. Great slaughter of tinwt1,re at Manning GO which is very satisfactory to the ofli- any body of men be found to pass such a ers and members of the church and report, except our Town Council? Mr. & Nosworthy's. Call and see. Bounsall presented a report from t.he Pubschool. For things pretty, varied, cheap ancl lic Property Committee ;it the same meet- good call at Cheapside Bazaar. ' ng, advising that the band stand be enENL?IEL1J. Parties asking us for bargains will not arged one-third, nt a cost of $15, which Picnics are the rage ...· Crops look vLll mca\l $35. Why was not the work he µisappointed Ellison & Co. promising...... S;1lvation . Army songs :ire done properly in the first place ? 1Ve fear Ladies, have you seen Tait & Morrison's popular here ..... Miss Aggie Scott, who the old man is in his clot.-ige. pretty wall papers. You should. has been dangerously ill, is convalescent. Where is our worthy Mayor n.nd the Tapestry Carpets from 35c upwards atl ..... A serious accident occurred nurtl other members that were going to make Couch, Johnston & Oryderman's. west of Enfield 011 .t he 0. & Q. R. R. la t their mark at the Board this year 1 Take Fresh su1)p!y of t hose cheap Raisins week. Two trains collided, one m, n care, gentlemen, or your mark will be a 20lbs for 1.00 at Murdoch Bros. killed, several inj urecl and about $f.l,OOO black one. RATEPAYER. For great bargains in :t!l kinds of tin~ama,ge-doue .... Our vill:~ge philanthrop ~ ware gr,i toJ Vfa.rming & N-01tl\yorthyJl'. 1st mourns the luss nf Minnie-a 12 year old whelp. Passers-by will no more be The County Inspectorship. Dyeina satisfactory work clone by leavg1·eetecl wiLh its harmonious clamor ..... ing your goods with. T. Yellowlees. Boys and tin pans are in the pot.1.to imtchThe announcement of Mr. Tilley's :ipThe Gre;it slaughter of tin ware af; es gathuring tho ti;·st crop. . . There is pointmont to the Inspectorship" of Durham Manning & N osworthy's still going on. great dcmaud for dressmakers at our dre - will be read with general 1·egret, for it W:r.nnma PRESENTS.- A fresh line of making establishment. Fourteen dres es mea.ns the loss of an admirable and thoro- Phtedware just received. T. Yellowlces. and manUes were cut and .:fitted in tlu e ugh-going teacher, but all will join us in $23, will p11rcha.ce a ticket from Bowcongratulating Mr. Tilley on his deserved days and severnl refused ...... A big tim man ville t o the old country. T. Yellowlees. expected July 1st- a re-union ~clres promotion.,-Lindsay Post. bought.. .... Our esteemed citizen has erectNo better or more popular appointment People wonder how we can sell Drv ed a fancy fence. Patent applied for. could be made in this county- Mr. Tilley Goods and Clothing so cheap. ElliHon &Co. Particulars um: dour e:tst of Piue Grov has been closely connected with the ednParasols, hosiery, and gloves the largest farm. SHOEFLY. 1 catiQnal aifafrs of Durhani for t he past. assortment and the lowest prices at the twenty years. He has had much to do St.ar House. ORONO. with the training of our 'teachers and is P IPES sold at w. E. Pethicks bai·ber M:tjor Coombs, in replying to the pe- very popular among them and most highly shop at cost price, or at 25c. on the$ less tition sent from this village for the return respected by all our people. 'Ve cun- t han retail prices, first quality meerchaum. of Lieut . Milliken, writes: "Mr. S. Cut- gratulate Mr. Tilley on his appointment pipes for $2.00 1 D B l\![ h k f and the county on securing the services of any t an s or your one so able to look :tfter its educationa,l PEl'HW:K, the Barber is selling his Pipes, t e, car ro. :kind l etter, and also 1 thank you and the interests. We lost one whom we have Tobaccos and Cigars at cost prices, as he dear friends for signing the paper in refer- always considered to be one of the best is going out of that line of business. Give ence to Lieut. M;lliken, as it shows how 111'1n a call It \v1'll be to yot1r ad\'antarre · a11vtl11'110 i'n 111·s 11'ne' ' "' much you respect" and love her. But I I ns1)ectors in the Province when ]\fr. ·T. J. 1 ' f you 'Vant ' ·J n · Tilley wag a1Jpointcd Ins1Joctor of Model am sure when you know that I h,we some Schools, but we feel sure that Mr. vV. E. Tlie Star H ouse report an unusua11y other imrJortR.nt work for her to do, and Tilley will be equally efficient and llopular 1arge seasons ' t rad e j tlieu · orcler ed c1otiung · which will help the Army more, I <tm H ure in his work in this county. vVc wish him mad e b y M r. p earcl on h as t a k en the 1ead · "' for her to go. God a long anci.s~ccessful career as Ins~ector Th You will lie willi.110 . ey h ave a Jarge assort men t of fi ne c] othbless you." l p 0 .,, H 0 1 'd ing material all new. If you want a s uit; 0f s h0 l · D Cadet McDonald has been conducting ~ s m ur ~am. - ' J?e ui e. give them a call. the Army meetings here last week and a ,,.....Mr. W. E. Tilley has rece1vecl the part of this with good success. 'fh ey appomtment of inspector. of s~hools for Allan Line, mail steamships- the. have a large numb er of converts now. ( Dm:ha1~1. He enters 011 lu~ dutrns a~ the quickest, safest and best line crossing the. Rev. Yi'. A. v. E. Pattyson has bee ?e"n_inmgoft~1e month. His many frien~s atlantic; Vessels not being insured inordainecl to the full work of the ministry m Lmdsay will be pleased to hear of }us sures careful management. N o cattle on by the Toronto Conference. '.'ood:fortune. Mr. Tilley has been t~a.ch- pa~senger steamers. R<~tes reduced; enRev. P. Adclison of N ewcastlc, preached 11 for ma~~ years ~nd is well riuahfited qmre of W. A . N eads,A 0 ent. in the Queen St Methodist church Toronto, for epos1t10n.- Lmdsciy Warder. [ 1· · · · · last Sunday evening. A good Thing. "11'l 1884- CAN THEY 8TAND 'l'HE TEST '! I I I ---~-......... -..... -. Record of the Scott Act. Nova Scotia has eighteen counties and one city, of which twelve counties have adopted the Act. N ew Bl'llnswick has fourteen counties and three ·cities, of which nine cotinties and one city have adopted the Act. Manitoba has five counties and one city, of which two counties have adopted the Act. Prince Edward Island has three counties and one city; all have adopted the Act. Ontario has forty eight counties and ten cities, ofwhichtwooountieshaveadopted the Act ; campaigns are going on in fifteen counties and two cities, and proposed in nearly all the rest. . Quebec has fifty-six counties and seven cities none of which have adopted the Act ; one county will sh0rtly vote on it, anc1 agitation has begun in others. British Columbia has five parliamentary constitueuces, none of which have adopted the Act. N 'WOOL, WOOL. ---.oo--·Th~ - G- -.::::> A T....I:\.r ..J:!.J ...c::lo... ""l:j"1 COPYmGH'l'EJ). unc},ersign_ e d having leased again the E S K AR D 'WOL0 LE N MI LL ~1osi· ' -' · - 1 ---AT THE--· GLAS Gow· HQUS E. sa :ng e ~. ! .Cu. s tom Work, · Roll .Carding, &c. . I n order _to compl.ete the work. already begun t.he.subscriber ' a'OOD · S TYLE . IN Have on han\i at l)resent a quantity of / 1s }a prepared to do al1 kind~ of "TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARNS, &c. · whlch 1 will sell tor CASH or exchange for WOOL. I now c1earmg out his very extensive stock, embracmg-. one of the largest and best selections of Dry Goods ever submitted for sale in ·s town. tlll LESKtfRD. The revival services inaugurated a short time ago by the pastor, Rev. P. Addison, continuo under the foadershi1) of Mrs. Hnnsom; and judging by tho large attendance and great intei·est taken in them by the people of t his place, c:tnnot fail to be prod uctive of much good. The Sunday evening meetings are particularly well attended. / The coming Sunday School Anniversary, should the weather prove propitious, will undoubtedly be as succes.-sful as those most interested could wish. Weeldy meetings of the pupils are held under the si1pervision of Messrs. Davey and Sangster for the practice of the musical pieces to be r ender ed on tho occasion. At present. the Son's Hall is undergoing · T woof the memb ers of the n· · repairs. ivrn.. Stalker and M ercr, comion, Mes~rs menced to re-shingle the roof on Monday · mormng. -Mrs. David Bell is still seriously ill. J Al110Gtl.1ber old resident has passed a}vay, om '1 son, aged 78 years. 'rhe funeral took place on '.l'uesday, 17th inst. Another youthful resident has lately taken up her abode :i,t the residence of Mr. Courtice. MICAWBER. Special Telegram. Rloomville, N. Y.-I have been using your Baxter's Mandrake Bitters to a very limited extent. I have taken five small doses, and it has done me more good than all the medicines I have taken in the last four mouths. C. A. WETMORE. Special Telegram. Rolland, Mich.-Please send me one dozen bottles Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. I never took any medicine that did tilb so much good as this. IRA TAYLOR. Price, 25 cts. per bottle. A FAcr.-There are oils white, and oila black, put up in bottles short and tall, but Hagyard'e Yellow Oil, for pain, i& the very best oil of all. It cures rheums., neura1iitia, . deafness, sprains, bruises, tism, coRtracted cordR, sore throat, frost bites. burns and all soreness of the flesh. It is !or external and internal use.I tl · As the business is shortly to be closed goods will be sold far below their actual value, and purchasers will be enabled to supply lell' wan t8 t I a ess th an w h l 0 Wholesale Prices to those stores. Give us a . c all and see for yourselves. Any of the above supplied at tf JS IMPS 0N · . the immense sacrifices he is making, but invites an early call to co·~- . Ji©"A Pint of the Fiueat Ink for fa.mi. ll th t d d . . . hes or seh'llors ca.n be made from a lOc. vmce a a a vantages many an real are offered, and that this is package of Diamond Dyes. Try them. iodeed a real and not a sham sale. All druggist keep them. Wells Richard. . m1"1iifr'BQ -.~r~~~~ The undersianed indulges ii\ no exa. !!bO'e1·ated statements of ._, .._, l esa e price~. · D A\ m&DlQA'1\Tr' 5ample Card, 32 C')Jore, and book of directions for 2c. ~~(!1,-~~~~~@l stamp. · Picture frames, full line un hand, any ·1 size made up. T. Yellowlees. Ison & Co., Burlington Vt. / 8 Loskard, l\tay 30, 188!. · 22-4w. · ALL SALES STRICT.LY CASH. G If __ ,,, . D·NGER IN THE AIR.-The recent EVER IVE Ul'.- you are BWlermg ~ with low and depressed spirit, loss of strange planE>tary movements and elecappetite, general debility, disordered trice.I phenomena have developed the fact blood, weak constitution, headache, or that the earth is passing through a danany disease of a bilious nature , by all( gerous period when awospheric influence means procure a bottle of Elect ric Bitters. will seriously affect human health. ForYou will be surprised to see the rapid tify the weakened system with tht grasd improvement that will follow; you will bel tonic regulator, Burdock Blood .Bitters. inspired ·With new life; strengLh and ac- and avoid malarial blood poisons.II tivity will return ; pain and misery will $21.00 is the steerage rate by Allan cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sohl at Line to or from Londonderry, Liverpool, 50c. a bottle by J. Higginbotham& Son. Belfast, Queenstown, Galway, Limerick, Glasgow,London, Cardiff orBristol, another We offer !\fen's Tweed Suits at $5 .00. dollar gives first-class rail to Quebec. Ellison & Co. Cabin also reduced. W, A. NEADS, Agent.

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