(~e¢a11dian$l!t\e~man RowMA.NVILLE, 'FRIDAY, JuNE BIBLE <o~!.'.~!~~,~ ~~~~-~ENCE. ' AUCTION SALE I -01"- IN THE HICH COURT OF JUSTICE. CHANCERY DIVISION. 13. ~~h~~~~~~ellc;i1~~~~~;~2 ~1~9:ve~~:s~~; Rev. W. Jolliffe, of Peterboro, preached VALUABLE FARM LANDS In . ___... . . .I( -:S: TH E~HOUSE) BELCH vs . .McLA. UGHLIN. A. S ~OV-E D- " IJlM mon was an able one and was liste11ed to with close attention by a large audience. WEST DURHAM PICNIC. At the 'fhursday morning session Revs. E. R. Young and J. Dyke were introduc1£ we can rely im re1Jorts received from eel by Hev . J . Kenner, and cordially re·~11 r;arts of the ridiag, the picnic in honor ceived. i:tev. J. Dyke presented an ad,0f Hon. E. Blake ( ))1 Tuesday nox.t, June dress on behalf of t h e town ministers, and 17th, will be an immense affair. Rev. E. R. Young gave t\n interesting account of North-west nnssion work. Uev. The young moo. arc goiug tl(' turn out on . Geo. '\Vebber replied. The most interest]1.0rseback, htu<th-ed~ strong, every saddle ing pai:t of this morning's session was the in the district being secured for the occas-· introduction of Rev. J. Johns, Brookl:i:n, . ~ _ N. Y. He was formerly of the English Jon. They a~~ r~ques~ed-_. meet 011 ,lh ll .minis.try. The speaker said this brought Market Square, l}dwihai 1v-1.lle; about-h alf ;-"' ' many, ·eminiscences of the past-thought ~ ~ ---"ii': f d l l fi t l t l'l. t cl past nine tc ~e2ci ~b~~~ts, etc. .u.ier-: o ~<lo ness t iat t le rs ong con emp "' e v t i. lcl f 11 o 11 tl1e last of denomma· · Bhall Porter Esq wilUia::ve contrcil · .of' lSl s~,ou a l l . ,~ W .. l ' h t-tl tional assemblies. He had sustained his t lC iorse ~'iga e. ·,. e - lear t a · . ~'l~ · intei·est by reading the Connexion al young men rn Brntl1ey"s ~School House ·) a p ei·s: He was glad to say that work 1 ])ivision will ti1rn..:tmUe~n.ty s.trong::: If prcrgti;ssecl remarkably in 'N ew York. By the otlrnt· 18 or 2(Jpol.l~ngsu )-aivisions do apt ilJustmtit5n and moving pathos he 11 tl t 1 it f 'cl ble arn made, his ,intFoduction profitable and in.as we . as l a 2.lL a ·0Jll1 l a ....:.. 1 Y. spiring to all; Rev. W. Kenner replied. they will mttkQ., ~ 1 The. presentation of financial matters Thc ladle& will join in j;hc. pxoccssion,- shows quartei'ly receipts of $29,400; misa.nd all perE1ons are requested to come to sio1~ary receipts, $3,857. The funds show the station not later th~'J. iI_uarter after an ii;i.crease, and abo_ u t $50,000. represent 1 · · . · . . ' K ·· the income of Inst yeai-'s opern,tions. ten rn the forenoon. There will be <tmplc The Sunday School statistics show an :room for all at the grove, so that t Iiere incrcai;e of lHl schobrs, while both the will be no occasion to get there ahead of conversions and membership are largely f bl . . multiplied. the procession to get t\ avora e position. 'Tlier'e 1 .s "" 8 '* . 011 wor'k contri'. . ' for· 1111. 8 s 1 The procession i,~ expected to reach the buted, and $4, 179 for school work. . ·1 k l · grounds about 12 o c oc , noon ; ta ung The commit tee on Sabbath Observance lunch will occupy an hour or so, and about presented a strong resolution, emphasized 1 p.111. speaking will begin. Hot and cold b Y 8t rong r emar k ·s f rom tlie R ev. G eorge Webber, against the sale ·of papers, and water will be provided for drinking pur- p:uades under the guise of religious oses. Everybody bring full baskets iurd exercises. P ; in in the picnic. When the spiritual report was present0 "' l R G ·n r bb k l t · Several li1dies from Toront,o 1uc expect- ec ' ev. eo. "e er as ·ec wo impor, tant questions- Is the backsliding of many ed, including Mrs. Blake, wife of our due to any special fickleness of the per' t t' cl · I I h onored represen a 1ve. sons a rrntted, or t o a want of a t 10rou0 rr i Mr. Jolin Charlton, M. P., tmcl Messrs: pastoral work? · . Rev. R : B. Rowe thought a correction Gibson, Drydewancl l\'.foKim, M . P.P's, are would be a more thorough teaching by ~xpected in addition to the spf akers 3;,n-. catechism of the young. ' no1mced for the occasion. ··Rev. J. vV. Butcher thoi1ght it was highly nece3sary to reform ou this point, Return tickets at one fare will:be issued for dense ignorance prevails upon many .from 1111 stations between 'l'oronto and points which the youngest ought to fully Jlelleville inclusive to Bowmanv:ille, good understand. Rev. R. ThomM spoke as to the comto rnturn on the 18th. parison drawn between other Churches, There will he carriages at the station to and believed more C<J.re should be exercis~ceommod.ate a.JI visitors from , a distance. ed in admission to fellowship. Mr. W. ·werry thought that work for A to1.1 of hay will be provided on the .the young mid new members they becom ]>ionic grounds for the horses, free to all. better as well as different men when em- b. ""'* " The move made by Mr. Yellowlees to h:we a D0c01"attion Day seems to have caught the public ear. Although the rain half of Lot Number 21, in the 3rd Concession of the 1'0WNSEH>. of.. CJ.AJUrn. in the. said Uounty threatened all day,, yet a large number of ot Durham, comprising 100 acres more or less. In the Township of Darlington. citizens were in attendance at the cemeThis farm Is well situated in e. flne agricultu- Commence this week and will continue throuo,hout all this . 1 b tery Tuesday last-and the Horal decorare.I section about 2 miles north-east ot Newseason to off.er specia value in castle and about 6 miles from Bowman ville. tions w:cre munificent. There were few STRUTT ESTATE. It is all cleared and is provided with a good graves · but bore some marks of attenbarn ~nd stnhle. 'l'he line fences are good and tion and on many of them a taste was there 1s a sm&ll orchard. The soil is a loam. Pursuant to the direction given in the Will of displayed as appropriate its they were eleTEH!\1S OF S.ALE :-The purchaser shall at ROBER'!' STRUT'!', 'late of the Town of Rowgant. In the forenoon the Masons manville, decea~ed, there will be sold with the the time !Jf sale pay down a deposit of 10 per cent. of his purchase money, and tho remainder had placed over their dead. a cross of white approbation of the Executors of the said Will at the expiration of 30 da.ys therealter, or at by HEN UY 'l'. PHILLil'l:l, .Auctioneer, at the . the opt10n of the purchaser, ~ of the purch~se flow ers and a sprig of green, and private Ih:1rno1"ToM HousE, in the Town of flowman- money may be left outstanding for a term of decora.tions were found in every direction. ville; on yrars on the security of first statutory mortgage In the afternoon about forty Oddfcllows of the propert.y bearing interest J>t 6 per cent. Ladies, please call and inspect oµr Dress Materials, we are showin~ -p~yable yearly. Such mortgage to contain some nice lines comprising French Cashmeres, Ottoman Cords Empres';. m o,rched to the cemetery an cl laid their 1 an 1nsuranco covenant m $100, bar of dower !ioral decorations on the gmves of the fol1884, ut the hoiu· of u 0 ·ctock, Jioon, (If necessary), u.nd power or sale, Said mort'. Oloths, Cashmere Serge, Nun's Cloths, Swiss Spots, Oatmeal Brocadesr gage to be prepared by the Vendors' Solicitors · lowing deceased members; Bros. R. tile f"ollowlng lands irnd p1·cmises. Colored Lawns, Sateens and Prints. at the expense of the purchaser: O 'Hara, Robt. Cherry' F · Mayer, Chas. P A.RCEL I.-All and singular Lot 9, in tile 9th There will bo a reserved bid fixed by the Payne, ,J. Burnett, Rodden, S. '\VebConcession of the Township of Darlington. The Republican Conventio11 ..hall uni·esr·ects the terms and cou· ~t.cr, _ Wilmot, and Bro. '\Villiam P. Also23acresmoreorlessofthe8outhquarter ~B:ster; in other 1 standing conditions 49\ll~te<;llY nvminatecl for President the James, of Oshawa Lodge. The decora- ~~i~~t 10, in the 9th Concession of same ·rownFurther particulars and conditions of sale c:tn<1idate who has the strongest .hold on tions consisted of a cross, Qf white natural .Also 25 acres more or less of tile.North quarter may be had on application to the Auctioneer of Lot number 9, In the eighth Concession of and the hearts of the ra~1k and file of the party. fiowers, the thre1.> links also - in natural same to the undersigned Vendors' Sulicitors Township. Oshawa, Unt., and the undersigned . M aster flowers, and a. . b ouquet. The ceremony ~ ~ !l>I! 'l'hiR par~el contains 2!8 acres more or less. The business men of the party would.have performed by Bro. :N. S. Young;-Noble and C1J~1·1'l.~ tb~ hQmestel\u form of the lnte our Court. preferred General Arthur ; the n:iore inDated ~211d M~y, 181!!. Thos~ about buying Curtains will find something entirely new, patterns. Grand, Bi·o. ':r.C. Jewell, SecretQii-y, Rev . .ltcfrdu1tt~~{;,ises is a good stone house J!(ad.) GEO. H. DAltTNELJ,, are different to any ever. shown, ranging in price from 75c. per pair up. 4~r·~!lc;lent P.}';lti Q th.e p1>ii,;::..11t??~1 ?\lt f9r ~t'O.: J, Dyki;i !\Il\l l3ro. Yellowleos, and i stories high, 28x~o. with a stone kitchen 11.nd Local Master Supreme Court. a ,1-·ep · imin·ession on the large au- 1 woods~ed attached; tw barn~·..8.0x.3.011nd/50x35 McGEE &JONES, Whitby, 'Sena.tot· Edmuucls ; but the masses of the w1ade . "" · ' respectively ; a straw barn 60:x30, a hay barn V~udors' Solicitors. Oshawa. Z3·3w. and an implement storehouse 55x32. All the m1ti ve !>l\tty, eph·ij;s outside of official circles d1ence assembled. -,-We have just received another lo\ above bnildings are on stone fonndu.tions with stables and root cttllars underneath. · swear by Hon. James G. Blaine. · of those Pure Silks, warranted not to'!'here ts a.lso on this pa reel an orchard and VITALIZED AIR. cut. Call and leave your order. We guarantee satisfaction or no sale·. two rain water cisterns, and a never falling The Toronto Wo"ld announces the fact To the Editor of the Statesman. spring ofacres hard is water. 'fhe 25 well wooded with cedar. It DEAR Sm.-· Your correspondent in last week's It is situated abont 9 mile~ North. or HowmanThe following landaCand premises : that since Sir Richard Cartwright's speech paper on Vitalized Air is open to· a word of ville, and is in a good locality, The whole · First-The north half or Lot number twentythere must have been fifty papers in Ontario criticism. 'l'he week previous I had the audac- forms one of the best and most complete farms· ity to ask a few plain questions which he Is in the Township. two, in the 3rd Concession of the 'l'ownship or ·which ha~e come out more or less pro- pleased to call imbecile, but which I think are PARCEJ, 11.-Allandsingular 70 acres of the Clarke, iu thfl County of Durham, containing of sufficient importance to deman<t a square, North half of Lot number 20,and 50 acres of Lot one hundred acres more or less. On theso lands nounced fi)r Canadian Independence. honest answer. But what does he do! Now, number 21, in the eighth C0nceesion of the said are a good dwelling house and barn. and a I watch his movement.a. He gets into a terrible Township of Darlington, containing J20 acrf'B never failing stream of water runs across the Ho~. E. llLAKE has <lelivered two mas- rage, nearly falls off his pedestal, u.nd opeus more or less. same. There is also a large number of fruit' the oniflce of his chemical laboratory and lets I On this po.reel is a good frame dwelling house trees thereon. loose the Burden of his mind, and just listen , 30x36 with a. stone cellar underneath and a Second- 'l'he south half or Lot number thirt~'" terly addresses this week-qne on Tuesday to hie classic language known as fish wife elo· kitchen and woodshed attached. 'l'w·o barns in the second Concussion of the earn 'l'ownslup H e tells me to ta,ke a goose, I take 1 65x35 and 50x30 respectively, with a. stone of Clarke, now within the limits of Newcastle, at the Convocation of Toronto Universlty, cutiou. him; lle's very tame, judging from his last foundation, root house and stable underneath containing one hundred acres more or less. On · . , and one at.the Newmarket political picnic letter. But h-. has been to college(in his mind); the rurmer. .A.lso a stable 2.'ix30. .A. good .these lands are two good d.w clling houses, two I ha..,.e not, I am learning, There was none orchard is on the premises, barns, horse stable, cow "l!I able, sheds, &c; on Wednesday. when l commenced. but I help to p~ovlde an PAKCEL lll.- All and emgular Town Lot 110, · good orchard, also small fruit, &c. A never asylam 'for him. Come I.his way, E'ditor, I'll on the North sid1i of Queen Street, (just East failing spring of water rises on these la.nds. tell you w hat his &terprise has introduced, of the l:!ible Christian Church). On tnis parcel VILLA(!~: PHOPEn:rt.-Third-'J'he north-west A. RUMOR is current that the i·esig-nation -he wont tell us. Firs1, he invented a neat is a good brick dwelling with five rooms, a pa.rt of Lot number tln·ee, in Block number littlo device called a tit.Jc. and for the benefit large kitchen with pantry and bedroom at- one, fronting on King Street, in the Village of of Hon. D. L. Macphei.:son wasinthehancls Newcastle. On thes1i lands are a shop now 0 , the people has worn it.in rront of his name. tacbed. A Jlrst-class cellar with concrete ftoor occupied by Mr. .James Wright as a tin shop; o f the Premier before that gentlemm1's Jn his last let.ter he fastened it behind. Where and hard and ~oft water. does it belong 'I Wish he would plant it on the also u small frame stor1ihouse thereon. top; but it would not grow. Let it die neii<hTERMS AND CONDITIOKS: Fm· part.iculars an<! conditions of Su.le apply departure for England. -C>Fbor, it is not yow s; it ia wrong to steal. The to Mr. JA~rns WAT,LS, or COLIN W .ALr,s. New· . next improvement is an arrangement that he One· tenth of the parchase money to bo pa.id castle, or to .foHN IC GALllRAITH, ESQ., Bar· d. down at the time of sale, and sufficient, with ridtor Bowmanville d . h . B · 8 No1'WlT]lS1'A.NDIN(; rumors to t h e con- m:a. e wit printeis. ,y pa.yrng dollar-an -a- this awount, to umke one-halt the purchase "· · · h alf he c11n write his own compliments, get the Newcastle, June 7th, 188t. 2t-4w*: trn,ry, t h e a.ppoi ntment of tlie Hon. D. L. eunor i o father them! and ·erve them up for inoney within ,one month thereafter; the . . . th e henefit of the pubic two weeks followini.:. ba!ance to ren1am on mortgage on the premises G "',. f .m.acp1terson as Lt. overnor o 0 ntario is j N oble wO!·k of o,rt- ftt for a museum. ~~he next for three or live years, and bearing interest u.t d ti · h f h . tile rate or six and one-half per cent. per an· uot at <J.11 ··irobable.. a n per1HJ,ps · ie crowmng 8.c eme 0 · is nper num, payable semi-annually, with the option l years 1s th is new anesthetic called Vitalized h Air, which i·, as I said in my last letter, a mix· owever to the purchaser to pay otf the whole tul'e of chloroform and nitrout3 oxide gas. But purchase money within 30 days !rom date or ACRES OF LAND, CLAY sale if he desires so to do. - .A.T}r is consi<lered almost a fixed fact that it is not a dental instrument, lt belongs to dee· Each parcel will be sold subiect to a re- ·"" SOIL. in a liigll etatl) of cultivators. I w11.nt to be a dentist, not a doctor. I · l1as ncvci· been rented, always worked by tion. the Hon .·J. H. :pope will become Minister have chloroform ,'litbcrmtrousoxitle ga~ an<:! the servhed bid.d . 0 l er an partwu'lar vitalized a :r-grnat b!essings. But they are for conditions will be made the owner. all cleared except 10 acres of woodof Railways a.nd Canals in :1 few cfays. land-ha.rd wood. all well fenced .with cedar knoV'n at the time of sale. - . the use of mertical gentlemen, whose services Further particulars can be had from DAVID rails; there is first·class dwelling houses, barns, can be procured for a moderate fee. FI The 0J1.ieut o! my letters iR not to injure my :3HJ·;n, .Esq., Q]l;ORGE .111cGILL, ]j;sq., of and stables on each of tho 100 acres, the barns are new, built only four yea.rs ago; thel'e is no ueigtrnor, but to cure him of foolish boasting, liowmanvilie. Executors, or from waste land on the farm ; the north end of the A BEAUT!FUI.i MONUME.N'I'. !l.lld SfLJ a word of caution to the public again·t D· .l:lUHKE SIMPl:lON, farm joins A mlley village; there Is a post ofiice, mcom petcn t ;..ersons such i>S Mr. II. or .Mr. D. Bowmanv1lle. bl11ckRmit.h shop and store in said viUage; only J1 1r .Joserih HoorJer, of Port Hope, usin>;tne t1.bo ve agent~. rr public sentiment is B Vendors' Solicitor. four miles from the town of Whitby, being Lot ~ · f I l d .. t I ·11· to owrnanville . , June 10th, 188!. 2Hd. Marble lJealer,has lately I)laced in position " ' ii,y a \T,Jr ·am P ease . 1l no am w1 rng No. 2, in t.ho 3t·d Concession or the township of step down and sign myself l'icn:ering. Possession given .on removal of i11 our Cemetery here a very handsome Yours, Port Darlington Harbor Co. this year's crop or wonld sell this year's crop ,1.n!1 elabora t ely carved Il'Ionument FULL ·ro THI!: BRIM. ou the ground at a valuation. 'l'his is one of the choicest l'arrns in Pickering. There is also for Mr . · Colin Smith of Darlington, ·-HE ANNUAL MEETING OF orchards of the choicest fruit trees on each of the m aterif.tl is.very fine and the woi·kman$21.00 i s t he steerage rate by Allan the shareholders of the Port Darlington the 100 acres. Tho reason for offering this Company for tho election of Directors valuable tarm for su.Ie is that the owner is re· ship very superior and reflects gr.ea . t credit Line t o Londonclerry, Liverpool, Belfast, Harbor to-serve for the ensuing year, and for other and on accouqt of it being clear of all on t.he maker. Mr. Alex. Craig, of New- Queenstown , Galway, Limerick, Glas- purposes connectod with the Corupa.ny will be tiring, noxious weeds prefers to sell than to ront it. t::\1:>! le, is a~ent for the above works and ~o w, London, Cardiff or Bristol, another held a t tho Compa ny's Office, Port Darlrngton, l<~or further p »rLicular.; aml terms up~Ly to the By order, owner. is r eacly at -any time to give designs and clolla;l' gives first-class rail to Quebec. on Monday the 23rd of Jane. J. MILNE, Secretary. SAMUEL IRVING, ~stimates. 2w*. 1 Ca.bin also reduced. W. A. NEAJJS, Agent. Bowl!lanville, May 22, 188!. 2ltd. 21-!w. Whitby Poet Office, Bowmanvifte, April 8, 1884. The Mai.l 11 short time ago, made some strenuous, but rather silly, efforts to get up a scandal over a letter alleged to have been written by Archbishop Lynch, of Toronto, to Mr. W. H. Higgins, in which His Grace W!\.S supposed to have given expressions to his political preferences, which l:Jy the way di<l not coincide with the rnv· ings of the 'l'ory organ. This is how the New York Independent comments upon the letter taking it to be a genuine document:-" \Ve confess that we see in this 1etter nothing more than any citizen has a right to say if ho believes it. \Ye do not believe that Prntestant ministers or CathQ}ic Archbishops arc forhdden to use their personal influence for what it is worth in any political conflict in which rtlligious or moral or secular interests are at stake. The Archbisho.p had his opinion and Jmd a. rig ht to express it. He would be going beyond his province only when he assumed to inflict ecclesiastical censures on those who tliffernd with him politically." The· Mail is too Mind to look at the question in that light. ployed in religious offort. The separation from Canadian connexion of Wisconsin <listrict, and of the brethren who requested letters of standing was granted ; and ttlso of Cleveland district, upon condition that if any of the pastors wish to return a t the encl of the year they be s et down in the London Conference. The address of the Church to the English Con ference was submitted. The remainder of the Conference proceedings is umwoidably crowded out. · pecoration Day. Pursuant to the judg1Jment and order made In this cause on t.he Z!th day of March, 1884 thore will bo sold with the approbation o~ GEOHGE M. CLARK, Esquire, Local Master LOW EST/ATE. of the Supreme Court,, at Cobourg, by HENRY T. PHILLIPS. Auotioneer, on the premises Pursuant to a. direction given iu the Will of 1uentioned In I.he fu·st parool herem, on. A:NN LO"W, late of the 'l'own cf Rowmanville, widow of Hobert Low o! the same place, deceased, there will be sold with U1e o.pprobatlon of the Exrcutot of the said Will by HJ<~NRY T. PHILT,ll'S, at the nue:BOTTOM HOUSE, in A.t the bout' of 0 N 1-; o'cloclr in t11e AJ'tcl'" the Town or Bowmanville, on noon, the follO'uing lands n1ul p1·tmlses: Pancb:r, I. - All and siogultw the Nor th quarter of Lots 12 and 13, in the Sth Concession of the 'l'ownship of Darlington. in the County At the lumr nt'ONll o'·il<iclt In f,he nt'ternoon of Durluun, (save and except about 'l'WO acres tile folhnvh1g lllnds i1111l 11remls~~ : of J,ot 12. afi1resHid. formerly conveyed to CIIAHLES G. BA'l"ll:S) containing 105 acres be the PARCEL I.-Alland singular tl1eNorth quarter same more or less. of Lot. number one, in the fourth Concession of Thid is the homest.ead lately occupied by the t.he Township of Darlington, containing 50 late JAMY.S McLAUGHLIN, '!'be ii welling hoi1se acres more or less. On the premises is a good ls about 2-lx30 with a kitchen addition 20x21 frame dwelling house. barn·, stables, eta. a wood ·shed close by 18x40.· Tllere is a PA.RCEl, II.-.Al! and singular the Sour.h hair and frame barn 3lx5!, and a frame stable and shed or the North half of LtJt 16, in tho Broken Front 24x80. 'L'hese farm building· arc t1.hnost new ~~~~~s:\~~6 ~f Darlington, conto.in.ing iiO.acrcs '!'here ls ulso a good orchar·d of about 2 acres', a well anrl good 1rnrden. Tills farm is The land is of an excellent quality ,for grain and watered by a never failing creek. and ls within raisinir purpcsesanil is supplied.with buliclinga. about 3 mile~ of Tyrone and 10 miles troll\ BowPArwn:L 111-.A.ll 1ind singular thatpart·or Lot manville. with good roads to those places. 15, in r.he Broken Front, Concession of DarlingP ARCli:J. II. - All and sinRuls:r tno North ton. lying North of the Grand T. Bo.iiway. qua.rter of. Lot 12, in the 9Lh Concession of the st~r~;'~!,:lli~ I~o':;,s't~o:1 ~ig~1~~o a~a1b'f!~ said township, contatning 50;acres, be the same more or less. The Jann is aclti<Y loa.m. PARCEL lV.-All ""d Binp;ul11r 106 acres of 'fEHMS AND COND~TIONS ; Lot 15, in t·he Bro:k;en Front Coneession of One·teuth of the·purch ..se money of parcel 1 Darlin"ton, lyiill'l'C immediately to the South must bo paid down at time of sale. and the of the Grand 'I'. Haiilwa:r. bH:laI)Ce into Court to the creel it of tlus cause There is on this parcel a good frame dwelling · w1thrn 30 days thereo,ftcr without interest house, with barns icnd stables, root houses, &c., when th~ p11rcl1aser will be let into possession: and about l~ acres of bard wood well preserved. Ono-thll'd of the rmrcl1ase money of parcel 2 This parcel w1>uld make a most dosirablo farm as it is situated so convenient to the'rown must be paid down at time of sale, and tho of Bowmanville, and is well ad apted either for balance mto Court. to the credit of tl1is cause witl1in 30 days thereafter without intel'est, when grain or grflzing purpases. pm·chaser will be let into possession. 'l'hese two last 'J)t1.rcelo., ni.nwly three and the 'l'he purchuser will be furnished if he retour, will, in the t\Tot place, be offered together quires the su.me, with a Registrar's Abstract but immediately after t.lie sale of same the purchaser may d.ecline to take parcel three or the property but none other, and the Vendors' will not be bounil lo furnish any other titlo and kee.p pu.rcel four tolone, in which case he dP.cds than those in their pos·esston, either for may be at liberty to dt· so . . and pu.rcel three the purpose of verifyiug the Abstract or otherwill again be p11t up se,p04·ately. PARCEL V.- All and sinl{ular 18 acres or said wise. 'l'here will be a reserved bid on each parcel Lot la, in Broken Frent or Darlington, lying fixed by me, immediately to the South of parcel tour. In all other respects the terms and conditions 'l'his parcel is we!l wooded with good hard of sale will bo tho standing conditions of this wood. PA.ROEL V I.-A II end si.,g""1.ar. 8 acres of said Court, which will bo made kncwn at the time Lot 15. in Droken l!'ront of JJarlington, !yin!{ ofsale, l!'urUier _parUculars cun be had from D, Immediately to the Somh <llf parcel five. SIMPSON, VcJl(Jors' Solicitor, at the This parcel has about 16!· acres of good. well BURKl<J town olBowrna.nville; JOHN K.GALBRAI'l'H. pi~~'i~:~ ~~f~All~~d singular 36! acres more Esq., of same place, Solicitor; and .J 0 H N or less of said Lot 15, lying immediately to the HOSKIN, Esq., Q, C., 'l'oronto, as well as from the Auctioneer. · ~~:;::-_of parcel six a.nd fronti:r:g on the lake (sd.) GEO. M. CLARK, Local Master at Cobourg, This parcel con ta.ins about 4~ acres of cl1iu.red D. DURKE SIMP_.SON. land and Ht acres or wood-mostly pine. Vend ors' Solicitor. Dated .J uue 9tl1. ISS!l. · 2Hd. TERMS AND CONDITIONS : Parcels 1, 2, 3 and 1, one-tenth of purchase money to be pai<l down at time of sal<i, and sufficient with this amount to make one-half the purch11ae money within one month there· after, the balance to remain on mortgage on th.e premiees 101· three or five years aJJd bear-o~·- ing interest at the rate of six 1md one-half per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. with the option however to t.ho purchaser to pay off the whole of the purchase money within 30 de.ya !rom aate of sale If he cl.esires FO to.do. For parcels 5, 6 ··nd 7. one-tenth of the pur--~~-chase money at the date of sale and the balance within 30 days thereafter. DOMINION BANK vs. CULTEB. Each parcel will be sold subject to a reeerved bid. Other and particular cenditions will be mad<! Parsuant to the judgment and final order for known at the time of sale. sale made in this action there will be offered l!'nrther particulars can be had from DAVID for with the approbation of the master of FISHER, of the '!'own of Bowmanville, who the sale Supreme Court, at Whitby, by MR GEO will produce a plan of the ftve last named CUH'l'IS, .Auctioneer, at the ' ' parcels, and also from D. BURKE SIMPSON, Bowman\·ille, Vendoro' Solicitor. Ju t11e l'Ulngc of New<:nstlc, i1t t11e <:ouill.y Bowmanville, June 10th, 1884. 2!-td. of Durham, :tt the )10111· of :.l O'clock the Township of Darlington. 2 DOORS WEST, NEADS' BLOCK Where our friende and custom~rs wil] find everything --as usual m - - Friday, the lit~ Oa~ of Jul~, 1 ·884, G ENTS' AND BOY'S Saturaa~, lne 5th aa~ of Jul1JB84, CLOTHING MADE TO OHDEH FROM THE i83m ~T @~ ~~@~ ~o trJt 1i19 aTt·e' ~ww n ._,, w THE LATEST PATTERNS. ~~!~ ~ ~ ~- ~ <1m~u <11 IB!N~I in great variety, all new and choice. 1-.AD IES' ULSTER GOODS ,. ::cJ.1 J_ JEFFREY_ - - - - - ------ J. HIGGINBOTHAM &SON, . ' ,,,,,~,,, ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ' None better, FLOWERS PURE DRUGS BINCE'S~IJP Arri vi 11 g every week, full of bloom and perfume. -AND- STANDARD MEDICINES. PERFUMERY To suit everybody in ·quality and price. None cheaper. Cures Coughg, Colds, etc. -o--- Fresh Oil ca .k e OURCORNCU~E .Acts like ma g 1 e JUDICIA~ SALE! CLARKE. and gives solid ---o- comfort, FARM LANDS~ IN ----- Horse & Cattle Food, Toilet Articles, Combs, The best for fattening purposes, and most rea,souable in price. ALL THE Brushes, Sponges. &c. in great variety Patent Med1cinea ADVERTISED WINDSOR HOTEL, GIV . E IT A TRIAL. ~ l l l ~~a I JJJ J I'J tt J' are for sale by us. 1.~.~~.~!L!~~l!b~!~~t~f,~~.~.~~ ~EIR~Efir Au c T -~~ SALE ~ Valuable Farm Lands 1 ----~RUG-G;ISTS..,_ j] -~ B El~ltlsloi~& DRY GOODS & MJLLlNERY. DRESS GOODS! SATURDAY, 5TH DAY 0F JU LY, ~~ttg~~~u~~ gr(j~~~g0~~~ s ee our Parasols MANTLES I Inspection invited. and Sunshades! ot . LACE C UR. r r,AINS. FARMS FOR SALE ! THE LEADING HOUSE FOR FASHIONABLE MILLINERY.. Pierce & Robertson. BUY Y .OURA-DON!T .I: <. p E T ' s before seeing the c ELEGANT STOCK, '>00 AFIRST·CLASS FARM FOR SALE. ------- VELVEI_BL JAPESTRYS couc:s:7 J0H N STD N& CRY DE RM A Nm Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash. I T Their Carpets are 'all new and their Prices are as low as the_lowest. ONE DOOR WEST OF POST OFF ICE.