Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1884, p. 6

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tions into her neighbors' laps. Her gypsy bennet, which was fastened under her Rellgtons (J(!temonlos on Pr111oe Edwt11trd's chin, flew up and down the back of her CA1'.t.RRH,-A .n ew Tre111.rn r. n t wtnreby n l<V.'a«d i)lore Intilrt-stl'll~ tllsn the neck. She uttered ;he wildest shriel;s, permanent cnre ie elfected in f rom one to threo ~ hakors'. but at la.st fell back inte the laps of those treat.rrwnts. Particulars anrl. 'l'reatise free ·ln -BYof stamp. A. H. DIXON & SON, 3v7 T hn,ve o fte.n wondered that &sect s(l pe- behind h er. Had ther e been backs to the r~~eipt GUJj ~ · LPH Kmg Street, W 0et, Tor<JnLo. ='i i .· A. eulia.rast he McDonaldites,orJerkers,have seats she must have hurt herself, but ae A re second tu none in the wol"ld. ~lt,OllO in; «.:.ua1,.,ci u rncu~s10n. 1. do not know of the Eeats were so close together and filled WHAT TUli: RTtV. E. B. STEVENSON, B.A., A A'.l' THE OFEICE, atrmnente no w in use. Demand so !{reat that CLERGYMAN OF TIIE f,ONDON CONFERENCE · lt requires TWO of the largest .l<'a ctories in the GStOtnccmock,lltngSt.,BowmanvUlc,Onl wns the first preparation perfectly adapted to · any church of that s< ct, except in Prince with people the only ones hurt are thoee OF '.l'II~ M&THOTJIS'r CHUJWH OJ<' C>1.NADA cure diseases of the scalp, and the first.sue· n ommio11, with cap1>city for turning ou t TWENEdw1>rd's Islttnd, and they are rnpidlydy- that receive the weight of the enthusiast. HM3 TO SAY Ilil REGARD TO A. H. DIXON & TY P<!l' day..Fur purity and sweetness of tone, TER:!vl:S: eessful restorer of faded or gray hair to 1ts ing out. . Their ·form ·of service is much After shi revi"ed her friends handed her SON'S NEW TaEA'l.'ME:S'l' FOH CA'l.'Ai mlI. cJ ..stw and light touch, beautiful and vortect natural color, growth, apd youthful beauty. 81.Iill 11crunn1rn1,or $1.00ll paidln atlvance like the ,Presbyterian. the nrious art icles of headgear and other OA.KLAND. ON'.l'ARIO . UAx., March 17, 1883. finish they are unriv11.lled. It ha.s had ma11y imitators, but uone have so Mt.9s?"s, A . TT. Dixon, ,17 Sou . The m ost skilled labor, the very \Jest ma.terlals Payment strictly. ·in ad,;.ancc reqmred rrom When I heard there was to be a meet- woarin" apparel that had been scattered DE~nSms-Youre of the 131 h instant to hand.. that money can procure are a guarantee to pur· eul>·cr1bers outside of the county. Qrd~rs to· fully met all the requirements needful for i.ng held riear where I was spending my· e.bout, and she fixed, up her hair and made It sePms almoat too gooll to be true t h>it l am chasers tliat they a1·e buying no shoddy. but a discontinue the paper muE<t be accompamed by the proper treatment of the hair and scalp, Ta.cation, some years ago, I joined a num- !teraelf snug again. She must have been cured or Catarrh. bnt I kno w that I am. I he.ve first class article. ::!old wholesale and retail by &he amount due, or the paper will 11ot be stopped. HALL'S HAIR RENEWF.R has steadily grown no i·et,um ot tbe di8e<i·c and never felt. subscriber311re rasponsibleunti).full payment is in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness ber of others and went to see the sight.. an excitab_le girl, as she had the jerks had J.P. RICE, Bowmanvllle. better in my Jjfe. I h1 we tried so many things made. The church was much like · an ordinary again before the service closed, scattering . foi: catarrh, suffered so mu c h anc1 for so ma.riy 246. J . S. DONEY, ·ryrone. to every qum·ter of tl1e globe. Its unparalyears. that it is hind for mo to realize tha.t I am It.t.Tli:S ()I,' ADVEliTISING I 1'2ifi1 school house in outside appear· her head gear about a11 before. Another e-0untry leled success can be attributed to but one really better. WholeColumnoneyear.: ....... ... . $50 00 ~~..; cause: the entfre fulfilment of its 1iromises. ance'. The pulpit was at the same end of girl, who wore her hair friezed out after I consider that mint'I wa.s a Vl'ry ba.rl. cnse: it " .. Halt year . . . . . . .. .. . . 30 001~ ~ ~ OLD AND RELIABLE Na~ a.ggravllted and chronic, involving the the churc\l as the door. We had to pass the manner of Barnum's Circassian girls, The proprietors have often been smprised " " One quarter ....... . . 20 oo "'"'~ throat as welt as t,he nA.s<tl p~ssages, ancl T .GRAY'S SPECIFIC .IY.IEDICINE. the minister in going to and from our went through the aame performance. thought ls'l&lf Column one year . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. 30 oo·- at the receipt of orders from remote cot)!» I would require the three treatments ·· " Half year ....... ....... 20 00 soots. I was rather dismayed on entering She shook her head from aide to side so but feel fully curecl by the two sent me. anrl. I TRADE MllHl\. l'he Grent.Eug· TRAD£ tries, where theyhad never made an elfortfor "' One quarter. . . . · . .. . . . 12 50 am thankful that I was ever induced to send introducU011. its to find the minister to be McDonald himfMt that her hair swept over her face at lls llttemedy,nn Quarter Column one yee-r .... , . ... . . 20 00 to you. unfailing cure for " " Halt year ............. 12 50 - 5 gelf. How did I know but what he might enry turn. All this time we were stand'.!.'he use for a short time of HALL'S HAm You are at liberty to use this let.ter stating , Seminal Weak· " " One quarter. ... . . .. 8 00 ax:ert his strange p~wer over me1 The ing in the aialeprettywell infront,or11ear that I have been C1,nd a.t two treatments, and RE~EWER wonderfully improves the perness, Supei·ma· Six tinee a.nd under, first insertion .. $0 50 I ehall gladly recomm end 'your remedy to some sonal appearance. It cleanses the scalp from dresa, or rather the undress, of · McDothe pulpit. Directly in the aisle, eeated torrhea, .Impo· Each subsequent insertion...... 0 25 _ of my friends wbo arc sulferers. toocy, & all dis· all impmitles, cnres all humors, feve1', fUld ~d, s1,1ggested fighting rather than preach- on a box, was a young girl scarcely more , from six to ten lines, first lneertiox:, 0 75 _ Your~ with many thanks. eases thattollow Each ~ubeequent in.sE!rtion ...,.. 0 85 -10 dryn~ss, and thus prevents baldness. · It JlEv. E, B,STEV~NSON, i.ng. With coat off and shirt sleeves roll- than fourteen. She had her head bowed as a sequence of Gver ten lines,t1.1·11t insert10n,per bne 0 10 · stimulates the weakened glands, and enables . Self·.A.buEe; as oo up, the neck. and b.:isom of his shirt un- down on her hands, elbows on her knees, l!.'ach subsequent insertion, " 0 03 ..'. · 'I'onONTO, April 24., 1882, them to push forwa1·d a new and vigorous Before Ta.lcing1ose of Memory, fter 'l'&king. buttoned, and Wal! so quiet I .fancied she must be A. FT. Dixon, E.· q.. 305 King St., West .. The numLer of lines to be reckoned by growth. 'l'he effects of this article are not tJt.e space occupied,. measured by a soale of DEAR Sm.-\'i'e take pleasure in stating that Universal Lasslt,uilc, Pi.in In the Back Dlnm ess us JWGE FORM !'OWERED .&.BOT:& THE PUL- Mleep. Suddenly she sprang to her feet 1ir junior nartner, who had for years been of Vision, Premature Ohl Age, 1tud many other solid Nonpareil. -lo transient, like those· of ·alcoholic prep1uatIT. with a screech that made my b lood run 0 troubled with Catarrh. was successfully curM Diseases that leail t.o fo ~ anity or Consumption tio11s, but remain a long time, which makes He look.ad very formidable. Why he was cold. She was so violent and I was so by three treatments of your remedy. Thi) and a Premature Grin e, its use a matter of economy. ---i~ roi:iia:--111~» -:- ----~ .B@""~'ull particulars i 11 our 'Pamphlet., whicl. in this condition I do not k.now, but was near her that I could not stay and watch Cattarrh wasmnch aggravated, with continua.I we desire to send free b;· ma.il to every one.dropping into the throat. accompanied by loss RADU .A.TE of Queen's College, Kingston ; told that it was his usual way. 'l'he seats her another minute. I forced myself of voice, hawking and spitting a.nd blocking up l'he Specific Me.dicine iB solcl b~· all drug.gists an« Member ot Col: )Ile of Physicians and of McDonaldite churches have no backs. backward through the crowd,. As a good or the nostrils, all of which we are plP.ased to at $1 per package, or · llt 1iack11r.:es for$[" or ' . .Burgoon e, Ontario. . . , dianppeared almost iml)lec1iately after the will b~ sent freo by m .~ ii on the rece.ipt of the lal" O Lee and Hes1dence, Enmsk1llen. 17. FOlt TUE 'fhe meetiug had not pro"ressed yery far many besides myself were frightened, a say remedy wa~ applied. Your 1·emedy is certainly money by adrlresoing - --·--------· -· · ---before Jo. womiin a. few seats behind me be- general rush was made for the door, the a.11 invnlua.ble on'e anct we hope all who may Dr. A.. BEl'fH.. TUl~ GH AY ME DI CIN E co., · WHISKERS ga.n the jerks. When I first saw her, her 8creams of the frightened ones mingling be su.tl.'ering from this disao:i·coable disease will R.ADUATE.OF THE TOHONTO UNIVER· Toron to, Ont. , Canada ~ive it a trial, o.s we are eati·fied they wtll find Sl'l.' v.· Physician, Surgeon, &c. Oftice King Will chnnge the beard to a natural brown, hands were ftying up and down in her lap w ith the 11hrieks of those who had the it a compl<'to success. . Street. M.ORRlS' BLOCK. Bowmanville. or black, as desired. It produces a per.manent Yours very truly, lllil though. she.had the St. Vitus dance. jerks, for by this time eix or eight were WM: NORRIS&. SON, color that will not wn.sl1 away. Consisting of Soon her head.b&gan jerking backward having them at once. No mad house G. B. CJARYE'J'U., n. A., B. Se., !ti. D., ().!ti: Whole~ale Pianos and Organs. a single preparation, it is applied without aad forward,_while her feet kept quick ever held a more excited crowd. Some, No. 8 .ArlAlnide St. East. ICENTIA 'l'E OF THE COLLEGE trouble. ConLinues t.o <lo a General Banking Business a.t &irne olil the floor. Suddenly she sprang while shrieking, made exclamations as of Physician~ and Surgeo11s of Ontario. BnckJyn'8 A.ral.ca Sah'e.-The bc!!t Salvo its Howmanvilh· Branch. PREPARED BY ie her feet, her hands waving wildly in though imploring help. As I could not in the world !or Cuts', Brwses. Sores, Ulcers' · 0Fl'ICE ANP HEBIDENOE :- Main St:, Orono. I.he all- a;ad her heaTy.boots elattering on understand a word they said, I suppose Salt Uheum, Fever Sor es, Tetter, Chapped .1. \V. MeLaqhlln, 111. B., t.h.e floor. She . uttered piercint.: shrieks, they spoke Gaelic. When we got out of Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup. IC.J<;N·haTif OF 'l'liE ROYAL COJ,.LEGE Sold by all Dealers In Medicines. ot Physicians and member ot the. Royal lWI thout.:h i.a deadly peril. In about three aoors we walkea down th11 road, out of tions. and PositiY..,ly c:;rea Piles. It is gura.n- Received in Snving8 Bauk Deparl ment and on and interest allowed at current. ratee. No {;oilegc of ::lurgoons, JJ:din burl(h. · minutes she feU back exhausted en the the sound of the noise, until our fright had teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money .call notice of withdrawf1.l neces6ary. AU deposits Offi.~e: MOJ:t.ttid' BLOCK King-st.,Bowmanli>ps of those behind her. Herfriends somewhat abated. P!l.Y.able on ·1<lmand, · . Ule. , 25 cents per box. For sale by refunded. Price FOR ALL THE FORMS kelped her to arrange her hair a.nd elothCuriosity brought us inside the church J . Hi~llinbotharo & Son. · iuc . .J . c.: · .Mn·mm:L, 011 iii.g, which had got ba.dly disarranged dur- again. This time I was fortunate enough li;l\W h.H OF COLLEGE OF PHY::HCIANS "Hu.o" Cou GII c · U RE, 25 C:ENTS.PresScrofulous, l\lercurlal, and u.HO ::>urgeons, Unlnl'io,. Liol.'oner, etc. io: her struggles. to see a gentleman of my acquaintance, Bough t a11 d sold an r1 Drafts issued upon E nr0pe, Otl:ioo anti Hes1dtmce. Enniski!len. 74. Bloocl Disol'clers, To say that I was frightened does not who helped me to a good position to see, cription of a Boston Physician, dispensed United St.ate~ and C11m1(1a, also Gold ,Sil vor and years by a Boston druggist. ONE DosE United Sta~es Greei. bucks botwht an rl sold, exprell8 mv feeliugs. . I do not know and still only a short distance from the the best remedy, because the D. BOJUUl iilMl"SON, acts almost searching and thorough whether McDonald was . continuing his do_or. We were standi~g on the seats, he will cure any ordinary cough. D .AJ:UtlST.ER, SOLICITOR, &c., MOltl.US blood-puritler, Is discourse t hrough it all or not, but if so, behind ·me, arid close to the wall at the most magically. A sk Stott & Jury for a II) BLUU.K, up stairs, .Ring titreet, Bo"i'llllm· · Ile. Soliciwr tor Llle Untado Bank. tll'l'Cnt rat es ll PClll all part.8 I am sure few c11uld have heard him. It far end of the scat. I was busy watching 25 cent bottle of "HuB" COUGH CURE, Promptly m a dt~ at O Aye of Great Brit.t.ain, the Uni ted Stutes o.nd Ho Pri.-1,'1<> .U.311eyH lo&HC d M the lowest rates, was lll')t long t.ill·others were affected, and the pe1formance at the other end of the and don't be put off with any other. minion ofCanll.d!I.. Sold by all Druggists ; $1, six bottles, $1. .John ff..eUh C:.atb,ralth, if on.e·was terrifying, what were two or church, which appeared to be the moet A f( u I::; TE R, sur.rcrroR, NO.'l'ARY 'l'eltg·raa,h T1·ausrer~ . three at once7 I could sJand it no longer. disturbed, when a woman began on the PU i:;LlC, &c. OJtke- H.eed's Block, OYl'r l!'OR TEN KILLION PEOPJ,B ARE IN O ENFIELD LADIES.-M:rssJuLI..1. Puttmg my fingers in my ears, I rushed very seat I was standing on. Aa the seats Made for liirge or small sums on all pa.rte cf '. T. Battlngs store. King ::ltreet, Bowman ville. North-Dakota, Montana, · Canada. O'Lt<ARY has returned from To~onto out of · doors, fearing that McDonald a.re only prop1ied at each end and in the Minnesota, '!'his is especially advantageous to .Mone)' to lend Washington and Oregon, anrl. bas begno Dressmaking in Enfield. Special would grab me as I passed him. persons livinl'; in Mt>mtolx· or tho North·weet I did middle, a.nd the beard w;as springy, ALONG TBE LINE OJ!' TUE sT.JonN ,u. 11t1T()1rnsoN, at.tenlion will be given to cutting and fitting, net stop until within sight of home. It it ·nakes the fuuds 11vallt1.ble at onct" at thG as 8HB Sll:OO!r ·BVERTONE ON TlilE lilE-'.T~ Call solicite!l. 28Hf. place or P· l.yment. ARRISTER,- & A.TTORNEY. &o. was not long before I was joined by others Fearing that I was actually taking the Througll the Great Wheat..Belt·ot America. For further particulars call at the Bankinll NO'r.Al\Y PUBLIC. MONEY ·.ro LoAN· whose nerves were nG 11tronger than my jerks I took the quickest way out, step0FFICJE-0v,,ER STATli:SMAN Ok'FIOm. Million acres of the best agricultural, House. owu. During the service the windows ping on the la})'l of those in my -,ay until minet'al, forest and grazing lands In the T. B.RODIE. GEO. McGILL, , ROBER'I Alt!IUUfR, · Mtrnager. h.ccountant.. were crowded with apectators, who either eafe out doors.. Several seats from where United States are now open for settlement. EGil:!TRAR, WES'r. DURHAM ISSUER 20 DllliotJ acres of railroad lands for sale at 207-ly. could not er dared not go inside. When I had stood wa~ a man "'hose fape. showed $2.60 to S4 pr acre, on 5 years time if desired. or .Marriage Licenses, Barrister and-AttorOF CANADA. ney a.t Law and Solicitor in Ohancery. Money 20 lllllllon acres of Governments lands open the rest of the party came home, they his fright. After making some va.in at· BES'l', $H1,.-10 aa.ned on Real Estate. Office on King street, ()APITAJ,, $1,~.ooo. settlers F RltE. gave me an ll.ccount of. the meeting. Fred tempts to reach the door he turned about to - t1T.-The IV orthe- Paciftc Country possesses Sowmanvllle. This Bmk is prepared .to do Legiti- told me that a girl who sa.t in the seat in a.nd sprang threw an open window. As great and rich natural· resources ready to be de· it, T, PHILLIPS · front of him had taken. the jerks three yet I had seen no men affected. As they veloped into profitable industries. ICENSED AUUTIONEElt for the County . m~te Banking in all its branches. For maps a.ud pamphlets address and mention Farmers notes diaconnted ; Deposits times. · Twice she had fallen back into seemed more numerous at the other end this paper. , of Durham, Salos promptly attended. 69..: _ received and Intere~t paid ·on amounts ' of his lap and he had lifted. her to her seat of the chureh, we forced our way in . .A.ddress-Ha;mpton P, 0, ., CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Land Commissioner N. P. R.R., St. Paiil., Minn. $5 upwards in S&vings Bank Department. again.· So as an ex})eriment he moved through the opposite door, and pushed R. HUJ'()UISON. 11111ide when she took them the third time. through the crowded aisle to a good p JeiAUCTIONEER, CONVEY.A.N· DRAFTS L ICENSED CER and Commssiorier in B. R. Sales at· S:lte fell back between the seats, head an.d tion. tended-to promply and at reasonable rates. fssued and Collections made in E11rope, feet up, ih such a manner that she was By this time the gallery was literally llEil".Address-Nnnlsk\llen P. 0. United Stat.es and Canada. .,,.-~ed between them like a closed jack- packed, and we looked anxiously at the g IJ::, ORN HUGHES . .'.:...L1censed Auction· OFl<'l()l!!- Jlurdoch B1·os. Bloclc, late Bank· knife. Two worthy deacons 1ot hw out supports. I cou a :tt>t «ee whether a.ny eer, Value.tor and Airbitrator,Fire and Life EXTRACT 01 ef her unpleasant position. hl!o<l the jerks up stairs· l .11ot. At any Inaurance, Notes and Accounts Collected, ing olllee of Jo11es d: Dobbic. Mo_ ney to Lend on rea~onable terms. Address When several get the jerks a.t the same fresh outbreak those in the fronts of the W. J. JONES, Cartwl'ight, Ont. 4.72 'J7 A.ir;ent. tame it is dreadful. I was dostined sever- gallery would lean so far over in their al years later to see more of it and on a eagerness to see what was going en be011E OF THE BEST f;tr..r· GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO - - -larger scale. The chief clmrch ef the neath them that it seemed a miracle that ever:r ma.n who buys his Licenqe from ~XDN'EY' HENRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen. 198Lf. · ' . M0Donaldite11 is at Ui{g, Kings county, none fell into the crowd belew. Altho~h INVESTIGATORS IN US.E. P. E . I. Once a year communion is held I was several times quite near the pulpit ·Jiit, W, WILi.SON; It ls a specific in the cure of all diseases then and McD1-naldite11 from far and I could only catch the sound of the minEACHER OF THE PIANOFORTE, of the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostatlc Por· aear tl.ock to attend the services, for then ieter's voice now and then. How those in ORGAN and SINGING. 'fERMS :-$6 and tion of the Urinary Organs, Irritation ot $10 per Twelve Lessons or ONE hour each. it is an all-day a.jfair. Being on a visit the far ende of the church could get a.n tbe Neck of the Bladder, Burning Urine, <Over Higgmbotham's Drug Store, King Street, Qleet, Gonorrhea In allits stages .1\Iucous - IUS RECEIVED· ·· ~ Charlettotown some of my friend.I! idea. of what was said I do not know. Eowinanville. 2. Discharges, Congestion of the Kidneys, urged me to go and see them. Remem- The shufiling of the feet of those who New l!Judin~, New Embroldcrle11. Brick Dust Deposit, Diabetes, InflammaPian&s Tuued & Repaired. New I.aces, New Trlmmin~s. of the Kidneys and Bladder, Dropsy tion bering my fright. )ears before, I h esitated were constantly going in and out, toNe,.,. Bratd1. NewBruidll,wool11. of Ki?neys, Acid Urip.e, Bloody Urme hut aa McDonald was dead I concluded gether with the noise -of those having tho Pa.In m the Region of the :Bladder, PAIN ARTIES'WISHING :rHEIR PIANOS LADIES' AND CHILDREN;S lli.s powers . over them had ceaf!Od and I jerks, made it impossible to hea.r the IN THE BACK, Urinai;y Calculus Renal Tuned or repaired can have thorn attended Calcnlus, Renal Colle, Retention of WOllJLD NOT Blll so E.A.SILY SC.A.RRI>. preacher. I found that the mert .did take to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN Urine, Frequent Urination, Gravel In all the jerks, hut that they were not 10 v .o· <Jo's 0Fll'ICE, Bowmanville. A :flrst-clas man Its forms, Inability to retain the Water lfover was I more· mistaken. The sights lent ·or excita.1>le as the women. One man 9ow oeing in their mploy. particularly in per!l<ms advanced in life. HANDSOME PATTERNS. IT IS A KlDNEY INVESTIGATOR that ROF. T. L. DOYLE,Pianist,Organist Ornaments for.Wedding Presents, and aounds I he&rd that day I shall never in particular I felt. sorry for. He was restores the Urine to its natural color, forget. I . t is quite a drive from Charleaning against the chimney. Whea he and teacher of Vocal Music Is prepared to removes the acid and burning and the Fancy Articles, &c. . lott.etowa to Uigg, but many go every -----~- ------ ·-- · - - -k · take a. few more pupils. The best of refor· effect of the excessive use of intoxicating Jet\r to attend the meetings. We were too the jerks he struck his head against enco can be furnished Great care exercised drink. ' · had with beginners, and speeill.l attention giyen to it with every nod and motion.. Price s 1, or Six Bottles for ss. Ia.te and . the Gaelic service · jut begun. When we went home, we all a.dmitted sdvanced pupils. 'l.'hose desirous of taking Th0«e who r~nnot obtain a. bottlo of this Instructions should apply at Mr. Doyle's resiAn E11glish service was held in the morn- h Has received her new stock o1 ~iY~l~~~r~';: ~!f~1'W~ ~l.i:.end us one lience, or make it known by , directing a few Jt;jf'()hotce "lot of (!onfcettounry nhvays 011 tng and eveniug and the Gaelie in the t at we had seen enough, of the .M:cDonBend tor (.,'ircular, Sold b7 all Druggists. Wies to P. 0; Box 49. Terms $7,5D (or twelve The church was quite large alditea. One lady, .a resident of Boston after.11loon. un d at iURS. n.U~l'!l Res auraut. tf. e&sone. 239·tt lf. JOHNSTON & CO. ~ ' ' ain d was arranged different from any that said to me: "Well, I have paid high AKUISTit11lG, Ont. ' DE'l'IlOI'l', 14leh, I had ever seen. Two chimneys in the prices many times, to see different plays and invites the Ladies of Bow- 1 So Bo! Gentlemen oCFasb Agents tot the U ; B. and Canada. endd of the ehurch were rougi. and bare in the theatres, but I never yet saw any· · ioi1, no1: so tast. 8.6 th'e ,bricklayers had left them. There thing eqtta.l to thi1 HcD<maldite meet- manville and vicinity to call ing." I have written these tew lines and see her Pattern were doors at each end of the church. A - - - -- · .And all I have to say-'- . wide aisle ran through ii from door to Tiley Never Die. Tb.at you can find me still at home, lam not !fOne away. · a1Por. Tia.a pulpit . was in the centre of Is thi 11 lwuse to rent i So all my krnd old . riends may come, the church. The seats on that side were It is. You see it has two cards on the And all they oung ones, too, and assortment ot ·oa the mi:o.i.ster's r ight and left. The front, and the letters &re very distinct. And get their garments nicely made In fashions that ar e new; .th~ faced the aisle toward t:he pulpit. Does the woman who has just pulled Where old and young, dol\r friends, may meet '1'1lere walil a. ,:::allery on the side opposite the bell desire to rent the house 1 A wAlcome vrAAtinll. bv R. PEA'l'E bhe pulpit. The communion table was Oh, no. As 11oon as the door is opened laid . <.lown the centre aisle, opposite the the following conversation will take place: >!TOR·: : - Second Door 'l' est of 'Vllli11nu Bnt"'11er lilt'lll pulpit and between the chimneys. The "ls this house for SQJe f' - B Vta.ble was apparently a _ temporary affair, "No, ma'am-it ill for rent." ef rough boards, over which was spread a · "What would they ask if the1 were Rough seats wer,e on either going to sell it Y" ft4!f" I am folly prepared t() attend Funerals on white cloth. We· beg to iinTiotmcA to the public that we tbc shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates side filled with members of the church. "About $6,000." are prepared to do a general insurance business, C~skets aµd Burial Cases r eady on short notice: as we do a number of first class representing l do not know.the .name of the minister, "Wouldn't they take $4,0001" First.class hearse on very moderate terms. Companies we shall be gl<td to give prompt at"N0 , ma'am." Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun· but he;i.rd h e did not approve of the jerks, tention t o o.nything in that line. We represent eral cards supplied a.t once. Furniture Shop & and was not popular among the ;nembers "Then it ii noil for sale?" A.l· o tho Ontario Loo.n and Savings Co.. or Show Rooms-Bouneall'sNew Block. Oshawa, and accept deposits on its behalf alPerhaps that is why "No.'" All r~rniture sold by me is made by the U. C,, in consequence. lowing 4 & 5 per cent interest from date or WITH TEETil, WITBOVT TEETH . Jl'urmture Co. of Bowman ville. I do not buy the rising generation have mostly given it "Wasn't it for iale last year f" receipt. · slop furniture and represent it to have been up. A. frien d who went to see them a few "I do not know. " Parties requi.ring loans will find it to their maqe by t he U. C. ~'. Co. of this town. to get our terms. advantage summers ago inform ed me that except . "Won't it be in the falU" Also a gent for the LI -QUOR TEA for this town PRA.fJTl()A.L DENTIST, · . ano vicinity. I t is chea.p a nd as good as can be ameng the older p eople it ·bad nearly "I can't say." got in the market. .A valuable prize given OVER T'\yENTY YEAR S E XPERIENOE, , died out. Hewever, a fter partaking of a "Can't I look it oved I don 'i want to with every pound. · We are agents for a number of tlrst class substantial lunch we felt able to face . the rent, of course, but if I ~hould happen to lines, :Wlk9nsOxldeGn s A.dmtnlstercd for l'ut nles among whieh is the White Star Lin'il t be st fastest and beet equipped Steamship on Operations. music. The crowd was immense. The like the plan of the interior, and the rooms bA tbe Ocean, and Car tickets to all points a t low· OFFICJE )(()()LUNG'S B LO()f{, road for half a mile or more ·was lined just suited, and the neighborhood was all est rates. v Ve also represent \V . D .Mathews Jrith teams fasten ed to the fence, from the right, and I get some money I am ex- of Toronto, and are prepared to pay highest 1tylish turnouts of swells from town to the p ect ing, I might possibly want to buy prices for Barley a'nd all kinds of grnin. 1 P .m ies interested will please note these tacts. ll Gumnion fatm cart s of poor farmers. somewhere within a mile of thia corner.' 1 Calls th~attention of travel~rs to tbe centralp J>Si· We . for~d our · way into the church And here comes anothei· woman. Does · · · · t1on ot its l me, connect1ug t h e Ea.at and t he West by t he s l1ortest r oute, o.nd car 3ing pass enftere. where there was hardly s tanding room. she want to r ent the house 1 11 1 . ~·' ~~ gi"i;~h~ggiic~f <j3-i;_~tr~~~i~~n~b~~~~ '2.~hia~ AB the m eeting progressed, I b egan to you shall judge for yourself. Liaten: Minneapolis and St. P aul. It counecta in Union think .the i ern:s were less violen t ,, since "ls this house to rent f" i fti~P~~l~~\~ca~0,c\R~iu~~~T~}~i't,~se~~~~a¥t~e;~~~1! the d eath of the great McDonald, who, by " Y es'm." - - -me~t1s '1Br1valed and in?n1ficent~ being composed 1 the way, is buried in the yard a few feet "Oh, I thought it w:&s to be aold ai 11.uoI wish to call especial attention that if yon ~agg~ce~r ~~~~he ~~c1~~~~ti6~~Ra~a~s~a~~ff.: from the door. One or t wo in the far- tion. " 8 want to buy a first·class Organ made by < ll!t· ~{;~soi1i5f~ii'i:i P c~:i~n \~tfW~n~a~·s'./ii1~~r~f~; t~er end of the church wer e nodding in a "No'm." between Chicago a.nd Missouri River Faints. Two of the best Manufacturies in t he World. HARNDEN, L. D.S. , violent manner, but were otherwise quiet. "Hasn't ih ever been sold thai way J" ()ALL AND Sli:li: Ml' ()URISn u s STOCY. ~im::1 ~~~1F~mc~~i~ago and Minneapolis and st, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Soon every bod y's attention was attracted "Never. " I have just ordered, and will havo in a f6l> ' ' ALBERT LEA ROUf E." Surgeons, Ontario, days,some first class Royal A Sewi ngMachint~ A N ew an d Dir ect Line, via. Sen eca.11.nd Kanka.· " And won't it be in the fall1" by a y oung girl, about 18 or 20, dressed a Machine that stand s A 1 with the very bes< ke e, has recently been opened betw een Richm01Jd in blue . At t hat t une gypsy b on nets were "No'm ." ·OFFICE OVER DICKtlON'S STORE. N or fol k N ew portNews. Ch attanooga. Atlal,lta Au~ Americll.n or C»nad1 an Sewing Machines.- g1:i.s~a. N ,a.et;villet L ou isville, L exingt o:O., Cinc in'nati, While I have nothing to say against any fi1·st· I:t!:diannpohs the style, an d sh e wore one which rested "Then it is to rent?" ana Lafayette. «nd Omaha. Minncap .. GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. class make of Org11.ns or Sewing Machines. I ol1s a n d. St. :Paul and inter .!D.ediate points. par tly on her h ead and partly on an en "Yes'm." public to please take notJce I do wish the Tfa\1~~ ~rough Past;engera ~cr~vel on Fast E xpl·eac P late Work executed in the latest and most . orm ous chign on. She b egan clapping her "Well, I don't .w ant · to r ent, bah I'll sell only first-class Goods, such as I can gum·· . improved style of the Dental Ar t. 0 antee to givo sat isfact.ion. tl~i~7 1t~l f:it~~~~ ~n~l~~~cf~~al T icket o moes iu "' This the popul.al" Y!ctoria look: 1 ·t o ver a nd.if 1 ·t sui'ts m e I 'll "Leep the 1 1ut TEETH EX TRACTED WITHOUT · PAIN " ,. ave. c tis rcpl'esents. dressed with the hair fallmg O D han ds and d dj erking · h er sh oulders' floppin" ~ N. B.- 1 still sell the world-renowned ' 'Valt· Baggage c heck e d tln ou gh and rates of fnr o alt.h1· forchend, and tho ends meet in Montngues. up an own m h er seat, and finally location in mind.·. I IDij.Y run aoroH some ways ss l ow a.a competHors t hat offer less a.dvanham Watch,-and don't forge t onr General by the use of Nitrous Oxide G·as, without injury Store where we keep a complete assortment of ta.f~~·dctailed iuformation,get.tbe Mavs and Fol d· It is exceedingly becoming. and is having a · 1 ~prang ~o h er feet , all parts of her body on e who wants a house:" to the patient. Dry Goode and Groceries cheap for Cash. e1 ·s of tl1e large run. ill m ot10n at once. As she threw her Particular attention paid to the regulation ot 'l'he Bell Organs are sold by J. P. RICE, :Bow· The above style, with lar ge number of h d b k CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, other .eqttally becoming styles , aro mado by ea ac wards and forwar ds The pity which is not b orn from experi- manYille, and OHILDREN' E. TEETH. At your n earest T icket Otiice , or addre ss · MRS. A, DAVIS, SHE LOOSE NED HER OHIGNO:it, E. lfl. D01'1 EY, ence is always cold. It cannot h elp beR. R, GAB LE, E. S T. JOHN, #IB'.ALL WORK W .ARR.ANT.ED. .._ Gcn 'l Tkt.. & I'o.ss. Agt. over M. Mayer s st ore t he ingr edien ts of which flew in all diree- ing so ; it does not understand. Ty1·01u·, Vice·· P ree. & Gcn'l lt'g'r , THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ~.A.:C...:L" S 1$ PUBLISHED E\'F.RV FRIDAY MORl'HNG, Vegetable Sicilian JAMES, AlUON~ TUE JERKERS CATARRH. W. BELL'S PRIZE MEDAL ORnAN SI ·HAIR RENEWER·· = -G BUCKINGHAM'S DYE . G L L THE ONTARIO BANK ·R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H . M n r's Sarsaparma. B T THE BEST HOMES NORTHERI PACIFIC RAILROAD B 0 R STANDA~. D-~"B AN K 40 L J .;;p ~-ENGLISH A New Lad i· e s · MRS. KEYS ~BUCHU'-E- T P NEW UNDERCLOTHING P Knitting& Stampi·' g done to oraer. GOODS., BONNETS, HATS, fAMAR DENTISTRY I UN D ERTAKIN C! LEVI MORRIS. TRIMMINGS . AGENCIES. J.M. BR IMA COMBE, Ocean Steamships. THE VICTORIA. T YELLOWLEES rrans an d S ew1ng 'M ac INS e 0 r5 F ALLEN CHI"AGQ ROCK ISLAND &PACIFIC RY c. 1 C H l~ACO,

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