Belleville's populBtion- 9,457 · Shall we let the Child Die 1 Look out ·for carpet tacks in the pie. A hard-hertt>d politic>\! economist-, lookCash for eggs at Murdoch Bros. Cobour~ had 11uotl1er fire on Tuc6daying at a pale aud puny child feebly grasFa1·mers, buy your Seeds at Murdoch two a wetlk now! BowMANVCLLE, FulD.A.Y, MAY 30. ping aB it lies upo'n " pillow, sAy~ that Bros. Bfessod is t.he girl who does not like ice the child might as well die. It is so weak - ----·~-·---:::-======:::: Fa.rmers you min savo dollars by buying cmam.-The buys. and poor tha.t its lifo will never be worth A BIT OF DARLINGTON. barbed wire at Manning's. Mr~. R. B. Williamson has bee11 visit· much anyhow. There are already a good . . Highest price paid for all kinds of farm ing friends at. Avon, N. Y. many people in the world whn nre n"t of The argncult ural editor of . t!ie Globe- produce at Quick & \Vright's. · " much account anyhow, :me! wh'lt's the For Bro11chial R nd 'fhroat Aff.ictions, a Mr. M:ow;it- ·ltas been wntmg B uckt! · a· t R . S. .- f · wrn s tee1 lmr1 Jeel w1re . · up, the Allen's Lun~ Balsam ig unt'gualled. See use of adding to their number another · country a b out 0 sI1awa, ancl h ere is a ,n 1e JI;! . , f $ ~ lOO n weakliull, who haa bnt slender chance of Advt. extract ref. Tin(/ t o a visit to Darlington : annmg 8 or · 5 ~ per is. " 'I'ry the celebrated Climax Horse and 'I'he Port Hope G·uide is one of the best ever amountin~ to anything. Now ask that child's m?ther what she .A llIT OF DARLING TON. Cattle food for sale at M11rdoch Bros. printed papers in the distriot. thinks abo:Jt letting the child die. Abont L eaving Mr. Guy's farm and ascending A car-load of American Horse Tooth Boils, blotches, pimplrs, and all skin Having bought the Bankrupt Stock of the Grocery to higher levels, l drove with Mr. Cot1ant Corn for seed just arrivedat.J. B.Martyn' s. disct\ecs, are quickest cured by cleaneinl( this time lhe hard political economist had hatter get out of th e way. " L et my child out the Bowmanville road, lJassing over a As a. r ear cut mower, the Iron Clad is the bl'1od with Ayer's Saraaparilla. die 1 No! No! A . · (ong as there is n rem edy Department of the late firm of beautiful count ry, with the ever in the " boss." See it. F. H . Mason, agt., A mugwump is a little-minded man to be fmmd that wilt save that child, the child sight on the right hand and the far away Hampton. with a big opinion of himstllf. shall 1wt die ! I'll spend my lnst dollar to I ridge on the left. T.he farms along the Eggs taken at the highest Market hila !" Well, try a b<ttf,le of The Ele[rnDt little pfa.ted screw top 1m save the G route were genemlly in good cultivation prices.R . H. '1'11rner, McClung Bros' "Teaberry" tnRh:s it t.he cheapest, most Shaker Blood Syrup 011 that child. See and order ; in a few, apr1arently, there was old stand. · perfect, a nd most Recherche of all toilet tlte poor little fellow pick up str.,ngth. much room for improvement. 'I'he soil on Be revives. He will liv·>. Hoste of No mistake about it, farmers. ): ou can e)( Get a eample. this ever undulating country varies conand having sorted up sidernbly in qmtlity, though the poorest is renlly buy steel barbed wire at R. S. M11Jbrook has two firo brigades-mar- other children have hem1 brought nlm from death to healthy life by the Shalrer still excellent land, and makes up in some M:mnil1g's for $5.50 per 100 tbs. ried and single men, reupectinly. Blood Syrup. Your druggist aellb it. Stott They solicit a call from the citizens ot BowThe Iron Duke mower took lat prize at measure for lack of strength, by itR easier 25 cents invested in "'Hun " Coug-h cultivation. Generally the land is ui the Manchester ancl C xbridge. ]'ront cut. Cum sa.ves sweatnin!! under a cough. ·It & Jury, Sole lll(tmts for .Bowmanv11le. ---·- - - -hest quality, similar to that farther west. Call and see it J;iefore purchasing. F. H_ stop! a cough quick and sure. Think of manvillo and surrounding country. An arbor day sh<ould h1>come fnshion'.l'he houses and farm buildings are fair Mason, :tgeut, Hampton. the price for u. cough. Ask Stott & . J ury. able for the sohoole of this country. from a South Ontario point of view. A model of simplicity and durability. The new plugs of whiRky will have a "Hub', Congh Cl.Ire. S11fe, pleasant The Sl\wyer N o. 3 reaper lms less parts clove attachment with each bite. A PIONEER'S SUCCESS. and quick, cheaper tban conghiug. 25c. tl1an any other reaper made. F . H. USELESS lhtIOHT.-'L'o wnrry about any Ask Stott & .Jury. W e stopped for tea at a liright and very Mason, agent, Hampton. The country looks bea 11tiful ; the spring hospitable farrnstend in Darlington, that Our Due Bills will be taken the same Liver, Kidnev or Urinary Tronble, especi · allv Bright's Disease or Diabetes, a1 Hop of Mr. John Pickel. Here we met Mr: I . . 1 · . as cash at any store in town and t he only Bitters never fails of a cure where a cure crops are comin){ on well. Rwhard Osborne, a grey-ha1rec , v1vac10us 'h a t R Sallow eyes and skin, restless sleep, · ld b ones ·~k ""' -en the same as cas · . H . is pos11ible. We know this. gentlemm~, nearly eighty years. o. , ut, Turners. Quick & Wrirrht. want of appetite, headache, drowsilw~s, 0 yet as sprightly as many a man thirty years · Joaquin Miller says that all true, mod- denote a slnl(gish liver. Use ZO-PE younger. Mr. Osborne is one of the OnIf you want the best Sulky Rake m the ern poets are devout Christians. SA at once and save a doctor's bill . Open tario pioneers, and I succeeded in drawing market ~nd the Mower that . pleases 1tl1 'l'HE PER~;UME OP .t.N liEMISPHJtRE.out from him circumlocutions, jokes, dia- w!10 use .it _place your order with W_. H . Throughout an area occupied by more the pores aud bowels, i11vigomt~1 tbe Liver and Di!.!efft.ion. Zopes1 i corrects the system tribes on Tory tactics, and ii story of pio- Piper, agent for Patterson &Bro., Whitby. than oue hnndred millions of civilized throuiil1 lhe :::>tomacb and Live r. neer life, hardships, and ultimate success, The Whitby Ontario Harvester rs the b<iings, M'u rray & Lanman 's Florida. Once upon a time n good man was ~dn which was very interesting. Mr. Osborne reaper every farm11r wants. Jt is a five Water is to-day the 11tandard perfume in sidered greater and helter than riches. came from Devonshire to this n eighbor- rake machine, strongly built and warrant· society. But that was a louu: t iine ago. hood about fifby years. He had a capital ed to do first-class work or no sale. W. The public school11 of the Province of THE SECltF.1'·0U1'.-'rhe secret of beau· of £25 to start with ; anc l it was exhaust- H. Pi1Jer, agent, .Brooklin. -THE FAMOUSty has been ut last. revealed. Without ed all b_ u t· a few clullars iu very meagre Farmers, you can buy the Bockthorn Ontario cost $3,5515,000 year. 'fhe opinion of the ge1wral public in good health, pure bloo·l and it fair clear preparnt10ns for fonn work. He bou~~t Steol Barbed wire fencing for $5.50 per a cler~y reserve farm o~ 50 acres, and paid hundred pounds at R. S. Manning's. The regard to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is con- skin none can possess good looks. What fo1· t\ 11orse and cow, bmlt a house and barn best fe.11cing there is, and certainly the firmed by clergymen, lawyers, public speak- is more repulsive than pimples, blotches ers, and actors. All say it is the best and sallow or pastry complexion 1 Burand cleared about 50 ac1:es. In a _ few yea:-s cheai> est.-17 -3w. s·r111L A ~PEUIAL'J'l' he ga".e up his farm, with 3: slight g:un Farmers give the Queen 1\fower and remedy that can be procured for all alfoc- dock Blood Bitters reveal the fact that fin~~crnlly, ~nd for ,a short tm:e ~entecl a Ontario Harvester, Whitby, a good recom- tinns of the vocal orgu.n~, throat, and all can gain pure blood and freedom from the repulsive disease's of the skiu that pa1tially cle,~ed f~um of _60 acies at $2 an mend. Thi>se machines may be seen a.t W. lungs. 'I'he Whitby Gazette mys that the local result from impnrities. acre, ~nd: agam with a slight profit as the Hoskin's, Darlington, or Wm. Yoeman's, Patrick McAuliffe suicichcl last week in financial result. 'I'hen he bou~ht the ~O 011 Raynes Farm, near--J3owma~1 ville. w. sports of that town spend their Sundays Peterboro by tieing a rope round his neck acr~s, the old l~omestcad on wluch he still H . .Piper will be throurrl1 the township to in shootin11. r esides and wluch has fonned the neucleus take orders ·0 Cu nE Fon DEAFNESS.- As numerous and th1.>n around a big stol'! e which he of the large additions made to the dimen· testimonials will show, there is no more rolled into tho river. Any person who contemplates purchassions of his farm from time to time. It is F W:tniiKY.-Tbe effects THE EFFECTS O ing :t reaper this season should examine relia.ble cure for deafness than Hagyard's l'J:IE 01,D Sl'OllY the Sawyer N o. 3, either atR. 0 . Short 's, Yellow Oil. It is also the be11t remedy of whisky are always evil, and those who of the bush ·over again, the long winter n ear Courtice, or at H. T .'Phillips, Hamp- for ear ache, eore thrL)at, croup rheuma- feed upon aleoholic atimulants, vainly t.ism and for pains and lameness generally. endeavoring to cure coughs and con&umpchoppings, the cultivation amid stumps, ton. It is undonbtedly the best reaper in Used externally an interually. tion, but nurse a viper. Hagyard's P ecthe submission of the .mbstantial modern the Dominion, and took the 1st prize at The s~loons hold the san1e relation ~o toral Balsam is a remedy that is always house and the ~rnge barns for the little \Veston, Manchester, Cxbridge a.nd Cartreli ble for all throat, bronchial and lnng originnl log bvildiugs, till fi nally, stump- wright against all comers. F. H. Mason, the peniteutiary that the Sunday school troubles, and never does harm to anv one. does to th" church. less fields, fine orchards n,nd gardens, and agent, Hampton. Mr. John Hrady, nf Seymonr, who sufFitAUOULENT TRANSACTIONS. -There well tiled, well fen ced land leave not a Sawyer's celebrated grain saver thresher AI. . L NEW STOtJJ{, suggestion of what the early hardships is unsurpassed for durability, workman- are many frauds perpt,tmted in mediciue, frrAd many ye<1rs from the presence of were. 'L'he farm of .20 acres increased t o ship, perfection of part~, li~h.t running, and many advertised remedies worse than a lizard in his, is wholly restored REMEMBER T:E-IE PLACE : 700, ; the $100 capital to, I am told, case of management, s1mphc1ty of con- useless. N··t su with Ha!,!yard's Yellow to health. IMFOR'.rANT CHANGES.-There are t.wo $60,000 or $70,000 ; and four sons started struction, fast and clean work, saving Oil. It re·nains as .. ver the best. inter· in life with large, well-stocked farms. The ·grain, bearding barley, threshing wet nal and external medicine for all pain, periods in the life of every female when difficulties to be overcome would have grain, threshing peas. The best steam soreness and injuries with which human the system undergoes great. r.han\(es. First, the change from childhood to womanbaffled many a man of fair energy ; for thresher made. Examine the improve- fle1h is afliicted. only a few years after Mr. Osborne's set- ments for 1884. Wrought iron beater, .An observer eays the even years-'80, hood ; next, that of womanhood to old Bowmanville, April 9, 1884. tlement on his Janel, and while yet the adjustable grate, grain spout in front of '82, '84, etc., are t he fruit years. May age. These are the critical changes of life, and the system should be nourish e d clearings were small, and much yet re- wheel, sheet iron extension over t he shoe, we have a fruitful 1884. mained t o be paid for, that pest of many adjusta~le concave, etc. Send for illusA friend in need is a friend indeed ; aud rei;:ulated by ~hat mafohlese tonic, an early settlement in Canada- fever and tmtcd circular to F. H. Mason, agent for and that is jnst what Mr. Van... Bureu's But"clock Blood Bitters. It is invaluable in all diseases peculiar to femal es_ ague-took a se ven-yen,r grip on his sys- Darlington and Clarke. Kidney Cure is to .every one suffering The Colborne E xpress thinks that if the l"tern, shook th e energy of one or two ordiA:BOU1' STR.A.INEltS.- ln straining milk from kidney disease, whether in the form nary m~n out o~ him, _and .left him _for or any liquid, you are careful t.o h~ve the of a Back Ache, Dropsy, or Bright's Scott Act agitation continuf!s, as it likely years with a senously 1mpmred constitu- straim1r sound and clean. See to it then Disease, for it will certainly relieve the will, we shall have almost prohibition in tiou. Mr. Osborne's story of success is by that nat1m~'s strainer is kept healthy. sufferings, and, if persisted in, permanen- a year or two from this time. no means exceptional. l havo incident- '£he Blood passes through tha Liver, tly effect a cure. A 8TAltTLING D1scoVERY.- Mr. Wm. ally h eard of n umbers of others in South which should retain and throw off all It is stated that Mr. Gage, of Toronto, Johnson, of Huron, Da.k., writes that his Have just received another shipment of their celebrated Ontario who have done as weU, with no impurities. See the cause of all your will shortly be.gin the issue of a new illus- wife had been troubled with acute Bronn~ore fav?mble auspices in beginning their troubles 1ZO-PE·SA acts upon the Liver, chitis for many years, and that all remetrated family newspaper. inoneer life . hence 1t is a nntural and wonderful Liver Nothing can supply thb place of a dies trird gave no permanent relief, until Regulator, Dyspeptis cure, Blood Puribeautiful silky head ut uatllral hair. It is he procured a bottle of Dr. King's N cw fier, corrects the Brain and the Kidneys. TEACHERS' CONVE.N TION. infinitely more comfortable than s1vitches, Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Znpesa is a certain cure for Headache and other preparations of the hair of nD- Colds, which had a magical effect, and Also a choice lot of Lace Curtains and Curtain Net-special value. 'l'he next meeting of Durham 'L'eachers' from Foul Stomach or Nervousness. A known foreigners. Hair may be retained, prod11ced a permaneut cure. It is guarAssociation will be held in the High School good do~e taken twice a week will cure beautified, and actually restored by the anteed to cure all Diseases of Throat, Also new Prints, Cretonnes, Embroideries, Laces, Ties, Gluves, Parasols, Buildings, Port Hope, Friday and Satur- Sick Headache. We warrant Zopesa to use of Cingalese Hair Renewer. Sold at Lungs, or .Branchial Tubes. Counterpanes, Table Covers, Table Damask s, &c. day, June 13 :u1d 14, 1884. The meeting do this,. Try a eample bottle. The Saved Army is destined to become 50 cents per bottle by Stott & Jory . will be convened at 11 a.m., Friday, for a poµular, useful and numerous bodyCobourg can boast of a rival of Benthe election of officers and for the transits constitution points in that direction. Wark worth has opened a Blue Ribbon action of general business. At 2 p.m., Temperance Society with over 100 names. gough the cartoonist in the person of Mr. - Oolborne Express. Also Mantle and Dress Silks, Mantle Loops, Frogs, Drops, Ornaments. Arthur Whitelaw. Hon. G. W. Ross, Minister of Education, John Pollock, Wia.rton, Ont., has inYou 'BEr .. rnvE IT.-Nature's WouLD Gimps, &c., direct from Paris. Please call and see our 9elebrat ed will be present, and desires t<> meet teachPIIOSPHATINE is nature's remedy for ei·s, trustees, 1nunicipal ofricers, and all vented a perpetua.l motion machme that great remedy, Kidney-Wort, has cured chronic diseases. many obstinate cases of piles. This most PHOSPHA'1'1NE will benefit consumptives ~ warranted not to break. others interested in education, when the has been running 10 months. A young scamp, claiming to be the son distr<!ssing malady generally arises from in·any stage. following subjects will b e discussed : '1. The present mode of distributing the of a poor but respectable widow of a constipation and a bad condition of the PHOSPHA1'INE cures sleeplessness, nervoneighboring village, whose house had bowels. Kidney· Wort ac~s at the usness, &c., &c. High School Grnnt. 2. The propriety of requiring County lately been burned, solicited subscriptions time as a cathartic and a healmg tonic, PHOSl'JIATINE does not make fat, but He was an im- removes the cause, cures the dis< and solid 'flesh. Councils to a id in the support of High in Colborne last week. New Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts, etc. TAILORING.-Cloths, Tweeds. Schools in towns separated from counties. poster. He came west ; look out for. him. promotes a healthy state of the affected PROSPHATINE in female weaknesses is inWorsted Coatings, etc ,-large stock. organs. James F. Moyer, carriage Man'fr, valui1ble. For sale by all druggists. 3. 'l'he ren ewa l of 'l'hird Class Certifiof Myerstown, Pa., testifies to the great cates ancl the granting of permits. Home Items. healing powers of Kidney-Wort, having 4. The propriety of conducting Thirtl The Saved Army contingent here conbeen cured liiy it of a very bad case of tinues its hold upon the a.t.t ention of the Class Examinations by County Boards, as - "All your own fault RE4.DY-MADE CLOTHING,-full assortment'. It you remain eick when you can pile· which for years had re.fused to yield people, and has quite a regiment of reformerly. Get hop bitters that never-.Fail. 5. Superannuation of i;oachers. cruits, chiefly young people.-Oolborne The weakest woman, swallest child, to any other remedy. 6. General amendments to School Act. and sickeRt invalid can use hop bitters The fall wheat is to be looking ex - Express. Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, a public with safety and great good. cellent, and farmers are happy. ADVICE TO lllOTREUS. ·lecture will be given by Hon. G. W. Ross. -Old men tottering around from RheuThe boys have got their lacrosse stioks . .Are yon disturbed at night and broken of Subject-=-' ' Educational T opics. ' ' matism, kidney trouble or any weakness Look out for a run on court plaster. your reet by a sick child suffering and crying Sat urday, 9 t o 10 a.111. , "Use and abuse will be almost new by using hop bitters. with pam of cutting teeth 1 Ir so. send at once BR.ANDON, M ..rn, Jan. 17, 1883. of County Associations, C. Keith. and get a bottle of MRs. WINSLOW'S SOO'l'HINO -My wife and daughter were made About a year ago I was taken with a SYRUP li"OH Cnrr,DREN TEETD'!NO, Its value is 10 to 11 a.m. , "English Grammer," J. healthy by the use of hop bitters and I inca.lculable. It will relieve the poor little severe cold which settled on my chest aPd sufferer Gilfillan . · immediately. Depend upon it. mothers, rece>mmend them to my people. -Metho· brought on bleeding of the lungs. I bled there is no mistake about it. Jt cures dysenta.ry li to 12 m., " Ar ithmetic," W. Jar- dist Clergymen. f end diarrhrea, regulates the aud very freely and. was very low. I feared it dine., B. A. Ask any good doctor It hop bowels. cures wincl colic, softens the gums. would ultimately turn into consmnption. reduces Bitters are not the best tam1!y medicine 1:30 to 2 :45 p.m., " Question Drawer," ' inflammation, and gives tone and On earth. Consultedanumber of physicians, and used energy to the whole system. MRS.WINSLOW'S A. Barber and J . S tirling . -Malarial fever, Ague and Bilious- a number of so·called cough remedies and SOO'!.'HING S YR U P 1 ··on Cu1LDREN TEE1'HING is 2:45 p. m. , "Addre~s," J. J. Tilley, ness, will leave every neighborhood as lung pads but all to no avail until I saw pleasant to the taste, and i~ the prescrip~ion of Esq., P. S. I nspector . one of the oldest and· best female nurses and & a notice of Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary physicians in the United States. and is for sale T e<i.chers ;1r e r equested to urge trnstees soon as hop bitters arrive. by a.11 druggists throughout the world, · · Price "-My mother drove the paralysis and Oberry Balsam in a paper. Although a t o be present on F riday afternoon, as neuralgia. all out of her system with hop forlorn hope l purchased a bottle, and %.i cents a bottle. O)Ilatters of imw:>rtance bearing upon the for all kinds of Farm Produce at to my surprise found it done me good. 1 School Law and Regulations will be· bitters. "-Ed. Oswego Sun. - Keep the kidneys healthy with' hop persevered in its use and am now com.,discussed. bitters and you need not fear sickness. pletely cured. Please publish this that -Ice watter is rendered harmless and others may be saved. Yours truly. Card of Thanks. more refreahing and reviving with hop J. A. PERLEY. , bitters in each draught. YouNG CAWKER & Co's. is the plttce to do business, they keep A large number of Welsh settlers are 1 ·desire t o publicly tender my sincere -The vigor of youth for the aged and -m stock the veryexpected· in the Northwest this season. · thanks t o the members of 'Vellington infirm in hop bitters. llOWMANVILLE. ONT., Dec. 5. 1882. Lodge Sons of Eni;rland Benevolent SoBetting, next to drinking, is said to be Messrs. SETII W. FOWLE & SON. Boston. ciety for seven dollars vol untarily given the greatest cause of crime in Englal!ld. Dear Sirs:- We suppose it is no new thing t o me by way of assisting to defray the that can be bought, the for you to receive congratulations on the sucfuneral expenses of my child a few days A good Thing. coss of ~our valuable cough remedy, Dr. ·w1s tago. Such acts as this are a J)ositive exInsure in the Confederation Life Asso· Special Telegram. nr's Bnlsntn of\Vild Clte1·ry; but perhaps at emplification of the benevolent principles ciat1on. It is cheaper than the Canadian Bloomville, N. Y.-I have been using this time a word or two from us will not prove of this excellent national society. 'With Mutual Aid, A, 0. U. W. or any pass a- your Baxter's Mandrake .Bitters to a very out ot place. Although the Balsam has net Fresh and Cured, always in stock. an earnest wish for the success of the round your hat institution, as the follow· limited extent. I have taken five email been adverised to any extent in this locality. Their.Seeds are fresh and of the best quality; they keep Barrel Salt; Order, I am, bretlrren , ing examples will prove : Thos. McClung doses, and it has done me more good than our sale or it is very large and tlhe demand is Yours fraternally, ha.a been insured since 1872 for$2,000and all the medicines I have taken in the last !Berea.sing. which is due to the universal sat- American and Carbon Safety Coal Oil. Try their Empire H orse and JosEPH J. MoNKLEY. isfaction which It gives to our customers. Cattle Food, the b.est; manufactured, recommended highly by the Guelph the last five years it only cost him $2.55 four months. "Ve have never had a single complaint, and per annum on each $1,000 to insure. John C. A. WETMORE. Wingham planted 325 trees on arbor husbands tell us their wives will not keep Model Farm ; t heir stoc~ of Glassware an~ Crockery is Complete. They day. What town of its size can go one McClung insured at the same time for the Special Telegram. do not make any specialty of one article, but as there is considersame amount and it only cost him $1. 74 Rolland, Mich.-Please send me one house without it. We would like you to do a better? per amrnm on each $1,000 to insure, he dozen bottles Dr. Baxter's Mandrake little more advertising in this country, for we able talk about Cheap Teas, the place to buy the Cheap Tea is at Young . . . The vapor o~ hqmd t 3:r and t~rpentme, being a little younger. Bitters. I never took any medicine that believe were your' bl\lsam better known, its Cawker & Co's, they buy altogether for cash which enables them t~ sale would be increased ten-fold. equal parts, will cure d1phthttria. We certify the above to be correct. Thos, did me so much good as this. sell cheap. Give tl1em a call. Ygurs truly, Only 5 prison ers in the Counties jail· at, McOlung, John M.cClung. . IRA TAYLOR. STOT1' & JURY, I · THOS. BINGHAl\1, .Agent. Cobourg. Price, 25 ch. per bottle. "The Druggists," 275 . . (l;tiuuulian Jtntr~man. Facts for Farmers. . NE-W- FIRM. I QUICK & WRIGHT, ' McCLUNG BROTHERS Having bought the stock at a great reduction they will sell CHEAP. Good Sugars, 15 lbs. for $1. Clean Raisins, 20 lbs. for $1. SOAP-well at prices that will surpriselyou. $1,200 WORTH OF CHOICE TEAS NOW ONJfAND. " HALF DOLLAR TEA" A fine stock of Crockery, Glassw11re ·and China Sets. Flour and Provisions always on h.and. Farm Produce taken in exchange. C.A.S:S: F""C>:FI.. E::G-G-S. FARMERS, INSPECT OUR Field and Garden SEEDS, McCLUNG BROS'. OLD STAND. WM. QUICK. FRED. WRIGHT. .T.O THE LADIES. S. Mason Son. !_LACK AND COLORED FRENCH CASHMERES CARPETS-Fine, Choice, Elegant Patterns. BAMBOO CORSETS, ~-----~~~~ TO THE GENTLEMEN. Two first-class Cutters. Can have youi;.choice Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash for goods. S. MASON & SON. CashlCashlCaShl Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Beef. · Cash for Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Tallow. Cash forPotatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides Sheep Skins. ___... _...,.._._.....__ ~ - - I Young, Cawker & Cos . Best quality o_f Meats, ap CAN'T KEEP HOUSE. Cheap Life Insurance. Best quality of Groceries C. M. CA VVKE R. ---