---~~i'liW*::"~ilMtQi!!ti!liMC·~""!"~~~~~~~~~m~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·ee~~~~;w~~~~A~WN~-~l!Wiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'*!"""'9"~~~~,,~~~~~~~~~·~Uiii!~~"~'~*~*~"*'~'~-~·~.....,~~~ Caledoniah Mills. Formerly xnown as the "Soper Mills.') AYE R'S FOREIGN NOTES. Effect of tbe Earthquake in Eugland·-· Daath of a Water}(J(I v~·eran.,.. A Curious Dcdsiou- HIS, MILL HAS BEEN THORUGHLY renovated and put in order.under our own special supervision, tor the purpose of arlstlng and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot :Barley, and we are now preps.red to rect>ivc orders from all our old ondtomers and others for work, and we guralltee to give them who intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. Oats and other grains taken in exchange for Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS. Bow· manville 227. T Oherry Pectoral. No othor complaint· 1tro so insidious in their attnck 1tstbose affecting the throat and lungs: none so trifled with lJy the majority of sufferers. The orcllnary cough or eold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious exposure, is often but tho beginning of a fa.ta.I sickness. .AYER'S CUERRY PECTORAL has well proven its efficacy in a. forty years' fight with throat and ·1uug diseases, and should be taken in all cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cured. " In 18511 took a severe cold, which a.lfected my lungs. I had a terrible cough, and passed night. after night without sleep. 'l'he docto1 ·s gave me up. I tried AYER'S CHERRY PEC~·onAL, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded me the rest necessary for me recovery of my strength. By tho continued use of the PECTORAL a permanent cure wns effected. I am no\v 62 years old, hale aud hearty, and am satisfied your CREltRY PECTORAL saved me. HORAOE FAlRDROTllER." Rockingham, Vt., July 15, 1882. Croup. -A Mother's Tribute. "While in the country last winter my little boy, three years old, was titkcn ill with croup; it seemed as If he would die from stra.ugulation. One of the family suggested the use of A Y1m's CRmmY .l:'ECTORAL a boLtle ol whir.h was always kept in the house. This wns tl'ied in small and frequent doses, and to our delight in less than half an hour tha little patient was breathing easily. The docLor said r ··.,t the CllEIUtY l'EC'.rOltAL had saved my ti ·Jiug's life. Can you wonder at OUL' gratitu · ·? Sincerely yours, ' Ml<R. EMMA GEDNEY." 159 West 128th St., New York, May 16, 1882. "I have nsed AYElt'S CmmRY PECTORAL in my family for several yea.ts, and do not hesitate Lo pronounce it the most effectual remedy tor coughs and colds we have ever trie(l. .A. J .. CRANE." Lalrn Crystal, llfinn., March 13, 1882. "I S\\lferocl for eight years from Bronchitis, and a(Ler Lrying many remedies with no suo-ccss, I was cm red by the use of A YER' s CHE:aUY Pc;C'l'ORAr,, .JosErII WALDEN." Byhalia, Miss., April 5, 1882. "I caunot say enough in praise of AYER'S CHimRY PECTORAL, believing as I do tbat but for its uso I should long sinco bave die' from lung troubles. E . BRAGDOl!." Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. NO· case of an ail'ection of the tl.lroat or lungs. exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, and it will a!ways cure when the disease ill not already beyond the control of medicille. l'REI'Al\ED l'IY &c., &c. The town of Colchester, England, has been recognizing the deliverance from the perils of earthquake by a. series of re· l' · · All ti h h h 1g10us serdv1cdes . . h d ie c urc es ave b een 1row e wit evout congregations, I b d l" d · 't d and sp1ri e sermons iave een e ivere by the clergy on the subject. The local charities and church funds have benefitted by the event. Among those invited to the recent celebration in Paris of the sixteenth anniversary of Greek indeiiendence was Victor Hugo, who excused himself in the follow· ing letter: "I will be with you in heart at the celebration of Greek deliverance. I celebrated formerly that event in verses, a line of which occurrs to me to this effect. It is that Italy is the mother and Greece the grandmother of our civilization. The aristocratic Rue Royals club, in Paris, at a general meeting, the Prince de Sagan in the chair, has declared itself dissolved. No allusion was made to t he well-known cause-namely, that one or more members httd been guilty of cheating at play with marked cards. Every effort h being made t o hush up the scan· clal. The club will be reformed under another name, and it is understood that certain of its members will not be re· elected. Much activity prevails in the naval dock-yards of Russia. Six new war-vessels are to be launched before the end of the approaching summer. Two of the number will be frigates, two cruisers, and two gunboats. The strat egic railway line between Bialystok and Baranovice, and that from Homel to Lunienviec, which were both surveyed last autumn, are now to be constructed with all possible dispatch. Most of the work is to be done by soldiers. GET YOUR LUMBER PLANf O,MATCHfO,MOUlDfD&c, -AT- har since Christmas. In Behar the fierce, hob winds are rapicUy burning up the in· di "' rro crop. A worse district is Chupra., whore the indigo will turn out very badly should the present weather continue for a week longer. Things are not quite so bad in the tea and jute district s; but in these, too, rain is much wanted. At Simla the water supiily has fallen ·o short ~ that work on the new government offices has been suspended, and five thousand workmen have been sent to their homea. From all parts of the Bengal presidency there is a cry for rain. _ _ _ _ ......,__.._..____ Cousi<ler Me Smith. ~~c~~01~~~~=1~!:~1~!i:1;~~~~~als~~cilt!'. Cards of Thanks. To the Lancnshi re F·ire lnsumnce Co. Spring & Sun1mer MT LLI I hereby r e turn r,J1anks for the prompt pay-'- - -"'ment. in fnlof l. throug-h )'Olli' " A'ent here,Mr.'l'hoR, Hingham, my claim u.:1dnst J·on frmn the · ate fire. LEWh> QUICK HM much ;leasure in announcing to the ladies that she has received,.. complete stock of Mil· To Ha?'fford Fii'c Jnsu,.an ce 001npnny. linery and Fancy Goods. I hereby :return thanks to vout· Compuny for l' lowcr8, Fentber~. Orn:maent8, Rlboons t,hc prompt. Aett.Jement ot my cl a.Im, through l ' ellJ11g:s, J.11ccs, Uerlin 1\'ooJ, A11daJud1tn· your agent Mr.Thos.Bingbam, of loss snstatn<>d ltends, Brulcls, C::anvass, SU~t<CoUon F'Jo81i;. by fire on the 12th inst. LEWIS QUICK, A call is kindly solicited. , _ _ _w. WOR.IJ'OLK. MRS. ANDERSON, King Street, next door to Buckler's J ewellery Store. MRS A N D E Rs 0 N NERY· To the .fresident. Manaoer a;n.cl DirectO?'s of the P'ire Insurance Association of London England. ' I hereby return thanks for the very prompt MISS BURDEN takes pleasure in in settlement.t hrough yonr agent Mr.'1'. Bingham, timating to her friend8 and customers that she for my two horses killed by lightning in my Will be found at MRS. ANDERSO~'F< 8'.rO.aR field last thunder "torm. ROBT, FIELDING. where she will carr;r on the Dress·Ma.king. D re SS·M a k' Ing. Morris & Joblin's PLANING MILL, Liberty Street, Where you can also obtain Doors,.Sash, Blinds. Window and Door Frames, Plain and Ornamental Fence Pickets, Cisterns, &c. CARPENTRY IN ALL BRANCHES. Bowma.nvllle, Februarv 21, 188~. PHOTOGRAPHY. ------HENRY'S Ne-vI Photo Rooms 1 liltaad t:'&rmerJy occupied by tile l'oat KING STKEET, . 8-tf. ARE NOW OPEN. Office. :BC>~~.A.N"V"I~:X:....E. The Gallery is first-class in all its appointments, and furnished in a comfortable manner. There will be no poor work allowed to leave the rooms, and these who favor me with a. call ca.n rely 0 beingplea.sed jiZi!'The inata.ntenous process only will be used for Photographs. Come in and see me. ·R. H. HENRY. Orono Pump Factory. Pumps Cheaper and Better than ever. The Sn bscrib<-r having built a large new Pump F<1clory io Oron0, is prepared -to furnish- W_C.TYLER, PUMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, With or wiLhout Porcelain Cylinder, of the B~..t Material, on the shortest notice and at the !owest prices. Cistern Tubs and ·Pumps supplied. WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. All WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Orders by Mail promptl:yf attended to. DOORS, SASH, B~INDS, PICKETS, MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. R. FERGUSOND (ITHE ~IREI) Bas llfade llfany Changes. (o)- - The Berkshire papers record the deat h of Ed ward Hester, one o~ the few remaining survivors of the battle of Waterloo, which took place at the work house of t he Cookham union at the age of 92 years. Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Deceased had for many years been well Sold by all Druggists, known to the inhabitants of Bray and Maidenhead, and had been in the habit of living in the workhous<l during 1.he winter months. He oft~n o~n ·r~ r' lw stirring scenes in which he to"'" ' -·· . i. his early days. · The French people· are about to enjoy, for the first and last time, the opportunity of seeing in one collection all t he croyrµ jewels of France. They are to be IlO-WMANVILLE, exhibited in the Louvre, and immediately Manufacturer and Dealer in Pampa pf after the exhibition their long heralJed - all kinds,sale is to begin. A few of t ht>m, which RU.BBER BUCKETS, · possess special historic or intrinsic value, including the regent diamond and t he WIND MlLLS, WINDOW SHaDES, great ruby, will be retained as national property; presumably, in case they might and General Jobber in be wanted again. · CARPENTER WORK. The Anglo-Indian newspap~rs are all Sho1> opposite Tl'eleven's Shoe Store. but unanimous in declaring the Central :BoJVma.nville, March 26, 188!. 13·6m. Asian question to be one calling for im· medi:ite at t entfon, and in urging that no tim e should be lost in appointing a com· mis. ion to demarcate the northern and western boundaries of Afghanistan. Some gu on t o advocate the sendini; of engineer officers to fortify Herat. Various other measures are also recommended, and tliere can be no doubt that the incorporation of Merv in the dominions of tho czar has caused very serious anxiety through out India. At the forthcoming Turm Exhibition a street railway will run from t he Piazzo Carlo Felice to t he principal entrance of the building. The motive power will be supplied by electric accumulators invent· ed by Signor Nigra. The Nigra secondary batteries differ from those devised by l\!I. Faure in having the lead arrauged in hanks or festoons of wire and not in plates. At a trial with a Schuckert dynano-elec~ric machine with 30 accumulat ors weighing 22 pounds each M. Nigra was able to run a four-wheeled car carrying persoi;is at 8 speed of 12t miles an This Great Household Medicine three h our. PUMPS! ranks amongst the leadinR' necessaries of Life; These . ra.mon· Pills purify the BJ.-OOD, ana most powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the DAV. DAVIS «THE rortrJ.AR'lill Liver, !:,"'tomach, Kz"dnevs; and BOWELi:>. v.tvtng tone. enerl1"J',, a.nd vigor o these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They a.~e confidently recommended n.s a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, 1rom whatever cause, has become impaired or weak· ened. 'l'hey are wonderfully efficacious in all a.ilments inciilent.al t.o Females ol all ages; ana as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsurpassed. BOOT AND SHOE MAN H.A.S RESUMED BUSINESS - -IN- - Holloway's Ointment, Its !!enrchlng nnd HeaJlnir l"ropertles are known throughout the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, 1ilad Breasts, it is infallible remedy. If effectually rubbe<i on the neok and chest. as salt into meat. it cures NEXT DOOR 'l'O 'l'JIE EXPRESS OFl!'ICE. SOUE 'fHROAT,Dit>htheria,Bronchltis, Cough Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular (o)- swelllnga. Abscesses Piles Fistulas B , ~Y Stock comprises all lines of Ladies Rheumatism, &; Gents' Fine Goods, Overshoes, Rubbers. , &c. And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has 11!Ii1' Ordered 'Vol'k: and Repairing will as never been kown to tail. The Pills and Ointment a.re Manufactured usual receive prompt attention. only a.t 533, OXFORD STREET. LONDON, and a.re sold by 1111 Vendors of Medicines throughou m My customers and the public generally the Civilized World; with directions for using most every language. are invited to ca.11 and secure unparalleled inU-Puroha.sers should look a.t t.be Labei on the Posts and Boxes. If the address is not 533 bargains in Boots and Shoes. Oxford Street, London, they.are spurious. DAYID DAVlS. The Trade Marks of m~ said Medicines are registered in Ottawa.. and also at Washington. Bowme.nville, March 6, 1884. ----~ ------_ =-NEADS' BLOCK~ Old Wounds, Sores and Ulce11, Buckwheat Flour Hi~ Groceries, are and Graham Flour..· Fresh and Good. I ... __________ JAMES IEl1110TT TryElliott's 30c. TEA. 1 · Farmers' PRODUCE hoice Maple Syrup taken in exchange. and Sugar. Due Bills given. Under the church of St. Swithin, at Lincoln, England, ·was lately found a small stone altar. evidently belonging to a temple which had occupied the same site. Prof. Hubner, of Berlin, assigns the relic to the end of the second or beginning of t he · third century. The inscdptions on the altar are peculiarly interesting for the reason that they 'reveal th e existence, in t he days of t he Roman o ~cupation of England, of a r eligious offi· cial concerning whom ther e is no other information- the curator ceaicida;, or t emGood .Advice to tile Sick. )\lle-wa1'den. The altar was presented to If the doctors sometimes make us unthe temple by C. .A.nti~tius Frontinus, ll At the Shortest Not ice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. comfortalile, they can also cheer us up soldier who had t hrice h eld that office. Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band or Scroll occasionally. If they frequently sadden At the t:laws, and prepare ull kinds of lumber for carpenters and other· for building purposes. A somewhat curiou~ decision, involving us by telling us t hat there is death and 248 Ornamental and Plain Pickets for fences in every style reQuir1>d, ma.de to order. the responsibility for blunders in tele- disease in t he p ot, th e tea-kettle, the graphing, was recen tly r ender ed in Frank- beer-bottle, and the cigar-case, and t hat fort , Germany. A merchant 'wrote a dis- most of t he things that we eat, drink, patch 01·dedng his printer to stot:: work wear, or do are unhealthy, t hey console upon a lot of circulars until receipt of a us by showing us that t he human organism Jetter. The operator sent the dispatch, is a gt·eat deal tough er than is often sup.but qmmittecl the name ol the sender, and posed. Everyon e will be gratified to the printer, without making inquiry, learn from Dr. Mortimer Granville t hat stopped the wrong j ob. The court h eld there is good medical authority for the that the operator, not the company, was proper belief that a man is as well as he responsible, and condemned him to pay believes himself to be. Dr. Granville's the damages; and this, too, notwithstand- advice t o the sick man is, in brief, not to ing the fact th at the printer had chosen believe the doctor or anybody else who Takes pleasure in a i~ouncing the arrival of his New Spring Stock, conto act blindly when h e might easily have tells him t hat he is very ill and likely to ascertained from whom the disuatch came. die. Even t he patient wh o has an incur- sisting of Spring and Summer Hats in Felt and ::3traw, Hard and Soft Since its establishment in P aris in 1871, able disease, says the doctor rather para- Felt, Men's,Youth's, Boys' and Children's Black, Brown, Blue and N eutD. the Association d' Alsace Lorraine has col- doxically, may live just as lon " as an ylected about $350,000, most of which h as body else. Only let him hope. More Straw Hats from the 10 cent Canadian to the finest Manilla, and ii been distrib,u ted in t emporary relief and things are don e by hope t han this world sizes from the Baby to Grandfath er. in other ways assisting natives of the t wo wots of. Let a sufferer only firmly make severed provinces to find employment in up his mind that he is going to get well, In GENT'S FURNISHINGS I am det ermined t o keep t o the front. France. N early 40,000 heads of families, and in many cases his confidence will be justified, and he may throw physic to the In SHIRTS, I offer all t he leading styles. In TIES, all the novelties. represent a population of 100,000 persons, have thus b een enabled to migrate to the dogs. W e do not quite grasp t he scienti- In UNDERWEAR, the best quality kept. In RUBBER COATS, I mother country, and 800 young men have fic reasons for thi11 ; hut it is at any rate been aideu to complete th eir studies. consola.tory t o hear it. If the medical offer none but first class. H OSIERY in great variety; UMBRELLAS The removal of families from Alsace-Lor- men would always talk like this how and BRACES, a good choice; CELLULOID COLT..1ARS and CUFFS, raine to Paris still continues on a lar"e grateful we should be to them I the latest novelties in the line, require only to be seen to be purchased. sea.le; but the reser ve fund of t h e society .A. wife is called man's better half be·. has been reduced to less t han $50,000, and cause whenever h e does not want t o·· do an ur~ent appeal for subscriptions · has anything she r emarks . with . significant been i~sued. emph asis : "Well, you beeter ; that's. A Bombay telegram says: The long· The Empress of Austria can set typ e, continued drough t and the great h eat of the weath er are beginning seriously to af- and the empress of a~l. American farm can fect the prospects of the crops in the set a hen. Cusooms differ in different Bowmamrille, April 9, 1884. planting districts. With t he exception countries. '!here wa.s a very good story in the pa· per11 of the day, of a joke which was played by old Dr. Caldwell, formerly of the - OPUniversity of N erth Ca,rolina. The old doctor was a emallma.n and lean, but as hard 11nd angula,r as the most irr~gu lar of 'pine knots. He looked as if he might be tough, but he did not seem st rong. N evertheles~, he was, among the knowing ones, r eputed to be as agile as a, "cat ;" and in addition, We have reduced,::, the prices of our entire st.ock ot was by no moans deficient in knowledge of the "noble science of self-defence." Besides, he was as cool as a cucumber. Well, in the freshman class of a certain - --- We' are making-year; was a burly beefy mountaineer of tdghteen or nineteen. Thill genius cunceived a great contempt for old Bolus'll physical dimensions, and his sou~ was horrified that one so deficient in muscle in every department of General Dry Goods. should be 80 potential in his rule. Poor Jones-that's what we'll call him - had no idea of moral force. At any rate he was not inclined to knack under, Interested parties ought to see these Rare Barga.in~. and be controlled despotically by a man that he imagined he could tie and whip. He at length determined tu give the gentleman a genteel thrashing some night on the College campus, pretending to mistake him fur some fellow student. Shortly after, on a dark arid rainy Parties asking us for Bargains will not be disappointed. night, Jones met the D octor crossing the campus. Walking up t o him abruptly, he said : "Hello, Smith, you rascal-is this you 1" And with that he struck the old gentlema.n a blow on the side of the face, that nearly felled him. Old Bolus said nothing, but squared himself, a.nd a.tit they went. .Tones' youth, weight and muscle, made him an "ugly customer,,, but after a minute or two the Doctoi"s science began to ·tell, and in a short time he had knocked his gives as good value in BOOTS and SHOES beefy ant agonist down, and was ast raddle his · chest with one hand on his throat, for Cash as can be obtained at any other and the ·other dealing vigorously cuffs on store in town. · the side of his head. .; firsit year's business has been a pro"Ah, stop I I beg pardon, Doctor !-'nounced success. Dr. Caldwell- a mistake-,-for heaven's sake, Doctor!" groaned Jones, who thought he wu.s about to be beaten upsales so far this year ar.e away ahead "I- 1 really thought it was Smith!" of those of correspondmg months ef The Doctor replied, with a word and a last year. . blow alternately :"It makes no difference; for present A R"has Spring Goods on hand in great variety, purposes consider me Smith!" And it is said that old Bolus gave Jones will continue to sell at very low · pr1cei;: a pounding, then and there, such as pro· for Cash. bably prevented his ever making another mis~ake as to personal identity, at least promptly _at~ends to all custom work an& on the Colfoge campus. sees that it is properly executed. - - - - - - -·- --- -- - A Japanese Barometer Stone. has continually a varied assortment c.f' A curious reminiscence of Japan ·~s it Trunks, Valises and Travelling Bagr:i. was thirty years ago is incidentally fur. nished in the story of the Zeniya Gohei, says a merchant, who, in the days of the Bukufu government, was guilty of t he heinous crime of engaging in unlicensed commerce with foreigners. Zeniya, for this offence, BOWMANVILLE. underwent a. term of imprisonment, and KING STREET, on his r elease disposed of any property that r emained t o him to procure the means of a livelihood. This, however, is not the episode in his career which recently made him a subject of i nterest tu the vernacular press, but the fact that among his belongings was a celebrated --M.ANUFAOTURER OF-chattel called the "barometer stone" (See·i-Seki). This piece of rock is natur· ally of a pinkish white color, but it has a KING ST;REET, BOWMANVILLE, chamelionlike property of altering its hue wh enever a change of weather is im- Ila.a now on hand a. number of vehicles (and is manufaotm·ing a. great many more) of the ncwos1 patterns and b est finish, which I am offering for sale at the lowflst. prices consistent minent. Should rain be ·overhead, it bewith due regard to workmanship and quality. The following is a list of gins to look green as much as two days bethe principal vehicles manufactured by me : forehand, and should a storm be brewing Double Covered Carriages ... ...... ...... . -.... ..... ... ......... ............... $200 Upwards. it assumes a dark aspect. So .far as we Single Phootons .. ............ , ........... .. ..................................... 100 11 are aware, no mineral recorded in Occi· Open Buggy......................................................... ..... ....... 70 11 dental catalogues exhibits this wonderful sensibility to at mospheric influences, Top B uggy ..· .....· ~ ········ · ·· · ························· · ························ 90 11 Democrat Wagon. ............................................................... 65 u and if Mr. Zeniya's stone be a veritable affair, it is indeed a curiosity. The Yomi Lun1ber Wagons .... ~ ··· ····· · ··· · ································· ··· · ·········· 55 u Ligh t Wagon ......... ....... ....·..·.·..···...··. ~ ........ . ........... .. ......... 40 11 iiri-Shimbim, frcim which we quote these 11 Express \/\r ago11. ·· . . . . . . . · · . . . . . . . . . . . · . . · . . . · . · . . . . . · · . . . . . . . .· . · . . . · . ·· . · · · · · · · 75 details, says that alter Zeniya's mishap Skeleton......................................................... . . ... .. . .. .. . .... . 50 u the ston e came into the House of Mayeda 11 Sul~y ..····......·.·.···.··.·................ ... .... ....·..···..... ................· 40 (in Joshin), and that it is to be presented Possessing superior facilities tor manufacturing . c arriages. I intend to sell very cheap for cash to His Majesty the Emperor on the comor approved credit, and by so-doing I hope to greatly increase my number of sales. Would pletion of the imperial palace. sell the wood part8 only, or the gee.rings ot buggies ironed. GREAT ·cLEARING SALE tl!A11Y·MA 1Jl CtOTlttNC t Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing. S\?VEEPING REDUCTIONS I $5~ We offer Men's Tweed Suits at Boy's & Youth's Tweed Suits at $t 50. WE ARE GUTTING DOWN THE PRICES ALL AROUND. ELLISON & CO. ACKNOWLEDGED FACTS. J, HELLYAR J. HELL· Y AR'S J, !-!ELLY AR'S J, HELLY J HELLY AR J. HELLY Al?, J. HELLY AR J. HELLy AR COME AND SEE. HAINES' CARRIAGE WORKS. GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C .. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired I SIGN OF THE HAT TO THE FRONT AGAIN. .;Uarcus ayer My Prices will be found r easonable. Highest Prices· paid for Raw· Furs. A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED.