A LETTER appeared in the last issue of I Doolittle won by many points, accorn- THE SCOTT ACT CAMPAIGN. the News si<med "Quartel'ly :M:eetin" " ( plishing several new and ditfcult feats on Mn. ElllTOR,-A let.ter BPP""rod in your last wherein tl1e ~riter, a young aspirant f~r th~lwheel. Miller and Kent both did very week's issue deno11ncin1r the Scott Act, written hy a certain Jnd1vidual who ~igns himself"A Merchant.." It is a mere waste of powder and' - ~~·v~v"" v~. ...A~~--~~~~ fame, well-known in this district, tries to ·Wrli~ the evening a club concert was held shot to spend time in replying to one who is JioWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, MAY 30. ridicule the suggestions ·0001tained in a iin·tl1~ drill-sh~d, ~or which many 'cyclists either ashamed or afraid to make himself. known, and shoots from behind the hedge. but short editorial' note th:ait a}Tpeared in the 1remametl.. 1h_e Torontos were awarded as his misleading statements are apt to alarm ST.A'.l'EBMA.N the pre,'1.QU·s week respectino; tU1e Ibeautiful s1l ver cup for the largest th'l unwary, I condescend to give them a brief SIR RICHARD CARTWRIGHT S . . . ... ., inumber of men present, and the other reply. As only a very small minority of your merSPEECH. , the re-appomtn;ent 'O'f Met'hodist mnmi- ipliia.e s ..were also distributed to the successcha.nrs are engaged in "the business" which . ters for next year. If ithe yuimg man ·will fflil mon1pctitors. The performance was will be affected by the adoption of the Scott Sir H.ic)lanl Cartwright addressed a ·write over his ow11 !lilrume <we shall take jfdJlowei:l 1 by a torchlight prncession. The Act in w~st Durh11m it would appear from "A Where our friende and cnstomers. will find evervthing Merchant's" alarm cr:v that he 1s a sleeping largo au<lience' at the Gra.nd Opera House pleasure in replying '11© limt~«!m tl1e subject. ·<iityl<ilrihs. speak in the highest praise of partner in the firm of"Demetreus&Go.."whose --as usual in-~ " 'the· tournament and their stay in the llretty craft is in danger. His crooked-legged facts .in Toronto on t.h e 20th inst. u1Jon rmblic Had he n ot been afuia'iiil tt10fati'her ~lis IJro- ,l itele ·.village . limp ~adly and are like a glass of Jager beermere froth and fume. .aifan·s.. The speech was 11 very able one: duction he would luwe ;11!tliia.d ;to lmve the First. he says "that the Scott Act can do no good, but aerions harm t.o business." Which 1 He sLated how it was he came to leave · article published i1~ 'tlhe ·fi!mltTESMA'lS:, but the grocery 1 dry goods l he.rd ware · 1 or boot ·vrrALIZED AIR. the Tory party antl join the ranks of the assassin-like, he chooses ·.va.1iher to , get and shoe hnsiness? No I for the farming commnnity will need all the articles in these Reformers. He declared that from the behind J1is bpponent ancl infliiot J l tis deatl~iY ·To the Editor of ti" Statesman. variouR line~ as much ae before. '.I'he only business u.Jder the sun that will bo in.iured by i;ime tlrnt he"n'lade the change that h e had thrtuts. Come out li'k~ a mum ;rund ·a1.~o"tte make Dearwhat Sir,--In your 10 paper lastvery week you its appears me of some strong a.doption is the liquor busines~. It wiJJ cer· never hei:;itated, wavered or repented., the llUestion over youi· own n111u1.e,,;.1.tnCl10.ur statements, ancl as I am rather of an inq11ir- tainly injure that hllsiness sadly a.no g-tve it a MADE TO ORDER FROM THE death blow-that dire catastrophe " A Mer· He said that tho politics of Canada' were columns 11re at your disposal., "'"'1((),urnitiietl!y l~~ t~·~nn°;~i~od~K~.;.:.e';i~l /;.~d~une~ti~!~.r call· chant " forsees alr_eady, hence tbe~11 tears. · '·I Could the field or Waterloo present a moro · · d , · and one of M ec t" 1 ~' 'l d ib e 'in,ventions l·'irstly-You sayrelief that" of all the wonderful b econ1111g more compi icate ing, " un1ess your .art' IC ·es ""1ou for the and prevention or hu- heart rending ·pl'ctacle on the morning after the greatest dangers is l)Opular indifference like the one in the Neu;s, :wherein you ·man s11trerlnfls, perhap~ the most wonderful is that great battle than the deplorable condition fbat or vitalized air." Please tell me how :rou of affairs in Bowman ville 11rter the adoption of the Scot.t. Act as forseen by t.he prophetic eyo to matters of public copcern. He said he take almost a column to sa,y what >might know that. be better said in twenty-liwe lines. "Stick '¥.ou also state that "the most eminent J)en- of "A llforchantr' Hotels clo·ed, business at f eare<l t Imt f rum one cause or otl ierveop1e tists of .En~la.nd a!1d Eur<>pe." etc.. etc. You a standstill, strangers abiding in the street~ a.II . . to your text and fire away. can:easdy gn-e their names. . night, hou·es to let.. Alas! a.Ins! what shall 1 11 o f tlrnreal prmc1pes l rnvea 1ess fi rm J lOC Yousay"itiabein~adoptydbylc-edingDi:n· become of us 1 King Alcohol is fallen, is fallen. 1t is high tlme that this accursed liquor busiof liberty, ahd less control over public to.I Stu;geons of ou,. large cities." You will of course :have no difficulty.in telling us who they ness should be stopped in Rowmanviile and .are-try ~·oronto,th.at isriear lunne, you know. throughout the Dominion, and that the 27,f affairs tlrnn they had ·years ago. He ---' · l 1 l· 1 .Again you say,"1he public can clepenclon the million dollars spent a.nnue.Jly in this accnrsed "'-lHUttec t iat t HS was an unp easant, 'he annual meeting of the Reform .pnoper application or t.his thoroughly painless traffic shonld be devoted in furtllering the 1 trut 1, bu.t that wa,s AssociaLion of West Durlmrn was held 011 agent by Dr.Hal'llden.·' Perhaps you can tell ua tempornl and spirltnal interests of society in· 1Jerha1Js an UHIJO}Jlll'il' '.!' H E LATE ST PATT E RN S. "'\ t . how muc-h the learned Dr. knows about the stead of enriching the rnmaellera and dest.roy· no reason why it should not he spok:e. Friday last, F. F. McArthur, Esq. , pre· physiologicaleft'f·ctofthis new&Jlesthetic,and ing the bodies and sonls ot men. '.l'he farmers siding. 'l'he several municipalities were whe11e he !1a~ hue! the experience to become so anil. travell ing public have no cause for alarm '.l.'his direction of public attention a · y thovough ·nits apphcation. on the score of accommodation; if the hotel represented. After routine the election A d h"J b · from " 1rnblic affairs was not confine to n w 1 e you ··re a ont1t,jnst tell me where keepers do not see thefr way clear to k.iep of officers was proceeded witJ1 an<l resulted this ea.me gt>ntlcman got the title of " Dr." from. their houses open, as formerly, w11en this Act Canada. · 'l'he r evolution · in the U ted as follows :-President, F. F. McArthur ,· Do tell me that, ond the public as well should comes into force, the temperance party ~.re know. Sa.y, Mr. Edit.or, what kind of a Dr is fully resolved that the farmers and public sllall States by ,, Jiich th!!ir independence was Vice-Presidents, L. Van Camp, Darling- he anyhow? I know h.e iR not a Dr. of Deiital hav«> ample and suitable accommodation pro· ton; J. G. Renwick, Cfarke; S. '.I.'. F er- H\H'!\'e.rv. or a medical ]Jr.. mnst be a Dr. of vided for them, and that all parties will be far C . h ,,., T L D1"'.~n·t.Y-. . but th.at c·m har<lly }).,, he wonldn't happier and fJrosperons than ever, without the aecurecr was b r ongll t,, about b y men of I, ·eat d h De g;uson, artwrw. t ; n . . ockhart, Newvm1ty wu ntistrv on his own door aid of ttoe whiskv traffic. a.bilit.y, but once it was accomplished, :x le ~ nnx · 1 castle ; T. Yellowlees, Bownumville; Sec- plate, Ah! perhaps iL may mean corn J)r.1Well, "A Merchant"' Rays again, "that the Scott thinkers wei·e pushed aside for men of · 1 retary, W. R. Climie ; '.l.'reasurer, John if that is correct, l··.t. ns partronize the Dr. His Act has Ruffered defeat in every plane where door plate, in fact t.he who!" exhibition looks it ha~ been thoronghly discussed, and that ,,,, ,~ ,~, ~ ·~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ inferior class, whose rule led to the dis M cM urtry · t.emp.tinil' to the uninitiateu:._a kind of walk many who have voted for it have regretted asters of 18G5. For half a certury the CoMMITTlms.- Darlington- 1'. H. Han- into..my-Dental·JJarlor-said·the-spider-to-the-fly their folly." In this unJlue.rded statement "A Merchant" simply makes U80 of a " business few able men who sat in Congress c ne k, Thos. Smale, Dr. Mitchell, John ·ao.y~~f-e'!:;~~-=-·public "will appreciate tbe Dr 's lie." :Everybody knows thf>t out of the forty . Rundle, Thos. Baker, M. Munday, and enterprise." Mr.Editor, din you really write places tbroughont the Dominion, m which the None better, from the South, :nul they moulded public H. Ellwtt, jr. Clarke--vV. Milligan, th.at ar.ticle or was it ~he "Or.', who gave him- Act has been tried during the last three years, Arriving every that thirty-four have accepted it with an o.,..er· own interests and their John Pinch, .Jas. Stark, G. M. Lon rr, D. self a. httle cl.cap ta:tJ111 '!'here ta more cause None cheaper. ])olicy to suit the;r 0 , for humiliation tl1m1 congratula"flon that we ~helming majority, and very few, if 11.ny ol' week, full of bloom - A . N Down prejudices. vVhat Jrn.ppened in the 'l'yreman, C. J. Thornton and H. Middle- have a human being in this section so devoid tliose who Yoted for it hM e regretted so doing. Cllres Cough~, His third statement, that you can't make U nited Sfates is now happening here. ton. N ewCA~tle-vV. H. Chaplin, D. of &elf·!·espect !ls to .be guilt.y of practising such and perfume. ~ All dJ ] lli B deceptrnnon his neighbors, even 011 the very men sober by acts of parliament has been re· Colds, etc·. T he coun ry_is under' t h e regime of little in an o 1Il A ·n. owmanville- M. elect-(1 mwan the School Board, of course. for futed a tl1ousand times. We all know that mon, who 11re p~'i:rclaindng 'their own i~n- Porter, R. Hambly, .T. P . Rice, D. B. you !mow I.he so-called "Dr." is a member of men cannot be kept from committing robbery . or mw·der by any Jaw, hnman or divine, but "d '~ A y · -..T S y C thatangust body). port:ince, an d l1ave b een b ya co11s1 erable "ogg, · oume, -~ · · omig. artButwou·t the school boys rejoice to find that they can go a long way toward it. Society is Bection of the pe0ple 'acceptei:lat their own wright -Thos. Werry, ,J. L, Power, Robt. t.he old "royal r?ad to ta!"1e" is all humbug- none the worse of the 'l'en Commandmentsestirnatc. This has been done because the Philp. that. thE'.Y c 9 n st.ick on a. title them.selves with· acts of parliament, the Scott Act included. ont lmvmg to work for 1t and gettin" it from a '.I'he temperance party are not inclined in the e 1ectors have not htken suflicient time to It was decided to hold a g ·and picnic Professor at college as other fogies have <lone. meantime to take "A Merchant's" advice and earnestly consider th.:i issuus raised. '.l.'hoy and political demonstration here on June But I am trank to confess I won Id llke a bit of "atop the manuractllre" of liqtror: they wonld have ;i.ssnmed that there is sufficient vital- 17th, and to t ender Hon. Edward Blake a my.elf, if I add could get itdignity for fifty cents or if they could. '.!.'hey intond p1wauin11 a eurer To uit everybody a title dollar-'twould a lit.tie you know and safer plan by s~plng: in front ot their Acts like mag ie ity in ·t he country to st.and any amount of a public reception to his political home on 11.nd peo.I>le wouldn't know the difference. own doors fir.st with I.he l:'icott Act broom. in quality and misgovo~·mneut without the clitnger of the occasion. Other leading speakers of Upon m:r word, Mr. Editor. from my stand· Prohibition will come by and by, I am glad to and gives solid see that there is yet a latent spark ..or hon~sty beinu utterlv ruined. O:i.uada was at this the IJarty will also be invited, and the funny. point the movements are decidedly 0 J and "'Dr.'s" I am sorry to see him giving him· in the bosom of t.his Rupporter of the li<JUOl.' moment governed by a combination of demonstration is expected to, be one of the self away ao oompletely. Notwithstanding that tra.fllo, when he admit.a that" the miniat.ers of comfort. sinister interests by contractors, jol:ibers, best ever held in t11e banner riding. A I haYe nothing but good wishes for him, and the Gospel and all good citizens" are in ra.v11r of the abolition of the crying evil, and that he .sts and subs1'cly 11unte1·s, all of coin111i'ttee was fo rmecl for compl e t'mg and now fired as alloff three pa.IJers have takcn..up hisagree case himself is igno1·ing the moral aspect of the nlonol)oll a good deal of gush, I must whom are united ia ::;upport of the Gov- arrnngements consisting of the President "ll·ith them that downright merit should be case by prostituting his talents and influence by trying to put a qtumbling block in the path "'"!' · Oilt Of grau1 · ·t une ' f or pas t favors, Vice'-PI'eside11t.s, . arid nicinbers c·f tlle' suggest recogntzed bynow a grateful public, anderf'cte·d I beg to '" ! !" u\!11.u, that, as our band have a of tem.perance. and helping forward the devil's · and from hopes of benefits .to como. Sir above committees with power to add to grand stand on the market Equare, the cit.izens "ork, a.nd ·crvants in fitting men and women Toilet Articles, ALL '.!.'HE The best for fattening purposes, and Richarcl denied that the Government of their number. )Ve J10pe our readers in unite and erect a pedestal 01· monument for the for the iail. the gollowa, and the bottomless ·11 1 11 · l · "Dr." a.s near the town pump as possible, and pit. 'When "A \\1erchant" writes again I nope Combs, . · tl l Canada w:ts more like t.hat of the second ie c istnct Wl lo a lll t lelr power to pretty much after the same artistic design.and his religious connections will be more confirm· most rea.sonable in price. 1 Patent MedicinesBrushes, empire, ' rti..ich beg!tn with a massacre in make this affair a grand success. when bronzed over with n little moon·shine eel, and that he will be enabled to look at the p · 1 l d ·1 1 · 1 · f it would be in keepinr; wi1h the whole altalr. ' Scott Act campaign In a more favorable light. ansMlC ence w1t1 tle cR.p1tuation o _ _ ___ ·- - - --- Pardonmeforheingeoinquisit1ve. bnt nei· Yours truly, Sponges, &c. ADVE RTISED A. FRASER. Sedan. Whitt the maj ority did in 1878 NEWCASTLE TO URNAM ENT. thcr you nor the "Dr." have told us what this Manse, Orono, May 17th, 1884, was the sam e as if the people of the United Yltalized a.iris composed of- give us a little in great variety more light. Perhatis 1 11.m wrong, bnt I have are for sale by us. States lmd, after knowing the facts, elected alwa;ra thought it was a contrlYance attached Mr. Tweed as President, Mr. Fisk, M~n- LARGE A'l'TENDANCE.- FINE ItA.CING.- THE to our nitrous oxide gas apparatus, for mixing ister of Railways, and Mr. Oakes Ames, TORO.NTOS CARRY OFF 'l'HE CUP. chloroform with tbegas. And if choloform is used, what does it demand 1 Now, Mr. Editor · Secretary of tlw 'J'reasury. , Tho Confod'.I k f S l I am cemin11: to the scrions part of 'Jly Jetter' , 0 oration at its establishment embraced a 'he l owering s Y aturc ay did n ot and what I am anxious that people should OF VALUABLE population of 3,375,000, and . ent. ' tiled a f1;rnventt th~ bicyclte e_nthfuslilasftics ofToro1:1t.o ~~!~ ;f;~t~r~s R~e ~e!11er~!~'D':;ul~1 ~o~~~~r federal expenditure of $13,500, 000. In rom urnmg ou m u orce to VlS!t expresses my ideas better that~ I can myseir; "Ive you his words a II uct· seven yeM·s the IJOJmlation had iucreased N ewciistle. A 1)arty of the Wanderers I w1II "' mg to th e rewent clown on Friday night to the villa<re spoilsibility of Dental Surgeons. .After citing a ~ 300,000 mid the expenditure n early $ 10, - while a number of the ·rorontos stopp"'eJ number of cases copied from United States lN , ~'EAR ' "HE 01· ,. 000 000 During the five years of Mr · . . /law rAports, etc., he goes on to say: , · ' · ' ' · at Bowmanv1.lle to meet eight of the club "And, gentlemen, if one ofusshouldevor see ~Iackenzie's Administration, tho popula- who h ad made t he run from Toronto adeathoccnrdurif!gtheadminietrati~nofi::a.s l;ion hatl increased 300,000 and the ex pen- I . · l · h. B ' the Jaw would be silent as to our quahAcat.ions diture but "'200,000. During the next ~avmg at 2 p. m. anc reac mg owman- for the tilling of t!leth or insertivg artificial h C D IP ~ ville soon after dark. 'l'he '.l.'orontos were ones; t.he one quest10n by which we woula be Int e ounty of urbam, being the Flouring Commence this week and will continue throughout all this six years the popnlat ion incrnased nearly J. oined at t heir rendezvous by t he remain- judg~d wou~d be, ~id he understand this agent and Gristmg Mill known as 300,000 aml the expenditure $7,500,000. . . . . ana its ma.mfestat1on on the human system, of season to offer special value in Sir Richard declared the j)Osition of Cana- mg men arnvmg on the early tram, and the act.ion of the heart in normal and abnornJal , the club wheeled Lhe fieve miles to New- conditions, of the respiratory organs in like da 0-<lay was financially worse than that tl · T l W d · , ll t · N covdit1om, and had he made .,LU examination Situated on the No,.th Side of the Kingston 10 of the l Tnited States aftcl' their civil war. cas e. an eiers a m e at ew- to see if they were in a condit.ion to malcc the Itoad, in or near the Village of Newcastle. Tiu; IJresent j)OIJlllation of the U nited castle, and upon the atlvent of tl10Torontos administration !J! this age~t safe? 'l'his, to a· Un1ler and by vi rt llO of a power of so.le con· formed a procession toO'ether with the cert0:in exterit, is not poss.ib!e for the ave!age States is 55,000, 000, and the expenditure . . .. , . ' "' . dentist to do, an:l the only llne of safety is to taiued in a mortgage, which will be produced r tl 1 l other v1 s1tmg cychsts, under the leaderslup demand of each patient that they be accom- at the time of sale, there will be offered for , a, it e ess tlrnn $5 ii heat. T h e present of Mr. Percy Doolittle, the veteran rider panied bytheirtamily physicmn, or that they aa.le by Pnblic Auction, on population of 0?.nada is 4,400,000, and the 0 f A ·l , Tl W d . . J lt t have a wl'itteu certificate to the effect that it ~x2eucliturc fL litt le more t han $7 11 h ead. J mer_. . le tm oreis P acec we~i y- will be sare to administer gas, in which case Ladies, please call and inspect our Dress Matel'ials, w e are showing The Government of th e U nited States two m en m lme under Capt. H.P. Davies; the only thing you have to prove in event of the Toront.os' forty-three were guided by death would be that you had admimstered it s~me nice lines comprising lfrench Cashmeres, Ottoman Cords, Empress 188!, AT 1 ffCLOCK P. M., .A.'l' '.I'HE costs the country, with a war cieht. inclnd- C· t A F uT b. , . d h 11.T , , l with 1!11 the ~sual precautiO!J.S. 'l'here is one . l l 41>2f ·1 'II ap · · · ne ster , an t e .i., e11cast e pointmrelat.1on toanresthehcswhichisalwnys l a 11tt Uloths, Cashmere Serge, Nun's Cloths, Swiss Spots, Oatmeal Brocades,. ec' e more t inn "' O a aun Y· le and others by Capt. A . B. Kent. After w~ll to bear in min cl, and on~ th.at .c an be amp· Government of Camichi costs the people of riding through t he principal streets headed ly de!Jlonstre.teu, a.nd. that is,. it is stranl;l'ely Colored Lawns, Sateens and Prints. this country upwards of $35 a family. l I b d l d· . ' associated with death 111 the nunor operat10ns ht the Tlllnge or NcwcaMtle, aforesaid, The peorJle of Canada h:we siuce 1857 p . aid JY t le an 1, t 10 !snussal was sounded, of surgery. If we c?ul~ su~round the taking of T h e races were of course the feature !!'as v.:Jth more restr10.t10ns 1t would aid mater· Part of Lot No. 24. in the 2nd Concession, in into t he Dominion tre:isury $33:~,000,000, l l , 11 l l' ·1 1 30 1e.lly ID the preservat10n of the natnral teeth. tho township of Cls.rke, in the county of Dur· 1. · 1 b · $133 OOQ 000 s· ?f tile cay, anc were c~ ec I! iarp Y at : ' I believe the exp~rience of all present will jua- ham, containing about 6} acres, on which is . · 1 8 'eSJC orrowmg ' ' more. ir · m the park, where a six-lap path had been ttfy the conclusion that since gas has come situated the excellent Flouring and Gristing Richard referr ed te tl1e case of Mr. Mous- laid o tit which IJroved .very fair consider - mto use and t.he.-e:xtract1on of teeth has beco1ne Mill, known as .Adams' New Mill, and now .scau, who had been p ut on tho bench in . ' . . . . a painless operation, it has become common fnllv clescribed in said mortgage. d' l "fi t · mg the recent rams. Mr. Samu el vV1lmot for persons to have their teeth extracted by '.l'erms eaay, and mado known at. t.he sale, or · . I Ol'(l er tlla t l10 mtg tt escape isqua i ca ·rnn acted as referee and Messrs. J.J.Robson the wholesale, strani;e .and incredible as it cm aprilication to GEORGE CUR'l'I::3, Auction..2-A _..I · · for bribery and corruption, :tnd M. Onge R f N ' .L W . a F ' seems, and have artificial substitutes. ritther eer, N11wcastle. or to Tl b b 0 11 Chapleiiu, who h"'d b een forced. out of the ~eve ._ eweaSL e, e. m.,ton oster, than unde1·go the pain and annoyance n.t.tcndJ'ifcGEE & JONES, JOS~ a out uying Curtains will find something entirely new, pat.tern& Richard Varcoe and Wm. Lockhart were 1ng the filling ai:id preservation ot them." ( d ffi t t l · · · public service for misconduct, was forcccl judges. Charles Wilmot was starter. Now. Mr... Edit?r, excus.e me·. but wha~ you 1 Vendors' Solicitors, Oshawa. are l eren O any over s 1own, rang ing in price i rom 7 5c. per pai::; up ,, intCl' it tigain, because Ministers with · R . . say abont leadmg dentists" 1& at varrnnee beams in their own eyes wore in n o posi1. Club ace (handicap), one nnle :with facts. Last summer I had the pleasure Oshawa, 28th May, 1884. 1st, A. B . Kent, (scratch) ; 2nd, T. Miller, or a~.tendin1'. the Amerio-in Dental Socie1;y's - - - - - - -- - - - - - --We have jus~ received ·another lot tion to make war upon Mr. Chaple:tu (SO yards). Srd F A D-.y · man (25 yards) . meetmp: at Niagara Fall.a. where I m!lt hun· e N veryWwbere L A to M sepll . · of those Pure Silks, warranted not to· because h e h ad a mote in his. Sir. Richard . ' ' · · ' ' ' ' itrecls of tbe best men 111 tlle profession, t.he E. Chas. Miller, (100 yards). f1nest body of men I everaet. and a.morunhem BURNER. Ko more tronbTu to nuwe wicks. referred to the case of Sir Charles Tupper, Kent had tho race his own way llass1,1·1g a very em!.nent dentist .f rom London. England. Bvery family wants it. Jcit any Jump. Use cut. Call and leave your order. We guarantee satisfacti on or no s ale. · . t,ec. l. t o a sea t Ill · P arl' ' 'l'l1e p res1den t., a ,·en " t1st f rom New o r Icans, Rame globe. Sells at sifiht, 'J'hree burnersC for w h o was appc·m iamen t , " ll 011 tlii·i·cl larJ. b \. t f l 1 t ft l l l " had just returned from a.ttenrling the meeting $1 to auy address. Ro er Lamp Burner o., Y iin 1 . c 0 <Lr rnmen ·, a er , ie iac 2. Slow Race, (open), 220 yards· : ~ 1st, of an American Dental Society in Germany. 7S Murra~ St., New York. vacated it by the acceptance of ofhc.e. He P. E. Doolittle, Torontos. And yet in the mi!lst or all this assembled wisncxt referred to the case of Section B, I Dc1ol1'ttle Oi·1· F1'tzuc1·ald Blotcl1fo1·d dom,Ididnothearone word about vitalized h ] d b 11 i t ' ' ' ' w ' air. Their great ambitlon was to get the best & w ~re contr~ctors la ~en ca CL upon Kent, ~md .Miller · started . All fell save mode of preservin1t the natural teeth, regulatass1st the fnencls ?f Mm1st~rs, and 'Yho Doolittle, who was far forwarcl, Fitzgerald ing children's teeth. the be·s t appliances tor the ,,.1.11;1;;;-:,~l~~<l~".:·?c~.';.~~·~r fi~ ~?,,~~"k'/',,~I":~" ~No~': 1 w~re ~ore than paid for, t h etr gener~·sity. and Blatchford, but the latter tw o came iJ~~ ~!ri~~ss~:ffoi;:~i~~~t~nd ~1~~~~t8u/'~~ f,1:·;;~ 1~:ff~~~~~ ~1~~;· r~fl1· ,1~:,':f~l\v"8 \io'!Ff/~!i'~~~~~ Sir R 1chttrd Cartw~1ght s speech will no t o. " rief and the Toronto man wheeled mouth. etc. '.l'he al>ove society !S composed of i · tniwth1ll· w1t11aYJLUA!lu;1·1rnA·risf: on this <l!seuse, doubt do oood service and we t rust that -~ l . the best men ID the wol'ld in then· own apeolo.1- , 10 ·UlY sufT01 or. Give llxpross unll :f" 0 . nddr~so. tl . " b 1· l. ' 't ·n ' . tl quick y m. tics. I have been reading their writin~~ for IHI. T. A. sr.ocuM. i e1 lea11st.. ~owYork. i c views em .oc 1ec 1111. w1. i ceeive le . 3. One mile, (01Jen):-- 1st, C. F. Liwen- 'many year!, a!ld it ~ill be my humble am bi- I careful iittent10n of the public. der ' 'foronto.' 2nc1, H · p · D' v·e. wau .der - 1operahone tion to.follow .rn In their footsteps, although my ~o , L i s, will some Jines be but poor ers; 3rd, F. J. Cmnpbell, Toronto; 4th, imitations. A <JOlliMIT'.L'El!l of theBell(jvilleMetlwdist P · E. Doolittle ' Toronto. . I saw Di·. Parml!!YBrown lnaerting gold fi,ll· ing with the electric mallet (which by the way · k' . Conference met in the Methodist book A thoroughly good race ta ·mg pl'.tce I int end to get.) with the addition of McKee imd Orr, who Will .the P)lbl\o. now kp.owing my co11viotions rooms, Toronto , cm _ 'l'uestfay, 20th inst. wh ere n ot at the finish , Davies darted regarC.u~g vita hz~d air, mdulg:e me If! my r~'tl D l' ttl l t l d b t ' q11est with rega1d to consultmg fanuly pbysilt was finally clecicled to stop the pu blica- ulf , w1 l oo l e c ose a 1an · , u cians l The length of this letter will be pardoned, as ti011 of the Bowmi,tnvillo Obm ·ver 11nc\ the Liwender k ept at work mid passed the · . · C . b 1'1 · tf l t la it is the first time during a residence of 22 ye.are l seconc nu1L amp e m le as P that I have appeared in this capacity. As I Hamilton Christian Advocate on July 1st. passed Doolittle, antl Lavender got ah ead saicl before, Mr. Harnden and I are on good The Ohri ·tian Cffiai·dian will be supplied or Da.vies. terms nn4 wish t? remain so, aJJd if I am . )' wrong wul apologise and take a hack seat, to t he subscrillers of t h ese ,journals. 4. One-lw.If n11le1 (<wen , lG years and Since I h1>.ve been in business in town, seven under :- 1st, T.hos·. Miller, Newcastle ; dentists have come and gone-some of them 9 1 "i\T H u T . t . 31 ·d R goad men- but I never had a quarrel with ADVOCATES of the Scott Act will l'cquire ~nt, . v · . · .L>l'OWn, Olon ' · them. I am a man of peace, ancl sign myselr, Mon1~ , '\;Vanderers. Yours respectfnlly, to prnvide {t lot of tempernncc literature. This ev.eli.t 'was con tcsfiei by 'Seven start~ J. M. nmMA.COMBE. W 0 know of nothing eq mLl to a pamphlet crs. Millm· hitd the race !i.11 'hand on the - .A.THarlanJ.'s Improved J\1ILK PAN, publish ed by Rev. vV. A. McK ay, of last lap, imd ;vo.n by tla·ee .yards. $23, will p urohace a ticket from Bow5. F ive wi;J.c,. (open), handicap :- 1st, mauville totheoldcountry. T. Yellowlees. Patented July 17th, 188:1, which ·w ooc1stuck, on the Scott Act. A copy · - -- ----- ii; second to none of the many inshould be sent to every elector where the :F. J . 'Can'iipl:Jell, Toronto, 200 yards; 2n·d, Important Notice. 0 . F\ ·L1i\.'er1der, ToruJ1to, 200 ya,1:ds ; 3rd, v entions now in th e market, in campflign is in ]Jrogress. H. P. :O,wies, \.Va;nde rets, 2·7·5yn.rds ; P .E. '!'here can be no c1oubt about the state- s impli.ci.ty, durability and t he efDoolittl e, 'l'oronto,1Jcratch ; R ,.lI. 1.foKee, ·- - - --<Jt Nf'l "A'rli)S will liave t.o pay n fe o of $1 vVan der eTs, 250 ya;rds; .A.. B . K erit , New- m ent that :Sorland is selling boots and fcdual mod e of separating the sh oes cheaper t hm1 ever befor e for cash. cream from the1nilk, purn and free .J.nd ~2, if they desire to try second m id ca8t.lc, 500 yal'dl!-. L~tdics' fine we(l,r 1 1 .specia lty. Call, sec thi.J:d class teachers' exami:u ation s. Blank Diwies,as in the mile, went ahead,closely from sediment. · iiressed by Ca,r\) pbell and La'ircnder. On the goods mid leam. the p.rices. 'Ihe S kimmer and ,Aerating apfor;:ns of applka~ion may be hacl from thll the ·sernntlt ln,p Catilpbell went ahead, Y ou ·Cannot Do B etter. 111spect01, 1vhich mnst he filled up and follow erl hy Laven der. Doolittle worked pa1 atus it< e ntirely new, and will sent in hy tl1e J 7th of Jun e. Jia.rd to wake up his h<mdicap, but without separate the 'Cl'eu.m from the milk If ~,01.1 wa-nt anything in the fancy go.ods, succe8fi. McH \ole and K ent r etired. , ----~~~--in 12 hours . C all ancl see them at ti. Fancy Riding :- lst,'P.'E . D oolittle, stationary, wnJl paper or m.usical lines call Ov'BR $2,000 were used by the temper- 'roronti) : 2nd , G. H. Orr, vVanderers ; at Ch eapside Bazaar, kept by Ta it & M orriance pa1·ty in the Scott Act campaig u in 3rd, A . Il. Kerit, Newcastle·; 4th, Chiis. son. tt'hey are s~lling th~ ]Jrettiest lines BtmK' S OLD S'.l 'Al\D, · · B01VllANYO.LE. BowmanviUe, April 8, 1884. ·of wall :;inipers. Miller, Newca:We. Oxford county. I ·· ,l -----........ (THE .HOUSE)IJlM -:a: .A. S :MOV-E D- . GENTS' AND BOY'S 2 DOORS WEST, HEADS' BLOCK CLOTHING iBJ~ ~~' @~ ~TO~ ·~o in great variety, all new· and choice. LADIES' U LS TE R GOODS,. GliN!~' JVURN!(~D!NGI J_ JEFFREY_ FLOWERS PURE DRUGS BINGE'S SYRUP STAN DARD ME D I0IN ES -o--- . PERFUMERY Fresh Oil Cake ---o- OUR CORN CURE ' Horse & Cattle Food~ GIV.E IT A TRIAL. AUCTION SALE t~l~ l~l~l Jji)~;Jj]J}j MILL pR 0pE RTV · --------"------_ --J[ pI ERIGIEJ & Village of Newcastle, ADAMS' NEW MILL DRUG-GISTS:; ·,fi)EIRIT}SfOINI) DRY GOODS & MILLINERY. DRESS GOODS? WEDNESDAY, JUNE II, WINDSOR HOTEL, See our p arasols and Sunshades I LACE c u R'I-,A_ IN s AGENTS WANTE.D MANTLES f ° LEADING HOUSE FOR FASHIONABLE MILLINERY~ GONSUMPTION.; THE Inspection invited. Pierce Robertson. -DON'T BUY YOUR- I o L' CA.:E<.PE'TS before .seeing the Highest Market Price for any quantity of Wool. ELEGANT STQCK, °, M1Ll<~PIN-S ' VELVET &TAPESTRYS c ouo :a:~ ·114·,_·-~ JOHNSTON &CRYDERMAN: LEWIS QUICK'S, Their Carpets are all new and their Prices are as low as the lowest. Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash ONE DOOR WEST OF POST OFFl.CE.