Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1884, p. 2

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~i~~~~;;:~~m·~ 'UNDERTAKING I L EV 1 MORRIS. yATARRH.-A new Treatment wh1'reby a raoor-A Jo'a.vorable ~ea.son. Exa.m01nt1o!J. ll· St, !'<itm,.bur~. · EVERY F&IDAY MORNING, perma11en r , cu re is effected in from one to thre A.11t: all scrofttlous diseases, Sores, E1·ysi1'9treatments. Particulars a.ml 'l'roatise free on The sealing season has had a far more A St. Petersburg telegram to the Lon· -llYlAo, .t:;c:.Ge111a., Blotches, Ringwor1n, 'l~u... o! stamp. A. H. DIXON & SON,' 3(17 rPceipt favorable opening this year than in mai1y don Standard says : Dr. Harkavy has G .U ELPH King Street, West, Toronto, u1orzS, Carbuncles, .Boils, ~_nd :Eruptions ~1:, A.JAMES, seasons before, writes a correspondent -:ommenced the laborious task of collatof the Skin, are tho direct result of Ult Are soroond tu none In the world. llD,1100 inAT Tlllll OFEICK, from St. Johns, Ne.w Foundland. The ing his precious Hebrew manuscripts of WHAT THE REV. E. B. 8TRVJ!N!!ION, B.A., .t etrumen1ll now inipm'e state of the blood. in use. Demanct so great, that CLERGYMAN OP TlIE LONDON COMFERENOI: wt.emeeBlock,KJu:i st.,Howmallvllle',Ollt sealing season commences about the 1st portions of the Old Testament with the it require· :rwo or the largest Factories in the To cure these diseases the blood m n,st be 0~' Tl!~ M!tTHOD!S'I' CHURCH OF CANADA Dominion, with ca.pa.city for turning out TWEN· of March a.nd ends about the la.st of May, received te"J"t, and ha.s already lighted pur!1lecl, 1rncl restored to a healthy and naHAii TO BAY IN REGARD TO A. li. DIXON &, TY per day. For purity and sweetness of tone TER~S: during which time several of the sealers upon variations interesting in themselves SON'S NEW TREATMENT FOR CATARRH. tural condition. AYlm's SAnsAPARILLA bas ~laetic and light touch, beauti!ul and perfect $1.IO per a&D.num,or 1111.oe It paid ln aclvanee OAKLAND. ONTARIO, C:AN., March 17, 1883. finish the,- are unrivalled. for over forty years heen recognized by enti· make two voyages, and on rare occasions and significant of what may be expected Me.~srs. A. H. D-ixon, & Son. Payment strictly in advance required from uent n1edieal nnthol'ities n.s Uio n10st poww Tlw most skilled labor.the very best materials three. The owners of all sealing vessels when the comparison has extended to as DE~R Srns-Yours or the 13th instant to h1tnd. 1n1bscr1bers outside of the county. Orders to that money oan procure are a gnarantoo to pur· furnish all the boats, sealing gear, powder, many books as it at prflsent c<;>vers verses. It Aeem· a.lmoat too good to be tr11e that. I am chasers 4i11CODtinue the paper mue-t be accompanied by erful blood pu1·ifier in e.xistenee. 1 t fl'cos that they are buying no shodcly. but a 'Che a.mount due,or the pa.per wlll not be stopped, the syotem fron1 all foul ltumors, enriches shot, and provisions, in consideration of It will be seen from the following ex. cured of Catarrh. bnt.I know that I am. I have first claes art1clc, 8old wholesale and retail by no return or the disease and never folt &Utlllcrlbers are responeibleuntil run pa.ymen' Is au.lt streugtltenK the blood, removes all trnces which they are. entitled ·to one-half the amples that where the texts differ the new bad J.P. HICE, Bowmanvllle, better in my life. I have tried so rnatiy things ma.de. of mercur. lal trca.tmeut, and proves Itself a seals, and the crew or hunters are entitled reading is unquestionably superior to the for catarrh, suffered so mu ch and for AO many 2'6. J. S. UONEY, Tyrone. complcto mnstcr ~( a'il scrofulous 'di$enses. that it ia hard for me to realize that I am RA.TES 0:1' A.DVERTISING I :l; g to the other half. The masters of the old ; and there is good reason to hope years, really better. WholeColumnoneyear ............. $50 oo ~~..; A. Rc<.-ent Curo of Scrofulous Sorel'. vessels receive a percentage of tl1e owner's that the re1mlt of Dr. Harkavy's discovery I consider that min11 wits a v11ry bait case : It " " Haltyea.r ............ 30oo::::;!:l1 "Some months ago I wns troubled with share as a salary. Four different kincls may be very extensive emendations of "'a~ a.ggra.vated and chronic, involving the OLD . AND HELIABLE . " " One quarter ......... 20 00 """:::; Eorofulous ·ores (ulcers) on nh legs. Tbe throat as well as the nasal passages, and I Halt Column one year ...... -........ 30 00 of seals are caugb.t on the coasts of Lab- portions of the Old Testament. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. limbs were bn. d ly swolle11 arnl inflamed, and thought I would requirn the three treatment.· ·· " Hal! year .............. 2Qi00 I tho sores dischaq;qd J:i,rgc quantities of rador and Greenland-the harp, the The parchments number fifty-one, and but feel fully cured by the two sent me, and I TRADE MA Wk. 'J'be C:reat Eng· Tl!ADE MARI(', " " One quarter ........... 12 50 · oife11sive matter. Every remedy 1 tried am thankful that I wa.s ever induced to send Quarter Column one yee-1' .... , .... -. 20 00 square flipper, the hood, and the native a close inspection shows that some are to llshRen·ed;r,an failed, until l used A nrn'R SA HSAPAIULLA, YOU. ·· " Half year ........ : .. 12 50~ unfailing cure fo r of which J bnve uow taken three bottles, seal. The square flipper is the largest, much older than others, for not only are Y011 are at liberty to use th!~ lette~ stating One quarter...... .. 8 00 "Seminal Weakwith the result that the 8or~s ,.re healed, cm·ed at two tuatntents, and that I have been and the native is the smallest of the seals the skins themselves in various states ness, Supermaand my gene:·al hcRlih grenily improved. Sb:: lines and under, first Insertion .. $0 50 l shall gladly recommend your remedy to some caught. But the meat of the young (which migh be-accounted for by accidents of torrhea, ImpoI feel very grnteful for tho good your Ea.ch subsequent insertion...... 0 25 _ my friends who aro sufferers. medicine has done nie. tency, &; all dis· From six to ten lines, first insertior., 0 75 _ native seal is used as food, and is relish- or exposure), but the characters employed Yours with mnny thanks. Yotus respcctfnll:y, Mns. ANN O'UJUAN." cases tbattollow Ea.ch ijubsequent insertion...... 0 35-10 Rmv. E. B. STEVENSON. ed, being as pleasant to the taste as any vary considerably, showing a gradual ap ,.. as a sequence of J.18 Sullivan St., New Yoxk, Juuc ~4, 1882. Over ten lines,first insertion,per line 0 10 Each . eubsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ salt-water bird. Its length is from three proach to the square writing of ordinary f: T~ ./:.i_ Self-Abnee ; as ·TORONTO, April 24, 1882, ~v· A 11 persons intei·cstetl are invited B . e. ore l:Jl.Wgloas ot Memory.After Taking. to five feet, and it is more easily domesti- Hebrew, to which, however, they are A. H . DitXon, F,,qq., 805 K ing St., West. 'The number of lines to be reckoned b~.,.. . to cull on l\1 .~·1,\. , O'Hr'ia.n; also U}lon the DEAR Sm,- We take pleasure in stating I.bat Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back Dimness the space oocupied,.measured by a scaleo.J - 16 · nev, Z. P. \ VHcls of 78 l·]ast 54th Street, cated than any other species of the seal. evidently anterior. The charact ers used our Ne1v Yo1·li: City, '"'~ho ·will t.a.ko pleasure junior uartner, who had for years been Vision, Premature Old Age, and nrn.ny other 110Jid Nonvareil, -. It frequents quiet bay'I in the coast of in the most recent of tli\lm originated not troubled with Catarrh. was suoceasfully cured of In t"~tifying- to tlw wonderful efficacy of Dlsea.ses that lead to Insanity or Consumption AJ·er's Sa1·sapari1Ja, not only in the cnre Greenland. The hood seal is so named later than the second century after Christ; by three treatments of your remedy. Tho and a. Premature Grave. L. POTTER, .M.D, of this lady, hut in his own case antl Oattarrh wasm11ch aggravated, with contin ual .tarFull particnlal'B in our pamphlet, whicl. from a hood covering over the head, cap- and this is confirmed by the fact that dropping int.o the thn>at. accompanied by loss wo desire t.o send free by mail to every one.R.A.DUATE o! Queen's College, Kingston; many others 1vithin his knowledge. able of being distended and elevated or some letters are almost identical with or voice, hawkinR' and Rpi tting and blocking up The Specific Mr,dici11e is Pold by a ll druf.(glsts anu M~mber or Col~ ;ii:e of Physicianij ant1 'l'ue well-known 1crite1· on the Boston 1-Ier(l/cl. depressed at pleasure. It is the most those known to have been used in Jeru- of the nostrils. l\ll or which we arA pl.,ased to at $1 ver package, or B!x packa'l:eR for $5, or Surgeons, Ontario. . . n. '\Y. BALL, of R ochestti·, N.If. , writes, June, say_ disnppeared almost immediately after the will b b senr. free by mail on the receipt of the lfB' Ocnce and Residence, Enmsk1l_le_n _._ _11. difficult to kill, because it inflates the salem in the firet century before Chri~t. remedy was applied. Your remedy is certainly n1oney hr n.ddrP.fH~ini;?' 7, 1882: invaluable on'e and we hope all who may an hood, which is so thick that a club or Others, aga.in, o.re unlike any known form; Dr. A. BEITH, J "Jlaving sul'fcred severely for some years THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., be sufferin g fromthis disa1'(reeable diseaBe will with Eczema, an.tl having failed to tind relief bullet will not penetrate it, but if struck while t he sha approaches tho Alt-lndisch, i;rivc it a tria l, as we are eat.isfted they will find R.A.DU.A.TE OF THE TORONTO UNIVJPR· from nilwr reu1e1U e~, l ha.ye nutde use, during T oronto, Ont., Canada SITY, Physician, Sui{'.eon, ~c. Office King th e. 1Jn.~t. three 111ont.hs, of A.YEH.' $ SARSAPAin the throat it invariably, though re- though the resemblance may be · acci· It a comptr>te snecees. v_ lll _e _ . _ _ H11_,r" ', ,v-hich has eit'ected a complete cure. StrGet, MORRIS' llLOC , Bowman__ YourR very t.rnly, luctantly, submit.a. dental. WM. NORRIS & SON, l co11sicler it " magni!lcent remedy ior all The hood seal is most eagerly sought The date of the manuscript s is another G. Jl. CAR\'ETD., B. A., n. Se., H. D., V.!11. ·Vholesale Pianos and Organs. lllood <liseases." after. They have their young early in question altogether, and one which can No. 8 Adelai<le St. East. ICENTIATE OF THE COLLEGE Continues to do a General Banking Busin ess at. March, and whole families are found on nut yet. be determined. It seems hardly nucklyn'M A.mica !i~e.-The best Salve Its of Physician8 and Surgeons or Ontario. Bowmanvill< >Branch. ,OJTFroE AND RESIDENCE :-Main St., Orono. the ice and easily killed. The harp seal possible that a colony of Jews still exists in t he world for Cuts, Ilrul8es. Sores, Ulcers receives its name from a large black, employiug a writing which point s to their Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped stimulates A.1HI rcgnhttes th e action of tbe ... w. M.cJ:.a&ngblln, !II. n., D.IEPOllillTS .1 - · crescentcshaped mark on each side of isolation from the rest of their race for Hands, Chilblains, Corns. and all Skin EruplCEN'flATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE digest ive ruul assimilat.ive ·o rgans, renews of Physicians and member of the Royal and strengtl1e11s the vitnl fore.es,, and speedily the back. It ranges from six to eight, some two thousand years; but Dr. Hark- tions, and Poslti-..,,,ly cures Pilea. It is guran- Received Jn Savings Bank Deparlmen t and Oll call an d interest allowe<l at current ratee No College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. cnres Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheuma,. and sometimes nine, feet in length. Seal avy is convinced that tl1~re wa11 such a teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money notice of withdrawal n ecc~sary. .All deposits O:tlloe,: MORRI::!' BLOCK King-et.,Bowman- t.ic: Gout, Cattn-rh, General Debility, and p!l.yable on demand, hunting requires great patience and skill. cqlony onc;) ; and indeed, the phenomena refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by ville. all cliseases arising from nn lnipoverished or One seal seems to be always placed on presented by these manuscripts can not J. Higginbotham & Sqn. DJt, .J, CJ, HITCJJIEJ.1'. . EXCDANG!E corrupted conclitiou of the blood, and a weakwatch where danger is to be apprehended be otherwise explained. EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSiblANS ened RE!!'l' A.ND t::OJID'ORT THE Slfl<'.t'EIUNG vitality. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc, from bears and hunters. They climb up . As to the variations, they may be due, 0 Bro'1'n's llon!iiehnf·I 1·ann.cea" has no Bo11ghtand sold and Drarts issued upon Ellrl'pe. It ls lncomparll!bly tl!e cheapest blood medl7<1,, Otllee and 1tes1dence, Ennlskillen. througlt the holes in the ice, and will re- as the professor remarks, either to later equal !or relieving pain, both Internal and ex- Umted States and Canada, also Gold,Silver and cin.('!, on account of its concentrated strength, ternal, lt cnros pa.in in the Side, Back or Bow· United Sta~es Greenb1icka bouu:ht and sold. main for hours, if not disturbed. They corrections or to the antiquity and purity els, D. BURKE SIHFSON, Sore Throat, Rh,eumacism, 'J:oothache, and great power over disease. will scent a hunter at a great distance, of the text ; but in any case they promise Lumbago and any kind o! Pain or .Ache. "Jt 1 ARRISTER, SOLICI'l'OR, &;c.', MORRIS COLJ.ECTIONS PREPARED BY BLOCK; up stairs, King titreet, Bowmanespecially if t.he hunter is to the wind- to be both interesting and valuable. Thus, will m·>Bt surely quicken thA Blood and Heal Its acting·. power .~s w1;mderfnl." "Brown's Promptly made at current rates upon all parte lle. Solicitor tor the Ontario Ba.nk. Dr.J. O.Ayer&Co., Lower"I, Mass. ward of them, and no sooner does the in Lamentations ii., 3, ke i;neaning "like," as Household Pa_n..ce11, berng acknowledged as of Great Brit tain, the United States and Do PrlTate Hoaey~ loaned at the lowest rates._ Sold by all Druggists; price $1, six bottles scent become perceptible to the se1l than is left out before csh, meaning ".tlamiug the greot Pam Reliever. and of double the minion of Canada for $6. strength of another Elixir or Liniment in the · John KeUk Galbraith, he dashes off into the water. The food of fire." In the fourth verse of the same ehou Id be in every family handy for use T ) 1 T -r. .ARRI8TER, , SOLICITOR, NOT.ARY the seal is salmon, whitefish, and codfish. chapter the omission of the same word world when wanted, "as it really is thebestremedy e ~grap l rara1w.erl!I 'PUBLIC, &c. Office- Reed's Blook, over In the world for Cramps In the Stomach, and M a f I It is believed that the hunters must keep alters t he meaning of the first sentence T. Battings etorti, King Street, Bowmanvllle. O ENFIELD LADIES.- MrssJuLu. alns and aches or all kinds," and isfOJl_Bale by n. e or arge or small snms on all parts of Money to lend -· __ _ O'LEARY has returned from Toronto up a sharp war on the seals in the vicinity from "He (the Lord) bent His bow lik all Druggist· at 25cents a bottle. ' tl!4-1y . Ca1.,.·1"'. This le especially advan rageous to ,,.,,g living in Mamtoba or the North-west has begun Dressmaking in Enfield. Special and of Newfoundland and in the Gulf of St. an enemy," to "'Dhe e"hemy hath bent ST. JOUN n. BllTv>u.~. :i 'Mtkes the f-linds available at once at the attention will be gl ven to cutting and fitting. Lawrence, in order that codfishermen may his bow;" while the next sentence, owing Mothers! llfotber.i ! Mother~ I I I p 1 o. ot payment. soil cited, 281-t!, Call ARRISTER, & ATTORNE , · &a. · 'l · · d th d · __ , .A.re yctu disturb()d at night and broken otfyour h ave larger cat ch es. The 'nunters b e1ieve t o a BlmI ar Offilss10n, an e ,-or nit"""' rest by a sick child suffering and crying with l·'o r further particulars call at the Banking NO'l'ARY PUBLIC, MONEY TO LOA.N· that the number of seals is increasing in being replaced by hitzib, reaas : "The the excruiating pain ot cu tting teeth 1 It so' House. 0MTIOE-0VER STATESMAN O _ F _ F _ I_CE ~ , --GEO. McGILL, the west of Newfoundland, and the seal- adversary stretched forth his i;.ighthand," f.o~·s°~~~o\~~r~C: si'~t8?.o\1t~~i!fi~v~ T. BRODIE, KOBt:llT A.JUlOlllt, Accountant, Manager. fishing has become one of vital import- instead of, as in the authorir:ed version, the poor little suffer immediately-depend upon EGl!$TRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER 2~7-ly. ance; but this alone would not support "He (the Lord) stood' with HiS right hand it; there is no mistake about it. There is not o of J>i. arl'ia.ge Licenses, Bo.rrister and At tor· OF CANADA. o.ey a.t La.w and Solicitor in Chancery. Money the colony. The seal's searchfor 11a lmon as an adversary. " I n the six - t'h verse, m· mot her on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate :;ne REST, $140,000 oaned on Real Esta.ta. Ofll.cti on King street, VAPITA.L, 811,000,000, is so eager that ib h ?,s been known to hunt stead of vaiynass, "despised, " we have bowels, and give rest to the mother. er iJ relie~ Bowmanville. the neighborhood of tho salmon-nets for vaiyrass, "crushed," or, as the same word and health to tbe child, operating like magic. This Bank is prepared to do Legiti· "'· T. l'JllL.Lll"S 1 a Ion>! time, and to take the fish after is translated in J udi?es, "oppressed." ant tisto perfectly safe to use in all cusos,a1,1d plesa· ICENSED AUUTIONEER for the County m11.te Banking in" all its branches. ~ ~ the taste, a.nd is the prescrip~ ion of one The passage in Lamentations ii., 9. of the ot the oldest and best female physicians and of Durham, Sales promptly attended· Farmers notes disconnted ; Deposits they had been entrapped. 59. .Address-Hampton l', O. Contrary to the opinion of many, the authorized version reads : "The Lord nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere re~eived and, Interest paid on amounts of 25 · lSi-ly, R. HUTCHISON. $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department. fur seal is never found on t his coast, but -If. -If. -If. hath despised in the indignation a.+ cents a bottle. there is considerable difference in the of Bis anger the king and the priest:" "HuB" CQUGH CunJ>,.25 CBNTs. -PresICENSED AUCTIONEER, CONY.EYAN· DRAFTS L CER and Commssioner in B. R. Sales at· species of the common seal. . The latter for which the newly-discovered manu· cripti,on of a Boston Physician, dispensed tended to promply and at reasonable rates. Issued and Coll~ctions made iu Europe, is generally ·found in small .herds. Its script would read: "The Lord h~th years b y a Bost.on druggist. ONE DosE li!1r.Address- !l:nniskUlen P. 0. United Stat.es and Canada. skin and oil are of considerable mercantile crushed," etc. The seventh vzrse reads- w-i-II cure any ordiBary- cough. ne ts al.-:\ -a.\\ the Yeal' "I ORN lIUGHES.-L1censed Auction- Ol'FIVll- :tlurtloch Bros. Block. late JSimk· importance. The skin is dressed and in the authorized version : "The Lord most magically. Ask Stott & .Jury for a ~ce,e1J. OlJ./J. · J eer, Valuator and Arbitrator, Fire and Life tanned and used as leather. The ·oil, if hath cast off His altar, He hath abhorred 25 cent bottle of "HuB" COUGH CURG, J naui-~nce, Notes and Accounts Collected, lni: omce or Jones .t: Dobbie. JOHNSTON'S l\ ,01:t".) ~o Lend onreasona.ble terms· .Address W. J. JONES · made before decay has begun, is colorless His sanctuary." In these MSS., nier, and don't he pu t off with any ot her. 472 ( ·t.rr.wright, Ont. ~7 A"~nt. I and nearly inodorous, and it is much "abhorred" is replaced by miggen, a. word · · "· · · ': '· ~--"'~--~ - -..,_-----.4. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - superior to whale oil for many purposes. translated in Genesis xiv., 20, "deliver-I -ll'OR..t~ every man who buys his Licen~e from The flesh is used for food in Greenland ed," where the passae:e reads : " Tim ron ~·EN :M:1LLION PEOPLE ARE IN HENRY SYLVES'l'ER. Enniskillen. l98tf. ' and Labrador. By the eao-erness 'of the most high God hath delivered thine eue- l\.'llnnesota, North·Dakota, Montana, hunter ' he generally loses hand" Finally' in La· Washington and Oregon, JllR, ·w, WILLSON, . i~ the hunt 10 mies into , thine . .' ALONG THE LINE OJI' THE · And for Purifying the Blood. per ?ent. of t~ose he kills,, as he frequent- mentat10ns lV., 18,, ms~ead of ssady, we EACHER OF THE PIANOFORTE It has been in use for 20years, and has ORGAN and SINGING. TERMS :-$6 and ly kills and piles on the ice, at a great have ssaru ; that is, rnstead of "They Th h h G t Wiie t B It 0 r A i proved to be the best preparation in the $10 per Twelve Lessons of ONE hour each. market forSlCKHEADACHE, ::?.A.IN IN distance from the vessel, a lot of seals. hunt our steps, that we cannot go in our ro!g11t e rea fath. eb t ~culreta. 1 1 11on acres o e es agnc ura. Over Higgmbotham's Drug Store, King Street, THE SIDE OR BACK LIVER COM· ·1n sueh a case, in · t ransportmg · the s k' · ,, ' .w. -HAS RECEIVED·ms s t ree t s ,,- "0ur s t eps are restramed, mineral, forest and grazing lands in the 2. Bowmanville. PLAINT, PIMPLES ON TR.I!: FACE to the vessel they frequently become frost· . etc., etc. United States are now open for settlement. DYSPEPSIA, l'lLES, and ail Diseases JllusUus, Ne-.v EmbroltlcirJea, tbnt arll!e from a Disordered Liver or an · tten, w h ic b1 Pianos'I'uned & Repaired. New ' h . mak es them. worthl ess, or Th k o f Ph ?t o~raph' tho manu- $2.60 20 to Million acres railroad lands tor sale at New Laees, New Trtnimtai;~. . e wor mg $4 pr acre, onof 5 years time if desired. impure blood. Thousands of our best New Bro.Ida. ~cwBraltls,'1·0018. they are capsized from the ice m a gale. scripts and pubhshmg Dr. Harkavy's 201'1illion acresofGovernmentslandsopen people take it and give i't to their chHARTIES"WISHING THEIR PIANOS c !ren, Physicians prescribe it daily. LADIES' .A.ND CHILDREN'S After the seal is shot, or caui?ht, the. skin- memoir will .be undertakon by the Ac- to,r~~1~!:it:"!!·PaciftcC~untr possesses Those who Ulle i~ oI!ce reco=end i' to Tuned or repaired can have them attended others. ner removes the fat. An expert will re- adamy of Sciences. great and rich natural resources read'; to be de· to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN move the fat from five hund red seals in The manuscripts were brouo-ht to the veloped into profitable industries. It is made ~rom yellow Dock, HonduCo's OFFICE, Bowmanville. A first-clas .ma.n ras Sarnaparilla, W 1.u Cherry, Stilli.ngia "lOW. being in their mploy. ten hours · .beincr careful not to inJ·ure the Black sea in a ship called the "Ekaterina thFisor maps and and mention HANDSOME PATTERNS. · o paper., · pamphlets addre_ss -Dandehbn, Sassafras, Wintergreen and ·- Cl:IAS. B. LAMBORN, ot.her well-known . valuable Roots' and ROF. T. L. DOYLE Pianist,Organist Ornaments for Wedding Presents skm, as every hole he cuts in it deducts Koupa, by a sailor named Oria Bashan. Herbs. It ls strictly vegeta.ble, and can· and teacher of· Vocal Musio is prepared to ' Fancy Articles, &c. ' 10 cents from his pay. About 3,000 '!'hey were found by his father Alexander Land Commlss10ner N. P.R. R., St. l'uul, M!iw. no~ hurt the most delicate constitut.ion. take a few more pupils. The best of referIt is ona o! the best medicil:les in use for ence can be furnished Great care exercised pounds of seal fat will produce 250 gallons Bashan, thirty years ago, in the Island of , \.a fl~ ---_ ~ -: · ~ ·. :-.i ··;f11 · , _ A ~!JI t,.11 Regulatil..; the Eowcls. of oil. The herring and codfish fisheries, Rhodes, after a great fire ; but whether ,'fij -~~} ~ .; ,;'r fill-&. 'ff \,') with beginners, and special attention given to It is Bold by a.11 !'11sponsible d1·ugg;tfitl3 a. _ t advanced pupils. Those desirous of taking together with the seal~hunting, if carried in a private house or in a synagocrue is not one dollur fot" a qua '~~ bo'. ,tle, 01· s.U. -bot.nee instructions should apply at :Mr. Doyle's resi!or five dollars . . Has recel ved her new stock of on with proper care and treatment, would known: Oria regarded t hem as :n amulet Tho~e 'R-'ho cn.nn ot; obtnin ~. bottlia o( this · · dence, or make it known by _directing a ·few &W«Jbolce lot or VoufetiUounry always on be the means of givip.g lucrative employ- and parted with them unwillingly, med icme' fro:m th.cir drpgg-h1t may e:cnd u~ o .. u ~ ~cs to P. o~ Box i9. Terms ~7.50 for twelye dol lar, and W& will se.ntl it to Uicm.. ; 239-t! essons. and nt MRS. REYS Res auraut. tf. ment to many more of our people, and ----,·- - - - - - - - - I?.' W, JOB~STON t; t.10,, l:ll~lltaetuma · 1 enable them to provide the necessaries of Missiles Thrown at Judges. Amhorctbure, Ont. ~:\roit, U!ch. 1: ,so Bo! Gentlemen o:f'JFash and invites the ·Ladies of Bow, ._ , , . .;::: I? :'. ,. rr..,-.. ·:_'!' life, of which many of them are now Any stick, says tne proverb,' will serve manville aml vicinity to call ion, not so .Cast. destitute. to beat a dog ; and it appears to b e the and see her Pattern I have written these few llnes opinion of some persons that any missle .And all Iha.veto sayA. SHOCKING TRAGEDY . will do to hurl at a judge. None can That you ca.n :find me still at home, have forgotten the egg which Vice Chan· lam not gone away. WHO I S UNACQU AINTED WITH TH E QEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUN· So all my kind olci c rlends ma.y come, Terr1blo ResUJta of a Dr11Jlkard's Tempe1·. cellor Malins happily avoided, and which T RY WI L L. SEE BY EX AMININQ n us MAP THAT· THE And all the young ones, too, and assortment ot .And get their garments nicely made KINGSTON, May 19.-The details of a he supposed "must have been meant for In fashions that a.re new: . shocking tragedy, which occurred at Shar- his brother Bacon ;" and now one Mary bot Lake this morning, reached this city Cawley (thirty-three times c<..nvicted) has to-day. George Peters, ao old man who been throwing a clog at the Accrington is addicted to drink, went to his home bench of magistrates, whereby the chair- STORE :- Second Door We,st or l'filliam~ · last night , and during a quarrel h e threw man was struck on the breast. The most l'ntcillcil' t'ta11. -::S'Ya lamp down stairs, when a blaze instant- notable story of the kind in our judical ly took place. His son then threw a pail annals is thus given by L 'Estrange :131' I a.m fUlly prepared to a.ttend Funerals on of water on the flames, which only increas- ·'Judge Richardson, in going the 'Vestern We beg to annonncfl to the publio that we circuit, had a great fl.int stone thrown at are the shortest noti9e, at the lowest possible rates. prepa;ed to do a goneralinsurnnoe bnsiness, C!tskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. ed the danger, and in a few seconds t he his head by a malefact<,>r, then condemn- representmg as we. do a. number · of first class First-class hearse on very moderate terms. house, which was a small frame one, was Companies we shall be gl>td to give prompt ated (who thought it meritorious, and the Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand Fun· a fiery furnace. Upstairs was Peters' tention to >tnythlng in that line. We reprflsent .era.I cards.supplied at once. Furniture Shop & wife, his two daughters, and a visitor way td be a benefactor to the common- also the Onta.rio Loa.n and Savings Co.. of Show Rooms- Bounaall'sNew Block. Oshawa, and accept deposits on its behalf alAllf'!rniture sold by me is made by the U. c named Miss Bridgen. '.l'he mother and wealth, to take away the life of a man so lowing ;l & 6 per cent interest from date of TEETil. WITHOUT TEETl'I . Eurmture Co. of Bowman ville. I do not buy eldest, daughter managed to get down odious); but leaning lo'v on his elbow, receipt.. slop furniture and represent it to ha.ve been in a lazy, reckless manner, t he bullet Parties requiring loaus will find it to their stairs and .outside; Peters, his daughter, made by the U. C. F. Co. or this town. flew too high and only. took off his hat. advantage to get our terms. Also agent for the LI·QUOR '.l'EA for this town and Miss Bridgen Soon after some fri ends congratulating and v!cinity. It is cheap and as good as can be PRA.CTIVAL DENTIST, PERISHED IN THE FLAMES, got m the mai:ket. A valuable. prize given his <leliverance, he replied by way of jest: OYER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE, with every pound. agencs for a number of first class and only portions of their bodies can be 'You seo, now, if I had been We are among which is the White Star Line the itl·eusOxicleGns .kdniinistered t'or Painles found. The son and several boarders an upright judge' (intimat ing his r eclining lines, bAst fastest and best equipped Steamship on - Operntlons. who were sleeping d;iwn stairs escaped posture), 'I would have been slain. ' " the Ocean, and Car tickets to all points a t low~FFICE lt[()()LIJNG'S DI.OVK, est rates. We a.lso represent W. D .Mathews minus their clothing, but when the The remaing facts of the case are given in of 'l'oronto, and are prepared t o pa;y highest daughter found the youngest child was Chief Justice Treby's "Notes to Dyer's prices for Barley and all kinds of gram. upstairs she attempted to get her, but fell Reports," in the remarkable jargon of PArdes. interested will please note these facts. exhausted at the foot of the stairs, and the law reports of the periOd :- "Rich3~JB~rri:ti~~!~1ii~~:~i'i~~ it~ t~~~ :~gt::! w:!t was dragged out by h er mother. Both ardson, Ch. Just. d e C. Banc. al Assizes b~ _the shortest route. and oarr_ying pnesenners. wit hout change of caraJ....between Chic&lW and Knnwere badly burned, the daughter fatally. at Salisbury, in summer 1631, fuit aseas City, Council Bluns, Leavenworth, Atchison, ll/Itnneapolls and St. Faul. It connects in Union The affair has created consternation at sa.ult per prisoner la condenme pur felony; fti"f~~1-:'~Wc4~1dl0t~~in il~f1l~i'b~e~~~n1t~e,;;'u~~': Sharbot Lake, and the Kingston and que puis son condemnation ject un brickment is unrivaled and rne.gnifioent , being composed Pembroke authorities are now more de- bat a l e dit justice, qui narrowly mist; ~~~1~T~~t16Yi1aR8ba~~ai~t. termined than ever to abolish the sale of et pur ces immediately fuit indictment I wish to call especial attention that if ynn ~~rJc~~~~~~~~e 15 61 want to buy a first-class Orl(an ma:de by oM t\~n; of~f!\~~ :Pcai:;~n ti~fWor~~~8 'T~~;tt/r~f~:· ' liquor along the line of the railway. drawn, per Noy, envers le prisoner, et of the beet Manufacturies in t he World, bctwoen Chicago and Missouri R iver PointM. TwoTraina between Chica.go and Minneapolis and St.. A subscription list has been started for sondextermanusampute, andfixat,gibbet, VA.LJ. AND SEE JllY VllRISTMA.S STO«lK Paul, HARNDEN, L. D.S., via t he Fa.mouo the mother.and daughter, who were left sur que luy meme immediatement hange I have just ordered and will have in a f6'1' Graduate of the Royal College o! Dental "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." , days.some :first class Royal .A SewingMachlnee without a stitch to their backs. Peters A. New a.nd Direct Line, via. S eneca. a.nd l:fiit:Q,ka.. Surgeons, Ontario. in presence de court." Noy, was of a Machine that stands A 1 with the verr bee! kee. has r ecently been opened between R ichmd'tld had a narrow escape from being killed by course, t he Attorney-General. Pepys American or Canadian Sewing Machmes,- Norfol k Ne.~~rt Ney.ra ·. Cha.t.taD;ooga, A tltLD.ta, A u.:. OFFICE OVER DICK:::JON'S STORE. \ Lomsv1lle. Lex1ngton. Cincinnati, a train some time ago while in liquor, but had heard that Richardson really wanted ' Vhile I have nothing to say against any first· gus~a.Naah:v1lle_ I~d1a.napolts ana Lafayette. u.nd Omaha. Minnea.p.SOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. it proved no warning to him. His son, to save the prisoner's life, and was con- class make or Organs or Sewing Machines. I ohs and St, Paul and intermediate points.-" wish the public ·to please t ake notice I do T:a\\i';~rough PasAengers Travel on Fast E:xpresc Plate Work executed in the latest and most who got out of the building :first, says he sulting as to whether ho could not sen- sell only first-class Goods, such as I can gua~ improved style of the Dental Art. th~~~'l.l~~0§t~~~~ "tn~lfa:-fi:f~~al Ticket Offices In This Cut represen ts the popular Victqria heard his father's voice above the r oar of tence him to. trariijportation, when the antee to give satisfaction. · N. B.- 1 still sell the world-renowned Walt· llaggage checked t h rough aud rotes of fare alTEETH· EXTRACTED WITHOUT P.AIN Wave. It is dressed with the hair falling on the flames ciirsing his luck and those wretched man th.us decided his own fate. ways as low as compet it ors t hat offer l ess advanham Watch,-a.nd don't forget our General tages. the forehead, and the ends meet in Montagues. about him. y the uae of Nitrous O~ide Ga.s, without Injury It we keep a complete asso1·tment of Store where is exceedingly becoming, and is having a efso;f~~t:iled i::?format 1on get the Maps a nd Fold .. to the pa.tient. . .· large run, Dry Goods and Groceries cheap for Co.sh. The more the diamond is cut the The Bell Orga.ns are sold by J. P. RICE, BowParticUlar attenti~n p·aid to the regula.tion of 'rhe above style. with large number of CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, and man ville, A war horse is always spoken of as a brighter it sparkles, and in what seems other ,equa.lly becoming styles, are made by At your near est T icket Office. o r address CHILDREN'S TEETH. . E. 1'I. D01'1EY, R.R. CABLE, E, ST, JOHN, h eavy charger, and yet we never hear of hard dealing God has no end in view but MRS. A. DA VIS, ,.-..tJ.LL WORK WARRANTED·.._ Vlcc·Pn11. & Gen'l M'g'r, Gon'l Tk:t. &: Pass , Agt" over M. Mayers store a tailor being c.-.llecl a war horse. to perfect His people's graces. Tyrone. CHICACO. 0 THE CA~s~~!~~HB~TATESMAN . ' ' SCROFULA SEAL HUNTING. HEBREW MANPSCIUP1'S. CATARRH. 'YbOJesale :-,Jaue:t11t:r on the Coast c;>f' 1.ab· AD01ent Rtbl!ca.l Po.rohmem:s Undor2r<>tng WD BELL'S PRIZE. MEDAL ORUAN SI I = = === · G G L THE ONTARIO BANK Aye r's Sarsaparilla L M Tt· B B T B STAND ARD BAN .K --- R L .:a It ~ New L a d I·es. MRS. KEYS THE BEST HOMES NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD SARSAPARILLA tIVER CDXPLAIXT, ~VSPEPIA, T I 40 P P . LOTH'! NG N EW UNDERC Knitting& St~mping done to or~er. CT H '._ GOODS., ----~- ....._ ____ ~-&,_,., BONNETS, HATS, ·iAMAN TRIMMINGS AGENCIES. J.M. BR IMA COM.BE, Ocean Steamships. _T _H _E v1c:io _R _ l_ A.- T. YELLOWLEES. F. ALLEN. GHICAG01 ROCK ISL!ND & PACIFIC R'Y Organs and Sewing MachiNs1e c. 1 I

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