Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1884, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 P1m A.NNuM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FffiST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M.A. JAMES, EDITOR AND PnoPRIRTOE. VOLUME 305. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1884. /14 XXX. NUMBER 22. , ·we lead; NE WTUNVILLE . ENF'IELV. · The tea in connection with the C. M. Prospects are promising for abundance Parsonage on the 24th receited $40. HAMPTON. J of fruit. Mr. R. Knott and Rev. A. Richard gave The boys are org:tnizing a cricket club. j Mr. W. Tapp whitewashed his dwelling interesting and instructive ad<lresses on Many of our citizens are anxiously · on the 24th. the Scott Act here on Monday night. looki. n g for the Salvation Army here. j A f~nce around our church and school 'Dr. Jas. E. Brown paid a flying visit to Mr. 'Weeks, painter, of Bowmanville, yarcl is much needed. friends here last week. has greatly improved the appearance of f The young orch~rds have been badly MrR Turner of Crooked Creek slipped some of our private residences. I ' damaged by field mice. while getting out of a buggy :1ast w.. ek Many of our citizens are strongly opMiss Mary Ashton, of Taunton, visited and broke her thigh. posed to the Scott .<\ct. We must have : friends here on Saturday. Our band supplied the music for the houses for the public accommodation. j The Editor of the STATESMAN and his Newcastle celebration on the 24th. family spent the 24th at " Braeside Farm." A reception party was held at the resiCOURTICE. Mr. W. Ormiston, jr., ha.d a large party dence of Mr. S. Jones, sen., the other The Sunday School anniversary at on the Queen's Birthday. The young evening in honor of the r~turn of Mr. 1 Ebenezt::r is postponed till the 22nd and folk had a jolly time. and Mi's. S. Jones, jr., from their wed. Mr. D. Dyer claims to have one of the .ding tower. The band was present aacl a. 23rd of June. A pig is a stubborn thing and can get 1 b.est fo,al~_in. thi~. d~stri?~· sired by Percy& happy time was enjoyed. awful mad sometimes. Mr. Wm. Mutton -Youngs 'Sir V\· ilham. had one die while he was putting a 'r ing in Mr. J onat.han Bray lost a valuable brood OUURTIOE. j mare last week. She leaves a young foal. its nose. , Last Friday week Mr. Wm. Hill had He :ost the best ewe of his Hock also on At the Y. P. C. A. at Ebenezer on to take his little boy into town to have the the 24th. She was worth $15. Tuesday evening au interesting debate point of a fishhook extracted from his Miss O'Leary's pic-nic in Farrell's grove took place in which eight of the members fin"'er. Chloroform had to be administer- on the 24th wa~ a pleasant affair. The took part. It was decided t.bat the counedto perform the operation. ~ad~ and lasses trip]~ed the light fantastic try holds out greatPl' inducements to Mr. Wm. Courtice has sold a fine thoro' m lively style. Swmgs ~nd other sources young people than the city. · · Next Tuesday evening the Rev. S. H. bred Devon bull. It is to be shipped ·to of amusement were provided. --AND-England soon. BEN. }!rs. W. Martyn luis been spending a Rice will deliver a lecture. · few days very pleasantly 'with her gramlWe desire to inform the young ladies daughter, Mrs. Geo. Tapp, on the seventh of this district that Mr. W. E. Courtice NEW PARK. line. She is in her 80Lh year and is as is out with a br<J.nd new covered buggy Mr. Hugh Byers is very ill at present lively imd jocular as many a lassie of and would advise them to govern themof inflammation of the lungs. sixteen. selves accordingly. The building improvements in this vici- , On the 24th Mr. L. l\L Court.ice disUnion Rose Lodge No. 334, J. 0. G. T., intend visiting Union Star Division 384 nity include a large barn and stone stables played his colors for tbe first time thi9 underneath being erected by Mr. Thomas year. Sons of Temperance at an early date. Having-~-made Mr. Thomas Brown, our young carpen- A. Wilbur, a large brick residence by Mr. Mr. A. M. Fowler had his horse badly ter, after a short apprenticeship is taking Eber ).\ilillson, a nice farm residence by cut last week by backing into the mouldMr .. John Virtue, and new fences, and jobs now himself and gives s1J.tisfaction. board of a plow. m:1ny other farm improvements of lesser Mr. James Brown of Huron Co. has importance. One of Mr. Wm. Courtice's thoro·bred been visiting friends south of here. He bulls is very sick j its recovery is doubtwas speaking of starting <1 roller flour mill ful. BEN. LESKA RD. at Pontypool. A youhg soldier of the Salvation Army, The STATESMAN is read with interest ORONO. here. A young lady not far from New hailing from Lindsay opened fire here last Billy says Joe's children are just awful. Park wants her name in the paper ; she week the first shot being fired on Vved. says she i~ going to climb a tree and fall nesday evening in the Son§ . Hall. Three On Sabbath last the proprietor .o f our meetings were held on Sunday, the after- bakery _applied the broomstick vigorously off. WnANo. noon one thinning the ranks of the church to W1llmm, rather a Payneful proceeding OABTWBIGHT. goers, so that while a large crowd assem- for the Sabbath day. bled to attend the Siilvation meeting, the The young men are taking your ·a dvice A brass band is being organized here. church was almost deserted. In the eve- and arc ordering their spring suits at N. Petitions are being circulated in the ning the building (the C. M. chnrch, not }'. Hall's, ancl he is turning out some interest of the Scott Act. at present in use) wtLs crowded to its ut- nobby suits. He keeps a choice assort·where was tlie librarian of the Sunday most capacity, the best possible order and ment of Scotch and Canadian tweeds on School last Sunday week 7 attention prevailing. Evening meetings hand. J will be held during the week. Other The newly married couple who have reRev. J. J. Ferguson {>reached in the soldiers are expected to arrive on the B. C. church last Sunday evening. scene of action shortly.. 'Ve tmst a suc- cently taken up their·abode in the North Elcler McGinnis, of Port Rope, preach- cessful campaign will be carried on against Wttrcl appear to have difficulty in living harmoniollsly. He gets drunk tu drown ed in the C. M. churcl1 Sabbath week. the enemy. his sorrow and she gives vent to lier feel Mr. Geo. Bartley ha.s engaged with Mr. The programme prep;ue<l lluder the ings in sailor's terms. W. Parr as itenerant merchant for the auspices of the members of the Sons of We omitted to state in our last that Mr. summer. Tempcrunce of this place, consisting of an A base ball club is practising here pre- afternoon tea, followed by a musical and David Kirkland's house was destroyed by pamtory to issuing a challenge to the literary entertainment in the evening, was fire on the 13th inst. A portion of the . a perfect success in eve1y respect. The furniture was saved, but the building was Guelph cham11ions. entirely destroyed. The loss is about. · All crops look well. Grass is very far somewhat unfavorable nature of the weath$700, which is covered by insurance. o.d vo.nced. The bloom on the orchards er <lid. not appear to damp in the least Our village lrns at last received a sligl1t indicate plenty of fruit ..·· 'Lunge seem neither the spirits or the ardor of the ento bite better than they usually do at this ergetic members of the·Division and their recognition from our municipal officers in early season .... The 24th was celebrated numerous visitors. 'l'he tables l)l"esidfid the shape of a contract to widen t h e road here in right good style. The Clippers, of over by the lady members were laid in the adjacent to the tannery. Mr. Jabez Cadmus, beat the Union Jacks of the burg shed adjoininq he clmrch and the ap- Scott will do the work for $1. 63. We will FOR FIN.Ii: CONFECTIONERY in a friendly game of ball ; score 9 to 2. petizing and abundant supply of good have to do without a sidewalk vver that s~ock FIGS, D"A. TES, OllANGE~, The brass band has reorganized and playthingswasliberallypatrouized. Oneyoung part of the road until after the completion ed several lively airs through tho day to lady in charge of a table wits obliged to of the present job on the 20th June. LElllO~s. tJIGA.RS, admiril).g crowds ..·. Tli e Methodist tea spread hers six times. The Salvation Army are advertised to The entertainmdnt was held in the open war in Orono on Satlll'day night 31st was a real success ; about $55 was made. e·~amine After tea recitations, dialogues, readings, school house, where a platform was laid, inst., and continue the meetin!ls four dir~ct and singing were given in good style. The and curtains arranged for the occasion. nights each week, mcluding two additional choir gave several ~ood selections of The building was crowded to its utmost services on Sunday. A11 officer from the music and Miss Munson, of Bowmanville, capacity, notwithstanding which, good Bowpanville Corps will remain here. Tile added much to ·the enjoyment by giving order prevailed. This however is nothing meetmgs are a.nnouneed as follows: Satursome excellent music and songs .... The new for a Leska.rd audience. The pro- day 7 :45 p. m. grand free and easy ; Sungames on the 24th were the best ever gramme consisted of music, vocal and in- day 11 a. m. Consecration meeting; 3 p· witnesseclhcrc>. John Mason wasTreasurer str'umental; readings, dialogues, and re- m. grand praise and experience meeting ; and J ohu Hughes, Secretary. Messrs. citations, all of which were well rendered. and 7 p. m. grand salvation meetisg, MonTown Hall Buildings, Bowmanviile. 12. Jas. Parr, An@on Taylor and Jas. Holmes, Next week we will furnish the S'l'ATESMAN day and Tuesday at 7;41 p. m. grand salJudges. Only t.wo prizes in each compe· with the financial result of the proceedings. vation meetings. Collections at each sertition, except for the boys' race. Mile race, On "\Vednesday last a person who was vice to pay expenses. 5 entries; 1, John Bradburn, 2, W. Bar- disgustingly drunk, made his way from "Your honorl;)d friend " of Orono Public ton. Running hop-step-jump, () entries; the hotel to the creek to give his horse a School appears to have taken offence at. 1, Frederick McGill, 2, Richd. Bradburn. drink at the creek. H.e fell in himself and our reference to her modes of enforcing -INVE!ED I N . ' Jumping with pole for length, 5 entries ; something serious would have been the discipline, we did not mean to be discour1, Thos. Robinson, 2, W. Parr. Standing result had not a member of tho Salvation teous neither do we aspire for immortality Kick for height; 1, Wm. Barton 2, Wm. Army come to his rescue. A petition as a. writer, but we were youthful enough Green. 200 yd. rac1 for boys under 12 (4 asking that no more liquor-selling shall to think that our friend as a public servanl> prizes); 1, Morley Prust, 2, Thos. Venning, take ]Jlace without a licence · is in circu- had out-lived her clay of usefulness as a.. 8, Arth_ur Holmes, 4, John Graham , , . iatton v,ui;l being largely signed by the teacher of small chHdren. It matters but Mt'. Dick Sheckelton an~ Miss Sarah citi~ens who are annoyed by the ruffians litble how much vrown up folks may revBrown were married oii. the 23rd. On coming here to drink. This must force erence a pair of spectacles, little folks rereturning home the horse got on the spree the Inspector to attend to his duty. quire both keen eyes and quick ears. But and upset the l'ig, spilled the happy pair A meetincr in favor of the Scott Act is if "Your Honored Friend " is open to -AT THE. and sped with the fore wheels to Coulter's to be held i~ the Sons Ha.ll on Friday eve- negotiations it will aJford us supreme shed . rhe carriage was badly wrecked ning ·nexb, when t!ie: Heys. Simpson and pleasure not only to visit the scl10ol, bui# but Richard and Sarah thougl) badly sha'. Fraser of Orono are tO" instruct the rate- also to learn from and with her l~ow to be civil, respectful, and even affectionate .. ken were not fatally hurt .... Miss Daw- payers on the provisions 01' the Act. so.n, our milliner at W. A. Hills, is turAuQvxs. ning out some stylish hats .iind bonnets The tea meeting hei·e on tli..' Queen's 8 the . . .. Who stole band':na.ster Atkins boots? Birthday was an entire st1ccess.as Vt:' . ' · The subaoriber ofi'ers for sale on easy terms of payment, that voQ' desh-able property .... Our Division intends havin" a public· entertainment in the evening. Al.).:mt VITALIZED AIR. known as J<'air Mount Farm, being the wesc. demonstration on July 1st. Look out $36.50 was realized by the Sons. 11n1·t of Lot 11>. 111 the l:lCh Conscssfon of the competitors~ TOWNSHIP o·' C!A.TAN, and containing 116 for· posters ..·· Mrs. J. H. Hanns, of the wo:1derful inventions of the Who acted as spies and crawled through acres of good land, 105 of which are under Arthur, is visiting friends in Cartwright. the schoolhouse window last Sunday to age for thb. relief and prevention of huoulti vation, and the rest in woods. On the -OUR SUCCESS IS OWING TO OURpremises there is a Stone Dwelllng House, '10 .... Rev. W. Down is visiting the home find out the damage done to the building? man suffering, p 61-;1ai_:>s the mos~ wonderful x 28 feet, wit.h cellar full size; two Frame The person who has been trying to mn is that of vitalized air a3 ;:;sed . _m connectBarns 5! x 30 feet.and 5G x 22 feet, respectively; of his childhood ..·. Every elector in the also, Farme Stables,Drivln11 Honse, Hay Barn, village excepting the hotel keepersl and all Leskard of late, now feels sore he could ion with the practice of Dent1,;·~lY· 1'he and other outbuildings. 'l'he1·e is a never·fail. three others, has sigJ1ed the petition ask- not the entertai·melll.t. He is sorry that most eminent dentists of Engl~ncl ,:u<l -COMPETITORS ARE DEMORALIZED.ing supply of excellent water at the \ioor,a.nd ing for the submission df the 8cott Act. it was u success without him, while the Europe generally have found by repeated':'. it is also convnlent to churchell' and a firstclo.ss school. The soil is clay loam, and well public generaUy rejoice, at his discomfiture. trial that this is the most painless method adapted to raising wheat &.nd other grains. It of extracting teeth. It is bein()' adopted MICA·Y.BER. THEllE ARE SoLUJ FACTS. -The bes blood is a.bout seven miles !rom the 1'own of Peterby the leading dental surcreo~s of our borough, a.11d 8 miles from Mil ll>rook, with purifier aod system regulator ever placed gravel· road to each plaoe, and is it>w one of the within the reach of suffering 11umanity, ~A Happy Thought. Diamond Dyes large cities and we are ple~sed to learn We will give you special inducements for real Bargains in New Gi:>ods, best neighborhoods in the county, Title Indisputable. Further particulars on application truly is Electric Bitters. Inctivity of the are so perfect and so beautiful it is a pleas. that our esteemed and popular dentist Mr. to Wm. A. 'MORROW. Liver, Biliousness, Jaundice, Coostipati- ure to use them. Eqll.ally good for dark Chas. Harnden, has introduced this wonPeterborough P, O. on, Weak Kidney~ or any disease of the or light colors. lOc. at druggists. Wells. derful discovery in his practice in BowGIVE US A CALL. uritary organs, or· whoever requires an Richardson & Co,, ..l:ludington. Vt. Sam manville. The public can depend on the High School Examinations'. appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will pie Card, 32 colors, and book of direiitions , proper application of this thoroughly painless agent, and the Dr. is to be heartily HE INTERMEI>-IATE AND THIRD always JfodElictri~ Bitters the best and for 2c. stamp. congratulated for introducing it in this N. B.-The Original and Genuine Star House, east store in Neads' CLASS Non-professional Exatl)inatioll· 1 only cert~m cure known. They act sureTOBACCO sold at Pethicks barber· shop section. 'N ew. Block. Our success has led to imitations be~ne at Bowmanvllle H!iogh School JULY 7th, 1):1 and quicklJ:, eve.ry bottle guarnteed to · at 9 a. m, g1 ve entire sat1sfecihon or money refunded. at less than cost prices;. for instnace,. 2 ...,..=~~~==-:-:~~=---==~-"".":'=~=~====~~==~==~~ 'l'he Second Class Examination begins JUI...Y I:)oId a t fift~cen L · plui;s of McDonalds smoking for 5c. or 1 .__ :;a_ .. . 9th.atll:OSa.m. . 11 a b ottle b y J H" iggmOil Cheaper than Wood. lOc. plug of chewing for 5c. AU other Persons who patronize papers should MO"TEY TO LOAN -A f th d 'l'heEn~raoceF;xa!11inatioo takes place JULY . b<itham & Son. ew ousan J"rd and <lith, begmnmg each day at 9 a. m. - - --,---'- Oil stoves are selling like hot cakes. _ p ay promptly, for the pecumary prospects . dollars, private funds, to loan on :first- Ca.ndidates ehou·ldnotify theCountylnspector :Ladies ·dont faillto examine 1'n'IT Cloth kinfds sold cheap. The '"Dietz" sold by Lee & Eds~U is the of the press have 8 pecllliar power in ol&ssfar!Ilsecurlt.y,atthelowestcurrentrates. ortheundersignedbyJuNEist. d 's1 d Tl b t·h·-Jd b'. h' . . For particulars apply to H. BEITH. Bowman- ' w. w. ·rAM RUN, :M. A., m ow 1a es. my· are o uxa »=> Picture frames, full line on ha.nd, any· leading oil stove jn the market. Don't. pus mg forward public prosperity. Tllle, or R.R. WSCO.MBE, Barrister, 3-tf. · BIPwmGnville, May 15, 188&.· Principal, ·arui. Ioo.ndsome. Tlitoa. YellGw.Ieaa_ size made up. T. YelllJ.wlees. ·buy till you see its advantages. . ' CARPETS! CARPETS ·! Bought in transit, which -will be sold at CORRESPONDENCE. I Two Bales Dutch Wool Carpets, 10 PEIR ClENT LESS THA;N WHOLESALE PRl'.C ES. 25·0 PIECES Scotch, E:n.g1ish. Ca:n.adia:nT-w-eeds TO ,S ELECT FROM. arrangements with the well known AND A1.CUTT HR, W. PBABilON, EGGS TAKEN AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. we can furnish suits which cannot be surpassed for Style and .Cheapness. R.H~ . McCLUNG BROS'. OLD STAND. llRNER. -PURE NEW&c. : APER.) WALt P P. TREBILCOCK. MAPLE SYRUP I have now ready a very large of Paper ·Hangings of foreign and home manufacture, and those in want will do well to my patterns and prices. I import my paper. from manu.facturers and give my customers the benefit. No trouble to show goods. ~&> ~ ~ -~ ~ ~· ~ (f'c~ llJJfli.-:J DRYCOODS.4J$ 2 Q Q Q Q~GLOTHINC. ~ ~ ~ LATEST NOVELTIES. Newest Styles, Lowest Prices, PureNewMapleSyrup Finest Goods, GRAND CENTRAL. Largest Assortment, Farm fer Sale. We are the TERROR of our ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ o; ::n ·GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES. We keep the right·goods; We make the low prices and our customers go away satisfied. :SUITS TO ORDER BV THE NO. l. TAILOR-W. PEARDON. T_ G-EQ_ JM:.A.SON"". ___ T d · · I ;. ' . · · _ _ __ . , _ · _ - · 1w·

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