- ~~..,:.._,.~~-~~,...;.:.~ ~ nuadiau ··: J tate.sman. --- =-=-----· BOWMANVILLE FRID.A.Y Arnn, 18. · ' CARTWRIGHT COUNOIL. l The Council met pursuant to adjournment. . Membc1'd · all present. Minutes of last meeting r:~.i.cl, and_ confirmed- . . Mr. l:lpii\ks carried through ajBy-law to appoint Pathmaster3, fonceview.,rs and pound keepers for 188,4. ,1 A coi:n~uttee of the_ S.oi:is of Iemperan~e (the W1lhamstmrg D1v1S1on) made apphcation tor the use of t he town hall, for holding their weekly meeting, complain that the conditions on which it 'Yas grante:l to 1hem at last meeting of this Oouncil were restrictive, E>xactiug and detrimental to the interests of the community. Moved by Mr. Spinks, seconded by Mr. McKee, 'l'hat ihe Reeve be anrl he is he1eby authorized to 11llow the Williams· burg Division of the SoIJs of 'l'emperance to occupy the town hall one night each week, dL1rmg such time as m11y be agn:ied upon by the Reeve and a committee of thtl Divisitm of the Sons of T~mperance aforesaid, providing said committee agr.ie to become personally responsible to this Council for any damage tlrn.t , t he hall may sustain in consequence of its being so oc, cupied by the Division of the J::;ons of Temper:i.nce, trnd also that they agree to pay to tho 'l'rettsurer of this numici11ality, the sum of fifty cents per month, to be payable monthly for the. use of the hall aforsaid. The Council to have the right to discontinue this agreement at any time by giving the aforsaid committee one morith's notice of its inttlntion so to do. Henry Mountjoy presented an account as pathmaster, for shovel·ing snow on the · gravel road, $19. On motion of Mr. McKee, seconded by . Mr. Devitt, Tht> Reeve gave his ord~r for the amount. . -M1.. McKee, as Commissioner, present· eQ.an account for cedar timber, to be used Mr. Geo. Henry, .Jr. has goue .to Lon' ou the (/,uaroer Line east, and on the 4th don, England, con. lme. $12.40. · . If you are. a professional man, an ediMoved by Mr. Spinks, seconded by Mr. tor, lawye, clergyman or doctor, 110 thorDarcy, That the Glerk be instmcted to ou~hly_ overworked that now every mental notify David Deacon to remove his fence effort ts attended with a sense of weariuess, from oft' the allowance for .road· between followed by headache and more or less tho 6th o.ncl 7th concessions of this town· seven. nerrnus prostration, take a dose of ship, opposit lots 12 and 13, and to 11ave DR AUSTIN'S PHOSPHA'l'INE along with the same so removed before the first day your meals every day for a week or mor!, , of May next. Carried. · and we are certain it will relit!ve you. - On motion, th<; Reeve signed ()rde1·s on . For saie by all druggists. II , the Treasurer as follows: Dr. E. Morris UJ(i)ved to Toronto this Henry Mountjoy, for shovelling snow$ week. on gravel road· · · · · · · · · · · · · · 19 00 Cingalese is the name of a widely and <John Jobb, pathmaster, for shovelfavorable known hair restorer which is ling snow ou gravel road,···· 10 50 not t'ecommended to do utterly impos~ible . John McKee, Commissioner, for thin!!l9, hut then nothing is better for Cedar timber, · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 12 40 · keepir·g the hair in ~ood condition and Robert \o\ ilson, an indigent, for reiltoriug it when lust, if the scalp 1s capa.· · Jfebruary atid M:~rch. · ...... . ·· 8 00 ble of beiug toned up, to exert its proper Mrs. Loughea.d, · ···do ... do·· .. · ... 8, ()0 functions. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by Wm. ' Spence ...... do .. do ... do . . ·. 8 00 Stott & Jury. II 'fhe Council did then adjourn until tl1e Mr. Ueo. Brown has moved to Mon: first Monday in May, at 1 o'clock p. m. treal. '!'he following ;ue the Pathmasters apMuoH IN A Ln'TLE. - Many proprietary pointed for the year 1884, viz : . , John Bartley, George !teed, J. Graham, medicines, if they cure at all require snch large quantity to produce effects that it ·w. Vancamr, ,Jmnes Coates, W. Spinks, a. Robert Ramm, Andrew Hyland, J. s~rnin, m11.ke:s them vere uncertain and ex.per1ei'fe .,V. Hmiter,George l:fooey, S. 'I.'- Fergusqn rll-mediee. Not so with Burdock Blood · eorge Wilson, Anson 'l'aylor, H. Mount· Bitters. It is hi:.(hly concentrated, and for .joy, John: Hooey, David llingham, Robt. all dise11ses of bloud, liver and kidneys, one or two bottles will cure more than ~roer,Joho Jobb, W. J. Bea.cock, William Hooey, D. Hlioey, Thomas Brµce, James 1J:11llons of the weal!: mixtures usually sold. 1 White, ldlm Smith, J uh cl Edgerton, Rodt. Send for facts and fir.tures.1 'Groer, J, h!l Jobb, W. J. Beacock, Wm· ' Mr.- W. Hill, Oourtice, is giving up Hooey, D. Hooey, Thomas J3ruce, James blacksmithing for farming. White, Tohn Smith, John Edgerton, Robt A CASE MucA TALKED oF. - The cas of Montgomery, Nelson Marlow Robt. Mr. John Morrison, .of St. Ann's, F, S., .Cowan. Robt. Philip, Thomas Law&on, who was afflicted with a serious, dropsical ,Jumcs Y McLnughlm, · A. Gibons, Jas. disease of the kidneys. The beat mediWilliamson, H. Pool, James Holmes, cal aid having failed, his life was despair· John Samels, M. Chapman, John Cuth- ed of. Two bottles of Burdock Blood bert, Wm. Newsom, Wm. Johns, Henry Bitters cured him. His st·a temeut is vou-Bartlett, R. Suggitt, R. Suggitt, .rncub cbed f.,r by J. D. McLeod, J. P,, "'ho Muirliead, David Ferguson, Mathew knew of his condition. The curd is conPewell, Jackson Gil b:mke, Robt. _ H eslip, sidered marvellous i11 his town.II J ulm Whitfield,' J as. McKee, John Quinn, The hostler at Fisher's hotel let l\lr. D. David Galbraith. Smiths horse run away on . Monday. l'EN\)j) VIEWERS. Horse aud 'buggy slightly damaged. FIGURES WoN'T LIE. - The figures showThumn:s ·Werry. John .Trewin, J. Bea, cock, David Johnsto11, John Eegerton, C. ing the euormous yearly sales of Kidney.B. Power, ·waiter Dunn, J. Y. McLaugh- W ort, demonstrate its value as !lo medicine beyond dispute. It is a purely vegetab1e lin, W. Mclaughlin. compound of cert11in- roots, le>1.ves and berPOUNJl KEEPERS. ries known to have special value in Kid, Robert Ramm, Wiliam Coulter, Wm. ney troubles. Oombmed with these are Windell, John Hooey, J ·ohn Cuthbut, and remedies acting directly on the Liver and :ti[enry Bartlett. · · Bowels. It is because of this combined action th11.t Kidney-Wort has proved such 'THE F.usE PROPHn. --:2-- He who prophe- an unequalled rewedy iu all dise..ses of 8i.e11 falaely sf the W!i;l1~ther, leaves off his these or~ans: · fianuela ' aud ov.,rsho<.)§1, and catches cold, Mr. T. E. Washington, Solina, has won ~indeed unwis<l. If yon follow this false the Far'rne1-'s Ad?{ocate pri;!e for essay on prophet your. redc:ne Ii.es in taking Hag- " Fencing." · ya rd's Pectoral Balso1q. It is the best AnouT HuMBuas.-~he remedy u11~t · CDugh cure and the R lifo~.t t hroat .. nd lung advertises-none, other of any account, remedy known -to m.ed~ca~ science.JI every other a fraud and hnmbug- isafra11.d -7000 rolls wall pa.per iu stock, includ- is a fraud and humbug itself on the face iti,g over 200 pntterns .Call :u1d l!lee the qf, it. , l~ must necessarily taste of the magnificent patterns . ~-T. Yellowleeii.- 14. quack and hmn4ug it t alks of. A remedy " Mr. Sa!IJ. Hughes, of Toranto, and Mr. .of merit, Olli) that needs bnt little adverW. E. Tilley, of Liwlsl~Y weru in town tieing to secure a first place in the hou1e· th,'ie week. · · hold, ' never defames another. i:?uch a ~ By lack of open air ·exercise, and the one is ZO-PE-SA, the Liver and Dyspepwant or sufficieut cne i u the 1ilatter of tic l'anacea. Keep thi:i .slu,:rgish Liver diet, the whole physic r 1l 1 nechanism of- active. · ThP,. stomach ready for nonrishten-becomes itnp·fred duriug the wintt·r. ment. 'l'he head clear with·ZO-PE-SA_: 1\:.)'er's SarsapariHu is t.he prnper remedy observe regufority. Don't 01erload, live t<> take in the spripg of the ytiar·to purify long and be bappy·ll 'thei blood, iuvigorattl the system, excite We are crowd"d with stock in e~ery the·liver to ·a-ction, aud· !·est.lire th" e heal- department. Ell1sQn & Co. . thy tOll!l aud :vigor. ·' - ==~~====~~==~=~ ~ "The green fruit M .t t h e Conucil was "soid" ou Moricay uight 'l'>it,hvut ·1he usual value ' '. rec.iin d." 0 Hors t:Jey. SAI'IITARY INsrEO'l'-lO.N-. ~If- you would ayo1d sickness clear a way the filth a.Pd rubb~sh about your premfaes, establish . · pNp,er dr~inBge .and admit pura air. The ' llowMAN·VILLE. ON·r., Dec. 5, 1882. sl{in, kidneys and b,owe]s are the sluice- Messrs. SETH W. FOWLE & SON, Boston. Dear Sirs:- We suppose it ·is no now thing ways of the human body. Regulate these c~nn.,ls uf health with Burdock Blood for you to receive congratulations on the euoBi::tters, whjch act dire<J ~ly to purify the oess of your valuabl. e cough remedy, Dr. "fist· bloo.d and rcaulate the stomach liver and ar·s BaIHum oflVlltl Cherry; but perhaps at kidneys. II " ' this time a word or two from ns will not prove out of place. .Although tho Balsam has net · .. - - --See our Boys Suits' at $1.50. Ellison& been adverised to any extent in this looallty, . Co. our sale or it is very iarg~ and the demand is <We ·me.i.n bm;iness th i~ season, Ellison Increasing, which Is due to the u~lversal eat. &< Co. ' · · lsfaction which it gives to our customers. We will sacrifice the profits this season. We have never had a single complaint, and Ellison & Co, ·husbands tell us their · wives will not keep \Ve never allow . arry competiton to house without it. We would like you to do a urulerselJ us. Ellison ~Co. little more ad,'ertising in this country, for we Mens all wool Tweed Suit~ to orcter for believe were !our balsam better known, its .sale would be mcreased ten·fold. $12. 50. Ellison Co. . & ·. B , !:! f Yours truly, W · e k eep a JI s1ze11 JO. >OJ~ pmts r.om S'l'OTT & .JURY, 4 ~eil~a np . ._ E!lison & Co. 275 "The Druggists," Senator Simpson is home from OttawlA. Dr. CamidRe has moved to 'roronto. "Muet say it~s the nicest thing f ever HAvm OPENED AT used for the t?eth and breath," .~ays every one havrng tried " TEA BERRY, the new toilet gem. Get a. sample.II _Mre. W. S. Ga'.llsby is visiting Mrs. T. Bmgham. Don't go barking aroune to the discomfort of yourself and everybody. For 25c. get a. bottle of " HuB.. Couou OunE, which will relieve in ,., few minutes. Ask Stott & Jury. II New Dress Goods in Black and Colored, Cashmeres, Fancy Mr. T. J. Maaon, 'foronto, is recovering from his re.cent injuries. Plaids, etc., New Tapestry Carpets-1Mw designs, handsome ,. As a ,sure rflmedy f9r ~ick H~ada~lrn, patterns and very cheap, New Prints, Cretonnes, Shirtings, Sour . St<~mach, D:yspel?s1a, I~d_1gest1on, For Sale and Subscriptions taken for all Newspapers & Magazines. Const1pat10n_, .Torpid Liver, Bihousnes~, New Cottons, Lace Curtains, Edgings, etc., New Embroideries, 1 &c., no med1.cme 1s equal to_Dr. Baxter s Lace~, etc., New Passarnentire Trimmings direct from Paris Mandrake l:Mters. 25 cents per bottle.f J Dr. Brimacolllbe has retumed from In Stock ; also Bibles, Hymn Books, Envelopes, Pencils, Pens, Inks. New Counterpains-white and colored, New Cloths & Tweeds. Cobourg, and resumed duty. Fine Assortment of Toys, Dolls, Vases, Fancy Baskets ; also Confectionery. To Resi&t Mala.ria, Ague, Fevers. Headl~ VIOLIN STRINGS a Specialty. ~ ache, Coids, Kidney Disease, l'uin in the Side or Baek, Constipation or Costiveness, keep ZO- PE-SA hanJy, and take a dose twice a week, n acts upon the Liver and Stomach like magic.II Mr. Byran Vanstoue is ill at Winnipeg. FITS GUARANTEED. Latest news is favorable, however. SOAR Tm.~OAT.-This common and painful affocti<rn may be readily cured by the prompt application of Ila~yar<!'~ Yellow Oil, taking it internally at the same time 1 according to directions. In croup asthma, PICTqRES ENLARGED. colds, tiwolleu· glands, rheumatism and other painful diseases it is equally efficacious.11 The West Northumberland election trial is to be resumed May 5th. w. coroiallyin·it· the publicto®ll·nb· MORRISON. AN UNPltOTEOTEJJ FAMILY.- Is one> H. c. TAIT. that has not that valuable remedy, Hagyard's Yellow Oil m the house for accidents and emergencit>s. It cures colds, -CALL A T croup, sore throat, deafness, rheumatism, neuralgia, d1ilblains. burns brusises and all painful injuries. Ii TAIT & MORRISON NEW GOODS I CHEAPS I DE BAZAAR s. Mason 4- Son. JUST ARRIVED. ~ALL A Brand-new Stock of Fancy Goods, Books and Stationery, Wall · P apers, Fine Art Goods, Baby Carriages, Violins, Genuine Oil Paintings, (25 cts. each) Jewelry, etc., etc. ~ALL TORONTO PAPERS ~ SCHOOL REQUISITES ~ T..A..ILORI:N"G_ Photograph Gallery (su1Ts To 0RoE!)'.F1RsT-cuss cmER.) CONTINUED AS USUAL. First Class Photos at Lowest Living Prices. .¢rN. B.- Another lot of our Noted Col'd Cashmeres to hand. Grocers' Due Bills taken same as Cash. PICTURE FRAMING done well a·nd cheap. "i>. Cash ICash ldaSh I Cash for S. MASON & SON. LEE &EOSAll'S -AND EXAMINE THE- Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Beef. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Tallow. Cash for Potatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides & Sheep Skins. a.ll kinds of Farm Produce at Young, Cawker & Co's. YOUNG CAWKEH & Co's is the pla.ce to do business, they keep -in stock the very- DIETZ (TUBULAR .HOT BLi.A ST) Best quality of Groceries that can be bought, the Best quality of Meats, Fresh and Cured, always in stock. Their .Seeds are all fresh a1?'d of the b~st quality ; they ke~p Barrel Salt ; American and .Carbon Safety Coal 011. Try their Empire Horse and Cattle Food, the best manufactured, recommended highly by the Guelph Model Farm ; their stoc~ of Glassware and Crockery is Complete. They do not make any specialty of one article, but as there is considerable talk abou~ Cheap 'l'eas, the place to buy the Cheap Tea is at Young, Cawker & Cos, they buy altogether for cash which enabltis them to sell cheap. Give them a call. · . OIL STOVE. _ TffE·SEST tM Tlt! MAllt<·l T. II~ -.. -.. .,,, .,, m.. ft),_._ c J.-riur t/181J Be<Ts to announce to his many friends and patrons in the Town and Vicinity that, not being able to dispose of his . D!'Y Goods Busin ess satisfactorily, he intends continuing it ~itnself. He has renewed his stock iri all lines, which is now very complete and everythitig is marked away down to suit the hard times. Read, learn and take in the following : He is selling C. M. CA\iVKE R. NEW DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING . We have opened an immense sb,>ck of Dry Goods and Clothing . A grand variety of Our prices will be right this season, in fact we · ordinary Bargains in e".'e~·y Department. -stock of- - · SPRIN""G-:7 1884_ :" -, · Dress Goods for ................ $ 20 worth$ 25 Prints........................... , 10 · " 12~ 2 Buttoned Kid Gloves..... - .. - . 45 " 70 4 " " .... .' . . . . . 50 " 75 4 Clasp Kid Gloves- Dents .... ;. 1.00 " l.25 Factory Cotton ...... -... - ............. 5c: per yard. Steam Loom, soft finish, 36 in. wide .. lOc. " _:He has also a full line . in- New Prints, New Dress Goods, New Tweeds. ~ill offer ExtraAn immense BOY'S, YOUTHS AND MEN'S SUITS, R A. R I~ VA. r, 1J E. Tailoring d~ne in best style. GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLOTHS and T-W-EEDS, all of which are marked very low. Nobbyall Wool Tweed Suits to order;$12.50. We never allow any competitor to undersell us · We mean business this seasori.. . l \ . . . ~If you want cheap Dry Goods call at t~1e West End House. There is where you get t11em and don't you forget it. WM. .McMUR'rRY, 13. · West End House. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ EBLISON & CO. ' THE GREA.T SA.LE OF THOSE u s E FMf fAMED fCi1PSE HOUSE HAS REMOVED TWO DOORS WEST .' . IS SO[JIETHING ENORrtlOlJS. 0 , ... , H ' STYLISH SPRING GOODS I I IN NEADS' BLOCK, Where our customers .can get the very best choice in Their Fancy Furnishing Goods such as Ladies' and Gents' Collars, Ties Neckerchiefs and Handkerchiefs are the most novel of any goods seen in that line before: Gentlemen's Shirts in ~he Finest Cambric and French Persale from 75c upwards; Braces from lOc. upwards; Rubber Coats in endless variety in our Hats, Caps and Turbans we have all the l eading styles; in our . C l othing Department we have. the finest Scotch and English Worsteds for Suiting and C9ating. We can give you an Elegant CAN'T KEEP HOUSE Eents' Furnishings, All New and Fresh this Spring. -Our stock of~ English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds are the very best for Spring and Summer Suits. SU I T[cu1 BY THE BEST CUTTER IN TOWN] FOR $8 Overalls, Summer Pants and Jackets for the farmers, in endless variety. : · · Worsted Coatings ·in Great Var~ety, All cheap for Cash, and very cheap for ou.r regular customers. Call at the Eclipse House for bargains., l Jos. Joffrny~ lorchantTailor. ~.:.;!h 2784_I VE~· £ t . \J