Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1884, p. 6

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., THE CANADIAN STATESMAN JS PUBLISHED EVERY FRID..l.Y MORNING, -BY- AMARVELOUS STORY TOLD IK lWO LEIT!RS. FACTS FOR FARMERS. The Sugar Bush. · Maple syrup and maple sugar mll8t 1 "28 Cedar St., New continue to be a. luxury . Vermont can, York, Oct. 28, 1882. not supply the Atlantic States. Ohio, "Gentlemen: My father resides at Glover, AT THE OFElCE, Michigan and Wisconsin cannot supply Vt. He bas been a great sutferer from ScroftomceBlock,Klngst.,Bowmanvme,ont ula, and thelnclOl!ed letter will tell you what the home demand. For these reasons a " marvelous eil'.eot spurious article is k ept c onstantly in t he TE :R~S: ma~ket, but as this can never compete .~o perannunr,or $1.00lf pnldln advance with the real sweet; the demand for the Payment strictly in advance required from latter will constantly increase. It pays eubscr1bers outside of the county. Orders to discontinue the paper mu~t be accompanied by has had In his case. I tllinl· his blood must well to make only the very best article. the amount due.or the paper will not be stopped. hav& contained the humor for at least ten Such a course will soon givtl a r eputation subscribers are responsible until tull payment is years; but It did not show, except in the form that will bring-a quick market for syrup made. of a. scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about at $1.50 a gallon, as the years go. This RATES OF ADVERTISING a l:S.:M' five years ago. From a few spots which ap. will m oke each tree bring about 75 cents Farmers' Homes. WholeColumnoneyear ...... . ...... $50 00 ~~.,; peared ~th.at time, it gradually spread so as annually. Again, by taking proper pains, Halfyear ......... . .. . . 30 00 ~~~ to cover his entire body. I assure you he was Why should a farmer 's home b e a " " One quarter ........ . 20 00, """'::::; terribly atHicted, and an object of pity, when it will not be simply the first run that veritable lit tle not paradise 1 Who else has lilalt Column one year ............... 30 001 - he began using your medicine. Now, there are will give the finest syrup, but such will " " Hal! year .. .......... ·. . 20 few men of bis age who enjoy as good health .. " One quarter. . . . .. .. ... 12 50 be made till the buds start, after which so good an oppor tunit y for beautifying as he has. I could easily name fifty persons Quarter Column one yee.r .... , . . . . . · 20 00 other farm work should take our atten· his grou nds until t hey s hall far exceed in " " Half year...... .. . .. 12 50 - 5 who would testify·to the facts In his case. an d elegance the grandest possf· tion. The utmost cleanliness should be beauty " T t' ·· One quarter ........ 8 oof d d t ·t Yours truly, W. M. PHILLIPS." practised, and t he reduction of sap into b 1 1 ies o any crampe an pen u p Cl y Slx lines and under, first insertion .. $0 50 lawn 'I W e n eglect t h is altogether too Each subsequent insertion...... 0 25 !J , " It is both a syrup sh<!iuld be done in the least possible l!'rom six to ten lines, first lnsertlox:., O 75 _ mue ll; we have so much t o do, we say, h ·, pleasure and time. }j;ach ~uboequent insertion ...... 0 35 -10 a duty !or me to state to you the benefit I "n look1.ng aft' er our crops that br1 ·11g us It will pay to take a cask of hot water l Jver ten lines,first insertion,per line 0 10 have derived from the use of that we have no time to sp end Ea.ch subsequent insertion, " 0 03 .: and rinse out the buckets- especially if money, with flo wers, shade trees, etc. , which '!'he number of lines to be reckoned by of wood-after each run. The buckets e spa.0e occupied,, measured by a scale ofl simply or nament the place, and b ring no should all be covered. This k eeps out all · t t b lid Nonvarell. -15 rain-water, dust and leaves. The cover money. A s an m ves men even, we elieve Six months ago I was completely covered with this t o be a mist ake ; but asid e from m ay be a. square board just large enough the financial side of t he matt er, w e think I.. POTIER, H.D. a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The t o cover the bucket, and made df half. it pays to take a little ti.ne- considerable, . RADUATE of Queen's College, Kingston; humor caused an incessant and intolerable ano 1\'lember of Col~~ll:e uf Physicians and itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause inch pine or ba sswood. For convenience, he exter nal apSurgeons, Ontario. it pays to paint the cover r ed on one side if n ecessary- to 'improve tSh the blood .to ftow in many places whenever ad t If/I' O.uce and Residence, Enniskillen. 17·. I moved. My sufferings were great, and my and white on the other. If t he wind pear anc3 o f our ,wmes. . e r ees are -- -·-------at the disposal of every farm er, flowers life a burden. I commenced the use of the Dr. A. REITH, troubles, by blowing off the cov" e rs , nail an d plants are chea~, and easily obt ained RA.DU.A.TE OF'.!'HE TORONTO UNIVER· SARSAPARILLA in April last, and have used across the grain of t pis boar d an inch · d d b 1· · J t Sl'l'Y, Physician, Surgeon, &c. Office King it regularly since that time. My condition strip three inches wide, and just long an d cu I t1v-,i,te . , an Witi e ieve it is as began to Improve at once. The sores have Stn.et. MORRIS' HLOCK, Bowmanville. much every man's duty t o mak e his home enough to go into the bucket. 'fhe cover all healed, and I feel perfectly well in every 0-s the most beautiful J. W, JtlcJ.uughlln, H. R., respect ~being now able to do a good day's is nailed t o the edge of t his strip . This and its surroundin 0 and attractive place on ear th, as it is to ICENTIATE OF 'l'HE ROYAL COl.LEGE work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire prevents the board cover from warping of Physicians and member of the Royal what has wrought such a cure in my case, and and will hold it to t he buck~t everi when pile up a large fort une · for the benefit of · College of Buri~eons, EdinburKh. tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, Ofiloe: MORRll::!' BLOCK King-st., Bowman· I there are high winds. If we use the P ost fut ure generations and lawyers. W e do AYER'B SARSAPAIDLLA. Glover, Vt., Oct. ville. spout , this cover may be ent ire, as ' the not expect t o come t his way again, so why 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, spout holds the bucket - which must not enjoy, a! much as we can as we go lilllAM PHILLIPS." DR. J. C, MITCJIEJ,J,, tin-by passing t hrough a holtJ just along.-& . be of EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS - - ---··· · 1- - - --AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. cures Scrofula under the edge. Such spouts and tin and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. 74., and all Scrofulous Complaints, Eryslp. 01!ice and .1:tes1dence, EnniskUlen. buckets are by far the best. lll0NS1'ROSITIES TO ORDER alas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotc:hes, I had 200 wooden bucke t s wh en I gr-r, D. llllllKE Slltll'SON, Sores, Boll&, Tumors, and Eruptions of my place, which I-perhaps fool ishly- Points on tile Spring Trade in Merma.tds R ESI' A ND COMF OltT TO TllE S1JFFE RING ARRISTE'fl, SOLICITOR, &o., MORRIS the Skin, It clears the blood of all Impu· con tinue to use. These are hung to t he Alllga.tor Boys and Douole Bab ·e ~ . " Browlt's Ho11soliol·l J>anace,a " has no BLOCK, up ~tairs, King ::>treet, Bo·4'man· rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of equal for relieving pain, both interha.l and ex· lle. 8olicitor tor the Ontario Dank. tree by an iron cla w. .Just above is t he , ..What is wanted?" said the art isan, terna.l. lt cures pain in t he Side, Back or Bowthe bowels, and thus restores 'Vitality &nd Private ~oney& loaned at the lowest rates, sheet-iron spout. A recta ngular strip, an add ing a daub of glue to th e dorsal fin of els, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache1 strengthens the whole system. Lumbago and any kind of Pain or Ache. ··Ii inch wide and a little longer than the the mem1aid, " is som ething they can p ut olohn lleith Galbraith, will moat surely quicken th e Blood and Heal PREPA.rum BY spout, is cut from the cent re of the cover on the canvass tha t will draw folks in. as its a cting_ power is wonderful." " Brown's AlH tll::!'l'ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY on one side , so t hat the sap goes into the The sid e shows are getting ready to start Household Panacea,". being acknowledged as .l:'U BLIC, &c. Oftlce-Reed's Block, over the g.reot Pain Reliever, and of double the T. Ba.ttings store, King Street, Bowmanville. Dr.J.C'.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass · bucket. The tin buckets are cleaner and out. They have their fat women, albinoa, strength of another Elixir or·Liniment in the .illloney to lend. Sold by all Druggists; 81, six bottles !or fli. do not get to leaking, as the wooden Brazi lian apes, big snak es and t ha t sor t world should be in every family handy for use buckets a r e apt to do, especially when of thing, but th ey won ' t draw. Folks when want ed, " a s it really is the best remedy ST; JOUN R. lllJTCllESON, in the w orld for Cramps in the Stomach, and B ut will stop and look at t he canvass, say pains and aches or all kinds," and is for sale by ARRISTER, & ATTORNEY. &o. O ENFIELD LADIES.- M1ss JULIA. hung up to the tr unk of the tree. even the tin buckets should be rinsed that t h ey have seen snakes, ·monkeys and all Dr uggists at 25 cents a bottle. 18!-ly. N01'A.ltY PUBLIC. MONEY TO LOA?il· O'LEAR,Y baa returned from 'l'oronto, after each run, with warm water. L et it fat women enough , a nd will pass on. B ut and has begun Dressmaking in Enfield. Special 0FFICE- 0 VEU STATESMAN 0J!'FlCE. s! Mothers ! : Mothers :!? 3lotller attention will be given to ()ll tting and fitting. be r em em bered that it is filth, sour sap, if the side show can ban~ ou t a mermaid - - - -- Are you disturbed at night and broken ol:l'your ROB.EllT A.JlM01JR, Z:Call solicited, 281-tf. not later sap, that makes inferior syrup. or a sea serpent or an alligator boy folks rest by a sick child suffering and crying with EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM l::i.::!uER tho excruia.ting pain of cu tting teeth 1 If so· The ga thering-c ask should also b e al ways will pay th eir dimes and step righ t iFi. go ot lliarria.ge Licenses, .Barrister anu . ""or· at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS· O~Y at Law and Solicitor in Chancer~ ..1>uuey sweec a nd clean. The a rch should be Usually they fin d t hat the monkeys alon e LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve oaned on Rea.I Estate. Oftloe on Kil.II!: i;u·eet, closed wit h a door so that no ash dust can are wor th t he price of admission , and tbe poor little su1fer immediately- depend upon there is no mistake about it . There is not e tJowmanville. OF · CANADA. gen in to the syrup. The wood rooms they a re 110t disposed t o fi nd fault because it; mother on earth who ha.a ever used it, who will should also be closely partitioned off from t .1e m ermaid is not alive. B u t :ij som e one not tell you at once. t hat .it will regule 1 ~ ,ne C.t.t·ITAL, $1,000,000. UEST, $ HO,OOO _ .,, "'· T, PJIJl,Ul"S bowels, and give rest to the motber, ar ,i i relief the boiling r oom. N o pains are unneces- does find fault th e side show man says to and ICENSED AUU'l'IONEER !or the County health to the cl;iild. oper ating like magic. This Bank 1s prepared to do Legiti· sary or foolish which add t o the. neat- him: · of Durham, Sales promptly attended. tis perfectly safe to use in all oases,and plesa, mate Banking in all its branches. 59. d.ddress-Harnnton l:'. O. ness. ' 'Look a h ere, young feller. D'ye ant to the taste, and is the prescrim lon of one the oldest and beat female phyaicia.ns and Farmers not es discount ed ; Deposits To secure quick reduction of the sap, s'pose that if I'd got hold of t hat mer- of U. HVT()lllSON. nurses i:U the United States. Sold everywhere received and Interest paid on amounts of we should have the evaporator, th e maid before she died I'd be showin' her at 25 cents a bottle. 18!-l v. ICENSED AUC'l'ION EER, CONVEYAN· L CER and Commssioner in B. R. Sales at· $5 upwards in Savings Bank D epartmenl. h eater , dry w'ood, an d a good grat e u nder up country her e for ten cents a head ? N o tended to promply and at reasonable rates. " H uB" CO'UGH CURE, 25 CENTS.- P r estho fire-box. The evaporator saves stor-. sir; you'd have to come to th e city t o see DRAFTS &iii'Addl'ess-.ll;nniskillenP. 0. . cription of a Boston P h ysician , dispensed I ssued and Collections made in Europe, age, and by quick evapor ation makes st~· J her , and pay yer dollar.'" perior syrup or sugar. On e man can boil Cutting a t hr ee corner ed piece out of years by a B oston druggist. O:r:rE DosE OH N H UGHES.- Lioensed Auction- United Stat.es a nd Canada. away with a good- evaporator a s fast as the codfish skin and neatly drawing it will cure any ordinary cough. It acts aleer, Valuator and Ai:bitrator, Fire and Life OFFlCE..:.tturdoell Bros. Block , late Bank· t wo can gather. An evap~rator also saves down around t he papcr-mache body of most magically. Ask St ott & Jury for a Insurance, Notes and Accounts Collected, 111.oney to Lend on reasonable terms. Address tng omce or Jones & Bobbie. nigh t w·ork . _The heate~ is a d eep, nar- t he mermaid , the artisian went on: ",I 25 cen t bottle of " H un" CouaH CURE, '17~ Can wright, Ont. W. J. JONE S, l'OW pan, wluch r~sts JUSt ? ack of the u~ed to be i n t he magic line [taking up and don 't be p ut off wi th any other . 27 Agent. e vaporator. It is made wi th flues, so I his shears, swallowing them, and picking G OOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO PORT PERRY t hat a large surface is exposed, to the fire. t hem frorri beneat h his lmeepan], but enirY man wl10 buys hisLicen~e tram .l:JJ<;NitY SYLYES'.l'Ji;R, Enniskillen. 198tf, I n t o this the cold sap runs, where it is magic doesn't pay any longer . It pleases heated, b efore it passes L o th e e aporator. the intelligen t p ublic, b ut the p ublic is 11R. W. ll'ILl..!!ON, This not only saves time , but secur es a small; " The a.hove ::works are running full blast to EACH!i:R OF T RE PIANOFORT E. Even t hose who I " H ow came you to go int o t he manufac- keep up with orders. Some very large orders finer a rticle of syrup. . ORGAN and SlNll-l NG. '1'ERMS:- $6and been received lately, including a hand· $10 per Twelve Lessons of ONE hour each. us<> t h e old style of pan should h a ve two ture of monstrosities ancl curiosities · 1 " he have some Monument for Isaac Rest, Clark(>, A.lex Civer Higgmbotham's Dr ug Store, King Street, pans, on e t o heat th e sap. Few branches was asked. · GENTS F. Carscadden, Clarke. \Vi;: T·:MPT.OY NOA - HAS RECEIVED. 2. Bowmanville. " Well, over in Brooklyn on e day I saw anrl are selling 'l'omb Stones, Monuments etc.. of farming pay anywhere n ear the profit New Einbro1dcrles. New Jtluslin11, at lower prices in con'<eq nencc. Our ~m to of a good, well-managed sugar-bush. It in a show window one of t hese J apanese mers get the commission themselve$, It Pian os'runed &. Re1faired. NC\1' L u ce.Ii. l\'e '\v Trinnnln g~. will ~clv l~raitls. Newnrah:ls, ' " oots. is _ j ust as true t hat most sugar·b1:1shes m erm aids. The price was $200. Up pay any person who intends erecting a monuto the memory of a depar ted friend to mcnt migh t be. made t o pay a much higher cou ntry, a lit tle while after t hat, I saw a writ.Ame or' see me µersonnlly hefore placing LADIES' AND CHILDl:tEN'S ARTIES WISHING THEntPIANOS pr0fit . m ermaid advertised at a side show. It their order. I 11:ua.rantee first class work at 'l'unedlor repaired can have them attended to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN was one of Japan ese make. I th ought if lowest possible prices. Co's . OF':i'ICE, Eowmanvllle· ..A. ftrst-clas man How the ~ 'Best" Butt er is Ma<le, t he J aps could g et $200 for ~ermaids I Dow being in their mploy. HANDSOME PATTERNS. A B erkshire Country, M ass., farmer could get ~50 or $60 for them, and I kn ew MARBLE \VORKS. RQF. T. L. D OYLE,Pianist,Organist Ornaments for Wed ding Presents, writes : " My object has always been t o I could m anufact ure th orn pr ofitably at 251-tf. RT PERRY PO Fancy. Articles, &c. and teacher of Vocal Music is prepared to make the best butter-not t he most profit- t hose figures." take a· fe w more pupils. Tho best of refer· able, necessarily, but the best. H aving H ere t he artisian gave the mermaid's ence can be furnished Great care exercised with beginners, and special attention given to ·t h is ob j ect in view, I have been compelled t ail an upwar d and sidewise twist , put on Bdvanced pupils. '.!.'hose desirous of taking Has recelved her new stock of t o discard oil m eal, and thus reduce t he some gl ue, and set it up t o harden. instructions should apply at Mr. Doyle's reeiR'Cltolce lot o:f Confeet.laua1· y always on quantity of my butter and th e value of the "This mermaid ," h e said, " is made t ofit ilence, or make it known by ..directing a few Lines to P. O~ Box: 49. Terms $7.50 for twelve 1tand at JtJBS, KEY~ Jtes tauraut. 6tf. manur e. I have been obliged to take t he some expensive can vass that a western man esson&. 239.u cows out of all basem ent cellars, and have has got hold of cheap . H ere is a sktJtch and invites the Ladies of Bowconsequently received l ess but ter for a of i t ." So Do! G e ntlemen oCFash given amount of food. I have been forced lt was a rough pen cil sket ch of a mer- man.ville and vfoinity to call ion, not so :ntst. inst ead of dropping the m anure into a maid spor t ing in the ocean, and a lasso and see her P attern convenient cellar below th e cows, to give d escending over her head from a hoat . [have written these fe w lines up this cellar and wheel t h e m anure int o I n the distance was the ship from which .And all I have to say:rhat yqu can find me stlll at home, a shed. I have been obliged t o d iscard the boat came. The s cene r epresen t ed BON~ETS, lam not gone a way. deep setting, and to content myself wit h t he <lap ture of t he mer maid in t he $0 all my kind old < r iends may come, and assort ment ot the open, shallow method , which is more .l'acific ocean , 400 m iles off San Fran· · . .And all they oung ones, too, And get their garments nicely made expensive, ~nd requires mor e attent ion, cisco. In fashions that are new: . and r eturns l ess butter. I have b een "It isn 't a bad way," said the artisan, W here old and young·, dear friends, may meet . A welcome P'MAtinir. bv R. P E.A.TE obliged t o r eject all feeds except corn, " t o make t he cu riosities to fit the can vas · wh eat , hay, beets, and carrots. I have t hat is to be displayed ou tside. In t hat way STORE :- Secon d Poor West of ' Vttllnm · - ::S"'S?"" been obliged to give up using the milk of t he sights fill the bill, and the public is Rntch er Stnll. . cows that have calved too recently or too not d eceived," r emotely. I h ave, for a d ozen years, " F or wh at is t he chief demand this 121' I am fully _prepared to attend Funerals on the shortest notrne, at the lowest possible rates car efully and faithfully tr ied to make bu t · spring1" We beg to annonnM to I .he public tbat we C!Lsketa and Burial Cases ready on short notice: t er as good as it can be made ; t his has "Merm aids, alligator boys, sea serpent s are prepared to do a Keneralinaurance business, First-class hearse on very moderate terms representing as we do a number of first class Shrouds a nd Co!'IJns constantly on hand. F un'. been the first considerat ion, profitable· an d doubl e babies." " W h at does an alligat or boy cost?" Companies WA shall be R"l<td to giV"e promvt at· era! cards supplied at once. F llrniture Shop & ness has always been secon dary. Th e r e· Show Rooms- .Bounsall'sNew Block suit has been tha t for ma ny years this "H ere is one," leading t he way to an ten tion to ll.nything in th<tt line. We represent All furniture sold by me is made by the U c b u t t er h as bro ugh t a higher price than in n er room ll.11d pointing to a crea.t ion also the On t.ario Lo<tn and Savings Co.. of Oshawa, and accept deµoaits on its ·beha lf al· Furniture Co. of Bowrnanvllle. I do not 'buy nitur e and represent it to have been a ny b utter in · the county of Berkshire, which he h ad recen tly fi n ished, " that lowing 4o & 5 per cent interest from date of WITH TEETR. WITHOUT TEETH . slop fur re.r.eipt. made by the U. C. F. Co., of this town. Parties reqnirfnl(' loa.ns will find it to their Also agent for the LI·QUOR 'r EA for this town wh ere m uch good b utter is m ade, and.it costs $75. You see i t is about four feet has taken t h e first prize over the county. long and covered with leath er. T he monadva ntage to get our terms. and vicinity. It is chea.p and as good as can be got in the mar.ket. .A. valuable prize given It h as been in such constan t demand at 65 strosity is supposed to have b een born of P ltACTICAL D ENTI ST, -~--~J"_l~ h ~very ~~ -n ~d =·c_~~-- cents, t h e year through, that when m ak · n egro parents in L ouisiana, to have made OVER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. We are agents for a number of first class OLD A N D RELIABLE ing 100 pounds a week there have been its escap e into a lagoon when about seven lines, among which is the ' 'Vhite Star Line the ttrous OxideGa §Administered :for Palnles unfilled orders for 25 to 50 pounds years old, and t o have been found dying be.st fastest a.nd best equipped Steamship on Oper;iUons. more. on th e bank after a :fight with a b ull alli· the Ocean, and Car tickets to all points at lowOFFl()E ltUJCU ING'S BLOCK. gator. I got the idea from t he scrofula est rates. We also represent W. D .Mathews of Toronto, and are preµared t o pay highest patient t hat was on exhibition in a B ow· prices for Barley and all kin ds of grain. The lm:portance of Fewer Acr es. P ar cies interested will please note these facts. museum as < tn alligat.or boy." er y "If ten acres of land c0st $100 dollars, "And the double babies '/" and if they pr oquce $10 worth of crops, " Th ey are modelled after t he one that they are paying t en per cen t on the invest· was born of Italian parents here last year . m ent just a s much as if $100 had b eeD loaned at the rat e of t en p er cen t . in ter est. I wen t t o see i t, as I go to see all m on· Now, there is no roan who would thin k of s trosities t hat I h ear of. Double babies livin g on the interest of $100 loaned at have two h eads, fou r arms, fo ur legs, an d I wish to call especial a.ttention that ir ;von only one body. It is a job to get t hem even th is high rate, ou t instances are not up as th ey should be, and t hey are rat her want, to buy a fll'St·class Organ ma.de by OD( of the best Mlmufacturies in t he World, rare of men making a good living foe H AR N DE N, L . D. CALI. AND S EE JtlY CllRIS'l'U.l.S ST OCl{ th emselves and t heii; families from t he expensive." ----··~ .-.~~-·---i have .inst ordered. and will have in a f eY Graduate of the Royal College of Dental car eful cultivation of t en acr es of land. The elect ric locomotive h eiidligh t is r e· first class Royal A SewingMachinei: Surgeons, Ontario. We mention this fact to pr ove that the ported to be successful to a ver y satisfac· days.some a Machine that stands A 1 with the very be~; too frequent expression that 'farming American or Canadian Sewing Machines,OFFICE OVER DICK::10N'S STORE. tory degree. It has r un over 5,000 miles While I have nothing to say· against any first· d oes not pay' is not in accordance with class mal<e of OrR"ans or Sewing Machines. I elOLD F I LLING A SPECIALTY;· fact , There is no oth er business in which on the locomotive, and will, i t is said , be wish the public to please take notice I do adopted by on e of th e road'3 , lead4i.g out sell only fi rst-class Goods, suoh as I can guar· Plate Work executed in the latest and most a m an would attempt with $100 t o supimproved· ~~yle of the Dental A.rt. This Cut represents the popular Victoria por-i., a fami1y. Yet s till the re is t ruth in of lndian apqlis. It is claimed .,,t'hat ob· ant ee to give satisfaction. N. B.- I still sell the world-renowned Walt· TEETH EXTRAC'l'ED WITHOUT P4.IN Wave. It is dressed with the hair falling on the remark, so far as it i s applicable to jects on the track are r endered plainly ham Watch,- and don't forget our General the forehead, and the ends meet in Montagues. visible by it at a distan ce of over 1,200 y the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury It is Rtoro where we keep a complete a.sso1·tment of exceedingly becoming, and is having a farming as it is carried on i n some sections to the patient. · ' . large i·un. · Dry Goods and Groceries cheap for Cash. feet. of t he country . If a man in vests $1,000 The Bell Organs are sold by J. P. RICE, Bow· Particular attention paid to the regulation The above style, with a large number of E very man h as three characters ; that roan ville, and CHILDREN ' o TEETH, ...1 other equally becoming styles , are made by in 100 acres of land and makes only ten E . 1'1. DO~EY, of th em, or $100 wor th, available, h e can wh ich he exhibits, that which he ha s, and MRS. A. DA.VIS, Jflll"'ALL WORK WARR.A NTED. ~ T y1·o ne. not expect to derive a profit from the th at wh ich h e thinks he has. over M . Mayer's store, M. A.JAMES, , . 'THE SON FRO,M Ayer's. Sarsaparilla other ninety acres, any more than he could expect an interest upon $1,000 when he had only $100 of iL invested. Our position is that land actually cultiyat(ld pays a better inter est on the money mvested than any other vent ure. The far mer can not expect idle acres to yield him a revenue any m ore .t han he can idle dollars. . Unfortunately, the farmer of the Nor th-West 'has, as a general t hing, n ine acres of idle land where he has one productive one, and the one product ive on~ , i s expect ed to pay t he inter est ou the price of the whole ten . E x traordinar y management would be n ecessary to make this kind of farming pay. " ' CATARRH. W. BELL'S " 1 ' 001 - = FROM THE FATHE Ayer's Sarsaparilla. G , G L M CATARRH,- A new Treatment wh"rebl' a permanent cure is effected in from one to thre· treatments. Particulars and Treatise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXON & SON ' 367 King Street, West, Toronto. · ·· w HAT THE R EV. E . B . STEVENSON, B.A.. A SG Are aecond to non<>1· in the wol'ld, 2 0,000 in· ruments; no w in use. Detnanrl BO ~reat th·t CLERGYMAN OF TIIE LON UON CONFERENCE " w 01!' '.l'HF. METHO PIST c iwacu OI!' CANADA it requires TWO o( the largest Factories in the RD TO A . H. DIXON & J?ominion. wi L b cap a~ity (or L urning out 'l'WEN· HAS 'l'O SAY IN REGA '.l.Y Per day. ,F or p. u nty and sweetness of tone, SO N'S NEWTREA'l'MENT FOR CAT.I.RR·! · " · elastic and light totlch, beautiful and pertect 0 AIC LAND, ON'l'AlUO , CAN., March 17. 1883. \ finish they are Ulll'ivalled. Mes~rs. A. H. Dixon, & Son. . The moat s'k1lled labor.the very best mater ials DE ~R SI Rs-Yours of the 13th mstant to hand. that money cim Pl'O('·ure a.re a ..-uarantee to pur· It seems almost too good to be tr ue th:.t I am chasers that t hey are buyini( no shoddy. but s cured of Catarrh, but I ~n ow that I am, I haV"e first class ar ticle S o ld wholesale and retail bv had no retui-n of the disease a nd never felt · " J.P. RICE, Bowmanvllle. better in my life. 1 have tried so many things for catarrh, suffered so much and fo r so many 246. J , S. DONEY. 'l'yrone. years. that it is ha.r d for me to realize t hat I am really better . I cons!derthatminewas a very bad case : it ...,... Na~ aggravated and chronic. involving the throat as well as the nasa.l passages, and I I have no.w lilpened the Best and Largest t hought I would require t h e three treatments Stock of but reel fully cured by the two sent me, and I am thankful that I was eve~ induc.e d to send W I N T E R MI LL INERY · toy you. ouare at liberty to use this letter stating Ever shown in Bowman ville, $1,000 worth of that I have been c1i1·ed at.two treatments , and OS'l'RI0Fl: F 'E.A 'l'HEBS just opened. A large I shall gladly recommend Y our remedy to some stock of TRIMMED H ATS an d BONNETS of my friendsYo.ura who a. r e sufferers. wit h many thanks, a1ways on han d . We ba,,e also a la.rge stock R E B s SON of V'J\:J,VETS, PLUSIJER, StJ,T(S, SATINS, of all EV. . · Tli:V EN . : Shades ; a la.rge R tOC'k of HIBEONS, FLOWERS, - -- - li.AO ES andJ '1'JtJMMINGS of all kiuds. . TORONTO , April 2!· 1882· Please call and inspect our stock before purA . H. Dixon, Esq., 305 K ing St., West. c· hasing elsewhere. You will finu our goods DEAR Sm ,- We take pleasure in stating that tJn.e cheapest and best in town. our ,i unior nartner, who had tor years been troubled with Catarrh. was successfully cured : a-Bea.ver a nd Felt Hats Re· shaped in all the by three treatment s of your remedy. Thn . latest styles. Cattarrh waamuoh aggravated, with eont inua.1 Rl!l?ttEMEER 1'IIF. S'llAND :-4 dool's west of dropping into the throat. accompanied by loss Martyn's Grocery Store, or voice, hawking and SJ?itting and blocking up of the nostrils. all of wbrnh we are pleased to .1. say disappeared almost immediately a.fter the · --- r emedy was applied. Your remedv is certainly . an invaluable on'e and. we hope all, who may ' be suffering from this disal('reeable disease will give it a trial, as we are eat.isfied they wi:ll ftnd . · _ _ _ ,q, _ __ I t a complete success. Yours very truly, WM. NORRIS & SoN, Wholesale Pianos and Organs. I Mea t Sold in the S h op for Cash No. 8 A<lelaine St. East . VERSc S 1'11e lrlen·s Arnlcn Salvc.-The best Salv& : Peddli_ng and Credi t . in the world for Cuts. Brmsea, Sores, Ulcers, ' Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped We having been solicited by a Hands, Chilblains, Corns. and all Skin Erupnumber of our citizens t o commence t ions, and Positiv'lly cured Piles; I t is guranteed give perfect satisfaction, or money on the above system, we have now refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by decided t o fall in wit h their request . J , Higginbotham & Son. PRIZE MEDAL ORGA NS I GUELPH I NOTICE LADIES. ___to__ _ FRE sH MEAT Mrs. D QN · NELLY. R B B T This plan will enable us t o sell TWO cents per pound cheaper. As you will see by t he new system we shall n ot require half a dozen horses and rigs and men t o run them, _ for which t he public have previously paid. We being the first to int roduce t his great saving ask .your liberal support. Yours t ruly, W. BRIT'I1AI N & Co., Market Square. N . B.-All orders promptly atten ded to and Meat deliwil'ed to all parts of the town. We also pay Cash for Farm and Dairy Prod uce. R STANDARD BANK __ L ~-~ -----·--~~---~ J ~-;,el,). .A r1 N ew, L a d 1 ·es. MRS. KEYS ~ ~\\ t'he Year llo lllJ<I. JOHNSTON'S · :ron- I I I MARBLE WORKS! - --on- - SARSAPARILLA It has been in use for 20years, and has proved to be the best preparation in the market for SUJK HEADACHE, PAIN IN 'IRE SIDE UR BACK LIV.ER COMPLAIN'.r, PIMPL!<:S ON THE FACE, DYSPEPSIA, PlL.t<~S, and all Diseases that arise from a J)isordered Liver or an impure blood. Thousands of our best people talce it a nd give it to their chil· c! ren. Physician'3 prescribe it daily. ·Those who use it once recommend it to others. It is made from Yellow Dock, Honduras Sarsnpariila, Wilt.I Cherry, Stillinglat Dandelion, Sasse.fras, Wintergreen, anu obhei· well-known valuable Boots and Herbs. It is strictly vegeU>,ble, and can· not hurt the most delicate constitution. It ls one of the best medicines ill use for Regulatil.,; the Bowels. !or 11.ve d oJ.lars. Those who cannot obtnln a bottle of t his m edicine' from their d ruggjiot m ay send ue one dollar, and wa will send i t to them. et· W . JO B::TS'l'ON II 00,, Hauut& cturm, "' Amhmtllurg, Ont. :Cctro!t, !.!!ch. .~ LlVE& C~MPLAllT, ~?SHPSIA, And fo r t he Blood. P~ rlfyln g .~ P NEW UNDERCLOTHING W. ·SHAW P Knitting&Stampin g done to or~er. W ISS McTAVISH GOODS., oi~ a~rt'.1:r~~ :~.: ~pbg~t~:00~1;,'1J~~t1!! ... H·ATS, WHO 16 UNACQU AI NTED WITH T H E GEOGR A PHY OF tfH 1$ COU N~ T RY WI LL S EE av EXA MI NI NG T H IS MA? THAT TH E fAMAR-· UNDERTAKING D E NT I STRY l L EV 1 MORRIS. 0 I TRIMMINGS AGENCIES. J.M. BR IMA COMBE, Ocean Steamships. THE VICTORIA. T. VELLOWLEE S. F. ALLE N . Organs a n d.Sewing MachiNes, c. s.; . of M os t. Comfortab l e a.nd Beautiful Day Coaches. M a gnificent Hor ton R eclining Cb.air Cars. Pullm an's Pretti eat Pa.l ace S leeping Onrs, a.n d the B e st Line of Di ning Cars in t h e World. T hl'e e Trair.s b et w een Chic ago and M issouri River P oints . Two T r ains betw e en Ch icago n.n d Minneapolis and S t . P aul, v ia. the Famous by t h e shor t est rou te, and carryin g passengers, w itllout chan ge Of cars_tl>etw een Chicago and K ans as City. Council l nuns. Leavenwor th, At ch ison, Mtuu enpolia and St. Faul. lti connec ts i n Union Depots with all the princip a I lines of r oa d bet w een t he Atlan t ic and the Pacillc O ceaus. Its equip m e nt i s unrivaled a n d magn ificent, b eing composed 8~~8otfft:t~1i:~~°c1;~~!~~i~~ ~fi8e t~!~~ i~~tf;tl W:!t CHICAGO, ROCK IS L!ND &PACIFIC R'Y "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." · . A N ew and Dir ect Line. via S eneca a.nd ~nkn k ee. has recen tly b een open e d betw een Rf ch niOnd, Norfolk Ne~B ort N ews, Cha ttanoo~a. Atla u ta , .Au g us t a, N"as h v 1 l e_ t Louisville , L ex in gton. Cinc inna ti, In_ dia n a polis auu L afayette, and Omaha, Miunea.:p011a and. St. P aul and in teru1edia.t e points . All T h r ough I'asse n gera Tra v el on Fast E xpreso T ra ins. Baggage checke d th r ough and r ates of f ar e alw ays as low a s c ompetitors tha t offer less advau- tl~ifr~1~~a_o~t~~~~ ~t11~1lfa~1~J'~~a1 T iclrct otnces 1n o t,· ta.i1~~·d etailed i~f'ormation, g et t h e Maps and Folders o f the At your nearest T i cket Office , or a ddress CREAT RO CK IS LAN D ROUTE, E . S T . JOHN , Vioe·Prea. & Gin'l ll'g'r, Gen'l Tkt. & P4oH. A.6~ R.R. C A B LE, CHICACO-

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