Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1884, p. 8

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·~ ~a1uulhu1· ~tnttJlman. .f ~~--~-............... ...............~-_,,_,,..._,.... BowMANV.ILLE, FRIDAY, APniL 11. -:r~ ··. . - CLARKE CO UN cr'L . l -Regular meeting April 1st. Members :i:ll preseqt except Mr. Renwrnk. Minutes read and confirmed. A petition from J. Jacobs and others for aid to improve sidewalks in Newton-ville was laid over. A resolution was passed ordering roadN(Jrk to be done on beat adjoinin~ the · I ... property in every case in yrupor.tion to the value of each lot. This applies particufarly whe1·e persons own land in a l:>en.t where they do not reside. ' The following persons were appointed patlnnasters in betLts named, in place of · those fomierly appointed : 31, Almoml Cotton; 71 ,· Wm. Freeborn, .Jr. ; 7v, Alfred G~itlin, Jr. ; 94, Alex. I\{organ; R · GG, Wm: Clemence; 104, T liomas amey; 62, Samuel .Alexander; 87 Wm. ~Torthcott, Ji·. . · Messrs Carveth, Milligan, and Long, were t\ppointed ii corrunittee to examine bridge on lot 5, con. 2, also road b etween lots 8 and !J, con. 1, and have necessary · re11airM made. · Moved by Mr. Long seconded by Mr. Milligail that hereafter any person making ;:1pplication to this Com;1cil for aid ·:is an indigent shall present a petition with the signature 'of at least 20 <'lf their neighboring ratepayers. Carried. The 'Reeve was instructed to procure legal opinion upon the petition presented by Martin Argal, Carried. · . The Clerk was instructed to notify Miles Ogden to open up side line.between · . lots 24 and 2b in the 4th con., on or before'the first day of June next or legal f ;~;:~:.edings ~ill be . taken to en orce . Re1mlv~ ~ ~l~~t. le~.~ ·.nd_culti~~~t\nH/t:.e, As a sure rmnedy for Sick Headache, Sou.r Stomach, Dy.spepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, ToqJid Liver, Biliousness, &c., no medicine is equal to Dr. Baxter's Mandral{e Bittet's. · 25 cents per bottle.JI Buy a farm wagon.before a fine carriage. CAUTION TO b.lrRYM~N. .Ask fur Wells. Rioh!\rdsou & Co's. Iinproved Butter Color, and take no other. Beware of all imitations. and of all othGr oil colors, for evei-y other one is li"ble to bHco me rancid and spoil tho bu~ter into which it is put. If you ca.nnot .l{eL it "rite to us at B11r· Jington, Vt., to know where !\nd how to get it without extra eqpense. Thousands of tests ha.ve been mad11·, and they always prove it the .best.[[ , ' Permit no pasturing on tho Queen's high way. AUCTION SALES. FRIDAY, Arnn. 11-Mr. · Samuel Wlbert, lot' 21, cun. 8_, Darlingt.on, will ~ell _his farm stock,· unplements, etc. lfov:mg rented ·h is farm. the whole will he sold · · ·S I · 1 "l k without rt'st1rve. "a e at o c oc 1 sharp. R. Hutchison, auctioneer. · SATUUDAY, APRIL 12- Pursuant to power of sale contai11ed in a mortgage there · 'll b 11 t p] 'Ir ' II0 t 1 Hamr·. wi e soc ,a l~ ips e· J tou, at 2 o clock, 200 ttcres of hmd, beincr lot 16 con. 4 Darlington owneLl o . 1vertisement. .· . hy Mr. Geo.' ·Joll . 's . ee al H. T. Phillips, auctioneer. . A 15 'Tl t k . l T U:t.;SDAY, PRIL 1e s oc , imp emeuts etc., of the estate of the Jato ' 1 1 t l"' 7 D ·l· o-t J ?IJn T . ay or, ~ " co_n. · a1 I?,, .on, will be sold. Sale begms at 1 o, cloc~, l!Qarp. See large posters. H. 'I. l'lul· lips, auctioneer. M J D l I 'I,uvwmAY, APnn, l"' 1- · r~. as. ea 19y, . ~Lt 1 o clock. auctioneer. 1 · HICH COURT OF JUSTICE. NEW GOODS! I Reguln.r meeting Monday night. Members all present, except Mr. Nosworthy. 1 Mayor Loscombe in the t:hair. Minutes read antl i1dopted after a slight amendmeu t. irF1·1rn J>tt1·1rr,.l1t~ PETITIONS. From Samuel l\foson and 27 others, asking the Council to open Lamb Street to proper width. Referred to Roads and ·Streets Committee. From F. Mason and others, ttsking the use of the room now used by Mcclumics' Institute free of rent for the Libmry. --IN-Referred to Public Property Committee. From E. S. Meath, for D: 0. & P. Co. BLOCK~ Band, aski11g for a room in the Market The Reeve was instructed to make sale Cambridge won the great English uni· Buildings foi· .three years for band prac- NEXT »oon '·'o 1·m-: iix1·uuss 01,-ncE. of timber on side line bet ween lots 30 and vereity boat raco by two lengths, tice. H:eferred to s:i.mc Com. 31, con. G; , also on 8th con. line opposite SA:NITARY INSPECTION.-If you would --(o)-From Mr. J. M. Jonoss, for the County llr4.f" .My Stock comprises all hues of Ladies Thomas Thornton's land, and report pro- avoid sickne1s clear away the tilth"' a11d Agricultural Society; asking a grant to ceeds therof at next sitting, rubbish about your premises, eatablish assist in improving tho Show Ground, &, Gents' ~'ino Goods, Overshoes, Rubbers, &c. Orders were pasi;~~l fo1· payment of the proper drainage and admit pure ai~. The e1·ecting suitable buildings for stock, etc. «Ordered Wo1·k and Repairing will aB . following accounts : . akin, kidneys and bowels are the sluiceOn motion the Mayor, Reeve and usual receive prompt attention. ·~· .John Buckley, cedar1 $60, i .J. C~ittle, ways of'the human body. Rt1gula.te these Messrs. Yellowlees and Horxey were apa- M'y customers an1l t.he public generally printing, $i0 ; Jas. Waddell, wood, $4.50; chann1il11 of health with Burdock Blood pointed to confer 1vith the Directors and "' Indigcntsaid, $59; S. Thompson, work$1 Bitters~ which act directly to purify the report to the Coimcil. are invited to call and secure unptl.r&lleled . · \Vm.Ba.tten, work,' . . 3 43· blood and reg11late the stomach, liver and From R. Armour aud about 250 others, bargains In Boots and Shoos. · Phifip Bigelow, shovelling snow; 2 7o kidneys. [I ' · · · asking that the ren't of the Town Hall be DAVID DAVlS. ' RichaM Hughson, · do 4 50 .Gre~t . ~ritain will oppose ADY attention ·reduced for the Salvation Army. Bowmanville, March 6, 188!. Peter ;Stalker, · · do 8 00 of the .f>ortugues to extend their territory On motion of Councillor Galbraith, the Thomas Henderson' do 18 00 011 the Congo beyond Ambriez. . rent was reduced to $1.25 per night, this -T:EXE2 OO John Mason, do LAD111:s IN AMERICA long before th6y rate to be retrospective, ancr that the , · ;~. Tliompson; work, · . 5 50 meetings shall close not later than 10:30 " James Graham, sheep' tlamages, $4.82 reached middle age frequently find them- p. m. , , J'<>hn Hoskin · · do · _ . ,11elvea auft'erin~ !tom some oomplaint9 5 00 From M. D. \Villiluns and others, ask· do , ,4 .'50 and weakness peculiar to th11ir sex. For ; Geo. Stewart, ing that Scugog St. south from King t o ' The.$teeve gave notfoc th<it he . w ill, at all auch Kidney-Wort is a great- boon. It Queen St. be opened to full width. After is the best phce to !{et a Good · · · · induces a healthy action of the Kidneys, ' the next meeting of Council introduce a lengthy discussion and hearing Mr. S. " By-law for the · appointment of a ·Road Liver and Bowels, cleanses the syst.im, Mason, the pmyer of th e petition was il and strengthens aud gins new life to all C Inspector for this Municipality. o.unc . the i1.uportant organs of the body. It is granted,. Come in and try it. REPORTS. ' ·adjourned ,to M~~-· ·' ·naturea great aB!lietant in eatablishing and Mr. Honey presented a repo\·t from the Oyste1·s ha Bulk or C1ms nh··ays In stoclL AnovT HuMllvas - The remedy that 1urtaiued health. Sold by all druggiat. advertises- ii.one other of any account, One thing is positive, that the ' rougher Fire Brigade, asking for a larger fire en- ORANGES, . every othern fraud audhumbug..;..isafraud you handle a horse the m1tre liable he: is gine, new hats, etc. LEMONS, A special committee, consisting of Fire is a fraud and lrnmbug itself on the faoe to become nervous ·a nd excitable. GRAPES, Committee and Messrs. Piggott.and Fields af it. It must necessarily tMte of tile If you are a profeseional man, an edi· was 11ppointed to investigate and re11ort. BANANAS, ' quack and huuibui:i: it t&lks of. A remedy tor, lawye, clergyman or doctor, s~ thor· Mr. Bounsall presented the r eport of DATES. of merit, one that needs bt1t little all.ver- ou11:hly overworked that uow every mental l tisivg to 1ecnre a first pllloce. in the hou11e· effort is attended with asenseof weariness, . tho Pµblic Property Committee, recomFIGS. th\lt the weigh scales be covered mending hold, nevt.>i: defil.1nes a.nother. ·such a followed by headache and mot'e or less and certaii~ perts constructed tor holding one is ZO-PE-SA, th·e ·Liver and DysiJep- sever«> nervon1 prostration, take a dose of tic Panace>t. Keep the slu![gish Liver DR. Aus·rrN's PHOSPRATINE a.lung with live stock brought to ,be weighed. Laid ,Cigars from two for 5c. ' 'active. Th~ stomach ready for .nourish- yo\lr meal· every day for a week or moi;~, over for a week. Mr. Cornish: presented the Poor Relief ment. The hea,d clear with ZO-PE-SAand wti are · certain it will re1ieve you. up to 10 cents each. report, which was adopted. observe regularity. Don't O\'arloact, live .For saie by all druggists.11 Mr. Piggott presented the l<'inance long and be happy II . · Thei:e are 7,603,000 farmers in the Com'.s report, .whioh was also l,Ldopted. · 1 Encourage a t&sto for mu11ic, vocal and United States, the nf'.X:I largest J1.uwber . Mi;. Yellowlees presented the Cemetery ·· inslrumeutal, 'in the hµme. engaged, in .~ther pursuits being. miners Com's repqrt, which was la,id over. and the beRt · stock of . A . R1mARKABLE EsoAPE.- Mrs. Mary and manufacturers. Council adjour:ned. , l>ailey, of Tunkhannock, Pii. , waa afflicCingalese ie the name of a widely · and ted for six years with asthma and Bron-. · favorable known hair restorer which is ·BOARD OF EDUCATION. cliitis, during which time th e lwst physi- · not recommendt1d to do ut.terly impossible IN nowMANvrLcE. · . ciains could give. no relief. Her lifo was thinu11 but then uothiug is better for · M 1 '" . A specia1 meetmg . arch 21st was ca.11. deapared uf, until in ll\st October she pro- keepivg the hair in ~ood condition 1md ed to consider a proposition to furnish a .--.The Grand Central is next door _,cured a Bottle of Dr. King's New Discov" restoriug it when lost, if the si:a.lp IB capa· quantity of cord wood at $u.50 a cord. East of Post Office. 3 , ery, when imrnediate relief was felt, and blc of being toned up, to exert its proper Ordered that say (iO cords be procured. . }Jy continuing its use for a short time she functiom. Sold ~t 50 cents per bottle by Board adjourned. , was completely cured, gaining in flesh 50 Stott & Jury.\l ·, Regulai· . meeting Aprll 4. Messrs. ~Qs. in a .few months. . Thei Ohi~ago Triblme says that 1org4um- Bleakley, Burden, Cubitt, Fogg, Fairbairn, .. F.r ee Trial .B ottles of this certain - -.l f"rnt'eh~a to .. " l1 'm1"ted . e:d~nt the T O(l ·.and "n ' u~c · l att. present. M i;. IIorsey J cure 8....u ... v w _ of al l Throat and Lung Piseaies at · Hig· ea.ms o~ nearly the same, food elements in th11 chair. The Visiting Committee · ginbo.tham & Son's Drug Store. Lar11e !L.11 ar.e Jound in co~n. presented their report, which was adopted. ' ~pttle $1.00. · Muon IN ·A LITTLE. - Many proprietary Eollowing is the principal clause in tho Pursuant· to power of sale contained fa 'a Mortgage which will be produced at the time If a fruit tree ditJs grub it out and pla.nt, medicines, if they cu.re at all req_uire such report. · of sale there will be offe1·ed for sale by Pn bllc another. ' ' · a large quantity to produce effects thit it ·we visited the Union School and found Auction at PHILLIPS' HOTEi,, in the Village of Hampton, in the County Of Durham, by MR. Nev.ir plant corn on ground improperly makes them vere uncertain and expeM1ive attendance as follows: .. H. '1'. PillLLirs, Auctionoer, prepared. · ' · remedies. . Not so with .Burdock Blood MissRaines' Division.- On the roll, 126; "Muilt say it's the nicest thing I ,ev:er Bitters. It is hi;i:hly coflcentraited, and for average attendance, 90 ; order, very good. used for the te~t h a:id breath," says every all dllieasea of blood, liver and kidneys, Miss Birnie's.- Ou the l·oll, 67; aver' one h aving tried " T!pABERRY," the ,new one or two bottles will cure more than age, 50; .order, fair. ·· 18b4 , at TWO o'clock in the afternoon, the folQ;~Jlons of the weak mixtures usually eold... Miss Coleman's.- On the roll, 50; aver- lowing Valuable Farm P1·operty situate in tile i:oilet gerit. Gtlt a sample.II Township of Darlington, in the County of ])urLiwbe of cherry and plum trees affec- Send for (acts .and figures.[[ age 46 ; order, excellent. Her system of ham, being the property of GEORGE: JOLL, Esq., ted witb bllick knot, should be carefolly A Vermont dairyman says a youbg calf teaching kindergarten singing, we highly and being Lot Number lG, in tl1e 4th Concession Darlington, containing two ltundred acres, cut off ~nd burned. shotild ·be fed three times a day. Over- approve of, as it gives relaxation to the of more or less. · fePding at long intervals, and especially pupillil, and they seem to enjoy it greatly. 'l'his farm is one of the best in the Township, , When yon h1~v e a ·planted tree,. a b.,rry Offensive odors are dangerous. Miss Hambley's. - On the roll, 48 ; the soil is good and in a good state or culti va· or a currant .busb, do not allow it to di:e tion. It is near _goo<l markets-being close to · H h average, 45; orde!;', good. for want of attention.· e w o propheMiss Thomas'.- On the roll, 52 ; aver- , the Villaii:e ot Hampton and about ftvc miles . THE FALSE PROPHET.from the Town or Bowman ville; and the roads Don't go lQarking aroune to the discom- aiea falsely sf the weather, leaves oft' hJs age, 46 ; order,. very good. ·· . Jee.ding to it are good; theScugogGravel H.oad Mr. McTavish's.- On the roll, 54 ; aver· leading to Bowmanville, rttRB throuRh tt: The ·fort of yourBelf a'nd everybody. For 256. 'fl&nnels and oversho<111, and catoh es cold , Dwelling House is large and the. Barns~ and indeed unwise. If yo11 follow this false · is get· a bottle · of " Hun" Couou · Cu'R:e:, H age, 50; order, fair. . . . t k' Stabling are commodions and i'\liood i·epair. Miss Moorcraft's.-,-On the, roll, 44 ; 'l'he Fences are good and there..,a thereon an 'whicb will reliove in ll. few minutes. Ask propI1et your reecne 1ies In a ·rng ag· Orchard of about four acres. ·~ yard's .Pectoral Bii.lsom. It is the best average, 50 ; order, excellent. S't ()tt &J ury. 11 , · The terms of sale are one-tenth cash, at time ·cough cure and the ea.fest throat and lung · Mr. Barber's.On the roll, 45 ; aver' ; D o hot leave the sap buckets and bar- remedy kiiowi1 to medical science.II of sale; enough to make up one·fourth of the d er', .good . . age, 40 ; or uurchase · mon~y witltin one month from the rels m the sugar · bush 'until the · hool)' da-y of sale the balance of the purchaee money Are your cellar· free .from decaying Accounts for $97.25 were passed. drop otr wHh the ad vaun irlg 'sea1ton. .· to be paid -In three equal annual lnstalment.s, veg4'ltabltis Y /J.re you au re there :is 110 oft'Mr. Fairbairn submitted a report, with Interest at the rate of seven per eent. pet· , Soi~ T1rnou. - Thi; co'll!-1,non.!!ond pai~ oder a.rising from a~y other eause1 recommending that the system of Promo- annum from the day of sale. and to be secut·ed fol afft1cti0u way b.e reidil.v cured .by th11 .e111!ive by mortgage of the property.. prompt applica.tioIJ o.f Haf..(yard'i: Yelluw with cold food, kills a good., man.y valua- tion Examinations introduced by Mr. InFurther particulars and conditions of sale ble calves. ·. , spector Tilley in the County be introd. u ced can be had from tho .Auctioneer, at Hampton, ,Oil, taking it i nterndly 11t the sa,me .time spring wo~k at the e_ arlies.t possiinto the town ·schools. The report was , .Begin and tbe Vendors' Solicitor, at Oshawa. a9cor.d ing to directions, fo croup asthma, Dated 15th l\fai'ch; 18S.J. · adopted: · col.ds, swolle u glands, rheuma,tiscn and ble moment. LYMAN ENGLISH, Many a ma.n has had his pork fail to Board adjourned. 'o.tl}er painfnl distl1 i.ses it ~s eqn11\ly effi~"12·1w. Vendors' Solicitor. keep properly becau1e it was salted in a -----------~-----~ C~()lll. j[ . frozen condition. Frozen meat, wheather . ·You should be thi11king about sowiog pork, b(lef or muttou, will not properly GET YOUR LUMBER tomato seeds. Prepare the pots t11 be assimilate ealt, andc"nt;iot .be depended placed in sunny · windowe to be removed on to keep in hot weather. to the mautel or set in a ¥-Mm place dnrA CA.SE MuoA TALKED oF. - The cas of inl cold nights. I take pleasure in certifying tha.,t I have sold John Morrison, of St. Ann's, F. ' S,, - AT~· T.o Resist Malaria, Ague, Fevere. Head- Mr. who was atllicted with a serious, dropsical Dr. Wietar's Ualsam of Wild Uherry 'for thirty ache·, Coids, Kiqney Disease, l'i1io in the diseose of the kidneys. The best medi- years, and know it to be one of the' oldest as Side or Back, Constip11.tion or Costive- cal aid having failed, his life waa deeps.ir- well as the most reliable preps.rations in tho ma.rket for the cure of Coughs, Colds, and nes~, keep ZO- PE-SA hauJ_v, and take a ed · of. Two · bottles of Burdock Blood dose twice a week, It acts upon the Bitters cured him. His statement ;s vou- . Lung Complaints. I know of no article the.I gin· gl'eater satisfaction to those who use ft. Liver and Stomach like magic.II · cbed fer by J. D. McLeod, J. P,; who HaYil)g eold Peruvian Syrup for ma.ny years, '.J'wo hundred favorit e son~s and hymns, knew of his condition. The cur e is con- and knowing that It!! use has been attended Liberty Street, with the music, is fou\ld in the Franklin sidered marvellous in his town.[[ Where you can also obtain with griiat sucoes in cases.of Dyspepsia, generSquare Song Co)lectio11, .No. 2, of the We offer rare value 'in Prints,- fast al Ddbility of the System, and diseases origin· Doors, Sash, Blinds. Window and Door Fr~nklin Sq uare Library, pt>.blished by ating in a bad state of the blood, I am satisfied Frames, Plain and Ornamental Fence .colors at lOc. Ellison & Co. . H~rper & Brothers, N 0;1w Y·)rk, city. Price T. Darlington'sBlMk Teas at 50c per 1\. tha.t it io a remedy of great pQwer and deservPickets, Cisterns, &e. 50 cen\s . es the attention of invalids. I am ·:ret to hear are the best value in .the ma.rket. the tint complaint again.s t either of the above '<The untidy, dirty appearance of a grizWe have increased our atock thi1 season. i;irepa.rations. I cons.ider them articles of great zily , l;ieard should never be allowed. BuckBowman ville, February 21, 1A8!. 8-tf. merit and have always taken much pleasure in ingham's Dye for the wbisk1ora will readily Elli_lon & Co, recommending them to· parties requiring such\ · .. . .7000 rolls wall.paper in stock, includ. change their· color to a brown or black, R. 1WTHERGILL, We are crowdtld with stock in every at diauretion, and t.hlls keep np yo.ur re- iRg over 200 patterns. Call nnd see the remedle·. ~ewcast)e, Ont, Dec. tl,h, 1882. depart~~nt. F,Jlhsou & Co, . magnificent patterns.- T. Yellowl?es.- 14. .q, .for riea.tm,ss a,nd good looks. pu,tatiq_ ' .,..1.·, .. ..l-i ·' · "flow are we ever going lti got thr(mgh our gpring anil Rummer work1 We are all run d·own, tired out bef'?re it hegine. " So say many a fa.rmtir's fal.ll1ly. We ans"er, go to yonr druggist and pay five d~llars for ai.x: bottles Ay"r's Sa'l'saparilla. This is jnst the medicmo you need, and will pay compound interest on the investment.[\ Keep down 'fence corner weeds and thi~· tlee. · ' ·· That slight cold you think so httle of may prove the forernnner of a ~omplaint that may be fatal. A void this result by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, the best of dnown remekies for colds, coughs cata.rrhs brhnchitis. incipient consumption, and all other throat and lung disease. \I . Nubar Pasha, th11 Egyp~iao prime min· iatar, has withdrawn his resignation. Ali UNrRoTEOTED FAMILY.- r's onE'I bl d H \hat ha11 .not that valna e rerne y, · ag· yard'a Yellow Oil Ill the houee for acci· dents and emergencit-s. It cures cold3, croup, sore throat, deafness, rheumatismd, nenralgia. chilblains. burns brnsisee an all pa.inful injuries.[[ !~~c~,~~::i,fau~;i~1;;,ef1~;;~~~::.1~i~~r ~S~l~ See bills. R. Hutcluson, ~~ of (ITH EFI RE I) - -mu Made }Jnny Cb:mge~. Pursuant to an order of the 1Ifgl1 Court of .Justice Chancery ])ivision. 'made in lhe matter of pnrtition of _the J<";st.ate of D<tnid U. Kna,pp~ i!eceased, arnl m a cn.u~e of Deacon a.garnet Knapp, the creditors of tho s1ticl D1inicl D. Knapp, late of Darlirigton. In the ·Connt.y of Durha1n, who die1i on or ahont thfl month of :March. 1875 are on or before tht> JOtl1 Day of April, 1S8i, to send by pol!t, (prep,.icl), to McGee &. Jones. of the Town of Osha,.·11, the l;olicitors of the Executors of the deceaeed,tltf'irchMstian antl. ~nl'uames, 1t<1dreRaes o.nrl ·de'Mription. the full_pardcularsofthr.ir cl.,,ims, a stutement.of thmr acoounr.s, the na·ur<l of t.hA~ecur1ttes N · Bl ac k an.d C OJored, C as h Il1 eres; F ancy (if anyl held by an1l them. or in deta.nlt t.herof they ew Dre. ss G 00·d S In will be peremptorily exclurted from th" heneftt · ., · oftboaaidordcr. Jl:vei·yCreditorholllingBny Plaid~, etc., New Tapestry CarpetS-IMW designs handsome security is to prodnce tlw ~amn hafurt1 1r1e. at ' my Chambers, a~ the 'L'own of\Vhitby, in the patterns and verv cheap New Pr1"nts C1·etonnes Sh1.rt1'ngs County or Ont1u10. on the 1st day or May, 1881. · , ! , , , at 'l'EN o'olock in tho forenoon, being the time l\PPOiuted for adjudication on tbe claims. l New Cottons, Lace Curtams, Edgrngs, etc., New Embr01denes> Dated this 2ith day of March, 1881. L . . , . . . . (sgd.) oEo. H. J>.ART.loJ'ELL. aces, etc., New Pa8sament1re 1 nmmrngs dueet from Pans 14·2w. Local Mo.ster, S. C. J, N . . S. dl.a ... on, ~ · No n. JUST ARRIVED. , · · · · I ew Counterparns-whitci and colored New CJoths & Tweeds. . T ~ A I L Q . · . · ""'::'.:'.> ..i::v I' ..L" -,...,..,- G - Persons sale hills similar at the S·r.~TESMAN ofticeordering will receive notice to the tibove FREE of charge. . --- -..--··---TOWN COUNCIL. · (§SUITS TO ORDE!XRFIRST GLASS U "UTTE R.) . · - ----------' DAV . DAVIS ~N. --(o)-- FITS GUAR.ANTEED. B.-Another lot of our Noted Col'd Cashmeres to hand. (n ~OOTll&llSHOEllMANI) Grocers' Due Bills taken same as Cash. , S ·.MASON & SON. HASRES~MEDBUSI~8S CashlCash!Cash. Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Beef. Cash for ;Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Tallow. ·Cash forPotatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides & Sheep Skins. Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce at · ..__ ·- -------· - I gNEADS' Young,Cawker&Co's. YoiJNG CAwrrnu & Co's I('! the pltlce to do business, they keep -in stock the very- Grand Contral B est quality of Groceries that can be bought, the Best quality of Meats, ap Hot Dish of Fresh and Cured, always in stock. Their Seeds are fresh and of the best quality; they keep Barrel Salt; Oyst~rs. American and Car~on Safety Coal Oil. Try their Empire Horse and Cattle Food, the best manufactured, recommended highly by the Guelph , Model Farm ; th_ e ir stock of Glassware and Crockery is Complete. They 1 do not make any specialty of one article, but as there is considerable talk about Cheap Teas, the place to buy the Cheap Tea is at Young. Cawker & Qo's, they buy altogether for cash which enabl.,s them to selJ cheap. Give them a call. C. M. CA VVKB: R. Biscuits of all kinds. NUTS ·OF ALL KINDS, . PLOWS! Now on hand for the Spring Trade. CONFECT.IONERYiOO MoRTGAGE "lIARD to BEAT" Steel Plows, with Wrought Iron Beams and No. 1 best ' Steel Boards. ·sru_! All kinds of Points and Sides kept in stock, also Gang Plows, Sugar Kettles, Road Scrapers, E_oot Cutters, Repairs for Cook Stoves, &c., cheap for . . Cash or short Credit. N. B.- Old Cast Iron taken in exchange at the Old Stanq- King Street East, next to the Arlington Hotel. · 11 W.' PORTER, Iron Founder. ON SATURDAY, APRIL 12, Manufacturer and Dealer in Pnmps of can learn the exact cost of any J)rouosed line of - all kinds, ADVER'rISI.!"1G in American Newspapers ltill.l~·IHIK@ 1'am1···Iet, Ute. RUBBER BUCKETS, WIND MlLLS, ANTlm- MEN' AND WOMEN TO ST.A.RT WINDOW SHADES, !I. new business at their homes, easily and General Jobber in learnea in an hour. No peddling. Ten cents to fifty cents an ·hO!f.:· mane daytime or evening Send Ten Cents for Twenty Samples to com- (JARPENTER WORK. mence work on. Address Shop 01·poslte Trelc···eR'I Skoc Store. JI. G. l'AY, Rutlantl, 1'ern1011t. I'lowmanville, March 26. 188J. 13-Gm. byaddresslng GEO. P~ A D1'ERTISJHtS RCH1'ELJ, d: t:., 10 Spruce St., New Yorli, BO'WMANVILLE, W ;Agents wanted. R. N, CURR.Y, J.P., Sec.-'l'reas.· LoDdon, Ont, 'l'O $1,000 ON MARRIAGE. Ladies $ 250 ' and Gentlemen . .Apply immediately. . . . Continues to !10 a General Bankmg Business at its Bo.wmanv1llo Branch. , Received in Savings Bank Department and on call aud inte~-est allowed a.t current rates. No notice of withdrawal necessary. All deposits p~yable on <l.emand. THE ONTARIO BANK DE · .P OSI'rS 30 YEAR$. PlANEO,MATCHfD,MOUlDfO&c. Morris & Joblin's I SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Upper Canada F urniture Company will be held at tbe head oftloe of the Compa.uy in the '.l'own of Bowman ville, on MONDAY, 21st APRIL, 188J, at th& hour of ELEV'EN o'clock in the forenoon. tct consider and sanction a By-law authori2ing the Directors 'of the Company aforesa.ld, to borrow suc.h. amount of mon. ey upon the credit> ot the Colllpany afresaid, as may at. such meeting be deemed necessary and expedient, and if necessary to mortii:al!'e the rea and pereonal property of the Company to secu1·e any sum so borrowed. · F. F Mc.AUTHUR · Manage~ Bowmanville, .April 10, 188~. 15. · A EXCDtl.NGE Rought and sold and Drafts issued upon Enrope. United States and Canada, also Gold,Silver and· United States Greenbacks bou2ht and sold, Spring & Summer MILLINERY. PLANING Mill, pleasure in announcing to the ladies Promptly made at current rates upon a.II parts Has much ehe ha.a recciV'ed a complete sto-"< of Milof Grea.t Rrittain, the United States and Do· that linery and }'ancy Goods. ;· minion of Cane.da, Ueatls, H1·a ldM, C:a·n'n~s, SUit .t; C:otton 1"1011, .A call Is kindly solicited. Made for large or email sums on all parts of Canada. This is especiall'y advantageous lo · MRS · .ANDERSON, King Street. persons livin~ In Mamtoba or the North·west next door to Bucklel"s Jewellery Store. as it makes the fnnds available at once at the place of payment. For furtll.er particulars call at the Banking MISS BURDEN take~ pleasure in inHouse. GEO. McGIJ,L, timating to lier friends and customers that she '1'. BRODIE, Manager, will be found at MRS. ANDERSON'A S·roitw. . .Accountant. 2i'>Hy. where sbe will carry on the Drcss·M&klng.1 (JOl"l-'ECTIONS MRS. ANDERSON 'l.'elegraplt Ti.·a11sre1·- · ·'lowers, Featllers, Ornau1cnh, Rlblnms. Yelltng8, Lneu, B erllu 't1' ool, Antlalusl··· CARPENTRY IN ALL BRANCH ES. Dress·Making. J

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