~· ·" I ._ ' .-:.,,1 ., · . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~ ···~ ·~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ill!~~ ~ " EVERY PERSON Usit1g LYMAN'. S EX'.rRACT OF COF,FEE s11ys it makes the beat cup of Coffee they ever taete>d. . '!1-, &pl'\!j)~ . :. i.+\N,11, -~~-~-~"~~~-~~-----~~~~BOWMANVJLlE, F. RIDAY , A PRIT, .lL Nltad ~n!'t.t· ~ an ~~' ~t11~man ·. ·~"°' Yl:L · · · Local and Otherwise. ---~-- , ·· · EVE Y PERSON Who once tries LYMAN'S COFFEE n ever u11e11 any other kind. Cash for eggs at Murdoch B ros. See \V. R. R. Cawker's East er meats. 15 lbs. sug;u· for $1 a:t Murdoch Bros. 20- lbs. raisins for $ 1 at Murdoch Br os. Says LYMAN'S <JOFFE~ I· not only < A search ·warrant would .fai l to iind a the best but the cheapest in the market. person witl10ut u. cold. R eader, don '.t be too eggs· uberant next :S unday. Eggs are dear. 'l'he T own Council will meet next' M onShould .try LYMAN'S CO;ll'FEE. Town H all Bu ilding s, Bowma.nville. 12. day n.ight--special meeting. A sp'endid programrne is promised for T .\ LMNG - In Ro"·m,.nvm ... o n April 4th, the lst.-Bccouse it needs no boiling a nd M en 's folt lmts in all t ho newest st.yles n ext 'fuesc hy night at t he Di d siu11 of wife of M r . F rank Ta 1li11g. of a rlaughter. ca.n be p repared in one mi nute. a.h Couch., J(lhnston & Cryder1pan's. 'l'. M em bers, dou t miss hearing it. <RI S ON.- l n Enfield, on .t.he Jst inbt .. the wife of Mr. James Harrison, of 11. deughter. .l\:liss Muntgom ery, of Ennisk illen, was l\lr. \V. H . Pipe1 -, Brookli~, is agent 2ad.- Becauee there is no waste a·d LA NSING.Near Enfield, on the 3rrl inst., the the guest ~f Mrs. JJ. Davis t his week. for the Patterson Bros. machines. See wire of Mr. Geo. Lansing, of a daughter. you can make any q uantity from half a. l3ui.:gla1~es a.re numer ous ; itre tramps wh at Mr . Ward says of theQueenMower. NJC~l.OLSON.-At Enfiel<l, on 1!1e 6th inRt., c upful up. · -effect .:mcl cause. Secure ·your d oor s Mr. l\L M ayer has a very. choice stock the wife or Mr. Jas Nicholson, of a. rll\ughter. of luits, boys, you can depend on getting 3rd,-Becauae it 1s cheaper, better and an d windows. MARRIED. N e·w d~·ess goods in all the newest ma- ·a sty.le to sµit you th ere. See his new superior in e very r espect to any othe r terial.>i 11.11d fash ionable ,shades at Couch, advt. this week. ScO'l'THULE'l'T-At Millbrook, Mich..March 30t h , by Rev. Mr. We;rkn t, Cheeter W. Scott kind of coffe& in the market. Jolms.tcm ~~Cryd erman s. A young man named B rooks, from 'l 'y · _ or R mton. formerly of Clarke. to M:lss iladie r~. Hulett, daugh1 er of Mr. Lawrence Hulett. ,_ t 'o t . - - - ----Tlicoo was a very mrge congrega 1 n a rone, was brought before l\fr. Hain es, P. St.. P:1ul's ch urch last Sabbath morning. M., an d fined $1.50 and costs for being I' ' DIED. Jnve la.ow comm unicants were admitted. drunk and disorderly last Fr1 ·c1 11'gl1t.. ·' ay 1 · H OSK JN .- ln Howmanvlllo. on tl1e 0th Inst On ffoocl F riday a union service will be . Dr. Young's Condition Powders arc the Ed ward Charles. eldest son of 8a1t111 el J. and h eld in the P . M. church . l'tcv. E. R. best to be obtained and horsemen should. Annie Elizabeth Hosken. a.l(ed 16 y0(>re. The R eliable Drugg is t s , "ll h S . t1030 WIN'l'ER- ln Orono. April 7th, Lillian G erv1ce a : a.m. use them dur ing the spring months. 'l'o · .Winter, aged 21 years. · ' Y ,ou.ng w1 preac ' AGENTS J:'OR BOW1'1ANVILLE. As .strawberries will soon be for imle, be had at J ohn McMurtrys. 12-3w. . I we want to k now h ow many quarts, straw$29.00 will pay for it steamship ticket TB El>E ARE SoLIIJ FA crs. - 'l'he bes blood berry mea.sure, make ohe I mperial gallon ? on the finest steamers a.float. Ji'rom N cw purifier a ud syst~ m r<'gulator ever placed W h ere you w ill find a F u ll A sisor tment, comprising Red Clover , A lsyke: Rev. Mr. Stephenson will preach next York to Liverpool, this includes t he fare with in t he reach of suffering humanity, Clover, W hite Du t~h Clover , Timothy Seed, O r chard Grass, Ken tuck y truly is Electric Bitters. Inctivity of the Sunday at E n niskillen on "'.Hie R.eason- from Bo)\'man villc. Thos. Yellowlc!)S. stipati- Blue Grass, H om e Gro wn C arr o t a n d Mangold S eed, very choice, GarDon't buy your new carpets before see- L iver, Biliousness, J aund ice, Coi1 ableness a nd Nature ·of l!'uture P unishS TOT T & JURY have j nst received a ment. " ing the ne.w an d elegant stock at Couch , on, Weak Kidneys, or 1my d isease of the den S eed s of eve 1 ·y variety a n d kin d. We are JUst ' openincr a larO'e 0 b very fiue collection of Bi·igh ton Lodge, A. 0 . U. W ., intend J'olmston & Cr yderman's. Their carpets uritary organs, fir whoever requires an stock of TURN I P SE ED of a ll kinds, fro m the best E n g lish g r owers. appetizer, tonfo or mild stimulant, will giving a gmnd enterta inment, similar to are all new and their prices are as low as always find E l1ctric Bitters t he best and th e ones given here and in Orono recently, the lo,west. OUR STOc°K OF-about th e first of ]\fay. To thrcshe1·s ! The Sawyer grain saver only certain cure k n own. They act sureBailey Hi1rriso11, a private banker o f ia3 several valuable improvements this ly ancl quickly, m·ery bottle guarnteed to Also a. choice selection of Tilsonburg, Ont., formerly a telegraph ear, and is undoubtedly the best thresh er give eutire s:Ltisfection or money r efunded. operator in Bowm:. t nville, has skipped out in th e Dominion . F. H. Mason, agent, 8old at fifty cent~ a bottle by .T H iggin· botham & Son. leaving $30,000 of debts behind. Hampton. CALL AN D SE E T HEM. Those in want of a Sewing Machine W o are showing -a line of black si tlrn.t is guaranteed by t he mmm focturer not to will do well tu examine the t wo best in cut nor wear greasy with fair ordinary t}w market, the-WI1ite· and the Raymond, Having l1ad t h i r ty years experience in this line, we have some wear._.:._Couch, John~ton & Cryderman. t o be seen at Variety Hall. 'l'hos. Yel- a orrr.cted 1tp to 1 o'clock p .m . every Thur sday BY J.&D. MoDOUGALL. idea of what t h e public r equire. Mr. Wm. Squires, of P ickering, former- lowlees.. , 14 The FLOWERS at Stott & Jury's ly of Darlington, has sold six spi·ing la.m bs _The union J\Iethodist revival meetings Flour, per 100 It .... .. $2 75 ·· to .. $3 00 . · Medical Hall are cheaper than ever to Mr. H inds, drover, for .Easter, for $26. are full of interesl. Suuls are saved every Fall Wheat, per bush. . · . 0 95 .. t o. . 1 00 __ _ _ · ~ - __ ____ _ Mr. S. is one ahead on t he .lamb question night. R~v. N. A. B urns, B.A., 'l'oronto, Sprin gWheat, per l>u11h . 1.00 .. t o .· 107 b efore. Call and secure some at once. so'far. Next 1 · editor of the Expositor of llolines8, will R ye, per bushel. , . · · .··. 0 58 . to .. 0 60 CO~rn TO BHEAK~"AST. -JUST ARRIVED assist in the meetings this week. Oata,pArbushel. · ·· · · ·. 030 . . ti> .. 0 34 . T H--V~ _ ,Cl__...t A T 1\1u:anocH B1ws.- l Tierce P lan tation Wondr ous in construction! Marvellous P eas,Blue .··· · ·· · ·. , , . 0 7(' . . t o .. 0 75 j " Bhckeves ...... ·. 0 90. _t o .. 0 92 Ceylon Coffoe ;-5 Bags Moc~1a ; 5 Ba.gs in simplicity! Unriv~illed for durability, ! Call at STOT T '& JURY'S Medic"'l H all Java ; 5 B,ags Marracaba. ~ Coffee \ Un equalled for ease of managemen t! For " Small: ... :.: . ... 0 65 ... t o ... 070 . . · and get your roasted and ground every day. ligh tness of draught, and sheafing, it is Barley, No. 1·.. . .... . 0 60 . . t o . . C 65 ,, ·No. 2. . . . · . . . 0 55 . .. to ... 0 60 ' · McMillan Bros., of Erin , have been second to none. The Sawyer No. 3 1 No. 3··. ....· · 0 fiO ·.· t o ... 0 55 offered $2,500 by Peter Goldtlu-op, of r eaper . F . H . Mason, agept, Hampton. " BY JOHN McMU~TltY . Cooksville, ~.or· their trotting stallion , Remarkable ! Yes, the six weeks old The Cattle Food t hey seJl not only in· riches the milki but in some cases it in- Crown Imperial , formerly owi1ed by l~ercy lamb from Mr . Richard Osborne's iiock But t er , per tt. beat. tabie.. O 20 · · @ ·· o 22 & Young, Bowmanville. 'l'he offer was bought for Mr.R. R . CMvker's Easter dis~ Lard, f' lb, ., ···· · · · ····· O 13 .. @ · · 0 14 .creases the quiu,tity "liven by each cow not accepted. . play of meats, weighing 50tbs, was one of E ggs, 4J"J oz. . ·· · ·... .· ... 015 . . @l ·· 0 16 Takes. p leasure in announ c ing the a r rival of his New Spring Stock, conone Q uar t a day. Mr. ] '. Borland announces this week a the largest for its age ever slaughtered in Pota.toe.11, per bushel. ... · ·. 0 40 .. @l · · 0 45 s i sting of Spring a nd S u mmer Hats in Felt· and ~traw, H a1·d and Soft grand giving-up-business-sale of boots an d Bowmanville. Call tomorrow to see it. shoes. 'He has a l!lplendid stock on li:md, Another new firm claims public attention C)lre is 'o ur W atchword. l!:.,elt,Men's,You t h 's, B oys' and C h i i.d ron's Bhck, Brown , BJue and Neu tra· N rm '.Ahuertisrnunts. which he is selling very cheap for c:tsh this week- M essrs. Tait & Morrison, of Accuracy ie our I nfallible Rule. ...........................................................,-.................. .... Straw H ats from the 10 cent Canadian to the finest Manilla, and in and sec the big inducements th e ChettJ>side Variety Store. 'fhey will 01ily. Call · Quality is our Leading Featnre. ERVAN T ·GIRL W AN'fED at once. he is offering. open next \ Vednesday with the choice Good wage~. Apply to Ml!R. J . MAYNARD, size!) froin t he Baby to Grandfathe~. Rev. J . Dyke will preach to the child- st ock named in their advertisement in Centre Street, 01· at Maynard's Je\\elry '4tore. ' 13-tf. ren of his Sabbath Sch ool n ext Sabbath another col umn and cordially invite in Tn GEN T'S. F URN ISHI NGS I am determ ine d to keep t o the front. ·rll~E.ELIABLE DRUGGISTS, mor11ing. S ubject: "The Story of the spection. They have a nice store. ORSE FOR SALE.- A Good horse In SHIRTS, I offer all the leadi n g stylei;. In TIES, all the n ovelties. TOWN HALL- pLOCK. Resurrection," and in t11e evening t he To THE PUBLIC.-! have thoroughly for team or farm. weight HOO lb~. Sound, subject will he: "The Gospel and 't he tested the "Queen Mower" rn:i.de by Apply to M . S. BOWMAN, Tau nto~ -~t~:e· In U .N D ERWEAR, the best q uality k e pt. In RUBBER COATS, I 5 R11surrection." · · Patterson Bros., W hitby, and can highly offer none bu~ first class. HOSIERY in g reat variety; UMBRELLAS , BE NOT DRCEIVED.- The iron clad mow- recommend it to all farmers want ing a EED- BAR LE Y .- A few hundred and BRACES, a good choice; CELL ULOI 0 COLLARS and CUFFS, best recommen ded in the Dominfirst clrtss Machine. Any fa1mer buying er is th e SCROFU LA, bushels or Clean Seed BILrley for sale. ion.--Silvcr 11nd brom:o medals at U. S. the "Queen Mower " will not regret his Apvly to J<~D. CORBLEDICK, Lot 20, Con. 5, t h e latest novelties in the line, require only to be seen to be purchased. Besides being a loaths~me disease, is, when Centermi:i.l Exhibition, 1876 ; bronze choice. Thos. Wa!·1 l, Solina. Clarke, Orono P. O. H-3w* fully developed, very painful and i.unoying. med%'l, Sydn ey, Australia, 1877 ·; bronze \Ve again caution our readers to luwe ANIT OBA BARLEY FOR SEED. It is a Blood Disease which hardly a. family mecl:tl, World's Fi1ir, Paris, France, 1878. nothing to do with shoddy cloth peddlers. - A car.1 011.rl j ust to hand direct from escapes; its victims are countless. To e!Iect F. H. Mason, agent, Hampton. The country is infested with these smooth- Manitoba at LOCKHAR'l"S Storehouse. Nowa cure, t he source from whence t he t rouble 15-3w. castle. ffEO. WADDELT,. The death of Prince Leopold h as called tongued rogues, and they have found arises must be purified and cleansed ; and from our knowledge of Northrop & Lyman's forth strong expres$ions·of sympathy from many victims. B uy from reliable mer,,UR LOST.-A L ndie1 F ur Hoa, Mink, Y egetable Discovery, we ·can witb. confidence nat ional and other societies, and at the chants, pay cash if you can, and you are ] one day last week, 1m tho road ea.Rt or .:recommend it as a rac lical cure for Scrofula last meeting of Wellington Lodge, Sons of sure of good quality and full measure. Howrnl\nville. Finder will leave it at BORBowmanville, April !J, 1884. lUARll:US !Uil.YER . LANDS shoe st.ore and get reward, 15-w. :i.nd unhenlthy humors of the bloocl. It England of this town, a resolution was At the final examinations in medicin ,:::athers up these corruptions, aml carries l)assed r equesting the Grand Lodge uf at Trinity College, Toronto, Mr. Geo. A. l~ ARM Ji'o· R S..uE.- 50 acres, part of lot them off wit h eaeh. discharge from t he Ca.nada to forward a letter of condolence Bingham, of this town, passed, taking a . I : 14 con. G, Darlington, good ch1y loam. well bowels. enced and watered, 8or10 acroe woode, Term· certificate of honor. 1\fr. P. M. Davey, It does not reduce your strength, but on to the Queen. casonable Apply t.o '\Vm. Brown, Enniekillen. you are cordially invit ed to call of Tyrone, also made a good pass. Messrs. L iidies, 15·tf. the contrary gives tone to t hil' system, im· proves tbe appetite, and in a remarkable at Mrs Keys' and inspect h er stock wf W. E: S111·ag ue and S. M. Durland, for· aas FOR HATCHING.- Bt'O\·n maur:ier enriches t he impoverished blood. ladie's and children 's tine underclothing, m crly of Cobourg, also passed their ial. ~ J,eghnrns a11d Houdans. One dollar for · ' · .Bny a bottle and give i t a. trial. childrens white dresses, aprons etc. OrA large number of the young friends Petting of 13, Apply at Brick Cottage opposite · ders taken for all fuie work, and machine Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Reynolds, Wel- ---- - ---- _._:;,._ knittiug. N ew cottons just in. Store lington St ., gave them a supprise party nex t to Levi Morris' furniture warcrooms, last week, when Mr. George Wclsh on behslf of the company presented t he young . Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is Bowmanville. · Mr. Fred. Hundle, of Tyrone, sold to married couple with a very hand Black. Dam, a Sir Walter 1'.forc. Apply to ' pleasant t o take; sure and effectual in JONATHAN STEPHENS. Lot6, Con. 4, Dar-\ . 1 destroying worms. Many have tried it Mr. Hnmbly, to go to Illinois, a young some set of glass-w·aro a complete table set. stallion rising 2 years, sired by Baron A very enjoyable evening wus spent · lHf. lington,Bowmanville P.O. with ~h e best result.s. XEN FOR SALE. - A Yoke of four. Lennox , for $350. 'l'his colt is eligible The third of t he series of socials will " year-old Oxen. well adapted for use in for registry in the A . S. B. He goes held in St. Paul's church, Bowmanville, Manitoba, or farm work anywhere. Well broS C. . Ja'besh Snow, Gunning Cove, N. S., along "th the one sold by Mr. D. Smith on W ednesday evening, 16th inst. The ken. Por particulars apply to JAMES LEASK, 11vrites ( ' "I was complet ely prustrated the other day for $230, also sfred by Bar- following among others will take part in 1 6 1 0 with the asthma, but hearing of Dr. '.l.'h o- on Lennox. 'l'he above is good evidence the entcrtainnlCnt : Mrs. !:(lock, Mrs. ~~:~ec~e~~. · J?::~fifn · i?'. c;~ere the t~~.~ s mas' Eclectric Oil, I procured a bott le, of the wisdom of breeding from good Hawley, the Misses Fish er, Fairbairn, ONEY TO LOAN.- A few thousand and it done me so much good that· I got dollars. private funds. to loan on first· · ' imported stock. Allen, M cArthur, McLaughlin, Professor :another, and before it was used, J was class farm securlt.y, at the lowest current rate·. 'l'wo men named John Nailor and J ohn and Mrs. Doyle, Messrs. McKeown, Abbs, For particulars apply to H. BEITH, Bowman· well. My son was cured of a bad cold by ville, or H. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister. 3·tf. TUE G K EA.'1' ~A LI<; O F 'l'UOSE the use of half a bottle. It goes like wild- McEvelle, were, we learn from the Guide, and Keachie. Admission as usual. fire, and makes cures wherever it i· used. t\rrestcd in .Port Hope on Sll;turday while I· Mr. R. H . 'l'urner has bought the ank:ittempting to pass counterfeit coin on the r upt stock of the late firm of McClung storekeepers of that ~own . They had a Bros., and having marked clown all the I Leading Druggist on this continent tes- nurnbe~ of ~ouuterfei~ 25 and 50 cent goods from 20 t o 50 per cent, is now offer LOURING MILL in the township of ' Clarke. Known as Adams' New Mill. I tify to t he large and constantly increasing pieces m their possession when anested. ing all lines of dry aoods at sacrifice prices. Apply to ARTHUlt CODD, Esq. or St. JOHN aales of Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable 'l'hey were taken before Pul~c~ Magistrate We h ave b een sh~wn t hrough t he stock H. HUTCHESON. Darrieter-at·Lo.w, BowmanDiscovery and Dyspeptic Cure, and report · Holland and Mr. J. G. \V1lhams, J . P., and can assure ovr reitde rs that real bar- ville. 275·tf , its beneticent effects upon their customers ancl. con.unitted to g~l at Cobourg to await gains are .offered to cash buyers. Call GGS FOR HATCHING. - White yourself and be convinced. troubled with Liver Complaint, Constipa- t heir trml at the assizes. and Brown J,eghorns from birds that took tion, Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood, The Uni~n .Football Club and the Inde- · There have bel!n shipped ti1is week the ftret pr1 z1_is at the Poultry Show, in Febrll· I S S OJ UETHING ENC»RlllOUS. 11<ry laet.. Fair hatch guaranteed, };gge $2 per a.nd other physicial infirmities, and as a pendent Lacrosse Club hav~ ~malgam:tte_d from Morris' Carriage W orks to l\fr. T . 13, or $3 tor 26. W. J. WOLFE, Bowmanville female medicine, it ]ms accomplished re· under the nane <;>f the ( .mon J\thletic Symons, :Toronto,· five .of the fin est fin- P.O. Their Fancy Furnish i n g Goods s u ch a s Ladies' and Gents' Collars, Ties 15-3w. markable cures. Club o,f Buwmanv11le . ~he followmg ar e · h ed carriages probably that ever left N eckerchiefs and Han dkerchiefs are the most novel of any the ofhcers :- Hon. President, R . B. Anow1rnmville includin no t wo coYered bwr- r rENDEitS.-will be received up to the 19th DAY 01' Armc. for b11lldi1111: a wire clrew : President, W. Keely ; Vice-Presi- g es, one cov~red phaeton, and two ope°;1 goods seen in that line before. Why s uffel' from week nerves, want of dent. C. Burden; Secretary,. C. R. M c- b ggies. T he trimmings were in a style !enceon the north and east sides of theGrave yard of the Methodi·t Church at Hampton appetite, and general debility 1 letting Cullough ; 'l'r?asurer, A. Bi?gham. ~a- t compare with tha best city work, and Plane and Specifications can be had of J CuYD· the loss of sleep and rest impover- crossc- Captam, R. Moses, V1ce-Captam, ie painting was mirroric. Morris' Carria<>e EHMAN, E. HASTINGS. or J . McLKA N, Hamp- Gentlemen's Shirts in t h e Finest Cambric and F r ench Persal e from 75c ton. J. McLean, Sec. o f com. ish the system and t hin the blood, when N. Yello_ u pwards ; Braces from lOc. upw!j,r d s; Rubb er Coats in endless variety wlees. Oommitte~ :-H. Keeley, orks excel for fine work, and don't y~u Hampton, April 8th, 188!, 15-2w such areally meritorious remedy as Norbh- C. lfoblm, ancl T. Peth1ck. Foot:Ball; forget it. in our Hats, C aps and Turbans we hn.ve all the l ea.ding styles ; in our rop & Lyman'~ Quinine Wine may be h ad W . R . Alim, H. Moyse,ancl J. Aarch1bal<l. at any drug store. This article is r ecom- Captain and Vice Captain, not elect ed. Clothing Departme nt w e have the finest Scotch and English Wors teds NEW Fm11r. - We take pleasure in introducing to our r eitdcrs this week the ended by the highest members of the for Suiting and Coating. W e can give you an Elegant SoNs m· ENGLAND. -W c have recei\,ed new grocery firm of Quick . & Wright, faculity in ca.se of in<ligestion, general deURSUANT to Section 34, Chapter bility, loss of appetite, and nervous affec- he report of the 9th annual meeting of successors to M cClung Bros. This busi107. Hevised Statutes of Ontario. The tion of all kinds . It is also specially be- the Grand Lodge Sons of England Ben e- n ess firm is composed of Mr. Wm. Quick, Creditors ot SAMUEL. JAL:KS. late of the of Darlington, in the County o! Dur· ' . rownship volent Society, held in B elleville in F eb for some years book-k eeper for Murdoch n eficial to children and delicate females, ham, farmer, deceased, wl10 died on or about and to business men, st udents, ancl those ruary last . The Grand Treasurer's report Bros., and :M:r. Fred. Wright,· who for the 27th day of February, 18U , a.re notified to w ho have much brain work. We would shows the finances t6 be in a healthy con- soven years has been clerking for Mr. J. send by post prepaid to W l Lf,IAM .JACKS, C. LANGMAIJJ, and .JOHN '!'RULL, s a.y>\Never be without it. It J!ill strcn- dition, with :i. balance in the treasury. B. Martyn. Both are energetic yo·ng 'l'HOS. Hampton P. 0., l!;xooutors of the said i:lamuel gtlien you, k eep your system in regub r The Grand Secretary's r eport is very vol - men and should be well posted in t he Jacks on or before the 10th DAY OF HAY, the particulars of their cluims and a state.order, and enable you to successfully um inous, occupying over 12 .r ages of solid business from their long experience in 1881, ment of their t\Ccounta against the estate or grapple with the work you have t o do. matter. It shows that 500 new members these two leading grocery houses. T hey said deceased and the nat.ure or the securities' It is pleasant to the taste, and contains were admitted in 1883; seven new lodges deserve t o succeed and we h :we no doubt if any, held by them. At the expiration cf this the executors will be at liberty to distribnothing injourous to ,the most delicate organized· ; net increase in membership, but that they will soon build up a good time ute the assets of the said estate, having regard tt a big only constitution . I-temember to ask for th e 264 ; deaths, 17 ; sick benefits, $2303.25; trade. They bougl1t th e stock 1 to tho claims of wh ich they then have Quinine Wine, prepared by Northrop & total lodge funds,$13,f.)18; r eceipteGrancl r eduction and h ave replenished it with notice, and will not be liable to any pereon o! whose claims they ha ve not had notice at the L ym1tI1, Toronto, and we ate sure you Lodge, $1,155.40 ; and total membership, heavy purchases d uring the week. They time ot s uclt dist rihntion. LOSCOMBE & LEITH, will b e satisfied tlutt you have full value considerably over 1,500- r cturns not open on Saturday and we a.sk our readers Bowmanville, March 20, 1884. 12. 15. Solicitors . for said Executors. complete. to give them an early call. for your money. Druggist sell it. EVERY PERSON EVERY PERSON _ 28 lbs. box raisins for $1.35 a l M urdoch Bros. W anted-500 good i·olls butter at M urdoch l3ros. · There is a grand exhibit .of East.er meats at W. R: R. Cawker 's stall. For suits that 'vill s uib l e:1vc-your or ders at Couch, J ohnston & Cryderman's. \Ve have had to hold over .some corres-1 pondence to make room for advertising, Ou exhibition! at M r. IL T. P hilli1is', Han1pton, on \) of those celebrated Sawyer No. a r eapers. Did you ever sec a prettier dressed veal tlum the one shown by W . H . R . Cawker at h is butch er.stall, K4?·· St1 , , . "' . . . . 'Ihe Orchestral U m on .of tlus to wn will give a gran d concert on Mon·fay 21st. L ook out for i;articulars next week. I R e1ilth is a duty, Disease~ crime. Use D r. Henry Ba..xtcr's ,Mand rl),ke ,.Bitters and bo cured of all biliousness or liver trouble. 25 cents will buy a ln.rge bottle. Our citi7'ens arc cordially invited to pay a vi 8 il to W . R. R . Cawker 's butcher stall tl>n1orro"~ and see the grand exhibitiou of Easter meats h e has. It will m ak e your mouth water . Afr er yearti ~f pati ~'·l t rese-arch a.roting the flora of !us nat.ive lnnd, Dr. Van Bur~n disco11ered a little plant tli:~t i1 fast making hu Ui\mff famoug nn both sides of t he A tla~tic. From its healt h-gi vi rig ~ap he has given to the world a p~eparat1on n o w knmyn a~ Dr. Van ~nren s Kidney . Cure. wh1d t prorny tly relie"es and perma-· nen tly cures all kidney diseii.ae. \1 · _______ B_I_R_T_H_S-.- - - - - - (WALL XPAPElt) P. ·T ·REBILCQCK. - I have now ready a very large stpck of Paper Hangings of foreign and home manufacture, and .those in want will do well to examine my pat terns and prices. I import my paper direct from .manufacturers artd give my customers t h e benefit. No trouble to show goods. s: so -· SEEDS ·O..A..LL _A._T FARMERS, if you · want Good, Reliable Seeds, STOTT & J'U RY, First of the Season. (IMURDOCHI !BROS.I) 0 FLOWER PLANTS F LOWER SEEDS. GROC.E RI E&, Crockery and Glassw are is Complete. MURDOCH BROS Cheaper than Ever I FARMERS! sIG , N 0 F H ·A T TQ TH E FR Q NT A GA I N Cattle Food, Oil Cake,&c. MARKUS M AYER · STOTT & JURY, S H S M My P rices will be foun d reasonable. High est P rices paid for. Raw Furs. all ____ ____ I s~;~;;..~~;m~~,;;~:.~m'~~; JAM E s IEIL LI 0 T T ·-------------1.:::::1-------------I Buckwheat Flour His Gfoceries -al';-and Graham Flour Fresh and Good 0 1 A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. , M TryElli "ott' 30 TEA F armers' PRODUCE Choice Maple Syrup taken in exchange. and Su ga r Due B·11 . i s given. MILL FOR SALE. .STYLISH SPRI N G GOODS F E FA!! FAMED ECLIPS E HOUSE Creditors Notice. P SU I J[cur BYTHEBEST CUTTERIN TOWN] FOR$8. Overalls, Summer Pants and Jackets for the farmers, in endless variety. Call at-the Eclipse House for bargains. ~- :H:. I V E S.