Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1884, p. 1

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, TERMS :-$1.50 PER Al>lNUM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M.A. JAMES, EDITOR.AND PltOPRIR'.IOR. VOLUME 298. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1884. XXX. NmIBER 15. . I R. 'H. TURNER. Having bought the Bankrupt Stock of the late firm of CORRESPONDENCE. LESKAlW. On Sunday moming last the funeral sermon of the late 'Efoiabeth Har vey was 'preached in the B. C. church by Rev. Mr. Pattyson to a large congregation. The text, which was singularly appropriate, was taken from Exodus XXXIV. 2 and 3. '.l'he discourse was earnest aud impressive, the preacher exhorting all, but especially the youth of his . congregation, to " be ready in the morning." The musical part of the service was well renderecl l)y 't he choir. The opening hymn, ""\Ve are Going down the Valley," sung by special request, was sweetly and feelingly given. J\'Iiss Carveth, daughter of the Reeve of this township, returned home last week after a three months' sojourn in the Queen City. Her ma1iy friends bid her a hetwty welcome home. MICAWBER. CIVINC UP BUSINESS I _;; "£~~~------. . . .~...............11111. . . . .------~~- Having decided to give up the Boot and Shoe Business .this season, I will sell the .· whole of my stock of McOlUNB BROS, amounting to OVER $5,000 WORTH --C>P-- ::SS2? 5,3 a 9.8 4,:: will offer the same at greatly Reduced PRIOES- SdXONY. A new school house fa to be built in S. THE STORE WILL BE OPENED ON THURSDAY, IOTH INST., I on which day (BARG~Sz SUCH AS NEYER BEFORE HEARD OF,) may be expected. The Entire Stock must be. cleared out " as soon. as possible. S. No. 4. High time. Mr. Cameron Trull ,will soon move to the Base Line near his father's. Mr. Louis Trull is still keeping bat.ch. Good leap year cha,nce there. Mr. C. 'l'rull's church-going dog and two pigs were killed on the G. T. 1-t. · Mr. Guy is not likely to get pay for his pigs killed on the track. Mr. Eli Osborn has bought a handsome span of colts from Mr. John Worden for _ $3~0.00. · Mr. Geo. Richards is leaving us and moving on Mr. Yi'. Stevens' farm.' Over 120 took Sacrament at Ebenezer last Sunday. The special services are closed. Three classes have been formed with Messrs; J mnes Rundle, James Cour. tice and Joseph Langni.aid as leaders. Some of our old farmers speak of giving up to the boys soon. ' The first schooner went by on Lake Ontario Monday morning. Wild clucks are very plenty. EGBElVl'. BOOTS AND SHOES at less than wholesale prices, by retail, for C.A SH ONLYI or will sell the entire stock en bloc at a de~ided bargain. ---(o)-- The Stock is all first class, and· is well assorted for the Spring and Summer trade. -----(o)--- N. B.~--Over 1_ Q_ Q pieces____ of CARPETS and FLOOR OIL CLOTHS of the latest designs. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, PHOTOGRAPHY. ___ ___ Standa1·d Patent Jlledicines, Dye Stuffs, flair and Tooth~ . ew Photo Druslles, Shoulde1· D1·aces, Sponges, Pe1·f'ume.-y, &c. AGENTS FOR THE Pure Drugs and Medicines, Muirhead and his wife were awakened about 2 o'clock by sounds in the kitchen, which they found to be on fire. They tried to extinguish it with water, she pumping and he thru.wing it on ; but the tire still gaining, it was found on examination that the whole inside of the wall was on fire. The water throwing was given up, and he went in t11rough a window of their bedroom ancl threw out what tlungs he cuuld find. - When he came out he inissed her, and supposing that she was in some of the rooms trying to save some things, he went in, but found the house full of smoke ; so he broke in the windows of every room and called her, but got no response. He thought she might have ..,,., gone to their neighbor Holmes, for help, so he ran there to find tl1at she ·was not there. Her charred remains were found in the morning, and carefuily conveyed to her brother's, Mr. James White, and on Saturday were followed by an immen~e . procession of sorrowing and sympathizing ARE NOW OPEN. . neighbors to their final resting place. It Stnn.11 forme~·ly oce1tpie1l by the Post omce. is supposed that she had gone into a room KING STllEE'I'. not generally used since their only child :SC>~l.\f.J:.A.~.XX.X..E. died some months a110, to get some of its clothes, and was suffocated by the smoke. J\'Irs. J olm Tice was buried the same The Gallery is first-class in all· its ap· pointments, and furnished in a. comfort- day. Her death was .also very sudden. able' manner. There will be no poor work She died in a fit before the doctor got to allowed to leavu the rooms, and these who the house. Very little fall wheat here. It looked .favor me with a call can rely on being well until the hard frost at night and the pleased scorching winds ancl sun by day, of the ~The instantenoue process only will past week luwe browned it pretty well. be used for Photographs. , Mr. John Talbott's farm, of 100 acres, Come in and see me. was sold by auction at $75 per acr. e. · BOB. W I have the LARGEST, the I3EST and the CHEAPEST assortment of Women's, Misses' and Children's French Kid, Glace Fxench Calf, French Oil Goat, Dongolia French Calf, Oil Pebble, Buff and PrnneUa-in Button and Lace Boots, Button and Tie Shoes and Slippers-in town. OARTWRIGRT. W Also a very large and varied stock of Men's, Boys' and Youth's BuRNED TO Di:ATH.-A sight that ap- Hand-sewed, Machine-sewed and Pegged-in Lace a.nd Button Boots; palled the stoutest heart was witnessed Button, Tie and Oxford Shoes-in French Calf, French Glace Calf, here on Thursday, 3rd inst. . William Canadian Calf, Buff, Pebble·, Cordoran and Grained Leathers. Call at once and secure1 bargains while they are going.· Delays are dangerous. STAND :---Neads' Block, next door East of Lee & Edsall's Hardware Store. F. BORLAND. COLUMBUS. Eao-sTRAOitDINARY.- Mr. John James, ~pecial services were commenced here jr., near here, gathered 90t dozen of egg- [this week. fruit from his ~1enncry from Feb: 1st to Mrs. J. Ruse, who has been illfor some March 31st tins year. He obtamed days, is improving slowly. and 20 cents per dozen for most of them. Miss Anita Cryderman is quite ill with · infl:immation of the lungs. OAKLAND. Mr. Wm. Cole of Bowmanville has scuooL ~EPORT. moved 11ern and ta.ken possession of the property which he recently purchaseu from 4th Class.- Sophia Cooper, 426; Sarah Mr:R. Worth. Carr, 390. Rev. J. J. Rice of Cobourg will preach 3rd Class.-Geo. Moffatt, 509; Lucy here next Sunday, morning and evening. Harris, 501 ; Bella Ard, 408 ; Fannie He will also lecture on Monday evening. Ellis, 484 ; Lane W annan, 371. ·. ALPHA. 2nd Class, Sen.-Lizzie Ard, 371 ; Ida Harris, ~46 ; Lottie Bowen, 228 ; J oc Tebble, 225 ; Mat. Tebble, 191. BETHEL. 2nd Class, Jun.-Fred. Bowen, l:U; Mr. William Chapple is dangerously ill. James Wannau, 119. .... Mr. H. H. Yarrow is recovering ...· The Saved Army, of Newcastle, and the ENNISKILLEN. Sa.lvation Army, of Bowm~nvillc, have The following passed the Promotion several converts here .... Mi. R . Hill is E:x;amination from 3rd Junior to 3rd busy moving to Beaver street, Newcastle. Senior : Rose Brown, S. Atkinson, Minnie ..· The law case now in progress, Gibson Rogers, Ida Brown, Carrie Rogers, Albert vs. Bellwood, about a bucksaw and churn, Dean. From 2nd Senior to 3rd Junior : affords a humorous illustration of hoV{ some people will spen~ $30 trying· Alf. Mitchell. to win arhMe!! not worth five, .·· The field SCHOOL ltEPOM FQlt MAMlf. in.ice wo1·kecl gi·eat )1nNoc among the fruit.. 4th Clitss.- Jno. Lee, Lulu Hut.chison, trees last winter, fully two-thirds of the A. Hutchison. , young trees being girclled. Shade trees, 3rd Class.-Rosa Brown, S. Atkinson, young maple, ash, raspLerry, and strawCarrie Rogers. berry plants have suffered in like propor2nd Class, Sen.-Alf. Mitchell, Willie tion. The field mouse has always been Potter, Ella Stanton. regarded as a hannless animal, but after 2nd Class, Jun.-Jno. Virtue, Calom this it will receive very little mercy from Mills, Ettie Gilbert. BoB. 1st Class, Sen.- Joe Deiin, E. Gifford, Sidney Hockaday. BASE LINE. 1st Class, Jun.-May Stephenson, W. Rogers, Ethel Potter. The School entertainment in S. S. No. On Monday last the funeral of- the late l 3 wi:s held on the evening of F'.riday_ ths Jno. G. McLaughlin passed through here 4t_ h mst., the _school house bemg filled to the Presbyterian cemetery. It was w1tfi an attentive ~ud1ence. The prog~am. largely attended by acqrntintances and which reflects credit on all the contr1bufriends. The deceased had been very ill tors, was brought to a close by an ap~ro for the past five weeks. pria.t~ burlesque entitled "LeapYear.' In On w cdncsday the remains of Miss the literary part the D~rkey Ser1~1011 by Cox were laid in the same resting place. Mr. Henry! and th~ Bui~esque, a:re worShe had been wasting away for a couple thy of spe.c1al mention._ The musical part of years with consumption. Both funerals was contributed by Miss Laa.ra W or~en took place from the same house as Miss whose first appearance on this f>Ccas1?n Cox was a sisterinlaw of the late J . G. was .very favorably ?ommented on, M1sa McLau hlin and made herhomewithhim. Anme Power.and Miss Clara Go<?de were g also well received and Mr. Dean Pickle and The Rev. W. R. Barker will preach for Mrs Cameron Trull who are well known the Rev. T. Atkinson in tl~e PresbY:terian amateurs. While the programme was church here Sabbath mornmg 13th mst. being given · news was received of the Orie of Enniskillen's talented sons, Mr. sudden death of Mr. Fred. Farewell, of Kh1g Kennedy gives one of his immutable Harmony, brother of Mrs. Walter Foley performances in the Hall Friday evening. and Miss Bertha Farewell of the Base His performance is worthy of a large Line. The deceased was returning home a.ttendance. from Oshawa when the horses ran away throwing him out and killing him instantGo to Church, but if you have a cold ly. The funeral on Sunday was attended. ba sure and get a bottle of "HuD_" 0'.lU- by a large number from Darlington. Mr. ~orge Witheridge, Sr., is under ~H CUll.E first and settle your cough. the doctor'scare, A. B. E.Aak Stott & Jury.II I HAMPTON. llENRY'S 261 Rooms -----··--------- TUCt<ltl Sl»llNC.t'AtJ rauas. ., R.H. HENRY. . l KENIM LL. Prescriptions and Recipes Carefully compounded with absolut~ purity and correctness. HAINES' CARRIAGE- "WORKS. GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, --MANUFACTURER O F - - CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WACONS, &C., KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, Has now on hand a .number of ,,-ehicle~ (and is manufacturing a great many more) of the newest patterns and best finish, which I ·am offering for sale ~,t the lowest, prices consistent with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following is a list of the principal vehicles manufactured by·me: Double Covered Carriages ................ ... ................................. $200 Upwards. Single Phrotons ............................ : .................................... 100 " Open Buggy....................... .............................................. 70 " 'Top Buggy .........·....... .. _. .......... : ...., ..................................... 90 · 11 .Democrat Wagon.................... ...................... ...................... G5 11 Lumber Wagons...... , ...... .......................... ,......................... 55 " Light Wagon...................... ..... .......................................... 40 II E:x:preas Wagon ..........,. .................................. , ......... ,.......... 75 II Skeleton.............................. .................. ; ... , ............... , . . . . . . 50 II Sulky............................................................. ................ .. 40 1."ossessing euperlor facilities for manufacturing carriages, I intend to sell verl cheap for cash or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly Increase my number o sales. Would sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. · dS All K Ill 0 f V e h IC · l es R epaire · d T . p "-t d d T · d ·f D · d . At tlle Short est N ot ice, aw e an rimme i esire · · .At t.he Factory I al110 do Pl~nlng, Matchin~. Tlll"nint: and Sawing with Ci~cl~, Band or Soroll: Sawjj, aDd p1·epare all kinds ot lt1m bar fOI' carpent0l'S and others for bmldmg purpQses. ornamental and Plain Pickets ror tenceB in every style required. made to order.~ tt8 OTICE.-Allpersons wholioldpohciea Tl . " - -- -1 -· k · "h' '11 in the Sovereign Insurance Co., are herel~l? ~s mu_c l Bl? ne$S m · 1a VI 1tga by notified tl).at they are now insured In the and VIC!Illty tl11s spnng. Glasgow and London Insurance Co., a good "· fr· . Langstaff's barn .was burnt on MonBritish Company. u day, 31st ult., with contents. Miss Eva Stanton, who has been seriously ill, is slowly recovering. Our school is prospering under the To the Lancashire Fire InsurancelOo. I hereby return thanks for the prompt pay· management of our able teacher, Mr. A. ment in rnll, through your agent here,Mr.'l'hos. Odell. Bingham, of my claim against you·from the On Wednesday last Mr. Geo. Wannan late fire, LEWIS QUICK, and Miss Maggie Lewis were married. Congratulations, George. To Harfjor:d Fi.re In11urance C01npanyi . I hereby return thanks to vour Company for Mr. "\Vm. Hoskins has moved into Kenthe prompt settlementr of my claim, through your agent Mr.Thos.Binghami_of loss sustaln"d dall and occupies the house formerly by fire on t)lo 12th inst. Lu;WJS QUICK, occupied by Mr. Jacques. _,,,,_W. WOR.IWLK. Local politicians · are much exercised To the President. JYlanaoe:r and Directors of o>"er the bribery plot and the N. P. is in the Fire ln8'1<ra1we Association of London, the shade for the time being. But wasn't En(/land. I hereby return thwks ror tho very prompt it wicked of Mowat 'I settlement, through your agent Mr.'l'. Bingham, Mr. Wm. Little, Jr., who has been in for my two horses killed by Jightnin~g in my field last thunder etorm. ROB'l', l!'IELDING, Toronto hospiuil for some . time, we .are glad to hear, is gitining. We hopo soon to have him amongst us again. "The pros and cons of a rather racy piece of scandal ai'G being lar$ely discussed in Insure in the Confederation Life Asso- which a young woman (we will not say ciation. It is cheaper than the Canadian lady) who seems tu have an ove1grown Mutual Aid, A, 0. U. W. or any pass a· sweet tooth for preserves, plays a ver.v round your ha.t institution, a.s the follow· prominent p:trt. ing examples will prove : Thos. McClung Another hotel on the Lapis. Dy the hae been insured since 1872 for$2,000and way, one is sufficient for our village, judgthe last five years it only cost him $2.55 ing by the noise one night last week, and per annum on each <1t>1,000 to insure. John 'iP the jaded looking young men who were McClung insured at the same time for the seen wending their way with unsteady same amount and it onlv cost him $1.74 steps clown street the other morning. per annum on each $t,ooo to insure, he STRAGGLER. being a little younger. We certify the above to be correct. Thoe. (We hope this new co-rrospondent will McClung John McClun~ ' continue to send us weekly such ~.!'lWSy' ' , · 'IHOS. BI G HAM, Ag~nt. letters as this one.----iED.) N ;zo or Cards of Thanks. Cheap Life Insurance.

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