Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1884, p. 7

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Murdered Her Own Daughter. ALL NONSENSE. injoctedwith the latter became affected, I bub soon recovered spontaneously. A. r ecent despatch from Dayton, Ohio, Quick at figures-The dancing master. 'i'he season at Weisbaden, that attrac- says:-A sensational crime of sevE)nteen . Fonnd'. Murdered-The Oldest Freemason tive EXPERIENCE. 1: have written these few lines German watering-place which seems· years ago has been recalled by the death-bed . A sole-stirring article-a peg inside the A.nd all ~ave to say_ Dead- Newspapers in the United The Rev. z. P. Wilds" well-known city to bave gained in favor since the removal confession ·of Mrs. Catharine Kett that boot. That yotrl(8n find me still at home, Kingdom-A. Remarkable . missionary in New York, and brother Sound investment-Purchasing a piano ofthegaminghalls, begins earlythisspring. she murdered her own daughter. On the lam rrot 1.rGne awa:y. or .t he late eminent Judge Wilds, of the So all my kind old r1eJ'.\dS may come, Fish -etc., etc. It has a special attraction as the resort of evening of Jan. 11, 1867, Christine Kett, . forte. And all they oung ones, too, Massachusetts Supreme Court, writes The multiplication table-The registry And get their garments nicely made A Frenchman has invented a ne-v kind the only two emperors who can safely re- a bright, pretty German girl, 18 years as follows: In fashions that are new; of sewing-machi:Ue that winds up like a main in or leave their capitals without . old, was found dead in her mother's of births. "78 E. 54th St., New Y01·k, May l~, 1882. Wtiere old and young, dear friends, may meet MESSRS. J. 0. A)'J!R & Co. Gentl.,111en: serious fear of endangering their lives or house. Her head was pounded into ·a Cardamon seeds cannot stifle the breath clock. A welcome vreetinir. bv R. PE.A.TE Last winter l was troubled with a most · · . thrones. The Emperor of Austria is shapeless mass, and by her side· was a of slander. trnoomfortable itching humor atfecting London has made .el:i-l;>orate preparations expected this month, and will remain till bloody axe, which told the story. Part of more especially my limbs, whicll itched so for t~e heal~h exhi~tion to be held at the middle of April, if not longer. As the skull had fallen into the cellar, and A hitch in the proceedings-Stopping intolerably at night, and burned so intensely, that l could scarcely bear any clothing Kensmgton m M.ay e~t. . sixty rooms have been taken for the her brains were spattered about the room. to tie your horse. Fovmerly known as the'" Soper M!lls. ') O·er them. I was also a sufferer from .a Roman !ever is ragmg .more .violently Empress and her suite at the' Hotel of the The wildest excitement ensued. Several Jumping at a conclusion-The leap year sev ·ere catarrh a,nd catarrhal cough; my appetite was poor, and my syi!tem ·i good than ever iµ the Eternal City, and several Four Seasons there is a natural demand were arrested ancl narrowly · escaped proposal of a merry maiden. RIS . MILL HAS BEEN THOR- · deal run down. Knowing the value of prominent A113;eric~ns were at last . ac- for the remai~ing appartments by people lynching, her 101rer among them. Her · What shoemaker is that who makes SARSAPARILLA, by observation of ·'!JG'HLY renovated and put in order,under AYElt'S counts on the s1Ck-hst. · anxious to bask in the imperial sunshine. mother seemed frantic wit h grief, and shoes without leather?-The farrier. miiny other cases, and from personal .us11. cur own special supervision, for the purpose of in former years, 1 began. takiag .it for the grlstin!<' and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot above-named Very few tourists are in Egypt says a The German emperor is expected April urged lynching the prisoners. In course The best backing a young i:nan can have disorders. My appetite lm!Barley, and we are now prepared to reoPlve provecl almost from tho first close. .After London paper, by ~eason of the p~evalent 18, and will stay., as ~sual, three weeks, of time all the accused proved their inno- is a good backbone of his own. orders from all our old cudtomers and others !· short time the fever and- itcning were 'for work, a;nd we gurantee to give them who allayed, and :tll signs of irritation of the disorder. It is supposed that the Arabs and course gossip will be busy as to ~he cence, and the cr~me has been almost forI have lntrust us with the same entire satisfaction. The man who knowd a thing or two now to swindle each other. meanmg of any protracted hobnobbmg gotten. The mother soon moved from disappeared. My catarrh nud cough ()ate and other ,grains taken in exchange tor s)<iJl we!·e <tlso cured by the same moans, and . which may take place between these two that house. She grew old rapigly and has always three or four other things to Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Bow· my general health greatly improved, until The hous,e of Dr. Fr1e~wanger, of Har- imperial lights. · looked haggard. She .had terrible dreams, learn. manville. 227. it is now excellent. I feel a hundred per mannsadt, m Transylvania, was found on and slept poorly, awakening with screams. The latest specimen of a Nihilist-Sir .._ -----strqnger ~ alld I attribute these results - - ---------- - ------- cent fire three weeks ago and, the door bemg to the use of the SAltSAPARIL.LA, whic)l Once she g.o t mad at her son, caught him Stafford Northcote l.e cturipg on "NoI recomrnencl with all oonlidence as tl1e His Dead CJ1ild. opened, the dead bodies of Dr. Friedby the throat, and said : ' ' I have shed thin2'." ·· besf blood mecTicina ever devisecl. l took The other day a New Orleans man had blood once and may do it again." A week wanger, his wife, his child, and his maid it in small doses three times a day, and ·when you see a counterfeit coin on the used, in all, Jess t1iam two bot~les. 1 place occasion to go ove.r the lake. On his way servant were discovered with their throats ~en'er ~on want an easy shave, r so ago she was taken sick, but rt>fused sidewalk always pick it up. You are liable tllese facts at your servic e~ hopijjp;, tbei1", back, and when the train stopped at the .to have physicians. Last Sunday, seeing to arrest if you try to pass it. cut and otherwise mutilated. As !!ood as Barber ever gave. ptiblicatioa may do good. I ' . Yours respectfully, z. P. WILD S." ;ust call at Pethick's Saloon, . A suitable memorial of the lateKeshub bay, he noticed a man getting into the that she m.ust soon die, she called her son, A chicken in Pennsylvannia recently car in front of him with a little baby in The above Instance is but one of the many At morning, ·eve or busy noon. Chunder .Sen, the Hindoo reformer, will and, after charging him to keep her se- gave a man a blow which resulted fatally. constant)y comiug to our notice, which prove his arms. · After the train had got under He'll cut and comb your hair with grace, will be set up in Calcutta. A. meeting cret till death, confessed. with minuteness This is the worst case of hen-pecking on the pe>feot adaptability o'f AYER'S SARSAl'o suit t.be contour of y'o ur face; . . having this end in view was recently held. way the conductor came and said : "Come how she had become angered at her record. PA Jt!LLA to the cure of all diseases arising with me ; I want to show you the saddest, His shears are sharp and raizors keen, Prominent men of all races and parties daughter for remaining out all night with Too much study is said to affect the from Impure or Impoverished blood. and a strangest sight you ever saw," and he led His shop is neat and always clean, · took part in it. The exact form which the the way into the next car. There sat the a friend, and struck her with an axe, kill- mind. A teacher says lie knows a num· weakened vitality, And ev& rything, we think, you'll find, .. memorial will take has not been decided. man who.m he had noticed with the babe; ing h er. She then so arranged things that ber of cases where it would affect it very 'rl) suit the taste and please the misd. no suspicion attf!.ched to her, az:id caused favorably, t 0 o .. The Government of Saxony has sub- his precious little bundle lay quiet on the the arrest of innocent persons. · She soon cleanses, enriches, and strengthens tho blood, mitted to the national Assembly a motion seat in front of him, and as these other after died. Her son meant .to keep his At the kindergarten-"Now, children, stimulates the action of the stomach and for the appropriation of 30,000 marks two men watched he leaned over and mother's .secret, but somehow an inkling what is the name of the meal you eat in ' bowels, and thereby enables the system to from the state treasury, as an honorary looked long and earnestly in the little reacl:ted the ears . 1f the reporters, and two the morning1" "Oat-meal," replies a preresist and overcome.the attacks of all Scrof1v. gift to Prof. Johannes Schilling, · the face, and then kissed the frail finger tips of them have, after mu.;h hard work, ·to- cocious member of the class. lous Diseases, E1·1iptions of tlie Skin, 11/leu. . autP,or of the Germ mia statue on thfl he held so gently in his hand. "That day succeeded in. getting the whole story. matism, Catarrh, Generill DebUity, aua; all There is a rumor from Germany that a Niederwald. baby's dead," said the conductor. "It Mrs. Kett was 60 years of age when she disorders l'esultlng from poor or corruptetj learned chemist has discovered a wonder~ The, oldest Freemason in England, died this morning at the bay. He died. . blood and a low state of the system. ful oil that will res-tore youth to old age. James Newt.on, died in Yorkshire sud- couldn't bear. to put it in a coffin, .be-----·· PREPARED BY It must be a species of o-live oil. denly, a few weeks ago, in his eightycause then it would have to go·witnout A couple of Vassar· girls were found by Dr.J. C.Ayer-&Co., Lowell, Mass. "Ali!" sighed Brown, "this life is full ninth year. He had been "tyler" of the him in the baggage-car, and so ho is just a professor fencing with broomsticks in a Sold by all Druggists; price ~~. six · bottlee "Yes," . replied lodge in town wl11~re he lived for fifty- carrying it home to New Orleans in his g{'mnasium. He reminded ·the young of disappointments." . · for $5. · · seven years. One of his associates years arms. " Stricken to the heart's core he girls that such an accomplishment would Fogg, glancing significantly at Mrs. F., ago was the renowned centenarian, sat there quiet and unheeding, watching not aid them in securing husbands. "It " and sbme disappointlnents are full of AYER'S Mathew Greathead. over his dead child, kissing the fingers will help us keep them in," replied one of life, · WILL CURE OR RELIEVE . . . that would never again softly clasp his, the girls.. CATHARTIC . , · · Qua.ck and dupe are upper side and un· Accordmg. to the Journal de Medecine looking down upqn the. white lids that had · Rosa Bonheur is 61 years oldJ and) der side of. the se.lf-same substance. B/l/OU8N£88, DIZZINE8S, ,,..., . PILLS. of Elr';lssels, if the normal temperature of closed over tho bright eyes as the petals wears trousers·.' These facts are th@uaht Tu:n up your dupe m~o the proper fosDY8P£fSIA, . . DROPSY, mankmd were 1,000, that of a moderate of a sensitive flower close at night-time to be deserving of the dignity.of a ne~vs- termg element and he.himself can become INOirJE..<!.T/ON, FLUTTERING Best Purgative Medicin~ smoker would be represented by 1,008, over its delicate heart and the world was JAUNDICJ:: OF THE HEAHr, cure Constipationilndiltes.tion, Headache, au~ paper paragraph. Gumbersondoesn'tsee a quack. and the normal pul.s e under, like circum- nothing to him. ' · all Bi ious Disorders. . ERY81PEU8, AOIDITY O'F why He \Says that his wife quallfied' for, · "Shall I · take your love to your iold everywhere. Always reliable. s.tances would increase to 1,180. The ~·-------SALT RHEl'M, THE STOMACH, 61 ~bout five years ago, and has been ~nother?" said .a lady visi~ol' wh~ was gohea;rt was overworked "to just the extent That Easy Chair. HEAIJTBURi.~ DRYNESS W!'laring the trousers ever since th~ golden i!1g ta s~e the mothe~, m question . to ~ represented by the latter figures. HEADAGHE, OF THE SKIN, A few evenings ago a furniture delivery glamor of th<> honeymoon .faded mto ~he pttle cluld ~f ·3 years. She has my love, And every s p ecies of disease arising fro,. The number of thoroughbred horses waggon was driven up in front of a promi- dull, leaden gloom of solid matrimony. -was the quamt reply. dlsorde«t!d L1 YER, KIDNEYS, ~TOMACI-\ born yearly .i n England continually in- nent Newport man's residence, and the BOWELS OR BL.OOC, The following is a literal transcript of a. creases. In . 1875 the aristocratic foals driver, taking a fine, large, softly, cushion- --~~--=------~==~~~· .sign on a Pennsylvania village store: & Propr1~~~ WAREROOM, amounted to 1,620; next year 1,628 ed easy chair from it to the fr-0nt door, 1 "Tea and Taters, Sugar and Shingles, adorned various Engli!ih . breeding pad- .rang the bell. The mistress · of the preBrickdust and Lasses, Whisky, Tar and docks, and exercised their owners' hopes mises, happening near, opened the door . . other Drugs." and fears. Last year the numbei: had "Are you Mrs. Stayup ?" asked the Yu will observe this, the devil never risen to 1,877, and the .year before tliat man. . _ : ' Tor Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Swine. offers to get into partnership with a. bizzy 80 ,WMANVILLE. ~ (1882) there were 1,796. ----...+---"I am," she responded. man, but you will often see him offer to Having bought Mr. R. SYLVESTER'S MAThere·are now published in the United "Well, here's a easy cheer for you:" jine the lazy, and furnish all the capital CHINE SHOP and FOUNDRY we are pre TTT Kingdom 2,105 newspspers, of whfoh "An easy chair I Why, I never orderbesides.-Josh Billings. a1·ed'to do all work ·in this department In a ' England has 1,578, Wales 80, Scotland editfrom ·anyone." "Mamma, wheres pa~a gone to?" asked satisfactory manner. We shall continue to - 181, Ireland 156, and the Isles 20, London "No, but your husband did." ' '" ~ _girl one day. ' He's gone up town manufacture l\{r. Sylvester's cel~brated · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · alone has 401. In the year 1856 thi. "He did 1 What l I never told him a 0 earn ' il:te;re bread and butter for you, total of newspapers for tho United King- to get one! There must. be some misiil.Y, .darling."' "Oh mamma I wish he dom was only 551, of which 14 were take about it. Why, what did he say 1 Wc"Uid s ometimes earn buns," sighed the dailies. The daily · newspapers now "Well, I only heard him tell the boss nd shall spare no pains to ke~ p up their pre chi:r-p.. number 179. The number of magazines that he often got home purty late and sent reputation "If there is anything I love, it's roast published in the United · Kingdom is that you always sot up for him without DOES goose;" remarked Fenderson, as he passed WONDERFUL 1,260, sleepin' any; and you had no easy cheer, up his plate for a second helpiing. "It long an .favorable known- will be carried on CURES OF The number of lives lost by drowning and he thought mebby if you had a right does you credit," said Fogg; "there is nothand with the assietance of cur Machinery we KIDNEYDISEASES {)) or other accidents in British merchant soft, easy one like this you'd go to sleep hope to lari.rely increase the business in this iJ;J.g so beautiful as affection among members in it, and he could slip up-stairs and crawl -AND () of a family." department and give our customers increased ships registered in the United Kingdom in bed withoutwakin' you." inducements to purchase fljom us. 'A large· L!X!!! COMPLAINTS, o in the several years from 1871 to 1882, in"Ah, that's his scheme, is iU well, It has no eq ial 1 ·n · I-I Cth "What influence has the moon upon Because it acts on the 1;1VER, llOlVELS and stock of Carriages and Pldughs now ready. . t . cunng orses o e sev· th t ' d i" k d tl f Th l elusive, was 38, 732, . ot which 35,660 were you just take that chair right back again; era! a1ln:i.ents to which they are subject. For e l e .. as e 1e pr.o e~s~r.. e c ass ---KIDNEYS at tile same tlnie. · All work warrented satisfactory. Special aL of crews . and 3,062 of passengers. The and when he comes home to-night, if it's COUGHS COLDS ROUGHNESS of the wag replied that he didn t know exactly tention given to Engioe, Mil and Agricul~ura :Because 1t cleanses the system of the polsonlargest num,bers were in 1873 and 1874, to-morrow morning, I'll be there as usual, HAIR, DOTTS SCURVY, &c., it isj nva- what.influence it had upon the tied, ~mt Machinery. this being mainly due to ~lie great number on my same old chair, andi I'll teach luable, ancl administered in smaller doses, acts that it had a tendency to make the untied ~~~1!::a~ri1~:!i'!:.~a,!;~:: tion, Pilee, or in n4euma.tism, Neura.lgia, Nerof ~a~sengers drowned m t~ose years- him how tt> injure my character before as a Tonic, resulting in a healthy condition awful spoony. 1'\I.[ VOUB Dlaorders 1>Dd "11 Female Comple.intll.. 2,167 in th(;l former and 572 m the latter. the public." · Then she sllthi.med· the and fine app.e~rance ~f the animal. Is also @"SOlJJJ PlWOF OF THIS. "I believe," said Fenderson, "that you has had a large experience in e.qually beneficial to CATTLE, SHEEP and take me for a fool." Replied Fogg: "l IT WILL 8Ul1ELY CUltE It has been left to the town of Guben, door. Machine, .Agriculturnl andCarriaqe Work, SWINE. For sale everywhere. have been called a skeptic, Fendy, but, CONSTIPATION, PILES, in the Prussian province of Lusatia, to ...... _.._.. ____ and RHEUMATISM, having worked in the largest establishments in SOLE PROPRIETORS: bad as I am. I still have respect for every inaugurate a novelty in the way of share The Dynamite.rs. . :By' e&W!ing FllJm ACllON of all 1'h<> crgans the Dominion, which will a.i!d largely .to the ·· and functions, thereby companies. The town is anxious to secure The Fenians, it is reported, have been ~- O. XE:::b.l.Cl? '3Z:i 00 man'.s beli<f-including yours, Fendy, ininterest of the new tlrm.· . ~ cludmgyour11. " the privilage of a garrison of two batta- holding meetings West, and have finally CLEANS INC the BLOOD . tarGiveourHARD ME'rAh PLOW POINTS · :restoring M 0 NT RE AL, P. Q · "He stood six feet two in his stockings, the n ol'lllBl power to throw 011' disea,ae. lions of infantry. There being no build· resolved to twist the tail of the terrible a trial. THOUSANDS OF CASES and every inch a man," says an exchange. ings available for that purpose, barracks British Lion by making a raid on Maniof the worst forms of these terrible diseases H'm! That is seventy-four inches; "every will have to be erected at a cost of 270,- toba. It is quite probable that the new have been quickly relieved; and in a short time inch a man" would make seventy-four PERFECTLY CURED. 000 marks. ~ince, according to the pre- scheme is more intended to draw money FOR TEN MILLION PEOPLE ARE ur !'RICE, $1. LIQUID OB' DRY, SOLD DY DRUGGISTS. sent practice of the Government, no per- from the Irish dupes in the United States Minnesota, North·Dakota, Montana, men. This must be the same identical Bowmanville, March. 1883. 2'11 Dry ca.n be sent by mail. Washington and Oregon, . customer who was a "host in himself." mission is likely t9 be given for Lhe issu- than to draw any blood from a British ~. RIOH.All.DSON.& Co .· Burlington, Vt. ALONG THE LINE OF THE I.. 8 S~ud atomp £or Di"r:y Alma.one for 1884. ing of a loan to ra.ise that sum, the Gu- subject in the Prairie Province. There "Call me a hog if you want to, ' said bener taxpayers propose to get the have been many "blows against Britain," Bass, feeling of his lacerated face; "I Through the Great Wheat·Belt of America. ·· barracks for the desired garrison built on projected, and therE> haii been so much A hog doesn't get · ltlillion acres of the best agricultural, wish I wero one. shares, taken among themselves. blowing about it, that the general public mineral, forest and grazing lands in the shaved until after death." This was in United States are now open for settlement. ; The Luther festival play, by Dr. Hans have ceased to pay attention to the matter. 20 llllllion acres of railroad lands for sale at the barber's shop, and the presiding Herrig, performed on the occasion of the For twenty years or more, appeals have $2.60 to S4 :pr acre, on 5 years time if desired. genius of the establishment more than 20 Jlllhon acres of Governments lands open half suspects that he doesn't like Bass Luther celebration at 'Vorms, in Novem- been constantly made to the Irish haters GRAY'S SP:CCIPIC .MEDICINE. to settlers FREE. TRADE MAHk.Tl;eGrcntEug·TRADE MARI(, her last, is shortly to be brought out at qf Britain in the United States for money The N'orthe1·n Paeitle Country possesses , over and abov:e. Berlin, for the benefit of some charitable to carry on a vigorous warfare, and every great and rich natural resources ready to be de· UshRemedy,an It is all well enough to advise a young Into profitable industries. unfailing cure for societies, und.e r the directions of a com- year a good deal of money is collected. veloped For maps and pamphlets address and mention man to overcome all obstacles by "taking l::leminal \Veakmittee composed of members of the best Of course no one can now give an account this paper. , . , the bull by the horns;" but when the ness, Superma'- CHAS. B. LAMBORN, . torrhea, Imposociety and learned .circles. Court Actor where all the mone:t is gone, though the y0uth is in the middle of a field, and the Land Commissioner N.P. R.R., St. Paul, Mmn. tency, & a.11 dis· Richard Kahie will play the title part, money is all gone. The leaders have been bull is coming toward him with its head eases thatfollow To reach the.above named lands or any point down and its tail lashing the air, the and be assisted by aut hors and a number making a good time out of the plunder as a sequence of on the Northern Pacific R. R. buy your tickets makin Self-Abuee; as of students of the Berlin university. As generally. So far they have been much Ch!c11go to St. Paul Yia the Chicago & young man prefers to take the fence. Be£ore 1 gloss of Memory.After Taking. regards the Luther celebration of Oct. 31, more formidable to their friends than to from N ortll· Western R'y. It runs into the North· It would be decidedly unwholesome to UniversalLassit.ude, Pain in the Back Dimness ern Pacific depot at St. Paul and is the best fol" of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other its effect has been suc:h that a petition to their foes- if foes they have had. It may you to take. Do not buy tickets unless they read take the bull by the horns under these circumst.ances. Diseases that !earl to Insanity or Consumption the·minister of public instructions is now come, however, yet, that they will have to over the Chicago and North·Westem R'y. and a Premature Grave. circulating for permission to r enew the strike somebody, somewhere, or the sup.itarFull particulars in our p. amphlet, whicL. same regularly every year on that date plies will stop. Manitoba now looks like we desire to send free by mail to every ·one.l'he Specific Medicine is Pold by all druggists throughout the whole of the Prussian a new base of operations, and of course it at ~I per package, or six packao;es for $5, or monarchy. is about the safest one that can be thought will bt:. sent rree by mail on tho receipt of the · A remarkably large squid, or calamary, of . . It is just possibl~ s<;>me harm may yet This Great Household Medicine money by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., has been brought to Billingsgate market, be done there, but it is not at all probranks amongst the leading 'l'oronto, Ont., Canada in London. It was caught in the North able. necessaries of Life~ sea, and was packed in a box of miscellaneous fish ; and, as it lay among the rest, These ramons Pills purify the BLOOD, and A Novel Card Swindle. most powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the its broad tail £n was mistaken for the body of a skate. Mr. Henry Lee, F. Yet anotheringeniousmethodof swindLiver, .Stomach, Kz"dnevs, L. S., who has inspActed it, pronunces it ling at baccarat has been invented. At a and BO"WEL8, givmg ton'l'i energy, and v!go to be a very large and fine specimen.«;>£ certain fashionable watering-place, where o these great MAIN SPRI.N GS OF LU'E. TheY. are confidently recommended as a never failing the cuttle called Ommastrephes, and it baccarat was much in vogue, _ it was noticremedy in all cases where the constitution, from has been secured for the British museum. ed that an individual who wore a formidwhatever cause, has become Impaired.or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all It measures from crown of head to ex- able pair of blue spectacles invariably ailments incidental to Females of all ages ; and tremity of tail, 39 inches ; circumference won heavily whenever he took the bank. as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are of body, 22 inches ; diameter of tail fin, His luck was phenomenal, and excited unsurpassed. The u.ndersigned belng about to retire from business, 23 inches ; length of tentacular arms, 36 suspicion, but nothing was discovered. inches; shorter arms, 14 inches. The One day, however, he happened to drop a is now selling off at greatly reduced prices. strong, bony beak is more than twice as C(lrd, and a bystander,. on stooping to ts Searching nnd Dealing Properties are .long as that of a cockatoo. pick it up, was astonished to notice sever· known t.hrougllout the World. Tho Stock, is one of. the largest in the Count), For the cure of BAb LEGS, Bad Breasts, M. P asteur made an interesting com- al lu,minious spots on its back which consisting mainly of Staple Goods, suitable to the everymunication to the Paris Academy of shone in the darkness under the table. Old Wounds, Sores and Ulce1 . Science recently~ relation to canine mad- On examining the card, he found that lt ls infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on day requirements of the public, and will be offered at ness. His experiments had sho .vn him the spots wer e particles of phosphorus, the neck and chest. as salt into meat, it cures that an injection in the region of the skull and corresponded in number with its face SORE 'fHROA'f,Diphtheria,Bronchitis, Cough value. It then became apparent that prices giving inducements to buyers to purchase liberally. Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular of the virus of,rabies always produced t he Swellings, Abscesses Piles Fistulas malady in 'a n acute form, but thatan injec· the astute hanker, thanks to his darkenThis being A REAL CLEARING SALE prepara( RheumaNsm, tion in the veins only occasionally had acute ed spectacles, was enabled to know the results, being often followed by chronic exact value of every card he dealt. And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been Jwwn to tail. tory to the closing' of the business, purchasers will find affection only, without barking or ferocity. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured Inoculated with fragments of marrow or , Little do the young ond vigoroue know onlyat533, OXFORD ::STREET, LONDON, and it to their advantage to make an early call. are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughou of nerve taken from a _ mad dog the disease how the old appreciate those d:licate the Civilized World ; with directions for using would be communicated. M. Pasteur attentions which they so often need m the In most every lan11:uage. GUARANTEE:-After fair trial, with no further sta:ted that he had rendered journey of life, and which it 'costs so)ittle «Purchasers should look at the Label on the relief or cure effected, your money will Posts and Boxes. Ir tl1e address is not 533 twenty dogs' proof against the disease by to bestow, how it cheers their hearts and Oxford Street, London1 they_are spurious. Bowmanville, July 11, 1883. be refunded. PRICE, $r.oo. inoculating them with other virus than lifts them up with a delighting thankThe Trade Marks .or my so.id Med1olncs are ""'===== Sold by ====~ the virus of rabies. Fowls and pigeons ,fulness ! registered in Ottawa. and also at Washington &TOTI' di JIJRI', BOW!IA.N1'u.LE. so Ho? Gentlemen of"Fasi1 1011, not so :fhst. I Rev. Father Wilds' : FOREIGN ECHOES. Oaledonian Mills. T o! THE BARBER SHOP. ____ .... Ayer's Sarsaparilla· .......... Ill I I 'DOMINION ORGAN & r'IANO Co, 'I'. MILBURN &'0., BEW lrlBB f. E~Gvv · 2 · 0, DR. SCOTT'S PREPARED SPICE l · RUSE ' Ag · en ·t ' ·m~ .If .J CHAMPION PLOWS, OUR,. CARRIAGE BUSINESS, KI DN .e ;:'t-WO R'F: I R. J:>ARCH ·g::sg;;_ McCLUNG &·oARGH, ·THE BEST HOMES NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD KIDNEY.-WORJ 40 - GRE...A.T- CLEARING SALE! AT THE GLASGOW ·HOUSE. Holloway's Ointment, I 'I1HQ,S. PATERSON. ,

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