Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1884, p. 2

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· · · Peeu\atl*Alia o1 ·a.ur. -~111 llMi.J.alWI CA'l'.Ut!MK,-A new Treatment Wk<JNl!rr e · of tAile Wal&l!il 1 pennaneni, cure Is eft'ect.ed in from e11e te Utr.A treatments. Pe.rticul.azs· o.nd 'l're.atiee 1'1'641 · The ·best baeoJl i8 made from pia· which A. trip frQm YokohJwia T ervee "600ipt of ·tamp. A. H. DIXON ii ~N.llldl .will D,Ot we~h more tha.u 125 ,PO\l!lda to elicit 110m.e i.nrereating eta ii ' J a- , King Street, West, Tqrontb, ·1 · when dressed The rash~rs or stn~ for pananeae railroa.ding, wri nd' . Are second to none ih the whrld. 20,ooe in;No other complaints·a re so ilisidious in their str1fments now ix\ use. .1Jeiliil.11d so gr011.t tha the WnkT THE REV. E. B. STEv\lJNSO'!f. B.A....l the bacon are cut lengthwlile of the p"( and ent from the latter city. A'f THE OJl'EICE, CLERGYKAK OF THE LoNDON CONFEIUllNCll about half of the sides are. u.sed. The spacious stone depot at Yok attack as;those affecting the throat aud lungs: it req u1res TWO ot the la.rge'i!t' Factories· in th the Dominion, with cap>LCity ro. r'turning out TWlil?f r.t.s1:omceBloclt,Kt».gS&.,n..wma·T,llle,ont · OF 'THll: ldJ£THODIST CBURCll OF OAN,AillA none so trifled with by the majority of sutfer- 1'Y HAS TO BAT IN REGARD TO A. ' H. DIXON ~ p-0rti~n next th~ ~ckbone 1:1! fatter an~ traveller finds aeparate ~aitin 1ier d.11>T. For purity and sweetness ot ton~ e;s.. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting TERJM:S: · SON'S NEW TRE.AT:MitNT FOR CATARRH. lacks in m.usde and is ~ot so xood on this ti1e various classes of patronage, ts el'88tic and light touch, ,lleautiful and pe.rf11 perhaps from a trilling or unconscious ex- finish they are unrivalled". · OAKLAND, ONTARIO. CAN., March 17, 188S. · ~unt. Whei:i b~on ll' made from small provided in the first and seoond.-cla.ea .-.110 perunnnm,or@l,fftfpald ln advance posure, i.s often but the beginnh)g of a fatal ,T he most skilled labor.the very best rna.terialll Mt.·srs. A. El.. Dixon, &: 8a1'-,_ · pigs-those we1ghmg. less than 100 pounds apartments, Three or four hundred naPayment strictly in advance reqmred rfom sickness. AYEii·s Cmmmr PEC1'0RA.L bas that money 01m procure are a g-narantee tOPlll'· DE o\R brns-Yours of the 13tn instant to ha11d. , ! tives are crowding around the ttrlrl~a.ss pba<>r1bers outside of the county. · Orders to It ooems almost too good to be t1:t!e that I a· -th.e w.hole of th? sides are used. Red cha.Sers that they are buyin11 no shoddy. bnt & well proven i.ts efficacy in 1 forty years' tlght llhloontinue the pa.per mu~t be accompanied by cured of Gatarrh, bu1, I know the.ti am. I have and black Berkshire hogs make the bestl t...cket office and it is l'fonderful I n hew first class article. lilold wholesale and retail~ with throat and Jung diseases, and should be 1llt.e amount due,or'the paper. will not be stopped. had no ret,um ot the disease and never fek J.P. RICE, Bowma.nvllle, titlcen in all cases without delay. 1111baQribers are res~nsi ble until full paymen\ is better in my life. I have trielD so , many thin29 bacon becil.use they have the larg'e st p1·0- short a tim~ th-0ir wants are atteniied to. 246. J. s. DONEY. 'l'yrone. ...dli. for catarrh, suffered so much and for so u1any p<>rtion of fean meat. Rix poundft of llal.t The windows open only a few minutes be- · . A Terrible Cough Cure<l. years. that It is hard for me to realize that I aw and four ounees of saltpetre Bhot!,ld. f be fore tnfin time 'and ,' according to i:ule of · JtATES OF AD"ERTISING: · ~~ "In 1857 I took a severe cold, which affected really better. · used fo1· 100 pounds ·f meat. Five pounds tlie government, are' closed f~om pwo to Whole Column one year .......... ... $50 00 ~ :f.,; my lungs. I had a terrible eough, a11d passed I consider that mine was a very had·ca.se ; it night after night without sleep. '.l'he dDctors " u Half year ......·.·... 30 00 ~~Z Na~ aggrav11,ted and chronic, involving the of brown sugar may .also be used\ .or two five minutes before the dep,.rture .of the " · " One quarter ........ 20 00 v.1z::. throat as well . as the nasq,l passages, and I quans <;>f molasses. If the bacon is cured train, in order to secure punctuali" gave me np. 1 tried AYER'S CHERRY PEC· I have now opened the Best ani Largeat 'Y· ~·onAL, which relieved my lungs, indnced Holt Column one 'year ............... 30 Q0 - - thought I would require the three· treatmeutg Stock of saltpetre an? awe.etRaving purchs"aed your tick et, you sleep, an<l afforded me the rest necessary but feel ful'ly cured by the· t'Yo sent me, and I in .a. barrel, the salt, _ " " Ha.If year .............. 20 for the recovery of my strength. By the " "' One quarter. .. . · . . · · ·. 12 50 am thankful tht1.t I w ..s ever induced to send enl?g . should be. mixed and a port10n pass , hrough the gate, whel'e some om continued use of the l:)ECTORAL a permatJ\larter Column one ye~·r ........... 20 0-0 to you. · . nent c'u.re wa's effected. I am now 6i years Ever shown in Bowrnanville, $1,000 wortll ot Yon are at liberty to use tli.is letter stating sprmkled on the bottom of the barrel and punches the ticket, ancl enter one of the " " Half 1ear ........... 12 50 ~ old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your O~TRICH Fll:ATHERS juAt opened. A 11trge " " . , One quarter, ....... 8 001_ 5 that I have bMn cured at t·co treatme.rila, and some also between the .layers of meat and cars. These cars are not wholly E'l'.tglish, Ht.ock of 'L'RIM:M!<:l l HA'l'S and BONNETS Cmmnv PF.CTORA r, s:ived me. I shall gladly recommend yoitr remedy to some 011 the top, and water enough, ~fter the nor yet wholly American. In fact t.here 'SI.it lines and under, tlrst insertion .. $0 50 _ HORA OE ]'A IRBROTIIER." aiwa.ys on liand. We have also a l>Lrge stock: 1 of my friends who are suft'.-.rers. Each subsequent inser~ion .. ,.... 0 25 _ meat is packed closely, p~t oq to cover it. are all sorts of arrangements. So!b.e are of'VELvE·rs,.P1.usn.n:B, Rockingham, Vt., July 15,.1882. SILKS. SA'l'Il'l!l. of uJ.\ · Yours witb many thanks, . fl'rom six to ten lines, .first '!lsert1oi:, 0 ?5j..Sh11cles ; a large st·ock of RrnBONS, Fr.OWERS, ltEV. E. B. STEVENSON. lJ.!. a u10nLh the meat will 'l?e ready to autotypes of the American street cal'. Each .rnbsequent msE!rtlop .... ·· 0 LACES Ltnd TRIMMINGS of all kinds. CronJ>. - A Mother's Tribute. smoke. 1'o? m~ch smoke w1H color tlie with tiny platforms at either en'd , a1"l Over ten lines first insert1on,per line 0 Pleas~ call and inspect. our stock bef'1re PU!'· TORONTO, April 2(, llii~. "While in 1 ,lrn cotint.ry last winter my little chasing Each s11bsequent instirtu1n, " O 03 _ , elscwhc;re. You. will find our goods meat and .J!'lVe rt a :rank taste. Anot!!'er seats arranged parallel ~ith the dir Ctiv>1 .boy, three years olil, was t:tl<en ill with croup; A. Ff. Dixon, Esq., 305.King St., West. the cheapest and best in town. ·' The number of lines to be reckoned by . w~y to cure bacon ui. to rub t~e .above of the train. But the following generalit seemeli as if he would die from strauguDEAR Sm.-We take pleasure in stating tba1 be space occupietl, measured by a scale of - i · our junior partner, who had for years beea a:-trBeaver and l!~elt Hats Re· shaped i.n aU the lation. One of the family suggested the use lid Nonoareil. · 5 troubled with ·Catarrh. was 'successfully cued mIXture on the fl.~sh .s1de of the. stripe of arrangement is the common one: ' The l1<test style·. of AYlm's OnmmY PECTOIUL a bottle of which was always kept in the house. 'l'his by three treatments of your remedy. Th., bacon and then pile it u~ one p1ec~ a?~vA first clriss cars have the English com.partllEM'.EMEER THEl STAND :-4 doors west of was trietl in small a.ntl frequent doses, a.ud Catt ..rrh wasmuch aggravated, with con~ioual another, and let the mix~ure strike m. ment sys·em, with seats upholstert.\d in M1<rtyn's Gt·ocery Store, L. POTTEit, M ·.D, to 011r delight iu Jess than half an hour the. dropping into t.he throat. accompanied by l'Oss After three <Ltys rub a~d pile up .as b!'fore. leather ; the second-class have full length RADUATE of Queen's College, ~ingston ; or yoiee, h&wking and spitting and blocking up liLLle patien·t was breat~ing easily. The doctor S>tid· that the CJHERRV l'F.tTORAL had an·· M<'.mber of l.JoU.;ii:e of P~sic1ans a.n~ of the nostrils, all of which we are pleased te . A. w.eek after rub a\{am and pile it. up, seats, with front and rear platforms; ,and saved my tlarii11g's life. Gan you wonder at Surgeont,Pntar10. .· ' 3ay dis11ppeared almost ·mrped.iatelf after the puttmg the flesh side up every time. the third-class have woouen seatS', arour gratitude? Sincerely yours, lliiiT O " Cl<? a.nd Residence, Enms~l~l2_: remeJy wa· applied. Your remedy is certainly · MHS. EMJl!A'GEDNEY.:' an invaluable on'e and we hope i.11 who in..y The mixture should .~ i ivided ·in three ranged according to the American plan, ~ 159 West 128tli St., :Now York, May lG, 1882. · or. A. UEITH. be suffering l'romthis disiw:reeable rllseas!'l will equa~ parts, to provide for the , several but are pr,ivicled with side doors, somegive at a. trilll, as we are satisfied they will find RADUATE OF THE TOJ:tON'fO UJ$IVJ!:R· rubbm~s- A.t the end of ?' 111onth the times as many as six to a car. 'rhe awk"I have nsed A YER'S CHERRY PECTORAL · Sl'.l'Y P)1ysicia.n, Surgeon, &c. 0!'11ce King it a complete success. in my family for several years, and. <;IQ not ~eat will be ready for sr;n<lk.mg, or before warduess of this mixture of spyles is apYours very trnly, hesitate to pl'Ououuce lt the most eilecLual Stri;et. MOJ:tlW3' BLOCK, Bowmanville. . WM NORRIS & SON, 1£ the sa:lt has .itll struck m and the surface parent when it is stated that all those remeuy ror coughs aud colds we have ever Wholesale Pianos and .Organs. ha.a_ bi:oon;e eompara.t1vel;i: dry, wl11ch 18 door.a have to be opened and closed sucVERSUS tried. · A. J. CRANE." J, w. Jt.1cl;mghllll, M.. n., No. 8 Adelaide St; East, Lake Crystal, 71iinn.; March 13, 1882-· !CENTI.ATE OF' THE ROYA'LCOJ,l EGE a.n md1cat10n. AfteI' s1~okmg, the.rasherlil cessively upon the arrival or departure of . Peddling and Credit. J of Physicians and member of the Royal "I suifered for eight years from Bronchitis, PORT PERRY should be . sewed U:P m bags of cot con a. tmin from any depot, and that by one, # · and a.ftet· tryiug man y i.·emedies with no ~uc.. JJollege of Sur.geons~Kdlnburgh . . cl. th and hung up m a dry, dark place. or at most two trainmen. Ofti.oe : MOHRit:l' BLOCK King-st., Bowmancess, I was cured by the use of A VER'S CHER· We having been solicited by a. Ry PECT01t!l.L. JOSEPH 'VALDEN." I~ the bags are whitewash_ed ?n the outAll the train' officials are Japanese, and , Tille. number of our citizens to commence Byhalia, JVI!ss., .April 1>, 1882. 'side all the better, and thI.S will keep the it is very seldom that you will find dne DR. J. (). MIT(:ltllLL, "1 cannot say enongh in praise of AYER's on the above system 1 we have now . 'l'he above works are running full blast werms out. that can speak even " pigeon English." EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS k~ep up with oPders. Some very 'large or<iera Crrnmw PEcToiuL, believing as 1 do that · dec1' ded to fall in w1'tl!'. the1'r request. They look quite attractive in their Eurob<tt for its use I should long smce bavc di.fd u and Suugeons, Ontario, Co~oner, etc. have been received lately, including a J:\aaaOffice and ll.es1dence. Enn1s,k1llen. 7i. from lung troubles. E. BRAGDON." This plan will enable us to sell TWO some 'Monument forlsa.a.c Beat,, Clerke, ·Alex Pl ' ..,_., i "'h pean uniform. .When the rail way was Pal<ilstine, Texas, April 22, 1882. F. Carsca(lden, Clarke. WE El\!'.PLOY NO AG.l:NTS . aeeS till' .1....UR ll.~ "' eep. opened, all the positions in its gift were· · and are selling Tomb Stones, Monument11, etc.. Prot 'B rown, · of the Agri'cultural ColNo case of an aft'ec~ion of the throat or cents pe1· pound chea.per. As you D. B(JRKll SIMl'SON, lower prices in consequence. Our cu·,o· 1 t ;-, 1 h O t tl · 't <l filled by foreignors., but to-day there are ·n .A.REISTER, 80LICITOR, &c., MORRIS at lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved . will see by the new syste.m we mers get the commission t.hernselvefi. It wili ege · a ""US!fl · n ., . recen Y visi e only hal.f a dozen of these left, and it is .P BLOCK, up stairs, Kiµg _Street. Bo'Vman- pay any person who int.ends erecting a monn .. portions of New· Brunswick and Nova by the use of AvEn's CHERRY PEc-roRAL, . shall not rel1uire half a dozen horses lle. Solicit!Jr for the Ontano Bank. ment to the memory of a d ..parted friend to Scotia, and took occasion to inform . the doubtful whether they have come to stay and it will a!ways cure when tlie ·liseru;e is and rigs and men to run them, for Prlv:·te Moneys loaned at the lowest rates. writA me or see me p~reonally before plaei11.g farmer. that they did not improve the op . · or not. They occupy the most respon- · not already beyond the control of medicine. their order. I gua1·antee first cll,>SS work at · which the public have prev~ously port unities they possessed for raising sible positions, and it is quite impossible lowest possible prices. · John lleith Galbraith, ,l':REPARED BY to get them to say aiiything· about their We being the first to intro.ARRI!:!TER, SOLICITOR, Nl)TARY sheetp. H is tthrute th~yt ~id nthothavettne business, owing to the superfluous restricDr.J. C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell, Mass. pa.id. PUBLIC, &o. Office-Reed's Blook, over MARBLlil WoRxs, grea p 1 ams ,, a ex1s in e wes ~rn tions imposed upon them by the governduce this great saving ask your ".l'. Battings store, Kll\g Strell_t, J;lowmanvllle; .Sold ~1 all Druggists. · PoRT PmRRY portion of Cana«a and the United States, 251-tf. Money to lend liberal support: - - - --- . ·where one person could keep !;leveral µient. Some of.them are so "mum" that Your~ truly,_ thoi.umnd sheep, and where the labor of they will not answer the simplest quesST. JORN 'n, UIJT(JllES@X, 'Gncklen·n A.1·nica Sulve.-The best Salv tio11 of fact. 'rhis illustmtes t.he nation.al securing hay was very light. l3ut they ln the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, ARRISTER, & ·A.TTORNEY. &c. secretiveness, which iJ;; still the policy of Salt Rheam, Fe~-er -So1·es, Tetter, Chapped We beg to annonncn to the publlo that we ha.d other and perh!l.ps grea~r <1.d y1u1tages, NOTARY .PO'BLIO. MONEY TO LOAN· · Market Square.. are prepared to do a generalinsurance busine11s, The p~od~ction of w60! ' :And mutton were the country. Oli'FHJ!ll-OVER 81'ATEBMAN 01"FICE. Hands, Chilhla.lns, Corns, and all Skin Erup· representinl!' as we ilo a num her of ftret olass The ticht which you have purchased tlons, and Posltlv"lf curt 11 Piles. H is gnran· N . B.-All. orders promptly at.alike profitable. There wa$ an e:l).cellent Co1npaciies ~Jm;f .iltMOtrli, -wA shall be glq,ij. to give prompt atgive perfect satisfaction, Gr money tended to and Meat delivered to all tention tu .u,J\Ything in that li'ne, \'\' e represent market for ea,rly lambs. There was, in oontaiirn cer·tain regulations printed upon teed EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM rnsu; 1rn also it in six: different languages, which is an the Ontal'io Lo'l.n and Savings Co.. of th.e aggregate, a. large amount of land that refunded. Price 25 cents pe1· box. For sale by of Marrie.ge Licenses, Barrister and " ttor· Oshawa, parts of the t.own. and accept deposits on.its behalf alillustration of the ceremoniousness culti- J. H'.igginbotham &. Son. ll!lY at Law aniJ Solicitor in Chancery. Money lowing 4 & 5 per cent inteFest fl'Om date of was unfit for ganeral tillage. Much of it vated by J apan~se in every department of · oe.ned oaReal Estate. Oftlce on King street, receipt.. We also pay Cash for Farm rough, stony or broken, and a conREST A.ND -~OKFOR'l _'_ T _ O _ T _llJ_ll_,_S _ ' .t ,,_F-F-~;urN G i!<owmanville. '"' Parties re<J,uiring loans will find it to their sideraQle portion .of it was partially covet'- the national service, as well as~ the comDairv Produce. advantage to get our terms. · · monest matters of every day life. The "Brovl'lt's ·nouselrnld Pv:n.1tcm1" has no e s and bV,shes. It was as cil.if' ' ed with. tre. ,,i. T. J·JllLJ,tf"S · b 11 · th d t bl l · equal for rellevmg pain, both int.ernal and ex· d St~amships \ fl.cult to.mow as to rlough it. Still it pro- epo1i e rmgs, e con UC 61" ows us tel'nal. lt cures pain"i n the Siile, Back or BowICENSED AUCJ'l'IONEER .for the Counlf mouth whistle (which is, in the. ~bsence els, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, 'l'oothache, of Durham, Sales promptly attended. We are agents for a i;iumber of first class duced a great variety of clovers and of the bell ropes,.the invariable method of L-..ml:>ago and any kind of, Pain or A.che. "It _Adilre·R-Hamoton P.~ 59_: _ lines,, among which is the Whit.a Star Line the 1rll.ll8es, an.d port10ns of it would produce · · · h h . · d · ) w1ll m»st snrely quicken th11 J;llood 1<nd Helil, br.st fastest and best equipped Steamsltip 1111 commumcatmg wit t e engme nver , a..s it~ acting power is wonderful." "Brown's R. lllll'VlllS(JN. the Ocean, aud Car tickets to all points at low- good crops of oats, rye, barley, India~1 the engine answers with a shrill scream, Ho1tsehold l>a.nacea," being acknowleilg~rl as ICENSED AIJCTIO:NEER, ° C ONVEYAN· est rates. We also represent Vv. D .Mat.hews corn, and roots. Materials fur building wlv out of Uie groot Pam Heliev?r·, and ?f. doubl.e the CER and Comrnssionet· in B. R . Sales at· of Toronto, and are prepared to pay highest !>rotections for ahee·p were cheap and and the ·loug train rumbles slo . ., . strength of another m1tx1r or Lm1m en L m the tended to promply and at reasonable rates. prices !Ol' B:i.rley and all kiods of grAin. the depot. Perhapa the engme ui painted world should be in every family handy ror nse W Addrcss-Ennisk\ilen P. O. . P dor·ies interested will pleaGt> note these faots, abunqant.. , Streams and springs of pure of a uuifdrm green of ·the most brillian.t :when wanted, "as it real!Y is thl!_ hest rem edy water were everywhere within easy reach hue. The speed is slow all the way but m ~he world for Cramp~ m t.he S~omn.ch , and . ' pains and anhea of all kmds," and is for sale uy of th., flocks. Th-ere were fow . wild , OHN HUGHES.-Licenserl IR.J-ly. animo.ls or dogs. The majorrty of farmers c1ockwor)l:. was never more accurate, and all Druggists at 25 ceur.s a bottle. · tier. Valuato1· and Arbitrat,or,Firc and Life ~ -·--· ..-----Insui:ancc, ~otes and .Accounts Collected, could keep a hundred sheep with little a train behind time is a thing unheard of. oi1';;\,.. ! ! -: i1<1ni~l!s .Ti ---~ Money to L<'nd on reasonable terms. Addi esa . ~ .. additional expense. What is true of these '.rhe road ii! dQ.1J.hle~tracked, il.Il~J;rzjn ·- Mo&ber~t Ce.rtwri~ht, Ont. · ·472 ' equipp... d with every modern convenience' Are you di·turbeil >Lt ' 'iKht and brokeri ott·your .for any quantity of provinces- is also true of mariy of. our rest .by a Rick child sufforinii: and cryinu-'wit h The gage is 3 feet the excruiatinu- pain of cul.ting te<>th? If so GOOD WJFE GUARANTEED TO ;:lt~tes where very few sheep are kept. except steam brak.tJs. and 6 incho.s, which . is tho standard go at· once an<l ,.-et. n. bntt lc of MRS. WINS· · every .m an who ;buvs .his Llcen~e from l '.he example of Vermont farmers in re- through.-ut Japan~ -J'o:a--:-This is a cross LOW'S ROO'l'HJNG ··S~HUP. It .w ill relh·ve HENHY SYt.VESTEll, Enniskillt:u. 1 9~tf, spec,; to keepiug sheep, deserves to be the poor lltt.le sntl'er immeiliaM·ly-dep11n<i upon followed ' by the farmers of the west and betwe!m the · s;l;al.ldard gauge of 4 feet 8 it;, t.here is·no ,mistake ...bout it., 'l'ht're is nots A FULL SUPPLY OF YOUN f', V. S., }- 'ls' remover! to inches and the narrow' gauge of 3 feet mother on earth whq has e.ver used it, who w And for P,1.!rlfylng the Blood. . south who have large portions of laud not . l tbe residence directly opposite the Drill · 'l · A · 1 A t l' nnt. t<>ll you a t onoo thllt it will reg nls' ne it has been in use for 20 years, and has n us ro. ia, bowPls, and give rest tr the mother. ar r"lief suited to general tillii.ge. They could w h IC l preva1 sin menca. Shed, rorm.,rly occupied lily P. C. ·Rtmes. Hie proved to be the best preparation in the office will be in Mr. John McMurt.ry's Grocery market fm; SJ.CK HEAD.A.ORE, P.A.IN IN largely increase their re.v enues without I am t< ·ld, where a great many hundred and health to the child. nperatlng like ma1<ic. Store. , Honra from 9 to 12 a.i;n. and froru I lo 5 miles of railroad are in successful (lpera· tis perfoct>ly safe to use in all cases,and pleBa . THE SIDE OR. BACK~. LIVER COMgreatly. incr<l3sing their labor, by keepini;r · p.m., Sundays exc.,pted. 228-tf. 1 f 5f d 3 ant to the t.ast.e, and is the oresnrip'tion of one PLAL.'i"r PIMPL11;S 0.N THE FACE twn, an anoma olis gauge o . eet an . of the oldes~ and be~t. ·emale physicia s an~ a :flock of sheep. '1 DYSPEPSIA., l'ILJi:S, ~md au Diseases All kinds of farm procluce taken inches has been adopted. nurRes in tlie Un;+..,d States Sold ·everywhere l'llR, W. WULSON, that al'ise from a l>isordered Liver or an The mils re't upon iron "chairs" one at 25 cents a bottle. · , · 18Hv. impure blood. Thci11sands of our best : · E.ACHEll OF 'l'HE PIANOFORTE, in. exchange for goods. '. people take i;t ·a nd ,give it to their chilyal·d apart a. c cording to the English . ..~... ""'..' ' ' ·~p · -T~ · . · Agriculture in Japan. ORGAN linU SINGING. TERMS:-$6 M1d r'ren. Physicians' prescribe it daily. $10 per TwelYe Lessons of ONIJ: hour each. Those who uoo it once recommend i~ to ·'.' During recent. ye'.1~s agriculture has system, which addsabout@ne-third to the Over Higgmboth1 mi's Drug Store, King Street. se. w '1~g other.a, I} , 742 · Bowwuitville,, made much progress m Japan, althoug4 cost of building a railroad, and which is Bowmanville. · · 2. It is made from Yellow Dock, Hondun America, I believe. -----. - .- .-- - · the area of land under cultiYation is· still not fpun<l anywhere i. ras Sarsaparilla, Wild Ch!lrry, Stilllngia, Pia11101!i'l' u111et1 & ~epaired. Dandelion, SassafraR, Wintergreen, and omnparativ~ly small Fo4r-fifths of the The roadbed is superbly ballasted, and I 1 wish to call esp~cial-;;,;ntion that. if ynn other well-known valuable Roots 'l!tnd population is e'n gaged in agri9ultural pur- suppose a very high rate of speed would want to buy a first-class Orii;an mMle by aiu Herbs. I.tis strictly veget9l>le, and·can· ·PARTIES WISHING THEIR 'PIANO:i not hurliL the most deiicate constitution. suits, and .i n ~ew coun,tries could such an be practicable; but the Japanese are con- of the best Manufact.nries in the .W0rld. Tuned or r'e paired can have them a ttended I tis on'30f the hestmedicilles ill use tor tent to trav.el the 18 miles in 5Q ~inutes, V.lLf, AN.D SIJIJ MY VllRISTllAS STOOO exterisive variety of products be raised. P~latlLh' the Bowels. to by 1e...ving word 'at the DOMINION ORGAN an<l thei·e are no trains which could fairly t h.a.vo just orderod, and wiLl have in a feT lt" is ·old by all rnsponsiblo druggist.a at Rice ,s till c,ontinues to be the staple proCo's OF'i'ICE, Bowm11n.ville' .A first-clas n..an · h l E days.some first class Royal A SewingMachia~.~ · A one dol!ur for e. qua ~·t bottle, o:r six bottles !WW oohig in their mp}oy. duct, ,and . on it th~. p ~ople main!y sub- b e ca11e d f ast m mer1ca,. muc ess ng- a Maehlne that stands A 1 wit.h the very b~ · ror tlve d.onars. Tlm·e who c"m10t obtain a bottle or th!· , . American or 01tnad1an i"ewing Machrnes,sist. A strange Iierversion of taste among land. medicine' rrom the.tr druggist may send us ono --------Whjle I have nothing to Ray· against any first· _ ROF. T. L. DOYLE,P~anist,Org~ni~t doU.,r, and W$ will send. it to them. ,the Japanese i.s that , they eat i.11 their class )Tlake of Organs or Sewint<" Machines. I and teacher of 'Vocal Mnsic is·prepared to f' W. JOll~STON A IJO., ri.18.11ufacturm, ·fl!.> wish. the public to pkaso tako notice I do fruits when 'g reen, ripe frui't being considA Thrilling Ride. take a few mor~ piipils. 'l.'he best of r~fer· Amh~rstburg, 011.t. :potroit, li!ich. only first-class Goods, sucl;l. as I can guarllltlce can be furmshed Great care. exercised · ered unfit for use. There are no ;fences ill One night a Carolina J udde had been sell antee to givo satisfaction. With beg-inners, a.nd special attention given to Japan,' rai'sed ridges of earth . t akh1g their out very late and on his return after N. B.-I still sell the world-renowned· Walt· advanced pupila. Thos·e desirous of taking W atch,-a.nd dpn't forl('et 011r General place. 'l'h& 'gre'.1t i:ieed of the pountry'now ; stabling his horse, he kept vigil even ham Instructions should apply at Mv. Boyle's r eeiStore where we keep a complete assm·tment of -JB'""i?'"~ , ilence, or make it known by directing a . few is st.o ck,, and_ ~~ is probl)<b.le tl~at b\lfore later ·with some systematic friends. On Dry Goods and Groceries cheap for Cash. lines top; o, Box 49. Terms $7.50 for twelve The Bell Organs are sold by J. P. RICE, Bow· I<;>ng ~tock. i::a18ln~ .w ill receive mo:ce atten- rising in the morning and desl)en. d ing,to essons. · '· · 239-tf WHO IS W ITH T HE Gf.OGAAPHY OF THIS OOUN · · th~ breakfast room witll. his throat very inanville, aml TflY WIL.L SEE· 6Y THI;:> MAP THAT T H E m- I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on tion than .1 t has m the past. · E. ill. DONIEY, . the shorteRt notice, at the lowest. possible rates. dry, what was his surprise to find that the '.l'yrone. Caskets 'and Burial Cases ready onlshort notfoe. . demijohn that . stood on the table was ill. 'a He Was Mistaken. First-class hearse on very . moderate term;s. !iirnilarly arid condHion. Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. FunA f 1· d · b eral cards supplied'at once. J!'iuhiture 'Shop 8" armer approac ie a grinri uyer at "Sambo?" Show Rooms-Bounsall'sNew Bloc];;. ;Manitou, Manitoba, recently, with a load "Y·yes, ,s ah." t All fornit'u re sold by me is made by. the U . C of wheat.'J The buyer opeued a pag o.nd "Take this jock, saddle the mare, ride Furniture Co. of BtJwmanville. I do not buy · OF CANADA . slop ful'llitme and represent it to have been · ex amined the cereal critically. to the Ctlmers, and get, it filled as () APITAL, Sl,0!10,000. ltEST, $140,000 made by th.e U. C. F. Co. of t!J,is town. "Yaur .wheat ha,,s b'een damaged by quickly as you know how. Do you -w.-Also all'ent for th·e LI·QUOR TEA for this town f t ,, 'd th b · e uyer. itnd vicinity. It is ··heap and as good'as can be ros · sa1 This Bink is prepared to rl o Legiti· hear 1" got in the market. A valuable prize given '. "Slhciuldn't wonder if it ,had," replied mate Banking .in all 1ts brnnches. "Y-yes, ·sah, " · , with_:v~ry_v~und, the farmer. "Blame it anyway. J. nevn .. His orders given, and the slow and · WITH TEETH, WITHOUT TEETH F..rmers n0tes di.Rconnted; Dep9sit~ so much pa:ins with ·a nything as 1 did otuttering Samba out of the room, tl1e received and Interest paid on ao:wuuts of OLD AND HELIABLE took with that wheat. '. I papered my granary, thristy son· of Bacchus and Minerva sat $5 'upwards in Savings Bauk Departmen t ! side it, shingled ie, lined· it---<lid eye'ry- himself down,. ,watch in hand, to wait the PRACTICAL DENTIST. DRAFTS thing but put a stove in it-an'd hanged if execution of his commission. .· NEARLY ~WENTY YEt.RS EXPERIENCJt:. Issued and Collections made in Europe, it don't seem as if it was bound to freeze . ' 'Two minutes, "he murmured brokenly, ).fHrousOxtdeGn ff Admhlistc1·ed for Painles . Why, old man, !hat wheat was .harvested gasping as chickens do when their por- United Stat.es and Canada. Opcrlltlon s. last year when there was no frost,. and if ridge is too dry ; "the mare is bridledOFFJVE-lllul'cio4'11. cr..s. tnock, late Rank· OFEICJE iti()CJJIJN(.}'il BLO(JK, it hadn't 'been for freezing in the granary, saddled- and Sambo is on her back. lug omee or joncs d< Dol·bie." . I guess ft would have been all right." Now he is down the path, out 0£ the gate, W. J. J0$E8, The buyer retire'1 b~hind a pile of ·and ou the highway. Go.od 0ld. Bess I 277 , . . " Agena. lumber and kicked himself. How she flies along 1 ~ow they are by ----··~~.................... ._, the willow tree. Kow they are crossing_ . Miss · Flood Jilts a Fortune · Hunting t he brook-now-and-nowrihe two milos aro finished and they are' at the Lord. store. · Two minutes for the boy to finish g~iigd?rt~tir:!!~~:i~~~~i':i~ ~h~ t~!~; ;:~tfh~ -~~!t Misi;i· Jennie Flood, th~ California 9 . ~t~~~t ~~~~e:~fL~~~~b~~!eC:~·13:f1c~g16si:~~n{~.: heiress, · who is reported by a Lend.o n waiting on the customers alre!J.dY. the'.esaa. City, CoU.llcil Bluffs, L e £L\.. .enworth, Atchison. two minutes to draw the - - for Samba, Minneapolis and St. Paul. It connects in Union paper to ile engaged to a British peer, is and it is on the way. Here it comes. Depot3 with all the principa ~ lines or road between ...!HAS RECEIVEDR. ~ $ ,1 in,, this city; aud emphatically denies the ,Over the brook-and hy the tree-along the Atlantic and the Paciilc Oceans. Its equjpmeut is u!lrivaled and magniftccu~, being composed New JJ1mb1·olckrits, Graduate of the Royal 8 onege or Dental r.eport. It is understcod, too that Miss the road-al.mg the lane-through the New 1Un~li11~. Nen' TrtJn111ingr... ~;::;rJu~1~r1i'.i~~~g~e ~~1~Cf~~t161ti1a?raba~s~ai~ff! N~~~~~~e:;;1·ai11s .. · Surg-eons, Ontario, · Flood denies that she was jilted by young gate-up the path-and here ibis, with Newl~rai1h,wu'!ls. ma.n's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Cara, a.ud the Best Lib.e of Diu-ing Ca.rs in the World. Th1·ee Tra.ins , , Grant. but claims the match was ·broken LADIJ>;S' AND CHCLDREN'S between Chicago and M issonri RiVer Points. Two Samba!" ' OFFICE OYER DICK::>ON S STORE. r This Cut represents the popular 'Victoria · ff b t ,l t M Fl d · Trdins between Chica.go and Minneapolis and St. Y. m u ua consen · . iss oo .is an · "I s-say, m-assa, I c;m't find that ere Wave. Ir. is dressed w1tli the hair fallmg on Paul, v ia the Famooo GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. t.he_fnrehH11d .. anfl t h11 end.s meet in )'llonta,gues., accompJrshed ·and· amiable lady, lughl.y b.ridle any wha ! Why, h-h-here it is, UNDERCLQT~ING "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." Plate Work execµted in the latest and most It is exceedmglr becoming, and is having a. esteerr!ed by .all who knoV{ ·her. She A N ew a.nd Direct Linc, vi a Seneca and KaukaHANDSOME PATTERNS. improved style ot the I:Wntal .A.rt. la.rge run. · ' r own right..$2,500,000 in massa, behind your chair. Guess you b , f possesses in: he. ltee,has r e cently been opened 'between Ri.chmond, Norfo!k,Newpo~t News._ Chattltnooga, Atla.n ta, Au-. 1arge nu.m er o G . , must ha' bringed ,it in l:i;s' night !" '"'E .ETR EX'I'RACT"'D WI!I'IIOU'.1.' PAIN The aho'°e· with a ~ "' · other eqna.ilystyle. becoming sty.).es, are 1l)ade .tJy. i>verur~1en t b ond s, p " r esentc;;d · t o lier on a Ornaments for Wedding Presents, f~~~:n~ggn:1~~ea 1~¥~;~t~: ~i~~~~ii1a:M1i~~~:~~ '6 the use of Nitrous O:Kide Gas, without injury MRS. A,· DA VIS., . · · 'recent birthday. Fancy Articles, &o. 01 . f1t¥~i·~~i:P~s~~i!11~:~£~.:_~~rr~iP~~!~t~Expro3;J to the patient. . · over M. Mayer's store. The . English noble 'referred to in the God campels us to learn many bitter Trains. ~ :P11rticular attention paid to the regulation of ...,,,============~~~~~~~~~ London paper is believed to be Lord lessori.s , that, by knowing and suffering, ~iU!~ii~aoSt~~~~ ~~~1~~i~J~~ai T icket omcee in CHILDREN'& 'l'EE'l'H. "HlJB" Coumr ,CURJil, 25 CENTs.-Pres- Beamont, who was in San Francisco not we may also know the eternal salvation. Baggage c hec ke'a through and pates of faro al'..: ways .as low a.a compe~itors thb.t offer less advan'1"fl:ALL WORK WARRANTED. .._ cription of .oa Boston phyi;ician, d'ispensed long since. It is understood that the.. We should keep our· scorn fo'r our own tages. · :For detailed lloJormation, get the Maps and Fold" years by a Boston druggist. ONE DosE young noble made overtures for the hand weakness and our· blalll~ _ for our o'.'l'n sins, era or the . 'o ENFIELD LADIES.-:MrssJULIA will cure any ordinary cough. It acts al- of the vyealthy young heiress, , but de- certain that we shall gam more mstrucCREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, · Atyeur n earest Ticket Office, or address O'LE.AHY h1<s returned trom Toronto, most magically. Ask Stott & Jury for a mantled a dower of $5,00<nOOO, which old tion, though nob';i,musement, but hunting Fine, Fat and ·F~esh 8e~ved in all styles. R,' R, CABLE, E, ST. JOHN, and has begun Im~ssmaking in Enfield. Special 25 cent bottle of "' HuB " CouGH CvnE,'· ' man Flood indignantly' refused.-Chieag1.1 out the good "'.hich· is fo anything than by W<!holee Jot of (lonfcctlo11al'y nlways 0.11. Vice-Prc5, & Gen'l M'g'r, Gen'l 1'kt. & Pass. Agt. atteation will be given to cut~ing and fittmg, hand at lllRS, KEJ.'8 taurant, . ,IM. and don't be put off with any other.t Tribume. · hunting out the evil. ' 281-tf. 'A 4hil aelicited, CHICACO, ' . 18 l'UBLllillllllD THE OAIADIAR STATESMAI E't'ERY FltlDA.Y BIORXUIG, CATARRH. AGRICULTifRAL. · 1 TllE DUl~ HOBSEO liPAJ M. A.JAMES, AYER'S PRIZE MEPAL ORCAN tsCherry. Pec.toral. ·. GUELPH · W. BEL NOTICE to LADIES. ---<0>--W, INTER MILLINERY ·. oo,- 35,_10 101 ·· G Mrs. DONNELLY.. . G FRES· H MEAT. --. W>--- I 0 MARBLE WORKS M to B W. · SH AW .- ~- -------,;------ - B AGENCIES. W. BRITTAIN & Co,, R was L 9cean . . · . and L J Auctio~~ T. Yf.LLOWLEES. f. ALLEN. Highest "Drice ·Paid A 'DR. T WOOL & BONE$. LEWIS QUI CK, · LIVEB C~MPLAiHT, DVSPEPIA. Stoves & Tinware · Organs an,.t U .Mach1',Nel', P UNDERlAK.INC' I LEVI ~ MORRIS. U~ACQUAINTEO fAMAN EXA M lN l~G ....,,____ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~'---~-~ DEN.TISTRY ! . STA·NDARD ·. BANK · J.M. BRIM4COMBE, THE VICTORIA. ___ New, Ladies: MRS. KEYS CHICAGO, ROCK ISUND & PACIFIC R'Y C·o H A 1\110 EN, l. D ° NEW.'. Kn itt,ing& Starr. ping a·one to or~er; OYSTERS:- ' T . ' . · · # .. · "' ·

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