Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1884, p. 8

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f1Jauadhtu E: - ~tntr~nuan. FEJm'Y 22. P. 0. URE BLACK-EYES. - A quantity 1 or good and cl'!an Marrewfst Pea.ft for aale. ' S. LEACH, Lot 15,Con. 6. Ea.stWhitby,Osh&wa P CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. Opened out this week at 6·6w*. ONEY ·ro LOAN .-A few thouesnd dollars, privar.e funds, to lo:m. on 1lrstc1,.ss farm RP.Curi·y, at the loweRt current rates. HAnPEn's :l\TAGAZINE for March does not oonparticulars aIJply t.o If. B~~l'l'll, llowmant.ain a single ortiolc iu Hs vaded oontent:H that For ville, or R. It. LOSCOMDE, Ba.rriste;. 3-tf. bas not. a stroll!<' cluim upon the a.ttcntiun or readers, and it.a illuotrutious are >mperb. · Tho A~umIOaN YilUNO ·FoLJ(S, pubfish<'d ~t Manchester. N. H. , is on:e of tl1e best youth e jonrnals that "e recmvo. Every boy aud girl is requested to sen<l 10 centR for a fo 1 v Sl41ll1Jle copies. It wilt plca"e vou. "ttma 1'».d thtll bava tllem t·eturn ILf:Kln, I w.eGu. "rn.dl· c<1l cure. J ba.Te ma~lo tbe 11.lseaH ut :rrrs. EJ"ILS~Y · ,.Animal A.11tom1itlsm anil other E·~_a.ya. By or i'J.J,LlNG 910KMKSS & llfe-loug 11tu.dy. I wt1.rraut mJ rotuo~ r to cure the wor·t cueR. Because otbors have ~Prof. 'l'. H. Hnxley, No 5a of th~ "J,1l~1·ary of --.:=-:;:::"':--===:-.-.:::::=:::.:.-.=--::~:M...::: - ...::;.___::::::..:_ BowMANYILLE, FRIDAY, M Failing! That is wh:i.t a great in any people are ·doing They Regular meeting '?eb. l ,] . All members p rosent except, Mi-. Albert Spinks who is ,la,ngerously ill. Miuuteli of last meeting reacl and con~rmc<l. IWho~..U .8~mo~nE.IroPImI. 1Wt11lu{S~~:s!rt':: tf.i~ Jl~~i~r1~l~:&r1 St., Now Yod1. J. l~itz;.;erald, Pnblisher. 20 J,afayetty Pl><ctJ, New York. Jn thi~ volutno sre co1!t.umcd five of the mMt. lnst.r11ctlve and interestmg or .J:·rntessor lfuxley's later essays. \Ve .!lave y·eceivi-d from ·M1'. l!'1·ed. Rharp, publisher. St. Mrtry'·. cnpiee of M\)il"d R_ritish - History NOto.... 15c; . Moir's c.inn~rnn. H1~t?rY Notes.JO·! ; Moit"s Gr«<led ;Exerc.'BC!:I m .\r1tl1· metic. 10c: Hi;1"·oy"s 0anMil~n H1s.to1·y ~otee, 120. : J<;xa111i11~tiou P1wcs~ 1i;i, A1·1thn1otw. by l\foN1wghto11 ~ nd M:t.nn.lao. I hoHP. fLl'" c"rnttil '- liUle book· for pnl>lie. School 'l'llachcro, an·l we advise you to 0L·lle1· U1em at onco. Rep'.JtaLiou with 1>osterity haR eyer be!]n esteemed ono of the- most. powednl rnc<·u~ :t·~s t.o deeds Of heroiSlll ; 8.tHl 0110 modern f<C !W·d Of philosophy reco.:c1dzos as the only trne 11n111orta.1ity or man, I he eiicluriug houcllceut i11fl11011ce of hia vittuons actions. ll', however. 1 .he _1abrl.c of our civiliz'11i<·tf wero seen ta be totteru':g· 1t is p1e.in t,hnt, this p<J.l't.icnlar stimulus to virtue ··would.faU.Rur. "h onr 8ivili><Rtion porishe.bl<>:!·' "J'he que~tion i ~nRk~d i~ tbe No1.n11 ~ ~mmc.i.N :ll.E'\·ru:\y for l\fo.rch by .Jud ge .1, A . Jameson. who conside r~ the several ag,.nc1es by which -the O\·erthrowofthc eld~titH( ci1· llir.at!un might l>e efi'ected, l'uli!i"lwd al; 30 L:tfayette pldCtl NewYm-k. · ' We have received the Co·rrAGJ' lIEAnTrr for :February whlch contnlns its usual supply or. interest.ing stol'ics, poems, and household mat·-ter. \Ve would especially ,corrimend to . our yo\lng reader~ the Y·iung J! ~lk s Depa.rt111~11t where they w ill find pu~zles !l.f!d ga,t!'"~· ~v1Lh pfr·es offered for correct solution. I he K1~ch e11. l<~lowers, Music. l·'ancy Work an·l Faobions receive their uanal careful a:ttentton, and takinll the mugszlne as a whole, we do not ~e<· how a family c:an get l\long without its month· ly visits, and we are therefore g-larl to c··ll our read<'rs atteutiotl to the f11cts that we offer the Cor1·AGE HEAT!TH for the year 1881. free of charce. to ans one who will send us two new subscribers to t,he STATESMAN and $2. We ore in receipt of the Car1!ival number of th11 Moptre,i,l Hmur.o. with its ma.gnillcent four-color ill n3t,rations of the lee Palau" 11ud the Sncrwshoers· Arch, two artistic gems ':"hich alone are worth the twenty-fi\·e cents paid for tho entire number. Then wo ba.ve full page illustrations of Domilllon Sque.ro, llfontrtJ al. showing the palace fl·om another point,or _view. the Windsor HC1tel and other flne bL11hhngd ; .aad ekstillg. tobogganing and curling- scenes, ·air benutifull;r none ; the whole numher of finely executed picture~, L>eing not less than twenty-five. 'l'hls is not all tluii tl1e Carnival Number contains, since it includes the most complete, reliable and gre.pbic description of the Camival games, scenes, bl\lls, etc., that was given to the public by any Canadian news"Jl&per. 1'bis description m;i.kes twen.ty-two page~ or Cine hundred columns each e1ght.ecn inches in length, and is a model of enccessfu I newspaper r eporting, coverinl{ every e,·ent and Incident or impol'te.nce which t.ransoire<l during Carnival week. 'l'lte Ht!lARLD'S CARN£· vAL Nu1mreR- ca.n -L>e purchu.acd of all booksellers and news agents. Price 25 cents. 7,500 United Workn.6n in Ontario. .tffDinmoncl Dyes will Color o.uythi11~ any . color, and nin-er fall. 'l'be 1>asiest 1md best way t.o economize. JOc a.t at! dt·ugKi·ts, \Velis, Rlchar<lson & Co., l.lnrlington, Vt, Sample C<Lrd, 3~ ct>Jor·. and t>·>ok. . or dit·t·ctLnu· for 2 ct stamp. 3,000 Lodges ot A. 0. U. W. in A merlca. Ayer's o»r~apai:illr1 is the best medicine for every one In 1 .b\l ~ortw~. Emi'(raute and travelers will tlnd ill it an P.trectue.l cure for the eruptions, boils, pimples, eczema, etc., that break out on I.he ekin- Cne effect of disorder in the bloud caneeJ by see.·diet aud life on board ship. It co~ts a good healthy man $12.0o to become a member oi ,the A. 0. U. W . It- is a. iiroocl r 1 1le to accept only snch medicines as have, after long yea.rs or trial; proved worthy or eonfidence This is a case where other people's experience may be or great eerv1ee, and it has bmm the experience of thous1<nrl s that Ayer's Cherry 'Pectoral is the best cough medicine ever used. Jumping at a. conclusion. 1'he leap year proposal or a merry maiden. HEAL'l'H IS "VE.\L'ffl.- l t ls worth lilOl'<l than · riches. for wit.hout it ricbcs cannot be enjoy'3d. How many µeople are without health who might reg-ain it by usingJ{itlney-Wort. It acts upon the Liver, 11.1wls and Kidneys, cleansin~ and stimulat.ing them ro btiaHhy~action. It cures a ll disorders of t.hese implli·tant organs, purifies the blood and promoties t).e general heal:h. Sold t>y ><ti drul(giPts. Seo advt. A Market garJner ohc111ld b.J 1:.u-. .. 1 '·1 .1 .'1 n11t allowing a widow to enter tht> pre111fo.,1:1, because of har"weeds." Drrnnrn:R1A AND Coucm. -~lr. E. B. Russel, St.. 'l'herese, P-. Q had an attack of diphtherja w hich was suoce.e.d.ed by a co.ugh. 1'his cough i· discribr>d as" <l reRilful," settled on the lun!l:s. For mo1·1thH his suffedngs fcom -it were intense in fa.ct, until lie bc11:an U>ill1" Dr. Wih~on's . Pulmona1·y Cherry. B..als.am. The Halsam calmfld his uei·ves; put a.n end to ·b is cough, andrestor· f'd him to 'perrect bee.Ith. 'rhe action of Dr. \Viis<m's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam on the nerves is very r..e!llal'kabl0; The consumpt.i ve is calmed anclstrengthued by it and put on a fair way to recovery, Mowat goe~slo'f\y- Abra.htm Lauder. MerrE>dith c·>mes slowly,- A.rthm·1 s. lb.rdy. Popular ·sciL·u<"e." Priee, post tree, Ia cents. fn.lle<l is no roR.1ou for &Hli\ now rocehlag a cure. Soud11t ouci. tor a trov.tlee and a Freo Bottlo ot .my 1nt'a1Ul>l· remedy. Glv& l!::x:preu and 1101t OtUce. I\. coat& yow. ANTED- MEN AND WOlfEN ·ro S'l'AilT ,. new business 11t t.heir ho11Jee, eHaily learned in a.n hour. No pcddlin(.(. 'l'en cents t.o fifty Ctlnts ..u hour made daytime 01· e-rening Send Ten Cents for Twent.y Samples to commence work ori . Address JI. G . l '.-lV, Jtntland, l 'ermu111. W dou't just know ·,\']wt is thu matter, l>11t they havd it. combination of aches aml .i)ains, allll each month tli~ y grow w0r~e. The only snrn remedy vc:t found is SuLl'll')lt AND Ino!'I BI'l'nms, an<l this L>y rap1cl . tmd tl:orriu!;h as,.irndaticn with t!tc l.iloocl p11nf1::!:'l a11·I curiclH: s it, and rich, \ll·cn!: lilood thwing to ev~ry pari of th ~~ systL:m l'Cpait'.~ '..fl~ wasU·cl ti:;,rnes , dri vp.:; . ..11; Acl<lrees Gllo.P.ROW1'LL &, Co.,Sp1·uce St.,N.Y. ·1·'0 ADl'EK'l'll'EllS,-L<!>West Rates for e.dvertisiJll!: in 970 goocl newspapers sent fren. ·---·--------------- -n ···J : tiON SUMPTION~ t. 1· 1 \l::i Ulhl~ , t tt] l 11 ~ ·, -.1 ~i l"'..,.Jt \vo l'Cmod y for 1 ho nbu,·o d lsoa1te; by I t~ l u ' t s f'i~h:it"\.' 1 1 :1:1t l will trnu d 'l' WIJ U01"11 f."J.:?j }·'tU:E. 1 ···· ·! :1~ 1· wl1)1 a. \' :' l.t: .\ llT. E 'l'H EA'l'tSrn on this d lsens~ l V a-llj' 1tu1l"··r111 ". (;i"'" J~:q11··· :-o:i and I\ 0. 11dclres~. lJ :t. T. A. iJ!,{.)\.:l ~ H. J81 l'enrl St..· NO\V Yol'lt.. ·1ft·tti-ea ·>( ltu;,, ·wurst klnd UJH.\ of lum· .J1 °'::a\'oJ h >,·f.'11 ~lll't'l l. l1nl3cil , i{O titl'ung lR. JUV fill Li} disca· w n.ml gives health e.ud strength . This is why Sur,Pnur. .\ND TRoN HlTTBl1S · w ill cure ki J. ney aml liver diseases, rheumatism. neuralgia, clyspep::si:i, biliousness intermit tent fever consumption, Mr. Wm. McLaughlin was appointed ttNsess6r at $GO. , · Mr. Darcy was instructed to examine the road running across Lot No. l in the · 4th con. ,au cl have suchre1xi.irsrna.dether eto as he may <leem sufficient. Mr. J '11111es Brown applied to have his property struck off from S.S. ~o. 5 <tnd h;wc it att1ichccl to S. S. No. tJ. Laid over t o next J'neeting, so that the htlstees of said section may be not1ficd aocording L<J statue. The auditors submitted the account of l the treasurer, showing a balance in trc::i.srn·e1"s hands of $1!-l0.21. Adopted. The Clerk was instructed to have 200 copies of at1ditetl accounta printer! for distrilmtion ::t.llll to publish the amount of rwsets tmtl liabilities. A committee of Sons of 'l'cmperaucc :i.ppl iotl for tlw use of the'.l'nwu Hall for weekly m eetings. Thelteove wasinstr\wted toiiscert1iinfrom tlie Company with whom tho Half is ins ured if the l' isk would be i11cl'eascd :i.nd to what extent by granting t he above application. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S: New Prints, ~ ' ·! I New Bleached Cottons . , New ,Grey Cottons, New Embroideries, New Dress Buttons. lowest possible prices. We buy our goods for Cash and save the. discountsJ we are. therefore able to sell everything at the PATENTS &c. Office of Edw:ml Elliott, . 'Vholcsalc a nd J<ctad Crocer Cur. Blcury ~nd Lai.:auch eue r.:! 3ts. Montreal, Nov. 71n .. 33, . selves in a bond nf $~00 t. o rn:tkc good any damage that the Ifall may s11st,iin hy them and_ pay one dollar ·a nwnth in advance ns :rent, and :my achlitional pron1ium of insurance accruing from their occupying snicl Hall. 'l'ho following orders wei·o gmntecl on 1'roasnrcr :- nobert. Wilson, · wm Spence and Mrs. Luughead $4 each, :ts indigent aid. John Trewin, Sftlnry'as collector, $2fi. R. B . Spinks, ~:1.lary as trelL~ttter, $50; int erest on a<1 \.'auces, etc., $ l(i; F. A.in ley, cedar, $25; John H ughes a.Mel A . :r. Campbell, autlitorn, $13. 00 each. The council adjoumecl till the first Monday in April at 1 o'clock P. M. How d oes a person expect to eat everything, nt all times, antl have a strong, r. spons.ive stomach. You say, "I :ttn cai·cful wha t mul when I c:it. lrnt am troubled with constipation, gM on my stomach and a bad taste in my mouth, itud I don't know '.V hy it is. " Dysp epsi:.i. and Biliousness may c. ·me from mitny causes :md should be attended to in time. If your l1ead is heavy, eyes ache. If yon {eel tired and sleepy, you are bilious no doubt. Now for the r emedy. ZO-PE-SA is ti prescription of an old experiened doctor fo1· just such troub'es It is cheap, spetidy aud effectual, at 10 ancl 75 cents a bottle. Umt acornrnit;tee of said Db·jsion bind them- I H:~1~';:~~~~~ii1:e~~e~~,~ ~;~e~~~l~iv~~i(~!J~(~ \Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash.} \_ 1 1 f -----· --------· One Door ~West of the Post Office. I w ;ll a great ~uffei;:r from <l)'<pcpsia, and for sevcrni weeks coultl eat nothm~ aid was Growing weaker every :lay I trietl SUl.l't!llR ANO T110-. ll!Tn:r-s, and am h ,1 ppy .o ·av I now h :w<: a gnrnl lppe·.11c LC. SELLIN"G AT I OFF_ ··-~ LC. COST PRICE. nnd nm n1ucl1 b etter n ~v~cy way. EDWARD ELL!OTt L. CORNIS Being about to Reduce his stock of SmPnmt TERs A::::io JRo:-1 13rT- is not a drink aull doe-i not contain whisky. Tt ·~ the only preparation of l roo that causes no .njuriouq effects. Got the genuiuc. Sold by all deale rs. Price Rings,. Platedware, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, &c., &c., Offers the whole at a Tremendous Reduction. Many articles sell at Cost and under. THIS IS A GENUIN}l DIS.COUNT SALE. Those in f!earch of Holiday Presents will save money by inspecting our stock, consisting of- Gor,D and SILVER WATCHES-all styles and makes, GOLD GUARDS,CHAINS, RINGS and JEWELLRY to please everyone, SILVEH PLAT~:DWARE in end less val'iety, all of which has been selected with care and taste. DIAJllOND and WEDDING - -RINGS -excellent value.- - 50c. formers Please Con:sider This. to ruro Cholera, Cholera Morbus, nf w~:l as all mummer compb.iuts of ii similar na.· turo. 1';"~1cn t!1kon nt.tfio commonccmcnt ofnn RU.a.ck T" ' i th im PEURY Dli.VI3 PAIN RILLER act. 1ov11derfrtl rnpitZ.itu anti neve,. fa ila For sale by S·ron· & JURY. F.or Sudden Colds, Soro 'l'hroa.t, ~c. In the Surrogate 0Qurt of the United Counties of Northumcerland and Durham. I11 the. matte1· of the guctrdianship of GEo. MILI,SoN, ARTHUR MILLSON, a.nd EDMUND MILLSON, infwt children of EBER MILLSON, oI the Township of .Darlington, in the County of D1trham, Ytoman. NOTICE is hereby ~iveu that aft!lr the expiration or twenty de.ya from the flr-et publl· cation of 1his notice, application will be macle to the sai<l Court for the appointment of the said EBER MrLJ,SON a.a Guardian for his inl'Rnt children- George Millson, Arthur Mills<m o.nd Edmund Millson, all of the Township or Darl· ington aforesaid. Dated 1"ebruary 5th, 188i, M cGEE & JONES, Oshawa, Solicitors for Eber Millson. 63w. A te ..·poonf1 1! of J'.ll'f·Kn.i;En t11ken at the brzinnin'°' fnn ntt. 1·k w 11 :rrovo tP\ nl!""olt no1 'cr foiliug cure, u.1.1d euvo llluoh sniferiol\'. :For Tooth:i.ch!l, !urns, tcz.lds. Cuts, l3rui:os, &c· . aichn rc11dv t'1l<J ablfl to roli evo your sulfcrini without delay, an<l ut a verv inaignificant cost. tho P.11:<·R1Lr,>:n will ho f ount{ n willing phy- !n Horses the For Colic, Cro.m:ps a.nd Dysentery P 11:.-J{n,r..:n hns no eqm·l, of tho largest liv~ry ~t;,blcs and botse infirmarie· in the lYorJ.1 'fo msuscitnto yonng lnmbs or other ~t.ock chilled :1n<I dving from cold, a. littlo P AtN·J\u.um mixed with milk Will re.store them to hcnltb ver)· quickly, ~The Pnin:I\iller is for snle by Druggbts Apotbocsrie·, Uroccrs uml Medicine Dealers '1irougbout tho world, And it has nc\'er boon lo:own to fail to effect a cure in .. ~inglo iit H t< rncc. lt 1s ·uscd in some OnrnR BVT'J 'ER CoT.OR.-1 hereby certify that I ba\·e exllmined th.e Butter Color p.repared by Wel ls Ric~arilsou &. Co., and that rbe same ig rree from alkali or l\ny of.her eubstanc!' injurious to httulr.h; tha.t!I have comp,.red It WH h somt'< of tl1<J best of the other Butter Colors i11 the ma.rkot anrl find .it to be mort) than twenty-five per ceut, stronger in color, than the bt\st of the other·. I am eat1 dfted tha.t it 1s not llable to bocon:.uu:imcid~ or Jn any wav to ivjurc the butter. 1 have examined it dter two months free exposure to the air in a pince liable to large ~lange of t"" mpera.ture, and found no trace of rauci<litr. ·w hile other kinds similarl y exposed bec<>me rancid. A. H. · SA HIN. P1·or, Chemi· try. Uni"6rsity or Vt., Bcrr~LTNG'l'ON, V't., May 3d, 1882. · Arn: 'fwE:NTY-l"lVE PER CENT. S ;l'ltONGER TII.AN ~ , BOOTS - ANO- .· I The h eart never looses its momory. For toothache, burns, cuts and rheumatism, . use Peny Davis' Pii.in Killer. Sec adv . in other colmnn. Fresh salt water herrings at Murdoch's. Watch Repairing promptly attended to. All work A m an who is not in earnest cannot be warranted. Prices low- never charging $2.50 eloqu ent. when 75c. to $1.25 are regular prices. Rea.Ith is a <luty, Dise:·se a crime. Use Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters A CALL SOLICITI-CD. and be cured of all biliousness or liver trouble. 25 cents will buy a large bottle.II McQlung Bros' cheap half dollar tea. 1 !nor · 1 , £ -·;;:J-;;;::o;;H Grief, love and truth : from these t.he poet springs. ,. SELLI~GSLEEP l'.EACBJWLL. " 'H ub " Cough Curo will cure you quickly. For throat and lung t. oubles it is the quickest and surest re me dy extant. A~k Btot & Jury. Breakfast Bacon and Sugar cured Hams - -FOR- at Murdock Bros. Not to be dependent on others- that is strength, intellecttial and moral. THEY AI,T, Do. IT.- Everybody uses " 'l.'~'ABERRY " for the teeth and breath, the newest, bright.est, consists little t oilet gem extant. Try a sample. Vanstone's family fl o ur is gaining y1ub- Thirty days from to-day we will commence stock- taking, and from now lic favor. It may be had from any of the until then we will i;iell all goocls at a Great Reduction. leading groceries in town. His very injurious to healthforanumbm· of p ersons to occupy one room. · As a sure nnnedy for Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Toq.1ic1 Liver, B iliousness, tl:.ic.; no medicine is equal to Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. 25 cents per bottle.II Seventy inches of snow have fallen from the opening of winter to F eb 10th. A Good CosMETrc.- Thc b est cosmetics are good soap and water, to obtain purity of the skin; while for boils, blotches, ob· stinate humors and impurities of the blood Burdock B loocl Bitters is the b est of all purifiers. ·, L. CORNISH, KING STREET EAST. I OFF_ DAYS BIG BA·R GAINS I We will sell FJU R G 0 0 D s at and under Cost. We will sell Men's Tweed Suits for Nine Dollars a Suit. We will sell All Wool Blankets at Two Dollars and a half a pair. We will sell Men's and Boys' Overcoats atwell just give us a call and see. Ladies' Mantles at Cost. will Cm, Down the prices of days ~ ·-- -...- --~~---~~--~~~~--- -- S:S:OES_ I RUBBERS. CAN'T KEEP HOUSE. SLIPPERS .l:lowl'tL\ N\' ILT,E. ONT., n e e. 5, 1882. .:Messrs. SEl'lI W. Ji' OW,LE &. SON, Boston. Dear Sirs:- We suppose it Is no new tl1ing for vou to receive cong"a.tuht.tion~ 011 t he succes~ of JOU!' v.ahal)le c,m gl1 camcdy, Dr. \fht· nr's U:1l~m11 ol' \l'll<l,Cltr.r,.~· ; but perhaps at this ti ooe a word or two from \B will not prove on.t of place. Although the Ba.Isam ho.s not b een e.dverised to a ny extent in this locality, our sllle or it is very large au1l the demand is iHCt'e!l..· ing.. wh ich i8 due to tile univera...1 satisfaction which It gl ves to our customers. We have never had a single complaint, and :busbands tell us their wi-ves will not keep ""W"7' house without it. We wonld like you to do e. '11' little more advcrt.iaing m thi9 country, for we belie ve were your blllsa.m better known, its ea.le would be increased ten-fold. Yours truly. STOTT & JUitY, "1'he Druggists.· 275 H URCH FOR S ALE. - That frame Cnurch and Sheds lately u sed by the Re· C boboth P. en t he North-e,.et 1\1, con~re/!:ation TRUNKS A....- _...- VERY CHEAP comer of Lot 5 2nd UoncesElon of Darlington. 'l'he c.hurch .js' in good re;>air, belnll newly: shingled and pa ln1ed. Cmw1TIONS 01· SALE :- Cash mu11t be paid befoi e the building lij moved, and the pu:chaoer must leave the fences 1n as good repair '1,8 tbey arc at present. 'rho church u.nd sheds 1uay be tendered for separately or jointly, but 11.ll tenders must he sent in on or before Feb. 18th, 188!. Address .BOX ~3J~MANVILLE. J,DYKE, JOHN HOAR.._ l·rrustelis Minister. RALPH DOW;::;ON, f I. . TRELEVEN'S. Stock- taking, -3 0 Why go on day after ctay suffering ~ith splitting headache when a bottle of Dr. @'"All overdue account s must Austin's 'P hosphatine will cure you1 If you do not b elie ve it ask your dmggist before the 1 s t day of March. for a circul.ar, and r ead _what t.hose, who . J " 1 h :1ve used it say about it. Prwe, $1.00. · sbowrng the largest stock and the Church music is sold by the choir. b est value in town . This w e m e an Drum music, aml 111uch of the piano kind, t' ll fit d comes by the pound. t O con mue - sma pro 8 an Exr:iutrnNcE t eaches tha.t delays are most - ANDShould auld acquaintance be forgot, quick returns i s our motto. · Y 01t1 clangel'Ous, and in no instance is p· ompt And never brought to mind, have only to compare our aoods and action more nece~sary th~n when. th e first Should folks no gie their Photographs · · B approach of ludney disease~ is m ade To friend.a o Auld Lang Syne, manifest. To all wl10 are exr)eriencing Pnce& to be COPvmced. -· 'l'hen come a.wa, trcns. ane and a, The throno- ~f bltye rs on the P'.1-ins in th ~ back, or who feel that the!t' I An' d!nne. lose nae time. "' . ,, · kidneys gom g w1:ong, DR. VAN Bu1rnN s In getting Pictures for your fr.ms. march towards the ~1gn of the Big KIDNEY Cu ilE is 11 friend indeecl, as it For H. c. 'fait ta.kes them tine. Boot drawn by two Ho1·s es " is a will certainly r elieve their pains, ttn<l if An' when you get a score or twa, · ti · ve proof t h at o ur pnce · s a1·e pe r s1 ·stc d m · , c ft'ect ~· permanen t cure. a ne o them mine, pos1 TseLet mind e.ne a the lile cantie days - ANDapproved by peop le who u se their . Mr~ . Agnes G ibson, aged 105 years, We ha.din Auld Lang Syuo. died 111 Cavan on S unday week. . We're growing auld. nnd nee.rin' fast c:::.1 ~ .:::::::ti brainR in buvinQ". .J ~ T T J I' b 1 d' . t 'l'he ha.me that's yours and mine; ..-.....&. ~ ~-=:::::. HE , BE lF 1Alll y a ies is a mos '!'hen let our frens see how we looked, · f · E v e ry pers on W h O l S a. .nend to disagr eeable practi ce, for not only is it In the clays ot Auld Lang Syne. his own pocket- and who IS not ?· - impossible to trace its origin, but also the 1"or surely you'll be your Physog, realizes that we are a friend to him. n atural h air ia cons tantly ch anging while I An' 8urely I'll be mine, It i s the prices that tell and people the dead _ hair r etains. its color . By the A~~'i~~lJ:;~~ri'.~fae l~~~~;n-V:.e looked . . . ' use of Cm galese H :ur Renewe1· on the . . do appteciate low prices. W e sell contrary the color of the hair is tender ed P ictures of every descrlpt1011, fu~nlshed 111 - AT· ·t th ' b t t ' · , the beet style of Art. at moderate pnces. t 00 1OV\r t 0 SUl e e nvious, U no natural and al w:iys beaut1ful, ~lossy and A very large stool!: of Fancy Frames e.hva.ys t too low to s uit the buyina public a veritable crown of glorv. Every lady on hand. bl 0 ' h 11 · d t · tl 1 Pictures enlarged to any s1ze a. reason& e This is the fie l d we occupy this s ? u c use 1 ~· an . 0 _ ger_i em en w ~ose rates nt ll. C.Tait & Co's Photo Ga.llery,Market C hair is growmg thm, it is 11 n ecessity. Square, Bowlllanville. · · · s eas on ; b rmg on your critics. ome Sold at 50 cent s p er bottle by S tott & - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - good and cheap Boots and Shoes ! f 11 · t l b tl , d /are u Y apprec1a ec Y le Cl ow s that are daily flocking to our store.. W e can · u s tlv claim the lead in ! ly reason why women should not b l:' Rememder we effort s in the past to give the public allowed to b ecome m edical m en. Th e s uccess that has attended our An Irish editor says he em1 see no earth- all goods between from to-day. by now and be settled either Cash or Note ! S. MASON & SON. IWANT E~o:Arur.~so ~~: 0 AULD LANG SYNE . New & Superior Canada Maps and Charts, .As paying as any agency in the worlt'I. li'o-e' full particulare,free,address H.C. TUNISON. Hap l'u.bllllber, 3t!t! Richmond Street. J.t·l!I· DUN', ON'l'A.RIO, 6. Dyeing but not Dead. '1 ENTLEMEN, if you have grease:. ( Jr paint 01 dirt on yon r clothes I can clean them and make them look like new ones. Ladles· Ostrich feathers cleaned 11nd dyed. Second hand clothing ta.ken In exchange. .All work warranted at PE.A.TE'S DYEING ES'f ABIASHMEN1', opposite 'l'releven's Sho~ Store, Bowmanville. ll7!Hf c I I W.H.PIPER, BOWMANVI L .._:E, N. B.- Ordered Work rec~ives special attention by first-class workmen. out of curiosity ; w e only ask the privilege ol s howing you our goods. Str angers will pl ease grant us a of demonstrating what Privileae . "' we say . M. TRELEVEN. Jury. KILL Tm: ULUES,- eat the b est, sleep sound, k eep away Headach e, keep your . . . Livtor active, digest your food, make good FLOURING MILL m the ~ownsh1p .of blood b e cli eerfvl all da" by keepin<> a botCla.rke. Known as Adams New Mill. ' . " "' . Apply_ to ARTHUR CODD, Esq., or St. JOHN tie ()f ZO-PE-SA m your Yoom, and take ' H . HU'I'CHESON, Barrister-at-Law, Bowm&nville. 27.Hf a dose twice a week. R SALE MILL FO . . Crushers" .. IG r a In ALL SIZES, AND AGENT FOR I Chaff Cutters. ·

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