Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1884, p. 5

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· Our stock of D ry Guods a.nd Clothing I 'l'he first meeting of the delegates to the Rev. C. Taylor, of Oshawa, will. pr each . in the M. Jjl. churchcs- M1 1ple Grove, Mt. United Empire Loyalists' Celebl'ation Com- i8 ccimplet.e. Ellison & Co. ~.............................................................,.................. Vernon, aud Enniskillen, at the usual mittee was held i11 Uie City Hall, Toronto, We offn rate value in Prints,-fast on Tuesday evening. Itov. Dr.. Macnab colors at lOc. Ellison & Co. hours next Sabbath. We me.m busineea thiR season. ElliAon S Mr. T. :Bassett left on Tuesday for Mar- and L evi VanCamp, Esq.. , were present with a large number of other delegates ~aiin tht'I next two months we want sl1alltown, .Iowa, where at Brittain & S,o's from different parts. 'l'hese two gentle- &Co. W11- never al low any competitvn to i. 4 0-00 ha~1da to tr onr Oriental Rose pork packm~ house a few d!lys ago '.42 men imd Dr .. Hillier, E. G. :Burk, Esq., Balm, If your hands are chapped and hogs we.re lulled and dressed m 7 h?ms. 1 and F . F. McArthur, Esq., :Bowmanville, uudcrsell ue. Ellison ,1;, Co. rou~h the Balm will give them a pearly AF'rEJt ·rJI~ Frn~.-Mr. ,D. Davis . has were appointed 011 the perm:ment commitWe will sacrifice lhe profits this aeason. J wbit.. nes1~nd make them sof.t and sm0othe. resumed busmeSl! m N eads s~ore, next to tee, together with many other influential E llison & Co. Try it. STOl'T & JUltY, Dispensing the exp_ress office, where he will b~ pleased gcnl;lemen of other places. We are crowded with stock in every Chemists. to receive a call from any of his many On F.ri1hy evoni ug last, A. M. Jn.mes department. Elheon & Co. customers. and his bride were eutertained at a supper Oshawa again suffers. On Monday the at the Victoria BoarclingHouse,Alvinston, BOWM A NVILLE MARKETS, stove foundry was destroyed by fire, given by the hostess J.\frs. Cann, in. " honor disemploying from . fifty to scventy·five of the event." Mr. J·ames beiJ1g the first One day Inst week a ·f;wuer lost $50.00 by not having his horses in good condi- working-men. Loss, $30,000 or $35,000. of her bmnders to make " a umtch " and 1Corrr.cted 'Up to 1 o'clock 1J. m.. everv 1'h1Lrsday enter tho double state of" blessech1ess." l BY J.&D. McDOUGALL. tion when he olfer~d them for 11:1.le. One Insured for $32,000. We regret to :innounce the severe illness 'l'he supper was a model of perfection, and Flour, per 100 lb . ..··· $2 75 .. to ·. $3 00 dollare worth of STOTT & JUltY'S Condition· Powders would have s»ved this of Mr. 'i'. H. Johns, of Oshawa, whose reflected muc~1 credit upon Mrs. Cam~ as a Fall Wheat, per bush. . . . O 95 .. to. . 1 00 great lose to him. 'J'hese powders are health has been in a critical contlition for caterer. Qmte. a · number of fnei~ds SpringWheat, per i>ueh. 100 .. to .. 105 composed of 15 dif(erent articles and give some time. \Ve hope to hear of his com- :issembled to wwh the happy couple JOY Rye,perbushel ......... 058 .. to .. 060 andprosperity.:--Ai'v'~HslonFa-irplay. ~r. Oats,pAr bushel. .·.. , .. O 30 . . to .. _ () 34 the best satisfaction of anything ever of- plete recovery ere long. fered in this ma1·ket. Rev. J. Dyke preached a stirring and James' many friends m 'Vest Durlmm wush Peas, Blue., .·.··....·. O 7l' .. to .. O 75 " Bhckevee . ...·... O 90 .. to .. O 92 convincing telJlperance sermon in the P. him and wife tLll tho plrni3ures and bless,, Small: .. · ·. ... . . O 65... to ... 0 70 M. church last Sabbath evening, which ings of married life. The annual report of St. Paul's church, Bt1rley, No. 1. , .....·. O o5 .. to .. C 60 cannot fail to have ii lasting effect upon No. 2·.····.·. O 50... to ... O 55 Any person call in:; at the Medical Hall, tlie fairly large congregation who heard it. Bowmanville, was r ecently p1-intecl and circulated a1nona- the n1entbers. The 1·e" No. 3 . .. . ..... () 40 ... to ... O 00 (Town Hall Block), and eriqu1ring for Have you visited W . E. Pethick's ton- port HhO\vs revenue frorn pe\v rents, " Hair Brushes will-be rewarded by see· sor;ial :.ipartments lately? If iiot, just call BY JOUN MoMU~TRY. ing the largest sbock ever shown in the and see his new show case, in which is $1,lG0.39; ordin:1ry collectio11s, $546.50 ; -qutter, per- lb. host table.. 0 l~ .. @ ·· 0 18 for poor, $23.55 ; S. S. purposes, $23.92 ; town, and marked at price11 which are fully displayc<l a large stock of choice goods. S. S. missio11s, $53.02 ; collgregationnl l}ard, ~lb .·.··.·····. , .. 0 13 . . @ ·· 0 14 20%lower than usual. Call and examine. He has been reconstructing things about missionary association, (9 months)$279.86; :\i!ggs, 'II"Joi;·········· . .·. 0 00 .. @ ·· 0 22 l1is shop generally. Ladies' F. M . association, $14.5 ; other Pots.totis, per bushel. .. ..·. 0 55 . · @ ·· 0 60 Private intelligence informs us that schemes,$58.,- -'l'otal, $2,2!J0.2,i . Expendithere is in Toronto n man who ,recently ture: P.istor'.s sn:lary, $1,200 ; pulpit ' Toilet Soaps--the he~t 11seort.ment married his fourth wife. Marrying legiti- supply, $10:-l ; organist, $150 ; sexton, -aud lowe~t prices you ever SIU\ Rt STOTT mately four times is no disgrace, but in $125; sundry expenses, $280.98; schcrne11 .............................'"-·· ·· ····· ··· ······ ·· ········ ··-··-······· ·· ·····~· & JURY'S Medical Hall. Prices from this instance all four wives are living. of .church, $501.80. - OB, SALE.- 'rwoDl1rham Bull Calves, T otal, $2,448.82. 1"5c. a d.-,z. to 40c. a cake. This inclivichrnl may be callecl ii " mashl:lr." Balance due treasurer, $158.58. one year old, registereo in 13ri~ish Amerit can Herd Book. D~NIEL DYER, Enfield. 8 Union reviYal services. have commenced ·~...... --·~-this week in the C. M. church. Next . EXCHANGE OF PULPI'.rS . RICK COTTAGE TO RENT, corner GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. of Ontario 1md ,\rgylo Streets. Apply to week the meetings will bo held each night On Sunday, Feb. 24th, there will be a L. CORNISH. 8, BOWMANVILLE STA'rION AND TIME. in the B. C. chur ch, :tncl a prayer meeting every afternoon at 3 o'clock in the P. M. fraLcnml ex.chaugc of pulpits in connec' i_,-,oR SALE. - Hou 5 e an<l fh·e 11.cr.,8 of .~ GOING EAST GOING WlCS'l' clwrch. We hope this united e:ffort will tion .with tho C. M ., H. C., nnd p, M . L' Choice ll'ru\t Trees, ne:ir Port Darlington. Express .. ... . .8.52 am 1 Local. ......... 7.27 a m be successful in aecom plishiug that amo nt churches of Bowmanville and Darlingt011 !?or particulars apply to MUS. CAPT. 'l'Al'l'. .Mixed ·.... . ... 4.05 pm :Express ...... 8.17 am of good its promoters desire, circuits: Bowmanville M ethodist clnn~ch, 8-lw*. Local .......... 7.10 pm Mixed ........ :tao p w Express·...... 9.30 pm Exuress ..... . 8.45 p m On Tuesday, Feb. 12th, Mr. ,V. R. at lO :~lO a. m., Itcv. S. T. Bm·tlett; B. C. OON ROBE LOST. - On Frid11y, 1st inst .. aCoo'N Romr.. The finder '"ill oblige Deyell, of St. Thomas, cDnuuctor on the -church, 10:30 a. rn., Rev. W . R. Barker ; leaving iL at JNO. NfcMURTRY'S Grocery C. S. railwa.y, and Miss N cllie, seconu P. J\!T. chnrch, 10:30 a. ni., Rev. J. II. b;r G-!hv. Store. Oke. Hampton at 10 a. 111 . , and Eldad at cbughter of David Forbes, Esq., of Parkhill, formerly of Bowmanville, were united 2:30 p. m., Rev. E. R. Youug. .i';ion at OS'l'. - A Cntter Ror,e between the Town of Bowmanville arnl Bethcsd1i in matrimony a~ the residence of the 10:30 a. m. and Rehoboth :it 2:~10 p. m. , Rev. J. Hanis. Ebenezer at 10:30 a. m. Church. Rabbalh. t,ne 10th inst., color- red on bi·icle's father. Early the following mornblack. Any one finding one side the other side BowMANVTLLE, FRID.lY, FE.Blt'Y 22. ing tlie hapr.Jy co\1ple left for Chicago on and Hampton at G:30 p. ni., H.C\-. A . the same and leaving it, at th id office shall be 8-lw. their wedding trip. They will reside in, Richard ; Ebenezer at 6:30 p. m., R ev; S . rewarded for t11eir trou\Jlo. St. Thomas, where Mr. Deyell has a '.l'. Bartlett. Orono at 10:30 a,. rn. and ULL FOR SALE.- A very nice beautifully furnished house aw:titiug him Bethel at 2:30 p. m., ·lleY. J. Dyke. Durham llnll. i·egistered in tho and his bride. They were the recipients 'l'~rone, 10 <l. rn., Leskard, 2:30 p. m . and New Young Hcnl Jlook; namc- ' lloaring I.Aon.' Dam 6:30 p. m., Rev. J. Whitlock. Salem. nt J..odyEdit.h. Concert in B. C. church to-night. of mauy handsome and costly lJresents. formerly the property or J.Dryden, got by 'Uanndian Framework,' whose Miss F. Genn11n, Trenton, is visiting at Last S:i.turd:.1y the dry goods busY!ess 2:30 p. m. and Providence at G:30 p. m., Esq., Rev. J. H. Oke. EnfielLl, 10:30 a. m . , sire .was imported by J. I . Dl\vidson. :E!q.· ~Ir. Meath's. carried on recently by A. Difil_~ill1, was lTnion, 2:30 p. m., and Tyrone at Gp. m., Pick.,ring. A two-year·old Bull may ho had if p1·efeITecl instead. Pricfl and Pl\l'ticulars on Elders Shepparu an(\ Shoults exclrnnge again opened by the new .proprietors, Rev. 'l'. Ferrier. Haydon, :!:30 p . rn., appliclllion to WM. WJ£HHY, Hoselandrnle J>Ulpits next Sabbath. Messrs. Pierce & Robertson. :Both of Rev. W. R. B:u-ker. 7tf. Stock l~111m, Solina P.O. Elder Bun, Belleville, . officiated for these gentlemen are well :1nd favornbly ---·- · - - -- · _ _ _ _ Eder Sheppard last Sabb:ith. known to thousands of people in this disTOWN COUNCIL. ,\ GENT WAN1'ED,-A good reliable trict, who have made this town their ~ Agent wantc1l to sell the llundae Cord Grand concert at Courtice to-night. liinders, Ueapers, .Mowers and Hukes, manSeveml of our citizens are "oin,g. he::.clquarters for dry goods, hence they Council met on Monda" ni,.,,"ht, J) . iusuufactnrod by the Gurney Manufactnring Co.. ,., n eed no formal introduction from us. For J in lhc townships o.r Cartwright and Mauvers. See the iuducemeiits to farmers offered d f 1 b · ant to adjournnii;nt, for the dispatch of, , None bnt thOl!e who ca.n give a goocl deal ot .... y 0 k & C · l · 1t the new :firm we pi·e ict tt success u usi- business. Pres~n.t :- M.a,·or Loscombe, attention to selling need apply. To tho right uy oung, aw er ' o. m t le1r al v · nC1ss career, and can h ear tily recommend ])residin!!'. ,· W. P. Prower, 'reeve ,· George man a very liberal commission will he given. " tl1e cl1a11ge in Messrs. Ellison & our r·e·· "e1., to sl1a1·e tltei·r IJ"t1·t111··rre 'v1'tl1 Apply by letter tow. SA.NDERCOCK,Genoral Not~ 0 ""' " · ··· ' · " ' Pi!!gott, deputy-reeve ,· and c<mncillors Agenr,, l:Jowmanville. G-Sw* Pi.ere"' &· Robe1·t 11i1 ne~,·e1· Co'.s advt. 1'11ey alwa,ys sell very cheap. Mess1· ~. v , ~ ' .t>- .. · M·'rris, Horsey. :Field, B<Junsa11, Cawker, , - - - -- -- - - - -- -- - - J!tir. W. H. Orr, of Toronto, was in Block, Bowmanville. Comish,Yellowlees,No~worthy,Galbraith. / town on J.\fOnday attending his sistel"s The second annual dinner in coimection Minutes read tmd approved. funeral. with tltc Young Men' s Progress Club took Deputy-reeve Piggott, on bchttlf of J;~ LL CLAIMS AGAlNS'r nm LATE j\fr_ LeYi Reattoire, Enfield, has three place on t he night of the l:Jth iust. Th(;) H. ]'arwell, F.. F'. J.\foArtlmr, J. \Vesley, llt·m of YOUNG C.AwIOrn &. Co., are to be good milch cows for sale- two renewed occasion drew together about fifty membel's and othors, petitioned the.council to allow presenterl for payment to C. M. CAWKtm. fort,hwlth. All 11cconnts due the said firm are to be ~tly. ' of this popular literary institution. The the erectio11 of a few poles on the streets paid to C. M. C'Aw1mn ott as early <late as :Buy your postage stam-ys at the Grand hall was tastefully decorated with flags on which to cany wires for the purpose possible. CHAS. YOUNG. 11 8. C. M. 0.A. WKElt. Cell1tbJ.,al, next door to the post office; open ancl hunt,ing,. tmd this ·combined with a of testing a system of electric light. tlill 10 p. m. m11guificeut array of delicious viands 'l'he prayer of the petition was granted, GET YOUR LUMBER . ,. n , spread upon the spactous tables, presented tlic erection of poles to , be under the '.!.'he funeral of Mrs. D . Mol 1180 0 ·1 ,a very :ittract1ve · am. l mv1tmg · · · scene. 'Tlie supenision of the R. and S. Committee. ,...,.onc·av was one of the largest seen here d' iu ·' J ' urn er was prepare cl · by M r. J as. D ayman, Mr. Horsey, on belialf of the D. 0. and for :stJme time. l 1 caterer. P . Co. and U. F. Co., asked the council tle popu Jat' an cl une:xce11ec· Mr. A,. W. Lauder, M. P. P., South After everyone hacl had an opportunity of to petition 1he 11rpar-tment of sta.'e at - ATG:r~y. died on Tuesday. He was a lead- passing judgment upon the good things, Washington, D. C., for the appointment ing .ConserYative. tonsts and responses, interspersed with of a United StaJ;,·s consul aL t,his port, Messrs. Morris & .Joblin should be con- appropriate music, constituted t he pro- rccommeiiding tl.e name of Dexter D. sultt,d by a 1l persons intending to build. gramme, which fasted until au enrly hour .Beacl1, an American bom citizen residing See their new advt. th e following morning. '.l'he speeches here, as a fit p <rsou for the ollice. Bowmanville Division will be favored were of a high order. Moved and seconded that the request Liberty Street, 'lvith :a f1iendly vi$it of Oshawa Division_ Rev . .T. Miln~r, connection:tl agent for be ,:;ranted, and that the Mayor, Reeve, Where you can also obtain next 1Juesd:iy night. · the levelling np fund of the P . M . confer- 1mcl Mr. Bor.;ey be a. committee to attend Bowmaiwille Division S . of T. will give encc, occupied Rev. J . Dyke'.s pulpit fast to the matter. Carried. Doors, Sash, Blinds. Window and Door :tnothct· of their popular concert.a in the Sabbath rnorniug, and preached at ProyiSundry accounts were rcfcrrecl to the Frames, Plain and Ornamental Fence Town 'f:fall M:nch 4tl1. dence in the afternoon.· The sermons Finance Committee. Pickets, Cisterns, &c. were models of interest :mcl point. He l\fr . Bounsall, clmirman of Public Prop1\llr. D. Bnrke Simpson, barrister, has explained t lrnt the conference had to raise erty Committee, reported, recommending . · been to Samtoa:a, N.Y., on inufossional $20,000 for the leve1ling up fun cl , anu ,, 110 t l1e non-pnrch ase of st. l amp~. .A.clopted. ~ Bowmanville. Febrnarv 2 1. 1881. B ·tf, lrosiness. He is gaining a very eN:teusive had good reason to believe the whole l\fr. Horsey, chairman of Fire Comamount would be raised by the 24th May mittee, recommended the purchase of cerpi:actice. ·:J\llessrs. Chas. Keith and and M.. A . next. $0,000 of thismnountwas required lain req uisites for No. 1 and S. \V. fire J;imes, of Bownrnnville Lodge, A. G. U. to level up to the funds of the Methodist _ brigadt·s, · Adopted. W .., 'h :we been attending the Gmnd Lodge book room, an instit ution in which every ·Reeve Prower, chainnain of Roads ancl n1eeting at Guelph this week. · Methodist family ought to be interested, Streets Committe11, presented a repo1·t, Mr. J as. Wyllio, tlie champion cliecker for it mnked side by side with t h e colleges r ecommending that McClellan & Co's p:bi.yer, ·will be in this town to-clay, to· ancl missionary societies in usefulness. t ender for the supply of corporation·lumm0.i:row.ancl Mondiiy, to play all comers, -The other $11,000 belonged about equally ber, at $11.40 per thousand be accepted. to the regular ministry a.nd supemnnuated Adopted. al; tt11e ConservJtive Committee Rooms. : ...J.\i:V. A. Mingeaud having secured a g-0od ministers and the widows and orphaus of Moved by Mr. Yellowlees, seconded hy aitn:i"i!-tion with Ewing & ~o., _Toron~, 1ais deceased ministers. The English l'. M. Mr. Field, that the Mayor, Reeve, and frie.uc! 3 hero i)resentetl hun with a friendly confercuce lionnd the Canad-ian P . M. Mr. Horsey be 11 committ ee to " take -sucb address ant'l ten handsome volumes of eonfe1,ence to make 1wovision for worn out steps a· they deem 11ecessary to represent Waverley No~\Cls . ministers am! the widows and orphans of the town at the coming U. E. Loyalist IN D _URHAM. d ee.cased miHiswrs. An effort was now centenuialcelobrntiouin Toronto. Carried. . As we go to press Thursday evening .a. being made for that purpose. Definite On motion Col. Cubitt was allowed to ' . . - .hzge surpribe ria.rty arc wending their way smrm had been apportioned to each circuit addre!s the council. He was endeavoring ; The Dom1.n1on License Act, 1884, to the residence .of Mr. "\V. R . Knight to and station. The amount for Bowman- te have brigade drill here this year, and Heqnircs that, in addition to any application celebrate the first anniversary of Mr. K. ville a1~d its two C'mntry churches wa~ requested the council to provide a suitable whlch may be made 1or a L. 1censo undor the ~nd wife's wedd; i.or.ig day. ' 'ii' ~ 340.00. Rov. J. Dyke heads the list fi ld <Ontado Statute, one must filed with the _ 10 an d supp1y of wat er. ' 1 Chief Inspector. on be or b~fore Mr. J . Dayma1a, of the G rand Centra1 with a s1~bseription of $75.00. The Rev. Reeve Prower and com1cillors YellowRcstaurant, has r.eceived a license for the J. Milner will return in about two weeks ' l ees and Morris wtlre appointed a commitsale of postage stamps Being next door to complete tho canvass. tee to consider 1he matter, with instrncAccompanied by a deposit of$10. !:lee Sections to the .I:'. 0., this will be .a convenient 'fl t a t . ld . tl . 0 M tions to re1)0rt. Address. place to buy stamps. Open till 10 P· m . rn e:i an , conce_r 1 le 111 i e · . · Mr. Horsey ask<ld tliat S , Brimacombe 12, U and 16. .JUDGE BENSON, i:> T b.l k tt l i church last Fnday mght was a success, and b ll d t t d d t Bond or Dominion Liconso Com· L a!!lt week M r. ,.. . re 1 coc a enc ec J.\Ir. and J.\frs. Y.ounic and J.\fr. and Mrs. e a owo o _ cu own an.gerou.s r ees Ch.airman missioners for Durham, PORT HOPE. the Grand Lodge of tlt-e Sons of England King, the principal promoters, must lie ou the str~et m front of ]us residence. By order of the Board of Dominion Ucen11e _. . . Oommiasioners for Durham, 'in Belleville, :is r epresentative from "\Vell- congratulated 011 t he satisfactory r es ults 1~11uest granted, Port Hope, Feb. 20, 18B!. 8. ington L odge. A resolution of condolence of their· labor s. Nearly all the church es Tenders for corporat10i,1. [.mntrng .'", ' ere was pa!!f'1ed to the family of the late Rev. of tho town were well represented. The r ead and re~erred _to the Fm. Comnut ee. H . J . Nott, who was a Grand ·c h:qihin of musical and literary programme ]:iroved a .· A matter relati~g to pubhc ~roperty the Order . mre treaL, and some parts of it not a little msurance ;as ref~ir~cl to the. P _ u bhc Prop'l'he campaign ngainst the s11.le of liquors amusing. 'l'he principal of Bowrnanvill<i ertyCom~m t~e, with mstrnchons to report. in grocery stoTes in Toronto is growing high school, W . "\V. Tamblyn , M. A. ' . 'Counc1l adJourncd. BIRTHS::fiercer as polling day appro:tches. The occupied the chttir. The excellent choir - - -- - - temperanci. people am fighting fearlessly of the church, muubering some six.teen ARGlfE- In Darlington, on the 15th inst., the and boldly for the abolition of a b t1d sys- voices, under the le:1clership of Mr. \V. H. of Mr. Henry Argue. of a d1111ghtor. tom. It is firmly believed their efforts J.\foy, assisted by an efficient orchestm, wife PAGE- In East Whitby, on the 18th lust., tl1e w ill be crowned with success. · charmingly rendered an anthem, the open- wife of Mr. Stephen Page. of a daughter. - A pleasant gathering was 'h eld during ing lliece. 'fhe following accomplished -----------·---- -- ARE NOW OPEN. MARRIED. Tuesday of this week :it the residence of musicittns also :teqnittecl themselves very JAM.Es- MoCoLFFIE- In St. 'fhomas, on the Slancl forincrly ot:cnpicd by the J·ost omcc. Mrs. William Ormiston, sr., Darlington. creditably: Mrs. Scarff, Mrs. King, and 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Holmes, l\1r. A. M. JUNG STRF.ET, The respected old lady has r eached. h er J.\Ess Lizzie Olimie, pianists; Mrs. Hawley, .Tames to Miss NellieMcColffie, both of Alvina· 87th year a.nd is still halo mid hearty, m1cl soloist; Mrs. Meath, soprano ; Mr. K ing, ton. :EIC>~:Dl.r.A.1'TV"X::C..LE. it was thought becoming hy tho family bass. The readings given by Mrs. Dyke DIED. connections to come together and have a and Miss Nott, elocutionists, were cxcecdThe Gallery is , first-class in all its ai;>MORRISON- In Dowmanville,on the 16th inst., chat over the clays of Auld Lang Syne. ingly well rendered. This was Mrs. Hnldah, wi.J'e or David Morrison and pointments, and furnished in a comfort'T~~ meeting proved a very happy one to Dyke's first appearance before a Bowman- Eun;ce youngest daughter o! the late Henry Orr , age able manner. There will be no poor work all, aud to none more than Mrs. Ormiston ville audience, and she thoroughly capti- 3 ~ years. allowed to leave the rooms, and these who WERBY- Nea.r Solina, on Feb. lGth, J mes hel'Self. What a pleasure it must be to vated her hearers, and could n ot fail to favor me with a c11.ll can rely on being · w . W'errv, aged 21years,11 months, ·9'.Uays. the aged lady at h er advanced time of life, r eceive an encore. She first gave "The S·t'RUTT- In Bowmanville. on the 13th inst.. pleased to witness the family name honored and FiJ:'eman, " and secondly a very anmsiug Hannah, relict of the late Itobcrt Strutt, aged ~The instantenou· process only will respected, to See SO many family shoots selection, and the audience, not yet S< ttis- 70 years. LowE- Iu Rowmanville, on tl1c 15th instant, be used for Phot.ographs. ~ growing up <tnd filling places of responsi- fied, wanted more, forgetting that generous Ann, relict of t,J1e late Itobert Lowe, a,ged 82 bility, some of them with marked distinc- good -na ture can be overtaxed. The pl'o- years Come in and see me. . . tion. The kiRdly wish was expressed that ceeds of the entertainment reached the SANDO- Jn Darlington, on the 15th .inat.,John R.H. HENRY. many years of life might yet he spared h er. hamlsome sum of $'72. 75, Sando, sr., aged 8J. years, 1 4 ' 000 Hand. wanted· ~t... HQ,USE _ H as Removed (TW~ DOORS WEST FROM OLD STAND,) IN NE ADS: BLOCK, ,, I LOST. where we can do business as usuaJ Our stock is complete for the trade. REWARD. ' CLOT:H:ING Very Cheap for Cash to meet the dull times. CHEAP! CHEAPER! CHEAPEST! ' F JOSa JEFFREY. ...·TJ:<. y ·._. IB C L MUIRIDIDICIHI 8RlDIS'.[ Local and Otherwise. B TEA.S Cross Cut Saws. -TBE GE1SUINE- 0 Lance Tooth Saws, ,Champion Saws, Lightning Saws~ Diamond Saws, ~utting NOTICE. A PLANED, MATCH fO,MOUlOf O&c. Saws. Morris & Joblin's PLANl.N C MI LL, CHOPPING- AXES, . The largest assortment ever shown in Bowmanville, includit1g the ct1lebrated CARPENTRY IN All BRANCH ES American W etrriore Axes. " Simpson Axes. Canadian Western Axes. " Orient Axes. · Crescent Axes. " " Crown Axes. Lumberman's Pride Axes. " " "Nick of the Woods" Axes. And a fuil stock of all choppers and Lumberman 's requisites. SEE THE GOODS. APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSES LEE & EDSALL, Bowmanville, January 10, 1884. WELLINGTON Bun,Drnas. HOTRS, SALOONS ANO SHOPS BARCA INS FOR ALL I FURS!FURSI During the Xmas holidays I will offer my fine and well assorted stock, consisting of 1st MARCH, 1884, PHOTOGRAPHY. Mink Muffs, · Boas & Caps, S. S. Seal Muffs, Boas & Caps, llENRY'S Persian Lamb Muffs, Boas & C'a ps, Astrachan ·M uffs, Boas and Caps, New Photo Rooms AT -WHOLESALE PRICES. -.ALSO- Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. Gent's Coon Coats. Gent's Dog Coats. BUFFALO, Black, Gray and White Jap ROBES. At the LOWEST CASH PRICES. M. MAYER, . Furrier.

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