Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1884, p. 3

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DEU'H IN Ml'E, near Indmnapohs, and m consequence of THE IMPGSSIIlLE, AGRICULTURAL ~ WALKED FIVE THOUSAND )llILES. its defect the biidge gave way the other a. Narrow Escape Fr()m Premature Bur1~Notable Illustratton of Sctent fto Dogm" day under the veigl1t of a passmg tram, Pl-The Signs of Dea.th. Facts about Scotch Fife Wheat. '"As to the proJect which was announc- The Horrible March of Exiled Russians. the ears were precipitated mto the river d FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1884 The No1thwestern JJ[iller, which has ed in the newspapers of makmg the voyOnly a few days ago was reporte a reNo less than 165,000 humau beings below and became one bmnmg mass of wreck, while a large number of passengers markable story wluch is 111 itself an argu- been mn.kmg fight for Scotch fife wheat as age directly from New York to Liverpool. have been transported toSiberiaduring the ----~ - - -The areat ends of ltfe are best gamed were killed, and others were wounded ment, as many would thmk, m favor of bemg the best m t he world for makmg it was, he had no hesitat10n m saymg, past ten years-a very lnghfigure of crimby him whom t1ll l11s conduct is ammated and maimed for hfe. ·we are all depen- abohahmg the present system of subter- good flour, says "It 1s a well estabhshed perfectly ch1mencal, and they might as mahty, mdeed, for a 1 iopulat10n number dent on each other. The moral 1s plam rnnean mterments A young girl was fact that the high reputation gamed fo1 well talk of makmg a vogage from New mg 72,000,000, if all ex1lea were "crimmby the love of Chnst suddenly afthcted with illnc3s, and a Minnesota fluur rn former years was at York or Liverpool to th~ moon." These als " Less than one half of them, how· The President of the Society of Public and clear enough for,each of us to read. medwal man, bemg called m, stated, after tamed by usmg ha1u wheat exclusively are the memorable words m wh10h Dr ever, c10ssed the Ural m accordance with Analysis m England recently bought 300 Cardmal Manmng is evidently a good some time elapsed, that the patient was samples of milk m London, and found 203 man as well as a g.reat one Probably no actually dead. Dead, too, she was to all m its product10n Thrn gave it its great Dwnysms La1duer, addressmg a L iver- the sentences of the court. The others strength overall other brands m the mar pool audi ence m D ecember, 1835, con- were thrown mto Siberia without havmg of them either skimmed or watered. man m England w1eldb a greater mfiuence, appearances, as no flutter of the heart and ble and absurd the pro seen any Judges, by simple order of the The Gazela de los Hospitciles, Valencia, by vu tue of the flxalted pos1t10n he not the famtest breathmg from n ose or kets. When the rmddlmgs purifier first demned as m1poss1 reports a case of cure of tuchmos m eight holds m the Roman C,1thohc church, and lips cuuld be perceived by the fuends came mto general use hne, the value of Ject of establishmg a hne of steamers be ac;lm1mstrat1ve, 01 in accordance with resolutions taken by their communesMmtresota Hom took a lo11g stride ahead een days by use of alcohol Ill six to mne it seems his evident desire to use hie gathered round the bedside. The 1 body of any other brands then produced, rang- tween this countiy and t he Umted States~ nearly ,tl waJ s under the pressure of the ounces m t1venty-four hours. position and his ~brnties for the benefit of of the girl, supposed to be deceased, was rng m pnce m the Eastern markets from The lear ned doctor afrerward retracted , ommpotent local authorities. Out of the he declared that he never stated a steam The Moscow girls are attiactmg some humamty. Few men are as earnest m left m the room whore she had died, and $1 50 to $2 per barrel above the best WlJl voyage across the Atlantic to be a physi- 154,184 exiles who crossed the Ural :lurattention from scientific Europe A so their eft, 1r·s to pl'omote temperance amon~ the family was assembled ma down stairs ter wheat fluur. At that time Mmnesota cal unpossibil!ty; »hat he meant was mg the years 1867 to 1876, no loss than Some hours later, it 1s was iamng a purely hard wheat (the old ca.lled epidermc of choleia, or St Vitus's all classt>s, and to rnmovo the temptat10ns apartment 78,676 belonged to the last category. He does not hesi stated, one of the household heard a famt Scotch fife), and the extra v:r.lue 111 the thau a lme of ste:ime1s would not pay The remammg were condemned bycourts; dance, broke out m a guls' school there, of the dunk traffic. H had better have held lus peace. The and now var10us members of eighteen tate to associate mtunately with men of all -::-ry or cah, and, commg mto the passage, flour then w,is evidently the result of truth 18, lie had gone mto calculations to 18,582 to hard labor, and 54,31G to be fanulies m the neighborhood of the Krem churches and all 01eeds m tlus important was horror stnken to observe the girl, usmg tlus hard wheat exclusively m its prove the "physical m1poss1b1hty" of a settled m Siberia, mostly for life, with or lm are trymg to .l!:eep then features wo1k, and m this he is settmg a capital who was believed to be lymg cold and lll· production." Fife is the wheat that fast steamer crossmg the Atlantic l:y mstanc without loss of all then· c1 vii rights. examl-'le to some from \\horn morn liberal ammate, standrng at the head of the gave Minnesota its reputation for la1ge st1aight Twenty years ago t he exiles traversed mg the quantity of coal she would have to The Lyon J."ded1cal says that the mortal- thu,gs imght be expected Cardmal Man stairs m the clothes 111 wluch she had yield It is t he hardest of all wheats, m carry with he1, ,md, n >t satisfied with on foot all the distance l)etween .Moscow ity in the F1ench army is 8 65 per 1,000 nmg ha~ Just very trnly saw thut, "effort been ]aid out The call which had at- respect to 111JUIY from excessive m oist- this, he -predict d that the vessels which and the place to wluch they were dis· for France and Algeria, but for the maa: · to improve the condition of the sufiermg tracted attentwn. had really emanated ure 'l'he Marntoba authorities admit would ul tun.itely be found the best adapt patched They had thus to walk someine mfantry thti rate is 70 7 per 1,000 poor rs of mure value th11n any endeavo1 to frem her lips, and a veutable resurrection Scotcl1 fife for seed free of duty, and the ed fo1 the voyage between this country thmg hl,e 4, 700 miles m oider to reach In France it is but 18 9, but m Mart1m- build a second Westmmster Abbey would appeared to have taken pl,1ce Only m Canadum Pacific road transports it fo1 and North Amenca would be those of the hard l.~bo1 colomes of Tiansbaikahas que it is 32 2, in Cochm Chma 97.0, and be " lt is evident tha-t he practically famt tones coulu the ,1useu co1 pse articu- seed free of charge, makmg full rates on eight hundred tons, which "ould cariy and 5,200 to reach Yakutsk. Nearly a, recogmzes the truth of t lns saymg m his late, md the chief complamt was that soft wheat. There are a fe w sections m in Senegal 146 6 per 1,000 m<1chmes of two-hundred korse-power, two years' walk for t he former, and tvroshe fe t "very cold " Now, here is an m- Mmnesota where the farmern have stuck and would be able to stow four hund years' anel a half for the second. SomeBodenstedt supplies the followmg Rus work The London Times, has JUSt been re stance of death m life which recalls all sui,n estimate of the relative smart110ss of to fife ever smce it was mtrnduced, and red tons of coal The valuo of predwt10n amehorat10n has been mtroduced smce. nations, which h<ts passed mto a proverb markrng t hat m England, Just now, perils the horrible stories, true or false, an<i their crop thts year_ was as large and t he of this kmd hes m showrng us how unwise After havmg been gathered from all parts tl;i.ere; Two Jews a1e equal to one Rus to men from deeds of vwlence are mfi- most of them decidedly fictit10ns, which quality as fine as the first season that they it is to prophesy, uuless, as the American of Russia at Moscow or atNiim-Novgorod, sum, two Russians to one Persian, two mtely less than perils ar1srng from care- have been t old of persons who were im- raised fife It 1s true that they have not humorist says, one waits until the even~ they arc trnnsperted now by steamer to No- ag ned to be dead, and who yet have come grown wheat on the ~ame ground every Persians to one American, two Amencans lessness and mattept10n of others Oft-quoted as Dr Lard Perm, by rail to Ekatermburg, m carthmg hke as many pe1sons are killed or to life agam after a prolonged period of year. They have given the soil an occa- h as happened to one Greek. ne's assert10n has been, there is no chance n ages to T umen, and agam by steamer t<> On aH female smvants m Prussia and lllJUred by assaults and such deeds of v10· total 111amtion. The tales of men and s10nal rest, sometnnes for two or three of its becommg stale, for eveiy year Tomsk Thus, accordmg to a recent EngAlsace-Lorrame who have umnterrupted- lence as by the daily nushaps of careless women who may poss1' ly have been buri- ;}'ears, first by past urmg it, and then by freshens it as a Joke converted mto de- lish book on exile m Siberia, they have to ly remamed m the same family for torty d11vmg and other such ,1cts of mattent10n. ed before they wer e dead, as m the 1n- plant111g sometlnng else, so t hat it had re- lightful nony by the stirring march of walk "only the distance boyoud Tomsk " years, the German Empiess confers a Cold- Such remarks are certamly true enough stance of the young woman mterred close covered what 1t h,1d lost. It is no doubt hard upon the In pla1n figures this t r1fimg distance science en Cross, with an autograph diploma, m regard to Canada The terrible rail- to Shakespeare's grave m Stratford-onThe figures from five counties taken chstmgmshed doctor that lns emphatw me"ns 2, 065 miles m K ara, somethmg and betwe~ n tl,e 1st of January, 1877, vray slaugh ters we a1e havmg are not Avon chmch, are really too shockmg to from a group m wluch Scot ch fi e had assert ion should be " wnt large " under hke a nme months' foot JOUrnoy. If the In been raised almost exclusively, are given when the~er '~as founded, and the end brought al.iont by men w1tl1 malice afore- allow thought to dwell upon them. lns h1stoncal portrait, and that he and it pnsoner be sent to Yakutskhehas "only" of December last, the distmct1on has been thought, but by men not grvmg timely at- the example to which we have referred, to show the results 111 1882 should come down to posterity together, 2, 940 miles to walk, and the Russian gov· ttint1011 to the duties muned1<1tely before the reason given for the terrible occurbestowed on no fewer than 1,027 persons Total Total Avera!l;e very much as though what he had uttered ernment havmg discovered that Yakutsk them It is quite prnbable that the man rence was that the girl had died of the ac re"J?P.. ,10 d pet aor1:ii 1111835 was as wise a thmg as any enun- is a place still too near to S t Pete1sburg, -a creditable and mterestmg fact ... 40175 78186 1787 who remains a.t home m t he city, and plague, and m such cases the survivors At all events,. m arn sendmg them now t:> Verkhoyansk Mr. Sluelcls, by laymgpipes perforated goes quietly about the streets m broad were glad to bury the bodies out of 36 ~110 63" 1s1 17 a1 ent man ever said and NiJm Kolymsk (m the neighborhood 41 721 (67 1120 l~ 97 m1t1gat10n of his little m1stal,e let it nev at mtervals some hundreds of ya1ds out daylight 01 1 ly, IS d,uly runnmg more risks sight as qmckly as possible for fear of 40 911 6 3 88! 15 97 er be forgotten that during a penod of of NordenskJold's wmtermg stat10n), and of Folkestone harbor, and forcmg oil to life and limb than the man who daily contagwn. In this country, where bunal The figures cannot be equalled by any forty ;} ears all the wise men of the suc- a distance of some 1,500 miles must be through them, successfully earned out, travels by hghtnrng express trams The does not take place until some days after the other day, lns mventwn for calmmg ev1l 1s however, more easily pomted out decease, it well mgh 1mposs1~aJ'~ord similar group of the purely soft wheat cess1 ve adm1ralt10s had, to use t he langu- added to the former " tnflmg" distance, 18 counties, and even if tlwy could, there age of the historian, " declmed even to and we have agam the magic figure of 4, stormy water and makmg easy the en- than the remedy mg to ~!1e best medical testlmv..j , t}\at would rem,un ag,11nst the soft wheat the cunsider the benefits to be derived by the 500 miles-or two years' w,ilk-reconst1ttrance for vessels m drntress As the oil The anti Chmeseag1tat10ngoes onstillm any such horrible accident should occur. all important d1fierence m pnce-10 to 20 application of steam," and that "when uted m full. for the purpose can be secured for sixpence a gallon, and as fifteen to twenty Bntish Columbm, but the facts look as Catalepsy and kmdred illnesses, however, cents per bushel less than No 1 hard fife everybody except themselves had become though thecomplet1onoftheCanadmnPaci- are known to produce states of coma One thmg is certa111, and that is the repu- alive to its advantages t hey refused to ap~allons completely calmed the entrance to Dr. Talmage on Starting :Newsnapers. J!'olkestone u, a very stiff breeze, it is fie Railway aeross to the Pacific would put which so closely resembles death that m tat10n of the hard wheat sect1011 and ot ply t lus new and now nughty power to our an end to the prospects of success for certam cases a careless physician might tho North western flour 1s mamtamed, 1t war ships of the line." Dr. Lardner was I thmk I could arnuse your appreciamamfesG how easy of appliance and cheap su~h an ag1tat10n. It may turn out yet possibly, though not probably, pronounce can only be by tlle exclusive use of fife not alone , but then his dogmatism, which tion of t lus great blessmg 1f I told you the plaB 1s 'rho B?itish Medical JOW/nal says t.,at that the people of Butish Columbia have life to be extmct when 1t was not so m wheat for seed. All of the softer sorts, might be called his " cocksureness," the money, the bram, the exasperat10n, a great deal to gam mstead of a great reahty The story of the girl who rose fo1· wluch larger ywld 1s claimed, must be gives a pleasure to the recollect10n of his the anxieties, the losses, and wear and wlnle the lush abroad are a fertile rnce, tear of heart strrngs involved m the pub· they are not so on their own soil , that deal to lose out of the Chmese 1mmigra- from the bed on which she had been discarded Rotation of crnps <v1c1 better assert10n which is not imparted by forty t1on The N. w York Witness says "laid out" a few days ago 1s a modern modes of securrng the gram when npe are years of admiralty obstructiveness. It 1s hoat10n of s newspaper. On the theory their marnages are few m proport10n to The North-western farmer a very defined finger-post set up by a abroad m the world that anybody can the population, take place late m bfe, "Chinamen are buymg blocks m Victoria reproduc t10n of the accident that befell nec~ssary (Vanco uver Island) at high prices, and Vesalius, one of the fathers of modern must learn tlns lesson well, and rf he learned man, and it is not only amusmg make one, i expenenced capitalists every and are not so productive as might be exHe was, so the history would avert all danger of smut, discard to ms pect, because it pomts the wrong year are enteung the hats, and it IS a pected 1\-fany marnages esc,ipe registra- intend to make it then headquarte1s for medical science. way, but because it enables us to take sunple stat1st1c that there is an average tion, but even then it remams true that the busmess of importing Chmese la bo1- goes, C!L!led 111 to attend on a young soft wheat for seed and stick t o §fe. ers for North Amullca as Hong Kong rs Spamsh nobleman, who seemed to have what nautical men call a " a departure," of a dead newspaper overy day of the the Ineh are not a mar1) mg people The Fal'Jn It.ems. when, as students, we sail mto t hat year Generally three or four fortunes marriages reg1steied m 1882 were 22,.9, the headquarters uf ex:portmg them, both succumbed to death, bemg m reality m a As cataleptic cond1t10n After the great anbe111g 4 32 per 1,000 o· the population, depots bemg under the Bnt!Sh flag Premomtrons of sprmg,-the Annual broad ocean of mautune science wluch are swallowed b efore a new8paper is established The large papers swallow up Clunese bbor lS m grnat demand all over atom1st had actually commenced his postwhich 1s very much lower, says the editor, Catalogues of the seedsmen, now falling has been opened out to the world smce than the marriage iate of any other the contment for out door and house se1 mortem exammat10::. the heart once more upon our table as tluck "as leaves m Val- the d,1ys of the Savannah, the Royal the small papern-one whale takmg down v10e, and it is impossible to prevent began to beat, and the mdignant relaWilham, the Smus, and the Great West- fifty nunnows Although we have over com1try whose statistics are available. lambrosa." Chmamenfrom s1ftrng ac10sstheboundary tives denounced t he learned Vesalius as 7,000 dailies and weekhes m the Umted ern.-L01idon Daily News. A Tennessee paper says, "The recent !me, thoro will 8.oubtless be a thrivmg an mfamous murderer. Nor could the States and Canada, only thnty six of It is asserted, on good scientific authocold sua.p is decidmg hundreds of N 01 th- bnsmess don e, both by ocean steame1s protect10n of Pluhp II save lum from r1ty, that the SOJa bean, wluch has re- ODD s ronrns FROM EVER\'.WlIERE them arc a half century old The averern and Western people to locate m the tnd the Canadian Pacific Railway m the cundemnation of the Inqms1t10n, and cently been imported rnto Euiope from age ne1vspaper life is five years Most South " Very h kely Abont six months t1ansportmg them." m consequence he was obliged to perform Japan, 1s a very valuable fodder, bemg Benedict, Md , has over 100 mhabit of them die of cholera mfantum. It 1s ltence, the s;;i.~ people" ill probably come The young women of the country are several expiatory p1lgnmag~s to the Holy exceedmgly 11ch m fatty mgredients ants, ot whom 70 are stck with typhoid high time it were understood that the to tl1e conclusion that it was the biggest not havmg a "fan show" m the close com- Land, m the coui&e of one of which he A fa11ner is ment10ned by the Chatham fever. most successful "ay of s111kmg a fortune m1stakl'l of their h ves to decide on Jocat- pet1t10n there now is for busrness success was wrecked on the desolate island of Oowner who, upon first turmng a h orse and keepmg it sunk is to start a newsThe wife of a driver of a street car at 1ng South , they should have gone north- m tlus country 'Ihe same saymg 1s true Zante, and died of starvat10n and expo- mto t'ie field, leads him along t he wire Almost every mtelligent man Chamberlam, S C , IS worth $300,000 paper ward where the icebeigs Me hatchedr of almost every country Why should it sure In our own days, fortunately, the fence and brmgs his nose a few times m Her name is Mrs Osman Bo1ety. dunng lus bfe is smitten with the newsSome people would be better satisfied contmue so 7 111 tlns Provrnce imllions of signs of death are so well und erstood that contact with the barbs. After that expe· paper mama , start a newspaper or have Some enthusiastic hunt ers m Waco, stock m one he must, or die. Tlus is with wmgs so as to beQome regular birds public money have been expended m en- nervous pe0ple need not have the slight- r1ence the mtelhgent ammals keep at a of passage These cpld w111ters are mor"' dowmen1 s for colleges for the benefit of est fear of bemg buried alive. Still the safe cltstance, and none have been Te~,, chased an ammal for several miles, often the process. A literary man 11as an healthy and bracmg than the hot sum- the young "Lords of Creation," but m conscwusness that such an awful fate is lllJUred. thrnkmg it a wolf, but rt p roved to be a iclea, moral, soeml, poht1cal or rehg10us, mers. h ow many of t h em ate femal es a11owed to bareJy poss1 ble serves to mvest cremat 10n wluch he wishes to ventilate He has no Mr Samuel Miller, Dluffoown, l'rio , j Yellow dog. Nihilism is still defiant and flounshmg put their feet 1 Louk at our Umvers1ty with a certam favor m the eyes of a great tells the Germantown 'f_'eleg1 a;ph tha.t if In a French cemetery the followmg money of his own- literary men seldom m Russia. The police throughout the College, the Vetermary, the Law Schools, many persons For dnectly the body fresh fodder corn is stacked with strn\\ - epitaph appear,~ "I avr a1t my husband, have-but he talks his idea among confi"Here dential friends, and forthwith they are whole country are on the constant alert, the Medical Colleges, the Agricultural, had entered tho crematorium it would be wheat 01 oat- m alternate layers of a foot Oct 10, 1820 Below IS tlus mflamed with the idea, and they buy and spies are everywhere under official :wd so on to the eud of the chapter The at once subiected to such m tense heat that of the latter to three mches of the former, [ am, F eb 7, 1880 " pay, but the Nihilists are not stamped pubhc funds are freely given to aid m the idea of any recovery of hfe or breath there 18 no danger d spo1lmg, as the Tulare Lake m Cahforma is rapidly type and press and rent a composmg out by any means. It need not create -heir efficrnncy, and the people do not must be simply out of quest10n Tlus JUICes of the corn ate absorbed by the drymg up. A few years ago rt was 33 rnorn, and engage a corps of editors, and surprise if on any day word should com~ grudge the grants made But where are a nd the crowded state of our cemei,eries, straw, and the latter is rendered so pala- miles long and 21 miles wide Now it is then a prospectus, w h1ch threatens to that the Czar has been mmde11ed by some _he1e any such evidences of hberahty for together "ith the difficulty of findmg table that cattle +lat it all greedily with - but 15 miles long, and has an average conquer everythmg, goes forth, and hen the first issue is t hrown upon tho attenmeans. A few days ago it was found that rhe encouragement of higher educat10n new burial-grounds for the constantly out waste. width of less than 8 miles. the bread on his breakfast table was im- a.mong the women 1 Surely our pubhc growmg n eeds of the commumty, are When asked the six best substances for Sidney L. Greenshaw, of Jacksonville, t10n of the adm1rmg world. After a few pregnated with strychnme. To-morrow men should wake up to the fact that this certamly arguments which can and ought destroymg msects above ground, Profes- Ill., while drunk, attempted to pull off weeks, or mont hs, a plam stockholder dynamite may be found m his boots, and is the age and the country of Queen Vic- to be urged m favor of the practice of sor c v. Riley mentioned tobacco, soap, his coat as he sat on the bed. He fell finds that there is no especial revolution, so on it goes until the end of another toria, and that the future wives and mo- ~r.;i111ation. _ _ _ __ · helebore, arsemc, petroleum and pyreth- backward, and, strikrng the foot rail of and that neither t he sun nor the moon bloody chapter m Russian lustory. has stood still, and that the world still thers of tho land should have all the adrum. Th~ first three are well-known , another bed, broke his neck. Scenery Jn the North West. goes on lymg and cheatmg and stealing Wmmpeg Siftings is tell111g nnple:Isant vantages of the best moral and mtellectuthat A wild duck took a d1rect1on parellel to as 1t did before t he first issue of the New A correspond ent writmg from t h e end but it has onlyb lately been learned atruths about the quality of the coal found al tramrng provided for anybody k S I the vapor of to acco is not on1y eilectua1 a locomotive leavrn!!" Tarrytown, and it in the SaRkatchewan country It says of A correspond.,nt sends to the Pall };[all 0f the Canad ian P acrfi c t rac says - 1 · m destroymg insects wherever rt oan be was a close race for two miles, but JUSt York Thiinderer, or the Universal Gazette, the coal - ' I t gives out immense heat, Gazette the followmg account of the omp- var City consistmg of 35 log houses, with confined, as m green-houses, but that it before reachmg Irvmgton the bird forged or the H allelU,Jcth Advooote. Forthwith the plam stockholder wants and that is its only virtue. It 1s fright- nal source of Holloway's omtment and staked out streets, presents a preposse&z is less in3ur10us to delicate plants than ahead of the engme. to sell his stock, but nobody wants to buy fully dirty, it burns the stove to such an Pills as related to lum by his father, who mg appearance as hem~ a substantial either t he smoke or the hqmd. Samuel Fogely, of New Ph1ladelph1a, it, and others disgusted with the mvestextent that the purchase of a new one was a well known London phys1c1an ; Se tlement and Prepared t o stay· It is A correspondent of lihe CO'Untry Gentle- Ohio, put a heavy load of powder m to a ment want to sell t heir stock, and an enevery year looks very probable. and it " The person to whom Mr. Holloway situated on an open bay of Bow River burns away very i<,\st." It IS evidently a acted as secretary was an Italian quack Valley, m a very picturesque district, man says castor 011 is his resort whenever log, and, as the fuse failed to fire it, he ormous bill of a paper factory rolls in like soft b1tummo~al, such as is found so doctor, who came to London about 1835 the varied scenery of the high back he finds a fowl is affected by any 111ternal went up and sat astride the log. Then an avalanche, and the prmters refuse to abundantly 1-;; ~ova Scotia, and only m order to establish a busmess for the ground of hills, the heavily-timbered disease, and he finds it umformly success- the charge exploded, and Fogely will work until they have their back pay, and the subscribers wonder why their paper well suited to open grates. In a country, sale of an omtment and pills He en- lower foreground on the south side of the ful. When a chicken has symptons of die. A gold watch witl1 a bullet in the back dees not come. Let me tell you, oh man, hke the North-West, where the thermo deavored to obtam testimomals for his river, the surrounclmg woods, sparse roup, he shuts it up m a warm, dry, venafter runnmg that if you have an idea on any moral> meter etands for days and weeks together P1eparntions f1om the recogmzed medICal enough to display 1nd1v1dual trees' most t1lated coop, sprmkled with air slakO:Jd of the case, where it lod11:ed at 40 degrees below zero a good quality Prac,1t10ners of the metropolis, and among Of Which have a Shape and hue beautiful lime, and gives it a teaspoonful of the 011, through the timepiece, belongs to W. R. s1,c1al, poht1cal or rehg1ous subJects you of Sagmaw, Mich. It save~ had better charge on the world through of coal for fuel is a prime ne ~ess1ty. others received a favorable report on his enough for Ornamentation Of the most more or less, accordmg to the length of McGunni1de, omtment from the surgeon to the Dread- fast1d10usly arranged park, together with i,ime the fowl has been ill, repeat111g the his father's life durmg the war. the columns already established. Do not The Rad1ca1 party m England go m for nought Hospital. The Italian doctor did the impressive grandeur of Castle Moun· dose two or three times a day, and keepReed and Pearce at Emporia," Kan, t ake the idea so prevalent that when a. sweepmg political changes all round not succeed m busmess, and died about tam, makmg a landscape far from mg the coop, feed-dishes, etc , absolutely have been sentenced to remam m thE. man can do nothmg else he can edit a Here is their new platform - Manhood Castie Mountam 1s a very clean. The fowl soon recovers. di pemt ent mry one year, an d , a t sueh t une newspaper. If you cannet chmb the hill suffrage, electoral d1stncts, cheap 1837, leav111g his 'recipes' m the hands of me ocre. Mr. Holloway, who then proceeded to consp1c10us elevation, havrng exceedmg Rye, oats, barley, buckwheat, peas, thereafter as the Governor shall fix, to back of your house you had better not monarchy, to the tune of a quarter of a try t he sides of the Matterhorn , if yott push them by means of advertisements loftmess, most massive proport10ns, and beans, Indian corn, wheat bran, shorts or be hung withm the prison walls. million a year, abolition of the House of eannot nav1gate asloopon the North river Lords, local government for Ireland, dis- l understand there was noth111g iemark- a separate condition of its half height middlings, oil-meal-these are all good ..A flock of wild turkeys walked around you had better not try to engmeer the about the o1~1tment, but that11t was from its own range, bemg only from its food, says the NatUmalLwe StockJoimuil, the pubhc s_g_uare of Perryville, Mo, establishment of the State Church, free able , d th , d d waist, whwh IS, as far as surface-soil con- for fattenmg sheep. But it is a good plan apparently without fear, but were gone "Great Eastern" over to Liverpool. To educatwn, direct taxation. Some of as goo as many 0 ers approve an ceals its rook, connected with the n eigh - t t Th t th h o give a varre Y· e wrr er says e agarn before the people recovered frem publish a newspaper requires the skill, these measures would not appear so entered m the British Pharmacopana Concernmg the composition ~f the pills b< nng hills, whICh are most1 y a arp- best rat10n he ever knew wa~ composed of their surprise and could capture any of t he precision, the v1g1lance, the strategy, sweepmg m Canada as m England. With know nothmg." the boldness of a commamler m chief ; ridged and peaked, and none as high or equal parts by weight of oats, corn, peas them. the strongly Conservative notions still 1 as smgly promment as the monarch and millet, and to fifteen bushels of the to edit a newspaper one needs to be a preva1lrng m the '·Old Country," the W e have been r eadmg a statement m rrlount itself. From the limit of its earthdd d b h 10 f fl d The champion woman pedestrian is statesman, an essayist, a geographer, a d 1 mixture was a e one us e ax-see ' Mrs Hannah Barnes, who has Just reachRadicals will have "a hard row to hoe' a very reliable JOUrnal to the effect that statistician, and so far as all acquisition before one half the me,isures they pro- the death rate of the population of Liver· slape it emerges' re and perpen icu ar and all ground together. Two pounds of ed Milwaukee after a tramp of 300 nules 1s concerned, an encyclopred1a. England, has been reduced from to a narrow! edg;' ._ietrayed by the white tlus with hay gave excellent r esults. f t h f t th Id l, 37 Poo 0 pose can ever be obtamed. streak of snow, 1h en agam to a broader ---.----on o ' carrymg er our een mon To man and to propel a newspaper reA ed Sleigh Riding cluld She left Ashland, "\V1sconsm, on quires mor e quaht10s tl1an any other busiIf the days of the "Southern Chivalry," to 27 per 1,000 durmg the lastthuty years parnpet, extendm g all round the south 0 as it at one time existed South are pretty ness on earth I say t hlil to save men well past there are still evidences of a from bankrnptcy. If you feel called to pretty lugh sense of honour existmg rn start 01 publish a newspaper, take it for the path alona r esettes, on the Christmas tree for hld granted that you are threatened with the breasts of some southern men Re- most successful of thf'se measuies were wttllOUt int ei fe 1 Ing "1th "' town ' ' cently Frank S teele, a prisoner under b f the steep, and lastly nses mto a long l' "What is it 1" she asked breathlessly pastor. He was 'ery angry next day softemng of the bram; throw your pocket 11 d 1 " Why, George and his friend, Mr when he saw t he pig m a rival shop, book m to your wife's lap and rush up to life long sentence m the Kentucky State t h e pu mg own c a a1 ge n um er o castle-like erection, like to the upper by ' Pemtent1ary, for mmder, was permitted dilapidated lb 0ccup1ed id tl the poor d b a ttl oment sof a h uge f ort i fi c.i.10n, with Snuth, of New York- that delightful wh ere t l1e dom1nie had sold it for half t " ie Bloomingdale asylum and surrender yourd tenants, l d d egra ec, anc ui mg m 1eir.stea a tall keep-like tower at the cast end 1 market price. liberty to go out and attend the funera n self before you do somethmg desperat e. ·heerful and well ventilated h ouses These f tl d tl al d gentleman we met ast evenmg, you - - - - -· - - - - of his father, the late Judge Steele, with ~tatements are prnbaHy q cute correct and l guar mg ie· appro,i c1i o 1e v e, an a know- have mv1ted us to take a sleigh It is said that if common salt be added Meanwhile let the dead newspapers be out ey.;m au escort, on the strength of Ju 1 earned out to their bunal week by week, to poultry droppmgs it will prev~nt it11 and let the newspapers that hve give your personal pledga that he would r eturn ·h ey ought to be m vaidly digested by i1;;·:~~~~~n:lsc:~p~=~t~at~~' ~8;; !J1 ~~ rr~? !~lg!t ~de with Mr. Smith ?" 0 0 He weut back a.11 nght at the appomted ;}~~;a~~!~ f~!t~i:;s~;~~~~~to;~ ~J1e J~I:i and level with its foundat10n It is a "Yes,, burnmg up plants when applied to them, obituary. time. If the sa~>a..man would be allowed f f 1 t fD h t smgular mountam, of stnkmg maJesty, " But h e has only one arm.,, the theory bemg that the great aflimty of ----~......--~~~~-~ out, on a s1m1lar iJledge, for a few months' bor usel u ~ess do sD ermg thu~am/ can and very distmct featmes, a land mark "That doesn't make any dtffere11ce salt for moisture prevents the drymg of Christian content opens all la""iful engagement with Ba1m1m he could, no t e easi Y d1 d is kr't wifd easily d1stmgmshable amongst myriads George says he is accustomed to horses, th e dwppmgs. avenues of enterprise, bids us use all our 1 0 doubt, get a profitable engagement er somhe die api t e ' r ic -e Y of of smroundmg heights. The differcince and can drive wit h one ar·n JUSt as well "I had hardly entered the room," said faculties and make the most of them, h f k 1 l ouses ere omg serv ·e as 1iomes or bl ,, ~ h · How much m this world depends on men and women are pitiable to behold m its qua1~ty o roe is p am y not10ea e as he can "ith two. , he, with a tremulous voice, "w en a mist and, when "e have done our best, grat ethe thoroughness with which every man, No wonder that the dei h mt~ is very m contrast with that of C,1scade Moun"It makes a great deal of difference.' suddenly gathered before my eyes, I was fully accept the results God sends. A large m such places, and no wonder there tams, this s~owmg much mmeral d1scol- I said the young lady from out of town unable to see an mch 111 front of me. I m every pos1t10n, does his wo1k. A vVyommg man recently blew out his blacksmith workmg somewhere, made a is a great deal of mtGmr.:irance and de- orat1011, sufficient when exammed to give " One cannot find any pleasure sl eigh· heard the mmmur of vowes, and then brams bec,1use he had the rheumatism. defective JOb m cuttmg the thread forth e prnvity among the unforl mate mhabit- true mformation of prec10us metal ridmg with a one-armed gentleman, un" "You famted I" qmckly put m If he thought t hat his rheumatism was end of an iron b.oft. That bolt was put ants. The evil is apparent enough but belongmg to its mformat10n, and advise less "- and h ere her face lighted up hope- his fr10nd. "No , I wiped the frost off caused by t oo much bram s he must have prospectors to seek out 111 its vicmity the fully-" she dnves herself." my glasses." ' in the railway bridge at Broad Ripple, hat Is the remed 1 been badly mistaken. w Y vems of silver ore so certainly there. ~auatliau Jtatesttutti. ° ~hg:En:f.fp!;f~:::~n~::~~jg~.~~ ~·;~~~;;:!;~rE:~~b;~~:~~};~~!. ;:f;,~l~1~~~:~~ff·~:~~i:,~ ~1~.~~~"","p~,m~:~:.:~ '~~,~ 0 1 fm3 · Ul\1

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