· THE CA:NADIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLISHED CATARRH. CATARRH,- A ne.,,.. Treatment wlurebv a peruurnent cure is effected in from one to lltre treatments. Particulars and 'l'reatise freo w i£f;:Jt1?iet,tW:St, ·fror!to~IXON & SON,!fltT ___ WHAT THE REv. E. B. S·rEVENSON, B.A.. " CLERGYMAN OF THE LONDON CONFEIUINC· 0 El' ER 'I' FRIDA.T DIORNING, -BY- M. A.JAMES, ·~ut:omce .AT THE O~'EIOE, Block, King St., Uowmanvllle, Ont $1,.t;O per annnm,or $1.00 if paitUn advance . Payment strictly in advance required from IS1lbscr1bers outside of t.he oounty. Orders to · dl8icWltlnue the paper mu~t be accompanied by tlhe !imonnt due.or the paper will not be stopped. E!UbaoriberB are responsible unti! full payment is G DErnSrns-YoursoftheI:lthinst\mttohand. to be true that I am . cured of Catarrh, but I know that lam. I have had noTetum of the disease and never felt better in my life. I have tried so many things m!Mle. for catarrh, suffered so much and for so many ycars.thatitishardformeto reali.zethatirun JtA.TES OF ADVERTISING: I~~ really better. Whole Column one year .... .. ....... $50 00 '.j ::10..,; I consider that mine was a very bad case; it " " Half year ............ 30 00 ;;~~ .va~ aggrav:i.ted and chronic, invol<'ing tllo " " One quarter ......... 20 .,z:;:; chroat as well as the nasal passages, and I Half C"olumn one yea1· ...... ......... 30 th_ ought I would require 0!10 three treatments ·· " Halt year ............ .. 20 00 but Cc.el fully cured by the two sent me. and I " " One quarter. . .. .. ... · 12 am thankful thtt.t I was ever induced to send to you. · Quarter Column one yee.r .... , .. ... . 20 00 You are at liberty to use thi~ letter stating isTwatylii· ' voug · th d f . f " " Half year ........... 12 501~ 0 " " One quarter.. .... .. 8 00 that I have been cttnd at two treatments, and s ery 1 iour e ecp ee1rng o vour remedy to aome English women for the French e mprcss, I shall gladly recommend !lb; lines and under, fi:st insertion .. $0 5Q of my Mends who are sutf<>rers. thouo-h found ed of course on pity is Each su~bsequent msert1on.. .... 0 2o _ From six t.ci ten Jines, first insertion, 0 761' Yours w~~:1tr1:1~hg1~~ENSON. "reati.y assisted by the recoll~ction am~na Each ~ubseque~t ins~rtion ....... 0 35 _· -10 - ---~he middle aged of a triumph so cons1·ic~ i>ver ten lines,Jl rst rnsert1on,per hue 0 10 .· . ToR?N'.ro, 1Pl'il 2!, 1882, uous ani;l 80 visibly owing to personal Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ A.. H. Difon, E sq., 305 Kvnu st., _West. . charm. This kind of female interest is 'fhe number of lines to be reckoned byl ·. . . he space occupied, measured by a scale of - 15 DE~R ~IR,-We ·take pleasure m stating tha.t. our Jumor nartner, who had for years been umversal, and extends m a more languid lid Nonl'.lareil. _ _ _ ---------- btryoutbhled wtith Ctatartrh. wfas successfudlly cuTrehd I degree to the men, who find in any na- - - -·· ·-·-·ree ;·ea men s o yonrreme y . o t ' ·l · t" fb t l tl L. POTTER, H.D. Cat1a~-rh wasmuch aggravated, with_ continual wna appr.ema 10~ 0 eauty ho .on Y. RADUA'l'E of Queen's College, Kln~ston; dropprng mto the throat. accompamed by loss charms winch sprrng from any kmslup m anu M1imber of Col:.)ge of Physicians and of voice, hawking and SJ.litting and blocking up taste but an excuse for a secret imbecilof tho nostrils, all of which we are pleased to 't ' . flnr.geont,Ontario. . immediately after the 1 y-a powerlessness m presence of the 17· saydisappearedalmo~t ren)edy was applied. Your remedy is certainly attraction which they · all resent and feel. lllT 0 Lce a11d Residence, Enniski1 !en. an mvaluable on'e and we hope all who may We wonder 1 "f b "d th' th · be suffering fromthis disag-reeable disease will . ' esi es a 11 . is, . ere is a Dr. A. BEITH, give it a ti-ial, as we are sal.isfied tbey will find residuum of the old Greek foelmg that RADUATE OF THE TORONTO UNIVER- it a complete success. beauty was a cle ar good in itself-a harSITY, Physician, Surgeon, &c. O~ce King Youw very trnly. monious something which indicat ,d that Sfr6.it, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. ~:0?~!~~ ~i~~~~ and Organs. the gods of nature were essentiall; and No. 8 Adelaide St.East. at heart, hostile to man. ' J ·. 'v; lllcLangbU11, 111. H., The next prince who ascends a throne ICENTIA'l'E OF THE ROYAL cor.r;rmE PORT PERI.~Y anywhere will have his praise and qualitof Physicians and member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. ies hymned on the .European wires, but Office: M'.ORlUS' BLOCK King-st., Bowman_ __ ..,__ if he were an Apollo or a Jave the bulle· ville, The above works are running full blast to tin-makers would feel instinctively that DR. J, C. llllTC:llELI,, keep up with orders. Some very large orders to say so would be regarded not as adulEMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS have been received lately, including a hand· ation, but as ridicule. It is for womon to . and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. some Monument for Isaac Beat, Clal'll:.e, .A.lex F. Carscadden, Clarke. WE EMPLOY NO .AGJ:NTli be beautiful, for men to be d ignifiedOflloe and lteeidence. Enniskillen. 74. and a1·e selling 'l'omb Stones. Monument. a. etc... the latter a credit arising from a different at lower prices in consequence. Our c1uto· d f 'd th "d f h b mers get the commission themselve~. It V1>i.U or er 0 1 cas, e l ea o arrnony eD. DllllJUo SIMPSON, pay any person who intends erecting a 1uonu· tween place an appearance in the world. ARRISTER, SOJ,ICI'l'OR, &c., MORRIS BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman- ment to the memory o! a departed friend to We should doubt if beauty were admired writP.order. me 9r see me 'Personally plac.i»4f consc1 ·ously, b u t that lle. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank. · . their I g11arantee fil'.st before clasa work al in the abstract "ery · rrtva&e Moneys loaned,at the lowest rates. lowestpossible p1·ices. the interest excited by beautiful women rivals the interest excited by beautiful ,John Keltk Galbraith, .MARBLE WORKS. scenery, and this among those who never ARltISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY 251-tf. PORT PERR'l' see either, except in pictures, we have no PUBLIC, &c. Office- Reed's l3l!Jck, o_ver - -- - -- ' - - -- -- - - - - doubt whatever. T. Battings store, King Street, Bowmanv1lle. Money to lend It seems almost too good i1'fessrs . .A. H . Dixon,&: Son. SoN's NEw'l'nEA'rMENT }'OR CATARRH. o AKLAND, o NTARIO, CAN., March 17, 1883. ~~ 8 ·1~~"SA~Ei;:1~~~l~g~gHX~ j?.' Jr~~~& 00 001-ool- to her land, and then took another claim under the homestead law of posBeauty and Talent. sessor of 320 acres of the richest soil upon God's footstool, she is of course con· ···All women, even the ugliest, says the sidered worth having, and several bachLondon hQ1~een'. feel. that beauty is a~fca· elors in the vicinity are glaring at each ~on on t e~r side m the battle of h e_; with fire in their eyes {l,nd hatred in their ~ike to see it exert a force, and whn. ~t hearts tQward their rivals. l~ great, a~d,. so .to spea~, beyon<~ cr1tlIn Lisbon there are not a few t cism, .adnure it with genum~ heartmess- girls who have taken u claims ~~J~~heart,mess as real as that which men show r d to culti t th b p00 t t p in their admiration for strength mani-J b ·enbl va: ef them Y dn rac : £ rof d . . . L t a y ant one o em cou1 rea1ize rom esi;e m any consp1c1ous way. e any "'500 t 0 1'750 hf th · 1 d 0 one of the thousand cynics now lounging ·~ eac. or . eu; an · ne iri London ask himself whether an English young ~dy, wh? is clerkmg m one of the . h d . f ~tores 111 town, is the possessor of a numpnnoe w o ma e a mesa11iance · or ber· of town l ,,t.s 1 ·n a.d diti "on to sev·ei·al f b t ld b f ~oney 0~ 0 r e au Y· w ou e sohonefr .....~:· quarter sections of land. The land is 1 1ovematc .o _,a. worth )robabl "'25 n· 1 1 given, or wiet1ert1e b t l . poleon III. was not one main cause of . l . Y "" . a acre,_ u 8 10 came tl1 t l ·t "t h E r h mto poasess1011 of it by takmg advantaO"e h3: hpoputl art i Yd wi tl . ngbis t h~omen of the pre-emption, homestead, and tre~w lC ou as e every nng u is sur- l · l H t 1 b l render. They thou~ht he should have c aim a'Y". er own .ots were oug it " when prices were low from the proceeds performed of "ctitting of her salary, and have. ' now advanced to thr tt.eh impossibility ,, h' nearly ten times the price she paid for tl · · iem. Another y~ung lady who took up a pre· e:°1pt10n clan:~ last fall ha~ the satisfactwn '?f knowrng that a rail~oad sur_ve_y has smce ~een made across it, and it is not at all improbable that she. may yet become the owner of a town site 1\, r th f $50 000 t $lOO OOO It 18 · pro·oomr town' 81 . te otl t . ' t' · th tla vfery ia ls no wor, 1e ormer sum 250 lots at $200 each , k"na 1 th t ' t t ct" r~al d _ a amoun ; a quar er . se ion o an will make about 600 ordmary town lots ll · f . t t d ' a Towlm~ or 8 ree sban ave!lues. ie mstances a ova recited are those indigenous to Ransom county and v r t · D k t h · . ' : e coun y m a o a as a s1m11ar num er o cases _ to re~ord. If the thousands of hard workwg g1rl_s at the east could only be helped t o emigrate to Dakota, t?ey would fin~ plenty ?f employment a~ high wa~es, besides havm~ an opporturuty of. takmg up lan<l that l~ a ~ew months will m ake them small cap1tahsts. WOMAN GOSSIP. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. THE ONTARIO BANK Continues to ,do a General Banking Business & its Bowmanvillo Branch. DEPOSI'l' S = Receivecl and interest allowed thereoh at tile !>f 1' 4HJR per cent per annum. No notice No other complaints are so insidious in their · rate of necessary. All deposits p!lyabie attack as those affecting the throat and lm1gs: on withdrawal demand, none so trifled with by the majority of sutl'erEXCHANGE ors. '!'he ordinary cough or cold, 1·esulting pe1·haps from a trifling or unconscious ex- ROl~ghtaud sold and Drafts iasued upon Europe. posure, is often hnt the beginniug of a fatal Umted Statca and Canada, also Gold,SilveF and sickness. AYER'S CnEHRY PECTORAL has United Sta~es Greenbacks bou1?ht and sold, well proven its efficacy in a forty years' fight COLL lf,:C'i'ION'S with throat and lung diseases, :md should be Promptly made at current rates upon all ~parts .taken in all cases witllout delay. of Great Rrittain, the Uni ted States and Dominion of Canada. A' Terrible Cough (hired, "In 1857 I took a severe coltl, which affected Teltge·aph Transf"ers my lungs. I had a 'tenible cough, itud passed night >tfter night; witltout sleep. The doctor~ Made for la.rge or small sums on all parts of gave me up. I tried AYEWS CHERltY PEC- . Canada. Thi~ is Pfipecia.lly ad vantageou11 to i·ouAr,, which rsUcved my lungs, i11cluced persons livin~ in llfanitoba or the North-west · sleej)1 and ~fforclod mo the rest 11ecessary as it 'llakes t he funds available at once at the for tne recovery of my strength. By tile place of payment. continued use of the PF.C'£0RAL a permaFor furtaer particulars call at the Banking nent cure was etrcctetl. I am now 6~ years old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your House. 'l'. BRODIE, GEO. McGILL, Onv.rmY PECTOllAL ~IU'.~ me. Accountant. Matta!lllr. HORACE FAIRBltOTllER," 2il7-1y, Rocl<ingham, Vt., July 15, 1882. Croup. -A Mother's Tribute, "While in the country last winter my little boy, three yeA.rs old, was tiiken Ill with croup; it seemed as rn he would die from strangulation. One of ·1.he famil y suggested the )lSe of Avim's CnEnRY PEC'.t'ORAL, a botLle of which was always kept Jn the house. This was tried in small anrl frequont doses, and to ouL" delight in less than half an. hour the little patient was breathing easily. '!'he doctor sitid that the C11EHRY PE~TOR,u; bad saved my <larliug's life. Can you womle1· at om· gratiL mle? Sincerely yo ms, Mus. EMMA GEDNEY." 150 West 128tl.J St., Kew Yorlc, May 16, 1882. "I lmve nsed AYER'S CHERRY PEc·ronAL in my family for seveml years, and do not hesit:·te to pronounce it the most effectual remeoy ror conglts and colds we have ever Lake Crystal, Minn., March ta, 1882. "I ~ttlfered for eight years from'Bronchi.tis, aI\d after trying many remedies with no. sue· cess, Twas curetl by the use of A YER'S CUE& RY P!o:CTOHAL. JOSEl'R WALDEN." Ilyhalia, Miss., Ap1·il 5, 1882. ' ' I cmmot say enough in praise of AYER~S GrrERRY PF.C'l'ORAL, bellevlng ·as 1 do that but for its use I should long_since have die<l from lnug troubles. E. BRAGDON!' Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. No case of an affection of the th1·oat or lungs exists which cannot be gi·eatly relieved by the use of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, and it will always cu1·e when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine. PREPARED BY tried. A . J. CRANE." FINE :e ~oats &Shoos. MY STOCK COMPRISES: LADIES' KID BOOTS .A.ND SHOES. LADIES' CALF, KID BUTTON &LACED LADIES' FRENCH KID. BUTTON & LACED. LADIES' KID SHOES, BUTTON & TIE. LADIES' GOAT & PEBBLE..BU'rTON & TlE Also Mena' and Children's of the above goods MEN'S Lo:-;G BOOTS, COARSE AND F)orn. Mll:N'S LACE BOOTS,UOARSE .AND FINE. MEN'S FINE SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN'S. AND LADIES' SLIPPERS,§·D G 1 L MARBLE WORKS .. BY A SHIP BUILDER. Ships are the antennre of civilization: All the above goods sold says a great writer- and this iii no doubt true, for they have at present so much to do with our prosperity and --(0)progress (as they have had in the past) that one can scarcely wonder at the volumes of poetry and sentiment that Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell 1 Mass. have been sung and written in the mariSold by all Druggists. time interest. AN"D "My Bark is on the Sea."- "Oh, speed my Bark !"- "A. Life on the Ocean l'he reaRon why the t:;urgeons off ·t be Inter Wave," &c.,-besides all Dibdin's songs, national 'l 'hroat and Lung institute. 173 Chuch The Mlstre~s antl the Uook. st1·eet, 'l'oronto are making so many wonderful and numerous others, prove how deep of catarrh, catarrho.I dearness. BronchiWe beg to an non noP. to the public that w<i 81.'. JOUN n. Jll!TflBESON, M . E. Soyer writes to the London Stan- roobed is our love and veneration for cures receive prompt a ttention. · tis, asthma 1>nd conijumpt!on are: '!'hey have are.m·epared to do a.generalinsurance b11.slness, ARRISTER, . & ATTORNEY. &c. representing as we do a number of firet claas dard;- "Sairey Gamp and Betsy Prig ships. none but skilled and buali!led medioal men · .~ connected with thfl institute. They adhere· STOB 1i1 : One door west STATESMAN office Companies we she.Ii be ghd to give prompt at- never raised themselves and their .c lass to NOTARY PUBLIC. MONEY 'l'O LOAN· The skipper of an ocean-goi ng see:i,mer atrictly to their specialty . and they use the tention tu 'lnything in that line. We repres·ni OFFICE-OVER 8:CATESM.AN OFFICE, also the Ontario Loan and Savings Co.. of the level of the clever and competent is now monarch of perhaps the least re- 11plrometar invented by M. Souvielle. ex-side Oshawa, and accept deposits on Its behalf al-· nurses who now come to us in sickness. bellious of all subjects (and pretty'.numer- 1uegeon of the French i.rmy, and instrument ROBERT A.R1'10UR, which conveys the medicines in/the form of lowing 4 & 5 per cent interest from data of. It was reserved for a gentlewoman, ous they are sometimes) that ever king or aold inhalations to the parts diseased·, whiuh EGU:!TR.AR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER receipt. Florence Nightingale, to do this. But Iii the only way these diseases can be cured. it to their Parties requiring loans will find dictator ruled. His governance is absoof :Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor· when she startled the world by her self- lute, but as he is generally amiable, They are treating hundreds of patient evory ne,- at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money advantage to get our tel·ms. month, having twelve surgeons engaged in denial, courage, and.ability, other women, gentlemanly and skillful, and has at his t,heir work "oaned.on Real Eetate. Office on King street, iu Canada alone, Send a three-cent Bowmanville. .as well born and d elicately nurt ured, soon disposal "fathoms five" for recalcitrants ~tamp for a copy of their International News in1bllshed monthly at 173 Church Street We are agents for a number or first cl11.11s stepped into t he gaps where they were so 2iiHf. lines, among which is the White Star Line the greatly needed. The "craze," as it was (ships included), conspirators are sweetly Toronto. n. T . 1·mLLU·S bAst fastest and best equipped Steamship en cowed from overt acbs of disaffection. ICENSED AUUTIONEER for the County the Ocean, and Car tickets to all points at low· first called, never died out, and to that A captain ]oves his ship, especially if REST A.ND COUJIORT TO THE SIJFFEIUNG of Durham, Sales promptly attended. est rates. We also represent W. D .J.lathQWS 4.ddress- Hampton P . O. 59,.: _ of Toronto, and arc prepa1·ed to pay highest one womttn we owe our present valuable she is a good sailer, taut, dry and obedi"nrown·s J'lousellold Pnnncea" has no trained nurses and sisters. These women ent to her helm ; and h ere is a very equal for relieving pain, both internal and ex.prices for Barley and all kinds of gr1tin. Jt, llliTCUISON". Pt1l'Gies interested will please note these facts. now come from every class in society, but curious fact- that two ships built from ternal. 1t cures pain in the Side, Back or BowSore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache, AUCTION EER. CONVEYAN:l '3>\\ t1la t he movement was begun by the high, the same model will sometimes vary in els, Lumbago and any kind of Pain or Ache. " It L ICENSED 0 CER and Commssiop.er in B. R. Sales atand is now descending to a lower class. \)~0U. -lllJ<l. excellence and speed like race-horses will mlJst surely quicken th0 Blood and Hen!, tended to promply and at reasonable rates. With cookery it has al ways been different. of the same parentage. as its acting power is wonderful." "Brown's lltlT Address- Ennisk\llen P. 0. JOHNS.TONYS- · Household P.anacea," being acknowledged as Paid The national School girl becomes first the - - - - - --·- ---- ------ Well, skippers aro lauded, and even the the greot Pain Reliever, and of double the scullery, then the kitchen maid, fiaally ships themselve~, like the "Bcllerophon" strength of another Elixir or Liniment in the ORN HUGHES.-Licensed Auctionfer any quantity of should be in every family handy for use eer Valuator and Arbitrator,Fire and Life the cook, to which post h er aim pomts, and the " S aucy Arethusa," receive no world when wa.nt.!ld. "as it really is tho best remedy -JrORurahce, Notes and Accounts Collected, not .from any love in her art, but as a end of adulation ; but how few seem to in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and oney to Lend on reasona)lle terms. Addrnss meam of gaining higher wages and larger h ::we a word of praise for those who build pains and aches of all kinds," and is for sale by rtwright, Ont. '172 C~l~PLAIHT, . all Druggists at 25 cents a bo~~'.- __!_&1-1:'..'_ perquisitie. These are the so-called 'pro- them 1 And for P~rlfylng the Blood. fessed cooks' in large establishments; but A. FULL SUPPLY OF it bas been ·use for 20 years, and.has A GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO 1 suppose ·Nelson trod the deck of the nothers! Mothers!! lllotl1el'8 t t ! proved to be the best preparation in the in middle-class houses things are much "Victory" with not only the courage of a ~ every man wbo buvs his Licen5e from Areyoudisturbedatnightandbrokenoti';v.our market for SliCK HEADA~.PAIN IN HE..,,.RY SYLVES'l'ER, Enniskillen. 198tf. wo se, for there the maid·of-all-work hero but also with something of a sea- rest by a sick child suJfering and crying with THE SIDE UR BACK Liv Ji:R 001\IPLAIN'l' PIMPLl1iS ON TRE FACE, ' 1 f l· · 1· f f k the excruiating pain of cutting teeth 1 lf so turns into the 'plain'- ye gods, how plain! mans ove or us trims up o orest oa , go at onoo anrl goat. a bottle of MRS. WINS· DYSP:EPSIA, PILr~S, an~ all Diseases AT ROTTOJll l'RlCES, R. YOUNt~, V . S., J-.!Ls removed to -cook and t orments us by spoiling and that would weather a gale or fight a foe; I LOW'S $00TIDNG SYRUP. It will relieve that arise from a. Disordered Liver or an tile residence directly opposite the Drill wasting about half the food that passes impure blood. Thousands of our best but it is a que\1tion if the claims of the ' ~he poor l}ttle su!fer immediat.ely- deJJel'!d upon All kinds of farm produce taken Shed formerly occupied by P. C. Himes. His people take it e.nd give it to their chil· d h ' · . . . it; there is no mistake about it. There is note through h er hands. This is mainly caus- bm l er on is gratitude aftecttid him at mother on earth who has ever used it, who wi\l office will be tn Mr..Tobu McMurtry's Grocery in exchange for goods. 1!rco. Physician'3 prescribe it daily. ed by the total ignorance of mistresses as all. Store. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 5 Those who use ill once i·ccoi:nmend it to not tell you at once that it will regula " .n.e 2"28-tf, p.m., Sundays excepted. at.hers. how things should be done. If after t he battle of Trafa]O"ar the bowels, and give rest.to the mo.ther: ar i' rel\e! It is made from Yellow Dock, Hondu. f , . ,, "' ' and health to the child. operatmg like magic. "Imagine a merchant's busine~s, where bmlde1· q the · Victory ras Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Stillingiat could have tis perfectly safe to use in all eases, and 1'.llesa. 742 Bownmnvlllc, ONEY TO LEND. -Loans can be Dandelion, Sassafras, Wintergreen. a.nu the sole knowleclgo of the principal was stood on her deck how his heart would ant to the taste, and is the prescrimlon of one obtained through the subscriber upon other well-known valuable Roots and ·th' l · d "d · l · of the oldest and best remale physicia· sand to draw checks. In spite of having some h Farm Property at au unuaual'ly low rate of Herbs. le isscrictlyveget11.ble, and canave. gl owe d '~1 o' e an pri e m ns nurses in the UnJt.ed. States. Sold everywhere interest. Fixed charges for Solicitor's fees. F. good and honest clerks, must he not in handiwork not hurt the most delicate constitution. !hke a father who has sent at 25 cents a bottle. 181-lv. CUBI'.fT. Bown'lanville. 239-tf. is ona of the best medicines in use for It time inevitably drift into bankruptcy 1 a well-cultured son into the world, and .. , '"'*" · '·* P.egulati..i; the Dowels. Yet in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred meets him on his return disciplined but 0£~ ~"ofi."..1:-r~l :~u~.~b~':l~%~~J~~i'h:: the young mistress of the house · knows not dishonored. Pianos 'l.'uned & Repaired. tor ft.ve dona.rs. Tbose wl10 canno$ obtain a bottle o! tbis no more about kitchen management than m ecllclne'trom their druggist m ay send us one It is surprising how a man loves a ship this typical merchant does of his business. dollo..r, and wui will send it; to them. ARTIES"WISHING THEIR PIANOS . Has received her new stock of Tuned~or repaired can have thorn attended 4" W. JOllNSTON & IJO., Jr!anufncturora, e:Does she know the weight of flour, brd, he has helped to build, and few would to by leaving word at tho DOMINION ORGAN Amherstburg, Out. ilotroit, Hicli. and butter required to cover every pie imagine what a long and intricate process Co's OF>rICE, llowni1mville. .A. first-clas man or tart dish in her house, the quantity of the construction of a largo vessel is. Say !!lOW being in their mploy. meat for the dish of cutlets that appeared the L iquid Lightning S. S. Co., (limit- and invites the Ladies of Bowon the luncheon table 1 Not one of these ed) determine on building a new steamer. ROF. T. L. DOYLE,Pianist,Organist questions could she answer ; hence the Some ship-builders are interviewed, plans manville and vicinity. to call and teacher of Vocal Music is prepa1·eil to - B'Ytako a fow more pupils. The best of refer· waste and extravagance that go on in are drawn, a model of th e hull is made in and see her Pattern ence can be furnished Great care exercised WHO 1 9 UNACQUAINTED WITH T H E G,":°"\QR APH V OF THIS COUN·English h1rnseholds, and the miserable miniature, ,a nd a very pretty t oy it looks. With beginners, and special attention given to ~ MA? T HAT THE Of course · much careful calculation is advanced pupils. Those desirous of takin~ tt3T I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on meals th.at appear on the t ables of people necessary as to speed, draught, tonnage, Instructions should apply at Mr. Doyle's res1· the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. with a limited income. ~ence, or make it known by .directing a few &c. ; and when all is decided, her fore Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. ~111.es to P. 0: Box !l9, Terms $7.50 fer tweh'e First-class hearse on ver y moderate term111. and assortment ot Shop Girls as Wives. and aft body are laid down on the floor of essons. 239-tf Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. FunA Lancashire bachelor complains in a the "mould loft" and the work begins in eral cards supplied at once. F urniture Shop & Show Rooms- Bounsall'sNew Block. A.ii furniture sold by me is made by the U. C local paper .t hat all the "nice girls" are earnest. And a pretty lively business it Furniture Co. of Bowmanvllle. I do not buy sent nowadays to assist in shops. Rav- is from the time her keel is laid until sl1e STORE :- Second Doo1· West or WllllRIUS slop furniture and represent it to have been sng but a limited income, h e wants a wife is r eady for sea. Butcher Stull. made by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. The "Himalaya," launchecl in a tribuAlso agent for the LI·QUOR TEA for this town who has some knowledge of household ancl vicinity. It is cheap and as good as can be management and work, whereas these tary of the Thames in 1853 was, when she got in the market. A valuable prize giTen "young ladies" are only accomplished in i was built, the largest vessel as an iron pasiwith every pound. the art of selling goods across the counter. senger ship that had been constructed. Would i t not be better, he asks, for their 'We worked on her d tiring th e dismal days mothers to keep them at horr.e, instead of November and the keener t empomture of hirmg servants to do the work which of the following months- during t he they could quite as well perform ? That bright and cheerful days of spring, and WITH TEETil, WITBOUT TEETH . - HAS RECEIVEDwould, no doubt, save the wages of a the fervid summer, when the h eat redomestic, but a shop assistant receives fleeted from her upper deck was like a NEW CASHMERES, PRA.CTICA.L DENTIST, NEW BLAUK CASHMERES considerably higher pay, and some loss furnace, only relieved by the pleasant of income would, therefore, plainly r esult breeze of evening laden with th e odour of NEARLY TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE, NEW LACE CURTAINS, from adopting this plan. On the other new mown hay lying on t he distant llttrons OxtdcG11s A.clmlnlstcred for Painles NEW QUILTED SKIRTS, hand, it is incontestable, says the London marshes. The launch of this vessel is imOpcr1ttlons. Globe, that the domestic sphere of em· pressed on my miadiram a rather curious NEW FLANNELS, Ol!EIUE lllCCLUNG'S BLOCK. NEW SHAWLS, ployment would afford much better train- accident that occurred- harmless indeed ing for future wifehood. ·we do not at- in itself, but startling enough to those NEW PRINTS, tach much weight to the argument that who suffered. On a bank on one side of ft~~sirft.:tiT~!!~~~~~t~~ ~h~t~~: ~:itfi:~ ~:t NEW CRETONES, the shop assistant is exposed to more the stream were cr owded a number of by the shot·teat route, aud ca.r~iog p assenf.ers, NEW LADIES' COLLARS, t emptation than if kept at home. ln so- spectators - ladies predominating - pa:~11gft~~h~~~~c~i ~f:lr~~~~~~n!~;~~~ '.i~hia~~: :Minnoa.polia and St. Pa.u l. It connects in Union NEW WINCEYS, ciety, as present constit uted, there a re tiently await ing the ceremony of launohf>ii':'t~1':~~~ca~ntc\1et~~in~~~f1)~i'bccBo~~!;~aft~O:;'u~~1: plenty of pitfalls for " nice girls" in every ing the ship. At a given signal the dog NEW MENS' UNDER SHIRTS, ~.e~oi:tuc~::r;;:1a~r: ~':fll::~~iu~et,1!,g O~J'c°~~ NEW MENS' DRAWERS direction, and those disposed to tumble shores fell, and.away glided the majestic M.'11gniftce11t Hor ton R eolintn g Ch a ir bal:'B, Pullinto them will find a way in one place as vessel, plunging in to the water, and with man's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Cars, a.nd the Beat NEW AC'rORY CO'l"l'ON, Line of Dining Cars in the World. Three Trains well as in another. But the complaining an impetus gathered from an incline of between Chicago and Missouri River Points. T w.o NEW STEAM LOOMS bachelor makes out a strong case for re· '"three-C\uarter to the foot,': rushed down Trains between Ch icago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, via the F amous HARNDEN, L. D.S., NEW FINGF,RING YARN. form when he d eclares that young ladies the narrow stream at a terrific rate. Now, "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct L ino. via S en ecR a n d Kank Q.· Graduate of the Royal College of Dental NEW CANADIAN YARN. who have been assftitants at shops do not as a b ody occupies space equal to itself, keo, has recen tly been openecYbi:;tw een R ichmond, make thrifty and helpful wives for men in the displacement of water assumed alarmSurgeons, Ontario. Norfolk N ewport News, Ch att~ · ooga, At.lanta, Augu sttt.. Nashville \ Lou is ville. L . cington.. Cinoiannti, narrow circumstances. They are more or- ing proportions, and befor t he masculine OFFICE OVER DICK::'\ON'S STORE. Indianapolis ana Lafayette, !in ~maho.. l\lit>.ncapolie and S t. Paul and inter rned iate points. namental, no doubt, than the home-train- Hurrah ! had died a,way, a scream from Parties buying Goods Will All T h rough Pesseng2rs '£'ravel on Fast E:tpres~ GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. ed damsels, but that superiority does not the ladies on the bank drew all .eyes in Trains. · Plate Work executed in the latest and most count for much in pr omoting domestic that direction. There was a momentary tl~ifr~'il~aolit~~~~ ";n~llfa~i,:'J~~al Ticket Offices in improved style of the Dental Art, Baggage ch ecked through and rates of fa~e alCO'lllfort. view of a mighty wave 1\-Ild floating drapways as low as competitors that offer lesa ad van· TEETH EXTRACTED WI'l'HOUT p .&IN ery on the .bank- it passed in .a n instant, ta!l:es. ,io~f ~'f{:iled !::!l"ormation. get the Maps and Fold· by Buying from by the use of Nitrous O:dde Clas, without Injury and the crowd took the involuntary foot6 Prosperous .women in Dakota. to the patient. . CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, An instance known to our readers, says bath with exemplary gsod humor. I have At your .nearest Ticket Ottice, or a(fdr eaa Pe.:rt!cular attention paid to the regnlat!on or made some calculations in weight, b ulk, a Dakota paper, is that of a young widow R, R, CABLE, E, ST. JOHN, CHILDREN'& TEETH. who came to Lisbon, took a preemption and displacement, but never could asc.e rVice·Pros. 4' Gon'I M'g'r, lkn'I Tkl. 41 Paos. J.gt, ta"CALL AND SEE."Ut J141-.ALL WORK WARRANTED· .._ Bewmanville, A.ug. 30, lW. OHICAQO, claim to 160 acres, proved up and got a tain the height of that wave. M Ships. R B CHEAP FOR CASH. ORDERED WORK W, S H AW AGENCIES. REPAIRING DAVID DAVIS. B R Ocean Steamships. L T. YELLONLEES. W. F. ALLEN ·. Highest Price Year :e, J ~ WOOL & BONES. LEWIS QUICK, -SARSAPARILLA LlVER nYSPEHIA. in Stoves & Tinware D M P ~ISS McTAVISH P UNDERTAKING I L EV 1 MORRIS. GOODS., ·MAN BONNETS, HATS, DENTISTRY1 TRIMMINGS W. M9M UR ·TRY J.M. BR IMA COMBE, CHICAGO, ROCK ISLiND & PACIFIC R'Y c. I Save ·from 15 to 2 5 per Cent W. MoMURTRY. ..