TERM·s :-$1.50 PER AwNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD :AFfl'IERWARDS. M. A . .JAMES, EI>ITOllll~~ PnontrnTOR. NEW SERIES, NUMllER 291. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRU.A"RY 22, 1884.. VOLUME X:x;:x. NmrnEn 8. THE SPRING NEEDLE May i1ow find employment, after "the Ladies have made their pr~paratury visit to McCLUNG BROS'. To the Ladies .-w-ho -w-ish to comnience their sewing~ " vve -w-ould say tnat -w-e have recently opened out New Goods .in ~the follo-w-ing lines· ·-white Cottons, Lonsdale Cambrics, Swiss Check Muslins, Jacconet Check Muslins, -White Marseilles, Swiss Embroideries, Insertions, Cambric Edgings, Linen Edgings,. Eveflasting Trim'gs, Irish·Tri1ng's, &c. "W"e call special attenti.on to our S-WISS EM:BROIDERIEs· all new patterns, an exter1sive as,; . Tlill! Dhi:sfon of the Sons of 'fcmp\)l!Mlcc NO'fE.- Iu consequence of the crowdecl: o£ '.' tl:iiffi pl'.ace visiteil the Orono D::Stision state of our columm and 'a large quantity on i\V.ll!lnesi:ta.y last. An ~njo)'.able eweufng WJ1Ji'f1Pe.n . .If. Tl1e Lodge is clomg ~'OillU~:ex.- · of nrntter awtiiting ii1serti0n, ·we have . t:e11eJ..,:WQI' ·· k Jiere, and tile CHOI' a t " ·1] i;,,;.;~ o te conJ.enseLl all cor:respondence this week,, ~tl.elll~.l?S to pl'OlllO!·e the good wro;k. lllre to enable us to ' 'catch .up." dt."8.e.wi!lllg: of the lnghest conun.:tll!fation . iNaw~~nalll!es ar~ propo.sed at al1~1 qai1 e,,,.~~y NEW PA HK.. ~n.e+>ting, shmnng an mcreasecl m$:cest. m . .. . ~1iti.>'F'eD1par:i.nce cause, . 'l'lrn C. M. qmw:t~y sc1·v1ces,. for , B~Uy-. [ TTu.o trustees of our school hl.t\'i,@· boon duff circui.t were hekl in McCrae's clrnrch j obl.iged t o engage an assistar;.t,; te0:cl?.er hst Sunday week. Attendance very large. jdurfog th.is winter, owii:ig t o_ .t!ie· hu:ge Rev, .T. n. \Vassqireac)leu an exuellent ;atiiJiltbd."'l.nce. The school lS clo>ti'15'. heu.\"ler sermon and ad1ni11.istered s1tcmment. . . . iw0rk this season than it has for ;;1;>noe yem·s The Union S. S. ,;rnx:iously await the new.1' .pa.st. library. One of; t.)ie committee has beefl · : The teachers and officers of Jillie U nion "Cttin" his new h1;ide settled in his n,ew1 , !Smbbath School :Lre endeavorii;.g:·t.0.i:,...,t;tho ~oncre te house. . H .urry up, please. w,e. j hbmry into good working oril:-fll"::. All the would like to 11cn.r our committee man, ;oooks lrnve been . cn.lled iu t~J.)di eovered, from Drum so1Wd the fife and i1erhap8'. and a new system of giving uutc books.to h e'll come. \VH,A~O ;. the pupils, adopted. ::eti).{;JA.WllEU ·. 0 CORRESPONDENCE. LESKARD. NEWTO~V.V'Jl,,.LE. A successful u:U~i@H-aiiry n 1 cctmg was hel<l in the C M climml~ h:cn:e on the 11th inst. -Good ~pe~Gifiesi. g~J!Xl singing ancl ·roocl subscri1·tionl!f. ... Il'l'r&.. W. Jones has ,, been q uite ill .... Mr .. W · .Jones lrn.d a milch cow wort}i;J,~p0' . clli© < >f milk fever last week .. .. Olie . of Chris. Mitchell's ponies died of i~t!a1nil:llotti<>u . . .. Trade is improving som~.· ... 1\'l:rc . C. ]~urnllc 's bonefit concert on N!'i1lllh1;y: w:M; >1.· fair success. PRTWS. JJ.A;,,'iJJ:' LFNE. MCCLUNC BROS. .J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, GrandCftntral ~1§tandard Patent llledidnes, D)'e !ilittlfl!i, Hait· and '.l'oolh Hot Dish of Oysters. Brushes, Shouhle1· Braces, Sponges, Pe1·f\1n1et"y, &c. .A.GENTS FOR THE sortment, probably the nicest stock ever shown in ~owmanville. Pure Drugs and Medicines, is the best phce to e;et o. Good Come in and try it. Oysters in Bulk or Cans always J11 Stocki ORANGES, LEMONS, GRAPES, BANANAS, DATES. FIG8. Biscuits of all kinds. . Cigars trorn two for 5c, up to 10 cents each. ·Tuctaa staiac PAn tauas. coNF'ECT'fONERY Prescriptions and Recipes Carefully compounded with absolute purity and correctness. IN BOWMANVILLE. " NUTS OF ALL KINDS, . ~~The Grand Central is next .door East of Post Office. 3 HAINES' CARRIAGE W"ORKS. GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, -MA NUFACT Umm OF- Cards of Thanks. To tlte Soverei(Jn Fire Insurance Oo., Toronto. I hereby returD thanks for the prompt and liberal settl~ment, throngh your agent, Mr. 'rhomas Ringham, of tho damago done to my barn in Clarke by lightning. Yours truly, . JOHN ltUDDOCK. 280. Bowmanvilte. ...,., CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O .. KING STREET, BOWMANVILI,E, with due regard to workmanship and quality. 'fhe following is a list of the principal vehicles manufactured by me: Double Covered Carriages .. .... .. ..... ......... .... .. ... ................ ..... $200 Upwards. 11 Single Phrotons. ··· ···· · ....... ·· · ····· ···· .............. ........... . ··········· 100 Open Buggy ................ . ........ .. ............. ..................... ..... .,.. 70 " 'T B · 90 11 op ugt g);~;· ·············· · ·· ·· ····· · ·· " · · ······ .. ···· · "'"'""""" """'" '· · ···· 11 D emocra "agon....... . .... . ·. · · · . · · · .. ·, · · · ... ···· . .,. ·· ·· · · · · · .. .. · ·· · · · · · · ·.. 65 Lumber 55 u L' ht W \Va<Yons "' ···· ............. .......... ....................... ........... ... 40 11 ig ~~on .......... .. ... .. ........ .................. .. ..... .. .. ........ ........ 11 E xpre1111 agoa. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 75 Skeleton.......... ......... ...................................... .............. .... 60 11 11 Sulky .................... ,... . .... ................... ................... ... .... . .... 40 · t or · · mo.nuf act urIng carriages, · I in te nd t 0 se ll vorr ch eap f or cash '" P ossessIng ~rt>)er ·SC1 I !ties .or or a.ppro~credit. and by so doing I hope to 2reatly increase my nttmber o sales. Would 1. ' sell the wood parts onl:r or the gearings of buggies ironed · · Haa now on hand a number of vehicles (o.nd is me.nufe.cturing a grea.t many more) of the newest patterns and best finish, which I a m oft'ering tor sa.fo l't the lowest. prices consistent ___ ___ I he1·eby return the.uks fot· t.he very prompt settlemeut,tllrough yonr agent Mr.'I'. Bingb.am. for my two horses killed by lightning in my field last thunder storm. IlOB1', FJELDING. To the P i·esidcnt, Manauer and Directors .of · the Fire Insui·ance .As.· ociation of Lmulon, Enuland. m F10R SA.LE.- First Class Farm, being At the Shorteat Notice, Pamted and Trimmed if Desired. composed of South } Lot 3:i, 4 Con .. 'l'ownAi Uie Fae_ tQD" I nlao do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Ba.nd or ScroJ.l ship ot Cla.rke, For terms and partioulare ::l&Wfi, aml. t»'6Ptue all kinds o!. lumber !or carpente1·11 and otheni for building purpgse1. apply to J. G. RENWICK,Orono P.O., or Ronli.H'I :MS ARlllOUR, Bowman ville. tr. Onwwnental and Plain Pickets ror reRces in every.style required. made to order. · dS Al 1 K lll 0 f V e h lC · 1es R epa1re · d l. - · . · · · · I I hereby return thanks for the prompt pay· ment.by your agent, Mr. T. Bingham. for loss tnll to my household effects, caused by the breaking ofas a 0011.l 011 lamp. having received cash check ~oon a.s my claim was presented. 279. MORGAN DAVIES. _ ..,,_ 1'o the Manager and Directors of the Sover'· eign F ire Insurance Co., 1'orouto, GEN1'LElltEN.- I beg to acknowl ed~e the prompt settlement, Mr. t through I . .your f ll agent. t h 1 'l'hos, Blngl\&m, 0 my c a 1111; m u or t e o~s or my bam m l\'1arlposa. by hghtn~ng. .TACOB POLL.A.RD Bowmanv1lle, Se11t. 22. 1883 · 210.tf To theP1·esident and Director.s of the Hartford Eire .Insurance Company. l A large sle~t!liiiig; Jl>.::!IEiW from Tyror1e and Court icc ... :.uq;i:ri.<>e~H Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Tn1.l:Jfµ11, tfre I:>th.- Cordi< tl welcome and ha1:l~Y t ih10- , . . , A simib r party from h ere Slllifll'ia&ldl l '.h-. \V. H. Pearce,, N ewc:istle, ~1tJte' f()~fowing evclling, with~ similiw resi:l!;~~S;. . . . M~·. 'i 'hos. Pollard , o~ 'Winnipeg, Mi::.SM1.1 · .Pollarc1, Miss Harvey P ollar< l rtnd {ii'tiils Aiktline ~Vfl.ltcrs, of Ty.~ -------···- ~-- -- ...... r one, were .!:;'Wlsts. o.f Mr. and Mrs. D;tniel fJUUL"'1'ICE.. ORONO. P ollard, la~;!i 1wrel: . ... Miss S. VanCamp You1· dutiful correspond~Wi; <>f week be- has been 'Vi!i.tiwtg Miss Nancy VanCatn<p. Mr. Leab: >s among. us ag1ti11, lp0ll:i~11g quite well ;;fter his sojourn in the . <;Cl.St. fore last tells of much th\~!;: is interesting . .·. Runwni: <:hf 1~ grange wedding s1...m. " ... Mrs. A .. E . Cle1nens is visiting.fi:i~nds aud leaves much of the ~c nature un· -~··-.----in and l\l'OlWfl Gomtice, . . , On Swl.{;'\',\y, told. He t ries, us it wel"!:'.;, to appefl.se his HAMPTON, Feb. 17th,, special revivai servi<;jla; Gt.lm- literary tastes, by rnorbiitiforbodings. But menced at Ebenezer, to. be· eon<l,; ucood by let us endeavor to fiml, ~ level, and not Mr. '11Jt1,;a.. Sweetman, of Michiga1!;. hns Revs. Ba;Eker :md Whitlock ..... M"ws E. revel in what is to be, l'Ut what has been. lieeu visih.iilg friends arouml here . . ~ .Mr. Cochmne~ wJ1ile at scho<Jl: lu.st· w~~k, had The other clay some c&: our townspeople Geo. Eantel al· icis "Dutch Geor2'!41." has the mis:Ebrtuno to. run. a, croch.Qt. tleedle were to be seen a.rraye<Uiu new suites a.nd been pad!~ug good prices for hors'O~~ He nearly through hei: wrist., 'l'li..e.seiiv-ices of promenading our stre~flt;;. with elastic step. stops I>~· ffarry's .... The piercing 1t().ys vf a doctw..' were req u·irecl to. exerAiCt it. , .. Several were here from, neighboring towns the Stm. st1·uck sharply ag>\inst or({!· enter~ Every 0ne here is: looking fonY.unl with and (we beff pardon)JQ31en a printer's devil prisiu"' young c<.Lnfagc builder we~ beforu grent l}S:pect11.tio:n to. t h,e scl){lok entertain- . among the JOily clail.. 'l'he appearance of lt1st. H e talks of Jnflshing the q~i;ibe and . ment. to be held hei·e on ] 1'l:iclay night, a village parson be!{.l!itlt to excite suspicion, stopp~l>g the Sun. P robably h~ pi1int a. Feb. 22.. ·we leiu:n that t,l,c b1,..s.t musical a.nd the gossiping ~munity. are tripping sunr;,t.lal over Henry, Jr's weatl> <i!!i·eye ...· tiile.ut o.f Bowma,1wille ht.ii. oo,Qn engaged in the seventh he;i.von of Llelight. But l\1:r;:, and l\frs. S. M. Clemeni; expect to here we must dn1.w a blank. The mer- le'4ve for Brandon, Man., .tarly next fol' the OCC<\Sion. ..,.,... BEN. chant returns to his ·counter, th e saclcller m.o.nth . . .. \Vould it not be ~well if our to his 11ewing·h<JJ.'8.e., find even the bnrber 'l'bwuship Council ackn<n\,l;lldgeLl the ENFIELD, persuacles hirn&Qlf that all is ended and re- claims of young men more? .... " Bertie," One of our school b.oys was permitted to tums to his daily routine. The whirligig <i'AU' junior scribbler and gall,i.r nt gossi11per, a ttend the races t he other day. The next of time goes merrily ·on. But look ! what thinks of going to schoc>l !lo prepare for day he attended scl1ool, 11,nd while i·eading is tlu~t coming down the street 7 As it newspaper reporting .... \'t11ile Mrs. Hast his lesson about "The \Vreck of the Hes· draws nearor the form of :t human bei1lg: ings was in 'l 'oronto visi~~ng friends Mr. penis," whero tl1e stau;111 r eads, is plainly visible. He clashes into a s bot-e H. resig ned the office ·Df usher· in the "She gJmdd ered and paused and the terrified clerk hides behind the chun:h, and a fterwards :ti\!11 and hurt himJ,ike a frighted steed, counter. "Where's Locldmrt ?" " W hel·e! >i self. Still his pumps work well. Then leaped her cable's length," Lockh:nt ?" soon greets the ears of the onthe boy read : lookers, Oh, gentle reader, shall we le,ave Ahe shouted 11.nd uaescd OARTWJtIGHT. you h ero ? Calmly view the situation and Like a. fright1med ste(\r, '1'henjum1>ed her Htable's length. The rofl.ds in this vicinity during last think for yourself. lli'J;T,, Three Durl1mu yearlings ownell by ex· week were just splendid, the best they We give it up. What is it ?- ·ED. Councillo.1 Dyer h:we collectiYely gained h11ve been for the winter .... A stea1n sttw362 lbs. in two months, or an :werage of A social in connection with the Christian mill belonging to A. Dean in first concesover 2 lbs. each per day. Who cim beat church, of Orono, will take place this even- sion of this township wns destroyed by this 1 ··· Mr. W, L. Mason, of " Smmy- ing at the residence of Mr . .Jae.ob Turner. fire .... Mr. Gevrge Bradburn, a u old a nd sidc," recently lost " valuable horse from No doubt there will be a very fa.rge t urn e11toemed r esiden t, quietly and pcac,efully an unknown crtuse . . , . l\'Ir. and 1\frs. J as. out. passed away from e:u·th last s~.turday Gilbert and Miss Dyer have .r eturned The revival services in theC. M. church morning. For t he last two yecors Mr. from a very pleasant visit to friends near here are crowcled n ightly. The.indefatig- Br11dburn :!!.erved in the council.. As his Cobourg. . . The popular drink h<Jre of late able efforts of Rev. Mr. Pattyson and health Ime l failed he quietly witl1:1;h'ew from is D . D . Hop Bitters. It made some of otl1ers are richly rewarded by the s:i.ving that position :tt tl1e fast municii~ el;ection. the l>oys "hop" lively .... What a pity of many souls. For the. J>ast year his he:1lth ]~ been failom· boys shoL1ld · pt1tronize horse·races. The breach of promise case has been in g aml fo1· the last few weeks of his lifo 'L'hcy :we 1 1lways demoralizing. settled by the payment of $400. On dit he camly and pat iently awajt·itl for death that anoth er case of tl1e mime kind will to come to his release. Hi& i·emains were soon take place. followed to tho grnve on Mondifty fast by ENNIS KIL.LEN. Rev. A. M. ltoss and ·family started on :i htrge concourse of friends .a nd acquainOur n eighbor, Mr. A. Dean, met with Thursday last for Manitoba to resume t ances, the pmcession r eachin g ovel' n half (iuite a loss by the burning of his steam their mission work at Fisher l~iver. They mile. He was Lurriod by Oraugemen. saw -mill in C.:trtwright last week, whid1 have been visiting frieuc1s , h ere during t h e He leaves <t lar ge family ancl wife to mourn was purely nccidental. Loss, between wintei·. his loss. His fnneral sermon will be five ttnd six hundred dollars, besides being Mr. W. Lyness started for \ Vinniiiebrr preached next Sabbath in the C. M. church, thrown out of work for the time. No 1 by ltev. '1 · Cleworth ,, .. l\ir. P. Holt has i11suranco. Our estecmecl machinist, Mr. yesterday. sold out l1 is interest in the Coml1lcrcial J. IN. Virtue, is hard a.t work at t.Iiti mill Ira·Belknt1p has alao gone on a visit. In your last weeks issue there appe:i.rs H ouse on condition that h e can get ltis machinery, and expects to have it in such a "vVarning" from "Fairplay," an.en t lease transferred. Mr. Coulter is the pura sh< Lpe that Mr. D ean will have t he mill the H t1rris sheep case insinuating that I , chaser, . , . The shed belonging to the Royal in opemtion again in March .. · . Mr.. R. M. F erris will r emove with his family to as your correspondent, n.nd the n ew council Hotel collapsed by an over weight of snow. had endeavored to hide some wrong done They have again got it replii.ced .. .. The Winnipeg in Mal'Ch . He has been· engag· ed by L. D. Sawyer & Co., of H mnilton, by Mr. Ha.rr'is and threateniug to expose town pump is .:tgain in m otiou which has to manage his thr~shing machine business the whole case if again allmlecl to in your been repaired by the CmsareiL pump makor. in the North-\Vest. , . .. Wlw.t might have pape1·; that is just what we wa nt; if . . , . Union aervice11 are being conducted been a very serious accident lmvpencd to " Fairplay" knew of any fraud why did at Cres;i,ren by Revs. Clewor th nnd Down. Rev, 'l'h~mas Atk inson on 'L'uesday morn- he not go before the council board aud cl exin:r lflst. While trying to prop a shaky l ose it '? Now :;;ir, a:. your corre2po11 ent, ~ ~ ' t em 0f news · w h' '" BLOOD RELATIONs.- Thc best blood reveramfah that was heavily burdened ,with sen t you an 1 ic}1 w"" perfectly correct so hr ns I can find out lations consist of a perfect circulation of snow and ice, it suddenly gave way and D · ti t f 't1 ' ld · il M · healt hy, vital tluid- 11ure Lloocl a.ml r)roper came clown across Mr. Atkinson's b;ick. urmg ie er:m 0 1e o · counc r. Ha,rris c:tme before them with a c111im for circulation may be established in the sysHe had o e eye-brow cut open and his h kill l b d l b 1 . 1 b tern by th e use of th.:tt grand blood 1mriback badly bruised, bnt came out pretty s eep ec ·Y ogs, lEJ roug 1t neig l ors safe, coilsitlering th e weight tlmt mt c to testify in his behalf and got his pay on fier, Burdock Blood Bitters. d own on him . .. .. Tuesday afternoon, 12th nomination day. Our Reeve referred to McClung Bro.' new stock of splashers · attractmg · inst., one of ou1· old residents, Mr.I.1'ole, tho rrnitter a nd stated tlmt Mr. H ttnis is t h e attention of t h e l a cl'1es while out in the barn-yard slipped on some oukl ha ve to r efund t he money or other j ust now , They are nice pictures, works ice, and in falli11g frnet ued his left leg at roceodings would be taken agtiinst him- of art, the useful and betintiful combined. the ankle joint. As the old gm;1tlemen is I presume for perjury). At the last meetlt'ng of tifthel\c'[omH1 cil thetoClerk was itntshtructeclt . areT.thDeabrleisntgvtot1n lu ,seB1.lra1ctlr h e'I'em11,~tak te5t0.c pe r It>. about 00 yenrsof age he is not expected appear a e nex ~ " ·o no y . r. arr1s I h ougl 1 at mal\0 a gooc1 recovery, at e meeting; he done so and b rougl1t his present time he is doing very well. , . l'. R. M . Ferris has sold his house a lot to neighbors to r e-testify in h is behalf ; there AUCTION SALES. Mr. J . w. V irtue, of this !)la , not to wits no evidence brough t agaim1t him. Now Mr. D ayman's lease of the "Windsor," Mrn. Hill, as was fil'st reportel .. .. Thurs- what could the council do under the cir· d cumstances but pa,ss a resolution exoner- N ~wcastle, having expired, he will offer d ay evenin g, 4t]1 mst,, a onation p>Lrty l l I l en with p1·o visions of various kiucls, ating iim from b ame. am not perso1rn.lly for eale on Tuesday, 11th l\far<Jh, the well lac took possession of Rev. Mr. Stevenson's act1uainted wit h Mrs.Harris nor do I know whole of the furniture a nd fixtures of said house, and after spending a very pleasant what quality of sheep he keeps, so could h otel , without reserve. Also cow, pil;s, · took · c l eparture, l e>tving l1is have ' 11 0 reitson for white washing. h im. and other articles, · Sfl.le at 10 a. m. H. evemng · t1 ie.1r larder and gmnary well supplied for some " .l!'airpl:1.y ,, is evidently an enemy of the T. Phillips, auctioneer. time to cqme .. , .. The entertainment and n ew council and possibly wants a shot at Mr. .J. W. Harn<len's sale, a1ext Tuesoyster BUJJ]ltJI' in th e M. E. church Monday them. F ire away; they are quite ttble t o day, is a tremendous larg" on e. as will be care for th emselves. evening, 18th inst., was quite a success. · R eviv:tl services fLre in progress in the seen by list in another column . Lunch The programme gilren by the rmrties pre- C. M. church, aml are proving a great will be provided . viously announced was exceedingly well Mr. D. Smith, Leskard, will sell the rnndered to an i1ppreei1itive audience . 'L'he success. Very many have been brought oysters were plentiful aml well served. to acknowledge their faith in the Redec111- whole of his farn1 stock, implements, etc.· on Tuesday, Ma rch 25th. H . 1'. Phillips. Prnceeds about $35 . . .. A young \vonmn, er, ~ind prayer and praise are now offered auc ·ioneer . M' J by many fmnilies for the first time. R ev. iss Elizu. . ohnston, dropped her pocket - Mr. Pattysoa deserves great prn.ise for his book containing her entire wealth, $14.50 Go and see the combination t ea and imlefatigable efforts in the canse of chrisin front of M l'. F. R ogers' store Monday evening hist . If the finder would leave tianity .... Mr. L. A. Gamsby was elected <linnet' sets at Murdoch Bros' . They are the pocket-book and contents at Mr. F. school trustee to fill the place vacated b y very pretty and the price is low, Rogers' they.. would be suitahly rewarded. Mr. Knox's r esignation ; a better choice coulcl not have been made . , .. Business We are forcing the sale of DressGoods. dull ; work scarce for bboring rnen ; scan- Ellison & Co. Parties asking us for bargains will not. 'WIDE AWAKE DnuGGISTS.- Messrs J. dals numerous ; gossips ·delighted ; roads Higginbotham & Son are always alive to bad and news sea.roe. Cuimc be 1i11appointed. 'Ellison & Co. tl · b · d · t We have increased our stock this season . ie1r uisness, an spare no pams o se· cure the best of every art icle in their line. A LoNo TIME.- F ifteen years of suffer- Ellison & Co. 'l'hey have secured the ai?eney for the ing from the tortur~s of Dyspepsia is inMens all wool Tweed Suits to or<ter for celebrat ed Dr. K ini/s New ~D1's covery for doed a long time. A B urns, blacksmith, $12.60. Ellison & Co. . . , ~ . Oonsumpt1011. 'I he only certam curn of Cobourg, was thus afflicted, but it only k f · C h C ld W 8 keep all sizes in Boyg' Sm ts from nown or uo11s umpt10n, oug s, o s, required four bottles of Burdock Blood 4 years up. Ellison & Co . H?a.rseness, Asthm:i-, Ray Fever, Bron- Bitters to completely cure h im. Good 11.ll wool Tweeds at 50c, is a barch1tis, or any affection of the Throttt and . l\foClu11g Bros new cotto1~s, new mus- . gain. Ellison &Co and Lungs. Sold on a positive e:uarantce. hns, new cambrtcil, n ew edgings, new eni.' Trial :Bottles free, Regular size $1.00. broideries e tc, have attracted much nt ten- 1 See our Boys Suits at $1.50. Ellison& , tiou and 841ld readily. It .is a fine st ock. Co. Pure maple syrup at Murdoch Bros · . _____ ______ ----·--·---- l