THE CANADIAH STATESMAH IS PUBLISHED E'WER'£ FRIDAY IUORIWING, -BY- CATARRH. ... CA'l'A,RRll,-A new 'l'ro11,tment wharcbv a permanent cure I~ effeor.ed in from one to thre treat.ments. Purticulars a,nd 'J'reatise free OJI. receipt of stamp. A: H. DIXON & SON,!3~7 King Street, W ~st, Toronto. 0 AGRICULTURAL. · Selecting Fowl'.for Egg~B 1md for Market. ln raising fowl · for market, liberal feeding is the first requisite, and confinement does no injury, provided the yards and quarters are kept clean. The earlier the chicks come in,- the higher are th~ ' prices obtaine<l, those weighing between one and two pounds being the more salable at first, but later in the season the weights should be in the neighborhood of two pounds, and larger still as the season further advances. As high as eighty cents per pound is sometimes obtained for prime early spring broilers, and from forty to fifty cents is not an unusual price for them when brought to market early, even when not of the best quality. The best breeds for producing market chicks are the Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, and Langshans. The last named possess the quality of fineness of grain in the flesh, but have, dark legs. This fault is how1wer compensated for by quickness of growth, and the pullets that· may be kept over for laying have been known to begin ne'.ll'ly as soon as the Leghorns, which is a very desirable characteristic in a large breed, for t he Langshans are nearly as large as the Brahmas. The Wyandettes are very plump and compact in body, and the chick have a round, at.tractive appearance. 'Vhere the cocks are changed every year, and it is desired to combine egg production, weight, and quick growth, a good beginning may be made by using Cochin or Braluna hens with a Plymouth Rock cock, follewed the next season with a cock of the Houdan breed. The third year a Langshan may be substituted, and tl1en a Wyandotte. Entirely new blood from different breeds wil thus be introduced annually, invigorating the flock and improving it in all respects, but only pure bred males should b d A d l1 0 f B h bl d e use · as ra ma 00 ·now and then, keeps up the size, but too frequent usn of Br" !1111a cocks co11duces to ~ f · h 1eggmess 0 t e growing chicks, though the adults may be compact, The cross· 'th Pl th R k k ] mg wi a ymou oc coc every a ternate season would not do harm; for heavy weight of chicks smaller breeds shor-~~ be ~vf~d~d, 1;; ~I:ey transmit thelir qua 1 ies eir ousprmg very strong Y· Those who breed chicks for market would do well to make use only of the special 0 ~:'.(, A.JAMES, AT 1'fIE OFEICE, TER.JY..CS: os&Ofilce Block, Klng St.,Bowmaaville,Ont 9L60 perannum,01· $1.00ifpalil in advance Payment strictly in advance required from subscribers outside of the county. Orders to ilill:llantinue the pi.per mu~t be accompanied by :the amount due.or the paper will not be stopped. subscribers are responsible until full payment is RA.TES 01? ,-'.D'VEJlTISING c " .. " " Whole Column one year ............. $59 00 ~ ~ .o Halt year ............ 30 00 ~~~ One quarter ...·..· .. 20 00 v.iz::i ::;g lU/.lf Column one year . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . 30 00 " " Jialf year .............. 20 00 One quarter .......... · 12 50Quarter yeP·r ... ., ... ... 20 9 " .. Half year . . .. . .. .. . . 12 50 6 " .. On\l quarter...... . . 8 00 She lines and under, first insertion .. $0 50 _ Each subseque11t inaer~ion .. :... 0 2~ _ ~m six to ten lines, firet insertion, 0 7o __ Each subsequent ins~rtion ···: .. 0 35 -10 Jver ten lines first lnseruon,per line 0 10 .· TORONTO, April 2(, 1882, Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 ·A. ff. Dixon, Esq., 305 King St., West. The number of lines to be reckoned by DEAR Sm,-\Ve take pleasure in sta.ting that he space occupied,.mcasured by a scale of _:_1 . lid Non oareil. a our junior nartner, who had for been troubled with Ca.t arrh. was successfully cured "by three t1·eatments of your remedy. Tha Oattarrh wasmuch ai;\'gravated, with continual L. roTTE~ 111.D. dropping into the thr<·at. accompanied by loss R.A.DU.A.'l'E of Queen's College, ,R;ingston; or voice, hawking and spitting and blocking Ull amt l\fomber of Ool~;)ge of Phys1c1ana and of the nostrils, all of which we are pleased t· Surgeons , Ontario. . . Bay disrtppeared a lmost immediately after the 17· remejy was applied. Your remedy is certainly 1.i!i1' Othce and Residence, Enmsk1llen. an invaluable (ln'e and we hope all who may be suffering from this disa«reea.ble disease ,,.lll Dr. A., BEITJI. give it a trrnl, as we are sar.isfted they will find RA.DU A TE OF THE 'l'ORONTO UNI'V~R· it a complete success. SITY, Physician, Surgeon, &o. O!fice Kmg Yours very truly, StrE>et, MORRIS' BLOCK, Dowmanville. WM. NORIUS & SON, Wholesale Pianos and Organs. No. 8 Adelaide St.East. J. W.. lllcJ,uughUn, !II. B., ICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE PORT PERRY of Physicians an,d .member of the R~·al College of Seygeons, Edinburgh. · Otllce: :Monnrn· DLOCK Bowmanville. The above works running fun blast to DR. J. c. 1111'rm1ELL, keep up with orders. S . ome very large orde1'S EMBER OF COLLEGE O.lf PHYSICIANS have been received lately, including a ha1'dand Surgeons, OntM:io, 9o':'oner, etc. eome Monument Best, Clar'kti, Ale.x Otll.oe and Itesidence. Enmskillen. 74. . F.Carscadden, Clarke. WE EMPLOY NO .AGJtN1.'S and are S!'lling 'fomb Stones, Monuments, etc.. · consequence. a t l ower prices 111 Our cm11oD. BIJJUU~ SIMPSON, ' rners get the commission themsolvee, lb will A.RlUSTER, SOLICI'.1'0R, &c., MORRIS pa.y any person who intends erecting a monuto the memory of a dep11rted friend to BLOCK, up stairs, Kmg_ Street, Bo'Vman· mcnt -. · wr1 ·.A mp, or soe me pemona 11 y licf ore p1acu1e: lle. Solicitor for the Ontano Dank. their ordor. I guarantee first class work at Prlvate Montiys loaned at the lowest rates, lowest possible prices. =-= =:- G - G L M B B .Pohn Kcltll Galb1·aitb, .A.RRltSTER, SOLICITOR, NOT~~RY PUBLIC,- &;c. Office-Reed's Block, o_ver ·T. Battrnga store, King Street, B_owmanyille. :Money to lend S'r. JOHN Ji.llll'l'<IJiIESON, B R ARRISTER.· & ATTORNEY. &o. NOTARY PUBLIC. MONEY ·ro LOAN· 0FFICE-0VEll 8'I'A1'ESMAN OFFICE, .ROBlEJllT .ARMOlJR, EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER of Marriage I,icenses, Barrister and 8..ttor· n~y at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money ·:oaned on Real Eetate. Oillce on King street, Bowma.nville. -------------Ji. T. PUULil"S L ·JC.E NSED AUU'fIOKEER for the County ot Durhem, Sales promptly attended. . .Address-Hampton P. 0, 59, _ Jt. IUITC::HJSON: AUC'l'IO:NEER. CONVEYAN· L ICENSED CER and Comrnssioner in B. IL Sales at· tended tQ pxompl,y_and at reasonable rates. 1';f1.Address-E1Ulisk\llcn P . 0. J ORN HUGHES. - Licensed Auction· eer, Yalt1ator and Arbitrator,Jnre and Life Insurance, Notes and Accounts Collected, Money to Lend on reasonable terms. Oartwright, Ont. !l12 GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO . everY man who buys . his License tro·m HENRY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. 198tf. A R. YOUNr·, V. S., r .!l.s removed to the residence directly opposite the Dl'ill Shed. forl)lerly occupied by P. C. Himes. Hie office will be in Mr. John Mcl\fortry's Grocery Store. l:Iours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 5 p.m.. Sundays excepted. . 228-tf. D ONEY TO LENI;>.-Loans can be obtained through the subscriber upon Farm Property at an unusually low rate of interest. Fixed charges for Solicitor's fees. F. CUBI'l'T. Bowmanvllle. 239-tf, M P Pianos Tuned & Repaired. ARTIES'WISHING THEIR PIANOS 'l'unedior :iepaired can ha;ve them attended to by leaving word at the DOMI:S-ION ORGAN Co's OFr;-IeE, :Sowmanville. A. fl,rst-clas man !)OW being in their mploy. · ROF. T. L. DOYLE,Pianist,Organist P and teacher of Vocal Music prnpared to take a few more pupils. The best ot referle 1mce can be f1unisl1ed Great cai'e exercised wlth beginners. and special attention given to advaaced pupils. . '.l'hose desirous of taking ln$D:nctions should apply at Mr. Doyle's reeili$uie, or make it known by. directing a few llt1ea to P, 0; Box ;19. 'Ierms $7.50 . for twelve 6$lOnB; 239-tf bENTISTRYl The l&land Eome of Pl'etty Wcmon and. Few Men. · 'l'he grass grows green 'and rank and the perfume of the roses fills the air even in the bleakest days of the bleak autumn in this little sea, encircled parndise. There are hundreds of beautiful lanes winding among the valleys ;ind hill· sides with trees 011 either side growing so close together that no sunshin<J can ever penetrate through the interlacing bought to the hard, smooth, beaten track beneath; miles of white shingly beach on which the sand is as fine as sifted flour and is left by the receding . tidD. as hard as cement ; quaint little farmhouses em· bowered in sweet smelling shrµbbery and flowers, and acres of moor-land that is carpeted the year round with heliatropes, petunias and marguerites. A blue-gray sea rises and falls around the island fort y· two feet. "Sweet little Jersey," "Dear old St. Relier's," is t he affectionate way in which the people here speak of their little island home and its chief town of 36,000 ~ ~ouls. S ~. Heller's i's a queer old place. Its streets are narrow and crowded. Massive earthworks and miles of mason.ary · crown tl1° ' lls v l11 - about an.d render the place apparently impregnable against the foe. 'I'he Cl1annels Islands, and parti'cularly Jersey, ~ossess much of interest for the stranger, but the crowniug glory of Jersey is the beauty of her women. For MARBI.E WoRn:s. general con eliness they would readily be · PonT PtuuHr d 251-tf. awarde a prfae in any competition of feminine grace. Rare, creamy complexbreeds for the purpose, as very often the ions that would put the blG>om on the 2rofit expected ma,y depend entirely up· peach to blush, figures made graceful and We beg to annonnCA to tl:ie public that we on such J·udicious t f '-I10 arepreparedtodoaaeneralinsura.ncebusiness, . managemen ·n b b 0 d"l t ·1 'th t] t 1 61 representing as we ~o a number of first ola~s flock. First select well, and then feed ewy Y i Y ·oi 'wi ra iers rong Y · .A A cut k features, eyes like sloes and luntrous Compe.nieR wa shall be gJ,.d t.o givep-rompt at- ·well.merican gricultwrist, h . dar air, the girls met on the sti·eets of tention to iinything in that line. W () reprea~nt also the Ontario Loan and Savings Co.. of --St. Relier's seem, to the st ranger, t.l1e ~~~~a.i s2~ ~~i.0J>eti:,~10i1:i1~~~;stn e~~z!'0~~~~a;f Home Comforts for Farmers. personifical,ion of womanly independence receipt. »The comfort of the farmer's famil beauty a,nd maiden reserve: 'fho soft afv~;~:r:W~~/~~/t,~.~s:"ill find jt to their should not be overlooked. - Ve1·y old far~ wlnte mists" that wrap the ..1slaD;d every ~t · hou~es, and those that are cheaply built mg~t from ~t~ndown to sunnse giv~ them '"' ..., for temporary u.~e until a better can be .th~1r ca~nat~on cheek_s. The toil that We are agents for a number of first class afforded, are often most uncomfortable in brmgs with it the activ~, hi:althy .body lines, among which is tho White Star l'..ine the severe weather. Windows and doors ad- is du~ to the causes wluch will enlist ~m best fastest and best equipped Steamship Gn mit the external air more freely than is the side of these womei:i the sympath1e~ the Ocean, and Car tickets to all points at low:· est rates. We also represent W. D .Mathews required for ventilation. Weather-strips of true manhood. It. 1s because of the o'f 'l'oronto, and are_prepared to pay highest made of India rubber are very effective, woful dearth of men m Jersey that the prices for Barley and all kinds of grain. Panies interested will plea:>e note these facts. but they are not to be hild everywhere, women do al~ the wor~. Whe~'e you and require more of an outlay thM is j meet ~Il:~ i;nan m these tortuous streets of always convenient. A l.itt.le; ingenuity St .Reher s you -~eet tc~ W~)lnen. , <?ut wiU provli:ro substit'iites. For the ' win- am1111g the y~en far m. this d.1~prop01 e1011 dows, Jl>lace small wedges between the up- of the sex,e;s is even more pa.mfully a.ppor and lower sashes, to prevent rattling, parent . Ihe heavy? ungamly. carts on for any quantity of t hen paste on atl'ips of brown pa.p er to 1 the ?aunt:;r roads are almost without exclose all the cracks usiucr stiff fl.our paste coption dnven by women, and handsome or that made from eye m~al with a littl~ w_omen too. Gro~ps of ch~rry·cheeked alum added. It is well to leave one up- girls may be seen mt.he wayside orclurds, per to be let down, as it may be re- som~ J?lckmg apples fro_m the trees, others A FULL SUPPLY OF quired for ventilatiqn, Doors may be s_trammg at the rude ~ider-pr~sses. The made tight by tacking tailor's listing or httle ~elds, witio their iuxuriant~owt~ folded strips of woolen cloth along the of turmps, cabbages and ,rutabagas, am AT BOTI'Oltl PJUC::ES. sides and tops. The opening at the bot- ~11 tended b;v women, while the bloo~ tom of doors is usually thy largest. For mg_Jlo~vers i~ the hou~e ya.rds show i:i All kinds of farm produce taken these take pieces of small scantling, of the their rich var1ety_the evidence of woman s in exchange for goods. proper length, and cover with old carpet care and atten~10n. N ~:me b~t women or other convenient fabric, stuffing the are to be. se~n m the big ;public market side which goes against the door, with of ~t Reher s- women buymg and w~men 742 :Cowmauville. wool, cotton, or even hay, to make a sort sellmg. What men you see ar~ e1thyr of cushion. While it is well enough to too young or too old anf ~ecr~-p1t-boys have the kitchen door open directly into who have _not started out m life, or old the room in summer, it is very uncomfqrt- sea. ~aptams who.have come home to end able for ~he inmates in winter. If possi- then d~y~, smelling of -salt cod and fu1'1 ble, a storm door which can be closed be- of remm1scencea of st ormy voyages to fore the kitchen door is opened, should Bueno~ .Ayres, to Australia, oi~ through be provided. This may be made in such the China Seas. I~ you a:sk here all a manner as to be taken away in warm the men, t h e rnply, with a shake of W!'Jather and stored for future use. Sleep- the head, 1s that Jersey was too small for ing rooms 1n farm-houses are usually cold. them; . that there was :iot r?om enough Those who suffer from cold feet shuuld on the island~ ~ardly t~irty miles around, not be det erred making themselves com- for ~he amb1tro11 of its yo~th, so th~y fortabl e through fear of being thought left ~t and went to ~eek thei~ fo~tunes m - JB"'.i?""oldwomanish." If one cannot sleep on foreign la!1ds, lea':"mg their suters at account of cold feet, he should warm them. l~ome to till the sml and look after the Bottles of warm water will answer, but little Je.rsey cows. Some of them man tr6 I n.m fully pre:pa.1·ed to attend Funerals on the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. are not so good as blocks of soap-stone. tho fl.slung smacks t hat go to NewfoundCaskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. Blocks of hard-wood, that have no tur- land. _ Every year they go ti;i the Great First-class hearse on very moderate terms. Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun· pentine, if phtced in t he stove oven early Banks m March, and returi; m O_cto_ber. b e found excellen t When they come. back, with their httle ero.l cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & in the evening , . Show Rooms- Bounsall'sN ew Block. foot warmers. In driving in the country vessels laden yvith bales of salt cod, All furniture sold by me is made by the U. C Furniture Co. of Bowman ville. I do not buy in very cold weather a foot warmer will barrels of cod-fish roe, and boxos of coc'.slop furnitur e and r epresent it to have been add greatly to the c~m.fort of those niak - fish tong_u~s.and codfish heads, there is made bs· the U. C. F. Co. of this town. ing the journey. -American.Agricult1t1"ist. great reJOl<..:tng among th~ women that Also agent for the LI-QUOR TEA for this town they have escaped the perils of the sea. ano vicinity. It is cheap ancj. as goocl as can be - Correspondence N ew Y orlc 1.'r'ibune. . got in tho market. A valt1able prize given ~with every pouud. ' Farming ' Does Pay. ------~--·· ---- WHAT TJJE REV. E. B. STTlVENBON, B.A.. A CLEHGYMAN OF THE LONDON CONF~RENCE 01·' ]'HJ<; Mtt1'H01JIS'l' CHURCfI OF OANAJ>A HAS ·i·o SAY ·IN RE:GAR'.O TO A. H. DIXON & SoN's NEw 'l'REATMEN'r FOR CATARRH. OAKLAND, ON'!'ARIO, CAN., March 17. 1883. Me..srs. A. H. Dixon, &:: So'l'I. DE-.RSrns-Yours of thel3thinsta.ntto hand. It seems almost too goocl to be true that I a:ai cured or Catarrh. but I know thatiam. I have had no return of the disease and never fell better In my life. I bave tried so many things for catarrh, suffered ~o much and for so many years. that it is hard for me to realize that I am really better. I consider that mine was a very bad case ; it NfU> aggravated and chronic. involving the throat as well as the tui.s11l passages, and I thought I would require the three treatments but feel fully cured by the two sent me, 1md I am thankful thtl.t I was over induced to send to you. Y 011 are at liberty to use this letter stating that I have been c·1wed al two treatments, and I shall g·ladlyrccomrnend vour remedy to some ot my friends who are sufi'tirers. Yours with many thanks, REV. E. B. STEVENSON. the boy the time and the trouble of going ovor the field the second time, at which ho might growl. Hoeing corn and potatoos is slow work ; so I furnish my boys with handles that have two hoes on tliem, and of course the:y do double the work that one does, as .yon will allow; and in harvest my cradles have a back blade as well as a front one, so they cut backward as well as forward ; and as the old wood-saw only cuts as it goes clown through a stick, I have had one made for my boys that also cuts coming back, and thus it saves half the time. When " agents " of any kind call on me, or even my neighbors, I invite them to the barn and get them to help me husk corn, while I listen to t11eir talk ; a,nd you see I get a good deal of valuable information, and nobody loses any time-but them.A. W. BELLAW i11 .American.Agriculfitwist. ·-· i"M?*MAW :i&Ji§ *1'141h ' idh W*1?4"'! AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other complaints are so insidious in their attl\Ck as those a1fecting the throat and lu11gs: none so trifled with by the majority of sufferers. The ordinary cough or 'cold, resulti11g perhaps from a trifling or unconscious exposure, is often but the. beginning of a fatal sickness. AYER'S CIIERRY PECTOitAr, has well proven its efficacy in a forty years' fight with throat aud lung diseases, and should be taken in ..11 cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cured, "In 1857 I 1'f>Ok a severe cold, which affected my lungs. I had a tenible cough1 and passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gave me up. I tried AYER'S CHERitY PECl'Olt.l.L, which relieved my lungs, induced sleeph and afforded me the rest Hecessitry for t e recovery of my strength. By the continued use of the P.ECTORA r, a permanent eure was effected. I am now 6~. ye1trs old, 11..10 and hearty, and am satisfied your C1u:ltRY PECTORAL saved me. HORAOE FAIRBROTHER." Rockingham, Vt., July 15, 1882. THE ONTARIO BANK Continues to do . a General Baukil1,<; But;iness a its Bowmauv1ll!1 Branch. .D ~~!!.. ~S,i·n~ Received ~tti! interest nllowed thereon at the rate _of pet· cent per annum. No notice of withdrawal necessary. All deposits p!iyable on <lemand, EXCHANGE Bo1)glltand sold and Draftsissuecl upon E11ro(J, Un!ted Sta~ea and Canada, a!soGolcl,Silve~and Umted Staves Greenbacks bouizht and sold. COLl,F.C'J.·JoNs Promptly made at current. rates upon all parts of Great Brittain, the United States and Do· minion of Canada. Telegraph 'l'ransf'e1·t Made for large or small sums on all parts of Canada. This is especially advantageous to persons livinli\" in Mamtoba or the Norta-west as it mukes the funds available at once at the place of payment. For furtfiler particulars call at the Banking House. '.l'. BRODIJ!:, GEO. McGILL, Accountant. Manager, JERSEY. 2aM:v. Croup. -A Mother's Tribute. "While in the country last winter my little boy, three years old, was taken 111 With croup; lt ~eemed as if he woul\l die from str:\ngulatlon. One of the family suggested tl10 use of AvEn's Cn1mnY l?F.CTORAL a bottle of which was al ways l<ept iit the )1ouse. This was tried in small aud frequent doses, aud to our delight in less thrtn half an hour the little patient was breathing e:t·ily. '.l'he doctor said that the Ommitv P.r,CTORAL had save1! u1y d1t.rliug's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude? Sincerely yours, · 159 West 128th St., New York, May 16, 18112, "I have nsod AYE!t'S CnmmY PECTORAL In my family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronouuce it ti1e most elfectual Mus. J!~M.M..A GEDNEY.0 FINE ~oats &Shoos. MY STOCK COMPRISES : LADIES' KID BOOTS .A.ND SHOES. LADIES' CALF. KID BUTTON & LACED LA.DIES' FRENCH KID, BUTTON & LACED. LADIES' KID SHOES, BUTTON & TJ.E. LADIES' G 0 A.T & PEBBLE, BUTTON & TlE A.lso Mens' and Children's of the above goods MEN'S LONG BOOTS, COARSE AND FINE. ,MEN'S LACE BOOTS, COARSE AND FINE, l\!IEN'S FINE Sl10li:S AND GAITERR. MEN'S ANfJ LADIES' SLIP. :s.i :m All the above goods sold MARBLE WORKS remedy J'.or coughs and colds we have ever tried, A. J. OR.U!E." Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. "I sulfe~ed for oight years from IlronchitiB, and aftei· tryiIJg many remedies with no success..._l was cured by the use of AYER'S OHERu Y .t'ICC'l'Ol< AL. JOSEPH WALDEN." Byllaliu, Miss., April 5, 1882. "l cannot say enough in praise of AYEn's Crrn1mv PECTORAL, believin~ as 1 do that but fnr its use I should long smce have clietl from lung troubles. E. BRAGDON." Pa.Jestine, '.l'exas, April 22, 1882, No case of an affection of the throat or lung3 exists which cannot be greatly relioveti by the use of AYER'B CHERRY P1~C'l'ORAL, and it will a[ways cui·e when tlle disease is not already beyond the control of medicine. PREPAHED llY CHEAP FOR CASH. --(0)- W · S HAW AGENCIES. "Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass · Sold by all Druggists. ORDERED WORK ° " Oce pn ean1sh1"ps. =='"~======~ -" rhe reason why tte 8urgeone oft' the -Inter national Tbroat and Lung iMtitute. 173 Chuch sireet, Toronto are mal;:ing so many wonderful cures·of catarrh, catarrhai deafneAB. Bronch.i· roceive prompt attention. tis, asthma si,nd conH1impti·>n are: '.l'hey have non" but skilled and bualiflcd medical men connected wit.h thA inst.iLute. '.L'hey adhere STORR: One door west STATESMAN offi~e strictly to their spcciahy and they usp, t.he spironwter invented by l\f. 8ouvielie. ei.::-side 7 suegeon of the Il'rcnch ..:rmy, and instrument which_ conveys the merllct11c8 in the form of cold inhalations to the pa1·ta diseased, which i~ ~he only way these diseases can be cured. 'J'hey troating hund1·eds of patient evory month. havin!{ twelve surgeonH engaged in t.heit· worlc in Canads alonei t:iend a three-cent qtamp for a copy of their uternational News iiubli8hed monthly at 173 Clmrch Street Toronto. . 245 tf. REPAIRING D . A1 JD DAVIS. ll~§'l' T. YELLOWLHS. W. F. ALLEN. Highest Price Paid equal for relieving pain, both internal a!\d external. lt cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toonhachc, Lumbago and any kind of Pain or Aiche. '· It wtti mo3t ·sn·reJ.:r.-quickeii-thf. lJlood m~4'-l'fo a.sits acting power is wonderful." "Brow11's Hou"chold Panacea," being ackuowlerlgrod as the greot Pain Reliever, und of rlouble the strength of another Elixir or fJiniment in tile world should be in every famil y handy for use when wanted, "as it really is the best remedy In the world for Cramps in the Stomach, tcncl i;iains and aches of all kin<ls," and is for sate by ti..11 Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 18!-ly. Are you disturbed atnigl.itand broken otryour rest by a sick child su:fi'ering and crying with the excruiat!ng pain of cutting teeth 1 lf so go a" once and get a bottle of MRS. W"INS· LOW'S SOO'.l'HING SYRUP. It willrel'ieve tlte poor little suffer immediately-depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is not o mother on earth who ]).as ever used it, who w ill not tell yon at once t)lat it will reguls t_. bowels, and give r est to the' relief and health to the child, operating like ma.g:lo. t is pertectly safe to use in all cases,and p!esa. ant to the ta.ste, and is the prescriJ»fon or one ot t he oldest nnd best female physicia:is and nurses in the Unit-0d States, Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 18:i-ly. lllWWWW t&WWW"W'+'iW AND C:OHFORT TO THE SUFB-'ER1NG ·''\vn'8 H.ousellQhl 1·a1u1cua ,. has no -FOP.- Stoves & Tinware LEWIS QUICK, Uothers! Hot.hers! ! lllotllers ! ! ! J impure blood. Thousands of our best people 1;ake i<b and give it to theil.' children. Physicians prescribe it daily. Those who use it once recommend it to · others. It is made from Yellow Dock, Honduras Sars<.tparil!a, Wild Cherry, Stilllngia, bandelion, Sassafras, Wmte;ogreen, and other well-known valuable Roots and Herbs. It isstrictlyvogetD.ble, and cannot hurt the most delicate constitution. It is 0113 o! the best medicines in use for Regulatii.;;· the Bowels. Those ' vho cunno~ obtain a bottlG of this m edlclne'from their dru ggist rnny send us 0110 dollar, e.nd we will send it to them. And for f'ii.!rlfylng the Blood. It has been 'use for 20 ye~rs, and h!ls proved to be the best preparation in the market for SI.CK HEADAC!!.11,..!'..AIN IN THE SIDE OR BACK, L1 v ~ COMPLAINT, PIMPLT'S ON THE FACE, DYSPI:PSIA, l'IL~S, and all Diseases that arise from a Disordered Liver or an UVE~ C~MPLAt~fI DYSPEPIA. in MHSS ·McTAVISH Has received ber new stock of oJ! !{',,fi°,}fr~l :~~';'tp~g:i1~:':,~~J~~i~1~! for five doll~m. UNDERTAKING I L EV I MORRIS. GOODS., and invites the Ladies of Bowmanvilie and vidnity to call and see her Pattern lil'" W· .l'O!!l:ISTON 1' !10., U~uutaot1.ueu, "':· . Amherstburg, Ont. Dct1oit, !<!!c:t WH O IS UNACQUAl!\I TE O WITH TH£ Q £0GRA ? ).IY C~ T H I S OOUN· MA BONNETS, HATS, and. assortment o1 will TRIMMINGS 1tntche1· Stall. STORE :- Second J»oor Wcsi WITll TEE'l'n. WITHOUT TEETH. W. MQ URTRY -HAS RlWl!lIVED- NEW CASHMERES, NEW DLAUK CASHMERES NEARLY TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. NEW LACE CURTAINS, ·N ltrousOxideG:rs A1lmtnlstered t'or Painles NEW QUILTED SKIRTS, Operations. NEW FLA.l"NELS, ~J"ll.ICE l'llCCLIJNG'S BLOCH. NEW SHAWLS, NEW PRIN'l'S, NEW CRETONES, NEW LADIES' COLI,.A.HS, NEW WINCEYS, NEW MENS' UNDER SHIRTS, NEW }l.IENS' DR4-WERS NEW .A.C1'0RY COTTON, NEW s ·rE.A.M: L09MS HARNDEN, L. D.S., NEW FINGEilING YA.RN, Graduate of the Roya.I College of Dental NEW CANADIAN YARN, Surgeons, Ontario, Oll'll'ICE OVER DICKl::10N'S -STORE. Parties buying Ooods W111 PJU.CTl(!A.L Dl!l\°TIST, J.M. BR IMA COMBE, c. GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. Plate Work executed in the latest and most improved style of the Dental .A.rt. TEETH EXTR.A.CTED WITHOUT P .A'.:JN by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury to t:t;ie patient, Particulitr attention paid to the regulation ot CHILDREN'f:> TEETH. ~.ALL Save from 15 to 25 per Cent by Buying from W. MoMURTRY. «CALL .AND SEE,'1Et Bowmanvllle, Aug. 30, 1883. 266. WORK WARR.ANT.ED.~ Next to money, there is nothing like saving time. Since I first followed the plow when a boy (for fish worms) I have always made it my object to make the most out of every minute, and I can assure you that my style .of farming has paid, from · the fact ·that at my present time of life there a r e not mor e than one or two mortgages on my farm, and they could easily be removed by the money . In agricultural economy there is nothing like doing two things at once, and my most distant relatives and friends say that I am a humane, farmer, and I lay claim to being industrious Now you know every farmer loses a great deal of time j Ltst in grinding his axes and knives. I have changed all this . . By a slight contrivance the other side of.the grind-stone, I have attached a self-feeding straw-cutter; so when the boy turns the grindstone, the straw-cutter goes at the same rate, avd thus two objects are accom· plished at the 's ame time- if the boy does growl, and growling doesn't make it any easier, goodness knows. I can't see how it could . In seeding time ono of my boys ·goes into the field and scn.tten the grain broad-cast with ease at the sam e t ime h e pulls be· hind him a light h arrow of my own construction, and the seed is harrowed in. 'I'hus you readily eee t he eitpense of a dii.ll and several horses are saved. I am trying to study out a plan for attaching a clod-roller behind the harrow to save Wine l\fade from Raisins. Such alarming talcs hava been told of the beverage made from raisins and sold as the juice of the grape, t hat i t is consolatory to learn that the \\'ine made from the raisin is by no means injurious to hea,lth. TM writer of an article entitled "What to Drink," in the Bepui>l'ique Franga,ise, stat es that most of the h ouses which make t his wine ge t their fruit direct from the Grecian Archipelago or Asia Minor in bags of 130 pounds weight. The fruit is placed in large wooden tul;>s holding about 500 gallons, together with water heat ed by steam pipes. The fermentation commences almost as rapidly as with fresh fruit, and lasts from eight to ten days. It is t h en p umped out into vats. At this stage of the process it is of a light color like Moselle ; and a good deal of it is sent into the F r ench departments of the Meurthe and the Vosges, where, after having simply been filtered, it is sold as the wine of the country. At the next stage of manufacture it is passed through a closely woven cloth to free it from impurities, and· a little alcohol is added. It is then colored with some harmless preparation, the one most usod b eing made from the lees of fresh grapes. lt can be sold wholesale for from $3 to $4 the twent y -two and one-half gallons. When a person leaves his own individuality, he leaves success. g~~fJ;frt:t1r~~°c~~~:~:i~~ ~h~ t~;~: :::t.·t~:~ w:!t 11 CHICAGO! ROCK ISLAND &PACIFIC R'Y M i n n eapolis and S t . Paul. :~~ 8it~~h8~!~ci~ B{~ff:~~~~;~n!~~~~~ ~~hfe'61:i: meut is unrivaled and , being c omposed o f M o st Comforta.ble uud Bea utiful D a;sr Coaches, Magnificen t Hort on R ecli::aing Ch;, Pullb etwee'l Chicago a.nd'M i ssou-ri River Pointa. 'l'wo Train s b et w een Chi cago a nd Minneapolis and S t. by the s hor t est route, and car1(1iing p a.eseng ers, Ri°!~~1~!\~oa~tcf\~~in~~~f1)~1i0a~~~!~art:e;:n~~~ It connects in Union ~~~8o¥~f~i~a;, 1b~:;~,i3\1eJ1Wor'f~~ 9·rff~r~:h~r~f:.! "ALBERY LEA ROUTE." Paul, via t h e P amoua kee. h:ia r ecently been op en ed between R ichmond , Not·folk. N ewp ort N ewe. Chattanooga, Atlanta, A\.l ... fustR. N uah villecl Louis ville. IJex!n gton Cinciunu.t,i. A New an d Direqt Line. via S en e ca and Kanks 9 H en .. ~ ... z en 0 T:iln'i.11ro ugh F engers '£ravel on F a st!I~; Ticket.a for saJe l\t all p r incipa.l Ticke t Ofiices i u the. United States and Canada. B a ggage c11ockcd through a n d r-at.Cs of far e alway e a3 low as competitors th~t oft.Cl) l eas advant ages. Nit: e~o~r ~tt:1led in!ormatiol), get the ctps a.nd Fold· ol1~1 ;~~Pgt!a:e~ 1t.1 ~;~1~i~~·.::Jt?t~~~fuf:.i nncap- CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your n earest Tioket Office, or a.ddrees R, R. CABLE. Vlce·l11·es. & Gen'l M'g'r, E, ST, JOHN, Gcn'l Tk~. & PA01; CHICACO·