Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1884, p. 5

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Choml Union concert to-night. Dr. Clark, Cubourg, is ve1-y ill. We hatl the first thaw of the season last Mr. W. '£. Di1igle, Oslrn,wi.t, is ill . .M.um-·even ne:xt Spring-good, free. raliable dril'er-wlll be eold chel\p for cash. Bulk or Can Oysters at the Gmnd W ednescl;ty. ARRANGING THE CIRCUITS Apply at this ofllce. Mr . J 1:>sae 'l'rull h as 22 fat cattle for Centrnl. i ,~, AND APPOINTMENTS. sale. See advt. Another ton of Tea r eceived at MurMr. John Scott has returned t o tlrn doch Bros. this week. North-west. A convent ion of ininist er s and laymen Mr. Chas. Bates, of Chicago, is visiting See onr C<>l'l'eSJl<mdent tried M cClun<Y was _held in this town on ·wednesday, to llis sisters h ore, who are ill. " con s1de1· matters anent the unwn of t he A NovELTY.-Banauas at the Gmnd Bros' great half dollar tea. . . . . Methodist churches in this district. 'l'here Bargains in Hair Brushes at S1·0TT & J u ny·s :Medical Hall. 80 cents will buy a good $Ul0 Central. Call and get some. Miss Wright, of Toronto, is V1Sltmg at\ were present Revs . .E. R . Young, 'W. R Brush. and all others proportlon~t~y low. Barker, J . " Whitlock, J . R rtrris, .J. Dyke, · A.n winter goods at reduced J:lrices, and Mr. D. '!'.Morris'. Geo. Sal ter wtts taken to th e Toronto S. W. Stevenson, S . T. 13art,Jett, .T. R , Furs at n et cost, at Couch, Johnston & _ A sylum on Wednesday. Oke, T. Ferrier, and Messr s. Galbraith, .Cryderirian's. Mr. Jeffery, the tailor, has removed to Bowden , Souch. W indatt, H oar, Elliott, Farmers wan tin1;1 chc1ip and reli:tble Jr., Rundle, W. 'iVerry, Hancuck, CryFiro Insurance, sllould apply at the new pi·emises. See advt. Re~son Mr. Fred. Hoskin, of Strathroy, was in dermau, T. H ancock, Langmaid,. W. S·rATESMAN office. We sell 011r Druehes so choap ia that we !mport F ol oyT, PHutcluson, J. Slemuu, 'W. Wnght Mi·. R. H. Hemy's Photo Gallery is town for a few days this week. them from France and can therefore nlford to 1 111ell t.hern at. vexy low prices, ~nd we have th~ now in full go. Have you seen t hose · Minmc · · Cherry, o f B ellev1'll ' · ye. M iss · c, 1~ anr Rev E R Youn()' was· chosen elnirman 1\nest assortment e·er ahown rn town. STOT'l beautiful pictures h e is making 'I Call and visiting her aunt at "Ch err y Cottage." .&; JURY, the Reliable Druggists. . and n~v. ·w.· H. B:rk~r secretary. ' inspect. , Omuges, lemons, oysters, haddies and The following r esolutions were adopted : 11 If one peroon uses abusive language to canned goods, all now, at McClung Bros.' l. 'l.'hat these 1 tppointmcn ts be eontinanot.h.er on tlte street h e .is brought before Mrs. S. Vanston e had two epileptic f.ifa ucd-~he Cm~a~a Methodist church _and the i~ . 1\1. and fined . Why not apply the on Monday, but is now r ecovering rapidly. t he ~1ble Chr1strnn church , ~ow.ma11.villo ; same rule to publishers who abuse their Strive to get in before it is too late for \1'0v1dence , (B~wmanv1~le c1rcmt~. Salem, By using 'l'he Excelsior Cough Syrup. Every fellow citi:r.ens 1 n b argain inMcClungBros' fur department. Bethesda, ..~yrnne, Haydon, Ha~pton, e best thing tbey ever 11~ed, -person says xt is tl1 SpeciaL revival serv ices are being h eld . . Elwnezer, Solm:t, Rehoboth, Provulence, iU1as no equal. Try it, STOTT .& JU~lY. . ~~ss Perr.)_', of Bmmrton, .has_ b~en , (Ham pton circuit) Enfield, Zion, Ennis:sole manufacturers, 'l'own Hall Block. e very eve1ling this w eek in th e P. M . v1s1tmg hm.· sister, Mrs. M. Blam, clurmg ki!len, Long Sault, J\faple Grove and Mt. Church. A (l()rdial invitation is extended Ver non. to all Chri.."lili:tn workers ancl the public the week. Misses Hattie and Barham Williamson, ' 2. That the amount paid by the appointgen erally. The Gr~1nd Trunk will issue e:i:cursion of Toronto, are visiting a£ l'l'lrs. John mcn ts last year t o ministerial support be · the basis of calculation, vii . , B owmanv-Ule ll the 2ucl Keachie's. ticl<.ets to t'he Mont real carnival O Miss Waddell, d aughter of ex-Sheriff' C. M ., $800 ; B . C., $490 ; P . M., $570 ; of Fehrua..ry, The rato will be single fare l t has beon found by experience that the quickest a11d best reme(ly for chapped hands, for retum tickets good from t]mt· date Waddell, Cobourg, is visiting t he Mi.'!ses H.ehoboth, $100; Providence, $IGO; SaltJrn, McArthur. $138; Bethesda, $294 ; Tyi·o1~e ll. C., l50NI lips or rougb11ess of tbe Sinn is the Ori· until the -conclusion of the _ carniv:al. entsl Rose Balm. STO'l'T &; JUHY. the ReIt seel!l1s that a large number of ou r Rev. J. J . Oameron, Presbyterian minis- $215; Tyrone O. M., $200 ; Haydon, liablti JJruggists are sole mam1facturers. subscribers did not get the STATESMAN of ter at Pickering, hus received an unani- ~150 ; Hampton B. C. , $272 ; Hampton C. M., $275 ; Ebenezer, $300 ; Solirnt, J an. 18th. We c1111not tell why ; they mous call from Chatham, N . B . GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. wore mailed from this office as usual. vVe Mr. Herl)ert Bell, of Chicago, is now $204 ; Rehoboth ('raunton) $52; Providence, $42 ; Enfield, $70; U nion , $:>fi ; cannot supply tho missing n umbers. visiting his friends here. He is at pr~nt Zion, $310; Enniskillen C . M., $130 ; llOWMANVILLE STATION .A.ND 'l'IME. The hair dresser, shaving and tonsoritil stayin g with his brot her , Mr. J. Bell. Enniskillen M . E., $100 ; Long Sault, bou doir .controlled by tlrnt skilful artistical Abou.t twenty young folk went to Osha- $35 ; Carmel, $11 5 ; l\Iaple Grove, $220 ; GOING E A.ST GOING WEST E:x:press .......8.52 a m Local, ·.··.··.. 7.21 a m clipper- W. E. Pethick ancl his wide- wit Wednesday n ight, where a pleal'J;l,nt Mt. Vernon, $210. !Mixed ........ .4.05 pm Erprese ..... . 8.17 a m aw;ike .a.ssistant, is a ·favorite resort for evemng was spent at Mr. 'iV. J·ewell's. 3. '!'hat there be t wo sep arate stations Local .......... 7.10 p m Mtxed ........ 3.30 p D· - THE GENUINESend 25 cents to .the STATESMAN office, in Bowmanville, with a married minister Exvress.... .. . . 9.30 Jl m R1mress . ..... 8.45 P m those in quest of prime Cig!Lrs and Tobaccos. Bowm:i.nville, for a dollnr's worth of nta1ga- each. And '1'.1.0W it tmnspires that th e fur set . zines :md other excellent i:eading. matter. 4. Thnt. Tyron e, H ayclon , Iletlrnsda, Mrs. Smith boµght last week <it McClung Ite~. ,T. H. Betts of Newcastle, is here Providence, and Salem be a circuit with Bros' for th irty dollttrs is far superior to on a visit to his fiie11 ds i n Lindsay and two ministers, on e married and one single. u. Tl1at Hamptou, Zion, Solina, Ebethe set brought from Toront o by her Mariposa. Ile is looking exceediugly neighbor, Mrs.Jones, costing forty dollars. well. _ p 0 ,t. n e;:er, Maple Grove, Mt. Y eruon , Enfield, BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, FEJlR'Y 1. T h is is another proof that McClrng Bros. Enniskilleu aud Rehobot,h be :\ circuit Rev. ~f. Lit tle preached an able sermon with t 1 can - - etc., etc. vo married men and a vrobationer. last Sabbath referring to the recent deaths We a<Yree with t he Chronicle wh en it in the congr egat ion , t here .having been ----~ ~-----0 says the election of John L. Smith, Esq., five since New Year's. Arrivals at the "Arlington." of Whitby, as Warden of the County CounWho will our assessor be ? cil of Ontariu for 1884, cam.wt fail to gi vc Mr. P. T'. P ilkey, a graduate of Vic~oria John A. Drown, Picton, Ont .; Jtl.mes 1Madill, Leap year is a fond illusion. general satisfaction. Mr. Smith is a man College Cobourg, in 1882, died at Breslnu H . L. Lalllbery, W hitb~; .F. M. MidCord, lt. H. H . Col11·y, beorge Anderson. A . J. of sterling merit in all the l'Clationships of whei·e l~e was studying mathematics and Torrance, Select your valentines early. Molntosh, A. ·w. 'l'a6ker, C. S. Ellis, R. \ V. astronomy, on Jan. 21. life, both pr ivate and. public. Mulilrew, A. Weir, Jr., W . C Gordon. Charles 'l'hat January thaw did( come. Some of the Salvat,ion Army officers Crower. H. W. Snellgrove, A. E . Kidd, \V. " A Grocer" wishes to lm-0w if there is Ince, Cha.rles Hutcheson, 1". Gilbei·t, u. J, LuCo:N:FEc.:rIONllRY at Mq. l{ey~'. not a lw.wker's and pedlar's by-lnw in force wer e in town on Tuesday. They are en- koy, Toronto; A. Snelh.:rove, ilrighton; J . B. ·Division Court h ere yesterrlay. Galt; James 8uthorland, J:l. G. Levehis, in t his town that forbids taking orders for deavoring to get that hall over 1\icMur- 000110, J·1unes P. Mtl.rlin, W. C. Ford, Ja~ . .A.rrustrQng, ' G ive u s m ore sleighing parties. shoddy cloths, teas, etc., in the corpora- try's st ore for t he purpose of holding J. H . Whll,e, Jonu E. M . Hodgoon, J. E.,Gilber t, II, '1'. Wilgrcss, J, T. Ilargttn, Joseph J. tion without a license. 'iWe t h ink so. If meetin gs. Sons of E n gland meet T uesd:ty. Westgate, II. Harris. Mont.real ; A. H. Mc· ' Ve arc glad to be able to announce that Quinn, not, the1·e sh ould be ; for merchants 'vho .An open Fcbruary.- Moses Oates. Oshawa; Charles U. l..app, P1 ·r,soott; Mr. A. L . Vanstone h as again 101tsed .t he George Blake, G. Maun, Ottawa.; .U. Mcintyre. The largest assortment ever shown in Bowmanville, pay l1eayy taxes should be protected. · . Oshawa w;mts a philh.armonic society. M. P. P., Thomas Walters, Lindsay; Ernest Don't fail to read 1\1:ess111!o. Couch , John - town mills, and will be at i~ll times ready Dutlel', James J, Craig, Cobourg; V. llowman, including the CEllebrated . Try our 50 cent Rl.ack 1'ea- Murdoch ston & Crydenmm's new 1-11<lvertisement in to supply t h e public with flour and feed Brandon, Man.; W. Johnston, Peterborough ; Eros. Charles Wilmot, Chu.rles l:kent, Newcastle; this issue. Their motto i<s to furnish the of all kinds. · .P. Preston and wire, Detroit; J 11omes Pater· TnE S'l'A'l'.ESMAN is one dollar a year in best goods <irli the lowest possible price. Miss Camero!), daughter of M. C. F son, Belleville ; Samuol Joh::.st!)n, Kingston; advance. tf. C. E . Mulduu, Ue·to; ·wmlam Miller, Wu.lton. Their system of buying for CASH gives Cameron, Esq., l\<I.P., Goderich, and Mr. 1\fr. Robert Beith is travelling in West- them a great advantage, a.s they not only P. J . Burchier, of Collingwood, are visitern Ontario. save a la1·gc amount in discount, but it ing at the residence of W. F. Allin, :Esq., "Eminent for cheap goods. "- McClung · Mr. Levi Morris h ad cl{nrge of five en ables them to buy all their goods on-the Beech Avenue. Bros. very best terms. · 'frm ·voH.:.E m' TH.E P.1w1'LK- No family ~--:s:s:;:___ - -fan erals last week. 'Mr. J. Gilfillan , E nglish Master of Dyes were ever so popubr as the D iamond Bowmanville has boe1 remarkably free BI~THS .. B i;iwmanville High Sch ool, will lecture for Dyes. They neye1· fail. The Black is far CnAPl'LE..,-At Whitby, Jau.·2sth, the wife of ,from fires fo11 a year. the benefit of the Young Men's Progress superior to logwood . The other colors arc T.W.U11apple, JGsq .· Harristor-at-Jaw, of a son. " ' Farmers were scarce in town last·week, "Nlck A-X~s~ Club next Monday eve-uing, on " The brilliant. 'Vells, Richardson & Co. , Bur' Jience trade was llull. Origin and Growth of the E nglish House lington, Vt. And a MARRIED. full stock of all choppers and Lum bermen's requisites. CHILDREN'S clothing and uncler-wear, of Com mon:s." All members of the Club Mr. S. 'iV. McConnnchie is now entitled JouNSTON- CULLIS-:In Pol't Hope, on the ' SEE THE GOODS. eheap, at Mrs. Keys'. are requested to be present, and others to add to his name M. D., M. S., L . R. C. 30th ult., at. the residence o! the bl'ide's mother, Council meets Monday night. School who desire to h ear t he ledure arc invited P. S. Eng., having won distinction at the by ltev. W. J . Jolliffe, Peterborough, aesie1ed by Elder Sheppard, l:lowmanville, Mr. James :Board meets to-night. to ntteud. Admission free. leading Medical College in Lundon , Eng- A. Johnston, of the tlrm of Messrs. Couch, & Cryderman, Bowma.nvi!Je, to Miss Johnston Our citizens will be pleasecl to h ear land. Note t h e change in Messrn W. Brittain The owners vf horses in t his country Philippa. lJullis. Bowmanville, January 10, 1884. uf his· grand su ccesr.. & Co's advertisemenL. WELLING'JlJN B UILDINGS. are numerous. Tliey form a large and I cu:MENS- CounncE.- At tho reeide11ce of Our contemporary t h e Bowmanville the bride's faLher, on the 30th ult., by Hev. W. '1'h e weather is given to fluctuation , hut influential portibn of the community. They generally h ave money- at least a S'.IA"r.ESMAN comes to h and in anew dress. }(, Harker, Mr. Albert E. Gleme11B, o! Ty rone, poverty holds its own. to Polly. daughter of L. M. Courtice, .!<~sq., ice, Friends , remember . the poor in your fair share of it. All of this leads up to lt is a great improvement, and indicates Courtt h e general question that t h ey all luwe a encouraainopartronage and advancement. PARSONS- RICIIARDSON- On the 23rd ult., by district this cold winter: ' use for harness. Now where can good, We congra~ulate the publisl1er on thl' the Hev. W. Hichardson. at the Methodist Oslrnwa farmers' club is well attended. strong well-made l1 arness be ch eaply and improved appearance of his paper.- Oobourg Parsoriage,Dalton, Mr, Horace Edgar t'al'sons, of Dalthnore, Ont., LO Amanda Maria, eldest West Durham, wake up. promptly procured. If those who p ur- Wol'ld. daughter of the 01Hciatin1r minister. Mr. W. Britkin&Co. offer inducements pose buying harness will call at. Mr. W. HOAH-RA'l'CLIF~'E-By t ha ltev. J. Dyke. nt 1\foRE STYLE.Bowmanville ST,\ TESMA.N for cash buyers of meats. B . Mays', King St. , Bowma.nv1lle, they has been treated to a ne1v dress b y its the Parsonage, Church i::lt., Jan. 21st, Mr. William Hoar. or Darlington, to ·:<\Use Jes~ie Dr. Willoughby is Warden of these .will save money. enterprising proprietor, Mr. M.A. James. 1latchtl'e, of Bowmauville. United Counties for 1884. Mrs. S usannah Evans Pech lectui:ed on We are glad to note this sign of prosper- ALLni- ·ALLTN'- At t.he restde11ce ot t he brides father, on the lbth ult.. by Rev. E . A. · The S·t'.ATEsMAN office h as printed somq temperance in th e Town Hall on T uesday it y on the pnrt of our contemporary. It 'l'onkin, .Mr. W . C. a.llln, of Darlington.to Miss eve11ing, under t he auspices of the Grand is richly merited, and we liope will pros- Mtl.r y Allin, daughter of ::la.muel Allin, Esq., cice wedding cards lately. ot Cartw right. Divi1Sion Sons of Temperance, to a large per as t lrn years roll by. B· r ighton Ensi n. If our town councillors want more light audience present to greet her . We prethey should car ry lanterns. Mr. and Mrs. John Maynard we e surDIED. sume the liidies who heard h er were highly my Papers publishing "Peck's Bad Boy" delighted at seeing one of their sex publicly prised by t h e unceremonious appearanco of PooLIn Bowmanville. Jan. 2G th, John Poul, several friends on Monday night, who articles should b e boyc9tt ed. a ed 77 years. ndvocatin~ such a noble cause. Mrs. Pech · AYLOR- In Darlington, on the 24th ult., Good oi·d er prevails in tO\vn. The is evidently a- cultured lady, a ready and called to remind the that it was their 5th anniversary of their marriage-woodhn 'l'aylo1', aged 77 years. P.()lice Magfatrate enjoys a rest. pleasnnt spetiker, and cannot fail to h el p en wedding. Mr. W . B. Cou ch, on b eFINLEY- In Bowmanville. on t he 24th ult., M en succeed who mind their own busi- on temperance reform wJ10rever she goes half of the c.o mpany, presented 1\ln. May- liza, relict or the la.L o John 1"mley, aged 63 years. with h er subject. 11ess-:t h ere's little competition. nard with a niee rocking ch air. Thre CAWKER- In Tyrone, on t he 30tl1 inst .. Mary, Murdoch Bros. have the largest and A most enjoyable eveniug was spent h ours were spent in social pastime. beloved wife of Mr. Hicbard Cawker, aged 50 ,.:h.est stock of Teas in the country. last Friday, at the residen ce of "'\V; S. years. _ Our charge for publishing marriage R ussell, Esq. It being t he anniversary BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. ' notices is 50 cts. Births anrl death s, free. of th e birth of Robert Burns, 1tt Mr. Rev. E. Robe1·ts, Toronto,, has net been R ussell's generous· invitation, a number of Corr·cted up to 1 o'clock p .m. every Thv.rsda11 Cll,lled by t he Can ada Methodists, Peter- Scotchmen and admirern of the poet asInteresting Tests Made b y the BY J,&D. McDOUGALL. sembled to do honor to his memory. A bgro'. ( Government Chemist. sumptuous supper prepared by Mrs. RusFlour, per 100 lb ...·.. $2 7fi .. to .. $3 00 The STA'l'ESMAN h as been issued on time sell in a style to please t h e most fastidious fur three weeks but the mails h ave b een was partaken of by th e company. T he Dr. Edward G. Love, the present Analytical Fall Wheat, per bu en. . . . 0 95 . . to . . 1 00 Chemist for t he Government, has recently SpringWheat, per bush . 0 95 .. to ·. 1 00 -ALSOi:rregu1ar. · toast of " The Memory of Burns," was made some interesting experiments as to the Rye, per bushel. . . . . . · . . 0 58 .. to . . 0 60 M essrs. Gal e. B ros. will b uild a n ew done in silence, and very feeling and heart- comparative value or baking powders. Dr. tests were made to determ ine what Oats, pAr bu shel ··· , . . . . 0 30 .. to . . 0 32 printing office ·next summer on the Poet's stirring eulogiums macle in response. 'fhe Love's brands are the most economica·. to use, and as Peae, Blue. · . · . · . · . . . · . 0 70 . . to. . 0 75 corner lot. . toast of the "Host and Hostess," was done their capacity Iles in theil' leavenmg power, " Bb .ckeyes . . . .. . . . 0 92 .. to. . 0 92 l solely to ascMtam th" tests w11re okecte1 Mr. Dayman has had a pretty centre with three tim es three, when a genuine available ,, Sm all . ..·· . ..... 0 70 ... to ... 0 72 ga! of each powdel'. Dl'. Love's repiece put on the ceiling of the Crancl Scotch nicht was brough t to a close at the port gives t he f9llowing : Dog Barley, No.I·..·... . · 01;0 .. to .. C55 Bt.r ength wee short hour ayont twal by the singing Central restnurant. ,, No. 2..·.·.... I) 45 .. .to ·. . 0 50 Name o! the Cubic Incloes Gae Baking Powders. per each ounce of Powder. ~ouncils should demand t hat sheep of "Auld Lang Syne. No. 3 ·.·.·..·. 0 00 ... to ... 0 00 (cream tartar powder)·..... ..... 127.i " killed by. dogs be valued and sworn to by CANADA'S G1tEA'.I.' CARNIVAL.- The great "Royal" BY JOHN MoMUJl<TRY. " Pe.te.psco" (alum powder) ..... .. .......l :W.2 a competent i·atepayer . Winter Carnival in M ontreal, 4th to 9th " Humforcl's" (phosphate) fresh .. ...... 1 22.5* Butter, par \b. b est tabl e.. O 16 .· @ ·· 0 18 " Rumford's" (phosphatl'I) old ... .. . ...... 32.7· Febrmiry, is attracting tl1ousands upon Quality preferred to quantity . The "Hanford·s None Such,"!resh ..... . . . ... .. 121 G Lard,~ lb ............... O 13 .. @ ·· 014 Dominion Government has 140 Conser va- tnousands of sight-seers from all parts oi "Hanford's None Such," old . ... ...... .... 8t.35 Eggs, f' J o,i:, ········· , , ·· 0 00, .@ ·· 0 22 th e continent. The attack, defen ce and "Redhead's". ........... . . ........... . ..... 117.0 Potatoes, per b u shel.. , .... 0 55 ·· ~ .. O 60 tive to 69 Liberal m embers. ' " Cliarm " (alum powder) ... .. . . .. ........ . 116.9· Both factories h:wc been running on ~ capture of t h e Ice Palace,the great skating " Amazon " (alum powder). . ..... . .... .. .. HUI carnival on a scale of unprecedented gran" CleTele.nd's" (short weight l oz.). .... .. no.&· time since New Years, an d th e furniture deur, t h e snow-shoe t orchlight prosession uSee. Foam" ..... .. .. : ... . ....... ...... ... . 107.9 factory lias closed for two weeks. "Czar" . ............. . .......... .. ..... . .. .. 106.8 by thousands of sn ow-shoers, the tobogDr. Prices"· ....... ........ ............. . . 102.6 W hy don 't Cobou rg papers publish con- g1ming fetc on Mount Royal, the great " " SnoVI'. Flake" (Groff's St. Paul. . . .. , .... 101.8 ICELY FUHNISHED BEDROOM densed reports of the Counties' Council sleigh-driver turn-out, embracing five " Lewiss " Condensed ... .. ............... 98.2~ I WANTED by young man, with or with· " Congress " yeast.. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . 97.57 proceedings 1 They lack enterprise. t h ousand superb sleighing equippagcs, the "C. F;. Andrews & Co." (contains alum), 78.1* out boa.rd, in central localty of town. Address. Drawer 7, l:lowmiinville P.O· .A gratifying evidence of the popularity living ai·ch manne,d by t he snow-shoers in ll Hecker 8 H · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · rnt a . o F cA NA A. of the STA'l'ESMAN is t h e large number of club uniform, cheering their Excellencies " <Tillete "· .. .. .... .... . .. ... .. .... .......... 81.2 "Bulk " .. ... ..... . ....... ........... ·· ···· 80.ll STOCK FOR 8ALE.22 head of Fat new subscribers received last month. t h e Governol"General and Lady LansRllST, $U0,0410 I wieh to call especial attention that; if you *In his r eport, the Government Chemist says: Cattle ; also a Fine Young Canadian Bred C.t.PIT.\ L, S l ,Off,ffO, wa,nt to bu;v a first.olrl1<s Orgau made hy one "The Eastern Ontario Dairymen 's Asso- downe, as t h ey are drawn t hrough th e " I regqrd all alum powders as very unwho le· Clydesdale Entire Horse, foaled in 1880. Apply ot the best Manufaot.llrles in the \VoclG., ciation holds its annual convention at triumphal arch, nll th ese striking and some. Phosphate and 'l'arte.rlc Acid powders to JES::lE TRULL, Lot 32, 1st Conceeslon Darl5;2w. their gas too freely in process or bak· lngton, Oshawa P. 0. 'f his Bank is prepared to do Legiti- C:A.LL AND l!IEI! MV C:llJUSTM..t.S STOCJK. startling fetttures of the great fete, and liberato Peterboro' on "'\Vednesclay, Feb. 20th. Ing, or under varying climate change~ suffer . I have just ordered an1l w ill haTe in a few mate Banking in all its branches. ..Messrs. R. B eith & Co. , Bowmanville, rnnny others, are t o be splendidly illustra - deterioration." day1,eome first class l'!.oya.I .A. Se wingMa-0hines, UCTION SALE.1\'IR. E. Br.IGHT Dr. H. .a. Mott, the former Government Farmers notes discounted ; Depoaits a Machine that staudH A 1 with the Terr best will otfer for sale by P ublic .A.notion at ~ have issued a catalogue of t h e Clydesclale ted in th e Carnival number of t he Mon - Chemist. after a careful and elaborate examl· 11es,HALLET'B H01'EL,Oron!?:Oll 8ATU1lDAY, received and Interest paid on amounts of Atnerioan or Ca.nadu..n i'lewing Haoh1 · ./- .hqrses, mares, and fillies t h ey hiwe for sale. treal STAR, printed on superior paper, nation of the various Baking Powders of oom· JAMES FEllRU.ARY 2ND, at 2 p.m..Lot .No. 9. in Block I~ $6 upwards in Savings BankDepr.rtmenL . Vl' hJle I have nothing to say againllt &BT 11rst· \vith full and double-page colored illustra· mel'Oe. reported to the Go1·ernment In favor o! east o!Ms make of Organs or Sewin11: Mai.cbi11ee, I side or Mill a,t1·eet, on which is a gooa The STA'.C.E~MAN suggests to t h e managers vrish tho public to please take notioe I do ·tions. This special Carnival number of t he Hoyal brand. brick house one and a half stories high, 3.'ix!i2, of t h e rink that they engage a teach er of eel! onl:r fl 1 ·st;.class Go<,ct~. such ail I can guar" DRAFTS containing 8 rooms, Stone Cellar tnll size, hard th e Montre;il STAR will be of wonderful antee to give satiafaol ion. :ikating to give instructions say once a interest t o all iJeople in all lands. it is and soft water ; lot of fruJ.t 'l'reee, everyt.htng N. B.- I stlll 11ell the world-renownsd WaU· wanted for The Lives or new and in i;ood shape ; cornllr lot. Terms I1111utd and Collections made in Europe, ba.m week. Watch,- and don 't fol'gct our General gotten up by the b est artist in this country , all the Presidents of the mad~ known on day or sale. R. MO ~E~T, United Stat.es and Canada. Store where we keep a compfet.e &1190rtalent of M essr s. John Pierce and John Rol:ier t- and will take the place of the Canadian U. s. 'l'he largeet,hand· Auctioneer. a·lvl. Dry Goods and Groceries cheap for Cash. somest best book ever ) OF.t"ICU- Jlardoch Bre1. IUoek, l:ako Bank· son have bought the Dry Goods stock of Illustrated News, suspended. Ten cents, The Hell 0l'l{ana arQ sold by J. P. RICE, Bow· ror less than twic.c our price. The fastest ENFIELD LADIES.- Mus JtrLU. \ ··: o:mce of .Joll.. d: Bobbl e. Mr. Dickson :tnd will b e ready for business in stamps, sent to the p ublish ers, Graham sold manvllle, an.d eelhng book ln America. Immenae profits to O'LllAllY has returned from Toronto s hortly. T h e S'l'A'l'F.S~fAN welcomes 'tl!.e & ·Co., will get a copy. Newsdealers will agents. All intelligent people want 1t . .Any 1 and has begon Dres1making in Enfield. S-p41tlal W J. JONES E. iU. rlJ01'1EY, one can become a successful agent. Terms I attention will be g!Ten to cutting and Jltt1ng, · · f new :firm of Pierce & Hob ertson. h<we them for ~ale . Tyrone, free. HALLET'!' BOOK Co., Po1·tla.nd, Maine. AC&ll . .11.1ted, :16'1-t!. ~n. A.1re1u. Horse · for Sale. THE UNITED CHURCHES. ....Ar- HOUSE Has Removed IN NE ADS' BLOCK, Bargains. (TWO DOORS WEST FROM OLD STAND,) The Why l'.f· where we can do business as usual· Our stock is complete for the. trade. Stop that Cough CLOT:H:ING Very Cheap for Cash to meet the dull times. FOUND. I JOS. JEFFREY. Cross Cut Saw . s. Champion Saws, Lightning Saws, Butting Saws. Lance Tooth Saws, Local and Otherwise. Diamond Saws, CHOPPING AXES, American Wetmore Axes. Simpson Axes. " Canadian Western Axes. Orient Axes. " Crescent Axes. " Crown Axes. " Lumberman's Pride- Axes. oft e WootlJr' --- LEE & EDSALL, BARGAINS FOR Alli FURSIFURSI During the Xmas holidays I will offer fine and well assorted stock, consisting of BEST BAKI NG P0WDERI. Mink Muffs, Boas & Caps, S.S. Seal Muffs, Boas & Caps, Persian Lamb Muffs, Boas & Caps, Astrachan Muffs, Boas and Caps, AT -WHOLESALE PRICES. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. / Gent's Coon Coats. Gent's Coats. BUFFALO, Black, Gray and White Jap ROBES. At the LOWEST CASH PRICES. New Advertisements. M. MAYER, Furrier. STANDARD BA·NK o CHRIS~MAS N O rgans an~ Sewing Mac~1Nes. A Ac ENTs To

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