So Do! Gentlemen of' Fash ion, not so :Cast. · I have written these few lines .And all I have to say1"1at you can find me still at home, lam not gone a way. So all my kind old ' i·iends may come, And all the young one11, too, And get their garments nicely made In fashions that are new: Where old and young, frienqs. ·may meet A welcome "'"Mtine. bv R. PE.ATE SCROFULA· ~t!1d all SC)<.lftllous disea!;es, f')or<· ~, Er~·~ ipe.. 1.. -- :-·:t·Zt;,llla, niotf.:hes , Riltb'YOl"'llf. '£11... :ruvr... , (Jal'bnncles, Hoilto;, arn.l .r~1·np.tJons of t.bc S l;.iu, lhc direc L r~.~ulL .of 'i; n J111p1u·c ::::t:ttC v f the Lloml. 'J'J Clll'C lhCSC.: 1li~caSt:~ the illo~if J\\llSt l.Jo pn1·ii'i&d, ;l-tui r eslO!'ud t:> : 1, l t<'althy :111tl 1:nR MISCEL~ous. 'THE BARBER SHOP. Wbeu'er yon want an easy shave, As good as Barber ever gave. ;ust call at Pethick's Saloon, At morning, eve or busy noon. He'll cut aud comb your hair with grace, l'o suit t.he contour of your face; His shears are sharp and raizors keen, His shop is neat and always clean, , And. everything, we think, you'll find, 'J'I) suit the taste and pl~ase 'the miad. A Yi: It';: !i/yts.\ 1·:\ H l Lid l1a111 for ove r fo rif yea1·~ lldc11 rccog11iz<:ll by e11d .. 71cut 111<>.lic:1·l :tutho l'it.ies as tho n1ost p ower1 11l 'LJoJ~.i pul'illci· in ~xi:.:tcncc. IL fl:eos the !-iy~:tem fro1n :111 foul J1·u11nrs, e11dclies and sLreilgtl1e11s tlic bloorl, re mor e:-: nll tn:ces o[ .1n er et1.r ~a l t.rcaLnnrnt, and p1·0\re~ i l!:ic lf a {jom11k:tt: 1n:'.::stcr of ;;lll ~i':rofdl ow; diSca~e~. tn1al 1:0J1Jition . cf'.omv During its forty years the New -York T?·ilnme has had but two, H~race Greeley and Whitelaw Reid. 'A par~iamenta,ry paper just issued shows that the expenses incurred by railroad, and water companies in the United g as, _ Kingdom in promoting and opposing bills before Parliament fro.m 1872 to 1882 · larbae l·nclusi·ve was $23,324,370. .t>. proportion of this is due to the cost of bringing up witnesses to 'Vestminster and keeping them there. A Uccent <5t.n1e of Scro1\t1our. Sores. tno11t11~ ;.:~o l "tl'H.:-3 tronL1ctl \' l!h l )AllSS tf!~ cTAVISH Has received her new stock' of olfolli:i1·c n\:tt ter. Emry r ctt1 dy I tried :f:1i>.~d. nuti l I used A'\.°J-; H";-; S.Aic~A \'.\HJLJfA 1 o( ,\·11:1·1i I h are Huw ta.l ~ e11 thn~l., bot.Uesf w1tl1 tho l'l'~:\Llt 1.lui.t. tho l-'Or<'S ~re heakd, :tnd mr gc11ernl l.w alth g"l'enLly illlprovcd. -~ue~~~\ii~::' Ji\~~ ~-~, \;;\~~~'. for llw guod· your 'Ynnnf n~5iJCctfnl1~-: -;,lHS. A:xx O'R'nL\;o;." 1.f,i ,(~ni~; v~p1 :-it. , l\«.~ w YorJi:: , ,J mw .:!·I, l ·i--~. screfu1ous :-:.ores ( lu.;er::;) 011 my legs. 'I Ile lh:ibs "\H'n~ ' badly ~wt,l!c11 :rnd iHlh:.111Nl, :.nd th_c :--;m·e:.i dj:;charged la.rg.i.) qna1 'ttit i<:::.; uf 1 GOODS.,' and invites the Ladies of Bowmanville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern [::ft..... AH pp1·sonfi iutc1't'Rte d are i _u.vH<·cl t o <1;· all on ]Hr!'!. 0 1 .B.· . dnn; n ls o u 1>on tho He\'. Z. I'. ··wads of 78 J)ij;~l 154th i>treet, r\CI'"\.\"" }· " ork City, \Vhn ,vnl ta.kc Ill...asu1·~ in tt·st,ifyin~· to the \i·o1Hl~ .rfu] f"{fkacy of .1\;p·n ·' :.; S::H·~·.anar llJa., uot only in t he curo , nf thiB Ja(lY, hut. in his O"tvu cnr.o nud u~nny other:) within his luunvledg·e. 'J'ltc \n: l l-k11ow11 wrllero11the. IJnsMn Jieral<l 13. ,V.13.ALL, uf R oclw::>ter, .J.\ ' , fl., writes, Juno .7, 1882: ·' TI:~Ying sttffcretl r~ e verely fo1· sou1c yea,1-s with l~<·te111a, mid h avi ug fnilc<l. to ftnd r elief fro l 11 other yc111cditjf.i 1 I luLve made use, duriug 1.lic: past t.ltn-m rno11ths, ol' Av i·~H's 8Alc.SAPA· J{ 1LLA , wldt:h lrn~ e1fc-c1;1-~ d a cnmpfrte cure. J. con~i<ler it. r.. rnaguiflcc1it, remedy lor u.11 Llood d ~~~ :me~ ." BONNETS, HATS, and assortment or TRIMMINGS Dntchel' Stall. STORE :-Second Door 'Vest or lVHUan1~ Aye r's Sarsaparilla stimulales' 011<! r egnJnCcs, tl1c action of thol di ll~~tivo a!\~;imilat. !vc orgal!s, rmww1 trnd s.t:·c11 gt:heus tl:¥ 11it.a1 force~. a1iHl spcelliJy <!lll'CH Rh~n 1.oa'tisrn , Neuralgia, 1.then1na.. tic (~nut, Catarrh, General Debilit.y, nnd nll ~liso.aseS arising fro111 a u impoverlshed or co1 ;:-uptcd c011clition of th e blood, awl a wenkCll e<l vitality. l". i· i11com1ianibly the cheapest blood medi< !ilrn, on nccount of it!;\.concc11tra.ted strcngtb1 ~v.ic,.l gt.,:rn t power over dh~.ease. PRl~I'ARED REMOVAL. ---<.en--In thanking my .many friends and customers !or the kind favors so liberally bestowed in the past, I would respectfully announce that I will sho~tly remove to tha NEW ii'l'ORii erected on the premises formllrly occupied by me one door East of Mr. Buckler's vvhere I will be pleased to show my stock of fi'Y Dr. J. O,Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sohl IJy all MILLINERY, FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND FANCY coons all of the latest and most ashionable designs. Drn;:gists; price S1, six bottles i"olf $U. .. DOMINION ORGAN,&~IANO Co,, and shall spare no pnins to keep up their pre "- sent reputation. lN::El"ii'V Jon µd favorable khown-will be carried on have just arrived at the and with the assfatance of our Machinery we hope to lamely increase the buslne,ss in tbi;s Sign of the Big Boot, .. departmtint and give odr customers increased TYRONE, A lo,rge inducements to purc})Me from stock of Carriages and Ploughs' now ready. suitable fo fall and ·winter wear. All ·wo1·k warrented satisfactory, tention given to Engine. lVlil and .Agricnltura ..-Great Bargains will be given for Ca.&h Machinery. Qlffi CARRIAGE BUSINESS, BOOTS&SHOES "'s. 1\/.C R. :OAR CH bas had a lm·ge experience i·n Machine, A gr ic;wltural and Garriaqe Work, having worked in the largest cstabl~shments in . the Dominion, which wm a<'!d largely to the interest of the new firm. d"GiveourHARD METAL PLOW POINTS W. H. HICKS. 275 Tyrone, November 1, 1883. p 'A lf' IN ' ti! < L rL - GRA.ND- f1' ln E JDJI fl ,M ~ u IF li'I 11 ll'· " 'J;HE- - AT a trla,J, . McCLUNG &DARCH. ECtlPSE HOUSE 1· 24'1 ~ Bowmanville, March, 81883. Call and see the :rnoth that will be made pJ; your order for l(4IO the suit. ' Ca.I! and see!our·l9 ounce Underclothing-~ Wool Ribbed· t 89 cents' for Ladies· ancl l Gents' wear. l - Call ahli examine ou/ ;_ r Excelsio. r Neckties, ·GOOD~ Derb~ B9ys'; and :Gentsi in endless variety. A choice st.ock of STAPLE DRY as Cheap as the Cheapest. ·'-The FASil_IdNADL.E HA·r- theway to a much Larger Shape: The Fasb,ionable Hat this sea,son is a Lar~ . Fu11,S~pe with high round crown. Call and · - see them at the- LOW Crown Felt ' ' ha,s given his Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life~ ~oat powerfully, yet ' ECLIPSE HOUSE. W. H. IVES. Theee famous ,Pills purify the BLOOD, and soothin.gly, act on the· L;ver, Stomach, Kidneys, and BOWELB, givmg to1rn, energy, ancl vcigo o these great MAIN SPRINGS O:lfLIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the conatituLion, from ·whatever cause, has become impaired or weak· tined. They are wonderfully efficacious in liill ,ailments incidental to Females of all a.ges : and as a GENER.AL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsurpassed. , , Holloway's Ointment· , Its" SearcblJtg 11nd Jlealb·g Properties are Jillown tln·ou:;hout tile 'Vo1·1c1. For the cure oj'. BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds. Sores and mce1 tis infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on l)e neck and chest. as salt into meat, it cures 9RE ~HHO,A.'f,Djphtheria,Broncbi.tis. Cough ',d~ and even A8T11¥.A.. For Glandular ;_ n gs · .Abscesses Ji'..i,l~ Fistulas Rheztm.dtism., The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured ly at 533, OXl!'ORD STREE'l', LONDON, and ~sold by all Vendors ofM;ed\cines tbroughou , Civilized Wor!c;l ; with directions for using uost every lan11:uage. f"Purohaeers should look at the Label on the s and Boxes. If the address is not 533 "!treet, London, they~are spurious. ade Ma,rks of my said Medicines are ...:d in Ottawa.. and also at Washington. .ver been kown to tail. ,d every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has ·11 !:-:===== relief or cure effected, your money will be refunded. Pn1ce, $1.00. GtrARANTEJ;: :- After fair trial, with ~o Sold by =====::.! iTO'l'T 6t .Jli'RY, BOWJ'1.&NVllLLE. The real name of Joaquin Miller, author N.B.-None but 'first Class Work turned " of the "Songs of the Sierras," is CincinMill H' d ' d ·r , 271. J>E.umo~ . t H na us eme er. is ivorce WI ·es maiuen was Minnie Theresa Dyer, and her .literary pseudonym was Mmnie . Increased attentio~1,_ just now, is beil!-g ---·.&>--. 1 Myrtle. It is said that the ;ri.ame Joaquin given to the conditio_n. of the poor i~1 GENTLEMEN :- I have been appointed agent . ~as given to Mr. Miller by "the boys" in our towns and great cities. The poh- by ·1·wo of the principal houses in Canada for his early California experience, when ho ticians have some capital to make out of l the Purchase cf l<'ARM.PRODUOE. Ih>1ve, there. . fore, leased the prem1see- formerly used as a was "roughing it ," from a real or fancied th~ matter, and_, therefore, the subject is Market House ~nd atn prepared to pay the full resemblance to a noted Spanish high- bemg well ventilated. In Montreal, and Market Value m Cash for FARM and DAIR:i<" wayman, and he adopted it as a pseudo- Toronto and many other localities the PrwDUClil. I a.m sure every fai·mer will admit ' . . ' the advantages of a Cash System. you can then Are second t ol none in the world. 20,000 i nym. state of poverty and dest1tut10n, and con- tt-o,de where you ple11ee and will bo able to struments now ln u~e. Demand so great the. Dr. B. W. Ri'cliar·dsoi1 has been 1 ·nve·- s~uent dearadation , ts somethina ter. IMVn a~ ~o 1·11R (:t;N'l' on your pur- it requires '! 'WO of Uie largest Factories in th! ~ . p " · . -o chases. am the ftrst to introduce this.system. Dominion, with capacity for turning out TWEN\ tigati.n,g tho subject of felicity. He finds rib e. aupensm IS not so much Un- Gfre it a trial and you will be convinced it is TY per day. For purity and sweetness of tone that felicity is not seated in the brain ; known now in Canada as it was a few the best and on;y sa.tisfaotory way of doing elastic aud light touch, beautiful and perfec finish they are unrivalled. in other words, that it is not a quality years ago, and the evil.will probably grow b~£}:a'i,s~in~ you for past favors and solicitini;i The most skilled labor,the ve1·y best materials wl1ich a man. can think himself into, or worse and worse. It is to be feared that an increased share of your patronage that money can procure are a. guaranteetopur· reason himself into. Rather, like the this year will see a great deal of distress Yom·s truly, ' chasers that they are buying no shoddy. but s first class article, Sold wholesale and retail b:i beating of the heart, it is a vital process among our poor population . The fact is WM. BRITTAIN, J. P. RICE, Bowmanvllle. going on independently of bis volition. that Canada will probably be yet a much · · Mm·ket Square. J. 8 . DONEY. 'f yrone, He can kill it, but he can not will him- harder country for the poor than Eng· Bowmanville, March 8, 1883. 2H. 2~6. self into it. Moreover, of the two na- land or Ireland. VVe have oernainly a tures wit h which man is endowed-the clearer and hettlthier climate, but our puie animal and the pure int ellectual na- seasons for acnive ind1,1stry, in agricu~-1 tures-felicity belongs to his animal na- nure especially, are much shorter, and our ture. "Felicity and misery are the signs winters are far longer and more trying, of his still existing animal nature." requiring so much more fuel, and cloth. There is a good deal ot crookedness in ing, and 'food. The improvident who old London, somewhere, or else there are never appear' to look ahead, and the un1 d I · d fortunate 1vho never seem able to provide . b men 111 trust adly be ie · t is sLate anything ahead, had better remain the that out of every five dollars crontributed to the poor of that .great city only one other side. of the Atlantic if they are t11ere dollar of it, or of its 'value, ac,t ually now. reaches the poor. The balance is filtered llow a KanakalFonght:alShm·k. out during the process of handling and "management" of the funds between the Every 1>oul on· board crowded to the aide -----rUJ-- --giver and the. receiver. 'rhis is a terrible to see the duel. It was bound to state of things . The poor of England's be a war to the death. One or both of The undersigned being about to retire from business, London would be bad enough off, every the combatants must die. The brute was body knows, if every dollar intended for a right shark, and was -al:>out thirteen· is now selling off at greatly reduced ·prices. them was actually expended for their feet long: His · blaek and shining back, direct benefit. To fatten officials by set with sharp fins, made me shudder and starving the poor out of t heir honest due, grow deadly sick. Ubukia met the rush The Stock, is one of the largest in the County1 ought to be made a penal offence. \Ve of the monster by darting aside and letconsisting mainly of Staple Goods, suitable to the everyhope that some newspaper has been ex· ting theht1ge hulk go by him. He made aggerltting a!!ain. a lunge with his sword at the tail as it day requirements of the public, and will be offered at The gossips say that the Goul¢ls were whisked past, and then a thin line of not invited to the Vanderbilts greaG ball blood on the clear water, told that his prices giving inducements to buyers to pu;rchase liberally. in New York recently, and now the aim had been a good one. 'Vhil,e the Goulds intend to get up one on a most shark was near,he swam with half his This being A REAL CLEARING SALE preparamagnificent scale and omit the Vander· body out of 'the water, taking good care hilts from the list. Tlu1t item sounds that his legs were never much below the tory to the c~using of the business, purchasers will find wonderfully like one that was told years surface ; but when it went 'by he di:opped , ago of two rival families not so high up in t o the neck, and looked up a t us witli a it to their advantage to make an early call. the world. There was a death in the one grin on.his coffee·colo1·ed face. "Me kill um !" he shouted. household, and the next door neighbors The ne;Kt rush was·similar to t ho first, did not receive. the usual funeral invitations. The much annoyed anft much but this time, when the white belly show· Bowmanville, July 11, 1883. slighted neighbor looked out of the win· ed itself, Ubukia was beside it. )Ve saw do'w as the many friends of the deceased tho point of the sword blade enter the were forming into procession, and shaking right eye, and then the native dived, her fist rather vigorously, sl~e exclaimed, coming up thirty yards :nvay. I began 'Oh, well, they think they have slighted to breathe easier now. ');he fellow carus, don't they 1 May be we will have, a ried himself in t ho water with as much fune:i;al hero next, and then we'll see who ease as the fish itself, and 't he sword gave "' - T::e:Ehim an advantage, . while the shark's inawul get invited!" A son of Henry Ward Boecher has bilityto use-its jaws without t urning ove'r, just been elect ed one of the deacons of was another point in his favor. 'l'hc fish seen;i.ed to be fairly maddenecl Plymouth church. What an amount of theology there has been in. t he Beecher tho last wound, and we could see h is do1'family l Old Dr. Lyman Beecher was sal fin ripping t hrough tho water foi· a - OF· brim full of it, and all his sons went into second, and then it went down out of the Pulpit, while all the daughters have sight, leaving nothi ng bu t the Kanaka written a good deal, and well too, on re- visible on t he wide stretch of water. If ligious q_uestions. It looks as thvugh the the sight of the monster was horrible, grand childt·en feel it also coursing 'how much worse was its disappearance ! through their veins. ~Iuch worse things We did not know now upon which side of might have happened to the family. the devoted swimmer i t vould come up, Somebody has said that probably as much and we held our breath, y.-aiting as orre het eredoxy was nursed in that fomily as waits when a diver has beea under water m ai;ty ever reared-in New England, ancl for a long t.iine, ivnd every minute seems somebody else has replied that there has an hour. 'l'hc grin had left the nativc's been about as much I o:tithodoxy' too. face, and he kept whirling about like a There seems to havE) b een a pretty pow(ilr- tee-to-tum, ready to neet tho attack at ~ fol oombinatilm of both el ements, ai1d it any point. After the lapse of a few minutes the has caused a great amount of commotion for only, is still incr~~slng. in , the ecclesiastical world, firs£ and familiar fin came into $ight again. lTbu lda's body rested with his eyes on the last. enemy. There was no rushing on t he A good deal has been wrij:.ten of late shark's part n'ow. It advanced slowly, .about neat and ·painless h:'tnging; and the ready to swerve with t he slightest motion desirability of having h~ngmen appointed of the native. lt seeil1ed d etermined tb who are experts at doing such to a nice~y. approach himso slowlythatita momentum - ATA large por t ion of all the men hanged could not p9ssibly carry it past him. He have very little claims for mercy or ten - waited until its muzzle was not ten feet der handling from their fellow man. from him, and then, assuming the agM ost murderers were brutal, arid their gressive, he da.rted forward, buried his vic~1s were oftelll ,tortured as 'well as blade to th e hilt in i,ts eye, and then swam killed. It may not be well to encourage leisurely t o the ship. F or ten minutes vindictive revenge ·on a mah condemned the water within a radius of many yards to the gallows, b\lt if his feelings are not was lashed into a white fottm by the dying OPPOSITE ONTARIO BANK. to be hurt he ought ni>t to be sent to t he struggles of t he monster. At times he gallows at· all. ,The fact is the gallows is would throw himself oompletely out of a mode of punishment most dreaded by the water, showing us the whole of his m en, and is therefore resorted t o in qrder round, tapering body, and ugly mouth. to warn others ·against ' the ' crimes for Finally, however, he rested belly upward, which hanging is the penalty. To c'!lirpet without a moti~n, and Ubukia's face the murderer's cell, and hand him , bou.: glistened with pride. quets on the gallows, may b e very con"Good, " said he, climbing into his siderate to his feelings, but it is doubtful, canoe; "me kill um,"- San Francisco after all,, if the , mo1·al effect of mucl} of lettei· in the Oincili~nati Enqi i i1·f5I'. this kind of sentiUlentalism is not tend----~------~_..__ ing in the worst direction. ~ of A considerable increase of lunacy has Canada and the.United States have just been noticed in e for the last fifteen been commercially bound together by an- years. In 1868 the number of lunatics other strong iron bond. 'rhe n ew Canti- was 34,000, to-day it is nearly 60,000. lever railway, bridge spanning the Niagara R esearches as to the average stay of river jo,st beside the old railway suspen- pa tients in -lunatic asylums have shown sion btidge, is now · completed and in that men are cured on the average in 2'75 good working condition. It is, p erhaps, and women in 295 days. SFLE~DID a much finer monument of skill than any of our many other AND SEE. Jbe railroad bridges, but so much gr eat skill is now displayed ha our: great railway works that but little has been said abou its erection; Some ordinary newspaper readers haye hardly heard .about it at all. What a truly harmonizing influence such works of modern commercial n ecessity exert on the world l T'vo p eoples united by the irop bonds. of railways can h:nrd,ly be induced to hate and fl!:rht each other, m,uch as politicians may often goad them do it. lnternational trade of necessity implies intemational goou will and 1 WILL C U RE OR REUEVE, peace on earth. The railway companies BlUOUSilii:SS, DIZZINESS, are among our very best peace soc~eties, begs to inform the public t hat he has leased a store in the Observe·. DYSPEPStA, DROPSY, and they ·ought to be recognized a.s sl,lch. · · Block, where he has opened out with a splendid assortment of INDlGESTtON> FLUTTERING In London, ~ngland, the vast amount .JAUNDICE , OF THE MEIUff, of city sewage is begitming to be disposed of w'ithout aimo3·anee to any or t o the inERYS!PEl.AS, ACIDITY Of jury uf h caltJ1, The contents of many' which he offers for sale at low pr~ces for Cash. Sf\LT RHEUM, THE'STOMACH, sewers are carried' into great tanks, where, HEA!UBURN, DRYNESS WFarm Produce taken in exchange, for which t he highest market by the Andrews-Parker syst em, the fluid i-lEADACHE, OF THE SKiN, price will be paid. WA special line of TEAS of excellent :flavor; mass is treated with a mixture of ground And eve ry species of dise ases a ris ing fr om clay, caustic soda, and other chemical disordered LIVER', t;IDNEYS, STOM_ACl-I, ~Also a choice lot of SUGARS. e-COFFEE in Cans. WCanned BOW ELS OR B LOOD. substances, causing all sediment to fall to Goods in great variety. WA Call is respectfully solicited, .T. MILBURN & {'0., Prtilrietors.; Tor~;:;;to. the bottom. The water is then drawn off in a pure and odorless state and allowed to flow into the Thames, while the sediment is taken out, kiln-dried, andpulver· ized, .making capital manure for many kinds of crops. Some such system must d t df T to d 11 th ye t b e a op e or. oron an a 0 er large cities-. That the sewage contains a very great amount of v-aluable agricultural ·1· · 11 k 1 f ert1 izers IS we ·hown to a most every one, and that such accumulations should be allowed to flow into the waters beside the homes of the people, polluting the water and often breeding deadly diseases among the inhabitants, is evidently not necessary. The wholi:i question resolves · lf · t o f t d 'bl t i~se 111 0 ne 0 cos ' an possi Y a 110 very heavy cost either, when both sides of t he account are balanced. Caledonian Mills. Formerly known as the " Soper Mills. ') THE No. 1 TAIL~ ,....._....,., .W. PEARD01' ___ GENTLEMEN:THIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· If you really want G 0 0 UGHL'Yren·o vatedandputinorder,under TING CLOTHES try our own spec1a.l supervision, for the purpose of grlsting and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot Barley, and we are now prepared to receive orders from all om· old CUdtomers and oLhers for work,.and we gurantee to give them who rntrust us with: the same entire satisfaction. He has a choice assortment of New Pa ~ats and other grains ta.ken in exchange for Cloths·-Worsteds, All-wool Tweeds, .. lour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, 'fOWNS, Bow· ma.nville. Z27, Coatings, etc. ----------- ------CALL AND INSPECT. STORE :-Corner Klng and Divlslon REA Dy cAsHy· ~ow·mmviU.:. ---0.00--TO FARMERS OF WEST DURHAM! I PRIZE MEDAL ·ORGAN s GUELPH ,v. W 8 E L L'S -GREA..T- CLEARING SALE! AT THE I GLASGOW HOUSE. THOS. PATERSON. oy IG CASH ,. · Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises arid SATCBELS at WH 0 Tu ES AL E P R I CE S SCOTT'S Men's Felt Boots reduced from $2.50 down to $1.95 m&~~~£lW~ SHOE ~T@~m9 MAY'S HA, RNESS ·STORE and inspect his Large Stock Harness, Horse Blankets, Trunks, Valises, Whips, etc. -V.A..L-0-E..; KING CALL STREET. BOWM'ANVILLE GROCEREE&. J.A:S. ELLIOTT:i '.;'.~ aaw~aToa.s. ·· N!W coons." Groceries, Crockery, Glassware,. Flour, Feed, &c · ·