t!~!!-~'~IMl~:t-u.~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TM~~ti~~w~·~-~@~t~il#~iil~·~N!~"~mpm'Sm~~~ll!!i!'i'll~~a~·~~~Q&~~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~"""~"~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ll!!!!!B!!'~~w=~~nw~~ .... ~11!!-~~~W@lii~~~·~·~·H&~~·~~~~eg~ .!Sii~~E~N~F~MU~~·'!'·-~~ .. ~-~Pi&&@~~~~ . ~-~ .. A.C:::A.RD.-To al! who are sulfermgfrom the the moment Norct thought that she wat1 feveush ghtte1 of h er light eyes. " Bed close behmd her "'ith her gloves and and rn(liscret10ns of youth, nel.'vous mdeed dead, and envied her with an envy 1s the best place m tho wo1ld for you, bouquet, felt a thrill of positive terror, errors weakness, early decay, loss of maJ:lhO od. &c that was aclungly mtense Cr1stme, who and t he Roemer you am asleep the better. ' and bent forward with a warnmg touch. I will send a recipe that will cute you, .l!'REE " I do fc cl worn out," Custm.e CQUneeded it n ot, ead sudd<n peiice, a swift, "Norn I" she cried m a sharp wlnsper; OF OHARGE. 'fhis great iemedy was dis· covered by a missionary in South America. and eaay pa,ssage from all the pam. and fesscd, w1i;h a queer smile, "and, as chief and with a httlo sl11vcr the miserable Send a self addressed envelope to the REV JOSEPH 'I', INMAN, Station D , New York Citi;. heart-breakmgs of this world, wh1le bridesmaid, I should like to look my best bride ciime back to life and memory to-morrow Well, Nora, good-rught. she-The weddmg-ma1ch sounded as the O:'( Till.UU" DA.'i'S' TRIAL. 1· "CusLme I" the girl cried hurnedly, as Hark I What is that l" bridal party came back from the vestry ; THE y BELT Co., Marshall, Mich .· wll\ It was the mighty voice of '·Big Ben " the eager sightseers parted r ight and left oend DR.OLTA!C the other stirred, aud brought her back DYE'SCELEBRATED ELEC1RO·YOLTAIO to the reality of the scene. Her envy had floating through the open wmdow, beat- to let the g,iy procession p,tss down the BEL1S AND ELEC'XR!C .A.PPf,IANCES on trhtl for thirty days to men (young or old) who are afbeen premature, this was not death , al- mg the twelve solemn sbokes that told central aisle, through the tall gray gates, !bcted with Nervous Debility, Lo stVitahty and 1 ready the blue eyes were widely open, the great restless city that another day and down the red-carpeted steps. Lord Manhood, and kmdted troubles, guaranteeing Nora dropped the letter with a shud- and the pale ]lr,s parted 111 a gasping cry was dead. de Gfetton, with lns bride upon his arm, speedy &nd complete rest oration of health and d errng cry, anc11I fted a picture f rom t h e i· The girls lrntened m breathlegs silence came fost, and he earned his well-sliap- manly v igor, Address as above. N. B.-No risk Nora knelt beside her, raised the goldincurred. as thirty days trial is allowed. desk-· ,i picture so like the ougmal tha.t, en h ead , an d b a thed ti10 gray f ace with till the l,ist v1brat1011 died aw,q, each ed gray head erect, w1th a gallant grace fhe reason why the ~urgeons off the Inter stroke fallmg with deadly import on that well became him--so the on-lookers meetmg the frank blue eyes with their eau-<le-Cologne. Gradually the girl's national Throat e.nd Lung 10st1tute 173 Chnch brave trustful srmle, she could almost senses came back, her eyes lost1 their Nora Bruce's stramcd sense of hearmg, declared. street, Toronto are making so many wonderful have believed that Arthur had mdeed stony stare, her breath came more freely, and brmgmg a strange1 hght to Custme P erhaps it was m;ill he did so. It cures of catarrh, catarrhal deafness, Bronchi· Srngleton's face. 'W ith the last, she would neither have swelled his triumph tis, asthma and con~umptton aie· 'l'hey ha"re come back from the shadow-world to 100k and she tried to drn.w herself away. none but skilled and buahfled medical men flung both arms around her siste1's neck nor sweetened his temper to look on the connected upon her once more. " You are better rnm, Cristme 'I" "ith th<'! institute. 'l'hey adhere ·ro l ook upon an d fin d h er- liow o Sh strictly an<l kissed h er with a sort of exultant to then· specialty and they use the · e She started at the sound of Nora's dazed hopeless misery of the face and spirometer invented by M. Souv1clle. ex.side pass10n laughed aloud, a fierce unnatural laugh, voice, and gave a quick look of angry dark angmshed eyes beneath the Brnssels sue~eon of the F1ench army, and mstrument " Long life and happmess to our bonny veil and orange-blossom wreath. Strange- which conveys the medicines m the form of as she thought of the picture lus gener- tenor-a most mexphcable look, even adf h dd d h lt h bndc I ' she cried, m shnll vibratmg ly enough, however, the happy bride- cold mhalat10ns to the parts diseased, whu.:h ous ancy a rawn an t c i·ca i Y c nuttrng that her mmd still wa.ndered. the only way these diseases can be cured " Fate has been kmd f,o me groom was at that moment tlunkmg less is '. How did you come here 7" she asked tones would be forced to look upon. In twenty They ate treatmg hundreds of patient every God help the souls that travel the awful sea in years time he would find her still Nora. abruptly. Lady de G1etton, remember always that rnonLh, having twehe surgeons engaged m of his bride than of the handsome darkships! their work m Canads alone, 8end a three-cent Upon the cabm hearth stone she kneels with Bruce, still true to a lover m the shadow"How is it you are in tlus condition 7" I was the first to offer my co11gratulat10ns eyed woman whose strange tranquility of ~tamp for a copy of the1r International News clay-cold lipti. "You were quite and good wishes on your weddmg-mo1·n- look had m some queer faslnon shaken his -;ittbllshed monthly at 173 Church Street While creaks t.)le gusty rafter, and fades the world. So he wrote, and thought, and Norn said quiet!:;. 111g.,, L'oronto. 2!5 tf. here she was, m lesss than two years, well when you left me, Cristine. Wha,t glarmg lu1:ht, nerves and annoyed lnm. She sobs her sad petition, at Christmas in the burmng the words that ashamed and tor- has happened smce ?" (:ro BE CONTL"'<UED). ltES'l' AND C:::OlllFOKr ·ro 'l'lllE SUFl'EIUNG night. tured her on the eve of her weddmg-day. She grew suddenly rce.rlet, stared ··Brown's Jlonsel·old Panacea ·· has no CH.APTER VI. equal for relleving pam, both inLernal and ex· "Oh, Babe. who in the manger of far-olr BethBurnmg them 1 Ah, no, she had not straight mto the other's eyes, as though 1t cures pain In the Side, Back or Bowternal. lehem layDestruction of Russian Forests. strength for that I She gathered the pa- she woulcl read her mmost thoughts, "It was the prrtt eRt weddmg of the els, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache Who came to cure our sorrows, and take our 'l.'he coustantly moreasrng tle~trnct10n pe1s up and piessed them pa~s10naLely to then turned away, saymg shortly, almost season!" Ou bh al po tuL complirne11tary smsawayLumbago and any kind of Pam or Ache, " It Oh, Christ, who walked the waters, and calm her pale lips. She would lock them up, sullenlyf iends, faslnonable rciporters and the of Russian forests is naturally dl8cussed will most surely qmoken the Blood and Heal ed the ragmg scaas its acting power is wonderful." "Brnwn's with much mterest by Russian papers. In would never look on them agam; but see ·'I ran too qmckly. I felt a sharp pam rougher critics gathered m the ultraOh, dear Lot d, born at Christmas, have mercy Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the paper on wluch .Arthur 's hand had here "-touchmg her left side- " and I fashionable church to witness the gor- the last hundred years the forest area of the greot Pam Rehever. and of double the upon me! strength of another Elixir or Lmiment m the geously-moLmted ceremony weie alike Russia has dimmrnhed from 11 per cent 'Thou rulest on the billows, as on the steadfast rested, the words lns pen had traced, remember nothmg more." world should be m every family handy tor use The :when scorch and shrivel into nothmgness withNorn stared at her, a little inc;redulous- agreed; and, if the last were rather dis- m 'rwer tu 46 per cent. m Riazan land, wautod, "as tt really is the best remedy Thou holdest wind and tempest within Thy m the cruel flames she could not and she ly perhaps- the explanatwn seemed so nn- posed to tlunk that a younger budegroom beautiful oak forests are becommgextmct. m the world r01 Cramps in the Stomach, and holy hand. Of the celebrated chestnut woods of Vas- pains and aches o! a!l kinds," and is for sale by would not , there was sacrilege m the probable. A run across the corridor upwould have made t he p1cture complete , Secure, thro storm and darkness, my homeall Druggists et 25 cents a bottle, 184-ly. bound voyager keep! ve1y tlwught. set Cnstme Smgleton _ Onstine, who even these admitted that Lord de Gretton, silsourst, wluch <late fro111 the tune of On this, thy blessed birth-mght, oh, guide him P eter the Great, only the borders exist "Forgive me, Arthur I" she cried would dance from rmdmght to dawn with lus slender upright figure and welllliotbers? Jlotlrnr s ! ! Mothers ! I ! o'er the deop, Are) ou disturbed at mght and broken offyour The reefs are sharp and cruel, the surf is strong wildly. "Oh, my darlmg, if you could and never turn a hail, who was the skill- preserved handsome face, was still a at present, while all the mter1or is ravacr rest b:v a sick child su1fenng and crymg with ed. 'rhe extensive forests on the banks the excru1atmg and white, but know " f 11 t l ll N 1 1 Th stately and a personable man. pam of cut tmg teeth 1 If so· :My heart with fear is breakmg, at Christmas Her pretty head fell forward on the u est cnms-p ayer ma ott cton Ten bndesma1ds, dressed m the latest of V olga t'nd D on, "hich once reached go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSm the mght !" who knew her best could hardly be- bridal fasluon , with veils and wreaths and far mto the steppes toward the Ural LOW'S i'IOOTHING SYRUP It w1llre~- ........., d esk , on t l le crush ed papers, on the pie- girl heve it. Yet thme was no gamsaymg the poor llttle suffer imme<hately-clepend u~ * tured face which after to-mght the gnl her ghastly looks. shnnmenng satm dresses, with lockets ruountam, aro now destrnyed and so it; there is no mistake about it. There is n Far to the gray east glimmered the new, the many nulhons of trees h ave been felled mother on earth who has ever used lt, who !Jt nught look upon no more, and for a brief " Go do'Vn, Nora,,, she said, as the bearmg the blent imt1als of the bndal sacred day. tell yon at once that it will iegulu+,, ne The wmds of heaven grew silent, the tempest space of tune somethmg hke a sweet and great gong g.we its final clang. " I will pair m diamonds, followed Nora Bruce to 111 the mLeuor of Russia that wood is be- not bowels, and give rest to the mother. ar <' cehef stole avvay. commg scarce m many provmces. The solemn peace fell over her, a feelmg as follov; almost directly." the o.ltar, and, ;i.s they posed p1ctur esqueand health to the child. operatmg like magic. The bright sun smote the cabm, and through though she v;erc alone with her dead and ly behmd her, em;1ed the pale bride m destruct10n is co.rr1ed on very systemati- tis perfectly safe to use mall cases, and plesa , its wmdow smiled, e.nt to taste, and is the prcscripllon of one Sweet as a sign of blessmg from Bethlehem's held commumon with them. Int ense "Shall I send Mrs. Bruce to you 1" theLr mmost hearts cally ; but, before long, it will of needs ot tho the oldest and best female physicians and holy Child. pam wrought to frenzy had proved its No{a ask ed doubtfully. It seemed cruel They were all, with the exceptwn of come to an end, if the eno1mous consumpnurses in the United States Sold everywhere ...A.nd lo ! adown the harbor, a white sail gleam· 18!-ly. own: amesthetw, and for a long wh1la she to' eave 1 ier thus, and yet she knew she Cnstme, "damsels of high degree," tion of firewood is not energetically stop- at 25 cents a bottle, ed afarlAt Christmas, in tho mornmg, his ship came neither feared nor suJfored more. must go. chosen from the cncle af Lo1<l <le Giet· ped. Cous1dermg the amount of fuel reo'er the bar How long this strange trance of peace But Cristme negatived. the idea, and ton's friends, knowmg nothmg of and qmred for Russian ra1lwa,ys, stoamers, lasted she could not say ; she was roused entre:~ted her to say nothmg of her ill- carmg nothmg for the bride, and secretly and factor10s, it is n ot surpr1smg that, CRIM~. from it by a slight touch, to find Cristine ness, tremblmg so violently all the time resentmg the fact that the bridegroom d urmg the last twenty years, the aspect '1 11 fully dressed beside her, her hand upon that the girl thought she would soon ue- had wandered from h!S own world m of the wooded country has greatly changed. 'Wood, however, is becommg more h er sh ou lder aud a curious mocking s1m1e tray herself, whether she kept her secret searcli of a wife. m her eyes. or no, Argument only served to irritate Rich, still agreeable, and eligible m expensive, and the importation of coal is "Were you asleep, or had you fainted, her, and time began to press; so at last, every way, he had been comparatively bemg seriously considered by large conCHAPTER V. Nora 1" she asked kmdly- Cnstme from with extreme reluctance, .M:iss Bruce left alone by chape10ns and passed sumers, wlnle lJebroleum offered a third The days wore on drearily and monotthe moment m wluch she reconciled her- went. over by prudent parents because by com alternative of daily incren.smg popularity. onously, filled with work and excitement self to the engagement had grov; n wonIt hardly seemed hkely that Cristine mon consent every one had given lmn to for Mrs. Bruce and her daughter, but derfully kmd. "Do you know that you would make her appearance that mght ; Lady Olivia Blake and Lady Olnia p.erpresentmg nothing but one dull blank to have barely left yourself time to dress for but almost. before the guests filed in self was not more' angry and mdigi.1.ant DR, E. C. WEB I'S NEHY.E AND BRAINTREAE Women as J,awyears. MENT, a guarnteed specific of Hysteria, DizzintJ10 bride-elect. Afterwards she never dmner ?" stately fashion mto the great dmmg- when she iuscovered the sorry part she ess. Convuls10n. Fits,NervouRNAmalg1a, Head· Women are applymg everywhere m the thought uf tlns as a period of slun p pain , ache, Nervous ProstratLon caused by the use N 01a, roused to duty and misery once room, and JUst as l\frs. Bruce began to had been made to play than ' was all her senses were mercifully dulled, and, more, thrust the papers and picture mto speculate, vexedly as to. t~e cause of her "Society" m reahsmg the trick played Umted States for full adnnssion in the of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental DeOne was refused the pression, Softenmg or the Buan, resultmg in as she told herself again, with a cur10us the desk-not, she knew, before Cr1stme daughter 8 absence, CrIStme _herself en- upon it. "Society" and Lady Olivia courts as lawyers, other day in Pennsylvama, but m several Insanity and leading to misery. decay and thrill of triumph, her hea1t was dead. death, P1ematnre Old Age, Barrenness' Loss had seen them and guessed shrewdly tered and took her place, JUst facmg however had, with excellent world-w1s"She bears it beautifully," Mrs. Bruce what they were; but they did not trouble Nora, as qmetly as though nothing had dom determmed to pocket the affront of the other States they do not experi- of power m eLther sex, Involuntary Losses and ence any such difficulty. The Bar of Ca Spermatorrhooa, caused by over-exertion of 11aid to her daughter, m one of the rare her. It was her own conscience she fear- happen~d. . , . and 'oountenance the ce1emony. The nada may well becorr ·~ alarmed. W o- the brain, self-abuse t'tr over-indulgence. One intervals that v1a1ting and being v1s1ted, ed, box will cure recent cases. Each box contains and not Cristme Smgleton. Meetmg ~er step-~ister s arunous glance former thronged the church in the per- men Wlll soon be knoc.king at the door one month's treatment. On" dollar a box. or shoppmg and subrruss10n to the millmers' " 1 did not know it was so late," 1!$ora across the mtervemng flower and fern sons of its most charming and sharp- here, a.s well. They have already forced six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid and dressmakers' caprices, now allowed answered wearily, pushing the hair out of barner, ~he smiled a ,strange uncomfott- tongued representatives. on receipt of pr10e. We guarantee six boxes The latter, them "I never thought that Nora would her heavy eyes, and revealing so tragic a able snnle. Her eyes had au odd wild gorgeous m a costume of ohve-!!l'een open the doors of the Medical Profession, to oure any case. With each order received by and the Legal cannot r esist them when us ror six boxes, 11ocornpanied witti five dollars have been so docile." brightness, her cheeks had such a warm stamped velvet, and satm that ~mted the siege begms m dead earnest. That we will send the purchaser our written guaranface that her step-sister said sharplyBut Custme, much keene£-sirhted tee to refund the money 1f the treatment does "You have been crymg, child. What flush as fmv had seen them wear The her dark beauty to perfection, stood trnn- will be an evil day for the lawyers. Let not effect a cure, Guarantee issued only by than her mother, shook her blonde head will Lord de Gretton say?" hot glow came and w:ent as she chatted qmlly conscious of the thousand eager women once get an even start m the STOTT & JURY, sole agentsfor Bowmanville, with a very dubious look. Ont. ; JOHN C. WE::;T & eo., Sole Propri~ "Lord de Gretton cannot claim any recklessly with hei· neighbor1 who re1:~1rd- ey es that watched h er with maltcions m"You are not out of the wood yet, coutrol over my tears until this tune to- ed her more than once with nungllil< as- terest, almost on the altar steps, almost Comts, and. where will the men come to1s, 'l'oronto, Ont. ' mother," she· said sneermgly " 1 would morrow," Nora answered, while her tre- tomshrnent and admiratwn, and confided by the bndgcgroom's side, o.ccopt.ing the out 7 In thr ee-fourths of the cases of content10n now, v·omen carry the day, not count too much on her placidity if I fingers tangled the heavy hair to a friei;d m the cour~~ of the evemng s1tuat10n with a fierce defiant pndo that and m "cour tmg" the conques& is alwere you ; there is such a thing as a lull mulous they vamly tried to reduce te order. that he did not know that little doll of moved those who knew her story best to most mvariably on her side. Few men Havmg tl·e utmost confidence m its superiorbefore a storm, you know. You may not "Shall I not call vour maid~" Cr1stme a Sm.R;leton" had so much ~o m her. a sort of admirmg sympathy. can resist her " pleadmgs, even m their ity over all others, and after thousands of tests have a peeress step-daughter after all. sf the most complicated and severest cases we h ad -...T · k h But her mother noticed that she ate "H ,, 1 k d t 1 present non-profe sswnal shape, and how b er e m ve- nothmg, and drank champagne with a . ow well she bears it the gossips could find, we feelJustLlled m ofl'ermg to forfc Mrs. Bruce grew suddenly p:i.le, and as e , u .1., ora s 100 whISpered to one another behmd ~}1e1r much more becommg the silk gowns will it one thousand d<1llars for an~ case of coughs, was absolutely unhappy fo1 the two fol- hement refusal. The sharp eyed French- sort of feverish thirst. colds, sore throat mflueuza, hoarseness, conNora saw little of her through the ivory- and.- v~lvet prayer books. He look on their shoulders 1 And where will sumpt10n low mg days , but nothmg came of the woman was a t error to whwh she must acm its early stages. whoopmg cough, a man stand among those he desires as and all diseases of the throat and lungs, except custom herself , but for to-night, at evenmg, though somehow her movetreated her sliamefully-qmte~hamefully, spiteful prophecy, nothmg had come on Asthma, for which we only claLm relief, that clients and customers when it comes to least, she would bo free. ments had a strange fascmatwn for her. you know. She actually ":ore the d1athe eve of Nora Bruce's wedding-day. we can't cure with West's Cough Syrup, when " Then let me help you," Miss Smgle- She followed the slender pmk-robed form monds at the palace ball. "Yes, .the bride "gettmg out an attachment 7" The out- taken accordmfll to direction. Sample bottle The house was full of guests, and gay "With the bustle of preparat10n ; girl- ton persisted , "you will dress yourself as it moved restlessly abont the large has them on now. Quite Hhookmg, I call look is decidedly bad for the lawyers, but 26 and DO cents; large bottles one dollar. Gen· mne wrappers only m blue. Sold by all drugvoices rang out in every corridor, silk by midmght at your present rate of pro- rooms, mto and out of the conservatory, it-so much worse than i! she were a girl there is no use resi·tmg fate. The wo- gists, or send by exprfls on receipt of price St. East, Jorrn s. WEST & Co.· 81 & 83 Ktng_ dresses " swished " and high heeled gress on Come, Noia; it is for the last never staymg long in une spot, and never dfor a woman of Olivia sage nchcule is man's hour has struck. 'loronto, Ont. Sold by SrOTT &, JURY. by any chance approaclung her. She eath. et really, you know, it is wonshoes pattered contmually up and down time." .And the first, she might have said with hardly ltstened to Lord de Gretton's mur- dedrful. She lo~~s qmte handsome to-day the staus , carts of every description Ali Obstinate Wife . stopped perpetually at the door, m1llm- equal truth. Many a time and oft, m the mured chat, or the gentle buzz of conver- - , .ces she not} 'fhc other mght a pol iceman who was Yes, the bnde does not shme by comers' girls, confectionery men, fl.orists, old happy days. when Nora was the least satwn that went on around ; the question will pay the above reward for any case considered person m l:r,er fathers house, perplexed her-was Cnstme avoiding her par1~on, young as she is-a poor lifeless patrollmg H1gh sheet east hea1d a whistle ofWe jewellers, haunted the house. Liver Complamt, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache lookmg thmg, I call her. Are her people bl0Wl1, followed by shouts for "pohce !" Indegest1an, Constipat10n or Constivenes we Only m one room where the bride-elect and had no golden future spreadmg out or not? and after a run of h a,lf a block he came to cannot cure with West's Vegetable LivAr PJllS If she Wafl', she changed her plan at the at all presentable, by-the-way?" aat, white and rigid, by the little brass- befor her, many a time had she dressed v. hen the direct10ns are strictly compbed with. bound desk m which all hor girlish secrets Cristme Smgleton for ball or pic-nic, last moment. As Nora sat in her room, "There they arc l" the first speaker a halt in front of a house where a seeond- 'l'hey ate puiely 'Vegetable, and never tall to sto1y wmdow was raised and a man ha d. give sst1sfaot10n. Sugarcoated. Large Boxes lay, was any semblance of peace to be plru.ted the po.le silky hair, laced the alone at last restmg her hot head against said, nocldmg her hoad m the chrect10n of contatmng 25 Pills, 25 centB, For sale by all found; and here m truth was Lhe fie1oest cheap pretty dresses, and sent her forth the sash of 'the wmdow' and lookmg up Captam and Mrs. Bruce. " Do you see- half his length eo· er the sill. Beware of counterfeit· and imita" What's the row Z' demandod the Druggists. to & onquest, lookmg her very best ; but with achmg wistful eyes at the serene a stout over dressed women m garnet silk unrest of all. tions. Tho genuine me.nufactm ed only JOHN C. WETT & Co., "The Pill Makers," 81 & 83 How long she had sat there she did not never before had she proffered her ser- splendor of the starlight midmght sky, and wlnte lace, who looks absurdly im- officer. Kmg St. East, 'Ioronto. Ont. Free trial pack" Some purglars vhas in mem house !" age know. The sun sank lower and lower, v1ces to Nora The thought flashed the door opened, and Cristme, lookmg portai:t and pleased w1(h herself and sursent by mall prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For Sale by STOTT & JURY. the clock struck six, and the sound across the the gul's mmd, fo1orng a ghost very weird and ghostlike m her long roundings, and a thm white-haired man, was the answer. " How do you know 7" who does not seem to share her feelmgs? aroused her at last What she had to do of a smile to her pale lips; but she ban- white wrapper, came m. " I hears them make a noise more ash The other looked around as she set her He is somethmg m the Navy, or CoastFL.AX SEED. must be done qmckly. Lord de Grct- ished it at once, and quietly accepted the ton's wife must take no stYU-ten'l!I' of offer. Cnstme would stay, she knew; so small silver hand-lamp down upon the guard. They were qmte awfully poor, I six times !" The evidenco produced eetabhsh the " Whero arc they Z" Arthur Beaup1e into her new life. With it would be an easier thmg to have her table, and, even m the self-absorpt10n of hear, apd I dare say compassed heaven super10r claims of FLAX SEED EMULSION "Down m der kitchen I" cold tremblmg fingers she opened the busy, w1th hands and eyes ahke occupied, her wretched thoughts, noticed how and earth to ensare De Gretton '" COMPOUND as a remedy for Nervous M· " Have you been down to look around?" haustion and all 1ts symt>tons is unqpesSo, m its accustomed charitable fashion, letters-Arthur's letters- out before her. than sittmg there watching her every strangely ha<>gard was her aspect. "No I no' I tells my vhifc to go, but There were not many mall- half-a-dozen movement. "Oristme~ you are ill agam I" she "Society" gossiped and speculated while t10nable The large and mcreasmg dei1otes sent with flowers and books and Under her light and skillful touches cried; but Cnstme laughed aud shoo the solemn words were spoken, while the she won't stir 1 She shumps mto bedt mands is almost entirely due to its own und covers oop he;-; headt, und I 'has left music, a few genume love-letters written Nora was quickly dressed and made her head impatiently. soft sweet music floated through the merits We do not place it mcompetiti'Oil board the transport, full of lugh cour- ready; and, as she stood before the long "Cannot you forget that foolish mo- church, while Nora Bruce knelt beside to do all der fighting und be kilt I Dot's 011 with pahmt medicines or secret remed· age, softened by tenderest pity for the glass, fastemng the ear-rmgs m her ears, mentary weakness 7 I never was better the man from whom she shrank with o.n der kmd of a >hife she vhas. " ies as we fornish the formula and show Tho officer mvest1gated, to find that that it couists of a super10t combrnation g1d he had left behmd him, and, last of she thought with a sharp pang, how small m my hfe. But enough of me. I may hourly-mcreasmg intensity of repugnance, all, that written on the even of the en- a trace the mner anguish she endured had not see you much to-morrow, Nora; so I and heard, ;nth a deathly faintness at her cats were responsible for the noises, and of phosphorus with the fat producing gagement m which he fell No wonder left upon her face, how radiant she look- cannot take your directions now. Is heart, the priest's calm tones pronounce as he r eLned the householder was callmg properties of the Flax-Seed During the to his wife. that the girl's tearn fell thick and fast ed m the maize-colored silk and soft there any one you have forgotten any them man and wife. past !!ix months over four THOUS.AND BOT· "Mary, if you go down I shtand cnder TLES have been dispensed in the city of upon this legacy of love t showers of black lace in which it had one for whom you would like t-0 l~ve a " Those whom God hath joined togethstairs nnt a light und a shot-gun and shoot Ogdensburg, N. Y , and county of St. pleased Cristme to dress her. remembrflllQe when you aro gone"'?" er let no ma:n put asunder' ". . "11 the fortune of war should go A tap at the door was answered by The wild light eyes seemed to burn in- Like one m a trance the gLrl listened to eafery burglar hke tunder. "- Detroit Free Lawrence, where it is manufactured and the 11 niver1al verdir.t is that it 1s the best against me, you must not grieve too Cristmll ; and Nora thought, but was not to the pale bride's face; sho stirred rest- the words so full of solemn and awful Press. NERVE · TONIC, BLOOD ENRICHER, and long," the poor young fellow wrnte. sure, that she heard the maid saylessly under the cruel persistent gaze. meanmg-so mystically sweet to those Very Reasonable. PURIFIER ever produced. We solicit "Your love lias made me so happy, I "AletterforMissBruce." "Noone,thereisnothmg,"Norasaid who hear tl~em with mutual love 11nd could not thmk that even my death Letters had come by fifties and hun- shortly. "Oh, by-the-way, Cristme, drd trust, so terrible to those who soal a love"I am very sorry for you, sir, but my mvestri:ation as to the reputation of the should bring you lastmg grief. You dreds to her of late ; so naturally she did not the girl brmg a note for me just be- less bond and know that hope and free- daughter has been brought up to a hfe of remedy where ever it has been used. will never qmte forget me, Nora ; you not attach much importance to this. She fore dinner 1" dom may be theirs never more. luxury, and I can' n ever allow her to be- Rupture Cure M'f'g. Co., Ogdensburg, 'Will hardly choose another love, though in was rather surpnsed however when five, She asked the question indifferently It was her death sentence, Nora come your wife. " N.Y. the long hfe that spreads before you such ten mmutes pai;sed away, and Cristme O.id enough graspmcr at any pretext for a thought, glancing wildly around her. "But you forget. I am a prosperous things would be natural enough. But not return- the more so as the dinner- change'of subiect and carmg little what Some one was murdered,-was it Arthm broker. " Important to Ruptured Persons. you have faithful eyes, my darling. I bell now sounded, and Nora saw that she the answer might be. But Cristme drew Beaupre ?- and she was here to answer "Yes, I know that ; but the markets The Exceleior Rupture Treatment was close m-sr own and look once more into had left her fan and gloves upon the m her breath with a sharp little cry and for tlae cnme. lt was not a church, but are very uncertam, and you may be a poor mtroduced to the American people sevtheir clear gray depths, and, looking, I dreasmg-table pushed the fair fluffy hair back fro:di her u grim guilt-stamed court in wluch she man to-morrow." eral years ago m s11ch a manner as to cnn fancy they will ever light up for anHer room was at the other end of tho forehead with a tra"'JC crosture of desp111r. stood ft was not a BJlver-tomrued and "But I own a rollmg mill, t oo." other as they lighted once for me. I think long corridor Nora had to pass it on her " Really, I am "unpardonable, Nora ; fashionable priest hsJ:!mg forth the mar"So I understand , but the ll'On business completely secure the confidence of the whole na...ion. The mode of introduction that, if I could come back from the grave way down; so she took the gloves I remember it all now. It was a message r1age blessmg, but a JUdgo who was sent. is subject to great fluctuations." twenty years hence, I should find you still and fan with her, meaning to leave them from Madame ,Josephine, something encmg her to d10 I ' '.And I have three woollen mills, am a w1u by furn11hing the remedy to those afNora Bruce, still true to a lover m the with 11er if sho was there, or carry them about the arrangement of your tram, I To d.ie ' When 1 To-day;--to-morrow 1 member of a JObbmg firm , and own a flicted with Heroia in any of its various forms and collectmg no pay until a pershadowy world. to the drawmg-room if she had gone think; but I was taken ill just at the Ah, well, that mattered httle. It was large amount of real estate." "Mmd, I do not wish this, Nora.. It dawn. T he door stood slightly ajar. She moment, and--" easy, so easy to drn , and after death "All of th em are uncertain properties. manent cure was effected. In this way is only an idle fancy, and I hardly think pushed it open carelessly, and, to her "Never mind, Cristine ; what does it there would come peace and rest, and- Even real estate is bemg rumed by high the tre-.tment gawed a world wide reputat10n on its own merits never failmg it brmgs me comfort, selfish as my great holTor and amazement, saw Miss Smgle- mattor 1" tho other said wearily. "The yes, if Heaven were merciful- the touch taxes. Have you anything else?" to cue any reflucible Hernia. The Comlove makes me. .A life of resignation ton lymg m a dead famt on the ground, tram will do very well as it is.' 0f Arthur's hand, the glad forgiveness of "Yes , I own a newspaper." and patient grief is not the lot fo1 whwh For a moment she stood st;ariug helpless"But I must have thrown the note Arthur's kind blue eyes. He 1111ght for" Oh, I beg your pardon Take her, pany has at the sohcita1on of t housiui<l.s placed the remedy on sale by all dmggi. s my bright warm-hearted Nora was born ly, paralysed by a sort of superst1t10us down either m my room or the corridor," give her then-for, even though she were my dear boy . She is yours." both wholesale and retail, m the U.m tb :Be h appy in your own way, choose your terror. Cristine persisted, knitting h er hght the guilty cnme-starneu wretoh Uwy cnllStat es, Canada and England in this way owu walk in h fe , and know that, 1f I Cristine h ad left so short a time befo10, brows m e xtreme p erplexity. " I will ed h er, though she left this world t hat J efferson left such mmute inst ructions bnng1ug it withiu the reach of all classes could pierce the veil, a nd follow your fu 11 of h ealth and sp mts N ora h ad search for it and find ii; before I go to had been too hard for h er th1ough the dark progress ,through the world t hat I h ave n oticed how pretty she looked m the lied." portal of a shameful death, she would as to the simplicity of any memorial to be at a t r1flmg cost compared with the beneset over lus grave that, m order to spend fits which are derived from the use ot t he <.lone v;1i;h, l should be best pleased to see soft creamy pmk t hat always suited her " You will do not hing of the kind," still be true to him. ~ you walkmg lll the sunshme, and only best ancJ,supplied t he one thmg lackm g Nora cn ed peremptorily, for , besides, Tho girl's bram reeled with t he dehri- five thousand dollarn, half the sum nppro- treatment. Ask your d1uggisl for a free castmg back from time t o time a soft 1 0 - to her '.eoldlv regular beauL y ; and now bemg selfh;hl y anxw us fo1 solit ude, she ous fancy, h er gray eyes fl.ashed througlI pnat od by Congress for the purpose of book on rupture or send ti cts., for one t o g retful look t o that '<la1k -sliadowed past what hac i, stiwken her down like tlllS ? was really sh oclrnd by the worn aged the nch lace of her veil with a light so m - honormg ]um, the ineate1 part had to be the Excelsior Rupture C,1re M'fg Co Ogdensburg, N, Y · i n which I played my part. Have I. Cn stme was not given t o faintmg For look of h er step-s1stcr 'o face an'd the sanely h llPPY that Cnstme, who stood put lll Lu the fence. A Christmas Ytgll. BY ETTA w. PIERCE. '"l'h 'Id t h k th b h h th ewiJrea'lc~;~r~a: es e ca rn, 8 6 ears e !rhe high tides of December beat on the groan.:Blac~nc~~~g~ethe sunken ledges, beneath ihe waters white, .A.nd loud the bar ls wailing, at Chrl8tmas m the night. -With spectral light the candlefiares on ~he cabIn wall; --With spectral gleams the embers to cold gray ashes fall. 'The death-watch m the rafter ticks solemnly andthe loud, .Against wh.dow flutters the white snow a shroud. Only llke the friendly beacon, set m its tower to mark "The rocks and boiling channel, burns red upon the dark. in drift of yellow tresses she stands a pallid ghost, ,And shl"mkmg hears thecoast. fierce northeaster assail the Thetoars wo1 gh down her lashes-with trem bhng and affright She keeps Love·~ mournful vigil: at Christmas m the night: I wr itten too sentimentally, Nora i .Are my words weak and unmanly~ Well, for to-night at least they may stand. If the shadow that fallP npon me as I write means nothing, 1f I come back safe and souud to-morrow, your eyes will never rest upon them. And, if it is ordered otherwise. you will read them m the softenmg shado1vs of death. And now, my own darlmg Nora, if it must be, goodht" mg · I r ° * ... l'IUPIDITf AND Health is"Wealth! $1000 FORFEIT ! 1: $500 REWARD! --------- 'r I