Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1883, p. 8

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for 40 cents. .- , ,V. Mo:\lurtryis se11!ngt·baUonlU1I GleTH W . McMnrtry is eelllng Jo"aelor.J t:oUen at '· FOR LAI>l~'ONLY. DARL~KGTON VO,VNCIL. TowN' H~LL, HAMPT~N, Jii~e 30. Regular meeUni.t. Meinbers present. Minutes read a11d confirmed. (lomrunnications were presented from Hy. Troll, . ~laiming pay and d11mages .f or gravel taken olf his place; from W. H. Hilling11, bl11 1olicitor, threatening legal pro!J0edin~a, if s,aid chim ia , n ot settled forthwith, and some others. A petiUon WM presented from Edmund Prout aJ>d 41 other11, prayiniz for the open.Ing of .the road betw11en lots 6 and 7, iu the 4th Ooncess1on. · Messra. Hal'lcock and Windatt were appointed to examine into the .complaint uf partiea In reference to 11toppag1i of' roads by the R. R. works in the 10th Con· · Mr. Langmaid presented 11. repor~ from thft cominittAPB appointed to' examine the hill, West of. Enui!knl11n, and the North part of the Man vers ro~d. Received 11.nd adopted. · Mr. Langmaid, moved the second read· 'ing ot his By-law to encourage tJi., plantiug of trees. It was moved iu amendment and carried. That the By-law be· read this dav three months. " I d 13 I A petition from T. Trul an ol iers, for gravelling, was referred to the ltaeve. Moved by Mr. Wiodatt, aecondtid by Mr. Dyer, that the Reeve is hereby in· structed to settle w1tb Mr. Henry 'l.'rull, for g1'avel takeu off the beach in front of his farm, accord)ng to llis .demand, by his h d h b atloruey, when he fnrois e t e num er of loads taken this present year, and also, h h l k · - M T JI d J h t at t e c er - give r. ru au - o n Pickl~. notice to i·emove their fence oft" th'!! road allow1uice, be,ween lots 30 and 31, fro1u the R. R. to the Lake Shore_, or to pay rent far the same. Carried. Moved by Mr. Windatt, seconded by Mr· .Uyer, ~hat the Reeve. and Mr. Han· cock be a special committee to examine 11 h · f I· I the road a owance, t e openwg o w Ile l is asked for in the petition of E . Prout and others, and report as to the advis1b\l· · h C · d ity of opemng t e same. iarrie · Moved by Mr. Windatt, seconded by Mr. Hancock, that Mr.Geo. Tait is liereby authorized to do Ina statnte labor, for th~ present year, on the B<lse Line N ~rth of his farm, and that the clerk do nut1fy Mr. J 011. Knight, the path master, of the same. Carried. M d b M D S <l d b M o'e v r. yer, econ e Y r. Laugmaid 1 that the lteeve do grnut his orders on the Treasurer for. vayment of . the following accouots:-'"Gllle 8ros., prtDting, $32.20; Rowsell & Hutchi"on, amend· num~a to Municir>al Act, $1.20; Mra. Cotter, $2;50; Jaa. Mountjoy, 34 loads of gravel, $1.'iO; Jno. Scuutou, 70 do, en.., · J T d .i.1 8" w 1 '11"·0 0 ; remear, 37 o, 'ii' · o; es ey · Cle..uens, eheep killed by dog.s, $11.,3 3; Mv ran .H.obins, reni of land for . r O!\.d, $3. ~ ., R I ,lndi~enl pereons.-S~anton, ..,~; 10 ltlS and Gay $5 each; Lane, Fox, Miller, Luif, Campbtlll, llDd Cornish, $3 ~clch; He11rd, $2.50; Salt11r, Kerui1;k, .Ma.ll1:t, Cryder,, h man, and Al~xander, $:. eac · _ d · th t h 11 Mr. Wiu att gave notice a e Wl at next meeting uf council, introduce a Hy-law for the appointment of a cullector. _,. d On motion, tile Council 11.u3ourn" l O Sa\urday, 28th July, at 19 a, m . R. WINDATT, T . C. line, 5th co'n., $15 ; Tbo1 McKee, wo_rk on quMtur lme east, 4th oon., ~;Jamel Nicholson, work on Manvera boundary, $12 50. On motion thl) Council !\djourned until the let Monday in August, at 3 o'clook all 5o' yard. . W. McMnrtry i11 s'Ulng all weDl Uluek C.:tt~l1mt~rc at 4.0c· . Mcl\lurtry ls eelllng Table Unea as 20c per·yard. · . W. McM11rtrY· ts selling :QreH Goudll 10 per cent below 0011t. W . McMurtry Is 1101llng -n1eueJactl t:enoa at 11(:.per yard. W. l\lclllurtry sells 1·arasttb at very low prlc"s. ,V. McMurtry lg i!elllngnll S:M·I~ Terr low. Call and see the bargains, -- l p.m. -----·- -·-· DISH .of ICE CREAM! Or Jllce t"rtl!ill f:onfedl01111ry. Pine ,l1·ple8, BA11111tn11, T11111nloe11, Pre11erTc8 bJ' the llt., i"1mcy lllirenu. .lellle11, de. - A ftne line or- Xnow That SITT-PHUR AND InoN.BI'Fwill make the weak. :mong and gives the fee. Lie, nerve. 'fm:~ would respectfully invite· all ladiea nequlling -anything i r i - CARE" OF THE HORSE. Never beat the horee when in the stabI e Properly Recommended: The Cin11ralose Hair Renewer restores, b...sutines, invigorates and renews the hsir. It~ proper U! ·s alJY!lJl5 s,atisfa<;torr. 50 cents per bottle 011r 1;1,,rtng Stock Is tboro'ugbly complete. Elliaon & Co, Never aUow any~ne to tease or ,tickle "OUr horse iu the etable. J 5 AND IO CENT CIGARS ! And boys If you v11n1 a nno DLA CK 81 LKS I either for Dresses or Manifes, to call and examine their sup~rb - As the wlntery frosh 1!1sappesred before the rising sun ao dn Kidney Dist'lase 4 1ea\"a the body whon l)r. Val\ Buren's Kidrray Cure ls 1.Utbful tiaken ncoordinit to direct.ions. Ask your druggists for It. ~. HigJdnbotham a ISon. Parties asklnii: ua for bargains will not be dllj&ppoin ted. Elliwn It: Co. Let. the horee'i litter be dry and clean underneath a· well a 11 011 top. , , · Mrs. Robert Oxtobr, .ofVroom1mtion. Ont. suffered severs! year- with dyspepsia. wlthollt pe1·mane:it rt:Her. until r. friend reoommonded National Pilla. Alter taklnii one box. she re· covered her health, nnd weiithed twenty-five pounds more than berore taking them. brill Green pure and cheap at J. Rigginbotham ~Son. . To procure a aood"ooat on your horse "" d naturdly, uee plenty of rubbing an r ;hin~. · Ye1trs or ou1rering may be avoided by taking Dr. Vari. BJiren'a Kidney ,()ule. It wa11 never lcnown to tail in relieving at oooe, and efreotmg a complete cn~e ot dise11se ot the Kidnt'YB. J: :Siqinbotham & Son, e are m~ing the l ine oflO cent prints very attractivo,· Ellillo11. lk Co. N e ver clean a ho rse in his s'able. '- The i,tuat fouls his crib,. and ruake )lim loa\he his food . · S&ved, Saved, Saved, was the expression of ·distinguished oltlzon of Des MJ.>ines, Iowa, as he stepped out ol IJJ11 ~fro11 door after bemg conf,lned to--t!tcllou~e for year. Ho hud been irfven up to die by hi· Doctor~. when a friend brought him a bottle of Dr. Van Huren's Kid· 11e'y Curo, and In three·months he was perfectly Wtitt:-7;-fii1ntinbothsm &; Son. Curry your horl58 liilhty. When us.ed \Yill rncre!\<>o the mnscular force . ai:(! double 'tho a1 nying po.'ver. \Yi ll i:1sme a hearty ::ippctil '.! alld increased digcstiou. i:,·:i] givo s1ecj1, flOlllHl mid . 1·~:rcsbi:ig ia duo season. ::t~ilLb up tho constit11tirrn :-.:id makes ·, :·u8'6C(L flt~cmgtl1e:1 s C I GA R i<; r_r T Y~, ~J Just oomJ ln and get a pack·.,e· or our .. J,n·n11 BEA UT! ES... stack of rich SMOKING & CHEWINC TOBACCOS AT.WAYS IN BTOUJ!f. BLACK GROS GRAINS. These goods are warranted to be all Pulte Sil~ and are admitted by all who have seen, them to be the best value ever offered in Bo-wma,n:ville. H J'OU want a nice ~ool d~ink, drop In t:i~ wcakc3:; Ginger Ale, -aud get a gla88 or- Lemon Soda. Water or· JI.emonade. A'f TUS--,... focl1lc women n.:1d ma!; c~J i·tmy cl1iltlren stron: .. C::;·~ : Gm1cr'.'.l Dol1ility n.ml ,.jy·c.1 a mm· leas~ of·lifo. ' w i:1'.11:ic Y(i'.1 t '.1:; r':1 i with llCW life " ·cake:::· ,bvaliJ. occttp~tions, Tice~ 1 GOOD NBWS, GOOD NHWSJ .READY CASH·! Howma1nllle, June Uth. ISS!. 155. ";'.ie I in bits, i:nn:tlur::il modcsof hvi11gwhich Ht'nt to follow ci,·ilizc.tion ha,·e thP. <fleer of cl~pleting the Jmman sys1 «m of its necessary ~upply of Iron, «ll<; »coence h:i·ing clelcrm'ne<l this, """' l>ountl to find means to re-est:J.· l .11>lr th:it i;upplv. lt \ra' an im· J ·ortant and <lifficult tc.s!< I llut it },a· l>e"n -nccrlmpli>hed_ I 1\ th<? ~Ul !'llUR ' ' h1d1 - TOFARllERSDF.WEST,DIRHAMI been appointed agent houses In ISanada for the Purchase cf FARM PnonuoB, I have, therefore, leased t.ltle premise11 formerly used as & Me.rket Houee and am p~pared to :i:-ar the full Market Valu1t In C1u'1 for F..t.RM &Dd DAIRY l'RODUCB. liam sure ever1 farmer will admit the advuntages of a Cash System, yQOllcan then trade where you please and will be able to S.l ,'t; at least :w PER CENT on your pur· oh&see. am tll.e nrst *o lntroduct1 tltis.system. Give it a triall&nd yon will be oonv:iieed it le the best and sn:y satiafactciry 'waJ< of doinit bWliness. T!umklng you for past fM'Ol'B and solleft!Dlf a.a increased &hare of your patronag;i;. Your&truly, Bowmanvlll&;,Ma~h 8, 1883. ,~u. $;. MASON le SONS'. ' There's Bargains for all am GEN'rLEMHN :-I ha.Ve by 'l'WO of the principal A:oil> lHON };ITTKR:I so . quickly secu' ect the en< lorsement ©6 medical rnen .:.>- \Y~:l ;i; t~1c: pu:\Jrlc r:enc- . r·lly. !rot\ 1:1 comhin:ltion wiH\· other have roughly it it is a source of great paln. Kncklcn's All'lalc· l!nln.-The best Salve lo the world tor Cu&a. Bru111ea. Sores, Ulcel'fl, salt Rbo111n. Feter Sore11, Tetter, Chap11ed kauds, Chilblains, "Oorna, and all Skin Erup· tloris, and Pcslt1v11ly cu re· Plies. It 18 guran· ~ · Sm ·tiS·!J , o·ion or money teed II'I \"e JHIFiec. · , refunded. Prioe2.~ cent& per box. For salo by J. Higginbotham & son. Let the horse.--. heels be well ~rushed <1llt e,·ery night. We have a s_p!)ed]' and llOsltive Cure; for ca~rrh, I'.llpjuherla, Canker moutli and Ue&d Ache, irt ISH lLOR'8 CA'fAitlUl ~REMEDY. A nasal lnjeotor freA W-lt)l each hottlo. Use It I( you dem e health add aweet breath. Price 50 cent)!. J. Hi1111'lnbotham & Son, Wholesale _a~d Retai\ agents. . Whenever a horse iswaehed,ne'l"er leave him till he ia quite dry. ~e will prabably g_et a chill if neglected. JU!t:LINE Olt 211.t.N.- Norvous weakness Df'lpep~la& un·l I.her «!<mtplnhot.-Ie it not Dyspepsia. Impotence. isexual Dal>lllt)·, cur¢ worth the small price of 75 cents to free your- 1by · Wells' u.,.,.Jth· Htluewer.' $1. self M every symptom or these dletr\)Sslng com· . ·~ -· . plaint.a, if~ on think ao call at our store and .iret CARTWRIG.H't COUllCIL. '&bottle of Shllob'a-Vitalir.er, ..,-very has a prrnt· ed ~t>arant~ on it, use accordingly and tr it .doett, you 'n q good It will cost yon nothing. J. '.!;O\~N HALL, CART~V.&IGH-r, ~une 4. lligitln'bottiam & Son, wolesalo agents. We take grocer.s' due bills PS cash. Ellison Council met pursuans to adjournment. &Co. Members all present. The minutes of Whell ie a .newspaper like & delicate child 1 last meeting were read and conlirmod. When it" av1>ear1 weekly. Commuri1catJOns were received from LOCOM'Ql'lON Hl<.:STOREJJ. - Mr. E. P. County Clerk,giving the amount of county Stone. \VelhilKton. N. S., write·: I had not beeJl able to wallc for two months in conse· rate for the year 1883, viz. : $638.45, and qll6'1Ce.of a lame b3ck~nd constant pa.in in my 11chool rate; ~311. From Ha. r t & Co., m side. One 'bottle of Dr. \l)ow,s Sturgeon 0il reference to the consolidated M1mjc1pal Liniment. made nrn entirely well; its vlrtus is in its great strength, It being too vowerrut Act. From Wm. Porter & Sou, in refer· ev'3n to t.e used Internally. '!'hose who have ence to road scrapers. >UBed it prol>flrl:r, almost as a unit, speaks in Mr. James Graham applied fo1· an Pp· ·unmeasured te1:01e of its p:reat val!ie·. - -- - - . propriation on the tirst con. line opposite ·what nation produces the moet marrlagee1 to lots 2 to 5 inclusivE>. . :m:aeoin atlon.Moved by Mr. Bradburn, seconded by A..JU...llKslns to all Mnnktnd.-In these tims9 w-hen- our m~wspapers ·are flooded with patent Mr. McKee, That the Reeve, Mr. Dcivitt medicine advertisements. it is grat!r,hig to and the mover be a Committee to exa.miue know what to procure that will certainly cure the said ioa:i and report thereon a.t next you, If you are Billious, blood out of order, meeting of Couocil. Ce.tried. Moved by Mr.tSpinka, seconded by Mr. Liver inactive, or gene1'rlly debilitatell, there Is nothing in the world that will cure you so Bradburn, 'fhat Henry Bartlett be apbu.ickly as Electric Bitters. They ar.e a ~lessing pointed Pathmaster instead of John Veale to all mankind, and can b'e had for only fifty in Road Di'islon 'No. 41, aod that the RMve do si~n this resolution~ ·and the en ts a bottle at J. Higginbotham & ::!on. seal of the Corpo'ration be attach~ there· \Vh; oup:ht women to be employed lu the Post Office 1 Because they under11tand how to to. Carried. " . . m11,nage the males. Mr. Wm Martm apphed. f?~ compensa· .011, 1n1,t n Co1ll!:ll?-Will you heed the , tion for gravel . (ln road d1v1s1on ~o: !5, warning. l'he signal perhaps ot the sure ap· 96 losds also .for gravel on road d1v1s1011 proach of that more terrible disease Consump· ' tion. Ask youraelvcs if you can afford !or the · No. 40, 84 loads. . . s11.1ee of ~aviug fifty o~nts, to run the risk and Moved by Mr. Devitt, second by Mr. do noth.mg for It. ~ e know from cex11ehnenc e Bradburn That the Reeve and Mr.8uinka tba; Shiloh's Cure will Cure your oug . 1 t · never falls. This ex:plaintt why more than a be a Committee to inspect the gravel, Million Bottle11 were solel during the past year. ascertain who is the owner thereot; and It relieves Croup. and Whooping Cough. at . f C ·t once Mother· do not be without it. For Lsme report at next meetlll~ o ottnCil . Back,Side or Chest.nae Shiloh's Porous Plaster. The Reeve reported on behalf of the , Hig!l'mbotham & Sou, Wholesalo and Retail Committee upp,omted' at la.st meeting of irems. this Council to examine the road between The reason why the !:luri,teo'!s off t~e In,er· the 1st and 2nd conce8sious opposite lots natloua.I Throat and Lun;> in~t1iute. 173 Cbnoh. . h . d. · 's t.reet 'l'oronto a.re ma\cin~ so many wonderf·li }'.\o. 21 and 22, wit ·· a view to ivertmg cures 'or catarrh, oatarrh~l deatnes~; Bronchi- the -same so as it wiillcontinua· on the altis asthma o.n<l conij11mpt1"n are: Ihey have I f d · ·t d ' id l ts noiie hut s\cilled and ·b\laliiled me· i ioai men owance or roa ins ea O· a~ross ea _ o connected o/ith tli.A insti.tute. ·rtiey adhere as 'at present. The Oomm1tte. e do not strictly to tpcir speciaity_a nd theY use tidhe · consider it ad\'isable to make any.change -spirometer invented by .M. 5 QUVle11e. ex:·s e . d ·f t 11 . th suegeon of the French "t;n~y. and in3trurnent m the roa at p~ese11t, 1 a a , as e which cQnveys the med1c1nes ln tho for111. of benefit to be derived from such change eold inhe.latlon3 to the parte·dlseasebd1 whicdh would not in their opinion be sufficient to is the only way these diseases ct1-n e ct1r.e · d. They are treating hundredi or p ·tient evei;y compeosate for the expen 1tur!I necessary month. he.vim~ twelve surgeons enga~od int to make the ro'a d all contemplated equal thcii· work in Canada alone !:lend a three-cen II d stamp for a oopy or their international Newa to the roa~ at present tray-e e · . p,no blished monthly at 173 Churoll S_trcet On motion the Reeve s1~ned orders on Toronto. 2-!a-tt. the Treasurer as follows. : To Robert Montgomery for 139 loads of i:ravel and one day's work of man, $7 !lo ; J oeeph Brittain, making. bail for scraper, $1 ; Peter Holt, meals for indigent, &c., 95c. ; Samuel Henery, repairing road scraper, 9 Pieces Large Size Music for.. . . . . . . ·· ...···. $310 ·Robert ffenery,repa.iring do.$.215; 5 bnires Note 'Paper ......... .. . ... .. · · ·· .. · . ·:<oo. John 'cuthbert, work on division 3i and 10 Packages Envelopes .................. · · .· 50o. 38, $22 50; George Marlow, work on div· ision 35, $7 25 ; John Brown, do. 33, $63 75 · George Hooey, do. 10, $35; Album·, T@lld Se'-·· Creqnet Setta, F1tnij, Nelson' Marlow, do. 27, $50; John Pen· P11per Knives. Maa&ell Safe11, 'Basll;ets, 14l· ~a.Uy do. quarter line, $15 50 ; George Ney,' do. 8th con. line, $5 25; Wm Hn.nt: erost1e8, BallH,· ,, . er, do. division 9, $26 25; James White, do> division 20, $!}8 33 ; John Forder, do. division 21, $U 95 ; Thoa Bruce, BHoads White StarLine from Now York to Liverpool, gravel, $4 20 ; Thoe D Williamson, work Jul)", H, 19, 28. on dhialon No 29, $10; Tho· McKee and !'latlonal J.ine from New York to Liverpool, J Carewell,work on Johnaton'eHill $49 50; July, H, 21, 28. Wm SpeDce, Mra Longbead and Robert National Line, to London, July, ·· 11, 18, 25, ·Wilec>n, · indigent aid, $4 each j Alfred Noraeman, to Charlotte. daily (Sunda7 ex- Wood; repairing road scra.iiers, $2 50; cepted). Wm Lucu, Clerk, par' salary for 1883, i60; ({eorge '\V!laon. work on quarter ,-ital T onics is found in a proper fonn f .r quick :lSsinulation an<l the opi· , ,io11 ,,f 1he nhlcit me<lica~ men·wh<> l1a ,.e cxaininc1l thi,; 11reparation1 ii; tl1:.i 1t i. , the \J~t thin:; uf the kinu . <:fc{ invented. ~ St:r.PITU"1 AXD '!!:r:H :~ml I:-ox JlrT:-;._ il·t hy all lhuggists at Depot IGO St-Jame!i St. y,·ezt,, ).!outrcal,..; l'ric$ 5Jc. A.,- New Mantia Trimmings. New Silks,. New Satins, New. Muslins. New p·arasols, New ~aces,. Ne. w Corsets, NewEmbroider'ies~ New'. CretoDn~ :. New Lac. e ·Cmtains, WM. BRITT.AfIN, NewLace)Clmtainsllett, New Carpett?. ;l/arlkl·lJquare. New Hats,. New Hosier:i'. :DON'T EIUY! SEWING> MACHINE untll see the S. MAS9N & ~ON .. ,. ' .t ----~---------,.·~ · ~- :)·oo· NE""liNJ R O Y A L A , u.I satiste.ction).>with new t.nd origlnllfl improveIn no other machine. Among the many imprevements, 1t has a Hlgl:l. and Lon~ Arm making it. specially adapted for Dress· making and 'l'llt>lloring. It is a verJ! light rnn· ning, almost noiseless, Self·Threadill'g, adiua'&ble in all tte" parts, t:i.e slmvlesv 1rnd most complete Bob.tlin Winder made. N'e)V Sell'l'hreading Shuttle, all made of .lbt qualit7 materials. · In a wo1·d plaoinK !' hesd and shonlders superior to all Canadian and equal to the beat American, .1 JOHN S. D©NEY, Tyrone. Specisa Jan<\ S6le ; Agent. , · r also eell ~e RAYMOND &nd "ll'i'\,HnTE MACHINMS and .. the would renowned W AJ;rnaM W~1;~&.ll special attention to on·· General Cheap Ca.sh ~lore,.which is stocke<iNwlth only firsto-0lass go0ds, we do a big business, and sell as choap and.in large lot' ch.eaper than m11ny .1 othert1 csn alford to, ss we mal.te 110<:bad debts. !, N. li,-8elhd me a card or letter a.nd I will ,· ' Call on you. FAents found -- W· - ;J111i!t out, combining all the beet qua'Atles of the ()Id Royal,(s ma.chine which hae l{l\'0n univera- 188~.. . -. ... ONLY ONE DOLLA~ A ll<"W procees .of Portrait : Painting.. No pen can do jus; t1ce to t.h1S beautiful proces~ \ ot tt-produting the hun:i&n1 t t&ce &nd forw:··in fodeleSS". 1 ~perfection m . oil colorSi. >. Our pri'!ted lnstructionlf. are so Cl!l&rly worded tb:it: nny pel'!IOn can learn to db, ·this work in a few day&·. Full print.ed Instruetion.q; mailed to any-address oru receipt ot ON.f'. DOLLAR;. Please send fC>10?our explan·atory efrcula."11 which wo· mail tree. )!~on tills papc~ · ANCELO ART CO., lillt'd1S75. Oet'rOlt, Mich. LARCE LI ltE·L I K'£ OIL PAINT.INC .Of." YOURSELF FOR: SPRING! HATS! 1883~ i HATS! HA'i'S !. 1 We beg t'O int0rm f>UJ11' numeri)us cust~mers that we he.v:G:: receive<t-o\U!' Spring Stock, $QIDprising .all th~ La.t~st . Styles- o,f Amer · n, . English. a.wt·Canadian HARD AND SOF'r FELT' HAT~ - ' · too Men, Youths', Boys' a,nd Children. GENTS' FURNISHING WHITE VESTS, eta., etc. &~ODDS! L01W Prices! r - ~~ -~ · A NEW DISCOVERY. g"For se.-t:ral yeara wo .lu> ve·turnlshed tho Dtllr.rmen ot America with an ....-c~Uent art!· · ftclal color fo:rbuttcr; so m eritorious thnt ft met. \\-ith great succese everywhe ro receiving the hlgheo' andi onl.J' prizes o.t ~otlli Inwrnatlo11al' Dairy l!'alr8. P.ca..rch we b.m'e impt"OTed in sev<.tr:tl points, aad: now offer th.W new color as tlLe t,.,.,t in. the worldt ldrBut by J)atfent and sclcntiilc chemical ,..,._ · It Wiii N ·o t Wiii N'« Color the B1rtterrnllk. Ill: Turn Rnncld·: It Is tha Stronsest, Brightest and Cheapest Color Made, ; keep up with orders. l:lome very !arge orders · have heelll received 111.tely, inciudinic a ha.nd· some Gr&:\' .Monument for the ·1~11.ylor Estate, , Cartwright; and n Gray l\fotrnment for Mr. J, ,. Freeburn,Wartwriglic. WE KMPJ.01!1 NO AGEN'l'S, ' nnd are eel'ling 'l'omb Stones, Moru.tmente, etc ·· 1 .: &t lower pdoes in ooneequence.. Our cu·tQ. . mere get the commission themsalve~. n will i P"'Y any person who intends ·erecbing &. monu' mcmt to llhe memory of a depa.rted friend io ~ write me ot see me persona.Uy before vtacing ' l their order. I ~uarantee :first cl11,sa work at .' lowest possible prices. 'f i. I'~~~~~:.=~~.~]]~~ w 1 JOHNS. DONEY, 'llyrone. White > Linen :Regatta and Wollen Shirts, Collars) Caffs, Drawers, Ties, ' Scarf's, Silk Handkerchiefs, Half Hose Braces,.Umbrellas. Fresh Goods ! · New· Stylers! PORT PER.BY JY-C_ JY-C ..A..-Y- E R, Hatter and Furrier, Neads' Book. ·N'. B.--'Specia.l attention given to STAMPING in a.ltl its branches. Bowmanvllle. April 6, 1883. SPRIN""G TR.A.D.E , 1888l_ NEW DRY coons & CLOTHING. . > i· 251-t(. w~ ' 1 SHAW, '" :MAn»LmjWorms, · POK'l'f PBRRY i We ha.ve commenced to receive t rAnd; .w hll« prepill'cd In o!i, Is so compou.,.... ed. thRt ltJ j tmpotitiiUlo for it t · becomo-r1 \ncill!. WBE.WARIL or all tm!lllltlons, and or.tallt mnci.1.land! spoil the batter. G,rlf you ca.nnot g ot the " I'ltlpr oved" wrfie'us; to !mow..,iiere snd how to get It wltllout e1<l'l'll< expen9~. · {W) WEU.-S. RICIUltDSO!f · C(k, Rnrlln11toa, Tt, other oll1eolors, for they ""' liable to beco1no.· I New Goods. Our Stock will! be very· Large and Complete this season, and our P,riees will be exbemely low. We intend, throughout the season, to offer Goods _ at very TEMPTING-1PRICES We ·offer ~pecial ;Bargains in Dre$s Goods. a.t _12~ Cents. We Offer Special Bargains in Prints at 10 cents. We Offer Special Bargains in Black Cashmere at 50 cents. We Offer Special Bargains in All Wool Tweeds at 50 ced;a. We Offer Special Bargains in Lace 'Curtains at $1.25. We Offer Special Bargains in Boys' Suits, we keep all size8. We Offer Good All-Wool Tweed Suits to Order for $12.50. We Offer Men's Ready-Made Tweed Suits from $6.50 up I · .WE TAKE CROGERS' DUE BILLS SAME AS CASH. we mean business this seaspn, in fact "1ilOo A.DVl>BTJSE!'US.-Lowest. Rllllres for 1ad· AIM1t0s.q GEO. P. B.'OWELL & «lO.., 10 Spruce St.. N. Y. I sequt1ntly we will offer Great Inducements. . · Bowma.nville, February 15, 188.'J. we a.re bound to sell. Con- .I. vertising In ~Wl ll'*O·l newsJJ&Pe5 sent- free. 0 ELLISON & CO. 238-ly. VARlElY H ' A ll! ----SPECIAL LIME JUST OPENED I SAILING NOTICE. D~'.PRAVITT ."-·' Be 1le of F EMALE the South." eaeb ; .. &.' Passi, · on;· liic. lfor tboase ..rac:r" "1110rks add.ress 2'ioo, :IPT~de S. Lemar, Cnlca!ll:I>. Ill., U. S_ 2i,5-{w"' J. 1NTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY; 'PA.l<EN TNTERNALLY ill: cum .l Dysentery, Cholera, Di:i:rrhaea, Cra:mp and Pain irl. the Stomach, Bowel 'ComplaJnt, Painte~'s <;:olic, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia or' Indigestion, Sudden Colds, Sore Throat, Coughs, &c. -. - . A T - - !?<'· MAY'S HARNESS EMPORIUM' YOU GAN . BUY H T. YELLOWLEES Endorsed by the French Academy ofMedlclne · USED EXTERNALLY, it cures Boils, F clons, Bruises, Cuts, Burn~ .t"or l11flnmm11tlo11 &t'lhe lJrlnar::.r OrgMJU, Scalds, Old Sores and Sprains, Swel· ca.used by Iudiscretion or Exposure. Hotel tin.gs of the\ J!;lints, Toothache, Paia Dteu Hospital, Paris. Treatment. Positive in the Face, Nc·uralgia and Rheuma. Cure in one to three days. Looal 'l'r11atment tism, &c. only required. No :nausoous doet of Cubebs ·or Th;PAIN-KILLER is Copalba. ·' ln!allible. Hygienic, Curative, Prenntlve. Medicine Dealers throut;hottt the world Pri~ 81.i>O, including Bulb Syringe. Sold by l',ice, 2~c· and ~Oc. per bottle. all Drugglate, or sent free by mall, securely 11eale.I', on receipt of price, De11crlptlve Treatise OR SALE OR TO RENT. - Ston tree ~~ application. AMERICAN AGENCY and Dwelling, (two Sto~y Brick) In the vllla.ge of Orono. Good stable. Hard anl\ Son ·1 00~ MEDICINE CO., Detro!&, ~llch, Wl:ndsor, )Yater, conTenlent. i:as.J terms. · W, H, MAY', Bowman.Tille. ~t4 On~ r.... Team Harness ... · . :.... , .... ~$20 00 anaupwards Carriage Harness, double .. 26 00 " " " single... . 12 00 Team Collars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 " Haltel's . . . 1· . ·· · · · . . · · ·· ~. · · · ·· 50 " ~kl~ Trunks ................ -..... . 150 " VALi,, AND EXA.l.U.INE. A great variety of Fly Sheets, Netts and Lap Dustem on hand which are offered at Low Figures for C-.sh Opposite Darlington's Grocery. F W. H. 'MAY.

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