Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1883, p. 7

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' d A. CARD.-'.J.'o all who are suft'ering from the "VIVE LA CAN ADIENNE." pride, 'l am an English citizen.' Both races erros and indiscretions of youth, nervou· have rnor~ affinity than is generally believed, weakness, early decay, loss of manhoed. tee I will send a recipe that will cure you, .FREE I! Most of our readers are aware that of by the Briton and Norman blood which runs OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis· covered by a missiona,ry in South America. the whole population of Montreal, which in theh' veins. The marvellous increase in Send a self-addressed envelope to the R11:v. with its suburbs now numbers close upon200,· our population, the zeal of our bishops, the JOSEPII T. INMAN, Stati01b D, New Yorlc Oitv 000, fully half He French Canadians o; work ot our educational institutions, t he wisdo111 of ou_ r politicians, ·have assured the RES'l' AND (JO!UFOR'l' TO TUE lSl:FFERING French origin and language; and. preserve existeuoe of our natiollality and giveu us a " Bro~vn's 110~1.Scllold Panacea" has no to·day many characteristics anc;l many cus· greoit l1lace in the Oonfedetation. This word equal for relieving pain, both internal a.nd ex· toms that existed among them two hundred of nationality·. is a ma.sic word which moves . ternal. 1t cures pain in the Side, Back or Bow· years ago. els, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache, One of the most ancient and interesting of every heart, because 1t is a gift of God. It WITH TEETil. WITHOU'l' TEETH. L1Jmbago and any kind of Pain or Ache. "It these customs is connected with the anni- is a natici;ial diploma which expresses that wi\l most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, Is now. exhibit ing h.er splendid new stock ot as its acting power is wonderful." "Brown's vers11.ry of St. Jean Baptiste (St. John the a population has It name· in history, a distinct ~nghsh, }ren,c h and American Millinery, Household Panacea," being acknowledged as Baptist. ) It is the nat10nal holiday of the place 011 the globe', I do not hesitate to say Ft-'1ttltcrs~ I l!"vers "n11· Fancy c:· oe1tb. · the greot Pain Reliever. and of double the Province, and being both religious and social that our country, taken as a "'.hole, is l'ltiUJTICAJ, DENTIST, Her nul!Jerous friends and the ladies' of Bow· strength of another Elixir or Liniment in the SURPASSED BY NO OTIIER. NEARLY TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. manv1ll~ and vicinity a re confidently invited world should be In every family handy for use in its character, is enjoyed by all classes. of to an mspect ion. The greatest ecenomy No.one can doubt of the future existence Jiltr1111s OxllleGa s Adn1tnJstere1l for Painless when wanted, "as it really is the best remedy the c~mmunity, not excepting the En.,lish consietant with quality has been in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and portion. The anniversary fell this year o~ our nationality and an attempt to make it Oper11tlons. ;-made a special study..pains and aches of all kinds," and is for sale by upon a Sunday, and was celebrated next disapi;>ear_ would be t'! run to a gsneral dis1'lCCLIJNG'S BLOCK. OFUICE all Druggists at 26 cents a bottle. ' 18!-ly. A splendid st ock of orgamzat1on. There is no fear of losing uur day. The fact that a large demonstra- - - - - - ------- ------ -·- tion of a similar kind was held at Windsor, language or our religion. The French lanltlc>thersl 1fothcrs ! I Hothers I ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken offyour Ont., and one a.ho at Worccater, Mass., guage ·will last as long as there is a :France a·lways on hand. rest by a eick child suffering and crying with detracted much from the success of this de· on th~ globe and a Province of Quebec in the excruiatini;r patn of cutting teeth l lf so, monstration, as many de!ei:iates went from America. As to our religion, by letting HAT.Sa._ · .._ 'SONNETS go at once apd 11:et a bottle. of MRS. WINS· this city and Province. However, several others enjoy t he freedom which we have made over In the .Newest Styles. LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It willreli.!lve thoueand visitors came in from various parts ours4illves, we shall be sure to preserve it al· the poor little suffer immediately-depend upon o urselves it; there is no mistake about it. 'J'here is not o and from an early hour the streeb were busy ways. What we have to fear is · I mother on earth who bas ever need it, who w " ' with preparations for the procession of al· and .o ur imperfections. Like our ancestor~ c e that it will regula'· nR Iegorical cars, which is a great feature .of the let us be men of faith, hope and charity, and Guaranteed Cure for Gonorrhoea and Gleet; not tell yon at onL VDJ·A E. Pl N KHAM'S bowels, and give rest to the mother. er · relief Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effects A.nd health to the child, operating like magic. programme. The citizens along the route of we shall be happy in lifo and in etemi ty." ~~~--·~~,._......--~~~ VEGETABLE COMPOUND. from its use. Does not interfere with business It is perfectly safe to use in a.II cases,and pleBa procession had their houses all decorl).ted A. FARM ROM&NCE. or diet. Price $2 per box, or three boxes for$&. ant to the taste, l\nd is the prescriplion of one with maple boughs and maple saplings until A Sur& Core for- all FEMALE WEAK· of the oldest itnd best female physicia"l'I and che busy thoroughfares of St. Lawrence and Written guarantees iasued by every duly ntll'ses in the Unit.ed States. Sold everywhere NESSES, Includlng· Leucorrhooa1 IrCraig streets looked like suburban avenues: A Farm Band Who Turned Out To Be. a 18!-lv. authori.,.ed agent to refund the money if three a· 25 c·cnts a bottle. · · Woman. l'egular- and Painful Menstruation; while the flags of England, France, America boxes fail to cure. s 'e nt p~stage prepaid on Inflammation aml Ulceration ot and Canada appeared from every roof or Ahoutdix weeks ago two men-one young receipt of price. the Womb, Floe1dlng; PRO· window. In the ar..,orial decorations nothing and rather good-looking, and tb,e other apDR. FELIX LE BRUN & 00., 81 & 83 King LAPS.US UTERI, &c ·. was used except maJJle trees and boaghs, parnntly middle aged-came to a farm-house I will mitil (Free) the recipe for a Silllple lrl'tea·ant to the. taste. efficacious and lmmedfnt~ St. East 'foronto, Sole Proprietors. Sold by Yeget:tble Baln1 will remove Tan, Freckles, and these were in such profusion that the near Rawlings' Station, in this COIUlty, and in ita effect. It is"' great help in pregnancy, a.J.1d re· all druggists in Canada. l'lmples and Blotches, leaving the skin soft words of a national air were inevitably sug- aske~ for employment. , They were honest· l!eves Pa.in atlring. IA!l.or and at r egular periods. olea.r and beautiful; !ilso inetrnctions for pro· gested : -OVER· T H E CHEAPlookrng, and apparently,not afraid of work, l'l!YSICUJIS l1SE. iT Alfi PRESClllDE IT FREELY. ducing a!Juxurlant growth ofhfl.iron a bald head The maple leaf, the maple leaf, and as help ":'.as needed; they were emp1oy· or smoothe face. AddreRs, inclosing 3c. stamp, 1 T.WEEDS, @"'FeA ALL W!::A.XNESSli1.J of the generative organsThe maple leaf forever ! · ed, one hav1pg been put to work tending ef either sex, it is.second to no remedy that has ever Ucn. Ycndelf&Co., 12BarclaySt., N. Y. PRINTS, The ceremony began by a pontifical high stock and doing chores about the house, and ~.een befor e· the public ; and for all diseases ot th& mass m Notre Dame church, which is to the other ·going into the field. The young KIDNEYS it ls the CJN:atest Remedy fa the Worl d. COTTON.ADES, man calleu himself Joseph Scott, and the G2irKIDNEY COMPLAINTS ofElt!ler Sex. GENTLEMAN who sutfert»d for vPitrA from Montreal what St Paul's is to London, or elder SHIRTINGS, Eto. Henry Scott. Both proved good hands Nervous DEBILITY, PREMA.TERE DE· St. Peter's to Rome. This beautiful edifice,· Find Great Rellefin Its Use. CAY. a,nd all the effects of youthful indiscretion t>uilt in th~ style of Notre Dame Cathedral about the · place, and the younger man, in - .A LSO A GR$:.1.'Jl· Jl>iS J!>L.AY OF.. LYDIA E. PINKHAJll'S BLOOD PURIFIBR Will for the sake of suffering humanity, senp addition to being quick and active about free tc all who need it. the recipe snd directions of Paris, and possessing a chime of bells of his duties; was very jovial after working ;£~~£~~1~:a\';:i~:~Nf;iv~fto!~g~sst~~~';tht~~ great mellowness a:id sweetness, was gaily for making the simule remedy by which he was 'th&syst·m. - As marvellous in resUlts as the Compound. cured, Sufferers wishing to profit hy the ad' dee.orated with flags, bunting and maple hours, was a merry singer and whistler, and @'Both the Compound-;;;i Blood Purlfter are pre. vcrtiser's eXPerience can do so by addressi.n g in .b oughs. always ready · for a fishing excursion. All pared at llS8 and 235 Western Avenue, L ynn, Mass. perfectconfidcnce. JOHN B. OGDEN, went.well until last Sunday, when the mis· After mass, to the ringing of the bells the now on hand.: A full supply of 42 Cedar St., New York. 187-ly. Price of either, $1. Six bottles for 85. The Compound procession 'formed from Place D'Armes tress of the house was much astonished to Is sent by mall In the form of pills, or of lozenges, on l::lquare and proceeded through the principal discover that one of the three valises which :receipt of price, $1 per box for eit)ler. :Mrs. Pinkham flick Beadttche and relieve all the troubles Incl· atrc1ets to the exhibition grounds, where the the hitnds had brought with them contained freely answers all letters of Inquiry, Enclose S cellt dent ton biliou· state of tbe aystem, sucll as Diz· 'l'hA itd vertiserhav·n11: be An permanently cured afternoJn and evening were spent in games women's clothing. She at once su~pected stamp. Bend for pamphlet. N.,.lion tM· Paper. zlneee, Nausea, Drowsiness, Dist.rcee after ea.ting, of that dread.disease, Consumption, by a simple and amusements of all kinds. · so~othing wrong, and promptly charged the t;F'LYDU .l!l. PlmmAx;;L""IVEB Pu.Ls cure Cc>nstlpa· l'ain ln the Side, &c. While their mos' re~ark· is anxious to make known to his fellow· remedy. able success 11ns been shown iu curing · To give an adequate idea of the strange younger. of the ha.nds wi,th being a woman. tion. Biliousness and Torpidity of the Lher. 2U cent::;.. sufferers the means of cur11. To all who desire "'..Nr-Sold by all Dru11:s-lsta.~ m Highest Prices allowed for Farm it. he will send a copv of the prescription used. procession would require a good loni;r letter He (?) said at once that it dismissal did n ot (free or charge. with the dirACtions for prepA.r· in itself, but as I wish to quote from the 'follow he or she would tell all about it. Th·; Produce. ing and usingthe same,, wMch they will find a sermon delivered on the occasion, I must mistress promised immunity, and the youog sure Cure for Co11g1ts, c ..111s, Consumption, leave it with a few words ·and ask our farm hautl then acknowledged that she wa s a Head11chc,yet Carter's Little Livcr,Pillsarc equally · Astllurn, Hr1111ci11tis, Sec. · · valuable ln Constipation, curing and preventing Parties wishing the PrARr.ription . will please readers to visit Montreal next year and member of the gentler ~ex; that she had tbis annoying complaint, while they also correct aildress, Rev. E. A. WIJ,SON, 19! Penn ·St,, see: it for themselves, as.s uring them that adopted u.an's attire as being more comfort · WAREROOM, all disorders or tbe stomach, stimulate the liver Williamsburii:h, N. Y. they will not regret it. The p rocession able and convenient when.traveling, and as ,ryrone~ March 22, 1882. ' 243·4m. was composed of various religion~ and ben- making i& easier for her to obtain employment, Her companion was, she said, her evolent societies and trade societies, the l e, a nd as he was going on a tour she . latter of whom had large carriages contain· unc_ Formerly known as the" Soper Mll111. ') . ing animate and inanimate allegorie~ of their dec1d~d to a ·:company him and chance it workmg as a man hand. 'l'he pair are said Ache they woul<.l he al most priceless to those who BOWMAN VILLE. B Is. MILL. HAS . BEEN THOR· trades-the chief being carpenters, ·brick· eulfer from this distressing complaint ; but tortu· UGHLY renovaten and put in order. under layers and masons, shoema.kers, furriers, to hail from Pennsylvania. 'l'he girl is of nately their goodness does not end here, nnd those plumb figure, good looking, with fair com· our own spec1al supervi·ion, for the purpose of painters and agriculturist~. Attached to who once try them will find thee~ little pills y~lu gristlng and manufu.cturing Oat Meal and· Pot the societies were eight or ten bands, .the plection, iark wavy hair, which is at pre· able in so many ways tbnt they will i;ot he w1lhng Barley. and wo aFe now prepared to reoPive to do without them. nut nfler all 01 ck bead orders from all our old cuatomers and other11 music, of which was well supplemented by sent cropped clos~. Her name is J'osephine, for work, and we gura.ntee to give th,em who songs in French by the lively processionists. and when she underwent the masc uline intrust us with the same entire satisfaetion. Among the vehicles was an immense car transformation she took that of "Joe." She Oats and other grains taken in exchange for has been retafu.ed at the farm, and now does Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Bow· loaded with trees, representing a forest, in ,' MY STOCK COMPRISES : the midst of which a solitary Indian· strode woman's work, such as milking cows, etc. rrtanville. 227. lathe bane of so many lives that hei'c is where we make our great boast.._ -Q_ur p.ilht curo it while gravely up and C:own. Another waggon con- A gentleman of this city who saw her says LADIES' KID BOOTS AND SHOES. others do not. tained· a pure. white cow,- i!ap-ed up ready pos- she makes·an excellent man, and her sex was Carter's Little Liver PjJls are very smnll nnd LA.DIES' CA LF, KID BUTTON & LACED· sibly for sacrifice. Again, another contained never suspected until a.ccident·lly discoververy ea·y to take. One or two pills 1unke n dose. LADIES' l!'RE NQH K ID, BUTTON & LACED, They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or two little gir1s dressed-in white sheep-skins, .e.d , as above.-Oiira[Jerlazid( Md.) News. _ purge, but by their gen~le aq to1.1, please nll who the wool being left on·, which covered the body MRS. KEYS' LADLES' K ID SHOES,-~UTTON & TIE. use them. ln vials at2" cents:· tlve_for $1.. {Sohl Stock of New Goods is now comulete. She has only ; and attached to their backs being . a by druggists everywb.ere, or sent by mail. L ADIES' GOAT & PEBBT.E , RU'fTON &; TlE Low Spirited Peop1e. on ha~d· a fnll assortment of Wools, l~adies a pair of tinsel wings which flapped daintily Reticules, Ottomans. Ties, Handkerchiefs. in the breeze. Th,,re were - three or four CARTER MEDICINE CO., · Also Mens' 11nd Children's of the above goods When a person is haunted with a strange · Bracelets, Fruit Baskets, &c., &c. New York City. other of these little cherubs dressed thus but undefined feeling of some impending calari:t· MEN'S Lol<G BOOTS, COARSE AND FINE, Call and see them, . without the wings in imitation of John the. ity about which he can.say nothiiig particME~S LACE BOOTS, UO.\RSE AND FINE. It is a signal B~ptist's clothinQ'. of camel's hair. One of ular, he had better look out. CANDIES IN LARGE QUANTIT,IES. - M E N ' S FINE SHOES AND GAI TERS, of dietress intimating that something is these little children had beside her a pur& These goods will not be offered at or below THE PLUG MEN'S A.N D LADIES' S LIPPERS, white lamb, and her innocent companion. wrong. There is no use in sn.ying that it is Imaginary or not, and her own innocent face which was grace.if merely imaginary. AlUJi.e above go.eds .s.old by pretty, fat, white limbs, made up a pio- so far as the external world is concerned, it ture of divine aspect-in strange contrast it is terribly real to the person most nearly ma,y be imagined to the hard faces of many concerned, and if not checked may issue in madne·s s and suicide. Look at that man of its spectators. I - -(0) ,Tlie sermon on the .;>ccasion, delivered by skulking along the street as if he were watched by a dozen detectives, and knew it. for any quantity of Bishop Fabre, was so eloquent and well suit~ Having bought Mr. It. SYLVESTER'S MA· CHINE SHOP and FOUNDRY we are pre eu to the OJcasion that I cannot but think He thinks that everybody is laughmg at him, though .everybody has something ~lse to pared to do all work in this department In a the extract I give will be read with interest · do. He thmka that his friends h~ve all satisfactory manner. We shall continue to by all Ontario people. The text was from t~rn~d against him, th~ugh the very oppoA.N':O the 66th verse of the first chapter of Luke. rnannfacture Mr. Sylvester's celebrated .A.fFULL SUPPLY OF Applying the words which were site is the fact. He t hmks that he is a ter· pronounced at the birth of John the rible fraud and is bound to be found out .Baptist, to our youn@' and growing country, some day, though he has often felt that way before and has never been found out yet. receive prompt attention. and shall spare no pains to keep up their pre the reverend preacher proceeded to give a. He wakens up with a start during t.he night AT B0'.1"£0111 PIUC::ES, sketch of our history, first, during French sent reputation. domination, and seconc1, under British rule. and is sure that death from ~tarva.tion is at STOB 'fiJ: One door west SrATESMAN office All kinds of farm produce taken the door, though there is long likelihood of a The following is a resume of the sermon : in . exchange for goods. comfortable and well-provided·for old age. " The French kings were inspired to the long and favorable known-will be carried on colonization of Canada by faith ; their aim He does a hundred other things, ." cutting " and with the assietance of our Machinery we was to extend the reign of Christ and evan· his friends on the streets an1011.e; other hope to larll'.ely increase the business In this gelize the Indians. The first pioneers w ere things. Why all this unr easonable fuss ? 217 Bowmmtvlllc. department and give our customers increasEd worthy of their mission. A weapon in one We do not know how to describe it in medical phraseology, but it just comes to G..R.E..A.T inducements to purchase from us. A large hand they ploughed with the other and had stock of Carriages and Ploughs now ready. the name of France respected while they this, that the blol1d has gone too strongly All work warranted satisfactory. Special at cleared the forest for agricultural purposes. to the head, that the stomach is out of order, tention given to Engine, Mil and Agricultura The first settlers were chosen from among tqat he had better turn over a new leaf. the best .French families, and, as a proof of You understand? Not a few who read those Machinery_ TO~ this, w e can ask if ancient or modern history lines reply, " 0 h yes, I see ! " Very well, _ ...,_ take the hint in time. What is the use of can iurn'sh names more glqrioj!s than those Soia.tioa, Neuralgia, goin.e; on after that fashion f unless, indeed, We have now opened . a of d'J erville, Montcalm, Lewis and Do lard. has-had a large ex perience In La.me Ba.ok, Lumba.go, and be done with Their glory came from their true Christian you wish to get out of life . . Oontra.oted Joints, Machine,Agricultiwal cindOan·iaqe Wo1·7c, life. Religion was their shield and their it. - O F. How are people to get quit of low spirits? aim, and they were, in consequence, great Ora.mp in Mµsoles, · having worked in the largest establishments in Sprains. ' the Dominion, which will aC!d largely to the citi~ens, grea,t 11oldiers and true Clu-istians. E a.sier asked than ans wered, as multitudes Let us now come to our ex istence uncler t he are ready to admit, F r om the Queen down interest of the new firm. · ward all.classes Eeem to suffer, t hough we . .i@"GiveourHARD ME'.l.'AL PLOW POINTS The cheapest and best OSTRIC !i F marHRS ever ' ' . BRIT ISH FLAG, believe that there is more of it among the offered to the public. SATINS, VELVE'fS, R IB· a trial. Entirely given up to the shameful pleas· idle and well to do, than among those who AONS. FLOWERS, LACES and FANCY Goons jnst Ilf /Arp Bottlu zp. &ult.. as ch eap . ures of debauchery, a .lfr~ch king forgot outwardly would seem t o have more reason the ·importance of this colony, whle his re· for taking a gloomy v iew of lifo. There is Please call and inspect our stock. No trouble P~Q.; ·presentatives here were busily engaged "in no use philosophizin~ over the matter. 'fhe to show goods, and .we are bound t o sell at the Bowmanvill~. March,S 1883. 2<ll lowest prices possible. making their fortunes. In the m eantime factjs there, in all its hideous comprehen· STRAW HA'fS and BO:S-NETS CLE ANED and the English nation had establitthed them · sive reality and will neither. be argued away, RE-SHAPE D in all the latest styles, selves in,our vicinity. The Englisl). are ten· nor laughed into non-existence. In very REJllE!tlUER TUE S'l'AND:- 4 <loors '\Vest . aoiouii, persevering and invincible in their many eases onlookers can see no cause, but ot lllartyn's Grocery Stoi·e. This Great Household Medicine ~ ·constancy. Of them we can say what was that there is and must be something grievous· said of the Romans : 'They have got under ly wrong, though doctors can neither tra ce ranks amongst the leading '-their power gold and silver, and by their n~r remove i~, is beyond a.11 question. Many 2i6. King Street, Bowmanvilte, · necessaries of Life; wisdom and p erseverance they have b ecome might be qmte.ready t o say, "'iVhat is to - -· . ! ~ masters of all places. They have crushel1 the bother H er Majesty ? She has wealth to These t am omi Pilla purify tl!.e BLOOD and CD t inost wish, power, honor, every most powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the most foreign nat ion, have reduced to nothing he~ u_ CD the kings of afar, and others have paid them thmg m short that heart could desire. Life Q. tb..e "'O Liver~ S tomach, Kidneys, 112 tribute.' Rival interest s between the two ought to be one continued holiday wit h her. " \\c;,e ·. lllJq, and BO'WEL::l, givrng tone, enerR"y, and vigor (":> _ nations brought on bloody battles~ , P1ovi· Ought, p erhaps, but is not. She has· had JOHNSTON'S ; o these great MAIN SP RINGS,Ol!' Lil!'E. They 0 d ence had it· that we were attached to t he burdens like other people, and a little conar e con!)dently r ecommended as a never failing ::::: :British trunk, but the last sound of. t he sif~eration might shuw that t hese may be remedy m all cases where the constitution from 112 ,,-to cannon was a victory ~o~ the honor of thP. neither few nor small. We join with whateve~ cau.se, h as become impaired or ~eak· ~ encd. 'l 'hcy are wonderfully efficacious in a ll all h er sub.jects in h ear t iest wishes t hat the French army. Our passing under - · i'OR ~ ailments incinental to F emales of all a ges ; and sadness may speedily disappear, and tha t for .+ llRITISH LAW as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE are ....... many years she may enjoy a green unclouded ~lVER C~MPUINT, DY~HrlA, uns~passed. . < " '. '-< W hat ever difference Ancl for f'Yrlfylng the Blood. W '!-S looked upon as a great misfortune, and r ejoicing old age. 0 it bas been in use for 20 years, and has while, on the contrar y, it was t o our advan- there may be about th< p roper 4estiny of i:::s proved to b e the best preparation in t he _ t age, as we thereby escaped the fatal evils of a Canada as connect ed with or separat ed from market for SJ.DK .HEAD.t..CHE, P AIN IN l:r' Fr ench revolution. ·Alt hough nourished on the British Crowu, there is no d ifference Tts Seill'ching mul B e n lhtg 1'1·operttcs a r e THE SIDE OR BACK . LIVER 0 0 1\f· l·no·n t tlarou gbo ut t h e '1' ol'Jd . PLAINT, Plll!l'LTI:S ON T HE FA.CE British sap onr branch has Lorne the ram'e what evet· in loyal .eJ:ltlrnsiastic affection for ~ DYSI'EPSIA, l'ILJ!:S, and a ll Diseases p.. the present Sovereign of t hese lands. If For the cure ·of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, frui ts as if under t h e great L ouis X IV . th.<t arise from a Disordered Liver 01· an good wishes could niake and keep her well, ,How could it be· ot herwise? A conquered imp1.1re bloo·'· 'f hot'sands of ou1· best ~ Old Wounds, S ores and Ulce1\· nq.ti on inspires respect to i ts masters in pto· then those of Canada alone would mak\:i h er people take i;t a ud give it to their chil· ~· ~ '. C.ren. Physicians prescribe i t daily. portion t o its courage in defending i ts ~elig · well indeed. it is infallible remedy. If effectua lly r 11 bbed on C; Those,whc u;;e i&once 1 ·ecommend.it to the neck and chest. a s salt into me at. it cures 'ion, i ts laws and, iris l an gm ge. · W h at has 0 others. SORE 'l'HRO.A.T,Diph ther ia ,Bronch itis, Cough p.. been t h e result for England ? This, that The terms of peace b et ween Peru and It is :mat:ie from Y <"'low Dock, Hondu· Colds, and even A.STH i\fA. For Glandular ras Sars.~pa ci:l:i, \ \"i,u Cherry; Stillini;ia 'to·da,y sh e owes to the Chili have been duly ar ranged, and the Swellings, Abscesses Piles Fistulas f/J Dandelion, Sa~:H1fras,_ Wintergree n, anci ~ FIDEJ:il'r Y OF HER NEW SUBJECTS protocols signed. P eru loses h0r two l ower o~her w~ll·km:wn ~«uuable Roots llllil 0 heumatism, Ilerbs. I t i$ strictly veget~ble, ancl can .. · pr ovinces an:i the possession for ten years ~ not hurt t he mes:; delicate constitution. And ever y kind of SKIN DISE ASE it has ~ the preSE!rvat ion of her n e·w colony, one of of t h e guano beds, abou t which t he quarrel It is on-3 of the be.nt medicines in use for . n ever been kown t o tail. ' _ t he brightest jewels of her crown. · The a rose. At the end of t he dcc:tdo the two 0 ~ggula.ti1·. b t l10 B-vwels. The P ills and Oin L rnent a r e Manufactured - .;.£Us eo h:t by .1.'1 r1 ~?nsible druggh:it s z t Fr eI\ch.Canadian had no more regard f_pr his provinces will determine by a plebescite, only a t533, OXFORD 1:3' . l.'REE'r. LO.N DON. and OliG:\.. d ollu.1" fc.'t' .:-, t'.l;;.-:t bat-!.le~ O.t' s ixOottlc a blood when England was concerned than under which G overnment tl.ey will live. a re sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout for n ve dell·~".'::;. t he Civilized vVodd ; with dir<Jctions for using 2 1 previously when t he interest of France was Aud finally , and not the least imp ortant, m~~~fc~e~f~iu{·~·!:~i~t<l~1il;~Y:t ~!> ;;~1~d0~ri ~~~ \ :, in most every language. at stake ; b eeide the victory of Carillon stands Peru will pay a war indemnity. D oubtless, d ollar) and '\Va will c.c:ml i t to t·hem. , Jl@"Pur cllascrs should look at the Label on the t hat of Chat eauguay. As P a ul glorified t oo, Peru will take -tlie first opportuuity of Cf! W. JOR::!D\\'OU r.i 60,, ltl~.;iuractnma, · Poscts a nd Boxes. I f th e address is not 633 Oxford, Street, London, they.ar e spurious. . h imself on being a Rom an citizen, so t h e· 'being i·evenged , and that before the ten Amherstbu~e. Ont. :P:troit, Hie~- ~· The Tra de Marks of my sald Medwines are · ' · Fr ench·Co.na dian now says everywh ere with years have elapsed . · lillll!!B~~·~·~·~-~~~~ §£13.;."t:S~' register ed in Ott awa , a nd also at '\Vashington. DENTISTRY1 Spring & Summer 'MILLINERY MRS. ANDERSON J.M. BR IMA COMBE, OR. FELi X LE BRUN'S FAMILY ·MOURNING · c c~c TI" :A...E:: ~~'fl~ 0 ANOTHER t lECTION I TYRONE. Old No. I , VWest End; ,, PIMPLES. EXCITEMENT Nnw· BEGINNING ERRORS OF YOUTH. A .· . -- ·j ' CURE St CK . MllllNER'Y ·&, .FANLY '·1 . GOOD'S To CoNSU'MPTIVES. Groceries & Crockery DOMINION ORGAN & PIANO ~o,, -"'if£ A'ii'""' "ACHE THOS. CREEPER. FINE Caledonian Mills. 20 ,· T W".RUSE, Agent. 5oots & Shoos. NEW GOODS -'-c.oo--- ~ ·TWIN-· NAVY BIG-10~: SMOKE /N.iW"·ttiij"t C .HAMPION PLOWS, OUR CARRIAGE BUSINESS, Highest: Price Paid CHEAP. FOR CASH. o ·a nERED WORK. WOOL & BONES. Stoves &Tinware LEWIS QUICK, R'E PAIRING DAVID DAVIS. 0 LINIMEnl BiST HORSE LINIMENT. ~ ,1LSTUR'GEONl11' ~~~R,~@~i@OO ~ LADIES. RHEUMATISM, 1\1.[ R. :J:>AROH $3,000 WORTH . FRENCH & AMERICAN MILLINERY l ~ 1. i. BRAYLKY,.MOBTREAL, Mc[lUNG &DARGH. 0 Mrs. DONNELLY.' '3.l Year .Ro SARSAPARILLA z Q ~ ====== ~ c ~ ~ Holloway's Oint ment, 1 r i """ ~ ...~ r-3 if.

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