Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1883, p. 6

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· · lnterviewtn&" Mrs \!oung. Athletic Sports do your worst The young man thrust his of fashion and the mould of form from the the f11it red faced Colonel the peevish fretful Hanlan is addmg to his laurels this Rearmg that Brigham Young Jr and his hands mto his pockets as he spoke, and crown of his head to the soles of his w.on mother and the weak: pale eyed brother , From the hour of his so m all good faith he had endeavored to fii.m1ly had arrived from Salt Lake and were year After disposing Aas1ly of Kennedy at threw back his head defiantly You derfully made feet needn t tell me that you require the money, dawn on London soc10ty when near his help Algernon Roward, and would have q nartered at the American House, one Pomt o Pmes near Boston he hllj! ~ne, to for I simply should not bel!eve you-you a maJonty till society began to get a little given an,y of them half his fortune had they of the Tribune reporters took a notion the Pullman Regatta, where he-Ia sweepml( that he would run down and rnterview all before him It would be too bad wer& man worth, as Clive Se) mour says, a hundred weary of hmi at sixty he had held his own seemed to need it But his le\ o was all 1n 'am, his hopes Mrs Young The scheme of m t erview Toronto to lose the plucky httle fellow for as flirt as roue, as man a.bout town, as thn pounds a day and more I lhe elder man smiled Neither the IDflO ner table talker, as wit, as sportsman, und baseless She cared nothmg for h1m,s1tnply mg Brigham was an old one-there would be he has done a itreat deal to make not only nothmg at all Had sho met him first no enterprise m anythmg of that kmd but Toronto but Can'l.da known and he has. Jenee nor the unreason of the other affected as dancer lle had added the fimshing touch to his she might hij,ve learned to love him but she the idea of a chat with the wife seemed new made us favorably known, too m that him sportmg world where'honor 1s too frequently I did not say I needed the :money nor accomphshments by marryrng "hen he was loved another, and there was noth1Dg more and brilliant did J: make any threat Why should you thirty years of age the belle of her season to be said 'Can I see Mrs Bngham Young m t):).e sold and the sharpest comes out first best !\.nd that other · he had groaned the bonmest girl ID all London , and m the Canada is follow1Dg m the marks of the parlor for a few moments? mquired the re imagme I am anxious to lllJ ure you ? ' Oh, only a poor man-a man who may porter at the office counter of the American mother land m love for sports Our cricket ' I don t know , when .a man is poor he most gentlemanly m'lilner had caused her not be able to wed for many a day -she House death before two years were out clubs can not compare w th theirs for our looks upon all faces as those of foes -Tlte Century lle had no idea when he married that a said this m the vague belief tnat it would do young men have not the tune to practise Walk up to the parlor and l ll find out · J;>o :i;ou know'" hat I should do it I wcr,e wife would be such a burden on his hands , him good to know that her happy love said Mr Smith which many of theirs have We are almost m your _place Howard ' ' iI don t know I m sure Somethmg un bit he realized the fact when the burden yet lacked something- ' o1 man who has few The parlor was the 111.rgest the reporter all workers at an e:irly age But then what <Was there, and therefore was becommgly friends Gerald Seymour I had ever seen It was eighty feet one way we ha' e not m cricket we make up m base c0n11nonly virtuous, 1 suppose e Gerald i::ieymour, Clive Seymou1 s son ' and seventy the other and t he ce1lmg was so ball lacrosse and rowrng ch1b~ grateful when it was removed If she had fhe mem ' I schoulcl leave tbe Guards CHAPTER I only taken the younei mcubus his son Ger Could it be possible' 'Ihat rough big sailor high that the repoi ter thought they must bets of these can practise rn spate hours for' Leave the Gua1ds 1 It was a chilly November e' enmg A ' Yes' 1 you can t afford to hve m them ald with her he would have looked back whom he had never seen, but whon his have to use a telescope to determme when it they do not need to t>pend more than ha.If an thick fog floated through the London streets quite tenderly on dear Gerty s memor~ friend Geralds father ha.d taught him to needed wh1tewashrng He sat down JD a hour rnstead of half a day as m cricket, at rismg m yellow waves from the slushy pave ID another regiment you might rub along But as i;.he had not done so he took hfe as thrnk a stupid boor Could it possibly be chair m one corner Pretty soon a tall stout a ga~e School is meetmg school, bankers ment and cm ling round the dim "\\mdows ;uth your pay and your allowance-you far as his son was concerned, m the easiest he? are opposrng brokers , lawyers bankers , lady entered the room I tbmk only a mad obscurrng the sheet lamps and chngmg to can t m the Guards Y<>s, she had answered with simple Hl.S mother s pm money Mrs Young I suppose~ asked the re and prmtmg offices are p1emg each other man w-0uld attempt to hve as you are do possible way every stat10na1 y ob3ect would educate the boy and be a slight as tender pride , and 1f you knew him you porter m one way or another Indeed durmg the As the occupant of a cab enter1Dg Curzon mg summer months the young fellow~ seem to Yes sir answered the lady Leave the Guards ' How dare you sug sistance tQ him m after life , and, gratified would not Wonder And if I have hnrt you Street hailed from a la.nd of sapphire skies by this recollectrnn, the Honorable Clive Mr Carrasco, you will forgive me, wont I have called, madam said the report be t hrnkrng of noth ng else dunn11; their ;md sun burnt plams, and only lately en gest sueh a thmg ' I would blow out my Seymour furmshed his son wi h accompl shed you and keep my counsel? I shall tell no er to ascer.tam your vrnws on questions in spare hours Perhaps it is all the better, for countered a metropolitan fog the sense of bra.ms rather than quit my regiment But look here my dear fellow, you governesses, sent him for a short tune to body at first but you vohed by polygamy and other mst1tut10ns they can do httle else m summer anyway JllOral obligation m hun must have been Uh yes, he would forgtve her if there .!£ton, and afterwards got him rnto the The taste for athletic sports though most strong to iestram all exp1ession of his sen ti can t contmu.e as you are domg You have Nav:h as the easiest and cheal:'est way of was anythmg to forgive And he hoped she peculiar to Mormonism Ah sir said the lady pleasantly as she excellent when kept w1thm bounds is hable J11ents as he shive1ed with his co it collar a lot of debts which your creditors will press rehevmg himself of his presence m ght be happy as happy as be would have took a seat I fear I shall be unable to gra to be earned to excess and become an abuse round his ears behrnd the closed doors 01 you for I speak as a f1 iend m ad vising you lie had ml8taken her tify your cur10s1ty My husband has gone So at least th1Dks President McCosh of Gerald was a stupid fellow his father tued to make her his hansom It is only aft<.ir a grngerly to face your circumstances that was all So he bowed hunself blindly M} father put me m the GJ'ards, and I would say, with a deprecat1Dg shrug of his out for a walk when he returns he will Puncetown College who rn lus address at descent on his doorstep that his discontent suppose he has as much common sense as shoulders so troublesomely honest m word out of her sight and steeled his heart to c.oubtless be glad to advise you u-ponany to the annual closing of that College the other brnke forth bear his bitter d1sappomtment and deed that there was r.o get.ting on "\\1th p1c concernmg our faith of which it may be day, took occas10n to re er to the 111creas ' \Vhat a vile climate 1 I shall never you It had been sheer restlessness the nee l to propel to say anythmg him , a fellow who would never turn out a mg number of y<.iung men un this Contment A cymcal smile cuiled the other s hp grow accustomed to it he muttered, while commumcate with some one connected with wit or 1" beau or anythmg that a father Y vur father was tradmg on his expect But I wish to obtam your views ex "\\he went to college and mstead of develop he fumbled kwtlessly with fur glo\ ed her that had caused him to write to Alger Your m ght feel proud of so the Navy was the plamed the reporter ' Mr Young has ire mg theu bra ms ended 111 dev<ilopmg only fingers for his latch key befo10 he rang the ations as many a man has done father expected to be Lord Ha1dmouth ulti fittest place for him, where tarry ropes and non Howard, askmg for the repayment of quently been heard through the press while their muscles A due proportion of both bell 1mpat1ently the sum lie had lent him and not any wish bilge water would harmomze more with !us s a 11ood May is best for lads at college bnt there 1 In answer to !us summons a dress coated mately, and seemed to have a veiy reason delicate preJud1ces than the profound social mflict pam because he hur. self suffered He fos wife has never been 1Dterv1ewed It never I hope madam that you will a ccord the deal m the tone and feelmg of public senti light footed man servant opened the door able ground for Ins expectat10n had been hopeless of anythmg 111 his own T ribune the honor of be1Dg the first to con ment at pr~sent to call for th the Presidents of Chve Seymour wide givmg sh1vermg passer by a glimpse struck hun tbat his brother after twenty diplomacy The lad bore no malice about his allot life agam until he had heard her brother s vey to the public your-warnmll' Take any half dozen-:jow1g fel· one _}ears of childless married l!fe, would of a 'vell lighted bnght tiled lofty hall ment rn life He hked the sea and he suggestion that all was not yet Jost Dal :you wish to see me' mq mred a lows you may casually meet o:d'.',Ji.c street 'Any one been here srnce 1 went out give the world an heu and 1t is now rathtr aspu ed to become a skilled sailor yet and hard for you all tl at the unexpected has small thm lady who had entered the par and their talk will very 1 kely he on some J&nkms ? w1 en he had his lea' e, he came home JOY sport or other Spo1tm,; papers and the lor q u~te noiselessly CHAPTER III Yes sir t\'I o i;i;entlemen I left their t;tken place, but that uan t be helped Your fully loud voiced broad shouldered, brown h:xcuse me said the reporter, "but :Y.Irs sportmg columns of the daily papers are oa1ds up stairs Sii One said he would call father will be Colouel Howard now till he sk1Dned and bo1stcrously glad to see e> ery ' You will be true to me, Phoobe, won t Young vi as the lady I asked for eagerly scanned And it 1s not because we dies and I thmk you ought to try to cut 11gam body and so n01sy n his deligh t that Cine you' ) our cc at accord mg to your cloth Well 1 am Mrs Y ?ung said the small, have a large class m tlus country who have Wh1uh one ? So true that before I prove myself false, thm lady leisure and means to d evote to spor ts Our You seem particularly well up m our Seymour actually shuddered at his advent Mr Algernon Howar~ sir Gerald had too much affection to beheve trnth will be dead m the world, '\\as the 'Yes, said the tall, stout lady "this is la.els are all "orkmg lads except our young aff~1r· ' All nght that his father endured his presence as a passionate reply Ye1:1 you mterested me once Mrs Y onng and so am I '1 his 1s Sophia men at college and t he-y are studymg la The gentleman too.r off his hat and divest You are sure of this darlmg? He thought it was the l interested you to the extent of over social martyrdom Mr Youngs fourth wife, wlule I am Mar preparation !or work That study should ed himself of his coat still shivenng m that way of all fathers to be al-sent, nervous and ' Sure? Would you have me swear? Then be assisted and not forgotten by assiduity m chilly un Enghsh "ay '.Ihan he sprang up twelve hundred pounds now I only mter mdifferent ·~nd on the whole he tho ight d10tate any form cf oath that seems bmdmg garet Ins seventh wife-he calls me Birdie manly sports Our colleges must turn ont The reporter was considenbly embarrmis the softly carpeted stairs three steps at a est you the length of a 11ttle goody goody his father p!l.rticularly mce It was oniy enough, and I will take it ed He might ha\ e been happy with either, student· not athletes lf both well and tune, with a lithe agihty that was un Eng talkm,ll: Well thank you for both favors when he had '1s1ted other houses and had ' J)I o no, dearest 1 I can trust your were t other fan charme1 away good bu1 the first ma1Dly must be de but I shall ne'er leave the Guards until I bsh too seen how his brother m1dd1es were weloom "ord It is not of you I am afraid , but of 'Be seated, madam said he I hM e urnnded A door stood wide open to welcome him am turned out I Now Howard I don t wish to quarrel ed home that he began to realize, w1t11 a destmy lf some poor man found a prwe called to ascertam your 'iews on the ques The room, pleasantly 1llummed by the slow dull sense of parn that he wa~ unloved less treasure and were compelled to let it What Anti-Vacctnators Want. cheermg light of a bught fire and lowered with you a quarr"1 will serve neither of us unlooked for-nay more positn ely obJeoted out of his sight don t you tlnnk he mui:ht t1ons involved by polygamy and other 111st1 gas vi as evidently a bachelor s apartment, I \Hshed to be of use +o you once for a pr1 to From that time he avoidea home as fear that possible thieves and enemies would tutions pecul!a r to Mormomsm Sc ent1fic medical anti vaccm 1tors ask for That reason no ' Oh but I ve nothing to st1.y protested preventn e med1crne m pcovement of san1 tor although there was no litter of esaen , ate ieason of my own come near it ? much as pos~1ble the small thm lady Br gha n will be m tary oond1t1ons, scientific t arnu,, of medical t1ally male belongmgs to proolann owner longe1 exists still I am about the last man :Not necessarily if the treasure were a shortly, and maybe hell talk with you It was really not his fault, the fa lber Take ship there was an absence of !emmme taste in the world to be down on any one men and a new class1fictt10n of diseases thought pettishly, that his son was no com heart that loved him and coulc'I be true But madam urged tne reporter ' Mr manifest m the handsome substantial furm your own time aboµ t paymg me , as you say, pamon to him that he would discuss But you know I am not worthy of you ;young has frequently been heard fr orn They consider ~hat vac1;mat1ou 10 no medical I can afford to wait ture as well as m the severity of the few 1 othrng that he called a spade a spade, and Phrebe lhe whole world will tell you so I throu~h the press while h1,. wife-beg par q uest10n at all but one for the consideration Algernon Howards face softened of the pubhc at large Their mot to 1s, adornments held all men to be honest and all women thmk at times it was wicked of me to seek don I mean his wives have ne er-The gentleman raised the gas glanced at T 1th tnust conquer 1f not to day then You areverykmd Cmrasco-kmder than too Had he been a true Seymour h1~ your love but I needed 1t so much, dear ' Who was 1t wanted to see me 10 the par the uards on the table, then, pushmg a I deserve to morrow S VItzeiland h s ahohbherl the Tt.en after a moment s hesita father would have been proud of him, and You didn t seek my love I loved you heavy chair towards the fire sat down m it tion he added Would you mind tellmg me would have hTed anew m his tuumRhs first I couldn t help lovmg you Yon were !or? asked a red haired freckled faced lady compulsory ~accmat10n law-and why? commg rnto the room at this Juncture with a weary, 1mpat1ents1gh Because its re vaccmated solodiers we1e found the prn ate reason that prompted) ou to help smce it must be admitted that Clive Sey so different from other men so strong and Why this gentleman 1s a reporter ex to <lie ID g1eate1 uumbe1s of s all pox than '.Ihe vo10e m which he had addressed his me' mour was growmg 3ust a little passe ancl so yet so gentle so nol Je lookmg and so true planed the tall stout lady and he hus ~ervant had a fQreign mtonatlon, the face the unvac1;10ated civil populati<.i n an<l tha!; 'Ihe elder man took a cigar from the table c1ety Just a little tired of his antiquated ele I! you did not underrate yout'self dear, I lVJ 1 Reporter th s those cantons "h1ch w 1" lie"t v tee nated on '\\ h1ch the firelight fell was foreign too a pushed the case towards his friend and then gance lie himself was clear sighted enough should not flatter you so but you leave me come t ? mter view us IS Mrs Luuy Young, my Bngham s so>wnLl well cut swarth) face with close set eyes answered slowly as he sat down and puffed to see that, ll.nd he felt v~ry bitter at so no alternative I ad most deaGhs lrom s 1 a ll p ux hetrnany wife and a quare under Jaw, yet despite the away qu1etlywill soon follow suit It is gene1ally be· c1ety s clefect1on But he bro al ways been a He kissed her with laughmg hps Lucy Young bowed stiffly and sat Mrs low foiel1ead it was not a wholly ignoble heved that the Jaw wnl not stand other si.x: ' I have no obJHction to your knowmg I favorite of Fortune and Fortune, 3ust at To be so loved I would consent to kneel c.own on a han 11loth sofa face for the dark eyes were fearless, and wished to marry your sister, and she refused the end of his game dealt llim a card with all my hfe m the dust months and the disciples of Dr Nittmger But 1f I seem to the well cut mouth had not one sensual lme me Im not gomg to be rntcrviewed she are convmced that England -will not much which he could immediately recoup himself iemember that Colonel '.Ind Mrs How.. rd If theres any rnterviewmg got to be longer tolerate this tyranmcal law whrnh about it- a strnng face ordmanly, but now Ph\ebe? I never knew of it for all his previous losses will be far more eloquent when they come tu said there was the pallm of pall! m the olive Briggy s got to do it costs annually m the shap11 of poor rates for done "No yo i didn t I dare say but many Two yeara before this story opens there discuss my poverty a.nd my unwo1thmess of 'Hello, Q;irls anybody down here want to fees of public vaccmators salanea of offici skm and the corners of the resolute 1 ps others did han visited Chve Seymour, m his baChelor their daughter see me' ais and lymph stat10ns not less than £120, drooped wearily "Well she is a precious fool-a bigger apartments m Piccad1lly, a dark faced "Well we must make common cause The enquirer was a curly headed red 718 The anti vaccmators search for the A month of it DO\\, a whole month, he fool than I thought her medrnm siezed, well dre·sed young mau agamst parental seventy Don t you expect was saymQ; and I am not cured yet 1 cheeked young lady who came bouncing ID origm of ep1dem1cs and th ir pr~entives "You musn t talk soot her-to me, at any who spoke with p. foreign accent wore a and they tell us to fight agamst ~ by "\That a fool I must be to feel hke tlus after rate I dare say she had a good reason for considetableamount of Jewellery,and brought- your father to remrnd you that you might to the roc>m very uncerernomously have married an heiress 1 ' Its a reporter come to mterview us, sanitation and have thus opentid oo..,«t!resh some thirty years of life-and such hfe what she did , in fact she told me she had no letters of mtro'.luct1on a man on whom ' I don t thlDk my father is suffic1elltly said the freckle faced lady the samtat10n b;i.ttle Dr Vogt Plofessor I gave the boyhooclllf an-.Esall_and:the man "And ~at was he1 1eason pray' the Honorable Cln e Seymour looked at fi st hood of an IShmael to pUichase success A reporter? Why, how funny ' ex of Hygiene and Samtary Statist cs, of the ' That B'he "as- engaged before I asked with some suspicion, but whom afte1 an m terested m me to care what I ao He~ 111 11nd when it came-success to have turned he1 When I thought I might wm her I hours keen and c1ose questioniog, he shook be quite satisfied with anythmg I may do claimed the curly haired red cheeked young University (Jf Berne is the person to whose so long as I starve on my own crust and lady laughmg heartily She sat down next md1v1dual exertions the fall of \accmat1on a weako1 head thrn mrne-a wlute faced girl was only anxtDus to serve her family- yon warmly by the baud don t bother him No, darlmg, he will ooly to the reporter has power to render it all vain law m Switzerlanil 1s mamly due We find understand ' With your money and your appearance thmk you a fool for marymg me and he Re rose restlessly and paced the room, his ' I rn one of the Mrs Y oum; said she m his works calculatmg official statistics on Oh perfectly ' Well, 1£ she is engaged, and a few ~mte t hat I shall give you, you will tell you so m a well bred way But bancls clasped bel md him his chm on his 1t 1s more than I or any of us know but I musn t s1y a word that is hable to be epidenncs of disease among human bemgs And will storm the town my dear fellow he then he will come to our weddmg-that i printed Brig would never forgive me if I that he has placed Sunedrland next to breast, and his lips comprcs·ed who may tne happy man be? if we are allowed to have a weddmg a.nd are said effusively and the other smiled did 1 m his fomteenth wile you kno\\ Hamburg and made 1t one of the ch ef ex ' Is this a trick of destmy I wonder he The lVIexwan gave the other from under Chve Seymour s protege was Manuel Car not compelled to make a runaway match of a.nd he a awful Jealous Oh there you are amples ID his statistics of 1871 respectm~ went on, to stnk~ a blow at the 1oot ot Ins stiaight t:yebrows a look of q 11ck dis it -and he will make you a present of some rasco, a Spama1d by descent, a Mexican by Emma Cone m dear Heres an editor who small pox ep1dem1cs Dr 01cltmann m his that sturdy self confidence of mme to prove like He might need this man as a tool of his precious old chrna that I can 11ee no birth Handsome as far as beauty or con wants to mte view us to me that l must never aspue to be l appy but he loved his mstrnment none the more recent"\\ ork on small pox attubutes mfection Em niJ. was another wife-the eighth She m a gieat measure to the wool of sheep suf and gooa hke other men ?- tor I should have for his necessity He hesitated a moment- tour and colormg went nch and well born ueauLy rn whatever and he will be gnevP.d to thmk that you a belle who might have -so Chve Se;mour said-no wonder the wa.s cross eyed but otherwise comely to fe11ng from sheep pox a.nd also to the rag become good if I had won her Yet I can and there was more at war withm him than She ~as followed by Rachel, the trade "\\here people handle old clothmg, &c not throw her m fl uence off and to the the fear of betraying a confidence-then he best society eager enough to welcome ehg1 married anybody should throw youuelf view away on his son ble married men, did the s tranger homage thud wife, who was brown.ha red and blue which have come from nests of disease The dogs for a while as most men \\ ould I spoke She slipped her hand mto his saddened by Smee exclusiye Clive Seymour took him by eyed, a nd d.imure lookmg Ibey were duly sau e author has recently wntten a work on suppose msteai I shall bear it manfully and ' Gerald Seymour mtroduced lhe reporter felt hunsdf called diphtheria the ongm of which he finds m die of it like a martyr or an ichot 'Gerald 8eymour 1 Well, that wont the hand i1nd declared himself to be his the bitterness of his sigh "I am 11ure your father loves yo i Gerald fat! er s uld and best friend the · fathers and upon to commence all over agam the food , and tells us not to seek the or1g1D His fea.ture were workmg pamfully, his stand long I 11 tell the pater and he 11 soon Why, he could not help 1t she sad mothers of n arnageable daughters.did not hands were clenched his very attitud~ settle Huch nonsense Gerald Seymour m Mrs Young, said he addressmg the m the throat but the stomach and mtestrnes lookmg up at him tenderly hesitate to follow smt What if the group ' I have called to ascertam your the throat bemg only a secondary affection seemed grief stricken but 10 an mstaht he deed 1-a fellow as poor as any of us How (Tc BE oo:trrrNUED l strauger s manner were a little brusque dre'\\ himself erect and snuled preparmg to easily you are choke i off my dear fellow l views on questions imolved by polygamy Dr Weber of Dmsburg, on the Rh me has and uncertam, and his accent most un Eng and other 1Dstitut1one peculiar to the Mor exposed P asieur s theory of moculat1on and she\\ he world the face it knew as that of a Y oil must not tell Colonel Howard-I 'the Proper Position for Sleeptu.g moos vaccmat1on of var1011s ammals Dr Barna successful man That he could, at the IIl:(ht forbid you to do so author1tat1vely I have hsh' These 11nperfect10ns were overlooked, because he was a foreigner So the matrons ' W ouldn t it be bette1 te call the rest <.if of Charleroi Belgium, has expooed the calf A German, Baron Reichenbach has occu.moment dom111ate himself "as the secret of made you a confidence which you must not fbttered round him, and the ma dens smiled us before we attempt to be mterviewed? lymph swmdle Vacc1Datrng sheep for the p1ed many years in studymg the art of bed Manuel Carrasco s power O\ er othe1 s bekay I love your ·ister, and should be prevention of sheep pox has poduced in The sound thdt had startled him mto self proud to wm her yet if Seymour dropped on him, while Chve Seymour rubbed his makrng or rather bed placmg and ma.ID suggested the eighth Mrs Young ' Pe;rhaps so, said the reportar " But creased sheep pox m the herds and haa :mastery had been the sudden turmng of the out of the way quietly but I will have no hands m a well bred way and chuckled tams that improperly placed beds will short gleefully -bnt-but how many are there of you? therefore been prohibited by the Russian door handle before his light footed sen ant strong measures used en a mans lite The portals of the fashionable world had If a mere magnet exercises an rnfluence on ' Oh we re quite a tamily said the fourth Parliament on the recommendation of Prof ~nnounced Mr Algernon Howard ' As you will But did you ever irnagiae The new comer nodded with ill tE>mpered such an engagem~nt would come to any been ope!'ed to the stranger , all London sensitive persons, the earths magnetism must Mrs Young and gomg to the parlor <lom Virchow ofBerlm The long expected work fam1hanty as he entered then flung lus cap th ng? Don t you know, for on" thmg, that was before him from which to choose a wife, certa1Dly make itself felt on the nervous life called out ' Maud Jcnme,Clara Rebecca, of Dr Abrath, of Sunderland on small pox, upon the table and sat down by the fire Re his ship sails next week with troops for and he meant to choose leisurely, and to of man ~ whatever hemisphere you may Harriet Mabel Ruth, Julia, Frances Mary typhoid fever and chole1 a, is eagerly looked was a tall shm young man, m military un Abyss1ma 9 And who knows what may marry well but "there is a destmy wlnch always sleep with your feet to the equator, Carolrne, Esther, come rnto the parlor and for, and its appearance 1s expectei soon shapeli our ends For many toilsome and let your body he true as a needle t o brmg the rest of us with you It will show Sunderland as classed accordmg dress fair complexioned as a g ul with eyes occur before his return? The reporter pmched hnnself to discover to Professor Vogt, but a ve1y hotbed for steely blue and a long drooprng colorless The unpleasant smile with wluch Alger year· he had been buildmg a c:i.stle of cards the pole moustache E01 a man his face was an un non Howard had made his last ob erv11.tion m which he had himoelf come to believe , it The proper d1re11t1on of the body is of the whethe1 he was awake There was no doubt small pox typh01d fever and cholera, ID looked so strong; so high and stately For utmost unportance for the proper crrcula about it spite of its splendid geograph10al position pleasant ona, and now its d1sagi eeableness was reflected on the others face Mrs Y onng began to stream m to thc; par and drmkmg water-nay takmg these qual was 111tensified by a hostile expression m lus No, he might forget her, or he might many years he had forgotten he owned a t10n of the blood, and many disturbances m heart, and had blmdly followed the d1etates the orgamsms have been cured by simply lor There was every variety of her :::;he it1es 1Dto cons1derat1011, one of the -vorst m eyes and an ill tempered flush that had mounted to his forehead He might but one thmg is certam he of bis subtle tuoughtful head but all at plaomg the bolster m a different pomt of the was tall short fat lean red.faced, pale Europe m times of such ep1dem1<...., Why ' I got your letter, was his first rather will not marry her I have enough mterest once his calculations were upset by the sight compass from that it had occupied Let cheeked, plump licrawn) old young sour, should t;un<lerland be so ? The anti vaccin Bulky remarl, m my sister t'l prevent that 1 he young o( a bJg eyed pale faced long llmbed girl such as have hitherto been m the habit of pleasant, vivacious stupid, graceful and ator will answer by reason of its local sam ' Yes? The monosyllable was drnwled man stretched out his long legs with an air whose name he did not know, and who took sleeprng with their heads where there feet awkward The parloi:: got crowded-why tat10n etc, but not for want of hospitals or out with an mtonation of mqmry that did of protectorship that was rnfimtely a.mus ng no notice of him He saw her m a crowd at ought to be, take the example of t he late Dr don t they have bigger parlors at the Amer1 houses of recovery She was lean Elschwester, of ¥agdeburg, who died re.· can House anyway The idea of expectmg not help the other much You Just come back to our house as if the vVestmmster Aqu:i.num a reporter to mterview Mrs Young lll a ' And you wa.nt :,: our money back ? notl mg had occurred and I wx'l help you mg on her governess s arm and tatkmg cently at the age of I 09 yeats volubly, lauglung at the clowns shuddermg Profane Swearing The most unhealthy pos1t10n we are told room not more t han 6x8 1 'I he air was " H you please all I can You are the one man I could at the feats of the ac1obats and qu t e is when the body hes due cast and west stiflmg 'Che reporter felt as if he were go 1he younger man ro e and leant aoamst trust to be kind to her It 1s pleasant tu see a crusade proclaimed Some observers assure us that to sleep rn rng to famt He began to regret he had aga1Dst t he foul, ungentlemanl~ vice of pro the mantlep1ece toastrng hunself pleasantly Kmd to her I The other .drew a long oblivious of Manuel Carrasco sex stence It was Ins destmy that this gu I should such a posture is tanta.mount to comm1t·mg ever undertaken the novel task of interview fane before he spoke agarn breath If it would be kind to die for he1, swearmg I t is all well to come down up att act lnm so he thought then and after smcide and that diseases are often aggra m~ Mrs Young ' Well l ha\ e none of it to give you then he could be kmd on the wretched fellows that boss it on the wards He had seen many beautiful women, Oh, guls, guls here comes Bnggy vated by deviations from the proper pos And now I must li>e gomg 1\Ir How Y\ here on earth should I get money at a public streets and make the air foul and tlnck He ha.d tu res cried one of the ii;irls who had been lookmg with then hideous 1mprecat1ons But t here ard flung his cigar stump rnto the grate a~ and this girl Vias not beautiful n1oment s notice' many elegant, well dressed women , seen out of the wmdow Could )'uU ~et 1t at a weP.k s notice or a he 10se then he added 'I can make my are plenty others far more blamewoi thy than ...... ~"""··---and tins girl was almost awkward and cer Deep sea lighthouses are a novel sugges ' Where? where? screamed the rest these There is the fashionable dude, m months notice? own time about the money, you say ? tamly shale b1ly clad He had seen many tion, and if practicable will save great num rushmg pell rr.ell to the wmrlows-there all Ins various developments In a great Yes and if I were your brother m ' No !*could not law neither that nor fi e t11nes as much women whose attent10ns fiatteied him and bers of lives and vast amounts of property were seven of tham- and cranmg their necks number of cases he is a swea\ mg profane ' Well that is awkward- for you this g rl d1d not e' en see him but he loved e' ery year M1 Chri~topher Anierson of to get a look at their husband Suvh a creature wlth all his :egthet cism The young mans face flushed a deeper would matter And She "as from the first L eedii England Is the ongmator of the scrambl ng and hustling never were seen be merchants bankers and mcmbe1s of Par I hope you are not tryrng to b11be me, her for all that crih1son · hour he look ed upon hei, the one women m 1 idea He proposes to build them of iron fore Mrs Young pushed crowded slap haqient with plenty Qf othc1s who think 'I trust I am ' Look here Carrasco I should feel was the lofty reJOIDder plates rneted 111to a cyhn<ler say 36 feet n ped, and scratched one another m t beir at themselves no small punk ms are equally obliged if you would explam to me what you rnongh of a gentl~man to J,I1ean to pay my all the world tor bun and 290 feet high 140 feet out of cha.meter tempts ·o secuie a view of her liege lord To find out who she was was easy He mean with 1 egard to me fo st and last Did debts If I act m tlm matt er it is rather gmlty Do these fellows know that " a See he t hrew a kiss at me exclaimed gentleman does not swear even when most for my si·ter s benefit than lll· your m followed her home, took down the number -water and 150 feet under it the centre I ever ask you to lend me mone) ? packed with corkwood and the bottom bal Mrs Young of the house she h vcd rn and learnea, terest ' No you did not xc1ted? Beecher says everyone at times hro 1gh ubiquitous all knowmg Chve Sey lasted with water and iron weights if need He didn t, either ' It was for me You a gentleman the other muttered ' D d l e\ er tell ) ou of my difficulties or swea1s m his heart We are not sure eel the whole anchored by steel wire ropes cried Mrs Young that she was a mece of Lord Hard mom w th coutemptuous b tterness as his young f.1.ppeal to J ©1\ m ~ny \my' about this At any rate if suvh 1s the fact, to blocks weighing 200 tons each placed a mouth and daughter of Colonel Boward And immediately the rest of Mrs Young fuend was sh own out Yes such a gen No cert a,rnly not let all keep their p rofamty safely locked up " And liow did ) ou know that I reqmred tlcman as I ha' o met m the gambl ng that she would be out next season, and that couple of miles or mo1e from tne common md1gnantly asserted the k iss was meant for ID that 1eceptacle And the boys 1 Heaven Even an iceberg could nots nk it cen·1e her aud t.hen ensued a "ar of words m she had not a penny rn the world 01 a pros 10oms of Santa Fe a gentleman who cannot i111Pney.' help t hem Where do t h"Y learn all the a hurncan coufd only deflect it very slightly which st ch endearmg epithets aa ' You profamty they mdulge m ' In a great num t Well it doe~ not need a magician to hve out of the Life Guards though tailots pect of l avmg one and temporarily aud waves could not rock saucy 1ade You pert mmx You mean and bootmakers suffer fm hrn taste a gen It is easy to make a girl the fash on inst ~uess that t'b:e son~ a younger son holdmg ber ot cases it must be at home But the /I. RD~nrn1s::;1o:;i 1n her l\JaJesty s Life Guards tleman who spends on suppe1s and actresses at her debttt T he Mexican .vas the fash10n 1t They could be used for Signal Service thing, and ' You ct oss old h en fig ured way t o put down such exhib1t10ns is by the post office and teiewaph stations purposes conspwuously The r eporte1 crept weauly himself and any one he srng led out fo1 the money that is not his own a gentlema.n who and gorng the pace at the same time, "ould Police Mae;1s rate makmg a sufficient e:x: accepts f11>vors and then \\ ounds the hand ob1evt of his devot10n shared the mterest he aud rendezvous for vessels or shipwrecked away from the scene As he tottered through ample of ~ome and at the same time gett1Dg b~ ilometmle~ ab a loss for money crews the hotel office Mr Smith stopped him c1eated Pretty .l:'hrebe Howard would bestowmg tnem a gentleman who deludes t ' ~nd what busrness was that of yours' the general opmwn changed It is because 1 I hope you succeeded m gettmg the 111 the so called gentlemen swear that others A.fLe1 the celebration of a marriage at 'No busmess at a ll but I was mterested hunself with fine sentnnrnts of fraternal never know how many ot the eligible offers lD ) ou once I know what it 1s to be hard affection "hile he prepares to make his sis she rece1 ved ID her first sen son were owmg Portsea Eng one of the bridesmaids name l terv.iew you wanted said Mr Smith , ' I are encourae:ed to do likewise '.l:he~ulgar A fine gentleman truly to Manuel Can asco s steady, persistent but Emily Rosellsum was tlirowrng nee over the did the best I could under the circumstances ruffians that they are, and to th1nR how '!l.P ~nd I o,fft:rf;d to help you Wae that a ter miserable newly wedded pa.1r as they .qmtted the but the fact is qu1te a number of Mrs Young t hey are borne with ' But a gentleman whom I am w1lhng to pay unobtiusive de' ot10n to her ~eadly wrong ? He loved her with all the passion of a son churnh, when she fell to the ground ap have gone out shoppmg and others were ' )'es,, a deadly wrong as ill has turned handsomely lf he does my work _ ____.,. . .... '4- ---of the South He had loved poor Pepita- parcntly in a swoon Medical assistance feeling too much under the weather to re ~uti You lent me tviel-ve hundred and his mother- and that was the best love his was obtamed but m the meantime she had cen e callers Bad re-relat10ns come from Philadelphia. eighty thre3 p,oµJ?,ds, and now you want lt CHAPTER II .,.. hfe had ever known, but beside this love expired It 1s supposed that the excitement A doctor a cellar ha.s told horrible stones )i>ack He loved every mem of the occasion affected the act10n of he In a shoe manufactory of Lynn, :Y.Iass It is to be hoped there are not many D octor ~The Houorable Clive Seymour the son of filial affection paled · Both your statements are correct " there are tlurty women all divorced wives Ha.thawa.ys ·>Well I can t pa) you and now you cau an Earl, was, like Beau l:lrummel, "the glass her of Phrebe s family for her sweet sake, heart and produced the fatal se111ure Caught ()l'er rthe lattice there clambered a vme Lts tendrils m nrabesques tenderly clung To tbe cool slender bars m tl e shade of the pme [hat sheltered us there where the song spar rows sung Jt._g s>1.veet as a rose m the pale pmk and blue Of ber thin fteecy robe with a bud m her hair /;..s fair as a tropic bloom fresh with the dew. She mused by my side m tho cool mornmg air llow wd it happen 1 I really don't know Her ll.JlS were like rosebuds-sore tempted, .C fell ii Ok nobf!dy saw 11s - I started to go Vi hen a vee voice - I seen oo an I'm dQW, to teii AN UTTER DESPAIR zo ----·· 0 .. _.

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