Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1883, p. 5

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, Pure Pari1 Green 1t J. Higginbotham· · .A(). U. W.meeL toni11ht. ' RA,iv. H. J. NorT preach in the .I:'. Mise Law, of Oahawa, 11 visiting Mla11 . A tremeudomly heavy rain feil ,hetti ~n M. c!rnrch ISRbbath morninJ?, and Mr. J . ·Saturday. · . . · · w-. Uiggiubotham, of Oshawa, in the McGill; ' People " ·ho <lo not believe in advertisements are being moved 'l'ry the B11.lle Corled Spring Elaatic uvenlufo(. We are ~leued to 1ee Mr. W. P. Prower Section Conet, at S. Ma1011. & !;ton. A VERY at1cicessful G:irdtm Party wa~ on deck again. . by the' Great Reductions when they see our Goods. Mn. ConvN oftera "Erpingham Fann" ·:ii\'en at" The l!:vergr..11111" la&t FrHay Mr. Arthnr Chapman, of Buft'alo, ia ~m FOUNTAIN for aale. Ext1mded notice next 'wt·ek. evening' by Mr,, E. G. Bnrk. The at· ,... ls now ill. irooU running order. Call and aee U. a. visit to Bowmsuville. A fine aB11ort· m ent of PreBervH and te11dll1100 was large in spite of threatening Tiiey furnish drinll:s -oool, hea1t.h-1dvln& ·and Mr. John Collin·, C. E., ia on a visit to N d C I ,,,, we11ther, and all enjoyed the occ&eion ~o refJ>eBhtng. and every 11ereOD pronounooR their J e 11tel! at the- ..,.rau eutra · .....,a, · the fullest exten&. The spacious grounds lllODA. WATE.K ahead of anything they ever hie au11t,, Mre. G11.irdner, tried. 1'ry 1 t. 'fHB uaual raiu 11'torm failtld to connect were beautifully illummared by Chine.1e ~:Ua1 'Mary Kill!our eaile for Gaagow, lut Sunday-to th11 delight of belleli and ~"tern~ ari'iaticaJJy arrangeu. RefreshScothmd, ou the l i th ltiat, . manta, ·ificludin~ strawberries aud crea.111, M'RS. \Y. R. CLnnR baa gone on a visit beau1:. ONLY throe candidates succeasfulJy weiu forni11hed ·early in the evening nnder to her frinnda .a t Colborne. passed t.h e eu~rauce examin·tion ll1 · the shRde of the tree·, the tablea beinit Mra. Weddell, of St. Thomae, ia vieilUahawn. very taetefUlly lll'r.i.nged and set ont. <ilne If cannot prove to any person who will look thl'Ough our in11. her mother and sis~erd here. A <:ORRJJU'l' a~t was perfol'rwed by the fa"uiite resort during the evening was ·n. Mies Min11ie Lockhart, of Palmerston, Board 011 Fri lay niKht-prumotlou o be beautiful bower for1ned by a lar~e m oun- stock · that we sell very cheap, we are "7illing to forfeit the is vi11iting her many friendl!I here. te11.chere. · ta.in ash, under the spreadmg branches of value of $5.00 in Dry Goods. FOGG won two fifl!t prizea for 1iwo ' GEO. ° WE j!O to press this week a day early to which Miss Libbie Milne dispAnsed de--.;--100 yards' races iu Oshawa on Dowiuiou alluw the boy 11 t.o see · B11rnum'a Jumbo a icious ice cream. The internal decoraAs 11sual STOTT & JURY are prepsred to Day-$12. Osl111wa on '.l'huraday. tious were enchanting and exceed·up~ly you with the very beet article, Their MR. aad MRS. WELLll,of Stonwall,M1m., ON tht1 4oth imt. "rooE·was blown ofl' a jngly credit11ble to Miss Milne's artietic Pans Green never falls toglve perfect saUsfac· are vi8iting Mrs. Welle' sistera, the Misse11 bam.. belougmg to Garrett Farrell on the ud decorative skill. don. 'l'r7 lt. · The drnwin~·room as al110 1' epec·nl attraction, beautiful Hamilton. 7th conce11·iou of D.i.rlin~tou. . mneic .he.inl( re1idere,d:d11ring the evcnini.: MRs. and Miss M .W1'tlRRAS, of Peter· . For cramps, · paiu in the atomach, bowel ,by Mias Milne, M iee Bounsall, Mis11 Rueboro, are ~uest& of Mrs. D. Galbraith, complllint ur chtlls, l1se Perry Davi.' P~in bottom, Messr11. E. Jt. Bouns1111, McCulQueen Street. Killor. Silt! advt. in other column. Jough and other·. The D, O. & P. Co's No. 2 Fire Br.ig:ade of this town att«>ndSuite made of ·t~i;i beet Meterisl, cut by Baud wss present and fumished abnnd· There is only one way to carry '-'ll a cash business and that ed the Firemen's Demonstration in Osh· Mr. Johueton, and ma.de by tiret ch1.1111 'lmce of choice hmsic. Mr. 1u1 d Mrs. Burk awa on Dominion Dtty. workuian, aL Couch Johnstun & Cryder- ' sncceeded odmirahly in making their ' is to cut down prices. Hev. J. Miles Wilkinson, M.A., will man. .uu.w eroui. guests of tho· evening ft1el at preaeh in tho C. M. church in this town Tux tri·l of the WHt Northumberland 'h ome. next Sabbath, July 15th. - ---- ·- --- can and secure eome orthose beaut1r111 FLCt'ft"· M1:ss WERRY, of Solina, wbo ' baa ·been electiou pP.thion has been set down for Carter's Little Liver Pille have no eqnal as a the uiuth of Ati>(n·t. Then ther~'l be prompt o.nd poo;ittvu (llll'e ror ·ick h.,..d ..che, $JtS ..i.t STO'.l'T &, JURY'S befDre t.hey ..re all 11'0r1e. Csll at once ae they are selling them viritiug friends. in town for some we~kl, mnsic. blliousne·~. Co118tip..tion, Pu.in i11 the 11ide, and THY cheap in order to clean them OUh ull Liver 'l'rm1bles. Try them. retnrneJ home on Mouday. · IL J. :&lcEwan ;vii! conduct 'a. Sabbath -------~-.... ..-_ ....~ .~ THE Band uf the 45th Battalion of lhis School Itustitute i11 St. Pllul's church next THE Ntfaon (Man .) Mo-wnfai. neer _ BDye the town furnished the music 11t the Catholic Tuesday 1md Wednesday evenings: · .All S1r11wb1:try crop is a faileure -100 much i11vited. dry weath.. r. .Farmers are b«>ginninll tr> pic-uic in Oshawa on the 2ud. MES.SRl'l. R. K. 0Rn., E. Livingstone, TH.B: T3·rone Foot Ba.ll Club defeated complain of the contniued drought. The What a great satisfaction it is to know that you can deal ~ ~~~,"~~~~~~ ""~,~~~ C.Coombe,G.A .Bingham.Giles and Harry the Maple Grove club on Dowiniun D1ty, ~rowi11g gr1dn need11 a sl10wti1· bad. l y. £owMANVILLE, FRID.A.Y, JULY 13. Chapple, teachers, wel'e in town on Satnr- instead of btiing defeated as was stilted 'fhe. Brandon Sm1, Jnly 5th, also says where goods are marked in plain figures with one price and day. the ta.in to-day will be welcome to the la11t week. no impo:sitioit. Mise E. Stacey, of St. Thomu, Mrs. Henry Fe1·gu11on - and Thoe .F. Nil(ht · farmers. TOWN WATER WORKS. Hollingsworth, of California, and Miss oh.. a. No 8, Cartwriv,ht, Mi1!8 M cNt::il, A' voice from the United States:-! have · i Bartlett,of Oslu~wa, are visiting the Mil!lee teacher eucce11sfully passed the Entrance . sutr.red for thti last 20 years with Dyspep~ia ·and Generlll Dehi!i1y' and tried In view of the recent agitation here in Percy. · Exa.111inatiou m .l:'urt Perry, ib1s direc·ion we reprint from the Ce>beurll Mn. and .M'.ns. J onN W ESL llY and Mrs. A I.El'TER wsa received from. Betheeda. mady remedies bnt with little succeBB unWvrld their views on the matter there 88 L?scombti contewplate a pleasure trip to la.st week fur publication, but it c:unll too til I used Burdock Blood .Bitters when re. . · Portland, Boston, ~ew York, · Aloany, latt1. Though therti m11y be "nothi·g too , lief WRR quick and permiment. proposed by Mr. Graham, o~ London, Saratoga and Bnffalo shortly. personal " iu it, we fail to see anythiug A LOUGH Alpena, 1'fahigan. U . S. 256 . England, Qu the same.basil! liM offered by Mns. FisHE:R, of the Farmers' Hotel, sufficiently personal lo warrant itl!I pllbliA Pleasant Acknowledgrueut. .:.Had eo11r that gentleman here : returned last wee!.. from En~lanJ, where cation. stoma.eh and mi·erable appetite for Established in the interest and for the protection o~ people " Supposing, for instance, the cost of ; she had bee.n visiting f~iends at Btiatol. MR. Taos. BRODIE'S funeral wae very '11oritlu1; Rnd i:rew thin every day I used who pay cash for their. Dry (; oqds, tlie works to be $50,000. The iuterest on ' She had a very pleasant sea voyage. largely attended. 'l'he Maso.is tur11ed out Bnrdock Blr)(Jd Bitters with the most m~· tbie outlay, to be g11ara11teed ?very year, Housekeepers should not fail t.o lay in in l(rt:a~ numbers ; brethren wert1 present rnlous re11nlt11; fi>el spland. would b~ _ $3,000. And snpposmi-( ~~e cost a. eupply of thoee cheap Gray . Oottons, from Oahllwa., Newci;stle and Oro110. 'l'he MR8. JOSEPH JOHNSON. Pittsbnr~h. of operatmg the worka should be ~2000 a ' now sellinii at Couch J olmston & Crydei·- places of bueineaa were closed dnring the Pa, . 256 year. There would have to be provided, wan'11· funeral. Ixm't you forirot H. Cingaleee Is widely !O meet running expenses ~nd pay the Rev. E.'R. Young left on Monday for HENUY CooK,a Grand Trunk brakeman, known to be the bPst Hair Henewer ever Ill.· mtereat on coet of .construction, $5000 a OctlaU Grove 118 one of the dele~atee from was !.illed at Whitby Saturday morning. , traduced to 1he public. It has never been to fail i11 n·toring and im pRrting a yaar. Towards this every cous\:mt1r in the Grand Division of Ontnio 'to attend He f~ll betweeu the tander and lint Cl\r of known be1rntlful gloosy appenrance t-0 the hair. 50 town. who wade. u11e of the water w?uld the National Division, which meets in a fast moving train 11nd was horribly oenta por bottle. coutr~bnte, by lus watei:·rate ; . and, 1rre· that beautifol suwmer watering place this 11111n1lled. Deceased was the sole support · - Neai.rly all wJ.q go t.o the'North·west, or· l..nr .11pective of a share of the ti.xation ·for any year of a widowed mothH aud h1s ~i"er. · toreign. P'?int., from t.his district. itet tl~kets We are anxious that our ·store shall rank :pnong the first, and .. . . · from Clmnti & Allen. Bowma.nv1ile. 'fhe;~: .ell guaran teed balance of shortage, no one · · . \VnILE water.courees are a matter of ' tickets 1!Y railwuy or bou.t to all point~. at< lowwho diil mit nso the water w .ould have to Messrs. Alexandt'r ~ B~yce, rela.11 dry . we .cannot expect that standard without tnking particufar 251. pay any money. '!'hen, 811 to the m11.king good~ mtirch.11nt11, of Wmn1pe~1 hav11 sett!· pressil·g iHtereet evt:rywhere ju11 t now, ·est voss1ble rates. ... - -·· · up of the $5000, all the- manufacturing ed with t.hetr creditors foi:_ OOo on the the Oshawu. Vi11dfoator has an ;.rticlt1 on pains to accomn1odate the p~ b!ic. BIRTHS. eatablishmenta, the hotels, · tbe tiret·claes ~olla!J_ 7 ,5o seour~d am~ lo.'· U;8Be~ured. someone's "milk and water couree." Has -. , 1loN1>.-- Near Rrooklin, on Dominion Day, h'ouees, aud all the pul;>Hc buildings of 'Ihe 1oc secil.-ed ts to be pa1,u 111 1nstal- anyone ~\!;t ~, whisk1iy a.nd water coune 1 e\'ery description, wonld ' be large con- ments at four, etght, and t~elve months, li',:ee Press. Perhaps rhe-W-:. D. News Call the Wife o! Mr. W.illiam n. Bond, or II d11.ushta~. · J1umers; and these, with a moderate-rate ~nd of the 15c unsecured 1 ·~c to be pa1<l slly. MARRIED. A good Baptist clergyman of Bergen, ellllily payllble b.Y every participating m ei~hteen months and 73c at twenty· B.t:.AIN- P1nmv-On Wed11eerlay, · .HiTy 4. at N. Y. , a struqgte111pera.trce man; suffered honse·owner in the town (say from $8 tu four moQths. the residence or the brides f1.ther, H elstou with kibney._trouble, 'iieura ~ia, 1111d diui· At enne. Br11mpton, hr Rev. N. Willoughby. Cheap One Price Cash Store~ King Stt·pet, Buwma1~ville. $12 a ye"r each), would, it is belie"ed, W.& resdily comply T. lilain. of '13Dwm:1n°" ille, to A-01· J,, Martin 'ne1S11 almon1fo bliudnes11 uv..r two Y"ara eldest daughter ·quite make up the gnaranteed a111ount, reque11t : of J'esse Peny. Esq., contru.cl· -. . ~ . 11fter he was told that Hop Bitters tu cure or, Winnipeg. \ ao tba.~ taxes would hl've to be levied i )lim, because ht1 w1<e afri.id of any pre-' for . ' oJeb. But if a smalf tax had to Mr James Sir DIED. be coll cted to mitke up the balance of we do n~t want your ,paper any Jonqer .j dice aigainst "Bi tors." Since 11111 c11r he siiys uUi1e n eed fea --hut trust in . Hop, MANNINO.-On the morning or Werlnes<Jay, · · · Its Bowru.anville Branch. guarantee, the acquirement of all the please to stop it for we do not think it is llittert.. 11th' !nt1t..nt. Lola : 11.f,.ud Manning, ,.ounl{llBt daughter or Mr. Robert 8. Maumng. aged 18 water we should need for ~treet-watering worth house room I r equest you publish -oF AD lll·~~· os1 ·1's MR. G~oROE · 1\foG1LL, Manager of the year~. and fire purposes, and the material re· this in your paper and I will pay you fo , Uecelverl and lr1t<.1re<;t ~!lowed thereon at the Ont11rio .Bauk in I his town, has gone for a duction uf the necessary cost of the Fire it , Mrs W Elford rat11 of l'O Ult P <>l' ·'Ont iier annum. No notice BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, und Water department, would, it is be· ., . . · well·earued holiday trip through the W 11st. ofwltlldrawir.l 1n·c"ssary. All ciapDsits p!lyable IN T HEon iieru11.nd. ~he Ref~1 me1 say~ t~e 0 a Fire Mr. :McGill makes a capital' · wanegerJ lieve<l, make the enterprise a very good investm1int for the town. And if ii\ any Briga.de will be re-oiginuze i;,ext week being courteous and ubliginK, and while Corr~cted up to 1 o'clock p,m. e"11er11 Thursday Cl~rke E~; ~_: HANGE BY J. &D. McDOUGALL. year the. proceeds amounted tc 10. per The pay of 't~emen ~111 be $ l o per year, he c~refully w11tches O\'er a.ud gnards th~ t f BolJghto.nd eohl MHl 1 >rMte issued upon Eur<'pe -0ent., say $5000, together with the. cost and the Brigade .will be composed of iuterests c,f the inetttution, he is a.ff.. ble Flour, per 100 lb ...·. . $2 75 .. to .. $3 Ot QUn Y 0 Ur am. United Stateo (l j\(l Uanatla, alsoGold,Silver and -0f runnin~, our guarantee would come to about 26 m en. The R!formel' aleo says and accommudating to customt:rs and en: F1tll Wheat, per busn. . . . 0 95 .. to , . l 00 , - -· - United Sta~s l' ·-e1'n b>1.Cks bo111<ht- and sold, an end for ever, 11 nd we should· 1111.,6 all the stock of Mr. G; H. I edfar was a·~ld to joys the highest It'spect, conlidence and SpringWheat, per bush. 1 00 .· to . · 1 (l{i Pursuant to the judllement of the Chancery CO J!, ~. ~,; CTJONS the benefits of the works without any Mr. McDona.la, of ruronto. About $2,000 tisteecn of all doing bmnness at the bank. Rye, per buahel. · .. · .. · · 0 58 .. to. · 0 GO ))lvis101\ or the High Court of Justice ma<:le In . CODD ve. AU.AMS, there Promptly mad" at "'·lere nt rates 11pon ell parts a certain o.ction of liabihty for cost. , , worth sold at 78 cents, an~. the b ..lauce Oats,p~f bushel, ······. 0 40 .. to .. 0 45 'lflt is the common obsei;vat1011 that the will be sold bv ?11hlic Auction With the e,ppro· of Grett.t flrittt>iu, th<> United State~ and Do· It is impossible te> describe the comfort at. 70 cents ?n the d,.ollar. 'Idhe real estate standard of natural heslth aud 11-0r111a.l Peas, Blue............. 0 70 .. to .· 0 7!) bation or 'l'HOMA.S HODGINS. EsQ.; Q. O.. minion or Caut1da. of a good system of waterworks, pro!)erly will be reta.med by Mr. Pe l&r. " Bl:ickeyes.. .. · · · · 0 75 .. to .· 0 80 Master in Ordinu.ry of the Supreme Uourt or T C I t'.et · . .. I 'I' activity, among American women is be· ·for Ontario, a.t t he RUEBOTTOM ·\JJ l t·ans'f'e1·w ,, Small. · · · · · .. . · . 0 'i'O·· .to,.. 0 75 Judicature and eucceasfully worked. To be sure, THlt Strawberry and Ice Cream Festi- ing lowt1red by the influence of falee ideas HOUSE. in the '1'own of Bowmanville. In t.he M .· 1·ll. snms on all parts· of mos' -people have cisterns ; but the com- val given on Tuesday uight by 1he Sons and Jtabits of life, 1111gendered by f11sh· Barley_, No. 1 ···. .· .·. 0 50 .. t o .· C 55 County of Durham, by S L'EPHEN OHES1'l~H· J ade for l,n,r~c 11 " xrr1 FIELD Auctioneer on Canada. . 1 h rn ,1'· c· pecially advanr.ageous lo ,, No. 2... · ·. . .· 0 45 ... to ... 0 50 fort of ha.Ting all the water one wants, hot of Temperan.:e was a ' fair sncctss. '.!.'he ionable iguorance and lu.x:uriouil Ii viag. · · pert1oi.e hvm1e m ' l 1tmLob1 .· or the North·west No. 3. Extra .·· 0 40 ... to .... 0 4'5 and cold, in any room in the house, simply attendance· was uot lar~e, but th~ affair It is a. h~ppy circum.s tance that Mrs. 'J J 11.Rlt'l'l1<kesthe luniis avail11.bleatonce i.t the 1 " by tn.!ning a tap, is , so great that no one was very pleasant throughout. 'l'he . pro- Lydia E. Pinkhaw hal!I come to the front BY JOHN MoMU~TRY. f pl~:: ~~~~~~ ~:~·tim11ars call at the Banking '.Who once experienced it would ever ag'ain gram rendered was mostly very i;:ood. The to instruct and cure the suff~rers of her . 'Butter, per tb. best table.· O 15 .. @ ·· O 16 J J J Houae. '1'. lHtOUIF~. GEO. McGILL depend upon a cistern. · F()r bath-room einging by Miss Munson, Miss Gill>ert, sex. Lard, ti" tb ............... 0 13 . . @ ·· 014 AT 12 O'CLOCK, NOON Accou ul.u.ot. Man'a.rer. and for stinitary purposes the water-works aqd the instrumentals by Mrs. Scarff and We beg to acknowledge from Mr. S. W . E ggs, i,8'Joi:.............. 0 H .. @ · · 0 16 The following valuable Mill Property, vlz:2i>Hy. syetem ie urmvalled; while the ease with the Misses Climie were loudly enco1ed. San den a mess of early pol a toe ~ of very oti..toes, per bushel....... O 25 .· (.(9 ·· 0 30 Tl1e Flouring 11.ncl Gristiug Mill .known as ADvhich lawn.11 ca.a be watered, dusty streets The read.jugs by Mr!. Jeff~ry, Mr. R. C. 'large size and excellent qna.lity. They .AMS' NEW-MILL. with theprivfieges thereto OOMS TO U E LET FREE to a attached, situate and being on Lot No. 24 in the sprinkled in. front of yo ur house, windows Sinclair and Mr. Sanderson were well re- seem to be full grown and wer& nice and Ma.rl'icd ; :oaple \Vithout incumbrance9 2nd Concession of ~he Township or Clarke, w ! Lh to or a!tch on ...,. 11crso11 aa will attend to the Mrs. Jtitfery po!llesses splendid mealy wh.in cooked. We give Mr. Sand ers -0lea.ning, and other comforts secured in ceived. about l t acres of Land befonging ther1ito. more Cl!'.aning ..n<l K '.:epinL.; of Lhe office. CODD & fnlly described in the Mortgage registered as CO., l:IOWlll!lll \' ll 'L. tne dirtietion of freshm18's, cleanlinesl!l and elocutjonary t11lent11 and always corumand11 credit for the first and best potatoes of 2.58-tf No. 3.t 9! which will be produced at time ot aale. ooolness, are so great that no effort, it attention. A duet by Messn. Brea.don 1883 received to date. He jf,forms STYLISH YOUNG DRIVING 'l'hc Paid mill is.quite new and 2t storeys high, 11eems tu us, would be te>o great to pnt and King ga.ve great satisfaction. Rev. t h at they first used new pot11toes HORS1'· and n. new Milch Cow toraale. frame with stone foundation, 2 runs or Stone une Apply OUSE A. .~ D LOT FOR SALE. to E. N, V ARN UM, lot 26, con. 6, D1<r- wilh a never failing i:'.ltreant of W&ter. and is forth to secure tlie boou. H.J. Nott. gave a timely and very snges· 2!lth. 'rh11 gi vea au ide11 of e rii.pidity lingto11, Sulfoi., P. U. One anw l)f lrtlld 011 which is a Frame . 269-Sw* eitu..ted on the North side or the Kingston We believe" majority of the ratepayers ttve temperance address. The humorous of yegetable gro11th iu thi6 "Canada of Hou,·e, bei11g 1mn uf lot 17. con. l, Darlington. Road. a.bout 1,1- miles from the ctinter ot the Dn .l<ront ltot<rl. Jl t<illus west 0 1 :ttowma.nville Village or N ewci;stle. 'l'he purchb8er will be iu·e in favor of acetipti.uu the proposal be- recitation at the close appeai·ed to be fairly ours. " TEAM THRESHING MACHINE required tD pay at the tinre ot tho s11.le to the 'l:erma e11.sy. A 1·PI> t·> R. H,.W.A1'l:l0N, (.)our: fore them. We hope the report of the done, but the conversation was not heard · CHEAl' ExcuRSION. - Anotber cheap exm first-class order fDr iiale cheap and on Vendor's Solicitor one tenth o! the purohatm t1ce, P. 0 . or at 'TA'l'h:B:ll.i.N office. 2J9·tf. ()ommittee, as to the probable number of mortt than half way down the hall. Our· cursion by G. ·r. R. to Toronto and f'liRY terms. .Apply for parL!culare io JOllN money, and the balance within one Ualendar MAR.SHALL, H11mpton, or at this OFFIGK Month thereafter, without Interest lntD Cou rt CODBl,l~~~ and the rev1mue, may be auf. r eportflr was absent d uring the rendering Niagara Fi.Us on Tuesday next, 17th inst., 259-3w ARM Fott ~,\ LE. -'fhe North Hal f to the credit of this action. The Vendor will ricie1'l-t;lµ~vorable to warrant the Council of the other parts of the program. ot J,Dt l!l, C nn I ua.rhngton. 95 acres c.iearonl y produce such deeds or other documents of uuder the ~uspices of the C. M. Sabbath TTENTION.- A WANT SUl'PLIED. title as are In b.is pos~essiDn. 'l 'he other con· od, Soil. sandy :o.un. 1'hc r..rm is well fenced in oraering the preliminary survey. If School, Cobourg. To 'l'oroot o 11nd return and In a good elitt" m' .::ult.ivatlon. Good b!lild.All persons having Lawn Mowers1that dltions ot ea.le are the standing conditions o! this chance be throwu away, it is ·not Bowm11uville only 80c.; Newcastle, 85c~; want sharpening or r epairing would do well to the said Court. F urther particulars 'lmd con- !ngs, nice orct· l'd of choice gralted fruit and VISIT TO :SOWMANVILLE. ' likely another so·favort1.ble will ever offer abundancfl or' KOIHl water, It is bea.utiruUy Oshawa, 75c. 'fj the Falls $1. 25 extr~. co.II on thi> !lUbscriher . He iis prepared to war- ditions of 811.le can be obt11ined at th1i J.aw situated 'withi n 1·~11 minut.es walk oi thA v111a.ge rent them to cut every t.ime or DD p11v. W. H· Offices ot Messrs. UAMERON & CASW:b:LL, again, We in"'*r no debt, we issue no . 'rickets good to go on early Local train of Hampto11 w 'w"" there A.re Cheese Factory Gt King Street East, 'l 'oronto, and to 81:. JOHN 259. WILLI.a.MS. Bli;ckst11ith. debentures, - we only pay yearly what Specialiats from International Throat H. HU 'l'CHl~80N. Bowmanville. Solicitor, or SchoDl. Chn1c 1.. ·1>, l'o·t·oillce, l:ltores, Black'. only ; excursionists can return by any ·the proceeds come short of paying ex pens· and Lung Institute, 173 Churoh St., Toto J. K. GALBUAJ.TH, Solicitor, Bowmanvllle. rnuth shop Grist t·Hll, &c. &c. This is one ot the best gr!lv.in,; farmB in the · rownship. Poe· es and providing a very reasonable rate of ronto, will be at the Ruebottom Hon11,e, train up to Wednesday night's latest. NOTIOE.- Thc Annual M eeting of the Dated 30th June, 1S83.. eession to Plcrnttll ><'ler h:lrvest. Apply to l e11ves Bownumville station at 7 :25 Upper Canllda Furniture Co.. will be held jntere~t on the CHpital which the oompan.y .Bowma nville, t_ wo days, July 18- 19. ~'l'le 'l'ram .ronN H. HUTClIE&ON, N. McLEAN. JAM gs Sl'U A lt'I\ Ut· bourg, or I. L. BROWN a.m. at the Uompuny's oft.ice In the 1'own or Bow- 8'1'.Vendor's' Solicitor. Chief Clerk on the vron· i b ·JO 2~R-tf. spenda. lf we can't undertake a lia.btllty surgeon11 will have with them a supply of TttE officers, teachers aud a few frieiide m an ville. 011 Sarnrday .July the 21 ~t. 1Lt h,.lf· M ..~tel"110ffice. ast two o'olook p.w .. for election of Directm·s like this, with the promise qf so much Spiromeiers, the inventi1JJJ of M. Scinvielle, of St. P!lul's Sabb .. th School held a picnic nd other buslne~~. l!y order, comfort and advant1tgoi, we may 111 well of Paris, the ex-Ahl S urgeou ot the Frt111ch ·at" l!:rpinghaw" 011 Tuesday. A very 1' ' . 1". M cA.R'L'HUR, aettle down to ihe ordiua.ry wake-shifts army, for 1he cure of C11tarrh , Catar rhal onjoyable afternoon was a pent on· Mr . ,_ _B _ o_ w _ n_ 1a _n _v _i_ lle _._J _u _l_ y_ 1 _ 2_ 1_ 883 _ . _ _ _M _ IL _ llH _K _ e_ r._ of vill11oge life for tiver. 11 Deafness, lirouchitis, .4-sthma. and ConThe nndet> ·i1t·H·11 otfer to rent the following aumption. Consultation and a. trial -of, Ootton'e pleasure grouDds. A capital Pr<;>Pertr :;-'ri.,,,1 en· ellpn~ !(l'lilllngkgr11.in farm, AGENT FOR THE srng '\Ve may add, Mr. Graham's offer has thti Spirometer fr1>e. Don't fail to see past was served by the ladies. bemg lot 22, coo. ~. flarhngton. containing, 200 ACtthl::!, on w 111.:ll ·re good buildings, orchr"sentatinn been rejected by the Conncil so far on the the suri:eo1111 while here, a.a they make a part of the program 1rn~ Champion Single Plow ard, well wat1·::t!d., e tc. g rounds of expemie, We understand the spe<:Jialty of diseases of ~he head, throat 10 Mr. and Mrs. j.J6tfon of a beautiful a.nd Port Perry Ga.ng Plow, Aleo 'from W .fllJQ t.u l!(),000 good Cedar Po~ts a nic~ ·fram e Tba,t Excellent Grain and Gr~zing Fa.rm, for ·ale. 1!'01 tu II p.irt ioulars apply on tbe matter is still being a~itated and it 1" not 1snd lung·, and i.re currng thoua!lnds of port1·a.i~ of Queen Victoria 11r~miHe& to J . W. fl. A UNI.JEN, or It. HARNtheir i.:reat k mdnees m olformg the knDwn as "Erpingham," consistlnic or 160 Sulky Horse Rakefor . ·. ·' cases e vP.ry yell? that have been ~1ven up 255-tf, DEN. Bowm.-·n'!lltt, P. 0, unlikely the Council may be reque11ted'to to <tie by doctors lu general prac~i'·e. free USt! of 1heir1:trounds. Mr. Yellow lees, , A<ll'CB, well fenced. well watered and in ftrs · warranted to be the best, 1 auperint1indeu t , made the presentation. ~;~~s;~~:;:,~c::i1~ ;:.~~.· :,;;(~ ~~:~.rru1t orch· l,'e ·cor.sidl'r their determina1ion and µer · Crowd11 are visiting them in every town 1 l'HE Brooklin Ti.mes O'ives a lengthy re· 'l'lw1·ti are large form bnllrl ngs, cellar stablos Horse Hoes, Reapers m1t Mr. Graham to bring his engineer and city. As proof of our·wo~aerful cures 0 · · h 1 _1 under ueath tor stock and titOrllge or l'OOtll, etc. · · D and other Implement6. f D &y domgs 11_ 1 t at oy.w 'l'hero Is u. rolling dam on c1 ·eeK near build· p1Jrt o omin1on here to make the necessary aurveye, ~c., we .would refer_yo11_to Mr. S~1ke, Har~o,~100 acres, more 01· i'!ss, beinl( the South 118.1 · f h d d d II · ~m1th, P. 0., uear h ere, Don:mrnphon ; count.ry town, and among iht1 many ni ce Imes, (no e;r;:pen!lC ror p~s' six years) and a RESIDENCJE.f:- WclllngtoJl l!!t~t., Row· ot Lot H . Cu11, l . DMJington, well known as und er a f 11rf e1t o one 1rn re o a.ra m H. M:ihie, . Klngston, .Asthma; Mr. De thinos said about the ev·ning concert we br~ast whtel. erected wllh force pnmp that the ··JA.M.1<;::; n ,., ' 1'.i~i:l 1"AHM." This 1s one or . "' . " . r ..1ses water 00 feet to reservoir which snp- man1·u1e, where samples 11111.r be fftln. tbe event of the town not accepting hi11 .Boucherville,Vtta.w11,Catarrh; E li Caver- cbp the followtng: Miss Byrom, of plies water through stock stables, dwelling Hie be&t unl11Htt'f.·~t Rl'>.·ln rarms Int.he country. If farmers wanting Plowe ol' Rakeri will send Ihel'e 1tre 011 ho p ..am1oes good dwellin!f house propositlon. ly, Aylmer, Ont., Coturnmpt.ion; J. D. Bowmanville1 nic1i ly executed two ·ir111tru· ihrou~hout and to boiler arrangtid In wCIOd· b..rns ete.ble~ v.no.l 1ltlnir necerti14ry bmldmgs. . h I f f b shed fol' driving stel\m through stock stables. card I will deth·er thlllll "" thalr 1'611· a post Arml!tronir, Toronto, Catarrhal Dl'afness ; men taI s wh ic gave amp e . proo o er 'l'his i·roee88 or steami11l{ teed for stock has identle&. good orcharu < !«tilt<i11 i111C excellent variety of !;\l. fruit; well Wnt ,~rmi : well fenced and in first Geo. Agar, N e w Edinburgh, Bronchitis hii;lt attainmenls as a tnusiclall. Mr. R. b1i.eu n·icd six ye11ra .11.nd h11s r>ruved a gteat Proof ETerywhere.- lf any invalid or aud Lung ·Dieea.ee, And thousands of juet K Orr of Whitby Col lust. "I.Ive 11 read· saving arrd ahm a.cap1t11.~ thing for mUcb euwe. clus state "I "11: 1 ivaLion. Situated within 10 . · ! · ' "' .A .ft1·8t-claee Dairy Husmees nas been carried ~ick person has the leastdonbt of the powminutes' walk ol U< H·' uu·nville, a most desiraat Wouderful curel that we conld r efer to. mg w htch wa11 carefully prepared aod well· on ror rears, rrom 25 to SS cows bw111i kept, ble · J oc&tion. Tr r ul8 htJt1ral and made to e=and efficacy of Hop BiLters to cure then., suit the purch " "·" Applp to GEO. IJUBSON recliived. Mr. l,, C. Sinclair, of Bowman·· and the business Is incre1uln11 ye~}Y· 'l'herti For particulRrs \vrite te 173Church :Street,.. they can find casea exactly like there own Jf yon will return this SllP.. with 25 cents, or Ju .. ou the 111·, ,,,iq.-~ or 1i by letter to Box 210' ' II h · h' l t' d bei'>ll several acres D! rich "J'tate through Torouto, or 13Phtllips' Rquare, Montr~. VI e, WM appy m ti two so ec 101111, aµ 'which runs lllivlng st.ream i.coe881ble from ll threo·cent sto.m.J,>B, wo will ~end yon by mail Bowmanvillu, .Out.. 256-tf, ' n1oigbborl1ood, with proof positive that post·pald. aa hegumh·IC. a beauurul Cbroruo his renJ erin'C w&a nev.:r excelled, if equal- every ftel~ on both si~es. th.i~ rarm a:tl'ords the· they cal'/.. be easily and permanently eure'1 - - -- ·-·- -led . oofore a Brooklio sudie nce. beet t&01t,1tie11 for tlus bn·tnese. Only halt a C1<·ket Clllltaining JtlO rnat Melling arUdeA. 'J'hese goods are need In every house In the B LIO ~· OT] OE . - Whereas my pro· · ' . :' mile from th" town of Bowman .,llle. at i·ti::.iAing coat- or a.ak your druggist or One of Many. - Mr. It. W. Carmichael, ;;e-Every color of ·t he Diamond l>ye11 Wil! sell the whole property including 'wo ooun1y. and the 11e.le of which will bring JOll 'perty h... l>e··u ·W<>r·run b,. trespassers tor physician. . . Chemiat and Druggist of Belleville, wril;ee In, honorably, over l!'lVE dollars )ler ~ay, t~ ye,.re a11d m~· 1mprov1imeutis for ftH hing 11 verfect Unequalled for 1-tilliancy d"'·e!lml{ 1-Dnees conve1a!ent to barns, or will GmrnNw1cH, Feb. 11' 1880. aa follows:- Your Burdock .Blood Bitters · · . · retun rrou1 20 in fO acres 111 may be agreed ant;! not occupy more Shan h11.lf your time, r.li.waged and ·l<» ti'f·Y·1t.I. I now forbid all per· Smtable tor both stxee. lf yon <to no' wish to aona, youn1<, or " id, "·Y owu fa.wily excepted, Hop Bitter'· CQ.,-Sire- 1 w:.a giYen kaYe a attiady aalt", are patronized by the See. the eamplea of the colored cloth at upon, with on" o! tho llwellluge. 1' ' or 11ale ulso ~ ac1·ee t11 llJ'e 7 eonoc.eloa o,t gr11.!p your fortune, kindly Bhow thle ehp lo· ti'Om t11hlnic, Lri.l'IJtnK. lmntlnic or other gamup by the doctorl! to die of Surofula eon· beat fM11ilie1 bere and aurro11adiu~ ooun- t be dru'1gisll. . JAMES . . Darli111(to11, j u11t 811 rods west ot 'Golde Bnart\. !riend, male or female, that 11eed11 a helplsig IDir on any imr1. uf my 'prope:tJ · sumption. 'l'wo bottles of your Bittere try, and all atteflt to ite Tirtuee with un· For Pure Pant Green go to J, ·H1~ 1' ' or lull particulars applJ kl S'l'EPHKN h&11d. 'fhl1 may be your la1t oh11nce. 1.>on'\ W'OODLEY delrq. A. W. KUJNEY, Yarmouth, )l', 8.... 1 '!'yronc, Mar~. 11183. 253-2m. hotbam & Soll. 001"£0!11, llqwmanTillti. M cured mil. · · · LEROY BREWER. q~au6ed aali.faotioa . · 200 THIRSTY? R U . ,, -c-- · Local and Otherwise. &. Son. will STOTT & JURY'S THE. CHEAT w, PARIS GREEN. ONE LADIES, - . 'B !ftanadian$ iatsaman ..-. p A.· DI.CKSON'S At E'1 jCon~~es~od~ ~l~!r~~~~~g~~~nt JUDIC-IAl S FLQ UR I NG MIL L· h Township of D C· in the 31 t f JI 1 ·003 -uesuav, S uaV 0 uVI . T New Advertisements. R A H S A F ERPINGHAM FARM ,FOR SALE. W.H.PIPER, F AR!v:!S 'r O RENT ... !n Good .F arm for Sale. YOUR FORTUNE! pu l I

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