KIRBY P. 0. CLOSED. .( · -· ilome Itema. -"All your own fault .The report .of I~epector Hodgspn ~ho 1! you ren111.ln sick when you ~n VIBlted the Hu~h Sllhool here for the firet , Get hop bittelil that.never- Fail·. time on Ma.y ZSth last, has , been Bellt tci> rhe w.eake~t woman, smallest. chilb,· aud the local Board of Education. A few fact 11 11cke11t tnvahd ~an uee hop b1ttere with from the report are of J.leneral interest amd sa.fety aud great go'?d · are as follow· : ' ·· -: 0 Id ~en t ottermJ? around from Rheup · · · ,., E mausm k1dney trouble or any weakne's ItOFIClENOY OF vLASSES XAl!INED.- ill pe al 11 8t b . h d'tte (Protici"ncy indicated thus:-1 excellent· w ~ ? new Y na1ng op i re, 'ddl' , b d' . . ' . My wife and da11ghte r were made 4 2 ' gooc1 ; 3 'm1 5 ' very h ltl b' t h mg; . ' " ; f h b' t bad.) Latin, Greek, German and Algebrfl, ea 1y y e nee 0 up I ter11 81;1d I 2; French, Arithme.tic and Literature, 1; I ~~c~Oliend tliem to my people.-MethoReadin~ and ·P enrq'lns hip, 3 ; Dictation, 18 ergymkan. 2 to 3 ' " Ae any goo(l doctor If hop · Bitters are not the best family .AccOMJ\IODATIONS-Are wretched ·, the medicine on earth. · rooms are ill-arranged, ill-ventiluted and Malarial- fever, Ai.?lle and Biliou11nesP too small. I do not aee Iww the teachers will leave every neighborhood as soon a:i, and pupiis, breathing ~he air they have·tO hop bitters arrive, . . ' breathe, can rAtain their health. There is . '. '-My mot her drove the paralys\s and imperative necessity for the erection of a neura.lg1a all out of her 11ystem ,wit h hop new H igh School. bitters. "-Ed. 011wego smi. , hood if the prayer of the petition ie not 01tGANIZATION-Mr. Tamblyn teaches -K1oep the kidneys healthy with. hop EUY ~HE granted. The fact that wv fend between all the Language" (Ancient and M odern) bitters and you need not· fear sickne89· thirty and forty copies ot the STATESMAN and Upper Enqlish. , - Ice water Is rendAreCI harmless and r~ every week to regular t!U bscribers at Kirby Mr, Millar teaches all University and ~::,~~h~. and revlviQg with hop bitters in each THE ilEST V"LVE WAlCH Iii TH[ WORLO shows that a lar~e tl'tmber of farmers and Jntermedii.te and some of the lower -Tile vigor ot youth for the aged and ln!'111m FOR THE MONEY. others are· patrons of the office. The Post- classell. (Mathematics.) in hop bitters. Mr. Pascoe teaches lower English with > - - - - - -- -. .· :rn11ater G"neral should givo orders for the ·immediate re-·o pening of the oftice, and Chemistry occasionally, Botany and foter- 1. I !IRFEC TION AT L.~s·r.- P!lbhc attention thereby prevent much inconvenience. The meil iate History and Geo~raphy . lll d1rected to a ne~, and impro~ed . co~~ income aa given in the Postmaster GenerE S'l'IMATED STANDING o.F THE ScrrnoL.- .and wo?d stove,, . The . Com bmahon, al'a report for lJAst year for post ofl:i<;ed in English Department I.; Mathematics I , to em~odyrng the prmc1pl~ of a self- feeder, this district is: Kirby, $!>6 ; Leskard, II.: Classicd, II.; Modem Languages, I . havrng a r~und cast:uon fi~e-pot, by $164,16; · Kendall, $190.88 ; Orono, · . · · . means of wluch a contmuous tire can be r~ad~~g kept on, the constH~1ption of fnel being s sole BR<mt i n this l"<lality for these celebrated $770.80; Newcastle, $1,203.39; Clarke, ( R~)M~Rl~i·~Inl thls Soho~! tl~et 1 0 Wt\tohe3, lf you want, a correct time keeper $208 50; Port Granby, $47 .36 ; Osaca, orll ~ angua~es · aug m. . e less th11n in the ordinary cook stove. To ,a i>rncure a "Lancaster." · ..,. 2 57 p l 9 ~9 3n El' Upper F~:m~1s ls reruarkable for precm<;>n be haJ only from Mannin" & Nosworth · Another nice assortment of silver and plated ...,o · ; ontypoo · mos.' ~ · " i iza- of enunciation. and accuracr ? f emphas1s~ Call and see it. "' y in all the late2t designs, juet arri\'ed at beth ville, $76. 7!> ; Cadmus, $93; Cresarea, Mr. Tamblyn ; \n my upinwn, succeed- _ , 111 M"yn ..rtl . 'l'he repairing or line watches and Jewelery a $66.77 ; . Cartwright, $404.67; Lotus, ing in his efforts to maintai n the prevwu&· ,.. D~AR Sm,-Enclo1ed plea~e find ~11pecialty at Ma.)n111'ds. $63 07; Shirley, $31.23; Burto11, $3L.73; ly at tamed reputation o( t he School. 15. m pavment of C'. ombmation Cookmg Competition deiled. Gold and Silver plating Yelverton, $27. 02 ; Entield, $34.40 ; En· , Stove. My w1fe dAs1res me to say t hat ehe done , niskillen,,$422.38; Solina, $67.79; T.i.un----finds it all you repre~ented · it to be and ton, $.62.4.1; '.l'yrone, $170.i>4; HowmanSCHOOL PROMOTIO.NS. that it answe1·s her mosL sanguine expectations. fhe fire keeps in , all night withvill_., $4.777 .95. A meeting is called for Saturday night The following P romotions have been out any trouble. The bot water arrange in the Kirby 8~hool·house, to which all ml\de In the Public' Schools of this t own : ment an s WH d perfect ly. I t will give meil We have just received· a LARGE CONSIGNMENT of interested parties am invited. Half-past ]f1t0n l.\bss CoLEMA.N"s DIVISION TO great pleasure any time to give my iesti11even. Mrss HAMBLY's.-M. Yellowlees, A. Mc- monv to the efficiency of your CombinaBOWMANVILI,E, FRIDAY, JULY 13. Milla.n, .Beatrice Gage, Annie Russell, tion S.tove, GY.o. CLARJ KE. , 1\1. Cockburne, Fred fames, Willie Cann, Li-quor 'Jrea Company. CANADIAN PRESS EXCURSION. Sm H EcTOlt LANGEVIN is acting premier Obas. Goodmi\n 1 Chas. Johns, Frand · NEw TIM E TABLE-Our r eadere will · in the n.bsenne of Sir John Macdonald. The twenty-fifth a nnual mectiul( of the Allin, UlysstB Wilcox. Direct from. t he Pottery in England, which en~bles us t o offer Jl'RO!I! Miss HAMBLY's 1·0 Mrss THOMAS: 'take notice that · tne G. T. R trains now The oaly minister at present in Ottima is Canadian Press Association will be held -Frank Windsor, Bella Allie, Geo. Mcas follows, town time: Gonw WEST-· , u.t the City of Mont.real, in one of the .Sir Hect,or Langevin. fir~t claRs goods a.t the very lowest prices. We are sh owing spa~ious parlor~ 'o f the Windsor House, Kowan, Wm · .Hr<'wn, Arthur Cawker, Loe.ii, 7 :25 a.111.; Expresu, 9 :30 a. m. ; Norman Bellman, Carrie Chttrry, Ethel Mixed, 3 :25 p.m.; F:xpreas, 7:05 p.m. on Tuesday, 7th August, at 10:30 o'clock W.f.uL~, we in Ontario were being del· r -Express, 8:25 a.m. ; New a. m ., for the election ..of ofiicers for the Morris, iiaud Flemings, Fred Mason, Gorno E .As· 11,geti by min Oil Saturd11y1 t.he citizens of ensuing year and the transaction of ge'lera.l Roddy K ilgour, Eddy Silver, John lling- Fast Express, 8:30 a.m. ; M ixe:J, 3 :25 Pham, Jesse McQlunl(1 ~-~~fr!)wi11 1 M innie m. ; Local, 7:05 p.1ll., ~he Fast Ex:p~ees New Yori{ auci i>hilaJe!ph{a were 4ei.12g busineea <f the Association. lle between 'lorl'he following outline of the trip for Fielding, Phillipa - Alexander, Bennie- calls only at Bowm!lnv1 stricken down with the intense heat. ·~ this ye~ i· ~·en ;:-TQronto tu Montreal Steine, Nettie Dempster, Josie Williams, onto and Cobourg. Sever~ ! cases of sun-stroke are reported. 1u Pullman carli_ . by night express, on Tatty Brittain, Annie Da.vage M abel' Markham, L izzie \Vakelie, Emfuu. AlexJ>xdtccl Tl101uauc1s.-All o·ver the land ar)l Monday, Otlf August ; all go to Windsor d going into ecstasy over Dr. King's New Di sco~ HoN. JAMES You!rn's majority in the HouBe, breakfast on arrival; annual meet· li!ji:~s THOMAS' TO MRS. FRASER'R.-0. ery for Co~eumption. 'l'helr unlooked tor North Brant election oveL· bis Conserm- in& after breakfast, continriin6: in session · H · cnveay by the timely Ilse of tbie great life And _ a : large and a ttractive stock of tive opponent is 551-just 211 more than until 2 p. m.; 'lunch ·at 2 o'clock, to be Mayer, M . Grant. E. Batnng, A. ames, Saving remedy, cauees them ts go nearly wild followed by a drive through the oity under C; Nichols., V. Brhlgman, B. Jewell, ~· in its praisa, It Is guaranteed to positives i n 187!>. M owat certainly won't go if escort of Montreal jo_unalists . Leave for Carr, M. Borland, \V. 'Weir, E. Dobson" curo Severe CoughP. Colds, .A.s hama, Rayl i his state of public se11timent continues. Quebec, prob.ibly by steamboat, a& 7 p.m., E. Keys, E. Brown, '\V, Welah, L . Fletch- Fever, Broncblt1s, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice taking suppe.r on board. Arrivt:i at Quebec er, A. Cockburn, L. Morris, W.l\forrison, or any aff'ec tion ,Of .the Throat an d Lungs. n &; Son's Intendi!lg purchaf>ers will · do well to call. Tlilil U~iversity of New Brunswick has at 7 a.m., Wednesday, and transfer to M. 'fhickdOil E. Ga1braith,. A. Cobb, '1'. 'lfrlal bottle free at J, I-Ii lnbotha1 . Drug !'ltore,>ge size $1.00. : then in company with N oseworth_l. .conferred the degre. e of LL.D. on Ho!!. Sagttelll\y boat_ M~s. FRAS.ER's TO M:a. McTi'VrnH-'1h~ _ ---iue1nbers of t he A~eociJlted:Ffusfi..o.f Ql\el1ec W illh\JU Elder, P r ovincial Secrtitary of and their ladies, to .tlie humber of about Harry Blaclii, M. Wo.rth, W. Cherry, L. . :noys and youths ready made clothing ~speci· N ew B n mswick and edi~o1· of the St.John one hundred, enjoy .a three day 's trip on Hvndy, J. · Medla nd, F. Morris, M. 'l'ait, allty. Ellison & Co. G. Young, A. Black, S. Knight, M. J enPine apples ut t he Grand Central, ca.11 Tele~1ra:pl1. \Ve congratulate our cohfrere. the S t. Lawrence and Saguenay rivers, . 2ii3. calling <tt pri11cipal summer resort's. Re- nings, n,, F orbes, M. 1.\'{oses, W. Grant, and see them. ~ . The Ice Cream reascm has optued '11( · B. McManus. t i1ru to Quebec 8at urday, and remain till No} tci be behind in the race Toronto l<':ROM SoU'l'H WAR,D.-:-G. Mara,· the Grand Central. · Ice cream every day. had two heavy business failures on Satur. followiul( Monday night ur Tuesday. 'fhe Terry. _,. New Mantle Silks just ari;ived at S ·. Quebec friends have &ll arraugements i n day, with rumors of more to follow. Did hand from the t1me of our first arrival at Mu. :MoTAv1sH's To Miss l'lfooucRAFT S Mason & Son . we not hear t,hat tlie N. P. would -ob-viate Qtiebec going eastward until our departure -M. Allin, J · S. Small, S . Cleverdon, E GGS. - J.f you want cash for eggs ~o to b usiness t roubhm and make everybody for houiti- amplti guarantee that the com· A. Carscadden, A. lleach, M. Camidge, Murdoch Bros. C . Russel, F . Law, J, Shaw, A. WesltiY1 p rosper1:1us and happy '/ Will Sir Leonard fort and entert·~inment of the pa rty will A. Shaw, M. McLaughlin, F. Lockhart, ' · We mean b11sinea this season and we are be all that C< \ll be desired. Returning to , oonnd to sell Ellison & Co. p lease explain . l\fontrtial, auother day will be passed in M. Lyle, M. K tiys, M. Beach, L. Fields, For toothache, b urns, cuts and rhenmthat city, where the Press Association has M. Climie, F. Cuuch, F. Horsey, !{,, atism, use Perry Davis' P ain Killer. See T n E Globe is blowing ha.rd just now for n,rranged for 1mothtir c ..rri11gt1 drive, to be Mason, W. l'apson. -OF'adv. in other column. M:rss Moo1t0RA~'1"s ·.ro MR. BARJlER's . the abolition of the Senate. ]Lflays :-:--; followed by .a stE1amboat ride 011 the river TRY Murdoch Bros' Ciinl\ed Frmt , they "All expe1,ieuce has demonstrated that and ha rbor, with lunch. 011 .b oar<l steamer. -S. Bownell, M. Nott , .I!'. Wesley, Z. have all kinda, put up by the best' packers . Haney, E. Elliott, S. Cherry, H. Rice, the non-rcptes·mtative and' wh0lly · irr'lWe are Convincing the j/Ub!ic t.ha t no comN . Pa.ul, J. Bickle, M. Fairbairn, W. petitor -.a..crrcan undersell us. Ellison & Co. "WEST. SHORE BOUTE." spousible Sep 11tte is a nse less'body;is worse Allin. H. Anderson, I. Wood, M. ~~Hiott, PLAQUE PHOTOS. -See specimensof the than nse)eRS, and publ\C opJi1ioi! n~W . 00· PROGlt)j)SS ·Ol! 'l'HE WORK- OPERATING D&· E. Giover, C. Wright, E . R owe· . new and handsome Plaque P hoto made at m~ nds thl\t it must go.'~ . 80 mote it b.e. . -----~~~·---l'AR1'M'EN1' OI·G:ANlZED-A 1"1l18T·CLA.SS Tait's gallery. -241. DOUJll,B TRACK : ·RAILWAY .rnOUT TO BOARD OF EDUCATION .. Try Murdoch Bros. chow chow in bulk, THE baneful effects of Ppeculation ,j.(1 · Co:MMKNOE llUSINESS,· very choicti. 253. The Board met July 6th ; the Chairtbe N orth-J.est are daily coming to light. Tlie' Neiv York'; ·west Shore and BuO'aOur 50 cent nll wool Tweeds astonishes the He is now offering his whole st ock of Rei;;or t comes frow Wmuipeg that Col. lo n:~ilway will soon take a strong position ruan presiding. Members present, ·Messrs. the people. Ellison & Co. Customers can choose either of three first Foi.1g, Bl~akley, H orsey, Windatt, Cubitt, K ennedy, city registrar and a director of among the double track trunk line between . Ellison&Co. ll New York City and the West. The McClung, Wright, Cuuch and Higgin- clasa WAcuttcrs, have long enjoyed a reputatfon !or li?iV· . !'. t he Merchant's bank there, is $50,800 Hudson Rive}' Divi~ion, extending from botham. ' ing barRains in Dry Goods and Clothing. ElMinutes of last ' meeting read and ap- lison&; Co. short in his accounts. He lias in~ulged New York Chy . to Albany, and t he Moamoun ting to nearly $5000, a t W hat Every PersonShould K speculat ion which has been gc·ing on hawk Division, extending from Coeym1m's proved. COMMUNICATIONS. The grand outlets of disease from the sysfor three years. I'.litherto Col. Kennedy on the Huqson ·.River Divieion, to the A commu11ication was read from M:iss tern are the Skin, the Bowels and Kid n eys. City of Syracuse, will be operrnd fvr tratlic l1as held a high place in t he community. a fe thid summer. 'fh" diviuons mentioned Haridton, tendering htir resignation as Burdock Blood Bit ters is the m ost @ FC>.~ O.A.B~ C>NX..'Y". are rapidly assuwing the appearance of a teacher; also a communication from Mrs. pleusant and effoctual purifi er and he a lthBoots and Shoes made to order as usual, from the best o ieatoring tonic in the world. Trial bot1y, and buing the · J!lOBt Fraser to the same effect. first-class rail wr THAT NEW INDUSTRY. Mios Thomas made application t o be ties 10 cant11. 25G coatly and difficulty portion uf the road stock and by first class workmen. to couetruct, their completion gives satis- promoted to the division ·iecently taught I N order to make a. clearance we wlll On Friday we visited H eury Company's factory assurance that., the do11 ble track by Mrs. Fr·ser . sell t.he balance of oqr Pl\rusols off at. n et Do not fail to call on him a t once ancl secure bargains~ Evaporatory and witnessed Jho.,process ot will be extended to Buffalo, the western .Mr. Gilfillan sent in a communication cost, Couch Johnst on & Cryderman. ST AND :-Neads' Block, 11ext door e ast of Lee & Ed·s ;]l'S' tu the effect that he is prepared · to again If you want to buy a 1-ilb box of choice evaporating apples, straw berries, goose- t.irminus, within the present yt:iar. The passenger equipments, to be furn- enter up"l11 hi.s duties as tei:icher. Selected Raieins go to Murdoch Bros, Hardwar~ Store: King Street, Bowmanvill ~. berries, potatoes, etc. The big evaporator 1shed by the Pullman P<&lace Car ComThe foregoing · communications were who Mre offoririg 200 boxes at a great reonly was working. h occ11pies 4X8 fe~t pany, wiU embrace all the latest applianc- ordered to bt1 received and tiled. ductiqn. . 257 o n the .floor and contain11 30 galvanized es tissen t ial to the comfort of tral'ders, A report was submitted from inspector We are cxtendmg the tailoring dept. El.Uson wire screens 36 inches square, o~ which i~1tro~ucing new methods of heating a.ud H rodtghs onh ofn.ytehaersetnadte .nogf JtbteneH ig htl· 8c , . .. ·h oo'l & c o. 1 1 30 11 1 883 6 a1 011r' line of 12k cent Dress ·Goods is called Non the ' fruit is spread n1aking 270 feet of hghtmg, ws well as mauy new foa.tures f 0 · . ' . . dCdtgnt!d to promote secunty und plt:iasure 'l"hich was ordered to b1;1 tiled and publish· rare value. .J<Jllison & Co. Emporium of Fashions lll Clot hs GIVI NG U-P B~SINESS ! evaporat:ng surface. It is j.?Uara.uteed to in tl'aveling. A large 11.nd fine terruiuul edM. d b M ' Bl kl d d b <:be11p 111~111·1111(,-e.-Insurc in the Confeder and Furnishings. Bllt prepared to give as good value in eva~orate from 60 to 80 bushels of apples station id uuder the way at Weehawken. ove y r. ea ay, secon e y t' L'f A · t'o i t . I1 th th in 24 hours. '.l'he time required to cure r Se veral lllrge and swift !::oats, with , iron r.:r. Couch, Th11t theresignatioi1 of Mn. ~~~idi~~h:r5::&~~~i~:A.o~.J. ;~:;an~~as: --apples is from DO b 150 minutes 'at 225 .h~lls, hii.Ytl been bmlt expres~ly f~>r ser- l! ras~r be a~c.ep&e~. C~rne~. · around y~mr ha.t lnsti~ution. as the. following L I, . , vice blltweeu thti t<lrmu111.l ~ tat10u at M1s11 Ham1ltou s res1gnat1011 was also exam.pies will prove : Thos. Mcc lung ha.s WBB~ I FOR CASH .Jegt eed F ahrenheit. One.hundred poupds Weehawktiu und tht:i city lanoing· one of . acopted. . f u I c b ' d d b beenmeured smce 1872 for $ 2,000 and the last AB can be had in town or country. A large ,of green npple8 will 121' lb~. dried. which 1s at the toot of Forty-second street; n motion o . o . n ltt, secon c . y I ftve years it only cost him $ 2.55 11er annum on BY THIS S"'YLISH H OUSE, quantity bought at a verv low p-'ce will be .After careful examination of thh Evapor- the othtlr is down-tuwu, 11t a point cun- Mr. McClung, 1t \\a& rt-solved that Miss each $1,0CO to insure. John McClung insured .i: · ·· disposed of at prices t hat will astonish ator, we do not hesitate to recommc:nd it ,yenieu' to t~at section. Thesti boa.ts will 'l'homafl be promoted to the Division re· at the s1>me time for the same amount and it Wh ich goes t o prove t hat old fo~yism is · . r. . · equal, aud m some respects eµrpass, the cently taught by Mr11. }' easer. only cost him $1,7!c per annum on each $1,000 to - t he buyer. as ~u.perwr to any J!'.vaporator we have ·fi.,est boats vn. the river engaged iu like Col. Cntntt eubmitted a report from the insure, he being a little youngel', We certify getting played out, and that the peoplt1 We always a ever er.en, at d th1uk lt tnellts a luug felt 11er,·ice, Finance Committee, recommending the ihe above to bo correct, Thoe. McClung, Johr. appreciate t he new departure. wunt, bei·i.g e onornical, both in its cou·r~e easy grades-, ~ight. curves, new payment of the following accounts:-- · McClung. Thoe. Bingham, ap:ent. 206tf. XX , J..J .structio"n and opetation; it' is of mGt1ve power, 11tec.l ra1l11, nnti equipmer~t Ga.le Bros., priuting, $4.50; 1.\1.A. James, F. Allen, iusunrnce, The GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR ia . . . . . , . . . and ruad -becl·aa 11t:11trly vert.,ct 1111 11c1ent1- do., $21.50 ; selected with care from the leading mann,., ~ '.[' , 1 _ <INA ,, 0 ~ 'T hu repurt wa15 t.h,e ma1·vel or the . Medical World ..I.t never of all d escnptwns arr1vmg daily. mlforent capac1l1es1 to m~e~ the want~ ~f 'fie expei»:incti 11 nd libernl expenditme can og tactorles of the Dominion. wh ich cannot IP · 1o . o.a · ..,.,..,, / · _ ~ fmls to co1npletely c11re Nervous Deb11lt.y, Im· both small and largl:l fruit g rowers ; it ts securti- will enable the '·' Wtist Shot") Line" adopt.,d. faiJ to attract and please those in potency, llfodlcnrUoprcssion. and all <ll"eo.scs N bb T· & Shl.I" Moved Mr. ' conch, seconded hy Mr. caused from excesses. Th~ .te11timony of tllous Ur 0 Y 198 search of etrlish and dutable very simple of construction, easily manag- tu -euccessfolly con. 1 pete for 1.ht1 first.class . . "h . , . H bl b llnde can be ha<;l. by wr1tmg F .. J _ Cheney, . . HOOTS and SHOES. are the m ost Fancy m t own, lo all , ed, and cures tne fruit in the wost perfect ,tou~is~ travel to and fro~ Wea~ P oint, H 1g~mbothi.m, I at u'l lss am Y e pro- 'foledo. Ohio, sole lfgent for the United States. h N Rh d w ii 0 .. 11· 81· tht1 C11ts k 1ll~. Alb11ny, 8aratoga, L.akt1 muted tu the Division taught by Miss Pries $1 pAr box, ·ix boxea for -.s. If ;ronr D ue attention iit i lven to ..1. C I b rlruiri;clst does not keep the remedy, seud to t e ew" a. ee. _ manue.r. e no" C.. tate ~o re1Jom· Gti,1rge, t hti Adirondacks, Mo111real, aud 'l'l1owa·s,· an d l l111t u 1811 o eman .. e pro· headquarters anrl iret t.he medicine by mail j mend lt to the pe< lple. 1J'.i1r amateur poet all. ttBol'tll iu the prnvtUCeS, during the muted to the pivisil·n taught by MiBB / Circulars and on anulications. · We have a. fine aHor tru·mt of the , __...__ · broke out as fullowe after xawining the excursion season of' the present year. Hamoly. C1rr1ed. Ne west Styles in I + Mr. Huury Mo11t-tt, the gonerat PasseEv1>porat.or; Mo'fed by Mr. Horsey,.·econded by Mr. CJ~ THIK'l'Y IJAY!!· TRIAL ID II fl ft F ll tUJ _ No more peeling apple~, nger A111int, whos~ office is .. t No. 24 \Viuciatt, Th~t ~he acconnt of Mr. J~hn Tmi: VoLT.ucB·11.TCo.. Marehall, Mlch.,will cl l d t u eend Dn. DYJ1:'sC1tl,Jt1JR.lTEDKJ.1J:C'l'RO ·VOt/J'AIC vv .AnQ. stringing on 1.1 ~triµg, · 1Stat" l:;trilet, New York City, invites cor- G au d ror b Illld mg woo, s ie a mon Bi1:1:r 8 AND E1, E CTH 1C APl'LIANCJilS on t~ial for promptly and properly d on6. . . --· · · --+ -· And lum~irig in tlie chimney corner ' ·respondence _ with those inttir~sted in the . School b,a p;i,1d by th., 8t!cretary 011 the thirty days to men (younir or old) who are at· Call d + t f J B 114~ .... " . Wlwrn . the busy fiy dvth sing. development of the numerous pltiasure approval of the Building Committee 11.11 to ftlcted with Nervous Debility. Lo '· tVit11l!ty and btdauce dne, Mild on Manhood. and kindred trouble·, guaranteeing Call at the Eclipse Hou~e and you wlll . one oor wes o. · . - ..;vn:s~ res,urts ..ccessible 'by the "West Shore cont ract, showin" o epeedy and com11lete reetoratlo!l'ot health and St t Bo vill8 Wh'iie' you'd peel the little l;>o~l f~ll R6ute." certificate . of cha.mn1m of the Finau'ce manly-vigor. Addrese as abe;ve-. N. l:l.-No risk have the beat &tock Qf goods to pick from. mg ree · wman · In the good old fa11h~oned way. Committee._ .01'rried_. , . · . ie incurred. ae thirty days trJ.Al te allowed. KIDNEY DUmASE.-P&in, Irritation, Reten Ml\r,Y J11ue can pt:el a bushel, . Moved· by Col. Cu Litt , seconded by Mr. We "1Vlll 1J11criftce thfl pronu. to irt'lreaee th I · tlon, lncontinenoo, IJeposits, GraTel, &;c,, cured Ai..d have ~hem dried right away. McClung; l'bat the Chair11iao, Principol &lei. ElllsoD bJ' ' Bucllupal\la: 11. We regret very much to learn that the Kirby post office ha11 been peremptorily '.llOsed "witbont any just cauee or provooatioii." No one 1eems to ·know ·w hy it hae been clo1ed. Snme think influence has been broui;:ht to bellr 011 the authoriL-1 · · . · ies _f~om o;uno , but this is lar~ely 11uppo$ihon. rhe plea canr:iot be urged that no one would take charge of the office, for Mr. Thornton who boucrht out the former " poatmaater will gladly assume the duties. · '· · Nor can the plea that it did not do a fair . . ' b d f f b amount 0 nsmess e urge l or a comparison of the revenue derived from the oflices in Ontario shows tha~ not more than two-fifths of the offices· in the Pro~'e belt'eve vince have a revetlue. " a numero1~sly signed petition has been forwarded tu Ottawa a.skmg to have the office re-opened, and a great injustice will be done fo the people in that neigt.bor- I OUR HIGH SCHOOL. Bl!;POUT OF. INS.PEC'.ron HODGl!ON'. THE B\'1ILDING CONDEMNED--THE 'lEACIIEil~ . co¥:m:NnED. 1md Inspector do ~elect teachers to fill the Divisions · ,.acated by· lhe promotion of Mise Coleman, and resignation of Mis11 H1ttniltou. Carried. · The Board adjourned. 0THE .STAR HOUSE LEADS THEM ALL]))'. WHY? I. ' " LANCASTER/' THE JEWELER · MAY.NARD I SPRING. 1883. CROCKERYf White and Colored. run CRANITE TEA AND TO ILET SETS I CHINA . TE.A SETS, re · FANCY TABLE WA.RE l. - JOHNS&JEW£LA ·GRE...A.T- 0 OlEARrNB SALE BOOTS a SHOES B ORLAND'S CASH S T O R E. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS W H 0 L E SA. I.A E P RI CE S I THE ECLIPSE HOUSE lNOT GOING NORTH WEST 0 I 72 UI'ts0fCl 0fues 0 IJ uIast I FANCY .C L 0 T s s I BOOTS & SHOES . S w. Large &Yarie~ Stoc~ of New Goo~s! ORDERED WORK I IQ t·s STRA"'tTT HATS. IR E · A R l· N I -----···---,.,_____ "eo. . t ' I lK W· ff · IVE S· J H EL LYA R' · · ·