Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1883, p. 3

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' " Oh, mamma. ! I don;t, believe he ever J stole anything, he has such a i;iice brown faoil and a l ways smiles at me." Mr. Grubby's Old Pocket-Book. Our Lime Juice Is Made, and·Wboro "I am a fra id that is no pro:if of his innoB Y JULIA K . HILDRETH, cence," said her mother, patting her on t he , tho Montserrat comes from. One warm da.y in June, when the sky was hearl. ,, "But I am very sorry for p oor Mrs. Begs to announce t hat be has again secured a License and is now pre. In Canon Kingsley's "At La.a\." there all covered with flying black clouds, and the Ba1'11S. · occurs the following passage :-"And now distant hills were half hidden by a thick veil of llope t hought frequently of W illiam Barns ,pared to fumii,;h the public with strictly first clas!il U nadultera.ted on the leeward bow, another gray mountain gray mist, H ope Hunter sca mpered along a during the week, aud missed his kind face . , , ' . , . island rose. This was Montserrat, which I v:ide countr y road that ran between the in the village. I t made her feel quit e sor· Liquors, and respectfully mv1tes the rnhab1t ants of Town and Country should have gladly visited, as . I had ·been school.h ouse in the village of Burbank and rowful to see the door of his house closed, · h' · ' invited to do; for little Montserrat is just her home, which was about a, mile dista,nt. and t be shades drawn down oY er t he win· to give im a call when they reqqire any of the following goods, either now the scene of a very hopetul and importHope was in a desperate hurry to reach dows. But when the day for A my's return M . . '· · . ·· ant experime nt. The Messrs.. Sturge have ......... home before the rain fell, for she wore her came, Hop~ forgot everything else in the de· ed1cmally or as a Bevf)rage, viz. :established there a large plantation of limes, Instruction t'or Willie Jones. naw blue dress, aud her mother had said, as ·ghtful expectation , of seeing her cousin Pr ue Jamaica.Rum. · and a manufactory ot Lime-Juice, which John Bnll Bitters in quarts a nd pints. she fastened the last buttou: nd presen t ing her t he wonderiul pin-wheels. promises to be able to supply, in good time, "Pa,·· asked Willie Jones, a,s he was stuclyNo w, Hope, this dress looks verynieely , · It was no easy task t o carry t wenty-four De Kuyper s H olland Gin on d raught an d Raspb err y, Stra wber ry and L emonSy r ups vast quantities of that most useful of all sea ing i;iis history lesson, ··who was Helen of · ·1" <l it took me a long while to make it. , So paper pin-wheels safely thr ough the village in bottles. ' . medicine~, and I for one heartily bid God Troy ?" · Scotch and Irish Whiskies in bot tles. y not to spoil it in one day, as you did street s . ' l:fo Hope t hought , as s he m oved speed to the enterprise." "Ask your ma," said M r. Jones, who was · B ernar d 's Gi nger Wi ne on d raugh t and in B aSll & Co's. Al~ in quar t and p int bot tles. ·a r last. " slowly a.long, with her eyes fixed upon t hem These pr ophertic wor ds are now abundant- n_ ot up in classic lore. bottles. H ope looked anxiou.s ly at t he frownin~ in anxiety for t heir sa.tety, She was so Guinness Porter " " " ly verified. "Little Montserrat" annually "He'len of Troy," said Mrs. Jones, who ~ky as s he flew along, her school-bag s wing. intent ppon t h is t hat she ran p lum p agains t W . F . Lewis & Co's Year Old Rye, very exports from over quarter of a million gal- was sewing a new heel on the baby's shoe, ing on her arm and her hat pushed far back a boy standing in t he road. Elope -looked abatt's Ale " " " L fine. Ions of pure d elicious Lime Fruit Ju~ce, "was a girl who used to live with us; s he on her head. S he had almost reac:hed the up to see who it was, a nd warn him not to which is not only " the most useful of all came from Troy, N. Y ., ' and we found her garden gate, w hen her foot caught m a p ro-_ break her Din-wheels, when she found that Good~~ham & Wort 's Ol d B ourbon Old O' K eefe & Co's. Ale on d r aught in 10 gal. Ion kegs, 30 ~allon ba rrels an d in hogs· Sea Medicines," but is rapidly gaining its in a n idelligence office. ; She was the beat j ecting root of an oak-tree in t he road, and s he was close by t he Court -hou se, a nd that R ye and Old Malt Wh is kays. h eads. way into ::Jomestic use throughout the wurld, girl I ever had before your father struck ~he fell full length upon th~ groun_d, st_ rew- there were five or si~'people sta.nding _a~otmd Cockburn 's Old P or t W ine, ve ry line. as a pleasant, r efreshing hea.lth giving bev - Bridget." O 'K eefe & Co's. Porter..in 10 gall~n kegs. m g the contents of her bag m -all d1rect10ns. the door ta lkmg excitedly. · Sandem an 's P ale Sherry do do erage. . ' " Did pa ever strik e Brid get !"' asked H ennessy B r a ndy ou draught and in The tears st ood in Hop~'s eyes. as she col(To B E OONTINUED. ) The little island of Montserrat, considered Willie, pricking up his ears, . Alciante Wine . lect"d the scattert d articles and crammed bottles. the most healthy of the Antillee, is about "1 was speaking paregorically," said M ra. them hast ily back .in t he bag. They were Sacrame nt a l Wi ue. Mar teL's B randy in bottlE)s. eight miles in length, and five in breadth, Jones. CURIOUS THINGS. all safe, but the beautiful pea rl penknife her S. J oy & Co's N ative W i ne. and fr crnnposed of a small cluster of volcanic There was silence for a few moment s ; father had g iveu her as a bir t hday gift, and . Jules H,obin & Oo's. Brandy in bott les. mol'.nt., in tops. rising out of the Caribbean then Willie came to another epoch in his· that she could find nowhere, A steep bank Awatch mad e en tirely of iron a nd in per· Canada V ine Growers Native Win e. Sazer acBrandy on Draught anri in bottle1; Seat" the height of 3, 000 teet, the summits tory. · ' covered with long gra2s and weeds sloped feet running order was exhibited in · a \Yor· Burgu ndy P or t W ine. D eMullin & Oo's. Brandy on d raught. beiu>1 often concealed b y floating clouds. " Ma, who was Marc Antony?" ·a way fr9/!1 the road near the tree over whose cester fair recently, I . " An old colored man who lived with roots H ope had just now fallen. As t he This island was discovued in 1493 by Ch ampagne in quar t s a nd pints. Mrs. M ary Aust in of Y Va,sh ington, Ga., Columbus, who gave it th" na'!le of Mont· my p~ . What does it say about him k nife was not upon t he roa.d, it must have died r , cently. She had been t he mother of serrat, after the noted mou ·, tain of Mont- t:here?" s lipped over this bank, So Hope scrambled forty.four children, inciliding six sets of t ripserrat in Catalonia.. In 1632 it was colonis"It says his wife's name was Ol"lopatra. " upon t he gnarled root s and peeped down. let s. ed b} English settlers, who appear in the "The very same I Old Cleo.used to wash Yes, t here it was, shining brightly among first inbtance to have been cultivators, each for u s. It's str!Lllge hpw they ~ome t o be in the grass and leaves. She jumped dow n, A farmer near Stockt on, Gal., has had hia · worll.i11g his own little- farm. Like the aJ- that book." snatched it up, and. was about to s prir;g farm devastated by millions of little birds jacent islands, i t was long a bone of conten"History r epeats itself, " murmured J ones, back to t he road, when her eyeiell upon an no bigg91· than a man's thumb. T hey pull tion between the E nglis h and French ; and vaguely, while W illie looked at his ma wit h old leather pocket-book ly ing close t o w here up· the y oung grain, even now some of the massive guns m ed in wonder and a dmiration t hat oue small head she had found her knife, and half hidden When ever a member of tht> English royal thea.~ ontests may be found on the tops of eould 0ar ry all she k new, Presen tly he found under a large stone. Hope picked it up, family is b uried, a fee for breaking the the a_~·epest rang~s, partially concealed in another ques tion to ask . and, climbing back. t o t he road, unbuckled ground of £250 i· .d emand ed by t he Dean th., ttuck tropical veget!i.t ion. The French " Say, ma, who was J u liuR Caisar ?" the br oad strap w ith which it was fastened', and Chaplain of Windsor, although not an took t he island in 161i4, restored i t to Eng-- ." Oh, he was one o~ the pagans of historf," and looked in, It was filled with papers inch of gr.o und is distu rbed. A st one is re· land in 1668, ret ook it in 1782, and finally said l'.frs. J ones, trymg to t hread the pom t neat ly folded and crowded t ogeth er so moved trom St. George's Chapel. This stone gave it up in 1784. At t he beginning of the of her needle. c iosely t hat the pocket-book bulged in all closes the passage of t he royal vault, which eighteenth century, slave Jaber began to '.' ~ut what made him famous? · persisted direct ions. is really a spacious room. supnlant that of the w hite settlers ; for at ' VJ!he. "l t h ought it couldn 't have any money A species of spider has been dis<.>overed o~ tha~ per iod J amaica, with Batbadoes and . " Everything," answered Mrs. Jones com- in it," said Hope ; " it looked too old and the African coast the long firm wej> of which soine ha,lf-dozen smaller islands, amonpst placently ; "he was the one who said, ' E at , greasy. Some one must have t hrown it v1 n·y closely r esembles yellow silk. It is which was Montserrat, ha d a monopoly of thou br ute,' when his. horse wouldn 't. take away. Oh, h ow nice and thick I" she ex- said to be near ly as ~ood as t he product of the English sugar market, an<l consequently i ts oats.. H e- dressed m a s~eet and _ p1llow· claimed, as the paper r ustled between her silk worms. T he filaments' have , been ex· the cultivation became very profitable, so case umform, and when hts enemies surer chants with favorthat by t he close of the century t he number rounded him he shouted, 'Gimme me liberty fin?,ers-" just t he t hing t o make pin-wheels a mined by Lyons silk n1 of. ' · able results. T here seems to be noth inl:( to of slaves in Montserrat had increased to 10,- or gimme death, ' and ran away', " - - - - -(o)- - - - At this moment a large drop of rain fell prevent t!Je acclimatizing of t he insect in O D O , (at the time of the emancipation the . " Bully for him !" ~emarked W illie, shut. from a cloud and splashed down u pon H ope's J<' rance. number of sla.ves was 6, 355 for whom the tmg np the book of history. "But say, ma, A curious advertisement appeared in · a nose. She flung the pocket-book hastily on mother country paid £ 103 538), whose labor how came you to know so much?" produced .,a bout 2, 700 hdgsheads of sugar ." I learnc;id it at ~ ehool, " said M rs. J ones, t he ground, thr ust the papers into her ~ag, late issueoftheLiverpool.Mercury. It read: each y ear ; but the conquest of Trinidad and with '.'In o~hque glance at Mr. Jon~~· who aud ran hurriedly down the path to the " I lost my p urse containing two guineas I . D.emerara, in 1802, afforded a cheaper field was l~stenmg as grave as a l!t atu_e. l ~ad house. The rain fell briskly as she flung and a sixpence. The finder can k eep the In t he County for PU RE DRUGS, DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, DYE open the hall door and ran pant ing into t ho i::old if he will r et urn the sixpence, as it was of suppy for home market, a.nd the produ ct · super10r advantages, and I paid at tention front room, wher e her mother sat r eadina a the amount of damages I i·eceived from the 'ion in Mon t serrat grad~ally dPclined, till by and remembered wha.t I hE;ar d." STUFF S, TRUSSES, PERFU MERY, &c. let ter. · · Midland Railway for breaking my leg. l'he the t ime of the formation of ~turge's Mont. "Well, I say, ma, w ho was Horace?" "Did the rain catch my litt le gid ?" said bit. of silver cost me £ 210. _ George Ames- Proprif!tors of BINGE'S COMPOU ND SYRUP OF H OREHOUNDserrat- Company, in 1868, the whole of t he "Your ·pa will t ell you about him; I a m mamma., as Hope lifted up h er mouth for a bur. v. " northern pmtion of the island had gone out' tired," said ~frs. Jon "~· . . kiss. the Standard Remedy for. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, &c. of cultivation, and the' annual e:x port of '1;'hen she listened_ with pride ~nd approval "Oh no, I ran too fast , " a nswered Hope, James W , Earl of R eading, P a., is the sugar was reduced t o about 950 hogsheads, wh!le Mr. J on"s m formed his son t hat laughing. "I ran 60 last t hat I t ripped owner of a curious plant known as the inga· ROSE GL YCEROLE f?r any ~oughness ofthe skin. wh ilst the whit e popula t ion had declined to Horace was the author of t he T m Trumpet over the scrubby r oot s of t hat old tree on t ree. He received it 1rom Austra lia several CORN 24'0 persons. Sm ee . then the sugar cultiva- an~ a ra~e work on fa:rming, and the peo· t he road." EXTR.A.OTOR~the best remedy for removjng any kind of y ears ao;o. It is now about three feet iu t ion has graduall y mcr eased, and a y~r's ple s cho1c7 for a President, an <l;only C?m· " Di.d you hurt y ourself?" inquir ed her heigh t. The flower, when fully op en, r e. corns WITBOU1' PAIN. 11hipments again r eached 2,500 hogsheads. posed L atm _ verses to pass_ away t he t une mother, anxiously. sembles a bottle brush in form, and h~s a T he Limo Tree (Citrus Limetta )is--n. member and amuse hunself. -Detroit P ost, " Not much " r ich r ed color. When the sun sets, its leaves CONDITI ON POWDERS- our own make. DICK'S BLOOD P URIof thEI orange tribe, which grows wild in "Those roo.ts must be cut off," ~aid fold and the ends of t he twigs coil up, ap· HAGYARD'S CATTLE SPICE. THORLEY'S F OOD for many t ropic:tl countries, but does not flourish How to Know a. Good Wife, mamma, going to t he window and looking parently going to sloep. The you11ger or FIER. even so far norJ;h as t he Azores. It is a It is worth w hile t'o ponder well t he fol· ou,t, "Only yest erda.y I saw old Mr. Grubby _ more tender leaves always go to sleep first. Cattle. OIL CAKE in any quantity. t horny, bushy, evergreen t ree, with hand· lowing points through w hich a good wife st umble headlong acro!l's the.road. H e might W hen removed from the pot in which it ma!rome da.rk gre.en leav.,s. ThE>se are so frag - may be r ecognized : " She commandet h her have k illed himself. " t ures the leaves begin t o stand in all direc· ra.nt that they are universally used in t he husband in any equal matter by const ant " Mamma, t her e's t hat nice sailor n-.an tions, and in a short t ime the plant is in a West Indies to perfume the wat er in the obeying h im." Som.e pret ty n ice women who gave _me t he lit;tle ship, " said Hope, q~i'.ver. I t gives out a~ickening perfu me, Pharmaceutical Chemists. finger glas~es at dessert. The small white and active wives may dou bt the wisdom of suddenly, pointing out of the win<low t o -a · ----- - -==-=--flowers resemble orange blossom, and t he t his old maxim, but we suspect that it young man who wae just t heu cr ossing the The Spelling R eform. scent i~qually delicious. The first Lime is true all the same. She complies and waits r oad- "Mrs. Barns's son, you know. " W e have not much more to say about ~ev :..: llards here- w ere p lan-tad by a ~l r. hei· opportunity ! "She n ever crosset h " Dear ! dear ! the root has tripped him the spelling movement. We have no tendency Bur.1< i;tin 1852. · her hu·band in the spring-tide of his anger, up too," cried· Mr~. Hunter. T h pleut at ic.ns of the Mo'ntserrat Com- but stays t ill it be ebbing wat er. " A good " He's not hurt , mamma. See 1 he jump- t o " sneer" a t it, as a r espected correspond. pany now cover more t han 6u0 a cres, and many family jars are the result of forgetting ed up ri.s lightly a.s a bird. I wonder what eat hinted last week. Indeed, we sneer contain 120,000 trees. These are g~merally this. A happy couple used t o say t hat they he is looking at in his hand ? Oh, I see now a t no honest, ear nest move ment of uny kind t hat has for its the object physical, moral, or plant ed fift een feet apart, ~d the ~xgh road always managed t hat both were never angry - it's t he old pocket-book ." - -MANU FACTURER OF - passes through them for a d 1s~ance of more at t he same time. So it is far bet ter t hat " What pocket· book, Hope ?" inquired spiritual improvement or conven ience of t he race. It may sometimes not be able to see t han two miles. N<J more beautiful sight when the husband is angry, h t> be let alone'. her mother, can be see11 t han these o.rcha!ds, wh_en t he I B;e is not like i ron, most easily wrought "I found an old pocket -book on th.e bank, the wisdo:n of certain proceedin gs, or t he t rees are lade11 with their bright frm t, and I uvon when he is hot. No he is most t ract- but it was so l:(reasy t hat I thr ew it away. " s oundness of t he u nderlying principles adat the same t ime the :i-ir is per vll-ded by the able 'in cold blood. ' 'She ~ever diYulges her KING STREET, BOWM A.:NVILLE. " Hope, the postma,n brought a letter for vanced, but even when in such cases it opluscious fragrance of the blossom. T he husband's secrets;" and "in her husband's you this mormng from your cousin Amy," poses or passes by, it does not cease to Has now on hand a n umber of veJ:ilcle3 (and i s '!'lanufacturing a great many more) of the newest. fruit is gatl~ered by. the negro wo~en , a nd sick ness ·he feels mort\ g rief t han ·she sairl Mrs. H unter, t urning- away from thP. respect .when there is honesty in t he endeavpa.tterns and best flmeh, wluch I a.m _offermg for .sale ~.t the lowest prices consistent o ur. This is a bout its at titude t owards the they carry it down m baskets on then- heads. · shows." H ow do all t heoe old saws look w i,,dow, and forgett ing all about the pocket- · with due regard to work!Jlansh1p_ and quahty. The following is a list of spelling reform movement. If improvements Fhe prmc1pal voliwles manufa ctured by me : . Th~ 1.mport ant antiscorbutic pro~erties of ladies ? They are some what old-fashioned; book. h me- 3mce have been ~sll known for man_y but some folks w o.uld be t he better of think· " !Jid Amy write it all herself ?" inquired ca::i be made in that d irection· such as t o commen d t hemselves to g eneral accep tance yea~s, and ~h.e re!res~ID'! lemonad e which ;s ing over t he whole of them,ax:d per haps some H ope, wonderingly. ' D ouble Covered Carriages ... .. ...... ... .... .. .. . .. .. . ... ... .. . ... .. .. . . ... ... $200 U pwards. maae by nux mg it with v.~ater and suga,r 1s lady friend will supply· us with a "1 think so, " answered her mother, wit h and its own, we will be glad to foll ow Single P hret ons . .. . .. . .. .... ... .. . ... .. . . . . . ...... .. .. .. .. . . ... .. .... .. ... .... .. 100 " suit . But it has not as yet stien its way to universally used ID count n es w~e;e t he tr~e counterpart of the indica tions by which a a smile. Open B uggy .. . ...... . . ... ... ... .. . . .... .. . ... ... .. . . ... .... ... . . .... . .. .. . ....... 70 11 grow_s. The bulk of t~e 11me-3u1c.e th'.lt . ts oood ltWJband may be recognized. We " Please read it to me, mamma ; I can't depart from the use and wont , as it· has .not T op Buggy . .... ... ..... . ......... ..... . ... . ........ . .... .. . ... ..... . ... .. . . . .. . . . . 90 11 yet thoug ht that any of t he cha.nges sugoffer~d (and from which _ most h me-31Hce do not presume t u indicate in the slightest, r ead writing very well." D em ocrat Wagon .. . .... ..... ....... .. .. ... . .. . .. ... . ... . .... . . .. .. .. ... ... ... ... 65 11 cordials are manufactured) is made fro!"1 the only it may be B.1id t hat a good hueband is "This is ·.what Amy writes," said Mrs. gested are improvemen ts, while itself has Lumbe r Wagons . ... . .. , .......... .. .... ... .. . ,. . ...... . . .. . .. .... . .. ............ 55 11 fruit of the. trees t~at now _g~ow wild so very chary about oallini;: his wife "a fool, " H unt er, holding the l~tter so t hat Hope not hing bet ter to bring forward in their Ligh t Wag on . . .. . ... . ... . . ... .. .... . .. .. ... ... ..... .... .. .... . .. . .. . . .... ... .. ... 40 11 a:bundantly I II Jamaica, Ta~1t1, ~d else- and. does not fancy that whenever she t hinks could s ee i t d istinctly, and pointing to each place. The movement must have been afoot for the last forty years ; at least for E x press \'Vagon .... . .. . ... ... ... ... .... ..... ..... . . . .... . .. .. ..... .. . . ..... . ..... 75 11 where. I n some part s ot Jamax?a. the negro:s herself sick it is a mere mat t er of ima~ina word with a needle : t he last thirty, and yet it would be d ifficult go about the country squeezK'.l~ the. frui t tion t We know men of t hat sort, but they Skeleton . ... ...... ... ... .. ....... .. . .. . ... . .. ..... . ... ... . ... . ... . , . . . .. ... . .. . .. .. 50 11 t hey find under the _scat tered trees m to a ar e not models. A good husband does not " DEAR Cousrn.HoPE,- I am coming home to men tion half a dozen changes, if so many, Sulky .. ...... .. . .. . .... .. . ...... ..... ... ..... . ... .. . .. . . .......... .. ....... . . .. ... .. 40 11 tha.t have r esulted from all the d iscussion s, pail with a wooden kitchen lemon -squeezer. t hink he is dying if his little finger aches Saturday. I have a new doll and a new d~ll Possessiug: superior facilities for manufacturing ca.rr la.ges, I intend to sell ver7 cheap for cash suggestions, a nd practical efforts put for · This juice is bought by. the_n~erchants for a and does not exp ect his wife t o faint wit!~ car riage. Don' t forget to make the pinor approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase m y number o sales. Would few peuce a gallon. As lune-Juice decomposes excitement and fuss ab ou t him when he wheel s you promised. sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. Your ever-loving ward. Row is this ? It ma.y be dullness on the part of the p ublic, bu t; considering very rap~dly w:hen exposed t o ~he atm?sphere gets his finger bruised by driving a nail. cousin, AMY, " t he man y and great names in favor of the in a tropicii:l cl11~1ate, aJild acq mres a d1sawe~- There's a give and t ake in t h!s world, even " I think t hat's a very nice letter," s aid movement, would it not poin t to some other · ble t ast e 111 a few h ours, u pless t he air 1s bet ween husband and wife. A t the Shortest N otice, P ainted and Trimmed if D esire d. excluded from it, it may easily be imagined Hope, as her m otheriinished reading . "I'll reason mor e effec tive and fundamental ? go rig ht away and make -the pin-wheels i f There is no cowardice, then, in the waiting At t he Factory I also do Planing, Ma.tching, Turning and Saw ing with Cir cle, Band or Scroll t hat the juice so obtained does not please The E yes from a New Potnt 01 View. Saws, and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters and others for buUding purposes. the average t ast e, even if it had not, as is It does It hasJong been k nown t ha t certain forms you w ill let me have your · sharp scissors, a.ttitude which we assume, 248 Ornamental and Plain P ickebs for fences in every style req ulred, made to order. Jnetlines t he, case, been adulterated with of diseases were· associat ed with d efecti ve roamma." not profess to b" an innovator in the direcE alt ;wat er by the negroes t o increase its bulk. eye·sight, but a leading N ew Yor k p hysician "Yes, dear, you may have th em. A nd I tic.n indicated, while at the same t ime i~ is ln fa0t. unt il the introduction of the Mont- mak es the r ather startling announ cement will go and tell Sam to cut off t hose roots in quite prepared to hear both sides, a nd serr~ t juice, lime-juice was not i;iopular as' a that d efective eye-sight is often t he cause of the road before they do a:ay serious damage." j nde;ing everyt hing on its own individual beverage, on account of the mawkish taste rnr ious organic disturbances which may r e· As her mother l eft t he r oom H ope took ~h e merit s, t o adopt every change unanimously whicb, 'Its explained above, is so ofteitcarried sult in death. He declares t hat he has found . scissors from the work-basket, and the paper put forward by t he reformers, which it may wit h.,U;. ip order to ensure a r egular supply in his practice that eyes· which are ma.lad· she had found in t he old pocket · book from t hink an improvement. This may not, by of juice of reliable q uali ty, ex tensive lime j ust ed- t ha.t is to say, when t hey do not her bag, and skii;ped upstairs .to her little some, be thought a very heroic a.t titude, but plantations were · established more than work in harmony, where one is strong and pl ay-room in the garret . at any rate it is frank, intelligible, and pert wenty years ago, by Jlllessrs. Sturge, of t he other weak, or where a continued strain J? t o the convictions at which we The rain was pattering over the roof an d fectly U Bicm.ingham, in. the island of Mon tserra t ; is require d, i.e., reading and work- t hat t he pattering against the window'·panes as Hope have ar rived in the premises, ......,._,.... wh,ere alone is t he lime systematically culti· r esult is often a deterioration of some inter· seated herself upon t he floor and began he r vat ed on a large scale for the p urpose of sup· nal or.itans, particularly the kidneys. This work. . The paper she had found was of a A Histori c Spot. plying juice i:.s a beverage. . physician was originally an tculist, but he '.igh t blue color, with a narrow dar k blue. T he juice, from t he care with whic)1 it is gradua.lly began to t reat his paiients through line close t o the edge. H ope spread these The T ennis Cou rt in V ersailles i s an his· prepared, racked, and bottled, r et ains it s t he eye with t he happiest r esults. He gives strips of paper out upon her knee and count. t oric sp9t. It was t here t he third estate begs to inform th e public that he has leased a store in the Observer llavor, citricity, and brightness for an ind e- medicines, but his first prescription is an ed them over . There were t welve· in all, met in 1789, and swore .not to-dissolve till a Block, where h e has opened oHt with a splendid assortment of linite period , unless t he bottle be ·not suffi- order for l e11.sea, so i.s to relieve the eyes and just twice as 1011g as t h '3y were broad ; constitu t ion had been secured. In lately ciently corked after bdng opened, when a from t he strain, and bring t hem into har- and as a pin-wheel must be square, Hope opening it P resident Terry said that the light mould may appear, This may not, mony with t he outside world. Great mis· cut them iu two, and had soon made twenty- lesson t aught the world b y the men of '89 however, · necessarily affect t he r emedial chief )las been d one· by wearing glasses of the' _ which h e offers for sale at low prices for Cash. fo urpale blue pin-wheels. The fewwor.d swrit- was, " I t is not force but r ig ht th it t r i· effects of t he juice. same focus for both eyes, t h e fact beiog, ten on each did n ot mar their beauty ..tall, for umphs. " I t is thus that Uarlyle d escribes WFarm Produce taken in exchange, for which the highest market Since the introduction of Momserrat.Lime- that w henever t here is a.ny shortcoming the H ope had hidden t hese so careful:y that no the place t o wh ich, shut out of t heir usual fruit juice, L ime-j-lice or cordials prepared eyes d iffer in their needs. The physician one", unless by lookrng very closely, woul d place of meet ing, "The Commous Oeputies, price will be paid'. ~.A. special line of TEAS of excellent flavor. therefrom have undoubtedly become most insists t hat the kidney complaint s so common have discover ed that the paper was not i: er- in long-dr awn files, hoarse-j ingling like WAlso a choice lot of SUGARS. ~COFFEE in Cans. ~Canned popular beverages, and t he fact t hat over in t his country are, in a gr eat degr ee, due t o fectly clean, cranes on wing, angrily wended their way ." Goods in great variety. WA Call is respectfully solicited. 200,QOO gallons was imported last year from defective eyesight and imp roper glasses. W hen t hey wer e finished and pinned to " Strange sigh t was this in t he Rue Ht. Fran· Mont serrat shows the est imation t hey are This statement will su rprise, and set man y cois Vieux Versailles 1 A na ked Tennis· t heir handles l;Iope stacked them in one now held in, and the important t rade that patien t s ·t hinking if t her e are not other means corner ol t he room, and looked proudly at Court, as t he pictures of that time still .itive has been deYeloped. Up to t he time ~f the of getting well than by t aking medicine, it : Four walls, naked, except aloft some . . her handiwork. Montserrat CJ, introducing t heir Lime-fruit " There !" said sh e, aloud. "Amy can poor wooden p ent house, or roofed specta· j uice, pure Lime-juice was practically untors ; gall ery hanging r ound .them, On t he A Fro" with an Appetite. , write a let ter , but she can't make pin-wheels floor no~ now a n idle, tee-heeing, a snapping known, anil even at presen t t here 1s no One of the bi g froe;s in T errell Brothers' · 1ike t hose. I 'll lea\re them up h~re until of balls and .r a ckets ; but the bellowing din r egular source from which p ure Lime-juice respectfully announces that his purchases of g t he next Saturd ay, so that they w ill .not bt:l of an indignant National R ep resentation but Montserrat. Most of t ank s wallowed a trout six inches lon_ ca.n be obtain spoiled. This is Tue!lday, and W ednesday, t he lime-juice and lime-j uwe cordials now other day. T he frog was r esting at the sµr · scandalously exiled hit her 1 H owever, a offer ed at·e such only in name, either being face and was bothered by t he ~rout, which Thur sday, and Friday are three more," said cloud- of wit neases look down upon t hem Hope, counting on her fingers. " That's a pr epared from lemon-j uice, or artificial com- kep t n ibbling at Hs lon g legs. The frog's from wooden pent-house, from wall-top, p ounds, and so h ighly charged with delet - good nature finally gave out, and , cli ving Jong time." T hen sh 9 closed t he· door and from adjoining . r oof or chimney, rolls todown-stair s, went . er ious acid3 as to be prejudi@ial to health. for t he speckled teaser, he swallowed him at war d them from a ll quart ers, wit h passionate The next da.y as H ope came home from spoken blessings. Some table can be pro· The L aiicet has dmwn attention to this a; gulp . The t rout was too long for the frog's for t he present se'ason are now ready for inspection, and will recently , and recommended pure Ii.Im-fruit stomach, and t he end of its tail p rot ruded school s he saw a large cr owd collected around cured to w~1te on ; some chair, if not to so Crowds la~t evening . W illhm Barns's h ouse, and h eard loucl on, th en t o stand on, The secx juice as one of the best and most wholesome from its mouth. be found well assorted in all the leading lines. ·etaries units voices within, She hur ried home with the beveragea ext ant. They also stated as fol- watched t he efforts of t he frog to' get t he their t apes. Barilly has constituted t he AsHavinO' resolved to reduce his very large stock within reasonable u- 870 :·- " W e ha ve subjected the trout down, The t r ou t ea.ter was s wollen news t o her mother. lows "r sembly." The whole scene is quite visible ·' I am a.fraid they are going · to arrest even at this distance. That meet ing had bounds, samples of'the lime-fruit jujge of t he Mont- lilre a madden ed t urkey gobbler, but he was will sell large lines of goods, in various departments, at l~es serrat Company to full analysis; w ith a view as lively as ever, and jumped in and out of W illiam Barns for s t ealing," said h er done gr eat things for the world even though than wholesale prices. . . .· , to test its q uality and 1mrity. We have the water as nimbly as if hewere ·not gorged mamrna, sadly . the Reign of Terror had t o he passed thr oug h P&rties wishing to expend their money t o the best advantage, will " What has William Barns stolen ?" cried before the good could be gather ed. found it to be in SO J/.nd cpndit ion and ent ire- with a qua.rter of a. pound of trout. He . '·,' cionsult their own interest by making an early call. swallowsd a perch a year ago, and has H ope, in astonishment. ly free from adulte'!'at ion." "Ol<l Mr. Grubby accuses him of st ealing It is only within · t he last four years that eat en several small turt lea,-Meriden PreBB SUITS got on short notice and warranted t o ilt. T he pelisse is: all t he rage for children, a, great many hundred .dollars. " . the Mont serrat L ime -j uice has been intro· R ecord. THE LIME TREE. duced into Canada, but being p1 aced in the hands of probably the most rl'putable firm dealing in such articles in 1.;auada,-Messrs. H. Sugdei;i Evans & Co., whc.lesale druggists, Montreal,-it h:i.s come into popular use very quickly, and may now he had from almost every dealer in the Dominion. So popular has it grown that it is necessary for the firm to warn consumers to see that the bottles have their trade mark on the labels and capsules. 1'he introduction of such a beverage for common use is a healthful sign of t he times. OUR YOUNG FOLKS. J.B. MARTYN ---.. -- ~ ...... ____ And Everything ·usually kept in a F irst Class Grocery, Crockery and L iquor Store. Drugs & Medicines! CHEMISTS and _ D RUGGISTS. J.HI·GGINBOTEAM&SON LEADING DRUG HOUSE J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, GEORGE C. HAINES, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &c., · All K inds of Vehieles R epaired ! _____ aToaa. waw coons. _ _ _ _ ~ wawu J AS_ ELLIOTT, GROCER EE &. Gr oceries, Crockery, Gla ssware, F lour, Feed, &c. TH O MAS PATERSON (::D--R-Y G--0--0--D--S~) he _ _ _ _ ..-1_ ,....__ _ ___ up ·

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