THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 16 PUBLISIImD MARRIAC E LI Cl Ns Es 1SSUED BY A STRUGGLE ON A RAILWAY TRUlll. TOPICS FOR. WOMEN. Woman's Mission. Diverse are the functions of sweet maiden· hood ; for there are girls whose work is in the house-house\\ 1fely ; and these, in all generation, will become wives and mothers: and there are others who love the work that lies outside the house, ,and these, in the next generation, will become lawyers, doctors, and priestesses. Some are born to be nurses, some to be dressmakers, some to be c9ok~ ; but these are very few, Some are born to· run after the last new thing, to worship the-latt'st apostle, and to revel"se the last ne\\' gospel. But some are born to be beautiful, i,racious, and sympathetic. In' the hinds of su~h wornen some men develop noble ambitions, some show themselves at thei1· best, and a few recover that ancient virtue which used to be called g"odness. FEMALE LOVELINESS, Do not thiLk you can make a girl lovely if you do not make her happy. There is not one restraint that you put ona good girl's nature-there is not one check you give to her inatincts of affection or of effort-which will not be indelibly written on her features with a hardness which is all the more painful because it takes away the brightness from the eyes of innocence, and the charm from the brow of virtue. The perfect loveliness oE a woman's countenance can only consist in the majestic peace whwh is found in the memory of happy and useful years, full of sweet records, and from the joining of this with that yet more majestic childishness which is still full of cha.nge and promise, opening always, modest at on~e and bright with hope of better things to be won and to be bestowed. There is no old age where there is still that promise-it is eternal WOMEN INEBKIATES. The Home ln New York and the Class o:f Women Who Take Refuge W1thln It. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, -BY- A. J. LOCKHART, ORONO, ONT. J\-1. A.JAMES, AT THE OFEICE, os·Omee Block, JUng st.,nowman,·llle,Ont TER~l::S ; Onty 7 wo Dollars. $l.iiOperann11111,or$I.OOlfpaidln advance MISS ·McTAVISH Has received her new stock of GOODS., 1 Payment strictly in advance required from subscnbers outside of the county. Ord~rs to discontinue the paper mu~t be accompamed by the amount due.or the paper will not be stopped. and invites the Ladies of BowSubscribers are responsible until full payment is made. I manville and vicinity to call :RATES OF ADTEltTISING I I~~ and see her Pattern Whole Column one year .....·....·.. $50 00 ;;;! ~.,; " " Half year . . . . . . . .. . . . 30 00 .,, 0 tg L " " One quarter........ 20 001 """' ~ Half Column one year ... ..... ·· ·· ·· · 30 00\=" " Half year ·... .......·.. 20 00 _ , and assortment ot ' ' " One quarter .. .·. ..... 12 50) Qua rt er Column one year . ... , . ... . . 20 00 , ·· " Half year .. . .... .... 12 501 ·· Ono quarter ........ 8 oo-5 " Six lines and under, first in~ertion .. $0 50 S'rORE :-Second Door West IJf Wlllia11u Each subsequent msert10n. ..... 0 15 _ Butcher Stall. From six to ten linoa, first i::isertion, 0 7~1- ' Each ~ubsequei;it insertion ....". 0 25 -10 Over ten lines,first msertion,perline 0 101··· Each subsequent insertion, " 0 031'l'he numLer of lines to be reckoned bylthe space occupied, measured by a scale ofl -15 solid Nonpareil. BONNETS, HATS, = TRIMMINGS = -· GRAND TRUNK RAIL'WA~. GOING EAST xpress ......·9.00 a m Mixed ...... . .. 1.55 p m Local .......... 7.10 p m Express ··....· 8.~0 p m BOWM.A.NVILLE STATION .A.ND TIME. I GOING WEST Local, ......... 7.52 a m Express ...... ,9,20 a m Mixed .... .· .. 3.4g P ID Exoress ...... 9.0o P m c. HA RN.DEN, L. D. S., L. POTTER, 'M.D. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK::\ON'S STORE. R.A.DUA'l'E of Queen's College, Klngston'; GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. and Member of College of Physicians and Plate Work executed in the latest and most Surgeons, Ontario. improved style of the Dental .A.rt. aar Office and Residence, Enniskillen. ..... 17. 'rEETH EXTR.A.CTJjJD WITHOU'l' PAIN Dr. A.. BEl'fll, by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury R.A.DU.A.TE OFTHETORo'N'rO U]:HVJ!:R· to the patient.. · SlTY, Physician. Surgeon,&o. 0!'11ce Kmg Particular attention paid to the regulation of Str&et, MORRIS' BLOCK:, Bowmanville. G G HcLau:ihu.n, ltl. JI., _..ALL WORK WARRANTED. .._ !CENTI.A.TE OF THE ~OYAL COJ,LEGE .,; of Physicians and member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Kdin burgh. Office: MORHIS' BLOCK King-st., Howmanville. BANKERS, J. w. ~ C III L D Il El N' & TJ!l E T H · I JONES & DOBBIE, BOWMANVILLE Krna STREET, BowMANV~LLll.··J. C· .Ul'l'CJHELL, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. M 7<l. Office and H.esidence, Ennlskillen. D. BllltKE SIMl'SON, .A.RRISTER, SOLICI'l'OR, &o., MORRIS BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bo""VmanA GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS lle. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. transacted. Drafts issued and collections Private !lloneys loaned at the lowest rates, made through all Br11.nches of the Bank of , Montreal, in Canada, United States and rlohn Keith Galbraitll, ARR I 8 TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY England. PUBLIC, &c. Oftlce-Reed's Block, over Short Date, Commercial and Farmers' T. Battings store, :King Street, Bowman ville. papers discounted at bank rates . Longer Money to lend periods than three monthA at best rates LOSCOHIU·] di J.El'(H, obtainable. .A.RHIS'l'KRS,A'l'TORNEYS, SOLICITORS, Advances made on SaleNotes and specConveyancers, Notaries. &c. Ofiice ::-MoClung's Bt,lllilings, King Street, Bowmanville. ial attention given to collection of same. R. RUSSELL LOSCOMHK. A. II, LEI'l'H. R B BANKING. B B B FOUR PER OEN'r PAID on DEP08l'l'S of $4 and upwards, withdrawal on ST. JOHN ll.llll'l'()llESON, demand with hterest t :> date. ARRISTER, & ATTORNEY. &o. NOTARY PUllLIO. MONEY ·ro :J:.OAJ;.. OFFICE-OVER i::l'l'A~'ESMAN 0FF~CE. ' , WttH~llT &i 'vm. mt . 1'· . . .. · ·~· ·. , , BANK BUILDING SOCIETY ANV arristers and, . ' . Chancery, &c., Newnastle, Ont. , · ' Insurance Co . Stocks, also Bonds and De.Money to loan at lowest rate o~ interest aPd bentures bought at !%: commission either on favor~ble te1~H9-tf. ' in Montreal or Toronto. · Money to Loan.-Private and other funds at lowest rates of 1~1terest. , Saving's Department. ·BROK-EKAGE. ROBl:Jl'l' 'Alt:tlOlJJt, EGISTRAR, \\ EST DURU.A.M ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, B~rripter and Attor· ney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Money AGENTS FOR NOR'l'HERN oF ENGLAND, loaned on Real Estate. Office on King street, capital and invested funds-$27,600,000. , The City of London Fire Insurance Co. of Bowman ville. London, England. Capital £1,000,000. sterlinll'. Deposited with Government at Ottawa $100,000. JI, T, l'IULLll·S Insurance of e>ery Description effected, ICENSED AUUTIONEER for the County Fire Lowest possiblf? rates on all classes of risks. Standard. of Durham, Sales promptly attended. , Address- Hamvton P. O. A MESSA.GE FR.OM 'l'HE DEAD. R. llll'l'()UISON. .a.UCTIONEER, CONVEYAN- .A. LARGE .A.MOl:N'T OF PRIVATE FUNDS L ICENSED How a Sea Captain's Wife Was Informed CER and Comrnssioner in B. R. Sales at· for investment at 6, 7 and 8%, accm'ding to se tended to promply and at reasonable rates. of Her Husband's Fate. curity offered. · Jf!1!!r.A.ddress-Enni~k1Jlen P. 0. Six: years ago, the schooner Ida Burdsall, ORN HUGHES.-Licensed Auctionof Toms River, N. J., sailed from Philadel· GRAY'S SPECIFIC .MEDICINE. eer. Valuator and Arbitrntor,Fire and Life phia for a southern port. She was com· 'fRADE MAKK,The GreatEng· TRADE Insurance, Notes and Accounts Collected, manded by H. C. Brewer, of Point Pleasa.nt, llshllcmelly,an Money to Lend on reasonable terms. Address unfailing_ cure for N. J., '.vho had shipped a full complement Cartwright, Ont. 472 Seminal Weakof officers and men. The veesel and its ness, Supermafated crew passed down the river and out ,\ GOOD ..WIFE GUARANTEED TO torrhea, Impo~ everY man who bu vs his Licen~e from beyond the capes with all sails set, appartency, &all dis· HENRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillcn. HJ8uf. eases thattollow ently bound on a prosperous and swift as a sequence of voyage. She was never seen again. Days R. YOUNG, V. S., has removed to . Self-Abuee ; as tbe residence directly opposite the Drill Before Ta.king1oss of Memory,A~er Ta.king. glided by, and the owners of the Burdsall and Capt. Brewer's wife waited patiently Shed, formerly occupied by P. C. Himes. His otllce will be In Mr. John McMurtry's Grocery Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back Dimness for news of a safe arrival in the schooner's Store. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 5 of Vision, Premature Old ARe, and many other south-bound port. Weeks wore on to 228-tf, Diseases that lead to Insamty or Consumption p.m., Sundays excepted. months and no tidings came. Mrs. Brewer and a Prematm:e Grave. NUG HOME FOR SALE.--A Brick .t@"Full particulars in our pamphlet, which and her son wept for the Jost husband and Cottagecontaintug six rooms, cellar. pantry we desire to send free by mail to every~one. father, and as the years pa.ssed on they gave etc., quarter acre land, st..:.ble, wood·shed, he.rd 'l'he Specific Medicine Is ~old by all druggists up all hope. The son grew up to man's esand soft water, and other conveniences.. For at $1 per package, or six packages for $5. or further information apply to STA~'lilSMANoffic· will be sent free by mail on the receipt of. the tate, a:nd finally, when time haj softened the grief of her loss, the wife married again Bow_ man'"ille. 918-tf.a. money by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., and moved away from the old home whence ~ianos Tuned & Repaired. Toronto, Ont., Canada h~r first husband had left her to go down to ~Is watery grave. Two weeks ago a passing idler along the surf at Ocean Beach picked ARTIES~WISHING THEIR PIANOS K~Y.. ·HEALTH~ up a sealed bottle from the waves. The Tunedlor repaired ·c an have them attended to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGA.N bottle contained a scrap_of paper, on which Co's 0P>l'IOE, Bowmanville·. .A first-clas man a few almost indistinct lines were written. now: oeing in their mploy. It was a message from tho dead, which had been tossed upon the ocean for six years, buffeted for thousands of miles, and thrown up at last within a few miles of the home ISSUED BY for which it was intended. The scrawling lines were written bv Capt, Brewer to his wife, dated off the terrible coast.of Hatteras Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the 0~'1·'IOE-;'1'own Hall Buildings,Bowmanv11le where his vessel went down. The captai~ Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry. wrote that he expected to go down every So Ho! Ge:nt.lenien o.CFash ingoff gradually without weakening the moment, and he desired, in case the bottle system, . all the impurities and foril ion, not so Cast. and its contents were fvund, that the paper humors of the secretions; at the same should be sent to. Mrs. Brewer, at Pomt time Correcting. Acidity of the I have written these few lines Pleasant, Ocean County, N. J, He sent his Stomach, curing '.Biliousness, DysAnd all I have to saylove to her, and to his son, and exhorted the That you can find me a till at home, pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, latter to a lways look out for the comfdrtand I am not gone away. Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness So all my kind old. t riends may come, welfare of his mother. Young Brewer, the of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of .A.nd all the r oung ones, too, son, now'lives at Cape May, and the bottle Vision, .Jaundice, Salt Rheum, .And get their garments nicely made a1:1d paper were the other day forwarded to In fashions that are new: E rysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of hu1:1·. · He at once recognized the handWhere old and young, d&arfrienos.1-may meet the Heal't, Nervousness, and Gen~welcome l>'r1>etin1?. bv R . PE.A.TE wntmg as that of his father, and was the eral Debility ; all these and many l>earo;r of the long.delayed missive to his other :oimilar Complaints yield to the 11 mother., who was ureatly affected at the ~~1i~i:,~au a~r:rff~~t;;~ l1Hppv in ifoon~c of :B'CTRDOCK reception of such an unexpected message of their victims, lives :..OLOO:D J3I'.i'TERS. · proJongeo, happiness from her dead husband. She confirmed the andhealthrestored by judgment of her son as to the writing, and '.:'" DULill.1.l:< & CO., Proprlerors, Tovonio. the use of the great retaiued the paper as a precious souvenir. GERMAN INVIGORATOR, Satin fans al"e very fashionaole. An Outside OPinton. Th 1 1 which positively and permantly otlres Impo· tenoy (caused by excesses of any kind) Seminal e tru Y mora newspapet' pres~rves its Hanlan declares that if'6he is refused a Weakness, anil all diseases that follow as a ohnor and integrity in regard to tinancial sequence of Self-Abuse. as loss of memory, uni· matters above all inuendo and reproach. license for his saloon, he wiU leave 'l'onmto versa! lassitude, pain in the back, dimness of It never 1 )ays its monetary editor onourrh to and come to the United States. · In that sad vision, prcmatuJ'e old age, and many other . . ., event Toronto would be taken off the qiap diseases that lead to iusanlty or oonsur.apti:on allow him to speculate Ill stocks and a premature grave. . R l) I "Wh t ·· 1 F · h of Canada,, and the place that now knows it would know it no more forever.-.Detroit Send for circulars with testimonials free by ev: r, ,ongpray: a , sir . <~rm~ . mail. The INVIGOltATOR is sold at $1 per you with a copy of my sermon to p ublrnh m Chaff: b<!x, or six boxes for $5_, by, all druggists, or t he F<tro Gazette? No, sir ! I should not will .be sent free by mail, ~ecurely sealed, on like to see it in your paper " Reporter . Charitv is a virtue of the heart, not of the ' , · . · receipt of prtee, by addroeemg J. l!'. CHENEY, " ' ' Now, doncher chew soap for notlun, cully ! hand, and gifts and alms are the , expresDruggist, 178 Summit St,. 'l'oledo, Ohio, sole Agents or the United States, We'll fix it up so you won't know it yer· sions, not the essence of this virtue.--AddiForsale by S'l'O'l'T & JURY, Bow!Ilanville. self." ton, R L INSURANCE. Captu.rtng a Man Who had Robbed :fllm. The passengers by the Paris night truin to Dieppe recently witne~sed an exeiting Mtrugvle. In 1881 Mr. Riram S. Maxim, the electrician, was robbed of ten thousand francs while at the ltrand Hotel. One oi the thieves was a tall, stout man, calling himself an American naval captain; the other was a smaller man, and was supposed to be Irish. Mr. Maxim determined to find out the men, and, after being ~everal times baffied, has now succeeded in arresting one of them. He gives the following account of his ex· ploit: "I learned that the supposed n:.val officer was named Jack Hamilton, and that he had acted as second to John C. Heenan in the great international prize fight between Heenan and Sayers. 1'he other' man's name I found to be John Palmer, a racing sharper and thief, passing himself off as an Irish lord. Both these men live in London, l'al· mer in Chadwick road, Peckham. About ten days ago these thieves robbed a Mr. Williamson, the editor of a New York paper. Frum this robbery I concluded that th~se thieves were in Paris. " On the evening in question I left Paris for London, via Dieppe and Newhaveu. Upon tlle arrival of the train at Rotten I alighted, and noticed a group of five Eng· lishmen standing at the refreshment bar. Two of these I at once recogmzed as the men who had robbed me. Without delay I seized upon John Palmer and called for the police, s~ating to the bystanders that I was captur· ing a thief who had robbed me, and I asked for a policeman, but none was to be found. '.l'he interpreter at the station, however, said he would fetch one, but before the policem·n arrived the four others had entered their carriage, aud the train started. '\Virnn tlie train had goil up a full speed Palmer, whom I held, made a tremendous effort, SLH'PED OUT OF HIS COAT, leaving it m my hand~, and rushed for the departmg train. I pursued him, and gainiug 011 him, cau)!li.t him just as he got on the footboard. He made a desperate attempt to throw me under the carria"e wheels or beat me off. · "I succeeded, however, in gaining a firm foothold, . and, passmg one arm through a window, I held on to the thief with the oth· er hand. He could thus neither throw me off nor get off himself. The train ran rapid· ly; into the tunnel, and I found ffiy,elf in darkness. Many passengess looked out of the windows and screamed. The great confusion caused a ·signal to be given to s tn'p the train, and "hen the speed wi:s st1fiiciently slackened 1 jumped off the footboar<l, dragging my pnsoner with 'me, and, not.with· standing his vigorous exertions to escapa, I forced him out of the tunnel, 'where I was met by the interpreter. Upon the arrival at the station two pelicemen put in an ap· pearanue; but I dill not relinquish my hold on the prisoner until he was safely hand. cuffed. I earnestly requested the police to telegraph to Dieppe l:n order to arrest the remainder of the gang on the an'ival of the . t rain at that town, but to no purpose, as an hour and twenty minute~ elapsed before I could induce them to take action, and even then I had to pay for the telegram myself. " On the way to the station the prisoner conversed freely with me, and said that if I would rtfrain from accusiug him he would refund my money and pay all expenses I had been put to, He added that he wanted to go to London, and not to Paris ; that 1 should gain nothing hy retaining him' ; but 1f I released him I sho~d make somethine' out of it-in fact, swnet i -handBome. I told him that it was not question of money "ith me, but a matter of principle, an_d that I should prove that he robbed several of ~y countrymen ; that it was only-just that he should be punished, and that h~woll'id probably_ be ~n oldeLman- than he then was before-he- again visited London. Upon being taken before the Ohief of.Police he pleaded guiltv, anrl will probably soon be brought to Paris for sentence. The ody iujurie which I received during this fierce and protracted ·mconnter were the turning back of three of my fiuger nails and tearmg the sole from one of my boots."-F1oin tlie London Codd & Co,. Bankers Snccess<>rs to Ag1moy of Dominion Bank, .BUWMANVILLE, youtb.-R1tskin. A BACHELOR SitOFPING. Near me a middle-aged gentleman is trying to select a dress.pattern from the confusing pile of goods the obliging clerk is heaping up before him, discantiug volubly on the merits of each separate piece, I feel certain the dress is to be a surprise to the man's wife, else he would save time and money hy sending her to make her own purchases. He turns over silks, velvets and plushes in a perplexed sort of way, becomi11g each 1Homent more undeciderl, when, fortun·,tel y, the clerk is called away ; a shrewd youug lady takes his place, and in two minutes is in posse&sion ot the facts that make this sort of business as easy as the simplest sum in addition. ·with a winning smile she says. " If you will give me an idea of your wife's height, complexion aud style, perhaps I can assist you in selecting a J.ress for her." It is the gentleman's turn to smile now, as he answers, "My wife, well I don't own such an article. Tile dress is for my mother-a small woman, over sixty, with dark, brown eyes, a littl~ faded now, and hair as white as snow." There is a gentleness in the man's voice, and a tenduness in the eyes, which must be the counterpart of those Ile has just described, before they were faded, that speaks of a tender, filial heart. Dysentery. Dysentery is an inflammatory affection of the lining membrane or mucuous coat of the large intestines, and always accompanied with more or less fever of i;he low or typhoid character. It is·really a " m ore distressing ailment than the terrible cholera, and be· cause it is usually attended with bloody dis· charges it is popularly termed "lf.oody flux." In the milCler forms of dyeentery a large majority of the casE)s recover, nn~er all-the diversified and contradictory methods of treatments' resorted to by the different " pathies." But in the malignant cases the fata1 ity, under the ordinary drug treat merit, has averaged about one·half of the cases; a mortality quite equal to that of any extensive epidemic of cholera on record. Yet I do not regard dysentery as iutrms1cally dangerous. however violent its symptoms may Shortly before the late William E. Dodge died he gave a building"in East Fifty· fourth street, New York, to an association to be used as a home for women drunkards of good moral character. The need of such a home in the metropolis must he very great, if what a correspondent of the Syracuse Journal says regardiog drunkenness among women there even approximates the truth. We are told ~hat even in circles nominally religions an immense amount of wines and liquors is consumed in social entertainments. In the gay fruihionable society, women who are termed ladies imbibe freelv of intoxicants. The writer remarks: · · The history of this refuge is remarkable though the home has·only been open since the beginning of Aprii for patients. Ladie3 moving in our highest circles, some of them members of onr churches, and generally believed to be examples of rectitude, have been carried to Dr. Meylert's while inebriat. ed. Some 9f them have gone there of their owh free will to be restrained from yielding to the appetite, Several n ted actresses have also sought this home. Dr. "Meylert says that most women drunkards deny that they drink-but a number have come to him confessing their weakness, and imoloring him to save them. 'l'he friends of the patients in every way try to hide their iden· tity-fictitious names being given, etc.,but the truth is sure to leak out in some way, atthough the doctor tries to keep these painful secrets faithfully. He never takes the statements of the patients themselves, as he says ha cannot trust them, only crediting the unhappy relatives who gain their admittance, A noted theatrical manager of this dty is so interested in an actress who is a great favorite here and elsewhere, who has been called "ill" in the newspapers, but is really incapacitated · for work, through her pass1'ln for liquor, that he has induced Dr, Meylert to care for her. This poor woman has several times tried to destroy herself when she was conscious that "she was about to give way to her desire for intoxicating drinks, or a spree. Sedatives are given these uufortunates, rich milk, cream, and beef tea, and electricity is used with favorable results. They are locked within the home necessarily when under treatment. Mrs. Blank, of Madison avenue, is supposed to be at Point Comfort, or Atlantic City, while she. is really at the women drunlfa.rds' home in Eist Fifty-seventh street. She returnR to her splendid house, and her friends remark how her journey has improved her per· sonalappearance. A laJy on the top wave of fashion has ~een sen at private parties so drunk that she leaned helplessly on her "{>llrtner's arm while he escorted her or carried her to the ladies' dressing room. The noted case of ti e dram-drinkmg of a banker's wife in this city, and her pranks while drunk have been the foundation of many a remarkable story, and thus she wae seen every day until her terrible death in Central !"ark'. alone m her magnific(lnt equipage, so mebnated that s!:ie could not recognize her acquaintances. Delirium tremens in its hideous details is not a ~tranger in many a grand mansion in New York-and alas! the victim is not a lw;tys one of the sterner sex, but some cultured, petted, pretty woman. ~~~---- Tran;act a general f3ar,king ~on the Terms and Principles aaopted by the Joint Stock Banks. INTEREST ALLOWED 0 N DEP Os ITSwith.drawal on d<>mand, at the rate of FOUR per cent per annum. NOT;ES DISOOU~'l'ED, Bills l'eceived tor collection a11d advane es made thereon at moderate rates. DRAFTS ISSUED, payable at all points in Canada and the United States. STOCKS, BONDS, DEBEN1TRJtJS, &c.. &c. bought a11d sold. MONEY L~.ANED on Mortgage Securitypresent rate from 6 to 7fr per cent. N 0 TICE. postts heretofore made with the D<>minior. Bank, can be witl1drawn at any time upon de· mand and without oharge,at the premises lately occupied by the Bank, now tho Banking House of Codd & Co ~NTEREST at the rate of 'l'HREE per cent will be allowed so long as the money lies with he Dominion Bank. U , NDERTAKINC ! -::S""'JZ"'.g on the shortest notice, at the lowest possfble rates. Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. First·class hearse on very moderate terme. Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun· era! cards supplied at ouce. Furniture Shop & Show Rooms-Bounsall'sN ew Block. All furniture sold by me is made by the U. C Furniture Co. of Bowm11nvillc. I do not buy slop furniture and represent it to have been made by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. Also agent for the LI·QUOH '1'.1£A for this town ano vicinity. It is cheap and as goon as can be got in the market. A valuable prize given with every pound. I~~~~rep~!;?!!~ t~e:als ............,_.----~~ ue. ot _ INVESTMENTS. J D S P THE lO -· MARRIAGE LICE~ SES W.R. CLIMIE. fo the treatment of dysentery the 'iygienic sys:em is almost uniformly successful. Of the scores of cases I have knpwn to be treated by hygienic physicians not one has died. And the remedial plan is exceedingly simple, All that is required is to keep the temperature of the whole surface balanced, or as near the normal standard as possible, during the febrile stage, and to keep the abdomen constantly enveloped in wet cloths, t o be changed as often as they become dry, until the inflammation snbsides. The temperature of the surface can always be regulated by means of tepid or cool ablutions more or less frequent according to the ctegrne of heat. In some extreme cases the extremeties will in· cline to- be cold, while the head and abdomen are preternaturally hot. In thefe cases tlie rule indicated fo carried out by applying hot. cloths, bricks, bottles, or sand bal(s ·to the extremeties, and cold wet cloths to the head and abdomen. With regard to the dietary, little need be said, During the febrile ;Stage, which under water treatment, does not continue more than· two or three days, the patient will have no appetite, and should take no food of auy kind. Nothing is better than l'ipe black· berries, baked ripe apples, and oatmeal gruel, to be followed in a day or two by good mealy potatoes and wheat·meal bread. Relapses and chrome <liarrhrea, which are so frequently the sequelro of dysentery will never occur if the dietary is sufficiently plain and simple, and no medicines are taken. For nursmg infants nothing is so good as pure milk taken in the n~tural way from the natural source. It sh{luld never he boiled, thickened with flour, sweetened with loaf sugar, adulterated with prepared chalk, nor in any manner medicated. Popular Fallacy Concerning Beef Tea. You will even hear some doctors talk about buildirig up their patients on beef tea. Now, the fact is, that there is iu a bowl of beef tea but little if auy more nutdment than there is in a glass of lemonade, How could the~e bee? We know th,>t the princi. pal constituent parts of beef, beside its sev~1ty·6.l'e per cent ·Jf water, are albumen and fat. Now, albumen coagulates at 170 de~rees Fahrenheit, and at 212, the boiling pomt, 1t becomes like eggs hard boiled. As a consequence the albumen contained in the meat beoome.s ent~r:gled in the meshes and IS firmly he:d there. Of course, then, the albumen does not find its way into the beef tea. As for the fat, the .mly remaining strengthening ingredient, that comes to the top and is aiways carefully skimmed off, for nothing is more disgusting to a sensitive Pt;rson than greasy heef tea. And yet they will say that well made beef tea is very pal· a.table and seems to do good in many cases of weak and disordered stomachs. ,Stimulaing, not nourishing. ;so it is, and so it does. And yet beef tea i~ not n0urishing, however, wheo we are s1Ck and have no appetite, we know that if we can get the stomach to retain a cup of b~cf tea it will not be long before the organ will call for something that is really substantial and nourishing. Is a Po~itlve Cnre l!'or nll thot1.e PnlulUI Ooinplulnbt uud ~ealm.essee so co1nmmrto our lH~Rt fe.m.o.le oopul"apilo~ A Mctlicinc for Womn11:-1nventc1l hy 11~om11n. Pre1mred J>y 11 Wom:rn. ' The Greatest !t!ec!lcal DbcoHry Sln~o i ho Dn.wn of 1Ilator1. c:T!t revives the drooping spirits, invigorates and , harmo:iizcs the organic functions, gives elasticity and firmness to tho atop, restores tho natural lustre to the eye, and pbnts on the pale check-of woman the fresh roses o! life's spring o.nd6a1'1Y snmmor time. ~Physicians Use It and Prescribe It Freely.4,illl It removes faintness, flatUlency, (:t.estroys aJl craving for ~tjmulant, and relieves wenkne!;s of the etomach. Thnt feeling of bco..rlng down, ca.uiing }Jain, 'Weight and backache, 1B always p ermanently cured by Its ui:;e. For the cure or Khlney ()olll])lnlnto of either &ex this Compound ls unsurpassed. man \'r oman or child. Insist on having it~ Bt~~c~r:;~c;:~~e i~i:'l a~rt~g~n~~1f~nii~s s~'t~~,t~' Both the Compounda;;dillood Purifier are prepared L YDU. E. PINJOIAM'S BLOOD PURIFIER fol" either. nrrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose :Jct., Bond for pamphlet. at233and 235 Western A.venue, Lynn, Mass. Price of either, $1. Six bottiesfor $5. Sent by mall in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of pnce, $1 per box Health isWealth! ~v No familt·hould be without LYDIA E. rTNJrltAM'S ~~1&.t~80f;'bheefi:e~~·e2~~~~tf~!i~bOx~ilious~ess, Q""Sold by allDruggists."'ijll (i) · WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY fAMAN er THIS COUN ·nn ROBBL ------··------- Wedding !'resents. We cl6 lJOt like even to appear cen· sorious or· grumpy, but is this business of wedding present~ like addresses aud testiHaving the utmost confidence in its superior·, not coming to be an oppresion and ity over all others, and after thousands of tests costly nuisa1ce ~ It is expected that every sf the most complicated and severest casos we R~CK guest on ~uch occasions should 'bring some· could find, we feel justified in offering to forfe· thing, and as the offerings are all , ticketed it one thousand dollars for any case of coughs, ' g~~aotPrt:~~~!~~~1!~~ri~ fii~ t~;~~ ;:gtr:~ w:~t sore Lhroat, influenza, hoarseness, con· it would never do for any one to be shabby colds, ~~~~~~~frg~~,b~~~ ;c8ii'1aii~~g1ba:~~n/i~i:'.! sumption in it.s early stages. whoopmg cough, ~ti~1;t City, CouL1c1l Bluffs, Leaveuwortl1, Atclueion or behind his other neighbors. So it goes and all diseases of the throat. an<l. lnngs, except sas M1nneapoha and St. Po.ul. It c onnects in Uniou on, and lots of thrngs are often given not ai Asthma, for which we only claim relief, that Depots with n.11 the princ1pa \lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacnlc Oceana. Its equipall suitable to the circumstances of those we can't cure with West's Cough Syrup, when ment ls unrivaled and magnificen t. be1ngcomposCd. taken according to direction. Sample uoLtl,. most interested. Ile was a wise father who 26 and 50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Gen· fJaW~18Jc~g~u~~~~~~ ~~~11~~~~t 18Na~ 8lJa~~ai~f19~ advertised his daughter's anti~ipated mar· uine wrappers only in blue. Sold by all drug· 1 ~1~~sor~;~i1~~ 1bai:;1; ti;fWo1~~~8 'r/[i1~~1tf1·~e~~ riagc, and added, "No presents received, gists, or sen<l. by expres on recBipt of price between Chica.go and l~hssoun R1vcr Fern.ts. Two JOHN S. W>'S'I' & Co., 81 & 83 King St. East, between, Chicago and l\!!inueapol1s and S t. except such as are mi table to a salary of one Paul, via the F amous .thousand dollars a year."· vVhat is the use Toronto, Ont, Sold by STOT'l' & JURY. "ALBERT !..EA ROUTE." of extravagant presents when other things A New a.nd Direct L:i.ue, v ia Se-::icca. and Kaukadon',t mat. c h? It only lliakes the young kee,has i·eceb.tly been opcmed b etween Richmond, Nortolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlmita, Aufolks ridiculous or encourage them to m1Lke We will pay the abo'Ve reward for anv case f~~~~h1:~~fi:1~~cl 1L~fJ.~~1~i~: ~Jii~ 18~~~1~a~M\;;~~;~: outlays they can't afford. of Livet"Complamt, Dyspepsrn, Sick Headache ohs ap.d St. Paul and 1nter1.ncd111.e p01n ts All l.1hrough .Passcug~rs .Cra.vel on :E'ast E.x:pr.::s~ lndegestian, Const~ation or Constivencs we Trains. 1 ·' ' 1 1 l k t h cannot cure with Vi cst's Vegetable Liv"r Pills Trnketa for m::.lo at all pr1nc1pal 'J . 10J:et Ct.ices 1n If oue con l u on Y a ways oo a t e sun- when the directions a1 c strictly complied with. the-United SLtt.teu auu t:auado.. ny side of things ! Why not ? If the 'l'hey are purely Vegetable, and never fllil to Baggage checked tlL'O l~l'l. a.nd i'*S of fare al-· trouble come, one won't be petter able givesstisfaction. SngarCoatcd. LargeB~es wa.ya as low a.a con:ipetitota t!rnt olit.'t' !es~ a dvanto bear it by worrying over all: imaginable conta111ing 25 Pills, 25 cents, Fo.r sale °\JY .all taffi~~· detailed illformat1ou, got th~ Mapa a.ud Fold"' ·1 'bTt" f th b f Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and im1ta- ers of the tions, The i:;enuine manufactuiod only JonN evl poss1 i I ies or ,mon s e ore, CREAT ROce-: ISi~AMO ROUTE, There is an aged Irish couple residing at c ..WE'l"l' & Co.1 , "The Pill Makers,". 81 & 83 At your nearest Ticket Office, 0 1· a~ltlress Montteal the husband being 108 and *he Kmg St. East, . Ioront?, Ont. Free trial pack- R.R. CABL.E, E: . ST. JOl;IN, ' · , age sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a a cent "f V1ce·Prc1:1. & Ceo.'J M'g'r, Gan'l l'kt. & Pass. Agt. wi e 102 years.. stamp. For Sale by ST01'T & JORY. CHICA.CO, ·----·-------- Du. E. C. WEST'S NER~E .A.·ND BRAIN 'l'REAE MEN'!', a guarnteed specific of Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsion, Fits,NervouS-Neuralgia, Head· ache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brian, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery. deoa1 and death, Preroatul'e Old Age, Barrenness' Loss of power in either sex, Involuntary Losees and Spermatorrhooa, caused by OYei··exertiou of the brain, self.abuse or over·indulgence, One box wlll cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. On" <lollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by maU prepaid on receipt of price. 'Ve guarantee six boxes to oure any case. With each order receh eil by us ror six boxes, accompanied V'{ith five dollars we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refnnd the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantee issued only by STO'l'T & JURY, sole agents for Bowmanville, Ont. ; JOHN C. WEST & CO., Sole Pi:oprletors, Toronto, Ont. , $1000 FORFEIT ! CHICAGO, ISLA ND & PAGIFIC R'Y 1 $500 REWARD ! ~ 1 1 1 I